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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The European Social Dialogue in Perspective : Its future potential as an autopoietic system and lessons from the global maritime system of industrial relations

Hartzén, Ann-Christine January 2017 (has links)
There are three starting points for this thesis. First, there is the system of ESD, which is criticised for lacking capacity to improve the working conditions within the EU. Secondly, there is the system developed through the global ITF FOC campaign, which is considered to have capacity to improve working conditions for seafarers at a global level. Thirdly, there is the theory on self-referential autopoietic systems, which is a useful tool for analysing systems of industrial relations and their functions. The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of the function of the ESD in relation to the development of EU legislation and policy with the aim of trying to find a model for providing a holistic analysis of regulatory systems for the labour market. The research questions are: ‘How can the significant differences and similarities between the ESD and the global ITF FOC campaign be understood?’ and ‘Why is the ESD generally regarded as lacking the capacity needed for producing results that improve working conditions, while the ITF FOC is considered to have such capacity?’ The theoretical framework used for the analysis is Luhmann’s theory on autopoietic systems. Since the thesis has a normative core I have applied a methodological model that consists of a two-layer analysis at both the empirical and theoretical level. Firstly an analysis of positivistic values has been carried out and secondly an analysis of hermeneutic values. The empirical material consists of documents and texts that can be considered part of or reflecting the communication of the studied systems. The main conclusion is that whereas the ITF FOC system is a traditional system of industrial relations based on the binary code of negotiable or non-negotiable between collective actors the ESD is a system of industrial relations based on a less clear binary code of discussable or non-discussable. The ESD is also subject to less developed communicative structures that negatively affect the system’s capacity both to produce results and to secure the efficient implementation and application of these results. This makes the ESD as a system more sensitive to hermeneutic values framing the programming of structurally coupled systems causing difficulties for the ESD to challenge such hermeneutic values.

Closed Loop Control of PMSM Motor : Field Oriented Control Using Hall Sensors

Baral, Shawon Kumar January 2021 (has links)
Fossil-fuel vehicles are one of the main causes of CO2 emissions nowadays. As we are moving toward cleaner environment electrification of vehicles are becoming more and more popular. With the environment in mind, the recent improvement in battery technology and electronics has drawn a lot of attention to Brushless DC or BLDC  motors. Due to their high torque output and robust design, BLDC motors are a popular choice as the main propulsion unit in electric vehicles.  Permanent magnet synchronous motor, PMSM, is also a brushless dc motor with minor changes in design. So the word BLDC and PMSM is used interchangeably. In this thesis, two motor control algorithms were investigated. 6-Step control and Field oriented control or FOC. A three-phase inverter allows these motors to be driven by a battery. But when battery voltage goes down the speed of the motor also goes down. This thesis investigates a method to maintain the same speed at lower dc voltage. Also running of other motors than the control system was designed for. The control system performs well in simulation for two of the motor tested with the FOC algorithm. Simulation results show that the control system can track speed and current references with minimum error. Speed controller and current controllers control each parameter independently to control the motor. Low battery simulations provide useful data that shows how the field weakening technique makes it possible to achieve higher speed at low dc voltages. / Fossildrivna fordon är en av de främsta orsakerna till koldioxidutsläpp i dag. I och med att vi går mot en renare miljö blir elektrifieringen av fordon allt mer populär. Med miljön i åtanke har den senaste tidens förbättring av batteriteknik och elektronik dragit mycket uppmärksamhet till Brushless DC- eller BLDC-motorer som ska användas som huvudframdrivningsenhet. På grund av dess höga vridmomentutgång och robusta design så är BLDC-motorer mer populära. En permanent magnetisk synkronmotor, PMSM, är också en borstlös dc-motor med mindre förändringar i designen. Så orden BLDC och PMSM används omväxlande. I denna avhandling undersöktes två motoriska styralgoritmer. 6-stegskontroll och fältorienterad kontroll eller FOC. En trefas växelriktare gör att dessa motorer kan drivas av ett batteri. Men när batterispänningen går ner går motorns hastighet också ner. Denna avhandling undersöker en metod för att bibehålla samma hastighet vid lägre likspänning, men även drift av andra motorer än vad styrsystemet var konstruerat för. Styrsystemet fungerar bra i simulering för två av de motorer som testas med FOC-algoritmen. Simuleringsresultat visar att styrsystemet kan spåra hastighet och aktuella referenser med minimalt fel. Hastighetsregulator och aktuella styrenheter kontrollerar varje parameter individuellt för att styra motorn. Simuleringar med lågt batteri ger användbara data som visar hur fältförsvagningstekniken gör det möjligt att uppnå högre hastighet vid låg likströmsspänning.

