Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lowering"" "subject:"flowering""
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Produção de mudas de morangueiro fora do solo sob diferentes concentrações de nitrogênio nas matrizes e datas de plantio das mudas na região sul do RS / PRODUCTION OF SEEDLINGS OF STRAWBERRY OUT OF THE SOIL UNDER DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN IN THE MATRICES, AND DATES OF PLANTING OF SEEDLINGS IN THE SOUTHERN REGION OF RS.Becker, Tais Barbosa 03 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-03-31T13:45:54Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A fase de produção de mudas é uma etapa importante dentro da cadeia produtiva do morangueiro, uma vez que as plantas em cultivo no solo precisam ser renovadas anualmente, devido ao acúmulo de doenças e pragas de um ano de cultivo para outro, acarretando em baixa produtividade. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da concentração de nitrogênio na produção e na qualidade de mudas envasadas (com torrão) produzidas a partir de matrizes suspensas cultivadas fora do solo e avaliar o comportamento dessas mudas no campo com diferentes datas de plantio para Pelotas-RS. Os fatores avaliados foram: cultivar (Aromas, Camarosa, Festival e Oso Grande), solução nutritiva (padrão ‘1’ e metade da quantidade de nitrogênio ‘2’) no experimento 1 e cultivar (Aromas, Camarosa, Festival e Oso Grande) e datas de plantio (16/03; 01/04 e 01/04) no experimento 2, conduzidos em área experimental
pertencente a Embrapa Clima Temperado, em Pelotas, RS, durante os anos de 2015 e 2016. O sistema de produção de mudas fora do solo estudado neste período é eficiente, pois as cultivares Camarosa, Festival e Oso Grande expressam seu potencial produtivo, no que diz respeito ao elevado número de
propágulos produzidos pela planta-matriz, obtido em Pelotas-RS. Além de fornecer plantas
antecipadamente para a cadeia de produção. A menor quantidade de nitrogênio fornecida favorece maior produção de estolões e mudas por planta matriz. O plantio entre março e abril (precoce para a região,
pois normalmente ocorre entre o final de maio e início de junho, quando as mudas importadas chegam aos produtores) é uma alternativa viável aos produtores, para obter uma produção precoce em um período em que o produto é mais valorizado. As produções obtidas são altas, e quanto mais antecipada a data de plantio maior a produção por planta, sendo 'Camarosa' e 'Festival' as cultivares mais produtivas nas condições do estudo. / The seedling production phase is an important step in the strawberry production chain, since the plants in soil cultivation need to be renewed annually, due to the accumulation of diseases and pests from one year of cultivation to another, resulting in low productivity. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of nitrogen
concentration on the production and quality of botted plant produced from suspended matrices under cultivation soilless and assess the behavior of these seedlings in the field with different planting dates for the Pelotas-RS city. The evaluated factors were: cultivar (Aromas, Camarosa, Festival and Oso Grande),
nutrient solution (standard '1' and half of the amount of nitrogen '2') in experiment 1 and cultivar (Aromas, Camarosa, Festival and Oso Grande), and planting dates (03/16, 04/01 and 04/16) in experiment 2, conducted in an experimental area belonging to Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Pelotas, RS, during the years of 2015 and 2016. The system of production of seedlings soilless studied in this period is efficient, because the cultivars Camarosa, Festival and Oso Grande express their productive potential, in relation to the high number of propagules produced by the matrix plant, obtained in PelotasRS. In addition to supplying plants in advance to the production chain. The smaller amount of nitrogen provided favors greater production of stolons and seedlings per plant. Planting between march and april (early for the region, normally occurs between the May late and early June, when the imported seedlings arrive to the growers) is a viable alternative to the growers, to obtain an early production and in a period in which the product is more valued and reach more profit. The early and total productions obtained are high, and how
more anticipated the plantinning date is better production per plant is obtained, being 'Camarosa' and 'Festival' the most productive under the conditions of the study.
