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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de matériaux à base d'argiles pour l'oxydation catalytique de polluants organiques par des réactions de type Fenton / Development of materials based on clays for the catalytic oxidation of organic pollutants by Fenton-type reactions

Djeffal, Lemya 25 June 2013 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse et à la caractérisation de matériaux à base d'argiles naturelles en provenance d'Algérie et de Tunisie, pouvant être utilisés en tant que catalyseurs dans l'oxydation de polluants organiques par les réactions Fenton et photo-Fenton. Nous avons également optimisé les paramètres réactionnels (quantité de catalyseur, concentration en polluant...) dans le but d'améliorer les performances catalytiques de ces derniers. En effet, l'oxydation de polluants organiques récalcitrants par des réactions de type Fenton est considérée comme l'une des techniques les plus performantes parmi les procédés d'oxydation avancée (POA). Elle permet d'aboutir dans certains cas au stade ultime de l'oxydation qui est la minéralisation (transformation en CO₂ et H₂O). La caractérisation des argiles à l'état brut par différentes techniques physico-chimiques montre qu'en plus des matériaux argileux, il existe quelques oxydes métalliques dans toutes les argiles étudiées, avec des proportions plus ou moins variées. En particulier, la smectite a montré une contenance assez importante en fer. Les argiles synthétisés montrent une très bonne performance catalytique en un minimum de temps (2 heures de réaction). Le catalyseur à base de smectite calciné à 450°C et tamisé donne le meilleur rendement catalytique. Cette activité peut être expliquée par la forte teneur en fer ainsi qu'à la combinaison entre le choix de la taille des particules et la température de calcination de la smectite. La caractérisation de ce catalyseur a montré que ce matériau mésoporeux contenait une quantité de fer (III) stabilisée dans la structure par le fait de la calcination. / In this study, we are interested to the synthesis and charaterization of materials based on natural clays from Algeria and Tunisia, usable as catalysts in the oxidation of organic pollutants by the Fenton's and photo-Fenton's reaction. We have also optimized the reaction parameters (amount of catalyst, concentration of pollutant...) in order to improve the catalytic performance of these catalysts. Indeed, the oxidation of recalcitrant organic pollutants by Fenton-type reactions is regarded as one of the most effective method amongst the advanced oxidation process (AOPs). It can lead in some cases to the total mineralization of pollutants (conversion into CO₂ and H₂O). The caracterization of the raw clays various physicochemical methods shows that, in addiction to clay minerals, there are some metallic oxides in all studied clays, with varied proportions. Especially, smectite showed a fairly significant iron capacity. The synthesized clays show a good catalytic performance in minimum of time (2 hours of reaction). The smectite catalyst, sieved and calcined at 450°C gives the best performance. This activity can be explained by the high content of iron as well as the combination of the choice of particle size and the calcination temperature of the smectite. The caracterization of this catalyst, showed that this mesoporous material contains an amount of iron (III) stabilized in the structure by the fact of calcination.

Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Cancer Imaging and Therapy

Foy, Susan Patricia 30 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Pulmonary Toxicity of Manufactured Nanoparticles

Peebles, Brian Christopher 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Caracterização de compostos de baixa massa molar redutores de ferro produzidos por fungos e mediação da reação de fenton para degradação de polissacarídeos e lignina / Characterization of low molecular weight Fe3+-reducing compounds produced by fungi and mediation of Fenton reaction to degrade polysaccharides and lignin

