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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extração com dióxido de carbono supercrítico e estudo da composição dos extratos de sementes de Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) / Supercritical extraction with carbon dioxide and study of Pitanga seeds (Eugenia uniflora L.) extracts composition

Débora Nascimento e Santos 02 March 2012 (has links)
A semente de Pitanga é resíduo do processamento da polpa e suco da fruta e os poucos trabalhos existentes sobre sua composição denotam grande valor nutricional. A extração com fluido supercrítico, pelos benefícios que apresenta, constitui uma excelente ferramenta para a obtenção e estudo de extratos. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram obter extratos de sementes de Pitanga utilizando CO2 supercrítico (SC-CO2), caracterizá-los e avaliar possíveis atividades biológicas in vitro. As sementes lavadas, secas e trituradas foram caracterizadas e apresentaram umidade de 12,73%, granulometria de 0,48mm e extrato etéreo de 0,52%. As sementes foram colocadas em contato com o SC-CO2 em diferentes condições de pressão (P) e temperatura (T), conforme um Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional com P e T como variáveis independentes. A condição operacional de rendimento mais elevado foi repetida com etanol como co-solvente (SCEtOH). Para todos os extratos determinou-se o perfil de voláteis por cromatografia gasosa com espectrômetro de massas (CG/EM), a concentração de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), a atividade antioxidante pela inativação dos radicais DPPH e ABTS, e a presença de terpenos por cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD). Nos extratos, obtidos via SC-CO2, Soxhlet e SC-EtOH, além de sua fração purificada, foram determinadas a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) com S. aureus, E. coli, B. subtilis e P. aeruginosa, e a inibição da enzima arginase de Leishmania e de rato. O rendimento dos extratos variou de 0,16 a 0,48%, sendo P a única variável que influenciou no processo (p<0,05). Na análise de superfície de resposta constatou-se que os melhores rendimentos foram obtidos a altas pressões, indicando que baixas temperaturas podem ser usadas para não degradar as substâncias termossensíveis. CFT variaram de 17,95 a 73,89 ppm em ácido gálico equivalente (GAE) nos extratos e P e T, no intervalo estudado, não influenciaram (p<0,05) na concentração destes compostos. A presença de terpenos com atividade antioxidante foi detectada preliminarmente, nas análises de CCD. O perfil de voláteis obtidos por CG/EM indicou como componentes majoritários os sesquiterpenos - γ-elemeno (12,54-37,76 ppm equivalente ao limoneno - EqLim) e germacrone (8,44-36,41 ppm EqLim), ambos com reconhecida atividade biológica. A concentração destes sesquiterpenos foi influenciada pela interação entre P e T. A atividade antibacteriana para os quatro extratos foi elevada apresentando uma CIM de 125 ppm para todos os micro-organismos testados. A inibição da enzima arginase foi baixa para o extrato supercrítico, Soxhlet e a fração purificada, porém o extrato SC-EtOH inibiu em até 48% o que indica forte ação contra o desenvolvimento da Leishmania. Ainda, a inibição da arginase em mamíferos tem função vasodilatadora. O extrato SC-EtOH possui compostos diferentes dos demais devido à modificação da polaridade pelo co-solvente (EtOH). Esta hipótese é também constatada pela atividade antioxidante, que foi menor para os extratos supercríticos que para aqueles obtidos com SCEtOH que apresentou maior concentração em equivalente de Trolox e inibição do radical DPPH de 94%. Os resultados mostram extratos de semente de Pitanga altamente promissores para aplicações contra enfermidades devido à ação antimicrobiana e inibitória da arginase. / The Pitanga seed is a waste of the fruit pulp and juice processing, and the few existing studies on its composition denote a high nutritional value. Due to its benefits, the supercritical fluid extraction is an excellent tool to obtain and study extracts. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to obtain extracts of Pitanga seeds using supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2), characterize them and evaluate potential biological activities in vitro. The washed, dried and crushed seeds were characterized and presented 12.73% moisture, particle size of 0.48 mm and 0.52% ether extract. The seeds were placed in contact with the SC-CO2 under different conditions of pressure (P) and temperature (T), according to a Central Composite Design with P and T as independent variables. The operational condition of higher yield was repeated with ethanol as co-solvent (SC-EtOH). For all extracts were determined: the profile of volatiles by gas chromatography with mass spectrometer (CG/ EM), the concentration of total phenolics compound (CFT), the inactivation of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS radicals and the presence of terpenes by layer chromatography (CCD). In the extracts obtained by SC-CO2, Soxhlet and SC-EtOH and its purified fraction, the minimum inhibitory concentration (CIM) with S. aureus, E. coli, B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa were determined, as well as the inhibition of the enzyme arginase of Leishmania and rat. The yield of extracts ranged from 0.16 to 0.48%, being P the only variable that influenced the process (p<0.05). In response surface analysis it was found that the best yields were obtained at high pressures, indicating that low temperatures can be used not to degrade the thermo-sensitive substances. CFT ranged from 17.95 to 73.89 ppm gallic acid equivalent (GAE) in extracts and P and T, over the range studied, did not influence (p<0.05) the concentration of these compounds. The presence of terpene with antioxidant activity was detected preliminary, in the analysis of CCD. The volatile profile obtained by CG/ EM indicated the sesquiterpenes as major components - γ-elemeno (12.54 to 37.76 equivalent to ppm limonene - EqLim) and germacrone (8.44 to 36.41 ppm EqLim), both with recognized biological activity. The concentration of these sesquiterpenes was influenced by the interaction between P and T. The antibacterial activity for the four extracts presented a high CIM of 125 ppm for all microorganisms tested. The inhibition of the enzyme arginase was low for the supercritical extract, Soxhlet and purified fraction, but the SC-EtOH extract inhibited up to 48% indicating strong action against the development of Leishmania. Furthermore, the inhibition of arginase in mammals has a vasodilator function. The SC-EtOH extract possesses different compounds due to the modification of their polarity with the co-solvent (EtOH). This hypothesis is also confirmed by the antioxidant activity, which was lower for the supercritical extracts compared with the extracts obtained with SC-EtOH, with the highest equivalent concentration of Trolox and DPPH radical inhibition of 94%. The results show that extracts of Pitanga seeds are highly promising for applications against diseases, due to antimicrobial activity and inhibition of arginase.

