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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det är någonting mer än det vi har gjort tidigare” : En kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariers reflektioner kring data literacy / “It's something more than we've done before” : A qualitative study about librarian reflection on data literacy

Risberg, Cajsa-Stina Erica January 2018 (has links)
The development of digitization and technology has brought new opportunities to produce and access research data. This has generated the need to be able to use and manage data. Data literacy has been listed as one of the great current trends in the library world as a result of new opportunities for spreading and managing data. The purpose of the present thesis has thus been to investigate librarians’ reflection on data literacy. Five librarians at a university library have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews. Interviewees view data literacy as a concept that is closely related to information literacy. Data literacy is said to be about saving, analyzing, citing and reusing data. At the university library, data literacy is viewed through both skills’ development and activities. Since the phenomenon is relatively new, the staff has been given the opportunity to develop skills through workshops in data analysis tools. In addition, the university library has opened two digital labs at two libraries that aim to contribute to creative learning environments for data management and data usage. The library has offered workshops in data analysis programs for users. Data literacy has not been fully implemented in the library’s teaching yet. One of the major challenges in implementing data literacy is to find time to develop skills but at the same time prioritize the library’s core functions. However, informants believe that data literacy will entail new roles for university libraries in the future and that it will affect more than just teaching librarians.

Varför väljer forskare att återanvända data? : En studie om upplevda fördelar och hinder / Why do researchers choose to reuse data? : A study of perceived advantages and obstacles

Dahlin, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine why social scientists choose to reuse research data. Through semi-structured interviews with researchers with previous experience of data reuse, this thesis seeks to illuminate the factors that influence their decisions. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The theoretical framework consists of concepts borrowed from two theories. The first is a model for data sharing, that has been applied to data reuse. The second is a theory of satisfaction with data reuse. The results show that the most influential factors are ethical and financial aspects, and the accessibility of the data itself. Together with the literature review, the results suggest that the way forward is to develop a functioning infrastructure for data sharing, to facilitate the discovery of data for reuse.

Hantering av data genom tid och rum : En records continuum-analys av hur humanistiska forskare hanterar forskningsdata för tillgängliggörande och bevarande / Data management through time and space : A records continuum analysis of how researchers in the humanities manage research data for sharing and preservation purposes

Sundberg, Sara January 2024 (has links)
While the preservation and sharing of research data are two topics well researched, there is a need to better understand the connections between them, especially from a Swedish perspective. In relation to this, it is interesting to investigate how researchers themselves are involved in these processes – where and how they preserve their data, for what reasons, how they manage their data for preservation and sharing, and furthermore what consequences this might have for the archiving of research data. The method used in this thesis is semi-structured interviews with 10 researchers from various Swedish universities, conducted in person, via Zoom or by e-mail. The researchers were chosen from their sharing activities on research data repositories. The interviews were processed in Taguette, where the data was organized by tags. The tags with their related statements were then organized into themes. Furthermore, a theoretical analysis based on the records continuum model was conducted.  The primary reason that was stated for preservation was data sharing. The researchers expressed a wish for their research data to be reused, as well as stating reasons related to transparency. The researchers also expressed that their data management was influenced by future data sharing. One researcher had archived their data at the university, although most of the participants was positive to doing so in the future. It appears that the researchers in this study takes initiative when it comes to the preservation and sharing of their data. Most of the participants view the data repository as a good platform for preservation, possibly because such platforms can fulfil their reasons for participating in preservation activities. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Insyn eller intrång i forskningsvärlden? : Universitetsarkivens roll för att uppfylla nuvarande och kommande krav på öppen forskningsdata

