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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Som en blånande borg i förlängningen : En analys av den tyska översättningen av På fjälltur: Sarek med fokus på termer och bildspråk

Niva, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgör en analys av utvalda delar av den tyska översättningen av guideboken På fjälltur: Sarek av Claes Grundsten. Fokus i analysen ligger på översättningen av termer och bildspråk. Syftet med analysen var att undersöka hur översättaren på tyska har återgett naturbeskrivningarna som speglas i termerna och bildspråket, och hur denna återgivning påverkar läsarens uppfattning av boken. Analysen visade att översättaren, Florian Martin, till största del har bevarat bildspråket, med några fall av försvagade eller utelämnade bildspråksuttryck. Majoriteten av termerna var översatta med generaliseringar, vilket kan innebära att författarens specialkunskaper undanhålls. Detta i kombination med att författarens personliga engagemang för fjällen uttrycks i något lägre grad i och med bildförluster i översättningen av bildspråket kan innebära att guidebokens trovärdighet uppfattas som något lägre i den tyska översättningen. / This master’s thesis consists of an analysis of selected parts from the German translation of the Swedish guidebook På fjälltur: Sarek by Claes Grundsten. The analysis focuses on the translation of terminology and figurative language. The purpose of the analysis was to investigate how the German translator had rendered the descriptions of nature reflected in the terminology and the figurative language, and how this rendering affects the reader’s perception of the book. The analysis showed that the translator, Florian Martin, for the most part had preserved the figurative language, with the exceptions of a few diminished or omitted expressions. The majority of terms were translated by means of generalization, which could suppress the author’s expertise knowledge. This, in combination with the author’s personal dedication for the Swedish mountains being expressed to a lower extent, due to the loss of figuration in the translation of the figurative language, could mean that the credibility is perceived as slightly lower in the German translation.

Marriage and Motherhood in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar : An Analysis of Gender Expectations and Poetic Language / Äktenskap och moderskap i Sylvia Plaths The Bell Jar : En analys av könsförväntningar och poetiskt språk

Carlstein, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Metaforkunskap hos svensktalande ungdomar med cochleaimplantat : En pilotstudie med kvantitativ och kvalitativ studiedesign