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Desempenho de novas cultivares de mirtileiro de baixa exigência em frio em região subtropical / Performance of low chill blueberry cultivars in subtropical regionRicardo Bordignon Medina 21 June 2016 (has links)
A grande procura por mirtilos, principalmente por países do Hemisfério Norte, está associada aos benefícios nutracêuticos do seu consumo em relação a prevenção de doenças. Em resposta à esta alta demanda, produtores de regiões e países que antes não cultivavam a fruta, iniciaram seus plantios nos últimos anos, sendo o clima, fator limitante à expansão de novas áreas uma vez que o mirtileiro, originário de regiões temperadas, necessita acumular alto número de horas de frio hibernal para completar seu desenvolvimento. No Brasil, predomina-se o plantio de mirtileiros nos estados da região sul, além de pequenas regiões de altitude no estado de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, utilizando cultivares tradicionais. A introdução de novos materiais genéticos, de baixa exigência em frio, desenvolvidos pela Universidade da Flórida possibilitou avaliar o desempenho das plantas e a qualidade dos frutos das cultivares Emerald e Jewel plantadas em Piracicaba - SP, sem ocorrência de frio hibernal. No período de maio de 2014 a maio de 2015 foi realizada a caracterização das fases de crescimento vegetativo, brotação, florescimento, frutificação e produção de frutos dessas cultivares. O crescimento dos ramos ocorre até o início da produção, interrompendo-se em seguida. A cultivar Emerald apresenta dois picos de florescimento e frutificação, com a colheita principal ocorrendo de agosto a outubro, enquanto a cultivar Jewel apresenta dois picos de emissão de botão floral, mas apenas um pico de florescimento e uma colheita que ocorre entre os meses de outubro e janeiro. A produção ocorre durante o período de entressafra do mercado interno e externo, que possibilita melhores preços da fruta. É possível obter-se produção das cultivares de mirtileiros Jewel e Emerald em região subtropical, mas a exigência de um número de horas de frio para estimular a emissão de botão floral e o florescimento parece ser mais baixa que a recomendada na literatura. Em agosto e outubro de 2015 também foram determinados para essas cultivares, parâmetros da qualidade físico-química dos frutos como massa fresca de frutos, diâmetro, comprimento, formato, volume, firmeza, coloração de casca, teor de sólidos solúveis totais, pH, acidez titulável, ratio, compostos fenólicos totais, teor de antocianinas, quercetina e atividade antioxidante pelo sequestro dos radicais DPPH e ABTS, que foram armazenados à temperatura ambiente (22 °C) avaliados no dia de colheita, e a cada três dias, até o décimo segundo dia. Frutos de mirtilos colhidos em agosto são maiores e mais arredondados, porém apresentam menor teor de sólidos solúveis totais e maior acidez. Por outro lado, os frutos colhidos em outubro apresentam maior ratio, e coloração mais intensa. \'Emerald\' possui frutos com maior atividade antioxidante que \'Jewel\'. Os teores de antocianinas, quercetinas, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante diferem entre as cultivares de acordo com as épocas e aumentam ao longo dos dias após a colheita, enquanto pH, acidez e firmeza decrescem. / The high demand for blueberries, mainly by the Northern Hemisphere markets, is associated with their nutraceutical attributes and the health benefits of its consumption. In response to this high demand, countries that had never cultivated the fruit, started growing blueberries in recent years. The climate is a limiting factor to the expansion of new areas as these species are originated from temperate regions, an so, has a high chill requirement for a full development. In Brazil, blueberry cultivation of traditional areas are restricted to the southern states, and to small areas of altitude in São Paulo and Minas Gerais state, using traditional cultivars. The introduction of new genetic material, with low chill requirement, released by the University of Florida made possible to evaluate the performance of plants and fruit quality of Emerald and Jewel cultivars planted in Piracicaba - SP, without the occurrence of temperatures below 7.2 °C. From May 2014 to May 2015 vegetative growth, bud break, flowering, fruiting and fruit production of these cultivars were assessed. Branches grew until flowering period. Emerald cultivar has two peaks of flowering and fruiting, with the main harvest occurring from August to October, while \'Jewel\' has two bud break peaks, but only a peak of flowering and the harvest takes place between October and January. The production occurs during the off-season of the domestic and northern hemisphere markets, resulting in higher fruit prices. The results indicate that it is possible to cultivate blueberry cultivars Jewel and Emerald in subtropical regions because the chill requirement to induce bud and flowering break is much lower than it is cited in the literature. In August and October 2015 \'Jewel\' and \'Emerald\' were assessed for parameters of physical and chemical quality of the fruit. It were evaluated fresh fruit mass, diameter, length, shape, volume, firmness, peel color, soluble solids content (SST), pH, titratable acidity (AT), SST/AT ratio, total phenolic compounds, total anthocyanins content, total quercetins content and antioxidant activity using DPPH and ABTS methods on the harvest day, and every three days, until the twelfth day of the fruits harvested and stored at room temperature (22 °C). Fruits from August harvest have higher diameter and are more roundish, but have lower soluble solids content and higher titratable acidity. On the other hand, the fruits harvested in October have higher SST/TA ratio and higher chroma value. \'Emerald\' has higher antioxidant activity than \'Jewel\'. The content of anthocyanins, quercetins, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity differ with cultivars and harvest periods and increases during storage, while pH, acidity and firmness decrease.
