Spelling suggestions: "subject:"footprint"" "subject:"footprints""
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České a nizozemské publikum a jejich vnímání enviromentálních otázek na příkladu seriálu Teorie velkého třesku / Czech and Dutch Audience and Their Perception of Enviromental Issues on the Example of the Big Bang Theory SeriesHomolková, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
In this work, I focus on the propagation of environmental issues through sitcom and comparison of the perception of these topics by Czech and Dutch audiences. I report on the results of focus group research of the American show The Big Bang Theory (2007-2019), from which artefacts were pre-selected with the assistance of thematic analysis. These findings suggest different perception of the environmental contents included in the researched series, the same as the varying perception of hypothetical promotion of the environmental issues in the future series. Generally speaking, the global sample perceives the promotion of environmental issues in popular media positively, though the degree and the form of the accepted usage of these topics vary. Czech audiences perceive the topics more negatively than the Dutch audience, showing a lower sensitivity threshold for a possible attack on their own opinions and identity. The most significant differences were observed in the perception of the concept of nature, the person interested in the environment, and the individual impact on the improvement/deterioration of the environment. A suitable tool for communicating environmental issues in the sitcom is corrective irony (allowing to emphasize the contrast between environmental awareness and personal actions to...
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Sociální metabolismus českého a československého území v dlouhodobé perspektivě / Social metabolism in Czech and Czechoslovak territory in historical perspectiveKušková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is based on the conceptual framework of social metabolism and it applies methods of Material and Energy Flow Analysis and Ecological Footprint. It studies interactions between human activities and natural environment in Czech/Czechoslovak territory from the historical perspective (after the division of Czechoslovakia for Czechia and Slovakia together). The term of social metabolism is a metaphor inspired by biology. Society or human economy similarly to a living organism which extracts materials from the earth, processes biophysical materials to maintain itself and emits its wastes back. So the economic system functions in an analogy to a living organism and those processes are called "social" or "industrial" metabolism. This dissertation comprises seven individual empirical studies: (I) An introduction to a research topic covered in following articles. It is based on the work of leading world environmental historian and it interprets selected Czech realities within the context of the world environmental history. (II) The historical series of MEFA indicators together with ecological footprint. (III) An article which applies the ecological footprint method on the ecological farm in comparison to conventional agriculture in the context of more foreign studies on this topic. (IV) An...
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Sustentabilidade energética: uma análise do equilíbrio econômico, humano e natural. / Energy sustainability : an analysis of economic, human and natural balance.Fujii, Ricardo Junqueira 19 March 2015 (has links)
O desenvolvimento sustentável e a própria sobrevivência da humanidade dependem da compatibilização da demanda por recursos energéticos com as limitações ambientais e necessidades humanas. Dessa maneira, torna-se fundamental compreender e mensurar a sustentabilidade energética. Para tanto, esse trabalho vale-se de princípios da economia ecológica e do planejamento integrado de recursos para identificar e analisar os fatores que afetam a sustentabilidade energética de um dado sistema. A partir desses fatores são definidos indicadores de sustentabilidade, os quais compõem uma metodologia concebida para avaliar o grau de sustentabilidade da produção de energia. Tal metodologia é testada em um estudo de caso da matriz elétrica paulista, a qual mostrou um nível próximo da sustentabilidade, mas com a necessidade de aprimoramentos. Por fim, são feitas reflexões sobre a robustez, a flexibilidade e as limitações da metodologia proposta, assim como recomendações para ajustes da composição da matriz estudada com o propósito de torná-la mais sustentável. / Sustainable development and the very survival of humanity depends on the compatibility of the demand for energy resources with environmental constraints and human needs. Thus, it is essential to understand and define metrics for energy sustainability. For that reason, this work draws on principles of ecological economics and integrated resource planning to identify and analyze the factors affecting energy sustainability of a given system. From these factors are defined sustainability indicators, which are the foundations for a methodology designed to assess the degree of sustainability of energy production. The methodology is tested on a case study of the electricity matrix of the State of Sao Paulo, which is close to a sustainable level even though requiring improvements in some aspects. Finally, reflections on the sturdiness, flexibility and limitations of the proposed methodology, as well as recommendations for adjustments in the composition of the case study matrix in order to make it more sustainable are made.