Al-Alaq, Nada January 2022 (has links)
Det är viktigt att ha god språkförmåga och ett brett ordförråd för kunskapsinhämtning och kommunikation. Idag ställs det höga krav på språkförståelse, därtill förståelse av metaforer. Metaforer är en typ av figurativt språk vars tolkning inte är bokstavlig. Därtill behövs det mer kunskap om figurativt språk hos gruppen ungdomar med cochleaimplantat (CI). Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka metaforkunskap hos svensktalande ungdomar med CI i relation till ålder när deltagarna fick sitt första cochleaimplantat (CI1), expressivt ordförråd och pragmatisk förmåga. I studien ingick 17 svensktalande ungdomar med CI i åldern 12 – 20 år. Deltagarna rekryterades via mottagningen för hörselimplantat vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset. Sexton deltagare hade bilaterala CI och en hade bimodal hörsel (ett CI och en hörapparat). Genomsnittlig ålder för CI1 var 15 månader. Metaforkunskap bedömdes med hjälp av en norsk metaforuppgift översatt till svenska, expressivt ordförråd med Boston namning test (BNT) och pragmatisk förmåga med ett föräldraformulär (CCC-2). Deltagarnas svarsmotiveringar av metaforuppgiften transkriberades och analyserades med en kvalitativ svarsanalys. Resultaten visade att ungdomar med CI uppvisar metaforförståelse. Dock varierar den inom gruppen avseende antalet korrekt valda svarsalternativ. Ytterligare fynd indikerar att det finns ett måttligt negativt statistiskt signifikant samband mellan ålder vid CI1 och resultatet på metaforuppgiften. Ju yngre ålder vid CI1, desto bättre resultat på metaforuppgiften. En slutsats är att det finns en stor variation gällande metaforkunskap inom gruppen ungdomar med CI. Den kvalitativa analysen visar på en hög grad av diskrepans mellan val av rätt svarsalternativ, och otillräcklig eller felaktig motivering av det aktuella svarsalternativet. Tidig ålder vid CI tycks ha en gynnsam effekt på högre språkliga förmågor som metaforkunskap. Dock behövs det fler liknande studier, i större kohorter och med hörande kontrollgrupp. / It is important to have good language skills and a broad vocabulary for knowledge acquisition and communication. Today, there are high demands on language comprehension, which includes the understanding of metaphors. Metaphors are one type of figurative language whose interpretation is not literal. Therefore, more knowledge about figurative language in the group of teenagers and young adults with cochlear implant (CI) is needed. The aim of the study was to investigate metaphor knowledge in Swedish - speaking teenagers and young adults with CI in relation to implantation age of the first CI (CI1), expressive vocabulary and pragmatic ability. The study included 17 participants with CI between the ages of 12 and 20 years. They were recruited by the Hearing Implant Clinic, Karolinska University Hospital. Sixteen participants had bilateral CI and one had bimodal hearing (one CI and one hearing aid). The average age at CI1 was 15 months. Participants' metaphor knowledge was assessed using a Norwegian metaphor task translated to Swedish, expressive vocabulary with the Boston Naming Test (BNT), and pragmatic ability with a parent questionnaire (CCC-2). The participants' motivations in the metaphor task were transcribed and analyzed using a qualitative response analysis. The results showed that young people with CI exhibits metaphor understanding. However, it varies within the group regarding the number of correctly selected responses. Further findings indicate that there is a moderate negative statistically significant relationship between age at CI1 and the results of the metaphor task. One conclusion is that there is a large variation regarding metaphor knowledge within the group of teenagers and young adults with CI. The qualitative analysis shows a high degree of discrepancy between the choice of correct answer option and insufficient or incorrect justification of the given answer. Early age at CI1 appears to have a beneficial effect on higher language abilities such as metaphor knowledge. However, further studies are needed, preferable in larger cohorts and with a hearing control group.

Translation strategies for figurative language in non-fiction : Translating metaphors, idioms, and phrasal verbs from English to Swedish

Taylor, Vicky January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines translation strategies for translating figurative language with a focus on metaphors, idioms, and phrasal verbs. Translators often state that figurative language presents challenges in the translation process. This is mainly because the translator must consider the language’s pragmatic, cognitive, and aesthetic functions. This analysis combines a modified translation approach based on Liu and Zhang (2005), Newmark (1988) as well as Lakoff and Johnson (2003). Using the strategies literal translation, transference, meaning translation, omission, and addition to reduce the loss between the source and target texts, this paper seeks to map how frequently these strategies are applied in the translation of metaphors, idioms, and phrasal verbs in the source text. This paper also discusses any potential problems arising in conjunction with these strategies. The findings of this analysis show that literal translation is the most commonly used translation strategy, in line with Liu and Zhang’s recommendations (2005). Overall, the second most frequently used strategy is transference, followed by meaning translation. This analysis also highlights interesting research gaps regarding omission and addition and encourages further research on these subjects. Greater knowledge and application of these strategies could lead not only to a better and more efficient target text but also a target text that is closer in word count to the original, thereby reducing the expansion of the source text.

The Language of the Body in Ocean Vuong’s Night Sky with Exit Wounds

Mahmood, Aneeza January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Justifying Operation Iraqi Freedom - A Study of Moral Metaphors in Political Statements

Beganovic, Armin January 2006 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the way George W. Bush used moral metaphors to intensify the language in his statements on Operation Iraqi Freedom. Three moral metaphors are presented within two different models that are applied on the data. The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the data is collected from the official White House website. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it. The main question: In what way did George W. Bush use moral metaphors in his statements to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom?, resulted in use of moral metaphors that sermons people’s moral values, depict Saddam Hussein’s characteristics as immoral, activate people’s moral priorities to help the Iraqi people, and addresses both conservatives and liberals in America. The conclusion of my study is that President Bush deliberately intensified the language in his statements through moral metaphors to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom. Keywords: Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor, Figurative Language, Operation Iraqi Freedom, War on Terror, George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, USA, Iraq, Qualitative Text Analysis, Hermeneutics.

