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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O fait divers no ensino: influências da sequência didática nas produções escritas de alunos de FLE / The fait divers in teaching: influences of didactic sequences on the textual production of FFL students

Renata Añez-Oliveira 29 April 2014 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de investigar a mobilização de capacidades de linguagem (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2010) presentes nas produções textuais de alunos que participaram de um processo de aprendizagem do ensino do gênero fait divers em Francês Língua Estrangeira (FLE), em um curso de extensão universitária. Além desse objetivo principal, visamos a verificar a influência da sequência didática e de sua aplicação, pelo professor, nas produções escritas dos alunos. Nosso principal aporte teórico é o do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD) (BRONCKART, 2007 [1999], 2009) e dos estudos em didática das línguas a partir da noção de gênero textual (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2010; DOLZ; GAGNON; DECÂNDIO, 2010). O gênero fait divers tem uma importância atestada nas práticas sociais por sua presença frequente nos jornais cotidianos francófonos. No ensino do FLE, nas mais diversas metodologias de ensino, o fait divers é frequentemente utilizado, como uma maneira de exercitar alguns aspectos gramaticais. Porém, não encontramos, na literatura da área, um estudo sobre suas características e sobre seu potencial discursivo, o que nos parece incongruente com o fato de ele ser constantemente utilizado como modelo de ensino nos livros didáticos. Mesmo não conhecendo o gênero, o aluno de FLE tem, muitas vezes, de tomá-lo como exemplo para produzir textos, sobretudo no intuito de fazer uso de verbos no tempo passado. Para poder realizar nossa investigação, fizemos uma seleção de dez exemplares do gênero fait divers publicados em meios digitais, analisando-os de forma a constituir seu modelo didático. Em seguida, elaboramos uma sequência didática (SD) para seu ensino e analisamos os textos dos alunos com base nas capacidades de linguagem que desenvolveram, a saber: capacidades de ação, discursivas e linguístico-discursivas (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2010). Porém, ao lado da análise das produções dos alunos, procuramos investigar também o papel do professor como propositor das atividades da sequência didática e agente do processo de mediação do ensino, para melhor compreendermos as influências dessas atividades na mobilização de capacidades de linguagem dos alunos. Nas análises das produções textuais, verificamos que todas as capacidades sofreram mobilização, o que atesta a eficiência dos mecanismos de transposição didática utilizados em nosso estudo, e o que fortalece nossa hipótese de que o ensino por meio dos gêneros textuais pode promover um aprimoramento linguístico e discursivo de forma a contribuir para uma conscientização no uso da linguagem e um desenvolvimento dos mecanismos que a envolvem / This research aims at investigating the mobilization of language abilities (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2010) on texts produced by students who took part in a fait divers genre learning process, taught in French as a Foreign Language (FFL), and carried out in a college extra class course. Besides this main objective, we aim at checking how the didactic sequence and its use, led by the teacher, represent an influence upon the texts written by students. Our main theoretical basis comes from the Socio-discursive Interactionism (SDI) (BRONCKART, 2007 [1999], 2009), as well as from studies in the didactic of languages, based on the notion of textual genre (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2010; DOLZ; GAGNON; DECÂNDIO, 2010). The fait divers genre has a proven relevance in social practices due to its frequent presence on the everyday French-speaking newspapers. As for the environment of the FFL teaching, and taking into consideration many teaching methodologies, the fait divers is often used as a way of exercising some of the grammar aspects. However, literature upon this topic seems not to cover any study about its characteristics or its discursive potential, and this seems to be incongruent, since it is frequently used as a role model in didactic books. Even if one does not know about the genre, the FFL student frequently has to take it as an example in order to produce texts, mainly when it comes to produce materials which must present past tense forms of verbs. In order for us to proceed with the investigation, we made a selection of ten examples of the fait divers extracted from digital media, and then we analyzed them so to build its didactic model. Based on the examples, we made a didactic sequence as to serve as a basis for our teaching, and we analyzed the texts produced by the students, seeking to identify the language abilities developed by them, especially in what concerns ability for action, as well as discursive and linguistic-discursive abilities (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2010). Furthermore, besides analyzing the students production, we also sought to investigate the role of the teacher as a proposer of didactic sequence activities and as of an agent in the process of teaching mediation. In doing so, we intended to understand how such actions influenced on the mobilization of the language abilities of these students. As for the analysis of their textual production, we verified that all of their abilities were influenced and modified. This finding asserts the efficiency of the mechanisms of didactic transfer used in our study, as well as reassures our hypothesis that teaching through the use of textual genres can promote a linguistic and discursive enhancement, as to contribute to the increase of the awareness for the use of language and for the development of the mechanisms involved in this process