Valdeir Arantes 08 August 2008 (has links)
Os fungos de decomposição branca e parda produzem enzimas para degradar os componentes da madeira, os primeiros produzem enzimas hidrolíticas e oxidativas enquanto os outros produzem principalmente enzimas hidrolíticas. A degradação de polissacarídeos e lignina por fungos de decomposição parda e branca seletiva, respectivamente, não ocorre na região imediata à hifa, e, também, não pode ser explicada unicamente por ação enzimática devido a impermeabilidade das mesmas na parede celular. Neste trabalho estudou-se o sistema degradativo não enzimático envolvendo compostos de baixa massa molar (CBMM) redutores de ferro em fungos degradadores de madeira. O fungo de decomposição parda, Wolfiporia cocos e o de decomposição branca seletiva, Perenniporia medulla-panis foram cultivados em diferentes concentrações de ferro, e a atividade redutora de Fe3+ micelial e a extracelular, assim como a produção de quelantes específicos de ferro, como derivados de ácido hidroxâmico e de catecol, foram induzidas em condição de deficiência de ferro. Os géis de SDS-PAGE dos extratos fúngicos mostraram várias proteínas negativamente reguladas por ferro em P. medulla-panis e W. cocos, principalmente para proteínas entre 10 - 30 kDa. Quando os fungos foram cultivados em diferentes fontes de carbono simples com e sem suplementação de celulose microcristalina e deficiência de ferro, produziram CBMM redutores de Fe3+, os quais tiveram a produção estimulada nos meios com celulose. Análises de eletroforese capilar dos compostos quelantes de metal extraídos dos meios que proporcionaram a maior atividade redutora (Lornitina/ celulose para P. medulla-panis e glicose/celulose para W. cocos) na presença e ausência de ferro, confirmaram que, principalmente P. medulla-panis produz compostos extracelulares que são regulados por ferro. Os CBMM purificados das frações < 5 kDa apresentaram atividade redutora de Fe3+ em pH 2,0 mesmo quando ácido oxálico foi adicionado na concentração 20 vezes maior que a concentração de Fe3+. Em pH 4,5, a atividade redutora foi detectada até uma concentração de ácido oxálico 10 vezes superior a de Fe3+. Em ambos os casos a atividade redutora foi observada quando Fe3+ estava presente na forma livre ou complexada como Fe(oxalato)+. Dentre os vários CBMM produzidos por P. medulla-panis e W. cocos aqueles com atividade redutora foram o ácido 4-hidroxi-fenilacético, 1,2-dihidroxi-3-metil-benzeno, 1,2,3-trihidroxi-benzeno e o ácido 4- hidroxi-cinâmico para W. cocos, e para P. medulla-panis os principais foram 1,2-dihidroxibenzeno e 1,2,3-trihidroxi-benzeno. Além desses compostos, ambos os fungos produziram peptídeos de baixa massa molar com atividade redutora. Os CBMM redutores de Fe3+ de P. medulla-panis (Pmp) e de W. cocos (Wc) foram utilizados na ausência e presença de Fe3+ e H2O2 (reação de Fenton mediada) para oxidar polissacarídeos e lignina in vitro. Verificou-se que os maiores níveis de oxidação foram obtidos nas reações de Fenton mediadas (Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 e Pmp-Fe3+/H2O2). A degradação da celulose por estes sistemas foi caracterizada por uma rápida e extensiva despolimerização, seguida de significativa oxidação. Análises dos monômeros de lignina liberados de conífera tratada e não tratada após 13C-TMAH termoquimólise indicaram oxidação da lignina pelos sistemas Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 e Pmp- Fe3+/H2O2, principalmente por desmetoxilação e/ou desmetilação. A ação sinérgica entre os CBMM redutores de Fe3+ e as enzimas ligninolíticas ficou evidenciada para os fungos de decomposição