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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antisemitismus v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Antisemitism in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Fabianová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis called "Antisemitism in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" is describing, based on historical events, progress of solution of the Jewish question in the occupied Czech lands during the Second world war. In the first chapter the author describes the main events of the Jewish minority life in the protectorate. Jews had lost all their personal rights and discrimination in this regard was almost unbearable. German Nazism developed and at the same time realized "final solution" of the Jewish question. This term signified euphemistic name for the physical extermination of the Jewish nation. The second chapter devotes to the analysis of the press. The most important part of the whole thesis introduces three collaborationist periodicals from protectorate, which were chosen by author. They are called: Zteč (Assault), Árijský boj (Arya fight) and Národní politika (National politics). Construction of the Terezin concentration camp and subsequent life in it describes the last and the third chapter. This ghetto meant an important part of the whole Jewish question and its solution. Although the transports to eastern areas took place here, some Jews arranged better life through cultural activities and illegal educational activities. One of the specifics of Terezín was also the role that the camp played in the Nazi propaganda.

Assentamentos rurais da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre e a formação de cooperativas

Rosa, Luís Fernando Silveira da January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa ocorreu na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre em seis assentamentos ligados à COOTAP (Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores Assentados da Região de Porto Alegre), incluindo o Assentamento Capela onde se localiza a COOPAN (Cooperativa de Produção Agropecuária Nova Santa Rita LTDA). Entre os objetivos do trabalho estão o levantamento de dados relativos à melhoria de vida dos agricultores associados e às mudanças culturais em relação aos métodos produtivos. A pesquisa foi realizada com o uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações feitas em saídas de campo. Entre os resultados mais relevantes está a opção pela produção orgânica e as consequências políticas desse caminho. / The present research occurred in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre in six settlements linked to COOTAP (workers cooperative from Porto Alegre), including the Capela Settlement, where COOPAN is located (cooperative of agricultural production Nova Santa Rita LTDA). Among the objectives of this work, are the data collection related to the improvement of the life of the associated farmers and the cultural changes in relation to the productive methods. The research was made using semi-structured interviews and observations made in field trips. Among the most relevant results there is the choice for organic production and the political consequences of this path.

Proyecto Nutriburguer / Project Nutriburger

Meoño Rivadeneyra, Franco Andre, Padilla Centurion, Milagros Estefanny, Quispe Manosalva, Shirley Yohara, Ramirez Piscoya, Paulo Cesar 30 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto consiste en la producción y comercialización de hamburguesas elaboradas a base de sangrecita de pollo para prevenir y combatir la anemia en las personas que la padecen. El proyecto muestra la viabilidad de su ejecución, en base a la investigación realizada en Lima Metropolitana a los NSE “A”,”B” y ”C ”, cuyo resultado nos permitió conocer el grave problema que enfrentan las familias peruanas al combatir una enfermedad latente en nuestra sociedad como lo es la anemia. Esto se debe a la falta de información y conocimiento acerca de productos alimenticios que puedan prevenir este mal. Así mismo, se pudo detectar que muchos padres de familia desconocen el valor nutricional que aporta la sangrecita de pollo, la preparación del alimento y como debe ser consumido para prevenir y combatir la anemia. Finalmente, se descubrió que los padres buscan una manera de darle a su familia alimentos fáciles de preparar y que aporten las suficientes proteínas que el cuerpo necesita. Para poder realizar este proyecto se hizo un análisis de nuestro mercado potencial: consumidores, proveedores, competidores y otros factores externos a la empresa. Además, se utilizaron supuestas hipótesis y experimentos para comprobar la aceptación de nuestro producto. También se pusieron en marcha los siguientes planes: Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el Plan Financiero. Los cuales contienen las estrategias necesarias para la ejecución de este proyecto. / The present project consists in the production and commercialization of hamburgers made with chicken blood to prevent and fight anemia in people who suffer from it. The project shows the feasibility of its execution, based on the research carried out in Metropolitan Lima to the NSE “A”, “B” and “C”, whose result allowed us to know the serious problem faced by Peruvian families in fighting a disease latent in our society as is anemia. This is due to the lack of information and knowledge about food products that can prevent this disease. Likewise, it was found that many parents are unaware of the nutritional value provided by chicken blood, the preparation of food and how it should be consumed to prevent and fight anemia. Finally, it was discovered that parents are looking for a way to give their family easy-to-prepare foods and provide enough protein that the body needs. In order to carry out this project an analysis of our potential market was made: consumers, suppliers, competitors and other factors external to the company. In addition, supposed hypotheses and experiments were used to check the acceptance of our product. The following plans were also implemented: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan, Corporate Social Responsibility Plan and the Financial Plan. Which contain the necessary strategies for the execution of this Project. / Trabajo de investigación