Os pronomes en e y a dinâmica da leitura em Francês Língua Estrangeira / EN and Y pronouns on the dynamics of reading in French as a Foreign Language

Patrícia Melo de Oliveira 28 April 2014 (has links)
pesquisa teve por objetivo observar, analisar e intervir na aprendizagem dos pronomes en e y a partir da leitura do gênero notícia por alunos de francês língua estrangeira, brasileiros, no nível B1 de aprendizagem. Partimos do estudo sobre os materiais que tratam de tais pronomes: gramáticas de francês língua materna, gramáticas de francês língua estrangeira, estudos linguísticos, métodos para o ensino-aprendizagem do FLE. Diante da heterogeneidade de apresentação dos pronomes en e y - complexa em alguns livros, superficial ou falsamente simples em outros -, decidimos verificar na prática como os alunos de FLE lidavam com esses itens. Os dados de nossa pesquisa prática foram obtidos junto a grupos de alunos de nível B1 (QECR) de uma escola de idiomas por meio da aplicação de testes de leitura e reconhecimento de anáforas pronominais, especialmente do en e do y. A dinâmica proposta de leitura que adotamos tomou por base teórica os estudos de FAYOL (1992, 2003), GAONACH (2000), GIASSON (1990, 1995), GOIGOUX (1992, 2003, 2005) e PIETRARÓIA (1997, 2001). Com a análise dos dados, foi-nos possível conceber ações didáticas que visaram à tomada de consciência por parte do aluno de FLE da importância de reconhecer e interpretar, durante a leitura, os pronomes anafóricos e, em especial, o en e o y, cujos equivalentes não existem em português. A dinâmica proposta consistiu em atividades para antes, durante e depois da leitura de cada notícia selecionada, e dentre elas destacamos os exercícios para ativação de processos ascendentes de compreensão, de forma a torná-los mais transparentes e conscientes, ao mesmo tempo em que valorizávamos a questão da coerência e da coesão na construção textual. Os resultados, muito satisfatórios, permitem afirmar que um trabalho explícito e voltado para a complexidade dos pronomes en e y é, não somente necessário ao ensino-aprendizagem do FLE, como permite leituras e aprendizagens mais completas e produtivas / The purpose of this research was to observe, analyze and intervene in the learning of en and y pronouns from the reading of news by Brazilian students learning French as a foreign language on B1 level. The research begun with the study of materials dealing with such pronouns: French grammars as native language, French grammars as foreign language, linguistic studies, FLE teaching and learning methods. Facing the heterogeneity on the presentation of en and y pronouns, complex on some books, superficial or falsely simple in others, we have decided to verify in practice how FLE students were dealing with such items. Data from our practical research were obtained from groups of B1 level students (CEFR) from a language school, applying reading and pronominal anaphora recognition tests, especially on en and y. The reading proposal dynamic adopted had as theoretical basis FAYOL (1992, 2003), GAONACH (2000), GIASSON (1990, 1995), GOIGOUX (1992, 2003, 2005) and PIETRARÓIA (1997, 2001) studies. Having the data analyzed, it was possible to create didactic actions aiming FLE students awareness on the importance of recognizing and interpreting anaphoric pronouns during the reading, specially en and y, whose equivalent does not exist in Portuguese. The proposed dynamic consisted in activities before, during and after the reading of each news selected, emphasizing the exercises for the activation of ascending process of comprehension in order to make them more transparent and conscious, valuing the coherence and cohesion in text construction at the same time. The results were very satisfactory and allowed us to affirm that an explicit work, facing the complexity of en and y pronouns, is not only necessary to FLE teaching and learning, but also make reading and learning even more complete and productive

