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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attitudes, existing support and required incentives to increase Continuous Cover Forestry in Sweden

Lejon, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
An increasing wave of critique against conventional forestry favouring even-aged monoculture plantations and intense ground preparation in Sweden is arising, where some researchers are warning about the negative consequences of the long history of intense forestry and increasing extraction due to the growing demand for bioenergy has caused devastating consequences on ecosystems in forests such as loss of biodiversity. Additionally, reports are revealing that Sweden will not meet its own national environmental goals. Meantime, a growing interest in Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) has increased due to prioritising biodiversity and conserving ecological and social values in the forests. Therefore, this study aims to explore pathways towards more diverse and varied forest management by examining the attitudes, existing support and required incentives for stakeholders in the Swedish forest sector towards an increase of CCF. This study follows an interpretive approach, where qualitative semi-structured interviews are conducted with different actors within the Swedish forest sector along with a literature review. The empirical data is analysed through a coding procedure and analysed with the multi-level perspective approach. The main findings of this study suggest that the existing attitude and support contribute as well as prevent an increase of CCF to some extent, however, the required incentives are crucial for forest actors’ ability to increase CCF. To conclude, the incentives are discussed to affect the ability to increase CCF, and if implemented, the incentives will in turn influence the attitudes of willingness to increase CCF and the existing support to develop in relation to CCF.

Plantering av trädarter i svenska städer : risker för introducering av nya skadegörare / Planting tree species in Swedish cities : risk of introduktion of new pests

Eriksson, Ann January 2023 (has links)
Med dagens transportteknik är det enkelt för stadsplanerare att importera exotiska träd från hela världen. Med importerade plantor finns dock risk att det följer med nya trädsjukdomar och skadegörare till länder där dessa sjukdomar ej funnits tidigare. När nya skadegörarna väl har etablerat sig på stadsträden är näst steg spridning till omgivande skogar. Förutom skador på skogsekosystem kan dessa skadegörare orsaka stora ekonomiska förluster. Syftet med studien var att identifiera möjliga risker för introducering av nya trädskadegörare till svenska skogar och jämföra hur stor andel importerat planteringsmaterial som används i olika delar av Sverige. I materialet från totalt sex städer upptäcktes brister i dokumentation av planterade träd, framför allt saknades information om planteringsmaterialetsursprungsland. Ett bättre registreringssystem behövs för att proaktivt kunna minska risker att främmande trädsjukdomar och skadegörare kan etablera sig i Sverige.

Skogsägares val av hyggesfria metoder / Forest owners’ choice of continuous cover forestry methods

Lundin, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersökte skogsägares preferenser avseende hyggesfria metoder och faktorer som är viktiga i deras val av hyggesfria metoder. Genom att använda en webbaserad enkät inkom 84 svar från skogsägare. Plockhuggning identifierades som den mest önskvärda metoden följt av överhållen skärm. Ekonomi och biologisk mångfald var viktiga faktorer vid val av hyggesfri skötselmetod. Respondenterna önskade mer kunskap om olika metoder, ekonomiskt utfall samt påverkan på den biologiska mångfalden vid användning av hyggesfria skogsbruksmetoder. Brist på kunskap var en stor anledning till att tidigare inte ha brukat skogen med hyggesfria metoder.

Olika markberedningsmetoders effekt på granens (Picea abies) utveckling 16 år efter plantering med och utan snytbaggeskydd / The effect of different soil scarification methods on the development of Norway spruce (Picea abies) 16 years after planting with and without pine weevil protection