Woody and agricultural biomass torrefaction : experimental study and modelling of solid conversion and volatile species release based on biomass extracted macromolecular components / Torréfaction de biomasses forestières et agricoles : étude expérimentale et modélisation de la conversion du solide et de la production d'espèces volatiles à partir des composants macromoléculaires extraits de la biomasse

González Martínez, María 12 October 2018 (has links)
Il existe aujourd’hui une prise de conscience croissante visant à considérer les résidus de biomasse comme source potentielle d’énergie, de matériaux et de produits chimiques. Dans ce contexte, le projet européen Mobile Flip vise à développer des unités mobiles de conversion de biomasse pour la valorisation de ressources agricoles et forestières non exploitées. L’une des technologies proposées est la torréfaction, traitement thermique doux entre 200 et 300°C pendantquelques minutes et en défaut d’oxygène. Le solide torréfié présente des propriétés proches de celles du charbon et convient à la combustion ou à la gazéification. En même temps, des matières volatiles sont relâchées, dont des espèces condensables potentiellement à haute valeur ajoutée en chimie. Il est donc crucial de caractériser le solide torréfié et les espèces volatiles afin d’optimiser le procédé jusqu’à l’échelle industrielle. Jusqu’à présent, peu de travaux ont simultanément cherché à caractériser et à modéliser le comportement du solide et des espèces volatiles produites en torréfaction en fonction des conditions opératoires et du type de biomasse. De plus, ces travaux portaient sur un nombre réduit de biomasses. La composition macromoléculaire de la biomasse en cellulose, hémicelluloses et lignine impacte de manière déterminante les produits de torréfaction. Cependant, les essais de torréfaction avec ces constituants sont peu nombreux et généralement réalisés avec des composants commerciaux peu représentatifs de la biomasse brute. L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse est d’étudier l’influence des caractéristiques de la biomasse, principalement représentée par sa composition en cellulose, hémicellulose et lignine, sur le comportement global de la biomasse en torréfaction, tant en termes de perte de masse du solide que de production d’espèces volatiles, en fonction des conditions opératoires. 14 représentants des principales familles de biomasse (bois feuillus, bois résineux, sous-produits agricoles et plantes herbacées) ont été sélectionnés pour cette étude. Une procédure d’extraction optimisée a été proposée pour obtenir des fractions de cellulose, hémicellulose et lignine de 5 biomasses de référence. Les données expérimentales ont été obtenues en utilisant une thermobalance couplée à une chromatographie gazeuse et une spectrométrie de masse via un système de boucles de stockage chauffées (ATG-GC/MS). La cinétique de dégradation du solide et les profils de formation des espèces volatiles ont été étudiés au cours des expériences de torréfaction incluant une partie non-isotherme (200 à 300°C, 3°C/min) suivie d’une partie isotherme (300°C, 30 min), dans des conditions expérimentales assurant le régime chimique. Les résultats obtenus avec les biomasses brutes montrent que la composition macromoléculaire de la biomasse est un facteur clé influant sur son comportement en torréfaction. Par conséquent, l’hétérogénéité de la ressource se traduit par une diversité de comportements en torréfaction, en particulier pour les biomasses agricoles. Il a été observé un comportement très différent pour les composants extraits comparés aux composants commerciaux, particulièrement dans le cas de la cellulose. Ceci montre que l’usage commun de composants commerciaux pour bâtir les modèles de torréfaction n’est pas pertinent. L'impact des caractéristiques des composants macromoléculaires sur le comportement en torréfaction a été aussi mis en évidence, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la composition en sucres des hémicelluloses et la cristallinité de la cellulose. En outre, des différences de profils de production des espèces volatiles ont été observées, même pour des composés de même nature chimique. A partir de ces résultats, un modèle de torréfaction basé sur la contribution additive de la cellulose, des hémicelluloses et de la lignine extraites est proposé pour décrire le comportement global de la biomasse en torréfaction, et ceci pour les 5 biomasses de référence. / Nowadays, there is an increasing awareness on the importance of biomass waste as a renewable source of energy, materials and chemicals. In this context, the European project MOBILE FLIP aims at developing and demonstrating mobile conversion processes suitable with variousunderexploited agro- and forest based biomass resources in order to produce energy carriers, materials and chemicals. One of these processes is torrefaction, which consists in a mild thermal treatment, occurring typically between 200 and 300°C during a few tens of minutes in a defaultoxygen atmosphere. The solid product obtained has thermal and processing properties closer to coal, and thus is suitable as fuel for combustion or gasification. During torrefaction, condensable coproducts are released, that may also be source of “green” chemicals. It is therefore crucial to characterize them to optimize the torrefaction process and design industrial units. Up to now, only few works have been focused on characterizing and modelling both solid and condensable species during torrefaction versus operating conditions and feedstock type. Furthermore, these studies typically include a reduced number of biomasses. Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin,which constitute biomass macromolecular composition, are determining properties to predict biomass behaviour during torrefaction. However, torrefaction tests on these constituents are rare and always based on commercial compounds, which were proved as little representative of the native biomass. The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of biomass characteristics, mainly represented by the macromolecular composition in cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, on the global behaviour of biomass in torrefaction, both in terms of solid mass loss and of productionprofiles of the volatile species released, in function of the operating conditions.14 biomasses from the main biomass families (deciduouswood, coniferous wood, agricultural byproductsand herbaceous crops) were selected for this study. An optimized extraction procedure was proposed to recover cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin fractions from 5 reference biomasses. Experiments were performed on a thermogravimetric analyzer coupled to a gas chromatography mass spectrometer device through a heated storage loop system (TGA-GC/MS). Solid degradation kinetics and volatile release profiles were followed during torrefaction experiments combining non-isothermal (200 to 300°C at 3°C/min) and isothermal (300°C, 30 min) conditions, ensuring the chemical regime thanks to the appropriate operating conditions. The results obtained with the raw materials demonstrated that biomass macromolecular composition is a main factor influencing biomass behavior in torrefaction. Consequently, the heterogeneity of the resource results in a diverse behavior in torrefaction, particularly in the case of agricultural biomasses. The results with the extracted components evidenced their very different behavior compared to thecommercial compounds, particularly in the case of cellulose. This suggests that a limitation could be induced by the common use in literature of commercial components for torrefaction modelling. The impact on the characterization of macromolecular components was also shown to be prevailing in their behavior in torrefaction, especially in the case of hemicellulose sugar composition and cellulose crystallinity. Furthermore, differences in release kinetics of volatile species during torrefaction were observed, even for volatiles belonging to the same chemical family (acids, furans, ketones). Derived from these results, a torrefaction model based on the additive contribution of extracted cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin to the global behavior of biomass in torrefaction was proposed, and this for the 5 representative biomasses.