Approche plurielle des liens musique-parole pour la didactique de la prononciation du français comme langue étrangère/seconde / Pluralistic approach of the links between music and speech in the learning and teaching of the pronunciation of French as a foreign/second language

Miras, Gregory 02 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux utilisations de la musique instrumentale pour la didactique de la prononciation du français comme langue étrangère/seconde (FLES). Elle s’inscrit dans une perspective plurielle et un cadre théorique émergentiste et socioconstructiviste. La thématique est abordée par trois études (1) psychosociale, (2) psychoacoustique et (3) didactique permettant de questionner à plusieurs niveaux les apports potentiellement développementaux de la musique instrumentale pour la prononciation du français en contexte FLES.Le but de cette thèse est une contribution à la didactique des langues afin d’apporter des réponses empiriques à des pratiques pédagogiques présentes depuis longtemps mais peu questionnées scientifiquement. Elle permet également de prendre du recul sur les récents résultats en neurocognition et notamment leurs applications pour un développement langagier.L’étude 1 psychosociale, par questionnaire, montre que la didactique de la musique peut nous aider à amener les apprenants à se focaliser sur le son plutôt que sur le sens des unités sonores langagières. L’étude 2 psychoacoustique révèle que les musiciens ont de meilleurs temps de réaction que les non- musiciens chez des apprenants du français pour un test AXB d’oppositions fines des phonèmesvocaliques du français. Grâce à l’étude 3, didactique interventionniste et quasi-expérimentale, nous avons montré qu’une association entre notes de piano et aperture suggère une potentialité développementale des phonèmes vocaliques du français mais que cette dernière n’est pas supérieure à d’autres approches plus conventionnelles. Cependant, elle semble être un apport cognitif pour certains apprenants même si cet apport montre une tendance bimodale. Ces trois études permettent de montrer que la musique instrumentale peut trouver sa place dans la « boîte à outils » de l’enseignant. / This work deals with the use of instrumental music in the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language. It is part of a pluralistic theoretical framework and an integrated approach of emergentism and social cultural theories. The topic is discussed through three studies: (1) a psychosocial study, (2) a psychoacoustic study and (3) an applied linguistics study – questioning at different levels the potentially developmental intake of instrumental music for French pronunciation as a foreign language.The aim is a contribution to applied linguistics in order to bring empirical data to long-lasting pedagogical practices but also to question recent neurocognitive results in an applied perspective. The first study, which is psychosocial and was led by questionnaires, shows that music learning and teaching can help us to have students focus on sound rather than meaning. The second study, which is psychoacoustic, reveals that, among learners of French, musicians have better reaction times than non-musicians to an AXB discrimination test of close French vowels. The third study, which is quasi- experimental and in intervention, suggests that associating piano notes and vowel aperture doesn’t lead to bigger developmental intake compared to more conventional approaches. However, it seemsto point out to the fact that some learners experience cognitive input even if such impact evokes bimodal tendencies. These three studies prove that instrumental music can be a tool to assist teachers.