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Metodologia para o cálculo da pegada hídrica ecotoxicológica de produtos dentro de uma perspectiva de ACV com uso do GIS: estudo piloto para o etanol hidratado / Methodology for the calculation of water ecotoxicity footprint of products within a LCA perspective and GIS use. Pilot study for application of the method for hydrated ethanol.Marzullo, Rita de Cassia Monteiro 05 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta metodológica para se determinar a pegada hídrica ecotoxicológica (PHE) de produtos em uma perspectiva de ACV, dentro de uma abordagem crítica sobre o método. Cenários são construídos na forma de um estudo piloto de aplicação da metodologia para o etanol hidratado produzido por uma determinada Usina no Brasil e utilizado como combustível em carros a álcool ou carros flex. O trabalho também sugere que a PHE ou WEF (water ecotoxicity footprint ), na forma de um indicador, sirva de parâmetro tanto para o setor produtivo quanto para o mercado consumidor dentro do processo de tomada de decisão . O setor produtivo poderá utilizar o citado indicador dentro de um programa de metas de redução do nível de ecotoxicidade aquática de seu produto enquanto que, para o consumidor final, o conhecimento da PHE na forma de selo informativo servirá de alavanca rumo à evolução sustentável de nossa civilização que usará o seu poder de escolha na hora de adquirir determinado produto. Dentro da perspectiva de ACV, foram estudadas e inseridas formas de avaliação de impacto, no ponto médio, a nível local e regional com o uso de ferramentas de georeferenciamento. Na intenção de facilitar o uso da ACV no Brasil, o estudo estabelece parâmetros que tornam viável a obtenção de um indicador passível de comparação. Políticas Públicas poderão ser formadas com a possibilidade de incentivar a identificação e mitigação da ecotoxicidade aquática ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos do setor produtivo.. / This work presents a methodology to determine water ecotoxicity footprint of products in a perspective of LCA within a critical approach to the method. Scenarios are constructed in the form of a pilot study of application of the methodology for hydrous ethanol produced by a given plant in Brazil and used as fuel in flex cars. The work also suggests that the water ecotoxicity footprint, as an indicator, can be used as a parameter for both: the productive sector as well as for theend consumer within the decision-making process. The productive sector can use the cited indicator in a program targeting for reduction in aquatic ecotoxicity of your product while for the end consumer, knowledge of water ecotoxicity footprint in the form of a informative stamp will leverage towards sustainable development of our civilization that uses the power of choice when purchasing a product. From the perspective of LCA, were studied and included forms of impact assessment, at the midpoint, in local and regional level with the use of geo-referencing tools. With the intention of facilitating the use of LCA in Brazil, this study establishes criteria that make possible the comparison . Public policies can be formed with the possibility of encouraging the identification and mitigation of aquatic ecotoxicity along the supply chain of the productive sector..
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Proposta de métrica de valoração ambiental para reservas legais e áreas de preservação permanente / Proposal for environmental valuation metric for legal reserves and permanent preservation areasSantos, Lucas Jose Machado dos 16 August 2013 (has links)
A Contabilidade Financeira busca informações confiáveis que sejam razoavelmente livres de erros, viés e mostrem, fielmente, o que visam representar. A obtenção de valores ambientais com menos viés possíveis, mais acurados e comparáveis poderia, talvez, se constituir em parâmetro para definição de serviços ambientais, ensejar discussões quanto ao tratamento contábil da área do bioma preservado e, também, comercialização de certificado ambiental baseado na preservação do meio ambiente e, de forma geral, servir de subsídios para tomada de decisões empresariais e governamentais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor métrica de valoração de Reservas Legais e Áreas de Preservação Permanente em propriedades agrícolas, no seu estado natural, puro e ainda livre dos efeitos das ações humanas. A métrica foi desenvolvida com base no método de Custo de Oportunidade (CO), Contabilidade Emergética e Curva Ambiental de Kuznets (CAK). A referida métrica constitui-se da soma do valor do C.O. ao Valor Total do Bioma (VTB). Porém, o