Les coopérations internationales de la France dans la lutte contre le terrorisme (fin XIXe siècle – 1989) / France’s international cooperation against terrorism from the end of the 19th century to the end of the 1980s

Bausardo, Thomas 10 December 2015 (has links)
À la fin du XIXe siècle, à la faveur du développement en Europe des premières formes contemporaines d’un terrorisme internationalisé, la France participe à la naissance d’une première grammaire de la coopération internationale contre le terrorisme, qui se décline en une coopération politique multilatérale, une coopération policière secrète et une coopération de nature judiciaire ayant pour fondement l’extradition. Il s’agit dès lors d’écrire l’histoire des coopérations internationales de la France contre le terrorisme depuis cette période jusqu’à la fin des années 1980, dans ses versants tant politiques que policiers et judiciaires, en analysant les appréhensions, adaptations et spécialisations des différents organes de l’État, en fonction non seulement de l’évolution du terrorisme lui-même mais aussi des relations internationales dont elles constituent un élément à part entière. À l’ère du terrorisme anarchiste à la fin du XIXe siècle succède un entre-deux-guerres durant lequel la France fait l’expérience du terrorisme balkanique et où pour la première fois une organisation internationale, la SDN, se saisit du terrorisme. À l’issue de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la France fait de nouveau l’expérience de la coopération durant la guerre d’Algérie, et à partir de la fin des années 60 participe à un mouvement d’européanisation de ses enjeux et de ses pratiques tant au niveau bilatéral que multilatéral. L’Europe géographique autant qu’institutionnelle devient l’espace de référence de la coopération antiterroriste, du fait de la persistance du phénomène tant d’origine domestique qu’international et de sa transformation en enjeu majeur pour la société internationale. / At the end of the nineteenth century, in response to the rise of a modern internationalized terrorism, European states, and chiefly among them France, draft a first grammar of international cooperation against terrorism, a multilateral political cooperation, a secret police cooperation and a judicial cooperation of which extradition is the cornerstone. The history of France’s international cooperation against terrorism from this point on to the end of the 1980s shall thusly be written with regards to its political, policing, intelligence and judicial implications and take into account not only the evolving nature of the understanding of the phenomenon by and within the state, but the evolution of terrorism itself and that of international relations, of which international cooperation against terrorism is an integral part. Following the era of anarchist terrorism, during the interwar years, the rise of nationalist terrorism in the Balkans provide France with a new outlook and the phenomenon becomes, for the first time, an issue on the agenda of an international organization, the League of Nations. After WWII, France faces anew the challenges of international cooperation during the Algerian War, and, from the end of the 1960s on, takes part in a differential process of Europeanization of international cooperation against terrorism. In its geographical and institutional incarnations, and due to the persistence of both domestic and international terrorism, Europe thus becomes the core of France’s international efforts against terrorism.

Institucionální boj proti dopingu ve sportu / Institutional fight against doping in sport

Matějka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Institutional fight against doping in sport The diploma thesis with the title Institutional fight against doping in sport deals with the problematic issues of using banned substances and banned methods in sport or any other violation of anti-doping rule from the point of view of establishing international institutions with worldwide scope of activity with the aim of elimination of doping in sport. After the general introduction into the problematic issues of doping with the description of the historical roots of this unfair sporting practice there is a part focusing on the basic instruments of the fight against doping. A principle of strict liability of a sportsman for a violation of anti-doping rule is described, as well as the list of banned substances and banned methods, the process of testing, the therapeutic use exemption, the whereabouts and the athlete biological passport. In the following part the instruments of the public international law which were concluded by Council of Europe and UNESCO are analysed. The fight against doping in sport is transported through these international conventions on the level of intergovernmental cooperation which reflects the important non-governmental institutions and binds itself to international coordination. The main part of the thesis is contributed to...