These shining themes : the use and effects of figurative language in the poetry and prose of Anne Michaels

Ristic, Danya 22 October 2011 (has links)
This study explores the manner in which Anne Michaels uses figurative language, particularly metaphor, in her poetry and prose. In her first novel, Fugitive Pieces, and in certain of her poems, Michaels demonstrates the powers of language to destroy and to recuperate. For her, metaphor is not simply a literary device; it is an essential mechanism in the creation of an authentic story or poem. Moreover, in contrast to other figurative language such as euphemism, which she feels can be used to conceal the truth and make moral that which is immoral, metaphor in her view can be used to gain access to the truth and is therefore moral. Thus, as this study demonstrates, Michaels proposes as well as utilises the moral power of language. The ideas of four language theorists provide the basis of this study, and prove highly useful in application to Michaels’s work. With the aid of Certeau and Bourdieu, we examine Michaels’s participation in and literary presentation of the relationship of domination and subordination in which people seem to interact and which takes place partly through language. In the light of Ricoeur’s explication of the precise functions of metaphor, we discuss Fugitive Pieces as a novel whose engagement with the topic of the Holocaust in intensely emotive and figurative language makes it controversial in terms of what may or may not constitute the appropriate manner of Holocaust literary representation. Klemperer’s meticulous, first-hand study of the Nazis’ use of the German language during the period of the Third Reich proves illuminating in our exploration of the works of Michaels that feature themes of oppression and dispossession. In certain of her poems, Michaels stands in for real people and speaks in their voices. This is also a form of metaphor, this study suggests, as for the duration of each poem Michaels requires us to imagine that she is the real-life person who expresses him- or herself in the first person singular, which she patently is not. We could see this as appropriation and misrepresentation of those people’s lives and thoughts; however, with the aid of the notion of empathic identification we learn that Michaels’s approach is always empathic – she imaginatively places herself in various situations and people’s positions without ever losing her sense of individuality and separate identity, and her portrayal of their stories is always respectful and carefully considered. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / English / unrestricted

Är det en kvasar eller en galax? : Att översätta en populärvetenskaplig text – informativa och expressiva aspekter / Is this a quasar or a galaxy? : Translation of popular science – informative and expressive aspects.

Kolesnikova, Olga January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en översättning från svenska till ryska av ett utdrag ur Ulf Danielssons bok Mörkret vid tidens ände och en kommentar, där de översättningsstrategier som tillämpats samt deras teoretiska utgångspunkter analyseras. Den översättningsteoretiska ramen för uppsatsen utgörs av Katharina Reiss’ texttypteori, men även de översättningsteorier som fokuserar på hur översättaren kan undvika en stilistisk utarmning vid översättning av expressiva texter beaktas, nämligen Antoine Berman negativa analys och Jiří Levýs undersökning av översättningstendenser. Översättningsanalysen visade att de vanligast förekommande strategierna vid översättningen av källtextens informativa sakinnehåll var explicitering och syntaktiska modifikationer, medan fokus vid arbetet med bildspråket låg på att bevara källtextens känsloladdning och estetiska verkningskraft eller på att kompensera för eventuella förluster. Även den översättningsproblematik som skapades av källtextens intertextualitet tas upp, och de lösningar som möjliggör att bevara både de informativa och estetiska funktioner som de intertextuella inslagen har i texten diskuteras. / This study consists of the translation of an excerpt from Ulf Danielsson’s book Mörkret vid tidens ände (Darkness at the end of time, my own translation) from Swedish to Russian, as well as a commentary, which provides analysis of applied translation strategies and their theoretical background. The theoretical framework of this study is comprised of Katharina Reiss’ theory of text types, along with the translation theories conceptualising the ways to avoid stylistic impoverishment of the translated expressive texts, namely Antoine Berman’s negative analytics and Jiří Levýs study of common translation tendencies. The translation analysis shows that the translation strategies most commonly used while working with the informative content of the source text, were explicitation and syntactic modifications. In the process of working with figurative language, the focus was either on transferring the emotional connotations and aesthetic character of the source text or on compensation for eventual losses. Moreover, the issue of intertextuality is discussed and analysis is provided of those solutions that allowed preservation of both informative and aesthetic functions, fulfilled by intertextual elements in the source text.