valor do C.O. é descontado pelo risco do negócio analisado. O VTB é estimado pela Contabilidade Emergética, sendo considerada a área do hectare preservado, em RL e/ou APP, e a área remanescente do bioma estudado. Então, o VTB é ponderado pela CAK, esta estimada pela variação dos preços da cultura agrícola analisada. Visando sua validação, estimou-se a área preservada em hectares de Reservas Legais e Áreas de Preservação Permanente de cada bioma terrestre brasileiro referente às dez culturas agrícolas que possuem maior área plantada. Das culturas utilizaram-se os dados sobre os valores brutos de produção, a variação dos preços em média nacional e a extensão territorial das unidades federais brasileiras. Utilizaram-se também os dados dos biomas terrestres brasileiros referentes às suas áreas totais e áreas remanescentes preservadas. Informações estas obtidas em consulta ao site do IBGE, IBAMA e Agrolink. Na sequência, foi aplicada a métrica para valorar os biomas preservados em nível nacional e sobre cinco culturas reais de dados coletados de empresas agrícolas. Entre os resultados obtidos com a métrica, o maior valor foi para o bioma Pampas sobre a cultura agrícola de mandioca no ano de 2010 (R$1.754,03) e o menor para o bioma Cerrado sob a cultura de trigo no ano de 2005 (R$ 53,67). A tentativa era expressar os valores, por meio da métrica proposta, que diferentes indivíduos atribuiriam aos biomas e, com isso, estimular a preservação ao viabilizar um mercado que remunere os preservadores. Trata-se de uma proposta inovadora, e os valores podem ser utilizados para auxiliar legisladores a viabilizar a regulamentação das legislações que preveem a concessão de compensações pela prestação de serviços ambientais, além de servirem como instrumentos de gestão ambiental interna às empresas, principalmente, pelo reconhecimento do potencial de benefícios dos recursos sob suas responsabilidades. / The Financial Accounting search reliable information that is reasonably free errors, bias and show, faithfully, what aim at represents. Obtaining environmental values with less bias possible, more accurate and comparable could, perhaps, constitute parameter for defining environmental services, give rise to discussions about the accounting treatment of the biome area preserved and, also, marketing of environmental certificate based on preservation the environment and, in general way, serve as support for business decisions take and government. This work aims to propose metric valuation of Legal Reserves and Permanent Preservation Areas on agricultural properties, in their natural state, pure and yet free from the effects of human actions. The metric was developed based on the method of Opportunity Cost (OC), Accounting Emergy and Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). The metric constitutes themselves from the sum of the value of O.C. to the Biome Total Value (BTV). However, the value of O.C. is discounted by business risk analyzed. The BTV is estimated by Emergy Accounting, considering the area hectare preserved in RL and / or APP, and the remaining area of the biome studied. So, the VTB is weighted by EKC, estimated by this change in the prices of agricultural crops analyzed. Aiming validation, estimated the preserved area in hectares of Legal Reserves and Permanent Preservation Areas of each terrestrial biome Brazilian referring to the ten crops that have greater acreage. From the cultures used the data on gross production, the price variation in average national and territorial scope of the federal units of Brazil. Were also used data from the Brazilian terrestrial biomes with respect to their total areas and remaining areas preserved. Information they obtained by consulting the IBGE site, IBAMA and Agrolink. Further, we applied the metric to value biomes preserved in national and over five real cultures data collected from agricultural enterprises. Between the results obtained with the metric, the highest value was for the Pampas biome on the cassava crop in 2010 (R $ 1,754.03) and lowest for the Cerrado biome in the wheat crop in 2005 (R $ 53.67). The attempt was to express the values, through the proposed metric, which would assign individuals on different biomes and, thereby, encouraging the preservation by allowing a market to remunerate preservers. This is an innovative proposal, and the values can be used to assist legislators to enable the regulation of the laws that predict the granting compensation the provision of environmental services, besides serving as instruments of internal environmental management firms, mainly, by recognition of the potential benefits of the resources under their responsibility.