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Florescimento de gemas axilares em abacateiros não irrigados cultivados em clima subtropical / Flowering of axillary buds in non-irrigated avocados grown under subtropical climateMariana Freire Alberti 26 September 2018 (has links)
O abacateiro (Persea americana Mill.) possui desenvolvimento organizado em fluxos de crescimento e florescimento em panículas, provenientes principalmente de gemas terminais, podendo ocorrer em menor intensidade a partir de gemas axilares. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade de florescimento e a presença de substâncias ergásticas nas células de gemas axilares, bem como determinar a contribuição dos fluxos de crescimento de primavera e verão para a composição floral dos abacateiros \'Geada\', \'Fortuna\', Quintal\', \'Margarida\' e \'Hass\', localizados no sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado e por meio da contagem do número de brotações e inflorescências, o acompanhamento do desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo foi feito em 40 ramos do fluxo de primavera e 40 ramos do fluxo de verão, distribuídos em cinco plantas por cultivar, no período de março a agosto/2016. A capacidade de florescimento de gemas axilares foi avaliada em estruturas coletadas mensalmente entre março e julho de 2016 nos ramos dos fluxos de primavera e verão, sendo as alterações anatômicas do meristema e a presença de substâncias ergásticas (amido, proteínas totais, compostos fenólicos e polissacarídeos) monitoradas a partir de testes histológicos e histoquímicos. Para as análises histológicas, as amostras vegetais foram desidratadas em série gradual de álcoois, emblocados em historesina e coradas em coloração dupla com reagente ácido periódico de Schiff e Naftol Blue Black. O florescimento de todas as cultivares ocorreu no mês de agosto/2016 e a formação de inflorescências foi predominante em ramos provenientes do fluxo de verão para todas as cultivares. Os resultados evidenciam a capacidade de florescimento de gemas axilares dos abacateiros, as quais são anatomicamente idênticas às gemas terminais e apresentaram início do comprometimento com o florescimento, caracterizada pelo aparecimento dos eixos secundários da inflorescência, dois meses antes (entre maio e julho) da época de floração (agosto/setembro). / Avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.) has an organized development in fluxes of growth and flowering in panicles, mainly coming from terminal buds, and may occur in less intensity from axillary buds. Thus, the present study had as objective the evaluation of the flowering potential and presence of ergastic substances in axillary buds, as well as to determine the contribution of the spring and summer fluxes growth to the floral composition of the avocado trees \'Geada\', \'Fortuna\' , Quintal \',\' Margarida \'and\' Hass\', located in the southwest of São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized and the vegetative and reproductive development was monitored in 40 branches of the spring flux and 40 branches of the summer flux by counting the number of shoots and inflorescences, distributed in five plants per cultivar, in the period from March to August / 2016. The flowering capacity of axillary buds was evaluated in monthly collected structures between March and July of 2016 in the branches of spring and summer fluxes, being the anatomical alterations of the meristem and the presence of ergastic substances (starch, total proteins, phenolic compounds and polysaccharides) monitored from histological and histochemical analyses. For the histological analyzes, the plant samples were dehydrated in a gradual series of alcohols, placed in historesin and stained in double staining with periodic acid reagents of Schiff and Naftol Blue Black. The flowering of all cultivars occurred in August / 2016 and inflorescence formation was more significant in branches from the summer flow for all cultivars. The results showed the flowering ability of axillary buds of the avocado trees, which are anatomically identical to the terminal buds and showed the beginning of the flowering, characterized by the appearance of the secondary axes of the inflorescence two months before (between May and July) of flowering (August / September).