Současný terorismus v Etiopii: původ a motivace / Contemporary Terrorism in Ethiopia: its Origin and Motivation

Nováček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Résumé of the master thesis: Contemporary Terrorism in Ethiopia: its Origins and Motivation. Pavel Nováček This paper focuses on the factor of terrorism in Ethiopia. There is suspicion, repeatedly declared by the Ethiopian government, that there are groups operating on its territory, that are using terrorism as a method of combat. Some of those groups are suspected to be affiliated to the global jihadist network that is active in the neighbouring Somalia. Ethiopia takes an active part in the US-led war on terror, and is the most important ally of the US in the region. This has resulted in a flow of humanitarian aid to Ethiopia, and the US is also providing military training, building their counter-terrorism capacities and providing Ethiopia with analytical support and other military aid. However, there is suspicion that Ethiopia is abusing its participation in the war on terrorism in order to oppress the legitimate opposition, by describing some of the rebel groups as terrorist, and even as affiliated to the global jihadist network in Somalia. This is despite the possibility that these ethnic based groups might be legitimately fighting to gain the right of self- determination, something that is granted to all people living in Ethiopia by the constitution. The government however, systematically attacks the...

NATO v boji proti terorismu a formování kolektivní identity / NATO in the fight against terrorism and the formation of collective identity

Štulcová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "NATO in the fight against terrorism and the formation of collective identity" deals with the impact of the threat of international terrorism on collective identity of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The September 11th terrorist attacks on the US soil constitute a milestone in the history of NATO. The article 5 of Washington treaty was invocated for the first time. The main argument of the thesis states that, despite disagreements among allies about the role of the Alliance in the fight against terrorism after the September 11th , NATO was capable of reinforcing its collective identity and reformulating its purpose. The main goal of the thesis is to define a relationship between the perception of the threat of terrorism within NATO and collective identity of NATO, on the basis of arguments of social constructivism and with constructivist methodology. Discourse analysis of key NATO documents confirms the impact of September 11th on the transformation of strategic consideration of the Alliance, which has led to initiation of several efforts to fight terrorism. Outcomes of discourse analysis of United States, United Kingdom, France, Czech Republic and Poland reveal that terrorism has reinforced collective identity among NATO member states and has become a new threat for Alliance...

Adrenaline releases level on skin-to skin touches

George, Maryan January 2020 (has links)
Human pleasant touches promote feelings of security, supportiveness, and wellbeing. Conversely, human unpleasant touches promote the body for either “fight or flight” or “short term acute stress” during emergencies, feeling of stress or danger. The promoted stress response is released from the hypothalamus by the sympathetic nerve system further to the spinal cord to reach the signals to the adrenal medulla, where stress hormones adrenaline is released. Adrenaline, which is characterized by a mimic sympathetic nerve system, interacts with α and β receptors on different organs. The aim for this study was to investigate whether the stroker (partner/stranger) touch effects on adrenaline hormone releases. The null hypothesis for this study entails a significant adrenaline reduction in partners’ touches compared with strangers’ touches. Indirect competitive ELISA method was used, and concentration data of a total of sixteen participants was obtained. Whitney-U test was carried out to compare group differences within stroker (stranger/partner) touches and adrenaline releasing level. In addition, correlation in adrenaline with noradrenaline and oxytocin hormones was obtained using Spearman’s correlation test. The significant p-value 0.05 was conducted. The result of this study showed no differences between stroker (partner/stranger) associated with adrenaline hormone release. Correlation between partner maximum (max) concentration data for both oxytocin and adrenaline had significant differences. However, max variables for adrenaline and noradrenaline within stroker did not show significant differences. The conclusion of this study is that the gentle touch stimulus used in this study was not enough to detect stress hormone in adrenaline.