branca Lentinula edodes, P. medulla-panis e Trametes versicolor através da oxidação do corante Azure B. / Brown and white rot fungi produce enzymes to degrade wood. The former produce hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes while the latter produce mainly hydrolytic enzymes. The degradation of polysaccharides and lignin by brown and white-rot fungi, respectively, do not occur next to the fungal hyphae and cannot be explained only by the enzymatic action due to the small pore size of sound wood. In this work, it was studied a non-enzymatic degradative system involving low molecular weight compounds (LMWC) with Fe3+-reducing activity in wood decay fungi. The brown rot fungus Wolfiporia cocos and the selective white rot Perenniporia medulla-panis were grown under varying concentration of iron. The micelial and extracellular Fe3+-reducing activity as well as the production of specific iron chelators (catechol and hydroxamate derivatives) were induced under iron starvation. SDS-PAGE gels of cellular proteins showed several proteins negatively iron-regulated in P. medulla-panis and in W. cocos, especially for proteins of 10 - 30 kDa. When the fungi were grown with different simple carbon source with and without microcrystalline cellulose supplementation and under iron restriction, they produced LMWC with Fe3+-reducing activity, which production was stimulated in the presence of cellulose. Capillary electrophoresis analyses of metal chelating compounds extracted from the growth media that promoted the highest Fe3+-reducing activity (L-ornithine/cellulose for P. medulla-panis and glucose/cellulose for W. cocos) in the presence and absence of iron, confirmed that, especially P. medulla-panis produces extracellular compounds that are iron-regulated. LMWC purified from these media showed Fe3+-reducing activity at pH 2.0 even when oxalic acid was added up to 20 fold the iron concentration. At pH 4.5, the Fe3+-reducing activity was detected at an oxalic acid concentration up to 10 fold the iron concentration. In both cases the LMWC were capable of reducing Fe3+ only when it was in its free form or complexed with oxalate to form Fe3+-monooxalate complex (Fe(C2O4)+). Among the several LMWC produced by P. medulla-panis and W. cocos those with Fe3+-reducing capability were 4-hydroxy-phenylacetic acid, 1,2- dihydroxy-methyl-benzene, 1,2,3-trihydroxy-benzene and 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid to W. cocos and 1,2-dihydroxy-benzene, and 1,2,3-tri-hydroxy-benzene to P. medulla-panis. Both fungi also produce low molecular weight peptides with Fe3+-reducing capability. The purified LMWC with Fe3+-reducing activity from P. medulla-panis (Pmp) and from W. cocos (Wc) were utilized in the presence and absence of Fe3+ and H2O2 (mediated Fenton reaction) to oxidize polysaccharides and lignin in vitro. The highest oxidation levels were obtained with mediated Fenton reactions (Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 e Pmp-Fe3+/H2O2). Cellulose degradation by these systems was characterized by a rapid and extensive depolymerization followed by significant oxidation. Analyses of the lignin monomers released from treated and untreated softwood after 13C-TMAH thermochemolysis indicated lignin oxidation by the Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 and Pmp-Fe3+/H2O2 systems, mainly by demethoxylation and/or demethylation. The synergistic action between LMWC with Fe3+-reducing activity and the ligninolytic enzymes was evidenced to the white rot fungi Lentinula edodes, P. medulla-panis and Trametes versicolor with Azure B oxidation assays.

