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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du förstår inte mig : En vetenskaplig essä om hur förskollärare bemöter det enskilda barnets behov i rutinsituationer

Pajlozjan, Liana January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna självständiga vetenskapliga uppsats är att undersöka, kritisk granska och reflektera över mitt samt mina förskollärarkollegors bemötande, handlande och agerande i rutin- och regelstyrda situationer i form av samlingar. Essäformen som metod har hjälp mig att undersöka och förstå vilka praktiska kunskaper som förskollärare skulle behöva för att kunna handla klokt och ta ”rätt” beslut gällande det enskilda barnet. Genom min berättelse samt genomförda deltagande observationer har jag kommit fram till att det är viktigt att kunna se, bemöta och stötta varje enskilt barn och dennes behov i komplexa situationer. Utgångspunkten i min uppsats är det enskilda barnet som har rätt att känna sig trygg, sedd, lyssnad på, förstådd och bekräftad. Därför har jag lagt stor vikt på förskollärarens, som professionsbärare, handlande och ansvarstagande. Jag har även kritisk granskat och ifrågasatt mitt och mina kollegors förhållningssätt till de rutinerna och reglerna som vi själva har skapat i åtanke av att bland annat bemöta och stötta barn som har andra förutsättningar och att kunna tillgodose deras behov. All litteratur och olika teoretiska perspektiv som jag har använt mig utav i mina undersökningar har hjälp mig att hitta nya perspektiv för att förstå mig, mina kollegor men framförallt det enskilda barnet och dennes behov.

Om organisatoriska avstånd och invasiva arter : En organisationskritisk essä om kroppslighet och göranden i den kommunala förskolan

Agné, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Den här vetenskapliga essän syftar till att undersöka några förskollärare, barnskötare och rektorers erfarenheter av den kommunala förskoleorganisationen i Stockholm utifrån en tanke om att dagens förskoleorganisation har invaderats av främmande styrsystem från managementvärlden och bilproduktionen, vilket bidrar till vad som här kallas för ”organisatorisk invasion” och ökade ”organisatoriska avstånd”. Utgångspunkten för essän är gestaltade erfarenheter från ett mångårigt arbete som förskollärare i den kommunala förskolan i Stockholm, vilka lett fram till essäns frågor som handlar om vilka erfarenheter, såväl kroppsliga som andra, några barnskötare, förskollärare och rektorer i Stockholm stad har av sin arbetssituation, men även hur de kopplar dem till organisationen de arbetar inom. Jag frågar mig också hur erfarenheterna påverkar deltagarnas möjligheter till att tänka om och utföra sitt arbete. Slutligen undersöker essän eventuella motståndsstrategier i relation till organisatoriska avstånd och organisatorisk invasion. Material till de empiriska inslagen insamlas genom reflekterande intervjusamtal med såväl förskollärare som barnskötare och rektorer och bearbetas genom skrivande av så kallad ”pratpoesi”. Materialet analyseras utifrån ett kroppsfenomenologiskt och ett organisationskritiskt perspektiv och med hjälp av Hannah Arendts teorier om olika former av mänsklig aktivitet. Essän visar att en mängd erfarenheter görs och skapas i relation till organisationen, vilka väcker frågor om ansvar, tänkande och görande i förskolan. Essän visar även hur New Public Management kan förstås som en invasiv främmande art som invaderat den kommunala förskolan och de som bebor den, vilket bland annat erfars av pedagogerna som en kroppslig splittring, här kallad ”hjärtats stress” respektive ”hjärnans stress” och en uppdelning mellan ”de som tänker” och ”de som gör”. Essän skriver slutligen fram motståndsstrategier utifrån det insamlade materialet, samt presenterar möjligheter kring att minska organisatoriska avstånd med hjälp av den praktiska kunskapens teori.

“To make it, you need someone to guide you.” : A qualitative study about Foreign-born Women’s experiences of establishingthemselves on the Swedish labor market.