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Fenologia e caracteres morfofuncionais de esp?cies de Miconia Ruiz & Pav. (Melastomataceae) em Floresta ciliar, Chapada Diamantina, BahiaLima, Mara R?bia de Oliveira 21 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-10-02T14:07:29Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-21 / Was conducted a study of reproductive phenology of three species of Miconia Ruiz & Pav. (Melastomataceae) occurring in the gallery forest Len??is river, in Len??is Municipality (12 ? 27'30 "S and 41 ? 27'56" W), Chapada Diamantina, discussing reproductive strategies found in sympatric species with similar morphology of flowers and fruits. The phenological observations were made monthly for 48 months in individuals of the species Miconia alborufescens Naud.,Miconia holosericea (L.) DC. and Miconia prasina (Sw) DC., being accompanied phenophases bud, flower, immature fruit and ripe fruits. The species exhibited a pattern reproductive annual, seasonal, sequential, varying its duration. The offer of flowers occurred typically the beginning of the rainy season and no overlap between species. The offer of fruits occurred since the mid rainy season and the dry season without overlapping. The circular statistical tests indicated strong seasonality of fenofases. The irregularity of rainfall and prolonged drought occurred in the last year of observation influence at the time of the manifestation of reproductive phenology M. holosericea and M. prasina, but they fit for the supply of the resource was not superimposed, favoring the maintenance of pollinators and dispersers to these associates. / Foi realizado um estudo da fenologia reprodutiva de tr?s esp?cies de Miconia Ruiz & Pav. (Melastomataceae) ocorrentes na floresta ciliar do rio Len??is, no Munic?pio de Len??is (12?27?30?S e 41?27?56?W), Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil, discutindo as estrat?gias reprodutivas encontradas em esp?cies simp?tricas com morfologia similar de flores e frutos. As observa??es fenol?gicas foram realizadas mensalmente por 48 meses em indiv?duos das esp?cies Miconia alborufescens Naud., Miconia holosericea (L.) DC. e Miconia prasina (Sw) DC., sendo acompanhadas as fenofases de bot?o, flor, fruto imaturo e fruto maduro. As esp?cies exibiram um padr?o reprodutivo anual, sazonal, sequencial, com dura??o variada. A oferta de flores ocorreu tipicamente no in?cio da esta??o chuvosa e sem sobreposi??o entre as esp?cies. A oferta de frutos ocorreu desde a esta??o chuvosa at? meados da esta??o seca e sem sobreposi??o. Os testes de estat?stica circular indicaram forte sazonalidade das fenofases.A irregularidade da precipita??o e a estiagem prolongada ocorrida no ?ltimo na o de observa??o influenciou a fenologia reprodutiva de M. holosericea e M. prasina, por?m as mesmas ajustaram-se fenologicamente para que a oferta do recurso n?o fosse sobreposta, favorecendo a manuten??o da fauna de polinizadores e dispersores a estas associadas.