Atividade antioxidante de extratos vegetais da flora brasileira: estudo com ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) e teoria do funcional da densidade (TFD) / Antioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts from Brazilian Flora: Study of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Density Functional Theory (DFT).

Santos, Adevailton Bernardo dos 03 July 2006 (has links)
Há, no Brasil, uma enorme diversidade de espécies vegetais, e um conhecimento popular de várias propriedades medicinais das mesmas. Dentre os estudos realizados com extratos de plantas, há um interesse especial na atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho, focado em atividade antioxidante, é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, utiliza a técnica de RPE para estudar a ação dos antioxidantes neutralizando os radicais livres, enquanto que a segunda utiliza a TFD para, em simulação computacional, ajudar a entender os resultados obtidos na primeira parte. Foram analisados 10 extratos vegetais: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (casca de raiz), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (folhas e sementes), Didymopanax vinosum. O estudo da atividade antioxidante com RPE utiliza dois métodos diferentes: o primeiro método mede a atividade antioxidante por meio do controle da quantidade de radicais livres, TEMPOL e DPPH, em contato com o extrato vegetal, enquanto que o segundo método utiliza o spin trap DMPO em conjunto com a reação de Fenton (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) para analisar a ação dos extratos vegetais contra o radical hidroxila (OH?). A simulação computacional dos compostos TEMPOL, DPPH e DMPO é realizada em um método de primeiros princípios na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade, com uso de pseudopotenciais. O código utilizado é o SIESTA. As conclusões indicam que o extrato de Iryanthera juruensis, tanto de folhas quanto de sementes, exibe atividades antioxidantes bastante acentuadas, em todos os métodos utilizados. A simulação computacional aponta o TEMPOL menos reativo que o DPPH, devido a menor energia liberada em sua reação de redução. Sabendo que algumas destas espécies já são usadas popularmente por propriedades medicinais, estudos futuros para a correta identificação do agente antioxidante e seu possível uso, tanto na indústria alimentícia quanto na farmacêutica, deverão ser realizados. / There is, in Brazil, a great diversity of vegetable species, and a popular knowledge of several medicinal properties of the some of them. In studies carried out with plants? extracts, there is special interest in antioxidant activities. This work, focused in antioxidant activity, is divided in two parts: the first uses EPR technique to study the antioxidant activities neutralizing free radicals, while the second one uses DFT, in computational simulation, to understand the results obtained from the first part. Ten vegetable extracts were analyzed: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (bark root extracts), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (leaves and seeds), Didymopanax vinosum. The study with EPR uses two different methods: the first method measures the antioxidant activity by monitoring the amount of free radicals, DPPH and TEMPOL, that are in contact with the plant extract, the second method uses spin trap DMPO with Fenton reaction (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) for the study of the plant extract antioxidant activity against the hydroxyl radical (OH?). The computational simulation of TEMPOL, DPPH and DMPO is carried out using a method of first principles within the Density Functional Theory and pseudopotentials. The code is SIESTA. The conclusions indicate that the Iryanthera juruensis extract, as of leaves as of seeds, exhibits accentuated antioxidants activities, in all of the used methods. The computational simulation indicated that the TEMPOL is less reactive than the DPPH, because the lower energy in its reduction reaction. As some of these species are already used popularly by medicinal properties, future studies for correct identification of the antioxidant compounds and its possible use, as in the food industry as in the pharmaceutical industry, should be realized.

Caracterização de compostos de baixa massa molar redutores de ferro produzidos por fungos e mediação da reação de fenton para degradação de polissacarídeos e lignina / Characterization of low molecular weight Fe3+-reducing compounds produced by fungi and mediation of Fenton reaction to degrade polysaccharides and lignin