Analýza chování měniče při řízení PMSM motoru / Analysis of PMSM motor inverter behaviour

Buchal, David January 2020 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with the design of a software solution for the AURIX TC234 microcontroller by Infineon Technologies which enables a user to start sampling of the signal at any required moment. A sampling time should be set to the lowest possible value. This solution is then added to the application which is used for a field oriented control of the brushless direct current motor. The obtained values can be further used, for example, for analyzing the waveform of motor currents from which it might be possible to determine the condition of the transistor inverter.

A Study of Field-Oriented Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator and Hysteresis Current Control for Wind Turbine Application

Baktiono, Surya 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Improvement of strategies for the management of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Evaluation and optimization of physical and chemical control methods, and use of decision support systems

Ruz Estévez, Lídia 03 November 2003 (has links)
El foc bacterià és una malaltia que afecta a plantes de la família de la rosàcies, causada pel bacteri Erwinia amylovora. El seu rang d'hostes inclou arbres fruiters, com la perera, la pomera o el codonyer, i plantes ornamentals de gran interès comercial i econòmic. Actualment, la malaltia s'ha dispersat i es troba àmpliament distribuïda en totes les zones de clima temperat del món. A Espanya, on la malaltia no és endèmica, el foc bacterià es va detectar per primer cop al 1995 al nord del país (Euskadi) i posteriorment, han aparegut varis focus en altres localitzacions, que han estat convenientment eradicats. El control del foc bacterià, és molt poc efectiu en plantes afectades per la malaltia, de manera que es basa en mesures encaminades a evitar la dispersió del patogen, i la introducció de la malaltia en regions no endèmiques. En aquest treball, la termoteràpia ha estat avaluada com a mètode d'eradicació d'E. amylovora de material vegetal de propagació asimptomàtic. S'ha demostrat que la termoteràpia és un mètode viable d'eradicar E. amylovora de material de propagació. Gairebé totes les espècies i varietats de rosàcies mantingudes en condicions d'humitat sobrevivien 7 hores a 45 ºC i més de 3 hores a 50 ºC, mentre que més d'1 hora d'exposició a 50 ºC amb calor seca produïa danys en el material vegetal i reduïa la brotació. Tractaments de 60 min a 45 ºC o 30 min a 50 ºC van ser suficients per reduir la població epífita d'E. amylovora a nivells no detectables (5 x 102 ufc g-1 p.f.) en branques de perera. Els derivats dels fosfonats i el benzotiadiazol són efectius en el control del foc bacterià en perera i pomera, tant en condicions de laboratori, com d'hivernacle i camp. Els inductors de defensa de les plantes redueixen els nivells de malaltia fins al 40-60%. Els intervals de temps mínims per aconseguir el millor control de la malaltia van ser 5 dies pel fosetil-Al, i 7 dies per l'etefon i el benzotiadiazol, i les dosis òptimes pel fosetil-Al i el benzotiadiazol van ser 3.72 g HPO32- L-1 i 150 mg i.a. L-1, respectivament. Es millora l'eficàcia del fosetil-Al i del benzotiadiazol en el control del foc bacterià, quan es combinen amb els antibiòtics a la meitat de la dosi d'aquests últims. Tot i que l'estratègia de barrejar productes és més pràctica i fàcil de dur a terme a camp, que l'estratègia de combinar productes, el millor nivell de control de la malaltia s'aconsegueix amb l'estratègia de combinar productes. Es va analitzar a nivell histològic i ultrastructural l'efecte del benzotiadiazol i dels fosfonats en la interacció Erwinia amylovora-perera. Ni el benzotiadiazol, ni el fosetil-Al, ni l'etefon van induir canvis estructurals en els teixits de perera 7 dies després de la seva aplicació. No obstant, després de la inoculació d'E. amylovora es va observar en plantes tractades amb fosetil-Al i etefon una desorganització estructural cel·lular, mentre que en les plantes tractades amb benzotiadiazol aquestes alteracions tissulars van ser retardades. S'han avaluat dos models (Maryblyt, Cougarblight) en un camp a Espanya afectat per la malaltia, per determinar la precisió de les prediccions. Es van utilitzar dos models per elaborar el mapa de risc, el BRS-Powell combinat i el BIS95 modificat. Els resultats van mostrar dos zones amb elevat i baix risc de la malaltia. Maryblyt i Cougarblight són dos models de fàcil ús, tot i que la seva implementació en programes de maneig de la malaltia requereix que siguin avaluats i validats per un període de temps més llarg i en àrees on la malaltia hi estigui present. / Fire blight, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a serious disease of rosaceous plants that affects fruit trees such as pear, apple or quince, and ornamental plants with great commercial and economic interest. The disease is spread and well distributed in all temperate regions of the world. In Spain, where the disease is non endemic, fire blight was first detected in 1995 in the North of the country (Euskadi) and later, several new outbreaks have appeared in other locations that have been properly eradicated. Control of fire blight is very slightly effective in affected plants and is based on measures to avoid the spread of pathogen, and the introduction of disease in non-endemic regions. In this work, thermotherapy has been evaluated as a method for eradication of E. amylovora from symptomless propagating plant material. It has been demonstrated that heat is a viable method for eradicating E. amylovora from the propagation material of the pear. Almost all rosaceous species and cultivars maintained under moist conditions survived 7 hours at 45 ºC and up to 3 hours at 50 ºC, while more than 1 hour of exposure at 50 ºC under dry heat injured plants and reduced shooting. However, 60 min at 45 ºC or 30 min at 50 ºC were enough to reduce epiphytic E. amylovora population on pear budwoods to non-detectable level (5 x 102 cfu g-1 f.w.). Phosphonate derivatives and benzothiadiazole were effective in fire blight control in pear and apple, under laboratory, greenhouse and field conditions. Plant defense inducers reduced disease levels to 40-60%. The minimal time intervals to achieve the best control of disease were 5 days for fosetyl-Al, and 7 days for ethephon and benzothiadiazole, and the optimal doses of fosetyl-Al and benzothiadiazole were 3.72 g HPO32- L-1 and 150 mg a.i. L-1, respectively. The efficacy of fosetyl-Al and benzothiadiazole in fire blight control was improved when consecutively sprayed (combined strategy) with a half-reduced dose of antibiotics. Although the mixed strategy is more practical and easier to apply in the orchard than the combined one, the best level of fire blight control was achieved with the combined strategy. The effect of benzothiadiazole and phosphonates in Erwinia amylovora-pear interaction was analyzed at histological and ultrastructural level. Neither benzothiadiazole, nor fosetyl-Al, nor ethephon induced structural changes in pear leaf tissues 7 days after their application. However, after E. amylovora inoculation structural cell disorganization was observed in fosetyl-Al and ethephon-sprayed plants, while in benzothiadiazole-sprayed plants these tissue alterations were delayed. Two predictive models (Maryblyt and Cougarblight) were evaluated in an orchard naturally affected by fire blight in Spain, to determine the accuracy of the predictions. The combined BRS-Powell model and the modified BIS95 model were also evaluated. Results showed two clearly differentiated geographical areas with high and low fire blight risk. Maryblyt and Cougarblight are easy models to use, but their implementation in disease management programs must be evaluated and validated for more seasons and in areas where the disease is present.