Svanfeldt Ohlsén, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Vid föryngring ger markberedning en bra förutsättning för plantan att överleva och växa, och med mindre risk för snytbaggeangrepp. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur snytbaggeskydd och olika markberedningsmetoder långsiktigt påverkar stamantal, medelhöjd och volymproduktion hos gran (Picea abies). Markberedningsmetoderna som jämfördes var högläggning, fläckmarkberedning och inversmarkberedning. De jämfördes med att inte markbereda alls. Hälften av plantorna var behandlade mot snytbagge med permetrin, dessa var jämt fördelade i försöket. Studien genomfördes i en försöksyta 9284, vid SLU:s försökspark i Siljansfors, Mora kommun. Beståndet var 17 år när det mättes (16 år efter plantering) hösten 2018. Då mättes trädens höjd, diameter samt grönkronans höjd. Volym beräknades med volymfunktioner. Högläggning, inversmarkberedning, och fläckmarkberedning (i nu nämnd ordning) och snytbaggeskydd gynnade granplantornas volymtillväxt, gav flest stammar samt högst höjd. Att högläggning och inversmarkberedning var så framgångsrika i detta försök beror troligen på att marken i Siljansfors är näringsfattig och fuktig. Hög planteringspunkt ökar risken för en planta att torka. Permetrinbehandling hade en positiv effekt på volymen och stamantalet, dock var det ingen signifikant skillnad vad gäller höjden. Markberedning samt permetrinbehandling ger bestående långsiktiga resultat för produktionen. / In regenerations, soil preparation provides good conditions for plants to survive and grow, and reduces the risk of damage by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term effect of protection against pine weevil damage and the long-term effect of different soil scarification methods on the number of trees, tree height and the volume production of spruce (Picea abies). The soil preparation methods that were compared were mounding, patch scarification and the inverse method. These were compared as well as to, no soil preparation at all. Half of the plants were treated against pine weevil with permethrin. These were evenly distributed in the experiment. The study was conducted in the trial area 9284, at SLU's experimental park in Siljansfors, Mora municipality. The trees were 17 years old when measured (16 years after planting) in the autumn 2018. Then tree height, diameter and the height of the green crown was measured. Volume was calculated with volume functions. Mounding, the inverse method and patch scarification (in the order mentioned) and pine weevil protection benefited the volume production of the spruce trees, the numbers of trees and tree height. The fact that mounding and the inverse method was so successful in this experiment is probably due to that the soil in Siljansfors is nutrient-poor and moist. High planting points increases the risk of drought. Permethrin treatment had a positive effect on volume production and the number of plants, however, there was no significant difference regarding tree height. Soil preparation and permethrin treatment provide lasting long-term effects on production.

Positive welfare indicators of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus), a review : Which of the indicators are being used for the on-farm evaluation of pig’s positive welfare? / Positiva välfärdsindikatorer för den domesticerade grisen (Sus scrofa domesticus), en översyn : Vilka indikatorer används för att utvärdera grisens positiva välfärd på gårdsnivå?

Papageorgiou, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Since the 1960s the focus of animal welfare has been mainly on the negative aspects of welfare and on minimizing and alleviating these negatives. Lately, the focus has been not only on the negative features of welfare that should be kept above a minimum standard, but also on the positive ones that should be enforced. Positive welfare goes a step beyond the common welfare approach and focuses additionally on the positive aspects that animals should have in their lives. This review analyses the behavioral indicators that have been proposed as positive welfare indicators of the domestic pig and have been studied theoretically or experimentally. Various behavioral indicators have been proposed but play is the positive indicator that has been studied the most, followed by exploratory and social affiliative behaviors. Vocalizations and ear and tail postures have also been proposed as promising positive welfare indicators but more research is needed to clearly understand the expression of these behaviors and the affective states that they indicate. According to the literature results, the Welfare Quality protocol for pigs is the only protocol that evaluates the positive welfare of the pig on the farm level. Play, exploratory and social affiliative behaviors are being measured. In addition, positive emotions are being measured via Qualitative Behavioral Assessment (QBA). / Efter 1960-talet, fokuserar djurvälfärden huvudsakligen på de negativa aspekterna av välfärd och på att minimera och lindra de negativa aspekterna. Under de senaste åren, har fokus legat inte bara på att minimera de negativa aspekterna och hålla dem över en minimistandard utan också på att förstärka de positiva. Positiv välfärd går ett steg framåt i det gemensamma välfärdssynsättet och fokuserar dessutom på de positiva aspekterna som djur bör ha i sina liv. Denna översyn analyserar de positiva beteendeindikatorer på djurvälfärd, de som har föreslagits som positiva välfärdsindikatorer för den domesticerade grisen och har studerats teoretiskt eller experimentellt. Bland alla indikatorer har lekbeteende studerats mest, följt av undersökingsbeteende och sociala affiliativa beteenden. Vokalisationer och öron- och svansställningar har också föreslagits som lovande positiva välfärdsindikatorer men fler studier bör göras för att tydligt förstå uttrycket av dessa beteenden och grisens känslor som de indikerar. Enligt litteraturen, är Welfare Quality protokoll för grisar det enda protokollet som utvärderar grisens positiva välfärd på gårdsnivå. Lekbeteende, undersökningsbeteende och sociala affiliativa beteenden mäts. Dessutom, positiva känslor mäts via QBA.