Arantes, Valdeir 08 August 2008 (has links)
Os fungos de decomposição branca e parda produzem enzimas para degradar os componentes da madeira, os primeiros produzem enzimas hidrolíticas e oxidativas enquanto os outros produzem principalmente enzimas hidrolíticas. A degradação de polissacarídeos e lignina por fungos de decomposição parda e branca seletiva, respectivamente, não ocorre na região imediata à hifa, e, também, não pode ser explicada unicamente por ação enzimática devido a impermeabilidade das mesmas na parede celular. Neste trabalho estudou-se o sistema degradativo não enzimático envolvendo compostos de baixa massa molar (CBMM) redutores de ferro em fungos degradadores de madeira. O fungo de decomposição parda, Wolfiporia cocos e o de decomposição branca seletiva, Perenniporia medulla-panis foram cultivados em diferentes concentrações de ferro, e a atividade redutora de Fe3+ micelial e a extracelular, assim como a produção de quelantes específicos de ferro, como derivados de ácido hidroxâmico e de catecol, foram induzidas em condição de deficiência de ferro. Os géis de SDS-PAGE dos extratos fúngicos mostraram várias proteínas negativamente reguladas por ferro em P. medulla-panis e W. cocos, principalmente para proteínas entre 10 - 30 kDa. Quando os fungos foram cultivados em diferentes fontes de carbono simples com e sem suplementação de celulose microcristalina e deficiência de ferro, produziram CBMM redutores de Fe3+, os quais tiveram a produção estimulada nos meios com celulose. Análises de eletroforese capilar dos compostos quelantes de metal extraídos dos meios que proporcionaram a maior atividade redutora (Lornitina/ celulose para P. medulla-panis e glicose/celulose para W. cocos) na presença e ausência de ferro, confirmaram que, principalmente P. medulla-panis produz compostos extracelulares que são regulados por ferro. Os CBMM purificados das frações < 5 kDa apresentaram atividade redutora de Fe3+ em pH 2,0 mesmo quando ácido oxálico foi adicionado na concentração 20 vezes maior que a concentração de Fe3+. Em pH 4,5, a atividade redutora foi detectada até uma concentração de ácido oxálico 10 vezes superior a de Fe3+. Em ambos os casos a atividade redutora foi observada quando Fe3+ estava presente na forma livre ou complexada como Fe(oxalato)+. Dentre os vários CBMM produzidos por P. medulla-panis e W. cocos aqueles com atividade redutora foram o ácido 4-hidroxi-fenilacético, 1,2-dihidroxi-3-metil-benzeno, 1,2,3-trihidroxi-benzeno e o ácido 4- hidroxi-cinâmico para W. cocos, e para P. medulla-panis os principais foram 1,2-dihidroxibenzeno e 1,2,3-trihidroxi-benzeno. Além desses compostos, ambos os fungos produziram peptídeos de baixa massa molar com atividade redutora. Os CBMM redutores de Fe3+ de P. medulla-panis (Pmp) e de W. cocos (Wc) foram utilizados na ausência e presença de Fe3+ e H2O2 (reação de Fenton mediada) para oxidar polissacarídeos e lignina in vitro. Verificou-se que os maiores níveis de oxidação foram obtidos nas reações de Fenton mediadas (Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 e Pmp-Fe3+/H2O2). A degradação da celulose por estes sistemas foi caracterizada por uma rápida e extensiva despolimerização, seguida de significativa oxidação. Análises dos monômeros de lignina liberados de conífera tratada e não tratada após 13C-TMAH termoquimólise indicaram oxidação da lignina pelos sistemas Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 e Pmp- Fe3+/H2O2, principalmente por desmetoxilação e/ou desmetilação. A ação sinérgica entre os CBMM redutores de Fe3+ e as enzimas ligninolíticas ficou evidenciada para os