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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanical Pulp-Based Nanocellulose : Processing and applications relating to paper and paperboard, composite films, and foams

Osong, Sinke Henshaw January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with processing of nanocellulose originating from pulps, with focus on mechanical pulp fibres and fines fractions. The nanocellulose materials produced within this research project were tested for different purposes ranging from strength additives in paper and paperboard products, via composite films to foam materials. TAPPI (Technical Association of Pulp &amp; Paper Industry) has recently suggested a standard terminology and nomenclature for nanocellulose materials (see paper I). In spite of that we have decided to use the terms nano-ligno-cellulose (NLC), microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and nanocellulose (NC) in this thesis . It is well-known that mainly chemical pulps are used as starting material in nanocellulose production. However, chemical pulps as bleached sulphite and bleached kraft are quite expensive. One more cost-effective alternative can be to use fibres or fines fractions from thermo-mechanical pulp (TMP) and chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP).   In paper II-IV, fractionation has been used to obtain fines fractions that can easily be mechanically treated using homogenisation. The idea with this study was to investigate the possibility to use fractions of low quality materials from fines fractions for the production of nanocellulose. The integration of a nanocellulose unit process in a high-yield pulping production line has a potential to become a future way to improve the quality level of traditional products such as paper and paperboard grades.   Paper III describes how to utilise the crill measurement technique as a tool for qualitative estimation of the amount of micro- and nano-material produced in a certain process. The crill values of TMP- and CTMP-based nanocelluloses were measured as a function of the homogenisation time. Results showed that the crill values of both TMP-NLC and CTMP-NLC correlated with the homogenisation time. In Paper V pretreating methods, hydrogen peroxide and TEMPO are evaluated. Crill measurement showed that hydrogen peroxide pretreatment (1% and 4%) and mechanical treatment time did not improve fibrillation efficiency as much as expected. However, for TEMPO-oxidised nanocelluloses, the crill value significantly increased with both the TEMPO chemical treatment and mechanical treatment time. In paper V-VII TEMPO-mediated oxidation systems (TEMPO/NaBr/NaClO) are applied to these fibres (CTMP and Sulphite pulp) in order to swell them so that it becomes easy to disrupt the fibres into nanofibres with mechanical treatment.   The demand for paperboard and other packaging materials are steadily increasing. Paper strength properties are crucial when the paperboard is to withstand high load. A solution that are investigated in papers IV and VI, is to use MFC as an alternative paper strength additive in papermaking. However, if one wish to target extremely higher strength improvement results, particularly for packaging paperboards, then it would be fair to use MFC or cationic starch (CS). In paper VI CS or TEMPO-based MFC was used to improve the strength properties of CTMP-based paperboard products. Results here indicate significant strength improvement with the use of different levels of CS (i.e., 20 and 10 kg t–1) and 5% MFC. The strengthening impact of 5% MFC was approximately equal to that of 10 kg t–1 of CS.   In paper VII, NFC and nanographite (NG) was used when producing composite films with enhanced sheet-resistance and mechanical properties. The films produced being quite stable, flexible, and bendable. Realising this concept of NFC-NG composite film would create new possibilities for technological advancement in the area of high-yield pulp technology.  Finally, in paper VIII, a new processing method for nanocellulose is introduced  where an organic acid (i.e., formic acid) is used. This eco-friendly approach has shown to be successful, a nanocellulose with a uniform size distribution has been produced. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 5 och 7 inskickade, delarbete 6 och 8 manuskript.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 5 and 7 submitted, paper 6 and 8 manuscripts.</p>

Métrologie de la fraction fine de l'aérosol métallurgique : apport des techniques micro-analytiques (microspectrométrie X et spectroscopie de perte d'énergie des électrons / Metrology of the fine fraction of the metallurgical aerosol : contribution of single-particle analyses (Micro-spectrometry and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy)