Les stratégies de compréhension de l'oral chez les Thaïlandais étudiant le français dans des environnements d'apprentissage multimédias. / Listening Strategies of Thais studying French in multimedia learning environments

Leepuengtham, Wankaew 07 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des stratégies de compréhension de l’oral des apprenants de français dans le contexte hétéroglotte thaïlandais. Nos travaux ont pour objectifs d’étudier ainsi que d’analyser les stratégies de la compréhension de l’oral, le rôle du multimédia dans l’acquisition de cette compétence et de proposer des macro-tâches d’entraînement individuel à la compréhension de l’oral du français en tant que langue étrangère dans des environnements multimédias. Nos deux expérimentations ont été menées auprès de 30 apprenants de français en tant que langue étrangère au centre de langues étrangères de l’université Suan Dusit Rajabhat, à Bangkok en Thaïlande. Nous avons effectué différents modes de collectes de données : observation, questionnaire et entretien. La réalisation de cette recherche nous a permis non seulement de répondre aux questions initiales mais aussi de valider nos hypothèses et d’obtenir des résultats positifs et favorables chez les apprenants, comme point de départ de l’amélioration de la compétence d’écoute. Le type de stratégie employée dépend du niveau linguistique. Les apprenants adaptent leurs stratégies d’écoute aux types de tâches à résoudre et de documents sonores. Ils sont favorables à nos tâches d’écoute médiatisées avec les supports TIC permettant un rythme d’apprentissage personnalisé qui facilite la gestion et la répartition du temps, l’individualisation et l’autonomie dans l’apprentissage, sans regard ni jugement unique du formateur, mais une gestion partagée de l’évaluation. Tous les apprenants ont tiré le plus grand profit de ces expérimentations d’entraînement à l’écoute qui leur permettent d’améliorer leur compétence dans la compréhension de l’oral ainsi que leur autonomie. Cette étude analytique nous amènera à tirer profit, pour l’enseignement et l’entraînement de l’utilisation des stratégies adéquates, pouvant être intégrées en début d’apprentissage linguistique, qui seraient bénéfiques à la compréhension de l’oral ainsi qu’à d’autres compétences langagières (compréhension de l’écrit, production orale et production écrite) du français en tant que langue étrangère. / This thesis focuses on the study of listening strategies to learn French in the Thai heteroglott context. Our work has two main aims. The first is to study and analyze listening strategies and the role of multimedia in the acquisition of this skill. The second is to provide individual macro-task training in multimedia environments to improve listening comprehension of French as a foreign language. The study was conducted with 30 learners of French as a foreign language at the institute of language, art and culture at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand. We collected the data by using three different methods : observation, questionnaire and interview. The realization of this research has enabled us not only to respond to initial questions and to validate our assumptions, but also to develop methods that can be used by learners as a starting point to improve the skill of listening. We found that the type of listening strategy employed depended on the learner’s language level. Students adjusted their listening strategies according to the type of task that needed to be carried out and the type of sound recording. Students used the support of ICT to learn at their own pace, manage their time more effectively, be more autonomous, and learn according to their individual needs without the need for feedback from the teacher. All learners have taken advantage of our listening training experiments to enable them to improve their listening skills and be more autonomous learners. This analytical study has enabled us to devise and make use of the best teaching and training strategies for early language learning that can improve learners’ listening and other language skills (reading, speaking and writing) when studying French as a foreign language.

ELAO, enseignement de la littérature assisté par ordinateur pour apprenants japonais à l’université / Teaching of literature assisted by computer for Japanese University students

Carton, Martine 26 March 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse relate une recherche-action dans le domaine de la didactique de la littérature française pour apprenants japonais à l’université, en lien avec l’environnement informatique. Elle repose sur la médiatisation du processus de lecture du texte littéraire à l’ordinateur transposée dans le cadre d’un cours de lecture littéraire et sur l’interactivité propre à une approche de type El(langues)AO. La lecture d’un roman français à l’aide de l’ordinateur est réalisée dans une salle informatique, dont les fonctionnalités permettent de redistribuer les rôles de chacun des acteurs de la situation d’enseignement, traditionnellement centrée sur l’enseignant. L’enseignement de la traduction est reconsidéré grâce à la technique des corpus parallèles, qui rend possible un travail d’analyse de plusieurs traductions d’un même roman déjà publiées. / This thesis describes an action research in the field of didactics of French literature for Japanese University students in the context of ICT-aided learning. It is based on the mediatisation of the reading process of a digitized version of a novel with the computer. The novel is read in an ICT laboratory, which allows access to features that help to redistribute the roles of actors in the teaching situation, which traditionally focused on the teacher. The teaching of translation is reconsidered through the technique of parallel corpus, which allows for the analytical study of several translations already published of the same book.

