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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Wilkinson, Karen Ruth January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

Feminine identity as the site of struggle : the confrontation of different models of femininity in contemporary Spanish cinema directed by women (1990-2005)

García-López, Ana January 2009 (has links)
The last two decades have witnessed an unprecedented incorporation of women within the Spanish film industry. This is part of a general increase in newcomers since the beginning of the 1990s, when the industry was undergoing a deep restructuring. The media has celebrated this incorporation of women filmmakers, recurrently referring to their different sensibility, a feminine perspective noticeable in their films. Despite the socio-cultural interest of this incorporation, no thorough study of their work has been completed. This research project surveys the extent and scope of these women's incorporation within the industry, and explores the varied ways that their films engage with the main discursive trends that define femininity in Spanish cinema and mass media. Femininity is broadly understood here as the socio-cultural interpretations of what constitutes 'correct womanhood', but, also, discursively: as the space of struggle wherein individual (fictional) women engage with these constructions, by contesting and / or adopting some of their elements. Further attention is given to the ways that these new filmmakers's films engage with traditional and modern formulations of femininity, as articulated in implicit relation to, respectively, Francoism and postfeminism. In the core chapters, several detailed analyses are given of especially relevant films by these women, using a critical discourse analysis approach. These chapters address topics that are foregrounded in these women’s films and that have been central to feminine experience, namely: the family and motherhood, romanticism and sexuality, and the ‘Other’. From the study it emerges that these women’s films adopt a different perspective if only because they often render visible discriminatory behaviours (e.g. discrimination at work) and representational practices (e.g. the sexual objectification of women). Regarding their treatment of the aforementioned ‘feminine themes’ (i.e. family and romanticism), these filmmakers self-consciously engage with the conventions that have constructed femininity in the media.

”What’s the difference between men and women?” : En studie av genusporträttering i TV-serien The Walking Dead

Hasani, Amila, Marinoni, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to find out how gender roles are portrayed in the series The Walking Dead. Using a quantitative content analysis where every episode of The Walking Dead was analyzed the study shows gender role portrayal in the everyday activities done by the characters. A qualitative study based on a semiotic analysis was also executed where focus lies on analyzing the characters attributes and their trait of character. The result shows that the series maintains a stereotypical representation of men and women. The men take on the typical “manly” work and the women do the majority of the domestic work. The killing of zombier and humans are mostly done by the men in the series. Their trait of character also shows a stereotypical gender role representation where the men are portrayed as tough, fighters, protectors and providers. The women on the other hand are more weak, sensitive and dependent.

Lyssna till ditt hjärta : Muslimska moderskap och modrandets villkor i Sverige / Listen to your heart : Muslim motherhoods and the conditions of mothering in Sweden

Ask, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
This study deals with the meanings and conditions of motherhood for some Muslim women in Sweden, the majority of which live in Stockholm. The analysis is based mainly on 16 in-depth interviews with women who self-identify as Muslims. A majority of them were born in Sweden. In this study, motherhood and mothering are defined as intentional care work situated within, and shaped by, specific social, cultural and historical contexts. I examine which gendered, religious and spatial meanings are associated with mothering and Muslim identity in a Swedish transnational context. The analysis shows that religion (for most of the women) constitutes an interpretational frame for motherhood and for how children should be mothered into good Muslims and citizens. The women represent Islam as a facilitating religion by making a distinction between religion and culture. The study also shows how the women approach the problem of maintaining the children’s Muslim identities and their self-esteem in a secularized and islamophobic Swedish context, and how they stress the importance of the child developing a strong inner self. Based on the women’s own experiences of having been singled out as different, they respond to a racist logic associated with certain norms and conceptions about what counts as freedom or oppression. The interviews also reveal a transnational aspect of their mothering in which they consider what other places can offer their children. The thesis shows on the one hand how an authentic Muslim identity is related to ideas about Muslim places and origins; on the other hand it demonstrates how the women’s ambivalent affinities with Sweden, and (what they consider to be) Swedish and Muslim values, destabilize such an unambiguous connection. These ambivalent identifications show how the women’s conditional affinities become relevant for how they speak about motherhood and mothering and for how they relate to questions concerning “the good of the child”.