Understanding The Impact Of Market demand For Paper And Paperboard On Swedish Ports : A scenario planning approach

Persson, Hanna, Bodiroga, Dejan January 2023 (has links)
Background: The global marketplace is characterized by rapid and constantchange, resulting in complex logistics systems. The port industry, which is a crucial link in the supply chain, seeks to understand the complexity of market dynamics. Ports should understand the changing market dynamics to better meet the market demand and have a competitive advantage. One representative from the port industry is Swedish ports and the Port of Gothenburg, which will be the focus of this thesis. The market demand for paper and paperboard has been a significant driver of shipping activities in Swedish ports. The market demand for bulk and container shipping is also relevant due to its influence on the port’s operation. Furthermore, itis essential for port authorities to understand the demand-oriented infrastructure to develop strategies to meet the market dynamics. Purpose: This thesis has been undertaken on behalf of the PoG. The purpose of the thesis is to provide a clearer understanding of how the current and future market demand of paper and paperboard influence Swedish ports with scenario planning. Based on the future market demand for paper and paperboard, additional information of the future market demand for bulk and container will be included in the scenarios. By using the scenarios, recommendations will be given regarding investments the port authority at PoG needs to implement as a response to future paper and paperboard market demand. Methodology: The thesis has a qualitative case study with Port of Gothenburg as the study object. Data collection has been conducted through semi- and unstructuredinterviews from the Swedish forest industry, three forest companies and port authority at Port of Gothenburg. Additionally, scenario planning will be the main analysis method in this thesis. Conclusion: The current market demand for paper and paperboard indicates that demand for paper is decreasing, while demand for paperboard is increasing. The future market demand for paper and paperboard can develop in several ways. The authors of this thesis believe that the market demand for paper will have a structural fall with an exception for special paper. While paperboard will have a continuous increase. Furthermore, there is currently an increase of bulk and container shipping in the Port of Gothenburg. The authors believe that future market demand for bulk will be stable, while container will have an increased trend. However, as the market demand is hard to predict, the thesis presents four scenarios of different futureoutcomes of market demand for paper, paperboard, bulk- and container shipping. There are several investments needed for the Port of Gothenburg to respond to theestablished demand scenarios. Investments that will benefit Port of Gothenburg themost are Port Community System (PCS), Integrated Warehouse ManagementSystem (IWMS), Real-Time Location System (RTLS), development of port quays,larger quay cranes and floating islands, and cold ironing and renewable energy. Key words: Paper, Paperboard, forest industry, bulk, container, cargo shipping,seaport, Port of Gothenburg, scenario planning, port investments

Den ekologiska utvecklingen på Västra hamnen i Malmö / The ecological development at West harbor in Malmö

Quach, Frank January 2021 (has links)
Abstract In this essay, it is investigated whether West Harbour, in Malmö, has the greenery to fulfill the goals and visions needed to be able to be said to be an ecological district today. An increasing proportion of people have moved to the city, which means major ecological challenges for the city and the ecology in general. Ecological urban planning can be a tool to curb these problems. In previous research from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and an essay from previous students they have looked further at what it is like to plan urban from an ecological concept in different cities. In this essay the theory from Mostafavi och Doherty (2016) which talks about planning ecologically. Diedrich (2013) writes about using tools to analyze the “site”. During the interviews, the five informants shared their knowledge of the ecological development theme at “Västra hamnen” and gave a closer insight into the property in front of the building itself and its surroundings. The four themes were compiled in this essay which concerns the need for parks, ecological development, green areas and green oases and climate change - elevated sea levels.   In need of parks, it emerged that there was a shortage of parks in the Western Harbor. In ecological development, the city of Malmö wants to test a new environment at Dockan's harbor basin, the concept of park islands. Green spaces and green oases are, there are results about open spaces on the property Fören 3 - Turning Torso as it can open discussions to expand green in the physical space offered. Climate change - elevated sea levels that can challenge the future of housing and security.  The assignment is about the accommodation’s future safety and current elevated sea level.     The interviews and field observations gave a closer insight into what it is to visit, see, hear, feel, smell, and based on the ecological conditions, the Western Harbor is experienced with its own senses. It also gave me abstract thoughts on what it would be like to shape a place and in the physical space. From a blank sheet of paper to filling it with colors, to shape an attractive concept and design for the benefit of the public. Finally, a solution proposal will be presented in the concept of “Parc in the Water” on the West Harbour.   Keywords: ecology, field observation, greenery, park, park islands, site / <p>Presentationen ägde rum på zoom meeting. </p><p>Samtliga publikationer närvarade på presentationen med en Powerpoint. </p>

The management of forestry projects :a case study of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWARF) in the Limpopo Province

Tshivhase, Hanedzani Miriam 15 February 2016 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

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