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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O pícaro como sintoma do imobilismo social: a narrativa espanhola e os contos populares franceses

Schmidt, Eder 22 October 1999 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-12-19T13:11:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ederschmidt.pdf: 387436 bytes, checksum: 287f049a719980810114d29bb641464a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-12-19T13:13:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ederschmidt.pdf: 387436 bytes, checksum: 287f049a719980810114d29bb641464a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-12-19T13:13:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ederschmidt.pdf: 387436 bytes, checksum: 287f049a719980810114d29bb641464a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-19T13:13:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ederschmidt.pdf: 387436 bytes, checksum: 287f049a719980810114d29bb641464a (MD5) Previous issue date: 1999-10-22 / O presente estudo busca empreender uma observação comparativa de duas formas distintas de expressão, o romance picaresco espanhol e os contos populares franceses, em uma mesma época, os séculos XVI e XVII, identificando o comum a ambos, tanto na origem quanto no produto final de suas criações, e referindo-os aos pressupostos socioculturais de seu momento. Sem pretender uma redução do conto camponês ao modelo da narrativa picaresca ou caracteriza-lo como tal, ao longo do estudo são respeitados os elementos diferenciadores entre um e outro, uma vez que ali se colocam duas formas narrativas peculiares, cada uma delas aqui observada enquanto representação e intermediação das relações de poder. É colocado em destaque o personagem central da novela picaresca naquela Espanha; observa-se sua trajetória, seu ambiente, seus motivos e sua ética singular, para depois reencontrá-lo na França, emergindo nas formações de outra cultura, embora submetido a semelhantes pressões sócio-políticas. O pícaro torna-se mais compreensível em suas metas e em seus expedientes quando observamos a Espanha desde a plenitude da casa dos Áustrias até sua falência que levou à ruína boa parte da nobreza e impediu de maneira drástica os caminhos de ascensão social, consolidando uma cruel estratificação em sua sociedade. Examinando a história francesa em uma época bastante próxima àquela, encontramos a mesma condição de glória e queda do poder do estado, e de seus nobres gerando igual bloqueio das possibilidades ascensionais, impondo, como naquela Espanha, uma profunda diferenciação entre as diversas classes sociais. As narrativas escolhidas foram Lázaro de Tormes, El Buscón, Le garçon qui vole les trésors de l’Ogre e Le chat botté, onde a atitude picaresca se mostra em sua plenitude. / The present study aims to conduct a comparative observation of two distinct forms of expression, the Spanish picaresque novel and the French folk tales, in the same time, the 16th and 17th centuries, identifying the common to both, both in origin and in the final product of their creations, and referring them to the contemporary socio-cultural presuppositions. Without claim a reduction of the peasant tale to picaresque narrative model, or characterized it as such, throughout the study are respected differentiating elements between them, since there arise two peculiar narrative forms, each of them seen as a representation and intermediation of power relations. It highlighted the central character of the picaresque novel in Spain; it is observed his trajectory, his environment, their motivations and his singular ethics, and then meet him again in France, emerging in another culture, although undergoing similar socio-political pressures. The picaro becomes more understandable in their goals and their wits if we look at Spain from the fullness of the House of Austrias period, until its bankruptcy that led to ruin much of the nobility and dramatically blocked the paths of social mobility, consolidating a cruel stratification their society. By examining French history in a time fairly close to that, we found the same condition of glory and decline of State power and their nobles, which generated equal blocking in ascension possibilities, imposing such as in that Spain, a profound differentiation between the various social classes. The chosen narratives were Lázaro de Tormes, El Buscón, Le garçon qui vole les trésors de l'Ogre and Le Chat botté, where the picaresque attitude is shown in its fullness.

Contos consumados / Consummated tales

Vitor de Melo Sugimoto 01 October 2015 (has links)
Misturando o mundano ao universo maravilhoso, esta pesquisa não só objetivou quebrar a barreira entre realidade fantasia, mas também acabou por revelar histórias profundamente humanas. / Merging the mundane and the marvellous universe, the research not only aimed to break the reality/fantasy barrier, but also ended up revealing deep human stories.