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Parâmetros genéticos obtidos por modelos mistos em progênies e procedências da Mimosa scabrella Bentham (bracatinga) / Genetic parameters obtained by mixed models in progenies and provenances of Mimosa scabrella Bentham (bracatinga)Nascimento, Aline Galdino do 09 August 2010 (has links)
A bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Bentham) é uma leguminosa arbórea de ocorrência natural, no Brasil, entre as latitudes 21°30S (MG) e 29°40S (RS) sob baixas temperaturas. Sendo uma espécie perene, pioneira de rápido crescimento e melífera, é comercialmente utilizada para múltiplas finalidades (serraria, lenha, carvão, construção) em plantios puros e em sistemas agroflorestais. Sua cultura dispensa técnicas agressivas de preparo do solo e colheita mecanizada, resultando na manutenção da estrutura e condicionamento do solo, como também promove a recuperação de solos degradados pela fixação de nitrogênio pelo rhizobium sp associado às suas raízes. Em razão do potencial produtivo e econômico da bracatinga implantou-se um teste de progênies e procedências de bracatinga na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais (EECF/USP), em Itatinga/SP. Neste teste, estudaram-se os parâmetros genéticos e a potencialidade para melhoramento genético desta espécie para as características associadas à produtividade, qualidade da madeira e adaptação a um ambiente com temperaturas ligeiramente superiores as de sua região de origem. O teste foi delineado em Blocos de Famílias Compactas, com 9 procedências, 10 a 20 progênies por procedência. A taxa de sobrevivência das plantas (84%), a alta germinação das sementes (95%), assim como o florescimento e frutificação em todas as progênies do ensaio são indicativos da adaptabilidade destes materiais às condições edafoclimáticas locais. Dentre os caracteres avaliados, a forma do fuste, a circunferência a altura do peito e o potencial de florescimento mostraram-se como mais promissores à prática da seleção. Estes resultados evidenciam a possibilidade de melhoramento genético da bracatinga para viabilizar seu cultivo por pequenos produtores rurais, podendo incrementar sua renda e incentivando a recuperação de áreas marginais / The bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Bentham) is a leguminous tree naturally occurring in Brazil, between latitudes 21°30\'S (state of Minas Gerais) and 29°40\'S (state of Rio Grande do Sul) at low temperatures. Being a perennial tree species, pioneer of rapid growth and meliferous, is commercially used for multiple purposes (sawmill, firewood, coal, construction) in monoculture and in agroforestry systems. Their culture release aggressive techniques of soil tillage and mechanized harvesting, resulting in the maintenance of the structure and conditioning of the soil, but also promotes the recovery of degraded soils by nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium sp associated with their roots. Due to the economic and productive potential of bracatinga, it was implemented a progenies and provenances test of bracatinga in the Itatinga Experimental Station (EECFA/USP) in Itatinga/SP. In this experiment, they were studied the genetic parameters and the potentiality for genetic improvement of this species for the characteristics associated with productivity, wood quality and adaptation to an environment with temperatures slightly above its region of origin. The trial was designed in a compact family block, with nine provenances, 10-20 progenies per provenance. The survival rate of plants (84%) and the high seed germination (95%), besides the flowering and fruiting in all progenies of the test, are indicative of the adaptability of these materials to the local soil and climatic conditions. Among the traits, the straightness of the stem, the circumference at breast height and flowering potential were shown to be most promising in the selection practice. These results demonstrate the possibility of genetic improvement of bracatinga to enable their cultivation by small farmers, increasing their income and encouraging the recovery of marginal areas.
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Public awareness of declining pollinator populations has increased interest in creating “bee–friendly” urban landscapes. I quantified bee visitation and assemblages of 72 species of flowering woody plants common in urban landscapes. I found strong plant species effects and variation in seasonal activity of particular bee taxa but no overall differences in bee visitation or genus diversity between native versus nonnative species or trees versus shrubs. Analysis of pollen from a subset of these plants revealed small but statistically significant differences in total and essential amino acids between native and nonnative species and trees and shrubs, although each group had species with high quality pollen.
Uptake and dissipation of soil–applied imidacloprid and dinotefuran was measured in nectar and leaves of two woody plant species, Ilex × attenuata and Clethra alnifolia to assess concentrations to which pollinators might be exposed in landscape settings. Three application timings were evaluated. Residues in nectar and tissue were analyzed by HPLC–MS/MS in two successive years. Residues in nectar following autumn or spring applications exceed concentrations shown to adversely affect individual and colony–level traits of bees. Summer application mitigated concentrations of imidacloprid (8–31 ng/g), but not dinotefuran (235–1191 ng/g), in nectar.