Control Of High Power Wound Field Synchronous Motor Drives - Modelling Of Salient Pole Machine, Field Oriented Control Using VSI, LCI And Hybrid LCI/VSI Converters

Jain, Amit Kumar 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis proposes control schemes and converter configurations for high power wound field synchronous motor (WFSM) drives. The model for a salient pole WFSM in any general rotating reference frame is developed which can be used to derive models along known rotor (dq) and stator flux (MT) reference frames. Based on these models, the principle of sensor-less stator flux oriented field-oriented control (FOC) for salient pole WFSM is developed. So far in the literature, control of cylindrical rotor machine only has been addressed and the effects of saliency have generally been neglected. The performance of the proposed sensor-less FOC has been demonstrated by experimentally operating a 15.8 HP salient pole WFSM using a three-level IGBT based voltage source inverter (VSI). The principle of FOC has been later extended to the control of current source load commutated inverter (LCI) fed salient pole WFSM drives, where the drawbacks present in conventional self-control method such as rigorous off-line calculation for generation of look up tables, coupling between flux and torque control etc. are eliminated. This thesis also proposes the combination of a VSI with the LCI power circuit to overcome the different disadvantages that are present in the existing LCI topology. Firstly, a novel starting scheme is proposed, where the LCI fed WFSM is started with the aid of a low power auxiliary VSI converter in a smooth manner with sinusoidal motor currents and voltages. This overcomes the difficulties of the present complex dc link current pulsing technique that has drawbacks such as pulsating torque, long starting time etc. In a second mode of operation, it is shown that the VSI can be connected to the existing LCI fed WFSM drive as a harmonic compensator in On-The-Fly mode; this will make the terminal stator current and voltage sinusoidal apart from cancellation of torque pulsations thus improving the drive performance. The above two schemes have potential as retrofit for existing drives. It is possible to combine both the advantages, mentioned above, by permanently connecting the VSI with the LCI power circuit to feed the WFSM. This proposed hybrid LCI/VSI drive can be regarded as a universal solution for high power synchronous motor drives at all power and speed ranges.