Net die woorde het oorgebly : 'n godsdienswetenskaplike interpretasie van Venda-volksverhale (Ngano)

Le Roux, Ina 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die eerste hoofstuk omskryf die begrip ngano, daarna volg 'n uiteensetting hoe die Venda mondelinge tradisie in die verlede gefunksioneer het en word die huidige aard en posisie van die verskynsel in die lewe van die gemeenskap gedefinieer. Veranderende sosio-ekonomiese en politieke kragte het die tradisionele lewenswyse van die Venda-mense in so 'n mate versteur dat die mondelinge tradisie en die stem van die storieverteller nie meer hoog waardeer word deur die moderne geslag nie. Die teoretiese uitgangspunt van hierdie tesis aanvaar dat religie 'n radikaal integrerend funksie het wat chaos in sinvolle patrone inkorporeer. Dialekties verbind aan die eerste beginsel van religie is die inherente drang van die mens se gees om alle gegewe limiete te transendeer. Vanuit hierdie fokus kan ngano as religieuse artikulasies interpreteer word wat chaos in sinvolle patrone uitdruk, en waarin oak opstand teen bestaande orde en tradisionele aannames uitgespreek word. In bree trekke skets die tweede hoofstuk die historiese agtergrond van die Venda-mense vanaf 800 nC tot en met die resente politieke veranderinge van 1994 in die Noordelike Provinsie. Die tweede deel van die hoofstuk bied 'n uiteensetting van hul religio-filosofiese agtergrond en tesame met die geskiedkundige gebeure dien dit as interpretatiewe konteks vir hierdie oeroue verhale wat van die een geslag na die ander oorgelewer is. In die volgende nege hoofstukke verskyn vyftig volksverhale wat in agt verskillende areas in Venda gedokumenteer is. Elke verhaal is vooraf voorsien van 'n opsomming van die inhoud van die verhaal asook 'n interpretasie van die verhaal deur die verteller self of verduidelikings van haar helpers. Die oorspronklike Venda-teks word gegee in die presiese woorde van die verteller met daarby die Afrikaanse vertaling. 'n Terna wat hehaaldelik voorkom is die opstand van die magteloses (die kind, die vrou of niksseggende persoon) teen magtiges (die koning, die man, dominerende familielede of tradisionele strukture). Ander gewilde temas is die ellende van hongersnood, die aanwending en voorkoms van toorkragte en bonatuurlike transformasies. Ten slotte is daar drie Sankambe-verhale waarin die fantastiese avonture van hasie, die aartbedrieer, wat op grand van blote vernuf oorleef, humoristies vertel word. Ofskoon daar duidelike artikulasies van verset en kritiek teen die tradisionele orde en teen magtiges is, waag ngano dit selde buite die tradisioneel religieus-filosofiese grense. / The first chapter outlines the concept ngano, thereafter the function of the Venda oral tradition in the past is described and the present nature and position of the phenomenon in community living is defined. Changing socio-economic and political forces disturbed traditional Venda life-style to such an extent that the oral tradition and the voice of the storyteller are not highly regarded by the modern generation. The theoretical point of departure of this thesis accepts the radical integrative function of religion ordering chaos into meaningful patterns. Dialectically tied to this first principle of religion is the inherent urgency of the human spirit to transcend all given limits. Viewed thus, ngano can be interpreted as religious utterances in which chaos is expressed in meaningful patterns and where resistance is articulated against existing order and traditional assumptions. Chapter two sketches the historical background of the Venda people from 800 AD up to recent political changes of 1994 in the Northern Province. The second part of this chapter presents an exposition of their religio-philosophic background which, together with the historical events provide an interpretative context for these ancient stories handed down from one generation to the next. Fifty folk tales (ngano) appear in the following nine chapters documented in eight different areas in Venda. Every narrative is introduced by a summary of the content of the story together with an interpretation by narrator and assistants. The Venda text is given first adhering as closely as possible to the original words of the narrator. Every line is followed by an Afrikaans translation. A recurring theme in ngano is the powerless (child, wife or insignificant person) resisting the powerful (king, husband/man, dominating family members or unyielding traditional structures). Other popular themes are the misery of famine, application and occurrence of witchcraft and supernatural transformations. Lastly three Sankambe-stories are documented in which the fantastic antics of the hare, the trickster in Venda folk tales who survives by sheer cunning, are humorously narrated. Although there are distinct expressions of resistance and criticism against the existing order and dominating powers, ngano seldom ventures beyond traditional religious and philosophic boundaries. / Religious Studies & Arabic / D. Litt et Phil. (Religious Studies)