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Differential responses of tillers to floral induction in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) : implications for perenniality : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Plant Biology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandWilliamson, Michelle Leigh January 2008 (has links)
Development of sustainable practices is an important goal in agriculture. One possibility involves the development of perennial cereal crops, but the mechanisms of perenniality first need to be understood. While in annual cereals flowering structures die following seed production, in perennial grasses, perenniality is achieved by maintaining at least one shoot in a vegetative state. There are two views on perennating tiller origin in perennial grasses: some authors suggest that all over-wintering tillers flower in spring and summer, leaving spring-initiated tillers to perennate, while others indicate that spring-initiated tillers are too immature to survive summer conditions, thereby implying that flowering must be prevented in some over-wintering tillers. An understanding of perenniality will therefore require an understanding of flowering control in these species. Temperate perennial grasses have dual induction requirements for flowering, where plants become competent to perceive inductive signals following vernalisation, and flowering is initiated by inductive photoperiods. Two hypotheses were formulated to test these models. The ‘environmental control hypothesis’ stated that all adequately vernalised perennial ryegrass tillers would flower on sufficient exposure to inductive photoperiods. Alternatively, the ‘spatial control hypothesis’ stated that in addition to the environmental mechanisms, a spatial control mechanism acts to regulate flowering. Two experiments were conducted to test these hypotheses. Perennial ryegrass and Italian (annual) ryegrass were induced to flower and differences between the annual and perennial habits at flowering time were observed. However neither hypothesis was proven. In the second experiment, flowering was studied in detail in individual tillers of perennial ryegrass. The eldest tiller flowered in all flowering plants. The second eldest tiller did not flower in 72% of plants with more than one reproductive tiller, while the third eldest tiller flowered in 94% of these plants. These data favour the spatial control hypothesis which suggests that a spatial regulatory mechanism might act to repress flowering in some competent perennial ryegrass tillers. These results were supported by studies of meristem morphology and by a preliminary gene expression study. Maintenance of older, established tillers in a vegetative state might allow the perennial plant a greater chance of survival during summer.
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The reproductive biology of grapevines: factors that affect flowering and fruitset.Longbottom, Mardi L. January 2007 (has links)
Molybdenum experiments: In Australia young Merlot vines sometimes suffer from vegetative disorders such as slow, zigzagged growth and leaf distortion. Merlot is also particularly known as a low- and inconsistent-yielding grape variety. Previous research showed that when foliar applications of molybdenum (Mo) were applied to Merlot vines the vegetative symptoms improved. More recently, when sodium molybdate was applied to Mo-deficient Merlot, yield improved; a function of increased bunch weight brought about by bigger berries. It has also been reported that at high concentrations, molybdenum might be detrimental to yield. Experiments were conducted on own-rooted Merlot (clone D3V14) vines in commercial vineyards in the Adelaide Hills (Hills) and at McLaren Vale, South Australia. Effects of molybdenum deficiency on the vegetative growth and yield of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot: The aims of the current study were to: a) elucidate the mechanism by which molybdenum affects yield of Merlot; b) to monitor the effects of Mo-treatment on the balance between vine reproductive and vegetative growth; c) to monitor the residual effects of Mo-treatment on growth and yield of Merlot and; d) to determine whether high concentrations of molybdenum are detrimental to yield. Three rates of sodium molybdate were applied to vines in springtime (control = 0g, rate 1 = 0.101g and rate 2 = 0.202g sodium molybdate per vine). Vine molybdenum status was measured prior to treatment and again at flowering time using petiole, shoot tip and inflorescence analysis. The effects on vegetative growth were monitored at veraison, during dormancy and at budburst in the seasons following Mo-treatment. At flowering time, pollen vitality, pollen tube growth and flower structure were examined. Bunch number per vine, fruitset, berry weight and berry composition were measured at harvest. In the Hills, the controls had adequate molybdenum however, at McLaren Vale petiolar molybdenum concentration fell within the suggested deficiency range of 0.05-0.09 mg/kg in the petioles at flowering time. No visual symptoms of Mo-deficiency were observed on the experimental vines. At McLaren Vale, Mo-treatment reduced pruning weight and improved vine balance. Mo-treated vines in