fungos de decomposição branca Lentinula edodes, P. medulla-panis e Trametes versicolor através da oxidação do corante Azure B. / Brown and white rot fungi produce enzymes to degrade wood. The former produce hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes while the latter produce mainly hydrolytic enzymes. The degradation of polysaccharides and lignin by brown and white-rot fungi, respectively, do not occur next to the fungal hyphae and cannot be explained only by the enzymatic action due to the small pore size of sound wood. In this work, it was studied a non-enzymatic degradative system involving low molecular weight compounds (LMWC) with Fe3+-reducing activity in wood decay fungi. The brown rot fungus Wolfiporia cocos and the selective white rot Perenniporia medulla-panis were grown under varying concentration of iron. The micelial and extracellular Fe3+-reducing activity as well as the production of specific iron chelators (catechol and hydroxamate derivatives) were induced under iron starvation. SDS-PAGE gels of cellular proteins showed several proteins negatively iron-regulated in P. medulla-panis and in W. cocos, especially for proteins of 10 - 30 kDa. When the fungi were grown with different simple carbon source with and without microcrystalline cellulose supplementation and under iron restriction, they produced LMWC with Fe3+-reducing activity, which production was stimulated in the presence of cellulose. Capillary electrophoresis analyses of metal chelating compounds extracted from the growth media that promoted the highest Fe3+-reducing activity (L-ornithine/cellulose for P. medulla-panis and glucose/cellulose for W. cocos) in the presence and absence of iron, confirmed that, especially P. medulla-panis produces extracellular compounds that are iron-regulated. LMWC purified from these media showed Fe3+-reducing activity at pH 2.0 even when oxalic acid was added up to 20 fold the iron concentration. At pH 4.5, the Fe3+-reducing activity was detected at an oxalic acid concentration up to 10 fold the iron concentration. In both cases the LMWC were capable of reducing Fe3+ only when it was in its free form or complexed with oxalate to form Fe3+-monooxalate complex (Fe(C2O4)+). Among the several LMWC produced by P. medulla-panis and W. cocos those with Fe3+-reducing capability were 4-hydroxy-phenylacetic acid, 1,2- dihydroxy-methyl-benzene, 1,2,3-trihydroxy-benzene and 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid to W. cocos and 1,2-dihydroxy-benzene, and 1,2,3-tri-hydroxy-benzene to P. medulla-panis. Both fungi also produce low molecular weight peptides with Fe3+-reducing capability. The purified LMWC with Fe3+-reducing activity from P. medulla-panis (Pmp) and from W. cocos (Wc) were utilized in the presence and absence of Fe3+ and H2O2 (mediated Fenton reaction) to oxidize polysaccharides and lignin in vitro. The highest oxidation levels were obtained with mediated Fenton reactions (Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 e Pmp-Fe3+/H2O2). Cellulose degradation by these systems was characterized by a rapid and extensive depolymerization followed by significant oxidation. Analyses of the lignin monomers released from treated and untreated softwood after 13C-TMAH thermochemolysis indicated lignin oxidation by the Wc-Fe3+/H2O2 and Pmp-Fe3+/H2O2 systems, mainly by demethoxylation and/or demethylation. The synergistic action between LMWC with Fe3+-reducing activity and the ligninolytic enzymes was evidenced to the white rot fungi Lentinula edodes, P. medulla-panis and Trametes versicolor with Azure B oxidation assays.