Svensson, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of foreign-born women entering the Swedish labor market. A lot of the existing research clusters foreign-born women as a homogeneous group, missing various factors that impact their ability to access the labor market. Current initiatives and strategies therefore risk overlooking the importance of personalized support, which can result in inadequate responses to the unique needs and challenges each woman faces.  The study aims to explore foreign-born women’s experiences to better understand the obstacles the women face when trying to enter the Swedish labor market. The thesis investigates previous research that raises the significance of networks, language proficiency, and support and guidance and five interviews are conducted to understand the women’s experiences better.  The findings of this study show that discrimination, the discourse surrounding foreign-born women and, lack of adequate individualized support hinder women from establishing themselves on the labor market. Hence, the results highlight the need for more tailored support and new ways to learn the language. To achieve this, an intersectional approach is important to grasp the complex challenges that foreign-born women face in entering the Swedish labor market.  Overall, the thesis underscores the need for individualized support initiatives that consider the unique challenges and experiences of foreign-born women. By centering the women’s experiences, this study provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve the support for foreign-born women in the Swedish labor market.

Antropocentrisk Uppenbarelse : En studie av Abd al-Karim Soroush teori om profetskap och uppenbarelse inom islamisk tradition

Niknafs, Kezhvan January 2023 (has links)
This essay sheds light on a specific religious reformist within the Islamic tradition. This contemporary reformist is none other than Abd al-Karim Soroush, whose theory on fundamental building blocks within the Islamic tradition, such as revelation and prophethood, has sparked the interests of philosophers, theologians, and scholars of religion in general, and Islamic religious tradition in particular. By conducting a content-based analysis of his own work The Expansion of Prophetic Experience: Essays on Historicity, Contingency and Plurality in Religion the essay aims to a) examine his views on revelation and prophethood, b) explore his theory in relation to Islamic jurisprudence and ethics, and c) investigate any legal and ethical problematizations that his theory poses within the Islamic tradition. In an effort to revive the essence of Islam and reform the approach to the Quran and Islamic tradition, Soroush breaks down prophethood into two components: prophetic mission and prophetic experience. According to Soroush, both the prophetic mission and experience are tied to the era in which Muhammad (peace be upon him) operated. Such a contextual approach entails viewing and interpreting the Quran as a canonized book that reflects Muhammad's intuitive experiences and their continuous interaction with the cultural, social, and economic conditions prevalent during his time. By categorizing different aspects of the Quran into essentialism and accidentialism, Soroush argues that traditional legal and ethical derivations belong to the accidental category, which implies that they should not be viewed as static but rather dynamic and subject to reinterpretation in light of the contemporary context. To consider the traditional interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence and ethics as a secondary aspect in relation to the primary aspect of Islam, namely its essence, and to strip jurisprudence of its centrality and authority has both advantages and disadvantages within the Islamic tradition. The advantage may lie in a more rational and accepting approach towards religious pluralism and women's rights. The disadvantage can manifest in challenges related to Muslim identity formation and the arbitrary definition of essential Islam that his theory may entail.

Den kommunikativa närvaron

Rönnegård, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Begreppet närvaro används ofta inom teatern, men att ha närvaro på scenen kan nästan låta som något magiskt. Som om närvaro är något jag som skådespelare kan ha turen att ha, eller oturen att inte ha. Vad är egentligen närvaro?   Genom att sätta ord på en praktisk erfarenhet av att arbeta som frilansande skådespelare och på det konkreta sceniska arbetet och genom att spegla denna erfarenhet i filosofisk litteratur visar jag på tilliten, modet, ansvaret, leken och det gemensamma målet som nödvändiga förutsättningar för närvaro. En kommunikativ närvaro i dialog med oss själva, med varandra och i det där tredje som där kan uppstå.

Mellan stuga och kolmila : Kolmilares religiösa fält mellan 1600-1950.

Carlsson, Erika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Nyreligiositet i populärkultur : Innehållsanalys av tre filmer utifrån teorin om nyreligiösa rörelsers `höga spänning´ till omvärlden / New Religiosity in Popular Culture : Content Analysis of three Films, with the Theory of New Religious Movements `High Tension´ against their Surrounding

Jonsson, Erica January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of New Religion and how it’s portrayed in film. The source material is three different films, Midsommar, The Wicker Man and The Sacrament. The method is a content analysis with both quantitative and qualitative approaches and a coding scheme with the coding units, attire, choice of words, rite and context. Stark and Bainbridge's theory is essential, which defines New Religious Movements that focuses on their high tension with their socio-cultural environment. Previous research describes what new religion is, how to examine new religion in popular culture and how it is portrayed in film. The result of the study confirms that The New Religious Movements is portrayed negatively in the films, but the common factor is violence, violence as in human sacrifice and mass suicide.