Preliminary Investigation into Quantitation of Pharmaceuticals in Lake Victoria Sediments : Development of a Method for Analysis of 11 Pharmaceuticals

Lundberg, Robert January 2021 (has links)
Although Lake Victoria is threatened by pollution there is a lack of knowledge about pharmaceuticals contaminants drained into the lake from large cities bordering the lake. Hence, the purpose of this project was to develop, validate and apply a method for analysis of pharmaceutical compounds accumulating in the Lake Victoria sediments. A simple quantitative method for 11 pharmaceuticals combining accelerated solvent extraction, solid phase extraction, trimethylsilylation derivatization, and gas chromatography mass spectrometry was developed, partly validated, and applied to 18 surface sediments and a sediment core dated using the 210Pb method. The results showed the presence of the pharmaceuticals estriol, gemfibrozil, metoprolol, ketoprofen, naproxen, 17α-ethinylestradiol and estrone concentrated around the regions Napoleon Gulf and Thurston Bay with accumulation rates decreasing towards the top of the sediment core. Nonetheless, a randomness in the distribution of these compounds behooves a systematic assessment investigating not only the provenance of these compounds but also further investigations to errors meaning that this study should be treated as a preliminary investigation.

Development of analytical methods of the contamination of water by PAHs and pesticides along the Basin of "Abou Ali" River in North Lebanon / Développement des méthodes analytiques pour l'évaluation de la contamination des eaux en HAPs et pesticides le long du bassin versant du fleuve "Abou Ali" du Liban nord

Jabali, Yasmine 04 December 2017 (has links)
La pollution de l'eau est l'une des menaces écologiques les plus sérieuses au niveau des pays industrialisés et des pays en cours de développement. Les polluants sont rejetés directement ou indirectement dans les ressources en eau telles que les rivières, les lacs, les aquifères et les eaux côtières sans prétraitement approprié ; transformant ainsi nos systèmes aquatiques en un dépotoir fortement pollué par des contaminants toxiques et persistants tels que les contaminants organiques. Les hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAPs) et les pesticides sont parmi les polluants organiques les plus périlleux que l'on retrouve à l’état de traces dans les milieux aquatiques. Pour cette raison, leur analyse nécessite une procédure d'extraction suivie de méthodes analytiques très sensibles et spécifiques. Dans ce contexte, le travail de cette thèse a porté en premier lieu sur le développement de deux méthodes analytiques distinctes. La première a été consacrée à l'extraction et à l'analyse des 16 HAPs prioritaires classés par l’agence de protection de l’environnement (EPA) dans. Dans cette méthode, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l'optimisation et la validation des paramètres de la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (MS / MS) afin de réduire le bruit de fond. La deuxième méthode était dédiée à l'analyse de quarante-huit pesticides dans l'eau. Dans cette méthode, les paramètres de la micro-extraction sur phase solide (SPME) et de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem GC-MS / MS ont été optimisés et validés. Les deux méthodes se sont révélées très sensibles, précises et sélectives pour l'analyse de ces deux familles de contaminants organiques. La deuxième partie de cette thèse était dirigée sur l'évaluation de la qualité de l'eau le long du bassin versant de la rivière Abou Ali en termes de contamination par les HAPs et les pesticides. Pour ce faire, les méthodes précédemment développées et optimisées ont été utilisées pour l'analyse. Les résultats obtenus pour les échantillons d'eau de surface ont révélés une contamination considérable par les HAPs et les pesticides à différents endroits le long du bassin versant. Cependant, pour les échantillons d'eau souterraine, aucune ou très faible concentration de HAPs et de pesticides n'a été détectée. Cette étude est la première de son genre concernant l'analyse des HAPs et des pesticides dans la zone étudiée. Elle donne un aperçu global de la qualité de l'eau le long du bassin versant et insiste sur l'importance de réaliser des mesures continues afin d'avoir une base de données complète non seulement pour la zone d'étude ou le Liban nord mais pour toutes les régions du territoire libanais. / Water pollution is one of the most thoughtful ecological threat imperiling the industrial and developing countries. Pollutants are released directly or indirectly into water resources such as rivers, lakes, aquifers and coastline waters without any suitable pre-treatment; thus transforming our aquatic systems into a dumpsite heavily polluted with toxic and persistent contaminants such as organic contaminants. Polycyclic Aromatics Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides are among the most perilous organic pollutants that are found in trace levels in aquatic environments. For this reason, their analysis requires an extraction procedure followed by highly sensitive and specific analytical methods. In this context, this work has focused, as a first step, on the development of two separate analytical methods. The first one was dedicated to the extraction and analysis of the 16 priority PAHs in water, listed by the environmental protection agency (EPA). In this method, we have focused on the optimization and validation of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) parameters in order to reduce background noise. The second method was for the analysis of 48 pesticides in water where the solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) and gas chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry GC-MS/MS parameters were optimized and validated. Both methods were found to be highly sensitive, precise and selective for the analysis of these two families of organic contaminants. As for the second part of this work, the assessment of the water quality along the watershed of Abou Ali River, in terms of its contamination by PAHs and pesticides, was performed. For this aim, the previously developed and optimized methods were used for the analysis. The results obtained for surface water samples revealed a considerable contamination by PAHs and pesticides in different locations along the watershed. However, for groundwater samples no or very low concentrations of PAHs and pesticides were detected. This study is the first of its kind concerning the analysis of PAHs and pesticides in the studied area. It provided an overview of the water quality along the watershed and stressed on the importance to do ongoing measurements in order to have a complete database not only for the studied area or the North of Lebanon, but for all the regions in the Lebanese territory.