Den feminina maskeraden : Attributen som skapar ytspänningar / the Feminine Masquerade

Grimborg, Lotta January 2015 (has links)
We live in a world constructed by predeterminations, divided by gender. It’s a masquerade that we’re all taking part in, men by their gaze and women by embodying it. I’ve investigated spaces where feminine attributes are interconnected to a female body, and aspects that shape the misleading mask. In my research I discovered that there are three areas where a woman and female attributes are merged: In media where the stereotype image of a woman is confirmed in glossy magazines and in reality shows. In the bathroom, a room that represents the starting point of the masquerade. And last in typical feminine rooms, beauty salons, where make-up and nail polish is applied to female bodies. By researching spaces I discovered that bodies are shaped by the exclusion of the other sex and by gender specific norms. Out from my own bodily perception I have investigated the feminine surface in the borderland between corpus and jewellery. In my process I shifted the perspective by creating wearable pieces that illustrate the undressing of femininity and by dressing traditionally masculine corpus in feminine materials. All together the objects make up a burlesque staging of a feminine scenography. It’s first when an object loses its initial function that we can create new reference points. It’s when lipstick is casted in the shape of soap and when a high heel is separated from the shoe that they become disconnected from the female body. / <p>The full thesis contains copyrighted material which has been removed in the published version.</p>

Lytiškumo raiška reklamos diskurse / The Expression of Gender in the Discourse of Media Advertising

Varapickaitė, Dalia 06 June 2006 (has links)
The discourse of gender is a relevant and vital subject in the present culture and the space of the scientific research. Masculinity and femininity are defined by their differences, but the gender construct in a certain discourse is a social, cultural product. In an advertising, the act of cultural communication, the gender is determined by a dominant ideology and the stereotypes that are inveterated in the language, literature, society, and media. In this work, the televisual advertisements are analysed by the semiotical –communication research method. However, in the theoretical and practical parts of the work other aspects are also varied: gender, feminism, and men‘s studies, historical – cultural, social, psychological. Therefore, the work is basically of the interdisciplinary nature. The object and the goals of the analysis in the semiotical, televisual advertising are to distinguish a stereotypical femininity and masculinity in a public and private space, dominant in advertisements; to show how they are created, reflected and (or) modified; to compare their expression in a public and private spheres; to disclose their relationship with a public culture and its changes. The accomplished analysis allows to draw a conclusion that masculinity and femininity are diverse in the discourse of media advertising: varying from the stereotypical gender images to the unexpected roles, their modification, caricature. A modern media as if offers a variety of individual choices... [to full text]

Pietro Germis kritischer Blick auf das tradierte Konzept von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit in \"Divorzio all\'italiana\" und \"Sedotta e abbandonata\" unter dem Aspekt des sizilianischen Ehrenkodex

Goernert, Christiane 18 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit soll es um die Ehre gehen, insbesondere um die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den komplexen Regeln des Ehrenkodex in zwei Filmen des italienischen Regisseurs Pietro Germi, Divorzio all\'italiana (F/I 1961, Scheidung auf italienisch) und Sedotta e abbandonata ( F/I 1963, Verführung auf italienisch, DDR-Titel: \"Verführung auf sizilianisch\"). Die beiden Filme gehören zusammen mit Signore & Signori (F/I 1965, Aber, aber meine Herren...) zu einer Trilogie, mit der Germi die Verlogenheit und die Mängel der italienischen Gesellschaft angreift und karikiert. Alle drei Filme wurden in den 1960er Jahren gedreht. Im Gegensatz zu Divorzio all\'italiana und Sedotta e abbandonata, deren Handlungsort Sizilien ist, spielt Signore & Signori in Norditalien. Wenn auch in allen drei Filmen gegen die Scheinheiligkeit bestimmter Gepflogenheiten der italienischen Gesellschaft polemisiert wird, so sind die beiden in Sizilien angesiedelten Filme vor allem auf den Ehrenkodex fokussiert, der bekanntlich im Süden des Landes eine existentielle und umfassende Bedeutung hat. Gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund sind die Jahre des Wirtschaftswunders, des sogenannten miracolo economico, einer Zeit des wirtschaftlichen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Umbruchs, dessen Auswirkungen vielschichtiger Natur sind und teilweise jahrhundertealte Regeln und Verhaltensmuster in Frage stellen. Nicht zuletzt das Verhältnis zwischen Mann und Frau ist von den gravierenden Umwälzungen betroffen. Wie sich die Veränderungen in der filmischen Darstellung niederschlagen, soll an den verschiedenen Rollenbildern von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit in Divorzio all\'italiana und Sedotta e abbandonata vertieft werden. Der Film war damals ein wichtiges Medium und in der Lage, Impulse für Veränderungen zu geben. Seine Gesellschaftskritik brachte Germi - dem Charakter der kritisierten Normen und Gebräuche entsprechend - in Form einer parodierenden, satirisch-tragischen und teilweise bis ins Groteske gehenden Darstellung zum Ausdruck. Ausgewählten und in der Literatur immer wieder auftauchenden Verweisen auf mögliche Bezüge und Parallelen zum Werk anderer Schriftsteller und Künstler, wie Bachtin und dessen Definition des Grotesken, die grotesken Gestalten de Goyas oder Pirandellos Begriff des Humors soll kurz nachgegangen werden. Hauptthema ist jedoch die Ausarbeitung der Darstellungen von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit in Germis Filmen Divorzio all\'italiana und Sedotta e abbandonata. Traditionelle und neue Rollenmuster sollen identifiziert und beschrieben, eventuelle Widersprüche aufgedeckt und thematisiert werden. Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit im Wandel können auf ganz unterschiedliche Art und Weise ausgedrückt werden. Sowohl nonverbal, durch reine Äußerlichkeiten, wie etwa Kleidung, Frisur, Figur, Gesicht und durch Handlungen bzw. das Unterlassen von Handlungen kann eine bestimmte Position bezogen werden. Daneben postuliert sich Männlichkeit bzw. Weiblichkeit auch durch das Tätigen von Aussagen. Es soll versucht werden, unter Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte Germis satirische Darstellung und Recodierung von Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit zu erfassen.