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Metodologia para o cálculo da pegada hídrica ecotoxicológica de produtos dentro de uma perspectiva de ACV com uso do GIS: estudo piloto para o etanol hidratado / Methodology for the calculation of water ecotoxicity footprint of products within a LCA perspective and GIS use. Pilot study for application of the method for hydrated ethanol.Rita de Cassia Monteiro Marzullo 05 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta metodológica para se determinar a pegada hídrica ecotoxicológica (PHE) de produtos em uma perspectiva de ACV, dentro de uma abordagem crítica sobre o método. Cenários são construídos na forma de um estudo piloto de aplicação da metodologia para o etanol hidratado produzido por uma determinada Usina no Brasil e utilizado como combustível em carros a álcool ou carros flex. O trabalho também sugere que a PHE ou WEF (water ecotoxicity footprint ), na forma de um indicador, sirva de parâmetro tanto para o setor produtivo quanto para o mercado consumidor dentro do processo de tomada de decisão . O setor produtivo poderá utilizar o citado indicador dentro de um programa de metas de redução do nível de ecotoxicidade aquática de seu produto enquanto que, para o consumidor final, o conhecimento da PHE na forma de selo informativo servirá de alavanca rumo à evolução sustentável de nossa civilização que usará o seu poder de escolha na hora de adquirir determinado produto. Dentro da perspectiva de ACV, foram estudadas e inseridas formas de avaliação de impacto, no ponto médio, a nível local e regional com o uso de ferramentas de georeferenciamento. Na intenção de facilitar o uso da ACV no Brasil, o estudo estabelece parâmetros que tornam viável a obtenção de um indicador passível de comparação. Políticas Públicas poderão ser formadas com a possibilidade de incentivar a identificação e mitigação da ecotoxicidade aquática ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos do setor produtivo.. / This work presents a methodology to determine water ecotoxicity footprint of products in a perspective of LCA within a critical approach to the method. Scenarios are constructed in the form of a pilot study of application of the methodology for hydrous ethanol produced by a given plant in Brazil and used as fuel in flex cars. The work also suggests that the water ecotoxicity footprint, as an indicator, can be used as a parameter for both: the productive sector as well as for theend consumer within the decision-making process. The productive sector can use the cited indicator in a program targeting for reduction in aquatic ecotoxicity of your product while for the end consumer, knowledge of water ecotoxicity footprint in the form of a informative stamp will leverage towards sustainable development of our civilization that uses the power of choice when purchasing a product. From the perspective of LCA, were studied and included forms of impact assessment, at the midpoint, in local and regional level with the use of geo-referencing tools. With the intention of facilitating the use of LCA in Brazil, this study establishes criteria that make possible the comparison . Public policies can be formed with the possibility of encouraging the identification and mitigation of aquatic ecotoxicity along the supply chain of the productive sector..
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Sustentabilidade energética: uma análise do equilíbrio econômico, humano e natural. / Energy sustainability : an analysis of economic, human and natural balance.Ricardo Junqueira Fujii 19 March 2015 (has links)
O desenvolvimento sustentável e a própria sobrevivência da humanidade dependem da compatibilização da demanda por recursos energéticos com as limitações ambientais e necessidades humanas. Dessa maneira, torna-se fundamental compreender e mensurar a sustentabilidade energética. Para tanto, esse trabalho vale-se de princípios da economia ecológica e do planejamento integrado de recursos para identificar e analisar os fatores que afetam a sustentabilidade energética de um dado sistema. A partir desses fatores são definidos indicadores de sustentabilidade, os quais compõem uma metodologia concebida para avaliar o grau de sustentabilidade da produção de energia. Tal metodologia é testada em um estudo de caso da matriz elétrica paulista, a qual mostrou um nível próximo da sustentabilidade, mas com a necessidade de aprimoramentos. Por fim, são feitas reflexões sobre a robustez, a flexibilidade e as limitações da metodologia proposta, assim como recomendações para ajustes da composição da matriz estudada com o propósito de torná-la mais sustentável. / Sustainable development and the very survival of humanity depends on the compatibility of the demand for energy resources with environmental constraints and human needs. Thus, it is essential to understand and define metrics for energy sustainability. For that reason, this work draws on principles of ecological economics and integrated resource planning to identify and analyze the factors affecting energy sustainability of a given system. From these factors are defined sustainability indicators, which are the foundations for a methodology designed to assess the degree of sustainability of energy production. The methodology is tested on a case study of the electricity matrix of the State of Sao Paulo, which is close to a sustainable level even though requiring improvements in some aspects. Finally, reflections on the sturdiness, flexibility and limitations of the proposed methodology, as well as recommendations for adjustments in the composition of the case study matrix in order to make it more sustainable are made.