05 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) de origem antrópica representam uma classe de contaminantes de relevância ambiental por serem derivados de múltiplas fontes petrogénicas e/ou pirolíticas e por apresentarem efeitos tóxicos e carcinogênicos. Quando encontrados em pescados de consumo comercial, podem apresentar um risco adicional para a saúde humana. A análise de HPAs em biota é um desafio analítico, devido à complexidade da matriz e aos níveis baixos de concentração que representam risco para o consumo de pescados. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo otimizar e validar o método QuEChERS para análise de HPAs em tecidos biológicos como uma alternativa aos métodos convencionais. O método QuEChERS apresenta características importantes para a Química Verde, ou seja, reduz o consumo excessivo de solventes, reagentes, quantidade de amostra, tempo, entre outros fatores que diminuem o impacto ambiental. Os parâmetros que afetam a eficiência do método foram estudados e concluiu-se que a etapa de purificação constituída por Z-sep+ com uma coluna fina de sílica e alumina apresentou melhores condições de purificação do extrato. A determinação dos compostos por cromatografia a gás acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GC-MS) nos forneceu resultados com alta resolução, seletividade e detectibilidade. A linearidade e sensibilidade do método apresentou valores maiores que 0,990 para todos os HPAs, numa faixa de concentração de 1 ng mL-1 a 50 ng mL-1 no extrato final; limites de detecção e quantificação nos intervalos de 0,377 a 7,45 ng g-1 e 1,13 a 22,36 ng g-1. Os percentuais de recuperação do método ficaram na faixa de 70 a 130 porcento. O procedimento validado permite quantificar HPAs em biota marinha de forma rápida, a baixo custo, livre de interferentes na análise instrumental por GC-MS e em níveis de quantificação que permitem avaliar a qualidade de pescados para consumo humano segundo padrões internacionais. / [en] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of anthropogenic origin represent a class of contaminants of environmental relevance because they are derived from multiple petrogenic and/or pyrolytic sources and because they have toxic and carcinogenic effects. When found in commercially relevant fish, they can pose an additional risk to human health. The analysis of HPAs in biota is an analytical challenge, due to the complexity of the matrix and the low levels of concentration that pose a risk to fish consumption. This work aims to optimize and validate the QuEChERS method for analysis of PAHs in biological tissues as an alternative to conventional. The QuEChERS method presenting important characteristics for Green Chemistry, that is, reducing the excessive consumption of solvents, reagents, sample quantity, time, among other factors that reduce the environmental impact. The parameters that affect the efficiency of the method were studied and it was concluded that the purification step consisting of Z-sep+ with a thin column of silica and alumina presented better conditions for extract purification. The determination of compounds by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) provided us with results with high resolution, selectivity and detectability. The linearity and sensitivity of the method presented values greater than 0.990 for all PAHs, in a concentration range from 1 ng mL-1 to 50 ng mL-1 in the final extract; limits of detection and quantification in the ranges of 0.377 to 7.45 ng g -1 and 1.13 to 22.36 ng g -1. The method s recovery percentages ranged from 70 to 130 percent. The validated procedure allows quantifying PAHs in marine biota quickly, at low cost, free from interferences in the instrumental analysis by GC-MS and at quantification levels that allow the quality of fish for human consumption to be assessed according to international standards.


