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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ogräsrensning i insjöträdgården : Fiskutrotning under det svenska ”rotenonprojektet”, ca. 1950–1970 / Weed Control in the Lake Garden : Fish Eradication During the Swedish "Rotenone Project", ca. 1950-1970

Sigvardson, Inez January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the historical practice of managing lakes and other bodies of water with the idea to create good fishing waters for fishers and anglers. The starting point for the thesis is the use of rotenone as a piscicide to exterminate the fish populations in Swedish lakes between 1950-1970. Rotenone was used to create empty waters for the purpose of fish stocking with species of fish that were seen as more valuable for recreational fishermen. The study analyzes the use of rotenone as a method for controlling parts of nature for human profit and use. From a perspective of conservation, fishers advocated for the use of rotenone as a way to ensure the success of the fish stocking practices. I show that how metaphors connected to gardening and farming was used during the legitimization of the rotenone method to describe the species of fish which were the targets for eradication. The fish deemed unvaluable were described as weeds or trash which connected to the idea of extermination of those species. Furthermore, the treatment with rotenone was part of a bigger project in Sweden, for the establishment of public areas in nature in which citizens could practice outdoor recreation. With a framework of more- than-human entanglements I analyze the rotenone project as acts of domestication of water and fish, which additionally connected to the idea that humans should be in control of nature. The question of animal agency entered the discourse surrounding rotenone, because of the weed- fish’s tendency to return to the treated waters. The fish’s agency and intentionality were most often referred to through an anthropomorphic lens, and they were thus attributed with a human understanding of intent. I argue that the inability to see the fish’s own agency and the desire to control nature through separation were contributing factors in the failure of the rotenone project.

Does digital divide or unite? The impact of mobile apps on Mexican small-scale fisheries.

Ahmed, Tamhida January 2024 (has links)
Small-scale fisheries in low and middle-income countries lag significantly behind in access to trustworthy, consistent, and easily available fisheries data. Empirical studies on the effectiveness of mobile apps for transparent data sharing to address gender disparities and women's engagement in small-scale fisheries remain limited. Data is important because it identifies the reporting source, facilitates the evaluation of fishing activities, and ensures accountability within the fishing sector. This study examines the potential of mobile apps for increasing the visibility of women's contributions to small-scale fisheries using Mexico as a case study. Current research on the role of apps in promoting equitable and sustainable fisheries is insufficient, as it lacks detailed information on who is reporting the data and its impact on the fishing sector. The primary method for this study is Q-methodology, a participatory mixed-methods approach appropriate for extracting patterns of opinions held in common within a group. Ten representative fishers from different communities and villages in Mexico participated in the study, and the analysis highlighted two key perspectives. First, mobile apps facilitate increased visibility of women within the fishing community, promoting collaboration and partnership between male and female fishers; this builds a sense of trust and group identity within the community, leading to stronger collective action. Second, collective action in the community leads to male fishers entrusting women with more fishing tasks like reporting catch data on their behalf– a task traditionally performed only by male fishers. This results in women using mobile apps to take a more active role in reporting both community solutions and catch data which leads to increased compliance to marine reserves in the fishing community. The findings are important because the study explores the potential of technology, specifically mobile apps, in recognizing women's transformative roles in reporting fishing data for equitable and sustainable small-scale fisheries.

An examination of the implementation of selected batho pele principles: A case study of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and its selected clients

Venter, Nico January 2018 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - Madmin / The Batho Pele principles can be seen as a tool to help transform the South African public sector by making it more responsive to the needs of its citizens. The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service strives to enhance service delivery to all South Africans (Taylor,2007).The role of the Batho Pele principles is to improve service delivery within the public sector and to assist with the transformation of a public sector that is more effective and people centred. However, if these principles are ignored, it will lead to a public sector that only caters to the needs of the middle class and higher-income groups, thus leaving the lowerincome citizens with a substandard of service delivery. Batho Pele means to put the people first; however, that can only take place if these principles are implemented correctly and continuously and their successes and challenges monitored and addressed (RSA, 1997b). If the people are not valued, it will lead to a scenario where citizens lose trust in government. This in turn, could lead to a decrease in active public participation. By not engaging and consulting with the people, government will not adhere to the very first of the Batho Pele principles. Service delivery to all citizens and a responsive public sector are yet to be achieved (Taylor, 2007. Matas argues that the South African public sector lacks effectiveness and efficiency and as a result of this, unequal service delivery is experienced by millions of South Africans (Matas, 1994. The main research objective of this study is to examine the implementation process of the Batho Pele principles through the case of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and how it influences its interactions with relevant clients/citizens. The reason why this department was selected was due to the fact that this department within the Western Cape was solely responsible for assisting wine farm owners across the country with the necessary submissions of wine samples and scientific laboratory reports. This process facilitates the testing, approval and marketing of the wines produced.