Le théâtre éducatif – un outil au service de l'enseignement du FLE en cadre scolaire / Creative drama – a tool at the service of teaching French as a Foreign Language in schools

Mihart, Mirella January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier le rôle que le théâtre éducatif peut avoir sur le développement de la compétence de communication orale dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère (en abrégé FLE) en cadre scolaire. La recherche montre que le théâtre éducatif donne aux élèves la possibilité d’utiliser leurs compétences linguistiques en les préparant pour des situations réelles. Il leur donne aussi l’occasion de découvrir toutes les émotions et tous les mouvements physiques qui font partie d’une langue vivante. / This thesis aims at studying the role that educational drama can have on the development of oral communication skills when teaching French as a foreign language in the classroom. Research shows that creative drama gives pupils the opportunity to use their language skills, as well as it prepares them for real life situations. Moreover, it gives them the opportunity to experience the emotions and the body movements that come with a living language.

Étude des voyelles antérieures non-arrondies en allemand, français et finnois, et applications en vue d'une didactique de la prononciation. / Study of the front non-rounded vowels in German, French and Finnish and applications in the perspective of pronunciation teaching

Ibarrondo, Ludovic 26 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une réflexion sur les apports potentiels de la phonétique expérimentale à la didactique et à l’enseignement de la prononciation. Son objectif est d’examiner les préférences perceptives des locuteurs du finnois, de l’allemand et du français, pour les voyelles antérieures non-arrondies /i e ɛ/ ; et de prolonger cette démarche dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la prononciation du français, en s’interrogeant sur la nécessité de continuer à considérer le contraste existant entre les voyelles moyennes /e/ et /ɛ/. La première partie de ce travail dresse un portrait des trois langues concernées, et introduit les principales hypothèses de processus cognitifs impliqués dans la perception. La deuxième partie de ce travail aborde la perception des voyelles /i e ɛ/, à travers trois tests de perception permettant 1) de définir les prototypes privilégiés par chacune des populations, 2) de mesurer l’effet d’un aimant perceptif spécifique à la langue, et 3) d’évaluer l’importance accordée à l’abaissement de la mandibule pour le choix des exemplaires de chacune des catégories concernées. L’analyse d’un corpus de parole spontanée nous permet enfin d’examiner la robustesse du contraste /e/~/ɛ/, et de mesurer l’intérêt didactique d’enseigner la différenciation et l’acquisition du timbre ouvert et du timbre fermé de ces voyelles en français langue étrangère. La troisième partie de ce travail s’intéresse enfin à la place accordée à la phonétique dans l’enseignement des langues, et offre une revue des principales tendances méthodologiques qui ont contribué à sa diffusion. L’intérêt d’investir différents outils issus de la phonétique expérimentale, du support multimédia, ou de disciplines non-linguistiques, y est discuté. / This work has its place within the context of reflection on the potential input of experimental phonetics to pronunciation teaching. Its aim is to compare the perceptual preferences of native speakers of Finnish, German, and French, for the front non-rounded vowels /i e ɛ/ ; and to extend this approach to French pronunciation teaching, by analyzing the contrast between the middle vowels /e/ and /ɛ/. The first part of this dissertation presents a picture of the phonological systems and phonotactics of the three languages and recalls the main theories about the cognitive processes involved in the perception of phonetic categories. Based on this comparison, the second part examines the perception of the vowels /i e ɛ/. Three studies have been conducted, in order to 1) determine the category’s prototypes for the three populations studied, 2) measure the impact of a language-specific perceptual magnet [Kuhl, 1991], and 3) assess the involvement of mouth opening, to ensure the contrast between the categories in the three languages. The robustness of the contrast /e/~/ε/ through the acoustic analysis of 633 occurrences of /E/ in a spontaneous speech corpus by one French native speaker has been evaluated and the interest to systematically distinguish the sounds of these two vowels in French as a foreign language has been assessed. The diverse conditioning factors, as the trends highlighted in our corpus, are compared to a similar study carried out by Léon and Tennant [1990] on 100 occurrences of /E/ taken from television broadcasts of Bernard Pivot. The third part of this work finally deals with the place granted to phonetics in language teaching and provides a review of the main methodological tendencies which have contributed to its diffusion. The potential of applying different tools resulting from experimental phonetics research, multimedia or non-linguistic disciplines is also discussed.