Etiken bakom surrogatmoderskapsdebatten : En innehållsanalys av hur etiska teorier kommer till uttryck i den svenska politiska debatten gällande surrogatmoderskap / The Ethics Behind the Surrogacy Debate : A Content Analysis  of how Ethical Theories Manifest in the Swedish Political Debate Regarding the Subject on Surrogacy

Hjalmarsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay is to contribute to an understanding of how ethical theories manifest in the political debate in Sweden, where the focus is on the debate on surrogacy. This to contribute with an understanding of the relation between ethics and politics. The purpose will also be to contribute with and understanding of the potential differences in the use of the concept “freedom” in the political discourse in Sweden. The ethical theories that was part of this paper where consequentialism, deontological ethics and ethics of care. In order to answer this questions, propositions regarding the subject of surrogacy from all the parties who are represented in the Swedish parliament where analyzed.  During this paper I discovered that all three of the ethical theories where manifested in motions from every party and in all the different positions in the matter, regarding surrogacy, even if the arguments differed. When it came to how the concept “freedom” was used, there were no clear pattern regarding which party who used it in a certain way. However, I could see that arguments related to negative freedom were mostly used as the head arguments while arguments related to positive freedom was more used to back up the head arguments. There were also no clear pattern regarding how the concept of freedom was used in relation to the parties’ respective position on surrogacy.

Var profeten Muhammed analfabet? : En analys av den koraniska termen ummi.

Khalaf, Muhammed January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine the interpretation of the qur’anic word ummi by analysing how the term was interpreted by medieval muslim scholars in juxtaposition to the interpretation of the contemporary shiite muslim scholar Husayn Tabataba’i. The essay utilises a method of close-reading based on the given definition of the method by Grenholm and focuses on the medieval interpretation of the word ummi as researched in Sebastian Günthers academic article Muḥammad, the Illiterate Prophet as well as the given interpretation of Tabataba’i in Tafsir al-Mizan. The prophet Muhammed is described in the Qur’an as al-nabi al-ummi, an epithet often understood as ”the illiterate prophet”. By analysing the various exegetical interpretations of term ummi, the thesis hopes to reach a conclusion regarding the literacy or illiteracy of the islamic prophet in addition to elucidate what the meaning of ummi might be on a general level. The essay departs from the theoretical understanding of prophethood and the Qur’an as describe in shiite tradition, thus regarding the doctrinal affinity of  Tabataba’i in examining his interpretation.  The essay concludes that the perception of the prophet Muhammed being illiterate is a rather contemporary notion not shared by medieval muslim exegetical scholars. Husayn Tabataba’is exegesis in Tafsir al-Mizan suggest a different interpretation of the word ummi providing clarification and coherent explanation in his reading of the term.

Vad det jag önskar kallas : En studie om Existentiella hälsosamtal i skolan, känslor och om att försöka sätta ord på det bortom språket. / WHAT I WISH FOR IS CALLED : A study on Existential health conversations in school, feelings, and about trying to put into words the things beyond the language.

Krantz, Anton January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate students' self-rated health in relation to existential aspects. With a salutogenic approach, the study builds on theories of existential health, attachment-theory, object relation theory and alexithymia. The study examines how the health promotion Existential health conversations affected the students self-rated health, school as a supporting arena as well as the self-rated ability of the youth to identify and verbalize existential feelings. The focus interviews have also been analysed using the World Health Organization [WHO] instrument for measuring health-related quality of life [HRQL] related to spiritual, religious and personal beliefs [SRPB]. To be able to identify the young people's self-rated ability to identify and verbalise existential feelings, the study has chosen to operationalise the theory of alexithymia, primarily inspired by the "Toronto Alexithymia Scale" [TAS20]. The study is a mixed-methods study based on 94 questionnaires and 6 focus interviews with the students and school health team who participated in Existential health conversations. The material for the self-rated health questionnaire is presented comparatively and the focus interviews are used to nuance that result. The approach “cognition, affection and action” was used for both research issues and serves as the theoretical bridge for the research questions in the study's abductive phase. The study found that a large group of students experienced Existential health conversations to be strengthening, and there was a large group of youth that experienced self-rated lack of ability of the youth to identify and verbalise existential feelings. The conclusion of the study states that schools must continue to work on putting this aspect of health in focus with the concept of existential health.

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