The function of seasonal habitat shifts in two congeneric mayflies in a boreal river

Söderström, Olle January 1988 (has links)
Unregulated North Swedish rivers show large seasonal variations in their physical characteristics. During winter the whole littoral zone freezes solid, and in spring the water flow increases rapidly and the same areas become flooded. The two mayflies Parameletus chelifer and P. minor are common in the North Swedish river Vindelälven. They probably pass through a dormant egg stage in its mid-stream section. The first tiny nymphs appeared in January to March, but they did not become abundant until the ice broke up in May. At this time they migrated rapidly to the flooded upper littoral, some continuing into the tributaries. During  the migration phase, both species used chemoreception to orient themselves towards the flooded areas. The shoreward migration allowed the nymphs to avoid high current velocity, and to utilize unexploited food resources. The two species differed with respect to utilization of the upper littoral. Most Parameletus chelifer nymphs colo­nized a seasonal stream, while the P. minor nymphs were equally abundant at the river margin as in a seasonal stream. Both temperature and food quality differed between the river margin and the seasonal stream. Compared to P. minor specimens, those of Parameletus chelifer showed a somewhat higher optimum tempe­rature, and they gained advantage of the higher food quality observed in the seasonal stream. Parameletus chelifer specimens colonizing a seasonal stream had higher growth rate, higher fecundity, and probably also advanced emergence as well as larger adult size compared with those remaining at the river margin. In addition mortality from fish predation may be lowered by utilizing shallow seasonal streams. Specimens of P. minor had higher growth rate, larger adult size and advanced emergence in the seasonal stream compared with those at the river margin. Nevertheless, fecundity was equal in both habitats and the mortality caused by predation seemed almost similar in both habitats. In most years Parameletus chelifer specimens utilizing the seasonal stream thus obtain a higher fitness than those utilizing the river margin. In P. minor this diffe­rence was not so pronounced. However, due to mortality risks caused by an early desiccation of the seasonal stream, the long-term reproductive output of the two species probably varies irregularly in the two habitats. / digitalisering@umu

Nulägesanalys av drönaranvändningen i svenskt skogsbruk / Situation assessment of the use of drones in Swedish forestry

Magnusson, Katrin January 2017 (has links)
A drone is an aircraft that can fly itself or be remotely controlled by a driver elsewhere while collecting data of various kinds. In Swedish forestry drones are used today both by professionals and by private forest owners. The aim of this study was to find out how drones are used in Swedish forestry today, describe their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and find out what developmental areas there are for drones. Data was collected through telephone interviews with nine respondents with different geographical locations in Sweden and with different practical experiences. Drones are primarily used in forestry planning. In the SWOT analysis, most responses were in the category of strengths. Examples of strengths many saw were more effective work and planning. The main opportunity was the rapid development of technology. Weaknesses mentioned were that they lacked equipment and the largest threat was the authorities. Many respondents wanted to see development of apps and program.

Topografi och markfuktighet för granbarkborreskadad skog / Topography and soil moisture for spruce bark beetle damaged forest

Magnebäck, Anders, Fälth, Peter January 2020 (has links)
En stor skadegörare på de svenska granskogarna är den åttatandade granbarkborren Ips typographus (L.). Torkstress, vattentillgång och landskapets topografi är faktorer som påverkar granens vitalitet. Om granen har en låg vitalitet riskerar den i högre utsträckning att bli angripen av granbarkborren. Syftet med studien var att analysera topografi och markfuktighet för granbarkborreskadad skog. Områden med skadade träd och oskadade träd jämfördes i GIS-programmet QGIS för att se om det fanns en skillnad med avseende på markfuktighet, lutning, lutningsriktning och höjd över havet. Resultatet visade att granbarkborren angriper främst gran i syd till sydvästlig och östlig riktning. Även områden på torrare marker har en ökad risk för angrepp samt områden där terrängen inte sluttar. Troligtvis löper områden där ovan nämnda variabler sammanfaller större risk att bli angripna av granbarkborren.