Français langue étrangère au Viêtnam : recherches et propositions didactiques pour la lecture de textes littéraires. / French as a foreign language in Vietnam : researches and didactic proposals for the reading of literary texts

Nguyen Bach, Quynh Chi 15 January 2013 (has links)
Sur la base d'études et d'enquêtes menées à la faculté des lettres française de l'université des sciences sociales de hochiminh-ville, l'objectif de la thèse est de fonder en théorie des modes de lecture des textes (particulièrement des textes littéraires) susceptibles d'apporter aux apprenants matière à la diversification de leurs pratiques tout en leur donnant une connaissance du rôle de la lecture dans le processus d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère (fle). Cette orientation didactique suppose la définition et l'adaptation d'un ensemble de considérations théoriques relevant de l'approche linguistique et littéraire dans le cadre spécifique des études de fle au viêtnam.une attention particulière sera accordée à l'articulation entre enseignement/apprentissage de la langue et de la grammaire et l'ensemble des facteurs cognitifs et culturels mobilisés lors de la lecture des textes littéraires, ces derniers étant saisis dans leur dimension matérielle et sociale. / This thesis aims to reconsider the position and impact of literary texts in language teaching. Literary studies can be strengthened by reading literary texts, i.e. a complex activity which mobilizes at the same time non linguistic and linguistic skills, and contributes to increase the reader’s knowledge and capacities. This hypothesis is confirmed by the analysis of the result of the here proposed inquiries of ground which measure the impact of the literary reading in the learning of / in the French as a foreign language. At the same time, the accent is put on the contribution of the theories of the enunciation and the grammar of text in the service of the literary texts analysis in the aim of restoring the relation between linguistics and literature. By supplying tools of analysis, by suggesting some didactic proposals in the field of reading of literary texts, the thesis proposes examples, which highlight the fact that literature teaching consists in teaching either only works, but also way to read: it will be a question of passing from a static conception to a dynamic conception of the literature and its teaching.

Analyse des erreurs orthographiques des étudiants iraniens en langue française / Analysis of Orthographical Errors of Iranian Students in French Language