Punir hors les murs : Sanctionner autrement l'auteur d'un délit passible de cinq ans d'emprisonnement / Punish except wals : Sanction to otherwise the author of an offence liable to five years of detention

Jeanpierre, Virginie 19 October 2018 (has links)
La sanction des infractions délictuelles constitue le nœud gordien d’une politique pénale contemporaine largement désapprouvée. Privilégiée, la peine privative de liberté manifeste de multiples défaillances portant atteinte à sa crédibilité. Les peines d’emprisonnement inférieures ou égales à cinq ans exécutées principalement en maison d’arrêt sont les plus problématiques car nombreuses. Elles sont le plus souvent inadaptées à la délinquance contemporaine. Si des alternatives, déjà anciennes et d’autres plus récentes, existent, elles ne sont que peu prononcées alors même que leur utilité sociale en matière de réinsertion et de lutte contre la récidive ne paraît plus à prouver. La punition hors les murs de l’infraction délictuelle est une thématique politique et législative récurrente. Cependant, elle ne parvient pas à s’ancrer véritablement dans le paysage judiciaire français ; son enracinement étant notamment freiné par le défaut d’adhésion des magistrats en partie conditionné par des mécanismes procéduraux pourvoyeurs de peine privative de liberté. L’heure du changement de paradigme a pourtant sonné dès lors que la peine d’emprisonnement ne permet pas d’agir sur les causes de l’acte infractionnel et du passage à l’acte. Il est également temps de soulager une situation carcérale exsangue ne permettant plus à l’Administration pénitentiaire d’assurer convenablement ses missions de garde et de réinsertion. Albert Camus écrivait qu’une société se juge à l’état de ses prisons, la société française ne peut persister à épandre une telle incarnation de sa politique pénale. Aussi, au travers de mécanismes procéduraux perfectionnés, de l’influence d’exemples positifs du droit comparé, grâce au faire-valoir des ressources intrinsèques des services pénitentiaires d’insertion et de probation, à la rédaction nouvelle d’articles fondamentaux du Code pénal et au déploiement de moyens adéquats, la punition hors les murs des délits passibles de cinq ans d’emprisonnement devient accessible et tangible. / The penalty of the criminal breaches constitutes the Gordian knot of a widely disapproved contemporary penal policy. Privileged, the custodial sentence shows multiple failures striking a blow at its credibility. The lower prison sentences or five-year-old equals executed mainly in detention center are the most problematic because numerous. They are badly adapted for the contemporary crime. If alternatives, already older and others more recent, exist, they are only little pronounced even though their social utility regarding rehabilitation and regarding fight against the repeat offense does not any more appear to prove. The punishment outside the walls of the criminal breach is a recurring political and legislative theme. Nevertheless, it does not succeed in anchoring really in the French judicial landscape; its implanting being slowed down in particular by the defect of membership of the magistrates partially conditioned by procedural mechanisms suppliers of custodial sentence. The hour of the change of paradigm nevertheless rang since the prison sentence does not allow to act on the causes of the unlawful act and the acting out. It’s also necessary time to relieve a pale prison situation not allowing anymore the Prison Service to assure suitably its missions of guard and rehabilitation. Albert Camus wrote that a society judges itself in the state of its prisons, the French society cannot persist in spreading such an embodiment of its penal policy. So, through sophisticated procedural mechanisms, the influence of positive examples of the comparative law, thanks to the use of the intrinsic resources of the prison departments of insertion and probation, to the new writing of fundamental articles of the Penal code and to the deployment of adequate means, the punishment outside the walls of the offences punished for five years of detention becomes accessible and tangible.

Stolperstein Terrorismusbekämpfung: Scheitert der europäische Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts im Angesicht des internationalen Terrorismus?

Wetzel, Jens 29 January 2014 (has links)
Die EU hat sich verpflichtet einen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts (RFSR) zu errichten. Der Schutz persönlicher Freiheitsrechte, die Wahrung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die Gewährung (innerer) Sicherheit sind seither ein zentrales Integrationsziel der Union und wurden im zunehmenden Maße „europäisiert“. Der internationale Terrorismus stellt dabei eine der bedeutendsten Motivationen, aber auch eine der größten Bewährungsproben dar. Gelingt es der EU die Integration im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit weiter voranzutreiben ohne dabei Freiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in den Schatten zu drängen. Dieser Problemstellung wird mit einer exemplarischen Analyse zentraler Antiterrorismusmaßnahmen nach 9/11 nachgegangen.

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