the Hills and at McLaren Vale were affected by delayed budburst in the season following Mo-treatment irrespective of their Mo-status. However, no seasonal carryover of molybdenum could be detected in tissue analysis at flowering time. Juice total soluble solids, pH and titratable acidity were not affected by Mo-treatment at McLaren Vale or in the Hills. However, juice from Mo-treated vines in the Hills had a significantly higher concentration of molybdenum than the controls. At McLaren Vale there was no significant difference in juice molybdenum concentration between treatments. In the Hills, yield was not affected by Mo-treatment. However, Mo-treated vines at McLaren Vale had significantly higher yields (approximately double) than the Mo-deficient controls. Bunch number per vine was not affected by Mo-treatment, either in the year that treatments were applied or in the following season. However, bunches from Mo-treated vines had significantly better fruitset resulting in more berries per bunch. Berry weight was affected by Mo-treatment in one season only. Yield was not detrimentally affected on vines that received the higher rate of sodium molybdate. In the Hills, Mo-treatment did not affect pollen numbers, pollen vitality or pollen tube growth. At McLaren Vale, where the controls were Mo-deficient, pollen vitality was not affected by Mo-treatment. However, pollen tube growth was significantly enhanced by Mo-treatment. Significantly more pollen tubes penetrated the ovules from Mo-treated vines and a higher proportion of ovaries had at least one penetrated ovule. Structural observations revealed that a significantly higher proportion of ovules from Mo-deficient vines were defective. The absence of an embryo sac in those ovules is probably the cause of pollen tube growth inhibition and subsequent poor fruitset. Effects of mode of pollination on yield of Merlot and the interacting effects of sodium molybdate sprays: Pollination experiments were conducted on field-grown own-rooted Merlot (clone D3V14) vines in commercial vineyards in the Adelaide Hills and at McLaren Vale in 2003-04 and in 2004-05. Inflorescences were supplied with supplementary Merlot pollen (self-pollination), with pollen from another variety (cross-pollination) or they were left to pollinate naturally (open pollination). In the Hills, mode of pollination did not affect fruitset or berry weight. In 2003-04 fruitset increased significantly at McLaren Vale when inflorescences were cross-pollinated with Semillon. Applying supplementary Merlot pollen also tended to improve fruitset, however none of the treatments affected berry weight. In 2004-05 there was no significant difference between treatments. These results indicate that Merlot may be a poor producer of pollen and may suffer from self-incompatibility. Given the significant improvements in yield gained by spring foliar applications of sodium molybdate to Mo-deficient Merlot vines, in 2005-06 a reciprocal experiment was conducted to separate the effects of Mo-treatment and mode of pollination on the male and female flower parts. The aims of this experiment were to: a) determine whether the male or female reproductive organs are more important in determining the success of fruitset of Merlot and; b) determine which remedial measure, Mo-treatment or pollination, is more effective at overcoming poor fruitset. Supplementary pollination treatments—cross-pollination (Semillon); self-pollination (Mo-deficient pollen); self-pollination (Mo-treated pollen) and; open-pollination—were applied to Mo-treated and Mo-deficient vines. Cross-pollinating Mo-deficient vines with Semillon significantly improved fruitset of Merlot compared to other pollination treatments on those vines, however applying molybdenum to the vines in springtime was more effective at improving fruitset. Within the Mo-treated vines the effects of supplementary pollination on fruitset were not thought to be of any practical significance. The results of this experiment provide further evidence that Mo-deficiency affects the female flower parts more than the male reproductive organs of Merlot. The occurrence of ‘star’ flowers in Australia: In 2003 faulty flowers were discovered on Canada Muscat grown in the Coombe Vineyard at the University of Adelaide’s Waite Campus. The Canada Muscat flowers opened from the top in ‘star’ formation in contrast to normal grape flowers, which shed the calyptra from its base. Star flowers were reported in French literature in the late 1800s. They were reported to as a symptom of a ‘disease’ that caused ‘coulure’, the cure for which was vine removal. The current report is the first known report of star flowers occurring in Australia. Through dissemination of the news of this discovery, several star flower variants were found in other varieties in South Australia. The association of star flowers with poor berry development and the frequency of the occurrence of star flowers suggest that this flower aberration may be affecting yield to a greater extent than previously recognised. This study provides a detailed description of two types of star flowers: those that occur in response to environmental conditions and those that occur every season. Other star flower variants are also documented. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1280856 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2007