LEONARDO GRIPP BOM AMORIM 31 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] O atual trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um método multiresíduo e aplicação em testemunhos sedimentares para uma análise geocronológica da contaminação da Baía de Sepetiba por quatro classes de contaminantes orgânicos: (i) hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs), (ii) bifenilos policlorados (PCBs); (iii) éteres difenílicos polibromados (PBDEs) e (iv) pesticidas organoclorados (OCPs). Além dos analitos contemplados no método desenvolvido, foram analisados outros parâmetros (HPAs alquilados, Biomarcadores de petróleo, Hidrocarbonetos Alifáticos, Carbono Orgânico Total e Nitrogênio Total) para que fosse possível uma análise mais aprofundada das fontes e da origem da MO e de compostos associados ao petróleo. Os testemunhos sedimentares foram coletados entre julho e outubro de 2016 e foram datados pela análise da atividade do decaimento de 210Pb e validado usando perfis de Zn e Cd. O método desenvolvido é baseado na extração ultrassônica com uma mistura de diclorometano:metanol (9:1 v/v) e cromatografia gasosa acoplada com análise de espectrometria de massa em tandem (GC-MS/MS) no modo de monitoramento de reações múltiplas (MRM). Um total de 89 compostos, dentre HPAs, PCBs, OCPs e PBDEs, foram identificados usando dois padrões de íon produto/precursor para cada analito. O limite de detecção do método (MDL; 0,001 – 0,055 ng g-1) e limite de quantificação do método (MQL; 0,002 – 0,184 ng g-1) estão abaixo dos níveis de poluição aceitáveis adotados pelas diretrizes internacionais de qualidade de sedimentos. O método, que foi publicado na revista Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemstry em maio de 2022, mostrou-se seletivo, sensível, preciso e linear, com a vantagem de reduzir o tempo de manuseio da amostra e a quantidade utilizada de materiais como solvente e adsorventes. A fim de analisar de forma mais aprofundada as fontes e origens dos HPAs nos testemunhos analisados, foi aplicado uma análise de dados baseada na Lógica Fuzzy, mais especificamente pelo algoritmo Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). Para que tivéssemos um melhor embasamento teórico da aplicação dessa ferramenta, um artigo foi publicado na revista Ocean and Coastal Research em fevereiro de 2022, com base na reavaliação estatística dos dados de dois trabalhos sobre contaminação do sedimento de baías costeiras por HPAs. Resultados obtido por meio de ferramentas de avaliação tradicionais foram comparadas com aqueles obtidos por FCM, que apresentaram maior detalhamento qualitativo. Embora a Lógica Fuzzy não produza interpretações quantitativas, sua aplicação gera dados adequados para que se evite uma inferência enviesada de fontes de contaminação de HPAs. A aplicação do método na análise dos testemunhos sedimentares foi bem-sucedida e a maioria das camadas apresentou valores de OCPs e PBDEs abaixo do MQL. Os valores de PCBs variaram de <MQL a 1,47 ng g-1 (média de 0,24 ± 0,38 ng g-1) em T18 e de 0,35 a 6,24 ng g-1 (média de 1,82 ± 1,37 ng g-1) em T26. Os HPAs variaram de 67,97 a 404,61 ng g-1 (média de 192,38 ± 98,48 ng g-1) em T18 e de 154,59 a 685,47 ng g-1 (média de 382,55 ± 168,45 ng g-1) em T26. / [en] The present work aimed at developing a multiresidue method and application in sedimentary testimonies for a geochronological analysis of the contamination of Sepetiba Bay by four classes of organic contaminants: (i) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), (ii) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); (iii) polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and (iv) organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs). In addition to the analytes contemplated in the method developed, other parameters were analyzed (alkylated PAHs, petroleum biomarkers, aliphatic hydrocarbons, total organic carbon and total nitrogen) to allow a more in-depth analysis of the sources and origin of organic matter and compounds associated with petroleum. Sediment cores were collected between July and October 2016 by Gonçalvez et al. (2020) and were dated by analysis of 210Pb decay activity and validated using Zn and Cd profiles. The developed method is based on ultrasonic extraction with a mixture of dichloromethane:methanol (9:1 v/v) and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. A total of 89 compounds, among PAHs, PCBs, OCPs, and PBDEs, were identified using two product/precursor ion standards for each analyte. The method detection limit (MDL; 0.001 - 0.055 ng g-1) and method quantification limit (MQL; 0.002 - 0.184 ng g-1) are below acceptable pollution levels adopted by international sediment quality guidelines. The method, which was published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemstry in May 2022, was shown to be selective, sensitive, accurate, and linear, with the advantage of reducing sample handling time and the amount used of materials such as solvent and adsorbents.In order to further analyze the sources and origins of PAHs in the analyzed core samples, we applied a data analysis based on Fuzzy Logic, more specifically the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm. In order to have a better theoretical basis for the application of this tool, an article was published in the journal Ocean and Coastal Research in February 2022, based on the statistical re-evaluation of data from two studies on sediment contamination of coastal bays by PAHs. Results obtained through traditional assessment tools were compared with those obtained by FCM, which showed greater qualitative detail. Although Fuzzy Logic does not produce quantitative interpretations, its application generates adequate data to avoid biased inference of PAH contamination sources. The application of the method in the analysis of the sediment cores was successful and most layers showed OCPs and PBDEs values below the MQL. PCBs values ranged from <MQL to 1.47 ng g-1 (mean 0.24 ± 0.38 ng g-1) in T18 and from 0.35 to 6.24 ng g-1 (mean 1.82 ± 1.37 ng g-1) in T26. PAHs ranged from 67.97 to 404.61 ng g-1 (mean 192.38 ± 98.48 ng g-1) at T18 and from 154.59 to 685.47 ng g-1 (mean 382.55 ± 168.45 ng g-1) at T26.