Marris, Hélène 19 October 2012 (has links)
Les poussières émises par l'industrie métallurgique concourent à la qualité de l'air des zones urbaines voisines. Ces particules, émises par des procédés à "haute température", sont susceptibles d'évoluer rapidement au sein des panaches. L'objectif de l'étude est de caractériser la phase particulaire sur un site d'émission métallurgique et de déterminer la nature et l'amplitude des transformations physico-chimiques subies par ces particules dans les premières minutes de leur émission. Des prélèvements d'aérosols ont été réalisés au sein des cheminées et dans l'environnement proche d'une usine métallurgique (production d'alliage de ferromanganèse), dont l'atelier d'agglomération est le principal émissaire. Le spectre granulométrique des particules dans l'environnement montre un enrichissement de nanoparticules (10-100nm) après survol des masses d'air au dessus du site industriel. Les rejets caractéristiques de l'usine (émission d'oxydes de fer et de manganèse, mais également d'aluminosilicates) se trouvent la plupart du temps sous forme d'agglomérats de composition chimique hétérogène et de structure morphologique complexe. Ces agglomérats semblent évoluer rapidement par adsorption de composés organiques volatils ou de suies. L'étude de la spéciation du Fe et du Mn au sein de ces particules indique qu'elles sont sujettes à des réactions d'oxydation via des mécanismes de conversion gaz/particules au sein même du procédé industriel, aboutissant notamment à une oxydation du fer inversement proportionnelle à la taille des particules. Par contre, aucune évolution significative du degré d'oxydation du Fe et du Mn n'a été observée dans l'environnement proche de l'émissaire. / Steelworks activities are important sources of fine particles which may affect air quality in urban areas close to plants. Those particles are emitted by "high-temperature" processes and could evolve very quickly in the plumes. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the nature and the amplitude of physico-chemical evolutions of those particles in the few minutes after the emission. Aerosol samplings were performed inside the chimneys and in the close environment of a FeMn alloys manufacturing plant where the sintering unit is the most important source of particles. The number size distributions in the close environment show a higher abundance of nanoparticles (10-100nm) inside the plume, by comparison with air masses upwind from the plant. The chemical analysis indicates that particles characteristic of the plant emissions (iron and manganese oxides but also aluminosilicates) are mostly constituted of agglomerates. These agglomerates combine various compounds inside a same particle in a complex structure. Moreover, they evolve rapidly (in a few minutes) after emission by mixing with organic compounds inside the plume. This evolution results from the adsorption of volatile organic compound or the agglomeration with soot particles. The study of iron and manganese speciation inside particles shows that they are prone to oxidation reactions via gas/particle conversion mechanisms during the industrial process, leading notably to a higher iron oxidation state for the smallest particles. However, no change of iron and manganese oxidation state was observed in the close environment of the plant.

An experimental study of the unrestrained shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets

Mayeli, Nader January 2016 (has links)
The influence of several hardwoods and softwoods pulp fibre on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets was investigated. The effect of properties such as density, grammage, Fractional Contact Area (FCA), Water Retention Value (WRV), fines content and fibre morphology were also investigated on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets. Further, the influence of Lyocell fibre and glycerol on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets is reported. Experimental results showed that in general the free shrinkage of hardwood pulps is a few percent higher than that of softwood pulps at the same density. It was found that although free shrinkage increases with fines content, a high fines content does not imply high shrinkage, and some pulp samples with higher amount of fines, exhibited lower free shrinkage. For all pulps at low densities there is little influence of grammage on free shrinkage, though as density increases a significant dependence is observed. The results showed that the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets formed from hardwood pulps is more sensitive to grammage compared to that of softwood pulps. Interestingly, it was shown that some pulp samples with the same intrinsic density, WRV and FCA exhibited different free shrinkage over the range of grammages. In addition, some pulp samples with stiffer fibres but higher amount of fines exhibited higher free shrinkage. Experimental results showed that longitudinal shrinkage of a fibre is an important parameter and pulp samples with higher microfibril angle (MFA) exhibited higher longitudinal shrinkage. Finally, the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets was reduced by applying Lyocell fibre and glycerol. Interestingly, by adding a small amount of Lyocell fibre, 2%, an increase in tensile index, tensile energy absorption (TEA) and modulus is observed, while the free shrinkage reduced up to 2%. In addition, adding glycerol to the pulp samples not only reduced the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets up to 1.5%, but also mechanical properties, such as tensile index and stretch slightly improved.

Solution of the variable coefficients Poisson equation on Cartesian hierarchical meshes in parallel : applications to phase changing materials. / Problème de Poisson à coefficients variables sur maillages Cartésiens hiérarchiques en parallèle : applications aux matériaux à changement de phase.

Raeli, Alice 05 October 2017 (has links)
On s'interesse aux problèmes elliptiques avec coéficients variables à travers des interfaces intérieures. La solution et ses dérivées normales peuvent subir des variations significatives à travers les frontières intérieures. On présente une méthode compacte aux différences finies sur des maillages adaptés de type octree conçues pour une résolution en parallèle. L'idée principale est de minimiser l'erreur de troncature sur la discretisation locale, en fonction de la configuration du maillage, en rapprochant une convergence à l'ordre deux. On montrera des cas 2D et 3D des résultat liés à des applications concrètes. / We consider problems governed by a linear elliptic equation with varying coéficients across internal interfaces. The solution and its normal derivative can undergo significant variations through these internal boundaries. We present a compact finite-difference scheme on a tree-based adaptive grid that can be efficiently solved using a natively parallel data structure. The main idea is to optimize the truncation error of the discretization scheme as a function of the local grid configuration to achieve second order accuracy. Numerical illustrations relevant for actual applications are presented in two and three-dimensional configurations.