Der nicht natürliche Tod und andere rechtsmedizinische Sachverhalte in den deutschen Volksmärchen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm

Beier, Barbara 02 July 1998 (has links)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit den Formen des nicht natürlichen Todes und weiteren rechtsmedizinischen Sachverhalten wie Leichenerscheinungen, Scheintod, Identifizierung von Personen und Leichen, Selbstverstümmelungen und Spuren von Tätern und Opfern in den deutschen Volksmärchen. Rechtsmedizinische Zusammenhänge von Ursache und Wirkung werden nach ihrer Gültigkeit im Märchen hinterfragt. Wie werden beispielsweise Gewaltwirkungen auf äußere Erscheinungsbilder betroffener Märchenfiguren, Tötungsgeschehen und Tatwerkzeuge dargestellt? Inwiefern entsprechen Schilderungen der Tatbestände und ihre Bewertung im Märchen auch historischem Rechtsverständnis? Was unterliegt den epischen Gesetzen des Märchens? Für die rechtsmedizinische Fragestellung nach den Verletzungsspuren am Getöteten, dem Tötungsgeschehen und den Tatwerkzeugen sind die Märchen als Quelle des Volkswissens nur begrenzt verwertbar. Zum Beispiel sind keine Wunden, innere Blutungen oder kleinere Verletzungen nach Gewalteinwirkung beschrieben. Es wurden nahezu alle klassischen Todesarten wie Ertrinken, Vergiften, Verbrennen, Verhungern, Erhängen, Erfrieren, Selbsttötung und Tod durch scharfe und stumpfe Gewalt im Märchen vorgefunden und betreffende Textstellen unter Benutzung der "historisch-geographischen Methode" regional verglichen. Zusammenhänge von Ursache und Wirkung konnten jedoch nicht im Sinne einer rechtsmedizinischen Rekonstruktion des zum Tode führenden Geschehens nach heutigen Maßstäben aufgestellt werden. Das Märchen als Volksüberlieferung kennt keinen historisch konkreten Zeitbezug. Mit der zeitlich und regional variierenden Wiedergabe des Erzählstoffes fließen neue Motive und anderes Wissen mit ein. Daraus ergab sich für die Arbeit eine zurückhaltende Aufstellung von Vergleichen des rechtshistorischen Alltags und der geschilderten Märchenwirklichkeit. Der nicht natürliche Tod konnte bei der rechtsmedizinischen Untersuchung nicht unabhängig von seinem Zusammenhang im Märchen betrachtet werden. Er ist im Märchen oft ein Mittel, entsprechend den Moralvorstellungen Gerechtigkeit herzustellen, aber auch die Protagonisten von ihrem positiven Weg abzubringen. Seine sozialisierende Funktion in der Märchengesellschaft kann nicht übersehen werden. / This thesis reports about the types of the non-natural death and further issues of legal medicine in the German folk tales such as the sure signs of dead bodies, appearently dead people, identification of persons and corpses, mutilation of its own and traces of perpetrators and victims. Do forensic correlations between cause and effect appear in the fairy tales? How do fairy tales describe the violent effects to the concerned figures? outward appearance, the killing event and the tools of crime? How does the facts of the cases? description and their valuation in the fairy tales correspond to the historical comprehension of the rights? The folk tales are only of restricted use as a source of general knowledge for the forensic issue of the injury traces on a dead body, of the killing event or of the tools of crime. For example, there are not described any wounds, internal bleedings or smaller injuries after violence. Nearly all classical causes of non-natural death are found in the fairy tales: drowning, freezing to death, hanging, burning to death, poisoning, dying of starvation, suicid and death by sharp and blunt force. There could not be shown any correlations between cause and effect in the sense of a killing event?s forensic reconstruction after today's standards. The folk tales as an oral tradition are not exactly related to a certain historical period. With each new performance a story was influenced by new motivs or knowledge. For that reason the comparison between fairy tales and historical reality of everyday life is very restrained. The non-natural death as a forensic fact can only be interpretated in ist function in the folk tales. By means of the non-natural death the fairy tales? characters are doing justice corresponding to their moral ideas, but positive figures can also be pushed away from their good ways. The non-natural death? socializing function in the fairy tales? society is evident.