Brukningsvärd jordbruksmark - för en hållbar framtid / Agricultural land suitable for cultivation - for a sustainable future

Mellbin, Amanda, Simson, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att klargöra den brukningsvärda jordbruksmarkens skydd och bevarande ur ett nationellt och hållbart perspektiv inom fysisk samhällsplanering. Den övergripande frågeställningen handlar om vad det finns för problematik när det gäller att bevara eller exploatera jordbruksmark. Särskilt studeras lagstiftningens eventuella hinder, tydlighet och tillämpning. Studien fokuserar på den lagstiftning som berör kommunens fysiska planering. Länsstyrelsen har en rådgivande och övervakande roll över kommunen i samband med planläggning av mark- och vattenområden men har inga befogenheter att informera eller ingripa när det gäller brukningsvärd jordbruksmark. Ett område av nationell betydelse i 3 kap. miljöbalken (MB) behandlas därmed annorlunda av staten än ett område av riksintresse i 3- och 4 kap. MB. Tillvägagångssättet för att klargöra lagstiftning som berör kommunens fysiska planering och länsstyrelsens roll i samband med planläggning av mark och vatten utgörs av en kombinerad rättsdogmatisk metod och rättsociologisk metod. Studien redogör för lägesbilden idag och det som förändrats sedan år 2013, genom intervjuundersökning, enkätundersökning och studier av avgöranden i Mark-och miljööverdomstolen (MÖD) från år 2016 till idag. Resultat från intervju ger förslag på en ändrad plan- och bygglagstiftning som förändrar länsstyrelsens rådgivnings- och tillsynsroll i planprocessen. Prognos framöver är fortsatt exploatering av jordbruksmark. Resultat från studiens enkät visar att kommun och länsstyrelse tror på en minskad exploateringstakt fram till år 2030 av jordbruksmark omkring tätorter. Bostadsbebyggelse är ett väsentligt allmänt intresse och är enligt enkätundersökningen den främsta anledningen till att jordbruksmark exploateras. Resultatet visar en ökad uppmärksamhet på jordbruksmarkens betydelse för livsmedelsproduktion och hållbar utveckling. Förslag från myndigheter på förändrat sätt att värdera jordbruksmark kan bidra till en ökad förståelse över jordbruksmarkens värde och betydelse för att uppnå hållbar utveckling. Enligt studien har förändring av rättsläget sedan år 2016 stärkt jordbruksmarkens bevarandevärde. MÖD konstaterar i studiens undersökta rättsfall: oavsett hur lite eller mycket marken brukas, oavsett klassning och oavsett om det är betes- eller åkermark anses jordbruksmark vara brukningsvärd och därmed inte lämplig att exploatera. / The aim of this study is to clarify the agricultural land that is suitable for cultivation and protection from a national and sustainable perspective within physical planning. The general inquiry in this study is whether there is a problem between preserving or developing agricultural land. Studying Swedish legislation, and any potential obstacles, as well as its clarity and applicability have been important to respond to the aim of this study. The study focuses on Swedish legislation that affects municipal physical planning. The County Administrative Board's has a provision of advice- and monitoring role when the municipal wants to plan for use of land- and water areas but has no empowerment to inform or interfere in agricultural land that is suitable for cultivation. Agricultural land is mentioned as an area of "national importance" in the Environmental Code in chapter 3, section 4 but other areas in the same chapter are mentioned as "national interests". This means that the Swedish Government protect the agricultural land differently than the other areas that are mentioned in this chapter. The chosen methods to clarify the Swedish legislation is applied using a legal dogmatic method and a sociology of law method. These methods are used to present Swedish legislation that concerns the municipal physical planning, as well as the County Administrative Board's and their part in monitoring the use of land and water. The study is an overview of the current situation and what has changed since the year of 2013, carried out by conducting a survey, an interview and studying precedents from the Land and Environment Court of Appeal from the year 2016 until present day. The interviews suggest a proposition that a changed Planning and Building Act can alter the municipal and the County Administrative Board's roles and authority regarding regulation and advice in the planning process. The forecast is that agricultural land is going to continue to be developed. The results from the survey indicate that the municipal and the County Administrative Board's believe that the development of agriculture land adjacent to the urban center are going to be reduced by the year of 2030. Housing development is known as a significant national interest and according to the survey it is the main reason to develop agricultural land. The survey result also indicates an increased awareness of agricultural land and the importance for food production and sustainable development. A proposition from authorities to evaluate agricultural land in a different way than before can also contribute to a deeper understanding of agricultural land's value and importance in achieving sustainable development. According to this study the legal postion changed in the year of 2016 which has consolidated the maintenance of agricultural land. The cases in this study from the Land and Environment Court of Appeal mention: no matter how much the agricultural land is being cultivated or not, no matter the classification and no matter if it is pasture or arable land, the agricultural land is suitable for cultivation and therefore not appropriate to develop.