Moteriškumo samprata ir raiška moterų eseistikoje: Virginia Woolf "Savas kambarys", Dalios Staponkutės "Lietumi prieš saulę" ir Giedros Radvilavičiūtės "Suplanuotos akimirkos" / Conception of femininity and its expression in the essays by women: Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, Dalia Staponkutė’s With Rain against the Sun, and Giedra Radvilavičiūtė’s Planned Moments

Dyčmonaitė, Rūta 17 August 2009 (has links)
V. Woolf esė knyga Savas kambarys laikoma knyga, kuri pirmoji geriausiai atspindi aktyvėjantį moterų išsilaisvinimo judėjimą. XIX a. prasidėjęs judėjimas išplito labai plačiai ir susilaukė stipraus atgarsio. Moterys buvo skatinamos siekti daugiau laisvių ir teisių. Apie tai kalba ir V. Woolf Savame kambaryje. Jos esė knygos pagrindinė mintis ta, kad norėdama kurti moteris privalo turėti penkis šimtus svarų per metus ir nuosavą kambarį. V. Woolf pasirinktas esė žanras buvo paskatinimas pasirinkti darbo analizei eseistiką. Buvo pasirinktos dviejų lietuvių moterų autorių esė knygos: D. Staponkutės Lietumi prieš saulę ir G. Radvilavičiūtės Suplanuotos akimirkos. Darbe siekiama išanalizuoti moteriškumo sampratą ir raišką šių moterų autorių eseistikoje. Akcentuojami komunikabilumo ir subjektyvumo aspektai, bei moters tapatumo išraiška. Komunikabilumas kiekvienos autorės parodomas skirtingai. V. Woolf daugiau dėmesio skiria pasakotojo paieškoms rasti dialogą su skaitytoju, o D. Staponkutė ir G. Radvilavičiūtė ieško kitokių komunikavimo būdų. Tam tinka laiškas ar dienoraštis. D. Staponkutė, G. Radvilavičiūtė kaip svarbiausias moters tapatumo išraiškas įvardina rašytojos ir motinos pozicijas. D. Staponkutei kaip vertėjai svarbi kalbos funkcija ir reikšmė žmogaus gyvenime. G. Radvilavičiūtei svarbūs motinų-dukterų vidiniai ryšiai. Be subjektyvumo ir komunikabilumo aspektų, eseistikai svarbi ir socialinė kritika. Socialinė kritika itin ryškiai atsiskleidžia moterų marginalume. Visų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / V. Woolf’s essay A Room of One’s Own – a book, which represents women’s liberation best of all. Liberation begun at XIX century and extended widely. Women were motivated to reach freedom and more rights than they had at that moment. It is the main aspect of V. Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own. The main idea of her book is that if a women wants to write, she must have five hundred pounds and own room. V. Woolf choose genre of the essay . It was stimulation to analyze essay genre at this work. Two essay book were choosen : D. Staponkutė’s With Rain Against the Sun and G. Radvilavičiūtė’s Planned moments. These books are analizing expression and conception by feminine. Emphasized subjects in these essays are communication, subjectivity and sameness of woman. Communication expression in all three essay books is different. V. Woolf pays more attention for searching a dialogue between the author and the reader. D. Staponkutė and G. Radvilavičiūtė in the essays were interested in unusual ways of communication. For this a letter and a diary were suitable. In G. Radvilavičiūtė’s and D. Staponkutė’s essays the sameness of a woman are expressed by the position of a mother and an author. The function of the language and its meaning in human life is very important to D. Staponkutė as a translator. G. Radvilavičiūtė is focused on the relantions between mothers and daughters. Social criticism is very important in essay genre. Narrator of all three essays feels out of centre because she... [to full text]

Moteriškumas ir vyriškumas Dievo plane šiuolaikinių Gender ideologijos iššūkių kontekste / Femininity and masculinity in God’s plan in the context of modern challenges of gender ideology