O discurso das narrativas populares em língua portuguesa

Lopes, Fernanda 03 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Lopes.pdf: 703241 bytes, checksum: f12a80fb9eef5e01a90f1bc1ba8dd32c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-03 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This paper has as objective to search the way how the discourse is built in Brazilian folk tales, in the moment that these tales are used by subjects in their social interactions. During this research, we take popular tales as a mean of revealing identity values, as long as they re carry on, linguistically, the tradition and alive culture. The popular narratives used as sample was heard and copied by Luis da Câmara Cascudo and reunited in the book Contos Tradicionais do Brasil . These narratives appear, firstly, at Portuguese oral modality; because of this, they were submitted to the retextualização process, and put together in the mentioned book. To support our research, we seek in Discourse Analysis theory that allows putting together the social historical context, the production conditions and the ideology that compose the narratives we picked out. This way, the discourse builds and constitutes meanings from historical and cultural context. During this process, we could check folk tales revealing important cultural aspects that demonstrat a possible vision of the society. Following this perspective, it was very important the moment that we can consider them as genre of discourse and to look at how they can be organized. Above of all, we could see polyphonic mechanisms that constitutes this discourse. The objectives intended in this paper were reached, at the same time that our research put on notability the popular culture and showed up how the selecioned tales carry on themselves a truth effect using as tool our language / Essa Dissertação tem como objetivo examinar em contos populares do Brasil o modo como o discurso é construído no momento em que tais narrativas são utilizadas nas interações sociais entre sujeitos. Tomamos, nessa pesquisa, os contos populares como reveladores de valores identitários, na medida em que veiculam, linguisticamente, a tradição e mantém a cultura viva. As narrativas populares utilizadas como amostra foram colhidas por Luís da Câmara Cascudo e reunidos na obra Contos Tradicionais do Brasil . Por terem sua origem na modalidade oral da língua portuguesa, as narrativas passaram pelo processo de retextualização e, em seguida, compiladas na obra supracitada. Para dar conta de nossos objetivos, buscamos subsídios na Análise de Discurso que nos permite aliar contexto histórico-social, as condições de produção e a ideologia sobre a qual se constroem as narrativas que selecionamos. Dessa forma, pelo discurso se constitui e constrói significações em função do contexto histórico- cultural. No percurso de nossa pesquisa, pudemos verificar que os contos populares manifestam aspectos culturais relevantes, que indiciam uma possível visão da sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, foi importante tratá-los como gêneros do discurso e observar em sua organização e mecanismos polifônicos constitutivos desse discurso. Os objetivos pretendidos na pesquisa foram atingidos, na medida em que nossos estudos colocaram em relevância a cultura popular e mostrou como os contos selecionados suscitaram um efeito de verdade materializado em língua

As representações do diabo na literatura de tradição oral do Brasil: variação e repetição nas funções da personagem