Detection of Marijuana Components Adsorbed on Dust: A Dual Approach of Thermal Desorption GC/MS and Detection Dog Analysis / Detektion av föreningar från marijuana adsorberade på damm: Ett tvåfaldigt tillvägagångssätt med termisk desorption GC/MS samt sökhundsanalys

Svensson, Emilie January 2023 (has links)
Sökhundar är ett viktigt verktyg som används av polis och tullverksamhet, men deras detektionsmetodik är inte helt känd. En substans doftprofil är en viktig aspekt i sökhundars detektion, men de är svåra att forska på kemiskt då det finns en diskrepans mellan koncentration och bidrag till doftprofilen. Målet med den här forskningen var att öka förståelsen för sökhundars detektionsmetodik i relation till adsorberade föreningar på damm, samt hur marijuanas doftprofil skiljer sig från doftprofilen av damm som kontaminerats med marijuana. Citron och lime utnyttjades som modellsystem och bitar av deras skal analyserades även direkt. Terpener och terpenoider var de främsta komponenterna av intresse. Forskningen hade ett tvåfaldigt tillvägagångssätt och inkluderade termisk desorption gaskromatografi masspektrometri (TD-GC/MS) samt sökhundsanalys i form av urvalsövningar. Kontorsdamm och köpt standarddamm i storleken av luftburna partiklar (PM) med en aerodynamisk diameter av cirka 10 µm kontaminerades med marijuana, citron, lime och en cannabis-terpenmix i exsickatorer i 1, 3, samt 7 dagar. En sekundär kontaminering med marijuana utfördes också, där dammprovet som kontaminerats med marijuana i 1 dag användes för att vidare kontaminera nya damm- och PM-prover, och dammprov togs även i förvaringsskåp för packade illegala droger. Från TD-GC/MS analysen av laborativ kontaminering av marijuana detekterades totalt 25 föreningar av intresse i dammprovet, och 57 i PM-provet. Från TD-GC/MS analysen av citron framkom det att fler monoterpener (C10H18) än sesquiterpener (C15H24) detekterades i direktanalysen av citronskal, och det motsatta i analysen av de kontaminerade damm och PM-proverna. Utgående från detta är det troligt att doftprofilerna från ren marijuana samt marijuana kontaminerad på damm eller PM också skiljer sig åt. Sökhundarna markerade dock på båda proverna som kontaminerats med marijuana under 1 dag med stor säkerhet, och vissa markerade även på prover med kortare kontamineringstid och proverna från förvaringsskåpet. Inga eller få föreningar av intresse detekterades med TD-GC/MS i vissa av de prover som hundarna markerade på, vilket exemplifierar att hundarna har en högre sensitivitet vilket försvårar forskningen kring doftprofiler som hundarna kan detektera. Användningen av sökhundsanalys på dammprover som tagits från platser av intresse kan vara en möjlig metod för att detektera marijuana, och eventuellt även andra illegala substanser. / Detection dogs are an important tool utilized by police forces and customs, but their method of detection is not fully known. The odor profile of a substance is of major importance during dog detection, but they are difficult to research chemically due to the disconnection between concentration and contribution to the odor profile. The purpose of this research was to increase the knowledge regarding the mechanism of detection dogs in relation to adsorbed components on dust, as well as of how the odor profile of marijuana differs to that of dust contaminated with marijuana. Lemon and lime were utilized as model systems and pieces of peel were analyzed directly. Terpenes and terpenoids were the main compounds of interest. The research consisted of a dual approach, utilizing both thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS), and detection dog analysis in the form of selection exercises. Office dust and bought particulate matter (PM)-like standard dust with an aerodynamic diameter of about 10 µm was contaminated with marijuana, lemon, lime, and a cannabis terpene mix in desiccators for 1, 3, and 7 days. A secondary marijuana contamination was also conducted, where the 1-day dust sample contaminated with marijuana was used to contaminate new dust and PM samples, and dust samples were also taken in storage units of packaged illicit drugs. From the laboratory contaminated samples with marijuana, a total of 25 compounds of interest were detected by TD-GC/MS from the dust samples, and 57 from the PM samples. From the direct TD-GC/MS analysis of lemon peel, it was evident that more monoterpenes (C10H18) than sesquiterpenes (C15H24) were detected, and the contrary was found for the lemon contaminated dust and PM samples. This entails that the odor profiles of marijuana as is and adsorbed on dust or PM is also likely to differ. Still, the detection dogs were able to detect the dust and PM samples which had been co-stored with marijuana for 1 day, and some also alerted to a few of the secondary contaminated marijuana samples as well as the samples from marijuana storages. None or only a few compounds of interest were detected by TD-GC/MS in some of the samples the detection dogs alerted to, which highlights the higher sensitivity of detection dogs, and thus the difficulty of chemically researching odor profiles the dogs can detect. All in all, detection dog analysis of dust collected at scenes of interest may be a viable method to detect marijuana, and perhaps other illicit drugs.