Katoozian, Katayoon 21 January 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche consiste à décrire les types d’erreurs d’orthographe des étudiants iraniens en langue française et à mener une analyse qualitative et quantitative de l’évolution de chaque type d’erreur pendant les quatre années de licence dans le système de l’enseignement supérieur de la discipline « Langue française » en Iran. Cette analyse descriptive est suivie d’une discussion étiologique de ces erreurs d’orthographe sur la base de deux hypothèses majeures : le rôle de la dissemblance entre les deux systèmes phonologiques français et persan et les formes de l’enseignement supérieur de la langue française en Iran. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, une dictée traditionnelle d’un texte sélectif a été menée auprès de 313 étudiants iraniens de la première à la quatrième et dernière année de licence de langue française de toutes les universités publiques et privées de la ville de Téhéran. Les erreurs orthographiques desdits étudiants ont été classées selon la typologie proposée par A.Chervel et D.Manesse (1989), légèrement modifiée, qui comprend huit types d’erreurs appartenant aux domaines de « langue », de « grammaire » et de « lexique ». L’étude des différents types d’erreurs orthographiques des étudiants iraniens de notre échantillon montre que leurs erreurs orthographiques les plus fréquentes sont de deux types : 1- erreurs préorthographiques (domaine « langue ») comportant les erreurs de non-reconnaissance du mot et les erreurs de type phonétique ; 2- erreurs orthographiques d’orthographe grammaticale. L’étude de l’évolution des erreurs orthographiques desdits étudiants montre que les types d’erreurs restent les mêmes de la première à la dernière année de licence et que leur fréquence diminue quoiqu’elle n’atteigne pas le degré zéro. La fréquence élevée, chez les étudiants de notre échantillon, des erreurs de type phonétique et des erreurs d’orthographe grammaticale confirme les deux hypothèses déjà mentionnées de cette recherche. / The aim of this research is to describe the types of orthographical errors of Iranian students in French language and to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the evolution of each type of error during the four years of bachelor degree (B.A.) in the system of higher education of the French language discipline in Iran. This descriptive analysis is followed by a etiological discussion of orthographical errors based on two key assumptions : the role of the dissimilarity between the two phonological systems of French and Persian languages and the characteristics of higher education of French language in Iran. To achieve this objective, an oral dictation with a selective text was read out to 313 Iranian students from the first to the fourth year of undergraduate French language in all public and private universities in Tehran city. The orthographical errors of these students were classified according to the typology proposed by A.Chervel and D.Manesse (1989), slightly modified, with eight types of errors from the categories of "language", "grammar" and "lexicon". The study of different types of orthographical errors of Iranian students in our sample showed that their most common errors are of two types : 1 – preorthographical errors ("language" category) which contain errors on the non-recognition of the word and on the phonetical errors ; 2 – orthographical errors which contain the grammatical errors. The study of the evolution of orthographical errors of these students showed that the errors will remain the same from the first to the last year of B.A. degree and decrease in frequency but not reach to zero level. The high frequency of phonological and grammatical orthographical errors among students in our sample confirms the mentioned assumptions of this research.

Étude du dispositif de formation initiale des enseignants de français dans les collèges d'éducation au Nigeria / The study of the initial training of French teachers in colleges of education in Nigeria

Kim, Iliya John 18 December 2015 (has links)
La formation des enseignants de français dans les collèges d’éducation connaît un véritable dysfonctionnement qui est très préoccupant. Pour qu’une formation de qualité puisse être mise en place, la nécessité de trouver les causes de ce dysfonctionnement s’impose. Notre recherche nous permet d’identifier plusieurs causes notamment : l’incohérence du curriculum qui est basé essentiellement sur l’enseignement des contenus sans aucun niveau de compétence visé, le manque de formation pédagogique adéquate des formateurs, l’enseignement par matière, l’absence du tutorat dans les stages pratiques, etc.Une mise en place des formations pédagogiques au Nigeria et en France ainsi que la révision du curriculum s’imposent, si l’on doit aboutir à une formation de qualité dans collèges d’éducation. Il y va de la responsabilité du ministère fédéral de l’éducation, du « Nigerian Council for Collèges of Education" et de l’association des professeurs de français INTERCAFT d’œuvrer ensemble pour mettre en pratique les recommandations qui sont faites dans nos travaux. / The study of the initial training of French teachers in colleges of education in NigeriaThe training of French teachers in colleges of education carry a real malfunction which is very worrying. For a quality education to be implemented, the need to find the cause of this malfunction is necessary. Our research allows us to identify severalcauses including: the incoherence of the curriculum which is essentially based onteaching content without any level of skill acquisition, the lack of adequate teacher training for trainers, teaching by subject, the lack of mentoring , etc.Implementation of Teacher Training Programs and revision of the curriculum is a gross need which cannot be over- emphasized as a means to achieving quality education in colleges of education. It is the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Education, the "Nigerian Council for Colleges of Education" and the Association of Teachers of French INTERCAFT to work together to implement the recommendations made in our work.

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