Rosinholi, Nátalia Gaubeur 19 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:58:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia Gaubeur Rosinholi.pdf: 5854505 bytes, checksum: 6a7da29ad1d00ba664215e2f8fc8b7e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this dissertation is to give some thought to the representations of the Devil as a character in literature within Brazilian oral tradition. In order to discover what elements connected to the actions of this personality either remain the same and/or vary in such representatives, we have applied Propp s function theory, which has been especially developed in Morphology of the marvellous tale, with possible alterations, to a corpus made up of 31 tales taken from eight classical anthologies of our popular culture, as follows: Histórias da avozinha and Histórias da baratinha, by Figueiredo Pimentel, Contos tradicionais do Brasil and Literatura oral no Brasil by Luís da Câmara Cascudo; Estórias do diabo, by Altimar Pimentel; Folclore brasileiro: contos populares do Brasil, by Sílvio Romero; Contos populares brasileiros by Lindolfo Gomes; and Território da danação, by Mário Souto Maior. During this investigation, special attention has been given to the way in which the character concerned carries out his role in the narrative pieces studied, particularly in regard to his role as an antagonist and a false hero: the standards as defined by Propp are followed with regard to functions; such standards suffer radical transgression; or there is an indication of a certain ambivalence between good and evil, normally associated to certain popular representations of popular culture. For this purpose, this work has been divided into three chapters: the first seeks a better understanding of the universe which includes the Devil as a literary character in Brazil, therefore being subdivided into: popular culture; literature from the oral tradition; the myth, the tale and the brief story. The second chapter is dedicated to the methodology adopted, including the identification, within the literary corpus, of the excerpts in which the Devil takes on the role of an antagonist or a false hero, showing such a survey through a series of comparative tables, each of which is dedicated to one of the Propp functions selected for the study considered. The second chapter also tries to discuss and analyse the data collected and presented in the tables, with the reference for this discussion being the work of the Russian formalist. Finally, the third chapter presents the conclusions obtained from these analyses / Esta dissertação tem por finalidade refletir sobre as representações do diabopersonagem na literatura de tradição oral do Brasil. A fim de descobrir que elementos ligados às ações dessa personagem se mantêm e/ou variam em tais representações, aplica-se, com as possíveis adequações, a teoria das funções de Propp, especialmente desenvolvida em Morfologia do conto maravilhoso, a um corpus constituído por 31 contos extraídos de oito antologias clássicas da cultura popular brasileira: Histórias da avozinha e Histórias da baratinha, de Figueiredo Pimentel, Contos tradicionais do Brasil e Literatura oral no Brasil, de Luís da Câmara Cascudo; Estórias do diabo, de Altimar Pimentel; Folclore brasileiro: contos populares do Brasil, de Sílvio Romero; Contos populares brasileiros, de Lindolfo Gomes; e Território da danação, de Mário Souto Maior. No decorrer desta investigação, atenta-se especialmente para o modo como a personagem em questão desempenha seu papel nas narrativas estudadas, especialmente no que toca às funções do antagonista e do falso herói: se segue os padrões definidos por Propp em relação às funções; se transgride radicalmente tais padrões; ou se aponta para certa ambivalência entre bem e mal, geralmente vinculada a certas representações próprias da cultura popular. Para tanto, este trabalho divide-se em três capítulos: o primeiro destina-se à melhor compreensão do universo que abarca o diabopersonagem no Brasil, subdividindo-se assim em: cultura popular; literatura de tradição oral; o mito, o conto e o causo. O segundo capítulo, por sua vez, se dedica à metodologia adotada, qual seja, a identificação, no corpus literário, das passagens em que o diabo assume os papéis de antagonista ou falso herói, demonstrando tal levantamento por meio de tabelas comparativas, cada qual dedicada a uma das funções de Propp selecionadas para o estudo em questão. O segundo capítulo procura ainda discutir e analisar os dados levantados e apresentados nas tabelas, tendo como referencial dessa discussão o trabalho do formalista russo. Finalmente, o terceiro capítulo oferece as conclusões dessas análises

"A blur of potentialities" : the figure of the trickster in the works of Elizabeth Bowen, Elizabeth Taylor, Iris Murdoch and Muriel Spark