Borgerud, Charlotte January 2017 (has links)
Ända sedan Internets grundande har olika rörelser bildats som förespråkat attforskning ska göras fritt tillgängligt för att komma runt de juridiska, ekonomiska ochtekniska problem som kan uppstå vid offentliggörande av forskningsresultat. Därförhar EU instiftat ett ramprogram för forskning och innovation där 80 miljarder Euroska fördelas ut över sju år (2014-2020) med ändamålet att stärka forskning ochinnovation samt säkerhetsställa dess allmännytta. EU har beslutat attforskningsresultat ska göras öppet tillgängligt även om undantag kan få förekomma.Även i Sverige har open access ökat i betydelse och fått allt mer stöd från såvälfinansiärer som universitet och regeringen. Regeringen har konstaterat attforskningsresultat i form av forskningsdata och vetenskapliga publikationerfinansierade med offentliga medel ska göras öppet tillgängligt i största möjliga mån.Frågan är dock om aktörerna och lärosätena är redo för att implementera dennaförändring. Tidigare studier har visat att insamlandet och bevarandet avforskningsdata ofta är omgivet av otydliga regler och brist på övergripande struktur.Till exempel bereds inte arkiveringsfrågan tillräckligt mycket utrymme i sambandmed forskningsprojekt och mycket okunskap verkar råda där forskare tenderar attspara sitt material på plattformar som inte är arkivbeständiga. Detta riskerar göra attviktig information går förlorad för framtida forskning. Syftet är därför att undersökatillvaratagandet och tillgängliggörandet av lärosätenas forskningsmaterial.Studien har använt sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer över telefon. Sammantagethar 15 intervjuer utförs med olika svenska lärosäten samt med aktörer som haft olikauppdrag med att utreda implementeringen av öppet tillgängliggörande avforskningsdata och vetenskapliga publikationer.Sammanfattningsvis är resultatet att bristen på samordning, resurser, enhetligabegrepp, infrastruktur och riktlinjer om vad som ska bevaras för evigt, vad som kangallras, vad som kan tillgängliggöras och hur det ska gå till kopplas till ett störreinformationsförvaltningsproblem där att man ännu inte i tillräcklig grad kommitigång med arbetet med arkivering av forskningshandlingar i pappersformat ocharkiven ligger efter med den digitala hanteringen i brist på e-arkiv och infrastruktursamt övergripande direktiv om metadatastandarder och digital långtidsarkivering.Slutsatsen är att arkiven som har en avgörande roll med att uppfylla nuvarande ochkommande krav på öppna forskningsdata inte arbetar tillräckligt aktivt, inte ens medforskningsarkiveringsbiten. Mer resurser behövs för att komma igång medforskningsarkivering och för kompetensutveckling. Samtidigt måste även arkivariernasjälva ta ett större ansvar för att hålla sig uppdaterade om vad som händer nationelltoch internationellt.

Data Management and Publishing Behaviour in Academic Archaeology : A Study at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University / Datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden inom Arkeologisk forskning : En studie från institutionen för Arkeologi och Antik Historia på Uppsala universitet

Burén, Frida January 2022 (has links)
This study looks into researchers’ data management and publishing behaviours within archaeology by interviewing researchers in the field and data management and publishing specialists. It takes a socio-cultural perspective, and the aim is to gain an understanding of the elements influencing the decision to publish research data within the field and what the current publishing needs there are for researchers in archaeology. Each informant has an academic background in archaeology and a prominent connection to Uppsala University in Sweden. Special focus is placed on the Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). Each researcher interviewed for this study was found through publications of primary datasets at DiVA and perceptions of publishing options is considered an element shaping the intentions to publish and the behavioural outcome.Documentation practices and perceptions of data management professionalism has tremendous effect on the outcomes of archaeology and publishing practices, which is closely linked with determining data quality, and are becoming more of a requirement within the field. This study is interested in how archaeological data management and publishing behaviour influence the professional interpretations of human history. The Theory of Planned Behaviour is applied to the study for the purpose of thoroughly examine researchers’ data publishing behaviours. The theory assumes that behavioural intention which is shaped by the beliefs about a certain behaviour, is the strongest factor determining actual behaviour. This assumption is evaluated against the accounts of the study’s informants by means of investigating researchers’ perspectives on data publishing in relation to their actual behaviours around, and experiences of, the publishing process.  This is a two years' masters thesis in Library and information science. / Den här studien undersöker forskares datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden inom arkeologi genom att intervjua forskare inom ämnet, samt datahanterings- och publiceringsspecialister. Studien baseras på ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv och syftet är att öka förståelsen för de element som påverkar beslutstagandet att publicera forskningsdata inom arkeologi, samt vilka data publicerings behov som finns idag. Informanterna har en akademisk bakgrund inom arkeologi och en tydlig koppling till Uppsala universitet. Speciellt fokus har lagts på det Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet (DiVA). Forskarna som valdes ut för undersökningen hittades genom deras publikationer av primärdata på DiVA och uppfattningar kring publikationsmöjligheter bedöms påverka publiceringsintentioner och beteendemönster kopplade till datapublicering.Det sätts allt större krav på dokumenteringspraxis inom fältet och uppfattningar om datahanteringsprofessionalism har stor påverkan på arkeologisk forskning och datapublicering, vilket är nära kopplat till den standard som sätts på datakvalité. Den här studien intresserar sig för hur arkeologisk datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden påverkar den professionella tolkningen av människans historiska, och förhistoriska, tider. Teorin ’Theory of Planned Behaviour’ används i studien för att noggrant kunna undersöka forskares datapubliceringsbeteenden. Teorin grundar sig på att intentionen att utföra ett beteende, vilket formas av synen på beteendet, har störst makt i avgörandet av beteendets resultat. Teorin vägs mot informanternas redogörelser genom att deras upplevelser och uppfattningar kring datahanterings- och publiceringsbeteenden inom arkeologi undersöks i relation till deras faktiska beteenden och erfarenheter kring publikationsprocessen.