La interpretación del significado de locuciones verbales en español : Estrategias de aprendientes y hablantes nativos para describir el sentido figurado al Pensar en Voz Alta / Interpretation of idioms’ meaning in Spanish by native and non native speakers : Strategies to describe and comprehend literal and figurative sense while Thinking-aloud

Garcia Sainz, Elvira Alicia January 2018 (has links)
Idioms are frequently used in any language and thereby it is important to investigate how these linguistic resources are understood, acquired and mastered. More studies need to be conducted, specially in the learning of a second language. Cooper (1999) examined the processing of idioms in English by L2 learners using the Think-aloud procedure (TAP). He found that a heuristic model consists of the numerous strategies used by these speakers to find the meaning of written idioms by exploring and try to find the meaning which is less familiar to them, compared to the native speakers knowledge and holistic or integrated approach. In the currrent work, realized in Sweden, the TAP was applied to compare the responses given by learners of Spanish as a second language and native speakers about common verbal idioms. The aim is to analyze the interpretation and comprehension of non-literal or figurative meaning of these expressions. As the result indicates, the Spanish idioms were less familiar to the L2 learners, but their figurative meaning was understood in 41% of the times, and including partial associations in 76% of the attempts using the TAP. The descriptions of these L2 Spanish speakers’ group varied notoriously: amid match and partial coincidences with figurative meaning, unusual images were referred and the literal meaning was presented in a few cases as part of the figurative. The heuristic and a kind of hybrid approach to the idiomatic meaning in the oral and semantic elaborations and interpretative strategies were confirmed. However, it was relatively easier to the L2 speakers to propose lexical definitions. With a more holistic processing and descriptions of meaning, the native speakers accessed the non-literal idioms’ meaning with a complete description in 85% of the cases, and including linked information in 98%, which confirmed that regional idioms could be particularly unknown. Some difficulties to give explicit information about concrete terms by members of the group of native speakers were identified. / Las locuciones son expresiones de uso común en el habla cotidiana y por ello es importante investigar cómo son comprendidas y adquiridas, tanto en el aprendizaje de lenguas maternas como en el de segundas lenguas. Cooper (1999) examinó cómo los hablantes de inglés como segunda lengua, usando el procedimiento Pensar en Voz Alta (PVA), describen el significado de locuciones presentadas por escrito. Él identificó que un modelo heurístico de procesamiento se conforma por numerosas estrategias con las cuales estos hablantes intentan encontrar y dar respuestas acertadas acerca del significado idiomático. El PVA se usó en este estudio, realizado en Suecia, para comparar las respuestas de aprendientes de español como segunda lengua y hablantes nativos, enfocando locuciones verbales de uso común en esa lengua. El propósito fue analizar las interpretaciones y comprensión de significado no literal o figurado de las secuencias convencionales presentadas. Los resultados muestran que para los hablantes de español como segunda lengua las locuciones eran poco familiares, pero acertaron en el 41% de sus intentos al describir significados coincidentes con el sentido figurado, y en 76% con asociaciones parciales de significado. Las respuestas de estos hablantes variaron notoriamente: entre aproximación al significado convencional proporcionaron imágenes inusuales y algunos significados literales como parte del figurado, confirmando un abordaje heurístico o indagatorio y cierta aproximación híbrida al conocimiento idiomático en la L2. Sin embargo, fue relativamente más fácil para estos participantes formular definiciones léxicas. El abordaje de los hablantes nativos fue en cambio más holístico o integrador, con la descripción completa de significados del sentido figurado en 85% de casos, y en 98% con asociación de información relacionada, lo que confirma que algunas expresiones pueden ser conocidas de distinta forma en regiones diferentes. En algunos casos hubo ciertas dificultades para exponer información explícita sobre términos concretos en este grupo de hablantes nativos.