Řídicí jednotka pro BLDC motor / Control unit for BLDC motor

Krejčí, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This master„s thesis elaborates with EC motors problematic. There are described essential features of brushless DC motors, their principles, construction and methods for rotor position detection. There are mentioned commonly used control algorithms of EC motors including theory of three-phase convertors. This thesis also contains a complex design of the universal convertor for EC motor and its practical implementation. Power parts losses calculation, heat-sink calculation and measurements at the convertor prototype are also described in this thesis.

The differences in food security and related characteristics between rural, low-income Appalachian women who garden for food and those who do not

Stewart, Shannon R. 09 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

"Lager utav oro" : Erfarenheter och farhågor kring graviditet och förlossning, hos förlossningsrädda lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnor och transpersoner / "Layers of worry" : Experiences and fears of pregnancy and childbirth in lesbian and bisexual women and transgender people with fear of childbirth

Jonsson, Louise, Wikström, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Förlossningsrädsla har tidigare främst undersökts hos kvinnor som lever i heterosexuella relationer, och på senare tid även kommit att inkludera deras manliga partners upplevelser av rädsla. Förlossningsrädsla kan påverka negativt under familjebildningen, vilket gör den viktig att uppmärksamma i alla familjekonstellationer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur förlossningsrädsla erfars och tar sig uttryck hos lesbiska/bisexuella kvinnor och transpersoner, samt vad olika typer av bemötande i vården får för betydelse för dem och deras rädsla. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio deltagare. De transkriberade intervjuerna bearbetades genom tematisk analys med en induktiv ansats.  Analysen resulterade i fem huvudteman som handlar om förlossningsrädslan, omkringliggande aspekter och hur bemötande i vården påverkar rädslan; Mina förlossningsrädslor, Naturlighet, cisnormer och femininitet, Vägen till barn, Att vara sårbar och utsatt under en förlossning och Bemötande i vården. Resultatet visar på att deltagarnas förlossningsrädsla är lik den som rapporterats i forskning i stort, men att det delvis tillkommer vissa nya aspekter för denna grupp. Förlossningsrädslan influeras av deras erfarenheter av bemötande i vården och den större omgivande sociala kontexten som påverkar genom processer av normer, minoritetsstress, hetero- och cisnormativitet och diskriminering. För vissa deltagare har förlossningsrädslan dessutom påverkats av att ha deltagit vid en partners förlossning. / Förlossningsrädsla hos lesbiska/bisexuella kvinnor och transpersoner - Förekomst, upplevelser och erfarenheter

Algoritmy monitorování a diagnostiky pohonů se synchronními motory / Monitoring and Diagnosis Algorithms for Synchronous Motor Drives

Otava, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Permanent magnet synchronous machine drives are used more often. Although, synchronous machines drive also suffer from possible faults. This thesis is focused on the detection of the three-phase synchronous motor winding faults and the detection of the drive control loop sensors' faults. Firstly, a model of the faulty winding of the motor is presented. Effects of the inter-turn short fault were analyzed. The model was experimentally verified by fault emulation on the test bench with an industrial synchronous motor. Inter-turn short fault detection algorithms are summarized. Three existing conventional winding fault methods based on signal processing of the stator voltage and stator current residuals were verified. Three new winding fault detection methods were developed by the author. These methods use a modified motor model and the extended Kalman filter state estimator. Practical implementation of the algorithms on a microcontroller is described and experimental results show the performance of the presented algorithms in different scenarios on test bench measurements. Highly related motor control loop sensors fault detection algorithms are also described. These algorithms are complementary to winding fault algorithms. The decision mechanism integrates outputs of sensor and winding fault detection algorithms and provides an overall drive fault diagnosis concept.

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