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Evaluation of genetic diversity of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) in the eastern United States using microsatellites.Hadziabdic, Denita 01 May 2010 (has links)
Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) populations have experienced severe declines caused by dogwood anthracnose in the past three decades. Mortality has ranged from 48 to 98%, raising the concern that genetic diversity of this native tree has been reduced significantly. Microsatellite data were used to evaluate the level and distribution of genetic variation throughout much of the native range of the tree. In the first conducted study, we found that genetic variation in areas affected by anthracnose was as high as or higher than areas without die-offs. We found evidence of four widespread, spatially contiguous genetic clusters. However, there was little relationship between geographic distance and genetic difference. These observations suggest that high dispersal rates and large effective population sizes have so far prevented rapid loss of genetic diversity. The effects of anthracnose on demography and community structure are likely to be far more consequential than short-term genetic effects.
The second study examined levels and distribution of genetic variation of C. florida throughout Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). Significant genetic structure at both landscape and local levels were found. We infer that two genetic clusters exist within the park, mostly separated by the main dividing ridge of the Great Smoky Mountains. The differentiation is statistically significant, but subtle, with gene flow evident through low-elevation corridors. It seems unlikely that recent demographic dynamics have resulted in a depletion of genetic variation in flowering dogwoods.
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Natural variation in cold adaptation and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thalianaBos, Antoine January 2008 (has links)
Plants have spread to almost everywhere in the world. As they disperse, they meet many different environments to which they may be able to adapt. For a plant species to adapt to a new environment, genetic variation is needed. The individuals differ from each other in their genetic composition, which often means differences in phenotypes. Those individuals that manage to reproduce will form the next generation. With different conditions in different environments, it will not be the same phenotypes that reproduce everywhere. In that way, plant species will form into a mosaic of locally adapted populations varying genetically as the species disperses. After the last ice age plants have started to disperse away from the equators. With increasing latitudes come increasing challenges to migrating plants. As plant species disperse northwards along this gradient of varying conditions individuals are selected for cold adaptive traits like flowering time and freezing tolerance, acquired by cold acclimation. In this way, genetic variation from the original populations for these traits becomes sorted out along a latitudinal cline. The aim of this thesis was to understand how selection along a latitudinal gradient has shaped natural variation in cold adaptive traits in plants dispersing northwards, and specifically, to investigate what variation can be observed in phenotypes for these traits and how these traits correlate with genetic variation in genes known to be involved in cold acclimation. In this study significant variation was found in a sample of the model plan Arabidopsis thaliana accessions in cold adaptive traits flowering time and freezing tolerance. A clear latitudinal cline in the cold adaptive traits freezing tolerance for A. thaliana was observed. Analysis of nucleotide polymorphism for the cold responsive ICE1 (inducer of CBF expression 1) transcription factor revealed a haplotype structure with two allelic clades as well as unusually high levels of synonymous polymorphism. Nucleotide polymorphism analysis for the transcription factors CBF1, CBF2 and CBF3 (C-repeat binding factors) that play a key role in regulating the expression of a group of target genes known as the “CBF regulon” showed a distinct geographical haplotype structure. One haplotype was dominant in southern accessions while in the other northern accessions overrepresented. There was a significant effect of CBF haplotype on both freezing tolerance and flowering time even after correcting for latitude. Significant differences in CBF expression levels were found between the different CBF genes as well as between different accessions. Sequence variation at CBF was shown to have a significant effect on expression levels of CBF2. No clear correlations were found between CBF gene expression and freezing tolerance or temperature sensitivity for any of the accessions used in the study. This highlights the complex relationship between sequence variation in candidate genes and gene expression, and the problems associated with unraveling the genetic basis of ecologically important traits.
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