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Description et analyse du fonctionnement énergétique des espaces bâtis. Mises en œuvre systémique du bilan carbone associé. Application à l'Éco Ferme de Vincendo et au territoire de Mayotte / Description and analysis of energy functioning of built spaces. Systemic implementation of the associated carbon footprint. Application to the Vincendo Eco Farm and the territory of MayotteNidhoimi, El-Assad 19 July 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte où les tensions liées aux ressources énergétiques fossiles sont de plus en plus vives, concevoir une nouvelle manière d'appréhender le contexte énergétique est devenu essentiel. Les moyens de production et de consommation énergétiques habituels ont montré leur limite avec l'apparition de nouveau type de pollution pour différents secteurs. Dans ce rapport de thèse, nous nous sommes essentiellement axés sur le secteur de l'électricité en proposant un outil, d'aide à la décision, pour simuler la consommation électrique ainsi que la production électrique à partir des énergies renouvelables (EnR). La simulation de la consommation électrique permet d'avoir des informations à différents échelles d'observation en s'appuyant sur une démarche systémique et typologique, qui permet de calculer le bilan carbone associé à cette consommation ainsi que son coût annuel. Par la suite, cette consommation a été analysée à l'échelle horaire afin de pouvoir là mettre en relation avec des fichiers de production pour effectuer un pilotage au niveau de la courbe de charge. Ce pilotage a pour but de lisser les pics au niveau de la courbe de charge. Les premiers résultats analytiques obtenus à l'aide des outils développés montrent qu'il est possible de réduire l'appel au réseau électrique normal à un certain niveau en fonction des dimensionnements des systèmes de production EnR et du stockage. Ainsi que de pouvoir limité les coûts d'investissement au juste nécessaire, c'est-à-dire avoir un prix le moins cher possible, grâce à une optimisation du système EnR. / In a context where the tensions linked to fossil energy resources are increasing, design a new way of understanding the energy context has become essential. The usual means of energy production and consumption have shown their limit with the appearance of new types of pollution for different sectors. In this thesis, we mainly focused on the electricity sector by proposing a tool to simulate electricity consumption and electricity production from renewable energies (RES). Simulation of electricity consumption allows having information on different observation scales based on a systemic and typological approach, according to which the associated carbon footprint to this consumption is being calculated as well as its annual cost. Subsequently, this consumption was analyzed at the hourly scale, which is to relate it to the production files in order to control the load curve. This control aims to smooth down the peaks of the load curve. The first analytical results, obtained by using the developed tools, show that it is possible to reduce the use of the normal electrical network to a certain level according to the dimensions of the RES production systems and storage.
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Incorporating complex systems dynamics in sustainability assessment frameworks : enhanced prediction and management of socio-ecological systems performanceMamouni Limnios, Elena Alexandra January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The application of reductionism, breaking down problems to simpler components that can be solved and then aggregating the results, is one of the bases of classical science. However, living organisms, ecosystems, social and economic structures are complex systems, characterised by non-linear interactions between their elements and exhibit emergent properties that are not directly traceable to their components. Sustainability assessment frameworks oversimplify system interactions, achieving limited predictive capacity and causing managerial behavior that may reduce system's ability to adapt to external disturbance. Intrigued by the importance of complexity, we explore the central theme of how complex thinking can influence the understanding and progress towards sustainability. The purpose is to conceptualize the relationship of key terms (such as sustainability, functionality and resilience), and consecutively develop new or adjust existing sustainability frameworks to take into account complex systems interactions. We aim at developing theory and frameworks that can be used to raise awareness of the pitfalls of the growth paradigm and direct towards modest positions when managing complex systems. We seek to define the structural elements that influence system adaptive capacity, allowing identification of early signs of system rigidity or vulnerability and the development of knowledge and techniques that can improve our predictive and managerial ability. The focus has been on a variety of system scales and dynamics. At the collective community level, a number of stakeholder engagement practices and frameworks are currently available. However, there is limited awareness of the complexity challenges among stakeholders, who are commonly directed to a triple bottom line analysis aiming at maximizing a combination of outputs. An attempt is conducted to measure the functionality of the processes underlying a standing stock, in contrast to sustainability measures that only assess the variations of the standing stock itself. We develop the Index of Sustainable Functionality (ISF), a framework for the assessment of complex systems interactions within a large-scale geographic domain and apply it to the State of Western Australia. '...' Finally, we focus on smaller systems scales and develop a methodology for the calculation of Product Ecological Footprint (PEF) including elements from the accounting method of activity based costing. We calculate PEF for three apple production systems and identify significant differences from first stage calculations within the same industry. Cross-industry application will provide a practical way to link individuals' consumption with their ecological impact, reduce misperceptions of products' ecological impacts and develop a market-driven approach to internalizing environmental externalities. At the firm level PEF can be compared with investment costs, resulting in the opportunity to optimize both functions of financial cost and ecological impact in decision making. We have developed methods for incorporating complexity in sustainability assessment frameworks. Further work is required in testing and validating these methodologies at multiple system scales and conditions. Integrating such tools in decision making mechanisms will enhance long-term management of socioecological systems performance.
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永續性衡量工具之探討-以台北市為例周加宗 Unknown Date (has links)
基於資料取得與相關研究的經驗,本研究提出四個衡量台北市永續性的分析工具,所選擇的方法包括綜合面向指標的「永續性指標」(sustainability indicator)、環境向度的「生態足跡」(ecological footprint)分析與「環境空間」(enviromental space)指標,以及生態經濟面向的「生態效率」(eco-efficiency),多面向地衡量台北市的永續性趨勢,以提供都市永續發展的決策預警、決策檢討與決策引導之功能。
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