Administrativa krav i en kreativ process : Arkivariers syn på arkivering och tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata på svenska lärosäten / Administrative Demands in a Creative Process : Archivists view on archiving and public access of research data in Swedish universities

Jändel-Holst, Billy January 2022 (has links)
Introduction. Previous research has shown that the increasing demands of research data management have proven to be challenging to both researchers and research support. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the process of managing, archiving, and sharing research data and what challenges it faces. Furthermore, it aims to investigate what the archivist’s role is and should be in this process and how archivists and researchers communicate and collaborate with each other.  Method. To pursue this aim, a qualitative method was used, consisting of semi-structured interviews with archivists from seven different public universities in Sweden, with three larger universities and four smaller ones. Analysis. For the analysis a thematic method was used, where similarities and differences, views and opinions were identified and categorized into different themes. Result. The result showed that a fundamental challenge is for the archivists to reach out to the researchers with the information and knowledge that they need and how to make that information comprehensible. The result further showed that several of the interviewed archivists believe that the current focus of resources and demands aimed at the development of open data is misdirected and contra productive because the researchers are more interested in and have a greater need of safe storing and proper archiving of their research data, rather than making it open. Conclusion. The investigation concludes that there is a great need for new ways for archives and other research support to reach out to researchers with information on research data management and that this requires more resources. It furthermore concludes that there is a need to further investigate what researchers truly need for them to properly manage and preserve their research data in the long term and what role the archivist will play in this development.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival science.

Från personlig egendom till allmänn handling : Riktlinjer och praktik vid arkivering och tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata vid svenska lärosäten ur ett processorienterat perspektiv

Wessman, Anna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Vägen mot öppen vetenskap : Tillkomsten och utformningen av forskningsdatastödet vid sex svenska universitetsbibliotek / The road to open science : The origin and design of the research data support at six Swedish university libraries

Bornsäter, Barbro January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: The subject of research data management is highly topical and university libraries around the world are working hard to establish a well-functioning support as well as technical solutions to deal with sharing and storing research data. Swedish university libraries are no exception, and this study aims to give a clearer view on how these support functions have come to take the form they have today, what they look like now and what the plans are.  Method: For this study eight people working with research data support at six Swedish university libraries were interviewed about the work of the support groups they are part of. These interviews were recorded and transcribed, and then analysed thematically by colour coding themes in the text.  Analysis and results: The findings show that the persons working with data managing support at these six university libraries agree on many points of how the support needs to be developed to meet the students and researchers needs. One of the most important things of what the research data managing groups need to do are to supply more information sessions, workshops, and teaching to reach out with their knowledge and to make people more aware of their existence and competences. Another is making sure technical solutions are in place to store data throughout the different steps of the research data lifecycle. The training and development of the professionals working in the support groups is also a very important part, as this is a changing subject and the rules and regulations do change. Lastly the interviewees underline the importance of solid motivating factors for researchers to share their data. The data support groups can simplify the process of data sharing and make it easier and smoother for the researcher to do it, but if it is unclear why it should be done it will not happen.  Conclusions: The development of the research data support has been, and is, slow and still ongoing. There is still a fair amount of work to be done, especially when it comes to the technical solutions that will enable safe and FAIR data sharing and storing. But the work that needs to be done cannot come only from university libraries and other university support functions, it must come from publishers, funders and other organisations that have the power to change the norms of data sharing. One of the main blockers of open data today is the lack of motivation for researchers to share their data and to be able to reach the goal of open data 2026 the entire system of merits for researchers needs to change and somehow include data sharing as an important part.  This is a two-year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

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