Etude Expérimentale de la décharge couronne pour le traitement de l'air intérieur : COV et particules / Experimental study of the corona discharge for indoor air treatment : VOC and particles

Chen, Longwen 13 December 2018 (has links)
La qualité de l'air intérieur est devenue une préoccupation de santé publique du fait notamment de l'augmentation du temps passé dans les environnements intérieurs et les espaces clos. L'objectif de ce travail est de développer des procédés mettant en œuvre la décharge couronne afin de traiter les polluants gazeux chimiques et particulaires dans l'air intérieur. Le premier volet du travail concerne la dégradation des polluants gazeux chimiques présents en très faibles concentrations dans l’air intérieur. Le couplage d’une décharge couronne et d’un catalyseur est mis en œuvre pour dégrader du toluène dans des conditions représentatives de l’air intérieur. Cette étude démontre la très bonne efficacité de la décharge couronne vis-à-vis du toluène avec de faibles densités d’énergie. Elle identifie les conditions opératoires optimales et propose des mécanismes réactionnels suite à l’identification des principaux produits de réaction. Cependant, le plasma génère des espèces indésirables comme l'ozone et les oxydes d'azote qui doivent impérativement être détruits. Nous avons choisi d'adjoindre à la décharge couronne un catalyseur à base d'oxydes de métaux de transition (MnOx/Al2O3). Différents catalyseurs sont synthétisés puis modifiés par greffage d’agents modifiants. Leur efficacité vis-à-vis de l’ozone et des NOx est quantifiée en présence de différentes teneurs en vapeur d’eau. Le deuxième volet concerne la collecte des particules par filtration électrostatique. Trois procédés sont étudiés ; ils associent un étage d’ionisation et un étage de collecte. L’ionisation est assurée soit par un électrofiltre fil-plaque soit par des aiguilles portées à un potentiel de quelques kilovolts. L’efficacité de collecte est mesurée dans la gamme de 10 nm à 20 µm en fonction de différents paramètres opératoires (tension, polarité, vitesse, paramètres géométriques, concentration en particules, humidité, etc.). Les aiguilles ont une efficacité légèrement inférieure à celle de l’électrofiltre mais présentent une très faible production de l'ozone et une consommation énergétique moindre. L’étude paramétrique permet de dimensionner, d'optimiser la géométrie du procédé et de définir les meilleures conditions de fonctionnement / Indoor air quality has become a public health issue because of the increased time spent in indoor environments and confined spaces. The goal of this work is to develop processes using corona discharge to treat chemical gaseous and particulate pollutants in indoor air. The first part of the work concerns the degradation of chemical gaseous pollutants present in very low concentrations in indoor air. The coupling of a corona discharge and a catalyst is implemented to degrade toluene under conditions representative of the indoor air. Tests were carried out under a range of operating and environmental conditions. This study demonstrates the very good efficiency of the corona discharge for toluene with very low specific density. Optimal operating conditions are identified and reaction mechanisms are proposed following the identification of the main reaction products. However, the generations of by-products, ozone and NOx, which can be hazardous compounds, have to be taken into account. The combination of corona discharge with catalysis seems as a promising way to ensure the suitability and the safety of non-thermal plasma as an indoor air cleaner. Different catalysts based on transition metal oxides (MnOx/Al2O3) are synthesized and then modified by grafting modifying agents. Their efficiency for ozone and NOx elimination is quantified in the presence of different water vapor contents. The second part concerns the particle collection by electrostatic precipitation. Three processes are studied; they combine an ionization stage and a collection stage. The ionization is ensured either by a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator (ESP) or by needles brought to a potential of a few kilovolts. The collection efficiency is measured in the range of 10 nm to 20 μm according to different operating parameters (voltage, polarity, velocity, geometrical parameters, particle concentration, humidity, etc.). The needles have a slightly lower efficiency than the ESP but present a very low production of ozone and a lower energy consumption. The parametric study makes it possible to dimension, to optimize the geometry of the process and to define the best operating conditions

La distribución directa e indirecta de utilidades y su incidencia en la exoneración del Impuesto a la Renta de las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales del rubro educacional del distrito de San Isidro y Miraflores, Lima 2017