Talakauskaitė, Miglė 23 December 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe MOTERIŠKUMAS IR VYRIŠKUMAS DIEVO PLANE ŠIUOLAIKINIŲ GENDER IDEOLOGIJOS IŠŠŪKIŲ KONTEKSTE keliama problema, kaip sugebėti apginti krikščioniškąją poziciją asmens tapatumo (vyriškumo bei moteriškumo) klausimu ir ją deramai pateikti Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo švietimo įstaigose. Šio darbo būtinybę liudija įvairūs šio laikmečio iššūkiai, transformuojantys vertybes ir darantys neigiamą įtaką tradiciniam katalikiškam lytiškumo supratimui. Darbo tikslas – suformuluoti katalikišką asmens tapatumo sampratą, vadovaujantis moteriškumo ir vyriškumo antropologiniais principais pagal Bažnyčios mokymą. Magistro darbo pirmoje dalyje kritiškai įvertinamas sekuliaraus pasaulio požiūris bei dabarties iššūkiai. Antroje dalyje analizuojamas tyrimas, kuris konstatuoja vyresnių klasių moksleivių požiūrį į lyties tapatumą. Trečioje dalyje – Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymas apie moters ir vyro sampratą, pašaukimą šeimai. Ketvirtojoje dalyje – pateikiamos gairės ir rekomendacijos asmens tapatumo ugdymui bei parapiniam pasauliečių katalikų apaštalavimui, įvertinamos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų programos ir jų taikymo perspektyvos. Darbe akcentuota, kad sekuliarioji visuomenė jaunimui ir vaikams siūlo netinkamą lytinį švietimą. Jį bandoma realizuoti per Gender ideologijos struktūras. Atliktas tyrimas patvirtino, kad moksleiviai jaučia objektyvias moralės normas ir moralinius įsipareigojimus, jiems būdingas savo vertės ir kilnumo, lyties tapatumo pajautimas. Tai yra rimtas argumentas, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master’s paper FEMININITY AND MASCULINITY IN GOD’S PLAN IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN CHALLENGES OF GENDER IDEOLOGY analyzes the problem how to be able to defend a Christian standpoint in respect of personal identity (femininity and masculinity) and duly present this standpoint in Lithuanian institutions of general education. The necessity for this work is evidenced by various modern-days challenges that transform the values and have a negative impact on traditional catholic conception of sex. The aim of the work is to formulate a catholic conception of personal identity based on anthropological principles of femininity and masculinity according to the teaching of the Church. The first part of the master’s paper includes a critical evaluation of modern-days challenges and the standpoint of secular world. The second part presents the analysis of the survey that reveals the attitude of senior schoolchildren towards sexual identity. The third part deals with the teaching of Catholic Church about the concept of woman and man and the vocation for family. The fourth part includes guidelines and recommendations for the development of personal identity and parochial apostolic work of secular Catholics and presents the assessment of general education schools’ curricula and prospects of their use. The work emphasizes that secular society is offering inadequate sex education for children and young people, which is being implemented through the structures of Gender Ideology. The survey... [to full text]

NO REGRETS: “Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” The influence of romantic love on girls’ first experiences of consensual heterosexual intercourse: Young women share their stories.

Jacox, Natalie 16 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationship that love and romance have to young women’s experiences of and decisions to engage in heterosexual intercourse for the first time. Inspired by Sharon Thompson’s (1995) book Going All The Way, I wanted to listen to young women’s stories about love, romance and sex in order to better understand their first sexual experiences. I have interviewed six women based on their age (18-23), on whether their first experiences with sex were both heterosexual and consensual, and on whether their decisions to have ‘sex’ for the first time were influenced by a romantic relationship. I analyse the interview transcripts, contextualizing them within the relevant literature, and explore the ways popular culture and media might have influenced the girls in my study. I am concerned with intercourse because I want to gain a better understanding of young women’s experiences with it and to recognize what love and sex might mean to them. I was surprised to find that, even with third wave feminist ‘empowerment’ discourse and hyper-sexualized media and popular culture, the six women I spoke with felt that sex is about an expression of love and a “deeper connection of intimacy” (Krissy) rather than about empowerment or the fun of ‘doing it’. Even though I required that participants needed to have been influenced by a romantic relationship in their decisions to have intercourse for the first time, it was interesting to see the extent that they valued love in their relationships when love was not part of the criteria required to participate. The findings from this study will be useful to sex educators, including myself, who work with young women as well as to parents who might be able to worry less about their daughters, knowing that some girls are looking for love and commitment when they engage in intercourse, not simply casual sex or hook-ups. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2011-06-15 12:45:08.093

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