Characterisation of Grape and Grape pomace Polyphenolics : their Absorption and Metabolism and Potential Effects on Hypertension in a SHR Rat Model / Caractérisation d’Antioxydants Phénoliques de Raisins et de Marcs : leur Absorption, Métabolisme et Effets Potentiels sur l’Hypertension dans un Modèle de Rats SHR (Spontanément Hypertendus)

Ky, Isabelle 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude examine les effets bénéfiques des marcs de raisins obtenus après vinification de différents cépages caractéristiques de la Vallée du Rhône, de leurs compositions phénoliques à leurs effets in vivo. Les raisins et leurs marcs respectifs des cépages Grenache (provenant de deux endroits différents [GRE1] et [GRE2]), Syrah (provenant de deux endroits différents [SYR1] et [SYR2]), Carignan (CAR), Mourvèdre (MOU), Counoise (COU) et Alicante (ALI) ont été étudiés. La comparaison des extraits de raisins et de leurs marcs respectifs montre que les marcs représentent une source importante d’antioxydants phénoliques malgré le processus de vinification. Les pépins et pellicules de marcs renferment des quantités appréciables de flavan-3-ols et anthocyanes. La distribution qualitative et quantitative des polyphenols dans les marcs de raisin présentent des différences significatives au travers des variétés et millésimes allant de 15% à 70% de polyphénols extraits. Les pépins de Grenache (GRE1), Syrah (SYR1) et les pellicules de Syrah (SYR1), Carignan et Alicante sont les fractions les plus intéressantes dues a la présence d’importantes quantités de flavan-3-ols (monomères, dimères et trimère) jusqu’à 8.7 mg/g MS et d’anthocyanes (glycosylées, acétylées et coumaroylées jusqu’à 17.40 mg/g MS, 1.57 mg/g MS et 2.38 mg/g MS respectivement). L’analyse des extraits aqueux (EAQ) et hydro-alcoolique 70% (EA70) indique que les pépins de Carignan et Syrah (SYR1) et les pellicules de Carignan et d’Alicante contiennent les plus fort taux en composés phénoliques et activités antioxydantes. L’efficacité in vivo sur l’hypertension de certains extraits a été évaluée utilisant un modèle de rat SHR. Les résultats des expériences in vivo démontrent que certains extraits administrés seuls ou en association avec le vérapamil possèdent un effet anti-hypertenseur. Cette capacité a été mise en évidence une fois que les extraits de pépins de marcs de GRE1 (EA70) et SYR1 (EA70) et de pellicules de marcs d’ALI (EA70) ont été administrés seuls ou lorsque les extraits de pépins de marcs GRE1 (EA70) et SYR1 (EAQ) et les pellicules de marcs d’ALI (EA70) et SYR2 (EAQ) ont été administrés en association avec le vérapamil. Cette étude met en évidence la biodisponibilité des extraits de pépins et de pellicules de marcs des rats SHR incluant à la fois le métabolisme de phase II et de la microflore intestinale. Les extraits de marcs administrés seuls et en association au vérapamil sont absorbés en tant que métabolites de phase II dérivant du métabolisme des monomères de flavan-3-ols. La détection de métabolites microbiens dérivés de flavan-3-ols, d’hydroxyphényl-γ-valérolactones sous leurs formes glucuronidés et sulfatés confirme l'absorption des métabolites dérivés des flavan-3-ols monomères et polymères et des conjugaisons supplémentaires dans le foie. De nombreux métabolites issus de la dégradation microbienne des hydroxyvalerolactones ont également été détectés. L’excrétion urinaire de ces métabolites représente une plus grande proportion de polyphénols ingérés comparé à ceux issus de métabolisme de phase II des monomères de flavan-3-ols, indiquant un rôle important des bactéries intestinales dans le métabolisme des molécules hautement polymérisées. Ces métabolites peuvent avoir exercé leurs effets biologiques lors de leur passage dans la circulation sanguine. Cette étude constitue une première étape de valorisation de marcs de raisins après vinification, en tant qu’activateur de vérapamil, un médicament couramment utilisé contre l’hypertension. Des quantités suffisantes de composés phénoliques subsistent dans les marcs, en particulier en terme de flavan-3-ols et d’anthocyanes, pour exercer des effets antihypertenseurs. En effet, selon le type et la composition des extraits, il est possible de moduler les effets antihypertenseurs en amplifiant ou en diminuant l’absorption des polyphénols et/ou du vérapamil. / This study investigated the beneficial potential effects of grape pomaces obtained after winemaking of different Mediterranean grape varieties from crude materials to their in vivo effectiveness. Grapes and their respective grape pomaces from six different V. vinifera L. cultivar were studied namely Grenache (from two different locations [GRE1 and GRE2]), Syrah (from two different locations [SYR1 and SYR2]), Carignan (CAR), Mourvèdre (MOU), Counoise (COU) and Alicante (ALI) grape varieties from the Rhône Valley. The comparison of several wine industry by-products with their respective grapes provided evidence that pomace remaining at the end of the winemaking process can be very rich sources of antioxidants. The quantitative and qualitative distribution of polyphenols by HPLC-PDA-Fluo-MS in grape pomaces showed significant differences through varieties and vintages varying from 15% to 70% of polyphenols extracted. Seeds from Grenache (GRE1), Syrah (SYR1) and skins from Syrah (SYR1), Carignan and Alicante were of particular interest because of their higher polyphenol contents in terms of flavan-3-ols (monomers, dimers and trimers) up to 8.7 mg/g DW and anthocyanins (glycosides, acetylated and coumaroylated derivatives up to 17.40, 1.57 and 2.38 mg/g DW, respectively). The investigation of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic 70% extracts of seeds from Carignan and Syrah (SYR1) and skins from Carignan and Alicante was carried out as they contained high levels of total phenols and antioxidant activity. Several extracts, were tested in order to evaluate their in vivo biological effects on hypertension using a spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) model. A series of different grape pomace extracts were tested in association with verapamil. All in vivo experiments demonstrated that some grape pomace extracts administrated with or without co-ingestion with verapamil possessed an anti-hypertensive activity. This was evident with GRE1 (EA70) seed pomace extract, SYR1 (EA70) seed pomace extract, ALI (EA70) skin pomace extract administrated alone and with GRE1 (EA70) seed pomace extract, SYR1 (EAQ) seed pomace extract, ALI (EA70) skin pomace extract and SYR2 (EAQ) skin pomace extract administrated in association with verapamil. Grape pomace extracts with or without co-ingestion with verapamil were absorb as phase II metabolites mainly including glucuronide, O-methyl glucuronide, sulfate, and O-methyl sulfate derivatives of (epi)catechin which arise from the metabolism of monomeric flavan-3-ols. The detection by HPLC-PDA-Fluo-MSn and GC-MS of microbial-derived metabolites of flavan-3-ols, hydroxyphenyl-γ-valerolactones in their glucuronide and sulfate forms confirmed the absorption of metabolites derived from both monomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols from grape pomace extracts and subsequent post-absorption conjugation. Numerous metabolites derived from further microbial degradation of hydroxyvalerolactones were also detected. The urinary excretion of these metabolites accounted for a larger proportion of the total polyphenol ingested than phase II metabolites of monomeric flavan-3-ols, indicating the important role of intestinal bacteria in the metabolism of polymerized procyanidins. All these metabolites may have exerted biological effects during the period in which they circulated in the bloodstream. This study constitutes the first step of assessing grape pomace as an enhancer of the verapamil, an anti-hypertensive drug. Substantial levels of polyphenols, especially flavan-3-ols, procyanidins and anthocyanins, remain in pomace after the winemaking process in quantities sufficient to exert anti-hypertensive effects. In addition, according to the extract used and its composition, it is feasible to modulate anti-hypertensive effects by amplifying or decreasing polyphenols and/or verapamil absorption.