Awa Avendaño, Juan Jose Domingo, Martínez Torres, Patricia Amalia 03 1900 (has links)
La presente investigación pretende demostrar que el impacto tributario de la distribución directa e indirecta de utilidades influye en reducir la pérdida de la exoneración del Impuesto a la Renta en las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales del rubro educacional de los Distritos de San Isidro y Miraflores. El inciso b) del artículo 19 de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta menciona los requisitos para obtener dicho beneficio de exoneración. A partir de un análisis de casos emitidos por el tribunal fiscal con relación a la pérdida de dicho beneficio se obtuvieron las hipótesis de la presente investigación, las cuales se detallarán en los siguientes capítulos. La presente tesis se desarrollará en 5 capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se describirá la legislación peruana con respecto a las ONG y la posición que tiene el tribunal fiscal sobre la distribución directa e indirecta de utilidades. En el segundo capítulo, se plantean los problemas, las hipótesis a validar, los objetivos propuestos y las limitaciones. En el tercer capítulo, se procederá a describir el tipo de investigación y la metodología a utilizada que es la mixta. En el cuarto capítulo, se presenta el desarrollo de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa, adicionalmente se describe un caso práctico con el objetivo de medir el impacto económico en los estados financieros de una ONG si esta pierde la exoneración del Impuesto a la Renta. En el quinto capítulo, se analizará los resultados de las entrevistas realizadas a 4 profesionales con una larga trayectoria en el rubro de las ONG, asimismo se realizará el análisis de 10 encuestas realizadas a una muestra conformada por gerentes, contadores y especialistas tributarios en Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, además se analizará el caso práctico planteado. Por último, se detallarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones. / This research aims to demonstrate the tax impact of the direct and indirect distribution of profits influences the loss of income tax exemption in the Non-Governmental Organizations of Educational Law of the San Isidro and Miraflores Districts. Subsection b) of article 19 of the Income Tax Law and the requirements to obtain said exemption benefit. From an analysis of cases issued by the tax court related to the loss of said benefit, the hypotheses of the present investigation were obtained, which will be detailed in the following chapters. This thesis will be developed in 5 chapters. In the first chapter, Peruvian legislation is described with respect to Non-Governmental Organizations and the position of the tax court on the direct and indirect distribution of profits. In the second chapter, the problems, the valid hypotheses, the proposed objectives and the limitations are posed. In the third chapter, we will proceed to describe the type of research and the methodology for that mixture. In the fourth chapter, the development of qualitative and quantitative research is presented, in addition a practical case is described with the objective of measuring the economic impact in the financial statements of an ONG, the responsibility of the Income Tax is lost. In the fifth chapter, the results of interviews with 4 professionals with a long career in the field of ONG will be analyzed, while the analysis of 10 responses to a sample made up of managers, accountants and tax specialists in organizations is shown. Non-Governmental, in addition to analyzing the case study. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are detailed. / Tesis

Modélisation physique et simulation de défauts étendus et diffusion des dopants dans le Si, Soi et SiGe pour les MOS avancés

Bazizi El, Mehdi 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les transistors MOS avancés, la réalisation de jonctions ultraminces (<15 nm) abruptes et fortement dopées par implantation ionique de dopant reste la voie privilégiée pour l'élaboration des extensions source/drain (S/D). Cependant, au cours du recuit d'activation, cette méthode s'accompagne de la formation de défauts étendus de type interstitiel et d'agglomérats défauts-dopants qui sont à l'origine de problèmes majeurs tels que la diffusion accélérée et transitoire (TED) des dopants et la dégradation des propriétés électriques des jonctions. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de modéliser de façon globale ces différents phénomènes physiques afin de prédire la distribution des dopants dans les extensions S/D. Pour ce faire, nous avons d'abord simulé la croissance compétitive de type maturation d'Ostwald que se livrent ces défauts au cours du recuit et nous l'avons couplée à la diffusion des dopants, notamment dans les cas d'intérêt technologique, lorsque l'étape d'implantations à forte dose cause la formation d'agglomérats défauts-dopants engendrant une immobilisation et une inactivation partielle du dopant dans le silicium. Nous avons ensuite étendu les modèles développés dans le silicium aux cas de nouveaux matériaux tels que le SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) ou le SiGe (alliage silicium/germanium). Enfin, les modèles élaborés et calibrés pour la fabrication des jonctions ultra-fines ont été validés en simulant électriquement les technologies industrielles en développement à STMicroelectronics-Crolles : C65 SOI et SiGe 45, avec une attention particulière aux effets de petites géométries tels que le SCE (Short Channel Effects) et le DIBL (Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering).