Wilkinson, Lorna Christine Rose January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the figure of the trickster in the works of Elizabeth Bowen, Elizabeth Taylor, Iris Murdoch and Muriel Spark. By looking at these writers’ treatment of elusive, illusive and allusive characters, the thesis argues that they each incorporated what can be read as “trickster” figures in their fiction as a means of addressing anxieties about art, society and the self. The trickster is a character-type found in narratives from a multitude of cultures and eras, and is typically characterised by his subversive presence, his boundary-crossing and his role as a healer of predicament. While the trickster is often perceived as a universal phenomenon arising from a collective unconscious, this thesis instead focusses on writers’ intentional inclusion of trickster characters in literature as a way of thinking through specific problems. Bowen, it will be shown, interpolated tricksy characters drawn from myth and fairy-tale into her fiction in order to expose a perceived rift between art and academia; Taylor used the trickster to think about the construction of identity in post-war Britain; Murdoch took models from Shakespeare to create tricksters that helped her explore the ethics of writing fiction; and Spark’s tricksters allowed her to conceptualise truth and lies, and good and evil. Concentrating on four mid-century writers whose works have been seen to vary in genre and style, this thesis demonstrates that a trickster paradigm emerged in mid-twentieth-century British fiction – a period not previously associated with the trickster. Influenced by converging strands of trickery and allusion in art through the early decades of the twentieth century, notable mid-century British writers used outsider characters to probe social and artistic shifts in a landscape fractured by war and to reach for a sense of healing. By identifying such characters as trickster figures, this thesis sheds new light on patterns of subversion, healing and character in mid-century fiction. It explores the particular affinity the trickster had with women’s writing, and illustrates how the trickster was important to twentieth-century concerns surrounding metafiction and the role of the reader.

Net die woorde het oorgebly : 'n godsdienswetenskaplike interpretasie van Venda-volksverhale (Ngano)

Le Roux, Ina 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die eerste hoofstuk omskryf die begrip ngano, daarna volg 'n uiteensetting hoe die Venda mondelinge tradisie in die verlede gefunksioneer het en word die huidige aard en posisie van die verskynsel in die lewe van die gemeenskap gedefinieer. Veranderende sosio-ekonomiese en politieke kragte het die tradisionele lewenswyse van die Venda-mense in so 'n mate versteur dat die mondelinge tradisie en die stem van die storieverteller nie meer hoog waardeer word deur die moderne geslag nie. Die teoretiese uitgangspunt van hierdie tesis aanvaar dat religie 'n radikaal integrerend funksie het wat chaos in sinvolle patrone inkorporeer. Dialekties verbind aan die eerste beginsel van religie is die inherente drang van die mens se gees om alle gegewe limiete te transendeer. Vanuit hierdie fokus kan ngano as religieuse artikulasies interpreteer word wat chaos in sinvolle patrone uitdruk, en waarin oak opstand teen bestaande orde en tradisionele aannames uitgespreek word. In bree trekke skets die tweede hoofstuk die historiese agtergrond van die Venda-mense vanaf 800 nC tot en met die resente politieke veranderinge van 1994 in die Noordelike Provinsie. Die tweede deel van die hoofstuk bied 'n uiteensetting van hul religio-filosofiese agtergrond en tesame met die geskiedkundige gebeure dien dit as interpretatiewe konteks vir hierdie oeroue verhale wat van die een geslag na die ander oorgelewer is. In die volgende nege hoofstukke verskyn vyftig volksverhale wat in agt verskillende areas in Venda gedokumenteer is. Elke verhaal is vooraf voorsien van 'n opsomming van die inhoud van die verhaal asook 'n interpretasie van die verhaal deur die verteller self of verduidelikings van haar helpers. Die oorspronklike Venda-teks word gegee in die presiese woorde van die verteller met daarby die Afrikaanse vertaling. 'n Terna wat hehaaldelik voorkom is die opstand van die magteloses (die kind, die vrou of niksseggende persoon) teen magtiges (die koning, die man, dominerende familielede of tradisionele strukture). Ander gewilde temas is die ellende van hongersnood, die aanwending en voorkoms van toorkragte en bonatuurlike transformasies. Ten slotte is daar drie Sankambe-verhale waarin die fantastiese avonture van hasie, die aartbedrieer, wat op grand van blote vernuf oorleef, humoristies vertel word. Ofskoon daar duidelike artikulasies van verset en kritiek teen die tradisionele orde en teen magtiges is, waag ngano dit selde buite die tradisioneel religieus-filosofiese grense. / The first chapter outlines the concept ngano, thereafter the function of the Venda oral tradition in the past is described and the present nature and position of the phenomenon in community living is defined. Changing socio-economic and political forces disturbed traditional Venda life-style to such an extent that the oral tradition and the voice of the storyteller are not highly regarded by the modern generation. The theoretical point of departure of this thesis accepts the radical integrative function of religion ordering chaos into meaningful patterns. Dialectically tied to this first principle of religion is the inherent urgency of the human spirit to transcend all given limits. Viewed thus, ngano can be interpreted as religious utterances in which chaos is expressed in meaningful patterns and where resistance is articulated against existing order and traditional assumptions. Chapter two sketches the historical background of the Venda people from 800 AD up to recent political changes of 1994 in the Northern Province. The second part of this chapter presents an exposition of their religio-philosophic background which, together with the historical events provide an interpretative context for these ancient stories handed down from one generation to the next. Fifty folk tales (ngano) appear in the following nine chapters documented in eight different areas in Venda. Every narrative is introduced by a summary of the content of the story together with an interpretation by narrator and assistants. The Venda text is given first adhering as closely as possible to the original words of the narrator. Every line is followed by an Afrikaans translation. A recurring theme in ngano is the powerless (child, wife or insignificant person) resisting the powerful (king, husband/man, dominating family members or unyielding traditional structures). Other popular themes are the misery of famine, application and occurrence of witchcraft and supernatural transformations. Lastly three Sankambe-stories are documented in which the fantastic antics of the hare, the trickster in Venda folk tales who survives by sheer cunning, are humorously narrated. Although there are distinct expressions of resistance and criticism against the existing order and dominating powers, ngano seldom ventures beyond traditional religious and philosophic boundaries. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt et Phil. (Religious Studies)