Hur påverkas vårt välmående av korta vistelser i skogen? / How does short excursions in a forest affect our well-being?

Andersson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är det vanligaste hälsoproblemet i Sverige och framför allt bland unga. Det är alarmerande siffror som ses öka. Brist på regelbunden återhämtning kan vara en orsak och leda till psykisk ohälsa och utmattning.Vårt ursprung nära naturen påverkar oss även idag och i skogen finns många hälsofördelar att hämta. Där får hjärnan vila från alla intryck vi dagligen utsätts för och vi kan få känna lugn och ro.Denna studie undersökte om och hur korta skogsvistelser påverkar välmående. 10 deltagare fick göra korta skogsvistelser och besvara enkäter före och efter skogsvistelsen för att skatta olika aspekter på välmående. Studien visade att korta skogsvistelser hade en momentan positiv effekt på alla efterfrågade aspekter. Efter 15 min i skogen kände deltagarna sig mer avspända, glada, harmoniska lugna och klartänkta än innan. Långtidseffekter sågs främst på koncentrationsförmåga. Samtliga deltagare uppger att de har fått ett förbättrat välmående efter sina skogsvistelser och åtta av tio uppger ett förbättrat välmående efter studien.

Kan trädslagssammansättning och fodertillgång påverka betesskador på tall? / Can species mixtures and feed access affect browsing damage on Scots pine?

Sandberg, Alice, Marcusson, Emy January 2020 (has links)
Skogsägare, främst i Götaland, har stora problem med betesskador i tallföryngringar vilket kan bidra till minskad tillväxt och ekonomisk förlust. Studien undersökte huruvida trädslagssammansättning och fodertillgång påverkar betesskador på tall i ett fältförsök i Blekinge och i praktiska föryngringar i Östergötland. Studien visar att främst toppskottsbetning förekommer vid lägre höjder vilket påvisar vikten av att snabbt få upp föryngringen till en högre höjd. Att fastslå huruvida exempelvis trädslagssammansättning, vegetationstyp, höjdrelation och medelhöjd påverkar betesskador på tall är komplicerad då det finns många faktorer som har en betydande roll. Dessa kan exempelvis vara vikten av ståndortsanpassning, förädlat plantmaterial, markberedning samt tidpunkt för röjning. Skogsägare måste göra en avvägning i vad som är den mest effektiva metoden i varje enskilt fall för att föryngra tall utan en för stor andel betesskador.

En jämförelse av viltbete vid bränsleanpassad & konventionell avverkning / A comparison of ungulate browsing in fuel-adapted & conventional harvesting

Vestgren, Anna, Westblom, Niclas January 2020 (has links)
Problemen med betesskador på ungskog av tall (Pinus sylvestris) under vintertid är många utifrån flera olika synvinklar. Det finns ett behov av att hitta en balans som är bra för både viltet, skogsbruket, jakten och övriga intressenter. I den här studien har frågan ställts om avverkningsmetoden spelar roll för viltbetet. Kan bränsleanpassad avverkningsmetod bidra till mer foderskapande åtgärder än vid konventionell föryngringsavverkning? En fältdatainsamling utfördes på totalt fyra områden á 2,5 ha, där två var bränsleanpassade och två konventionellt avverkade. All data som samlades in analyserades statistiskt, för att få fram om det fanns någon skillnad mellan avverkningsmetoderna i mängden betat foder, betesfrekvens och andel betade provytor. Även en spillningsinventering utfördes för att se vilken typ av klövvilt som vistats på områdena. Resultatet visar på en högre andel betat foder, högre betesfrekvens, fler spillningshögar och större andel betade provytor vid de bränsleanpassade avverkningarna.

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