La interpretación del significado de locuciones verbales en español : Estrategias de aprendientes y hablantes nativos para describir el sentido figurado al Pensar en Voz Alta / Interpretation of idioms’ meaning in Spanish by native and non native speakers : Strategies to describe and comprehend literal and figurative sense while Thinking-aloud

Garcia Sainz, Elvira Alicia January 2018 (has links)
Las locuciones son expresiones de uso común en el habla cotidiana y por ello es importante investigar cómo son comprendidas y adquiridas, tanto en el aprendizaje de lenguas maternas como en el de segundas lenguas. Cooper (1999) examinó cómo los hablantes de inglés como segunda lengua, usando el procedimiento Pensar en Voz Alta (PVA), describen el significado de locuciones presentadas por escrito. Él identificó que un modelo heurístico de procesamiento se conforma por numerosas estrategias con las cuales estos hablantes intentan encontrar y dar respuestas acertadas acerca del significado idiomático. El PVA se usó en este estudio, realizado en Suecia, para comparar las respuestas de aprendientes de español como segunda lengua y hablantes nativos, enfocando locuciones verbales de uso común en esa lengua. El propósito fue analizar las interpretaciones y comprensión de significado no literal o figurado de las secuencias convencionales presentadas. Los resultados muestran que para los hablantes de español como segunda lengua las locuciones eran poco familiares, pero acertaron en el 41% de sus intentos al describir significados coincidentes con el sentido figurado, y en 76% con asociaciones parciales de significado. Las respuestas de estos hablantes variaron notoriamente: entre aproximación al significado convencional proporcionaron imágenes inusuales y algunos significados literales como parte del figurado, confirmando un abordaje heurístico o indagatorio y cierta aproximación híbrida al conocimiento idiomático en la L2. Sin embargo, fue relativamente más fácil para estos participantes formular definiciones léxicas. El abordaje de los hablantes nativos fue en cambio más holístico o integrador, con la descripción completa de significados del sentido figurado en 85% de casos, y en 98% con asociación de información relacionada, lo que confirma que algunas expresiones pueden ser conocidas de distinta forma en regiones diferentes. En algunos casos hubo ciertas dificultades para exponer información explícita sobre términos concretos en este grupo de hablantes nativos. / Idioms are frequently used in any language and thereby it is important to investigate how these linguistic resources are understood, acquired and mastered. More studies need to be conducted, specially in the learning of a second language. Cooper (1999) examined the processing of idioms in English by L2 learners using the Think-aloud procedure (TAP). He found that a heuristic model consists of the numerous strategies used by these speakers to find the meaning of written idioms by exploring and try to find the meaning which is less familiar to them, compared to the native speakers knowledge and holistic or integrated approach. In the currrent work, realized in Sweden, the TAP was applied to compare the responses given by learners of Spanish as a second language and native speakers about common verbal idioms. The aim is to analyze the interpretation and comprehension of non-literal or figurative meaning of these expressions. As the result indicates, the Spanish idioms were less familiar to the L2 learners, but their figurative meaning was understood in 41% of the times, and including partial associations in 76% of the attempts using the TAP. The descriptions of these L2 Spanish speakers’ group varied notoriously: amid match and partial coincidences with figurative meaning, unusual images were referred and the literal meaning was presented in a few cases as part of the figurative. The heuristic and a kind of hybrid approach to the idiomatic meaning in the oral and semantic elaborations and interpretative strategies were confirmed. However, it was relatively easier to the L2 speakers to propose lexical definitions. With a more holistic processing and descriptions of meaning, the native speakers accessed the non-literal idioms’ meaning with a complete description in 85% of the cases, and including linked information in 98%, which confirmed that regional idioms could be particularly unknown. Some difficulties to give explicit information about concrete terms by members of the group of native speakers were identified.

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