Wrap Your Body. Come Home.

Collins-Sibley, Miles A.M. 01 January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
A collection of poems exploring ghosted ancestors, folktales, the queer black body, gender, and magical realism.

Hur folksagor som modeller används och motiverar elever att skriva egna sagor : En studie om lågstadielärares modellerande i årskurs 3 / How folk tales are used as models and motivate students to write their own fairy tales : A study on primary school teachers' modeling in grade 3

Söderholm, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur folksagor praktiskt kan användas som stödmodeller för elevers skrivande av sagor i årskurs 3, samt hur elevers motivation påverkas av detta. Den tidigare forskningen belyser att stödmodeller är viktiga för elevers eget skrivande av sagor, samt att elevers motivation för att skriva påverkas av en rad olika faktorer. I studien används kvalitativa metoder i form av semistrukturerade lärarintervjuer och observationer för att samla in empiriskt material i syfte att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Den analysmetod som används för att bearbeta materialet är en tematisk analys och de teorier som ligger till grund för denna studie är motivationsteori, sociokulturella perspektiv och modellering. Genom studien framkommer det hur lärare väljer att arbeta med folksagor som stödmodeller för elevers eget skrivande, samt hur de anser att elevernas motivation påverkas av detta. Genom observationer analyseras och diskuteras de tecken på motivation som eleverna uppvisar vid undervisning. Resultatet visar att lärarna använder folksagor som stödmodeller för elevers eget skrivande på olika sätt, där lärarna anser att eleverna är motiverade av denna typ av uppgift och de kan urskilja tecken på motivation. Under observationerna kan också tydliga tecken på motivation urskiljas hos eleverna. / This study aims to contribute knowledge about how folk tales can be practically used as support models for students' writing of fairy tales in grade 3, as well as how students' motivation is affected by this. The previous research highlights that support models are important for students' writing of fairy tales, and that students' motivation to write is influenced by a number of different factors. In this study, qualitative methods in the form of semi-structured teacher interviews and observations are used to collect empirical material to answer the study's questions. The analysis method used to process the material is a thematic analysis and the theories underlying this study are motivation theory, socio-cultural perspective and modeling. The study reveals how teachers choose to work with folk tales as support models for students' own writing, as well as how they believe that students' motivation is affected by this. Through observations, the signs of motivation that the students show during teaching are analyzed and discussed. The result shows that the teachers use folk tales as support models for students' own writing in different ways, where the teachers believe that the students are motivated by this type of task, and they can distinguish different signs of motivation. During the observations, clear signs of motivation can also be discerned in the students.

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