El inglés de las telecomunicaciones: estudio léxico basado en un corpus específico

Rea Rizzo, María del Camino 11 April 2008 (has links)
En esta investigación se ha desarrollado un método basado en el análisis de un corpus que facilita la identificación semiautomática del vocabulario especializado, combinando criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos, y en función de las variables de frecuencia, distribución, restricción y representatividad de una unidad léxica en el dominio especializado. Se ha diseñado y recopilado un corpus lingüístico especializado del inglés escrito, profesional y académico, de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones (5,5 millones de palabras).El repertorio obtenido comprende las formas especializadas, con diferentes grados de especialización, estadísticamente más significativas y representativas. Entre ellas se encuentran términos puramente técnicos que no aparecerían en otro dominio, y unidades léxicas propias del lenguaje general, del académico y de otras áreas del saber que adquieren un significado especial en las telecomunicaciones.La caracterización léxica se complementa con el estudio de las relaciones sintagmáticas, mediante la exploración de los colocados contiguos, colocados significativos, combinaciones especializadas y clusters. / A corpus-based method has been developed to facilitate the semi-automatic detection of specialized vocabulary, by combining qualitative and quantitative criteria in relation to the variables of frequency, distribution, restriction and representativiness of a lexical unit in a specialized domain. The specific corpus designed and compiled for research purposes covers the academic and professional written English of Telecommunication Engineering (5.5 millions words).The obtained lexical repertoire is a list of the statistically most significant and representative specialized forms within a range of different degrees of specialization. There are both highly technical terms restricted to the domain and lexical units from the general, academic and other subject areas language, which activate a specialized meaning in telecommunications.The lexical characterization is completed with the study of sintagmatic relations by exploring adjacent collocates, significant collocates, specialized combinations and clusters.

Mathematical Modeling of Fines Migration snd Clogging in Porous Media

Kampel, Guido 02 August 2007 (has links)
Mathematical Modeling of Fines Migration and Clogging in Porous Media Guido Kampel 87 Pages Directed by Dr. Guillermo H. Goldsztein A porous medium is a material that contains regions filled with fluid embedded in a solid matrix. These fluid filled regions are called pores or voids. Suspensions are fluids with small particles called fines. As a suspension flows through a porous material, some fines are trapped within the material while others that were trapped may be released. Filters are an example of porous media. We model filters as networks of channels. As a suspension flows across the filter, particles clog channels. We assume that there is no flow through clogged channels. In the first part of this thesis, we compute a sharp upper bound on the number of channels that can clog before fluid can no longer flow through the filter. Soil mass is another example of porous media. Fluid in porous media flows through tortuous paths. This tortuosity and inertial effects cause fines to collide with pore walls. After each collision, a particle looses momentum and needs to be accelerated again by hydrodynamic forces. As a result, the average velocity of fines is smaller than that of the fluid. This retardation of the fines with respect to the fluid may lead to an increase of the concentration of fines in certain regions which may eventually result in the plugging of the porous medium. This effect is of importance in flows near wells where the flow has circular symmetry and thus, it is not macroscopically homogeneous. In the second part of this thesis we develop and analyze a mathematical model to study the physical effect described above. In the third and last part of this thesis we study particle migration and clogging as suspension flows through filters by means of numerical simulations and elementary analysis. We explore the effect that network geometry, probability distribution of the width of the channels and probability distribution of the diameter of the particles have on the performance of filters.

Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Formation Damage Caused By Drilling Fluids

Iscan, Abdullah Gurkan G 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, permeability impairment caused by drilling fluids and subsequent cleaning and permeability enhancement by back-flow were investigated by means of experimental and simulation studies. Permeability damage caused by three different drilling fluids was measured experimentally by core tests as a function of the filtration pressure and analyzed using a simulator describing the fines migration and retention in porous media. The pore throat plugging criteria for the three drilling fluids were determined. The particle concentration and the fraction of depositing particles were obtained simultaneously as a function of time and distance along the core length by numerical solution. Simulations were run both with experimental data in forward and backward directions along the core samples. Permeability damage ratio was correlated with respect to drilling filtration pressure specially for each type of the drilling fluids and type curves were constructed. Simulation results accurately match the experimental data, indicating that this simulator can be used for the estimation of permeability reduction, and the permeability and porosity variation along the core samples at various filtration pressures. X-Ray digital image subtraction was applied to different sections of the core plugs before and after the circulation to visualize the fines migration into porous media. The maximum damage ratio was obtained with the CMC added drilling fluid with 81 %. In the absence of CMC and Polymer-XT, the damage ratio was found as 72.8%. It was also determined that a polymer-added drilling fluid characterized with 63.8% permeability damage ratio is the optimum drilling fluid, causing less formation damage than the water-based bentonite mud.

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