Atividade antioxidante de extratos vegetais da flora brasileira: estudo com ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) e teoria do funcional da densidade (TFD) / Antioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts from Brazilian Flora: Study of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Density Functional Theory (DFT).

Adevailton Bernardo dos Santos 03 July 2006 (has links)
Há, no Brasil, uma enorme diversidade de espécies vegetais, e um conhecimento popular de várias propriedades medicinais das mesmas. Dentre os estudos realizados com extratos de plantas, há um interesse especial na atividade antioxidante. Este trabalho, focado em atividade antioxidante, é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, utiliza a técnica de RPE para estudar a ação dos antioxidantes neutralizando os radicais livres, enquanto que a segunda utiliza a TFD para, em simulação computacional, ajudar a entender os resultados obtidos na primeira parte. Foram analisados 10 extratos vegetais: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (casca de raiz), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (folhas e sementes), Didymopanax vinosum. O estudo da atividade antioxidante com RPE utiliza dois métodos diferentes: o primeiro método mede a atividade antioxidante por meio do controle da quantidade de radicais livres, TEMPOL e DPPH, em contato com o extrato vegetal, enquanto que o segundo método utiliza o spin trap DMPO em conjunto com a reação de Fenton (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) para analisar a ação dos extratos vegetais contra o radical hidroxila (OH?). A simulação computacional dos compostos TEMPOL, DPPH e DMPO é realizada em um método de primeiros princípios na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade, com uso de pseudopotenciais. O código utilizado é o SIESTA. As conclusões indicam que o extrato de Iryanthera juruensis, tanto de folhas quanto de sementes, exibe atividades antioxidantes bastante acentuadas, em todos os métodos utilizados. A simulação computacional aponta o TEMPOL menos reativo que o DPPH, devido a menor energia liberada em sua reação de redução. Sabendo que algumas destas espécies já são usadas popularmente por propriedades medicinais, estudos futuros para a correta identificação do agente antioxidante e seu possível uso, tanto na indústria alimentícia quanto na farmacêutica, deverão ser realizados. / There is, in Brazil, a great diversity of vegetable species, and a popular knowledge of several medicinal properties of the some of them. In studies carried out with plants? extracts, there is special interest in antioxidant activities. This work, focused in antioxidant activity, is divided in two parts: the first uses EPR technique to study the antioxidant activities neutralizing free radicals, while the second one uses DFT, in computational simulation, to understand the results obtained from the first part. Ten vegetable extracts were analyzed: Swartzia langsdorffii, Machaerium villosum, Pterogyne nitens, Maytenus ilicifolia (bark root extracts), Pera glabrata, Aegiphyla sellowiana, Copaifera langsdorffii, Chrysophyllum inornatum, Iryanthera juruensis (leaves and seeds), Didymopanax vinosum. The study with EPR uses two different methods: the first method measures the antioxidant activity by monitoring the amount of free radicals, DPPH and TEMPOL, that are in contact with the plant extract, the second method uses spin trap DMPO with Fenton reaction (Fe2+ + H2O2 => Fe3+ + HO- + HO) for the study of the plant extract antioxidant activity against the hydroxyl radical (OH?). The computational simulation of TEMPOL, DPPH and DMPO is carried out using a method of first principles within the Density Functional Theory and pseudopotentials. The code is SIESTA. The conclusions indicate that the Iryanthera juruensis extract, as of leaves as of seeds, exhibits accentuated antioxidants activities, in all of the used methods. The computational simulation indicated that the TEMPOL is less reactive than the DPPH, because the lower energy in its reduction reaction. As some of these species are already used popularly by medicinal properties, future studies for correct identification of the antioxidant compounds and its possible use, as in the food industry as in the pharmaceutical industry, should be realized.

Effect of preparation parameters of iron oxide nanoparticles on the fenton catalytic activity for the degradation of dye.

Matlhatse, Malatji 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Water polluted by recalcitrant organics, such as methylene blue (MB), can be treated with the Fenton reaction. The Fenton reaction degrades the pollutants through catalytic oxidation. Unsupported iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) were used as catalysts in this study. Iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesised using a precipitation-oxidation method and effects of various preparation parameters on the shape, size and catalytic activity of the iron oxide nanoparticles were studied. Parameters investigated include preparation temperature, type and amount of precipitating agent. The precipitating agents used are sodium hydroxide, tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAOH), tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) and ethylamine. The iron oxide nanoparticles were found to be spherical for most of the preparation conditions as determined by TEM. However, irregular flower-like shapes (hexagonal with rod extensions) were obtained when the amounts of the TMAOH and TEAOH bases were more than the stoichiometric amounts. The nature and amount of precipitating agent also influenced the degree of particle agglomeration and growth, with an increase in alkyl chains in the base giving lesser agglomeration. The preparation temperature did not influence the nanoparticles’ size when NaOH was used as a precipitating agent. In contrast, when an amine was used as a precipitation agent, caused a slight increase in the size of the nanoparticles. Different crystal phases like hematite, magnetite, maghemite and goethite-hematite mixture were identified in the X-ray diffractograms. UV-Vis spectroscopy showed that all the catalysts were red-shifted except for B3 sample, which was blue-shifted from the bulk materials. The highest catalytic activities were obtained when NaOH was used as a precipitation agent instead of amine since catalyst has shown to contain the traces amounts of the base used on the surface. The lower catalytic activities for the catalysts prepared using amines may be due to amines adsorbed on the surface and blocking the catalytic active sites. FTIR spectra showed the presence of trace amounts of ammine functional groups on the nanoparticles No correlation was found between the crystallite size and the Fenton catalytic activity of the catalyst. In the same vein, operational parameters such as the amount of H2O2 and temperatures did not show a direct effect on the Fenton catalytic efficiency. Kinetic studies show that the degradation of methylene blue followed the first-order models for all the catalysts prepared with NaOH. Overall, the study shows that different preparation parameters had an effect on the size, shape, phase and the catalytic performance of the synthesised IONPs.

Enhancing the degradation rate of microplastics and organizing a study visit about sustainability / Förbättring av nedbrytningshastigheten av mikroplaster och organisering av ett studiebesök om hållbarhet

Al-Ghorabi, Marianne January 2020 (has links)
Microplastics take hundreds to thousands of years to degrade in nature, and pose a threat to the environment. A photocatalytical degradation method have been developed to take advantage of solar light to degrade microplastics, however it takes several months to degrade microplastics with the process. The purpose of this study is to enhance the degradation rate of microplastics by synthesizing a material where photocatalysis is combined with Fenton reaction. A material with zinc oxide nanorods coated with tin oxide and decorated with iron particles (𝑍𝑛𝑂/𝑆𝑛𝑂2/𝐹𝑒0) was synthesized and used to degrade methylene blue, polystyrene and polypropylene. The result show that the degradation rate with a 𝑍𝑛𝑂/𝑆𝑛𝑂2/𝐹𝑒0 – sample is faster than with a 𝑍𝑛𝑂 – sample, and that it can be used to degrade polystyrene and polypropylene.Students’ view on researchers can affect the development of their interest and attitude towards science. Study visits to laboratories have been used to increase students’ interest and give them new experiences. The purpose of this study is to investigate what and how high school students learn during a study visit to a nanotechnology laboratory, and how the study visit affects high school students’ interest and motivation for research and learning. A study visit with 5 stations was organized, and students were given a questionnaire about what they learned during the study visit. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the students’ answers. The result shows that the study visit increased students’ interest in research, and the importance of designing stations so that they are connected to students’ previous knowledge and are within their proximal development zone. / Mikroplaster tar hundratals till tusentals år att bryta ner i naturen och utgör ett hot mot miljön. En fotokatalytisk nedbrytningsprocess har utvecklats där solljus utnyttjas för att bryta ner mikroplaster, dock tar det flera månader att bryta ner mikroplaster med den processen. Syftet med denna studie är att förbättra nedbrytningshastigheten av mikroplaster genom att syntetisera ett material där fotokatalys kombineras med Fenton-reaktion. Ett material med zinkoxid nanorör belagda med tennoxid och dekorerade med järnpartiklar (𝑍𝑛𝑂/𝑆𝑛𝑂2/𝐹𝑒0) syntetiserades och användes för att bryta ner metylenblått, polystyren och polypropen. Resultatet visar att nedbrytningshastigheten med 𝑍𝑛𝑂/𝑆𝑛𝑂2/𝐹𝑒0 – materialet är snabbare än med ett 𝑍𝑛𝑂 – material, och att 𝑍𝑛𝑂/𝑆𝑛𝑂2/𝐹𝑒0 – materialet kan användas för att bryta ned polystyren och polypropen.Elevers syn på forskning och forskare kan påverka utvecklingen av deras intresse och inställning till vetenskap. Studiebesök på laboratorier har använts för att öka elevernas intresse och ge dem nya erfarenheter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad och hur gymnasieelever lär sig under ett studiebesök i ett nanotekniklaboratorium och hur studiebesöket påverkar gymnasieelevernas intresse och motivation för forskning och lärande. Ett studiebesök med 5 stationer organiserades och eleverna fick ett frågeformulär om vad de lärde sig under studiebesöket. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera elevernas svar. Resultatet visar att studiebesöket ökade elevernas intresse för forskning och vikten av att utforma stationer så att de är kopplade till elevernas tidigare kunskaper och ligger inom deras proximala utvecklingszon.

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