Identifier les marqueurs clés de la qualité organoleptique des chocolats pour prédire leurs caractéristiques sensorielles / Identify key markers of the organoleptic quality of chocolates to predict their sensory characteristics

Deuscher, Zoé 26 March 2019 (has links)
L’appréciation par le consommateur d’un produit alimentaire comme le chocolat est en grande partie due à sa composante aromatique. La perception de cette composante est étroitement liée à la libération des composés d’arômes lors de la consommation du produit. Une étude sensorielle systématiquement menée par la société Valrhona dans une démarche de qualification de ses chocolats noirs de pures origines, fabriqués selon un procédé standard à partir de lots de cacao différents, permet de classer ces chocolats, selon leur profil, en quatre grands pôles sensoriels. Le travail entrepris avait pour but la compréhension de l’origine de cette classification sensorielle par la mise en œuvre de techniques de caractérisation des molécules volatiles responsables de l’arôme des chocolats.Dans un premier temps, l’empreinte globale en composés volatils d’un lot de 206 chocolats représentatifs des quatre pôles sensoriels a été obtenue via une méthode d’analyse couplant un headspace dynamique à la spectrométrie de masse en injection directe, utilisant l’ionisation par transfert de protons (PTR-ToF-MS). Des analyses multivariées des données, et notamment une analyse discriminante de type PLS-DA, ont permis d’élaborer un modèle de prédiction de la classification sensorielle des chocolats basé sur leur composition en molécules volatiles. Différentes méthodes de sélection de variables ont permis de souligner l’existence de composés volatils particuliers capables de discriminer les quatre pôles sensoriels de chocolats.Le potentiel aromatique de 12 chocolats parmi les 206 (trois de chaque pôle) a ensuite été déterminé suite à l’extraction des arômes par une méthode de distillation sous vide dans une analyse par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée, d’une part, à l’olfactométrie (GC-O) basée sur la fréquence de détection obtenue par 12 juges, et d’autre part, à un spectromètre de masse (GC-MS) pour l’identification des composés odorants. Ainsi, des composés d’arômes permettant de discriminer les différents pôles sensoriels ont pu être caractérisés au moyen d’une analyse factorielle des correspondances.Enfin, l’analyse « nosespace » d’un jury de 12 personnes dégustant 8 chocolats (deux de chaque pôle parmi les 12 précédents) a été réalisé en PTR-MS. Cette étude, couplée à une analyse sensorielle temporelle (Dominance Temporelle des Sensations, DTS), a permis d’obtenir des données temporelles instrumentales et sensorielles de manière simultanée. L’analyse DTS révèle dans une analyse en composantes principales (ACP) une bonne discrimination des pôles sensoriels, avec des descripteurs dominants similaires dans les pôles 1 et 4, d’une part, et dans les pôles 2 et 3, d’autre part. L’analyse nosespace a permis le suivi de la libération en temps réel de 26 composés d’arômes. La relation entre les deux jeux de données (instrumentales et sensorielles) a été étudiée au moyen de l’indice AWD (Abundance While Dominance) qui représente l’abondance de chaque ion pendant qu’une sensation est dominante. Des analyses factorielles des correspondances menées sur les AWD ont permis pour chaque échantillon de déceler des relations entre composés d’arômes libérés et sensations dominantes. / Consumers’ appreciation of chocolate is mostly due to its aromatic composition. Perception of this component is clearly linked to the release of aroma compounds during chocolate consumption. A systematic sensory evaluation is conducted by the Valrhona Company in order to qualify their pure origin dark chocolates manufactured according to a standard process from differing cocoa batches. The obtained sensory profiles allow classifying the chocolates into four sensory categories, named poles. The objective of the present work was to understand the molecular origin of this sensory classification by using techniques aimed at characterizing volatile organic compounds (VOC) responsible for chocolate flavour.Firstly, global VOC profiles of a set of 206 chocolate samples classified in the four sensory poles were analysed by a direct injection mass spectrometry method using proton transfer reaction as ionisation process (PTR-ToF-MS). A supervised multivariate data analysis based on discriminant analysis of the PLS-DA type allowed the construction of a classification model that showed excellent prediction capability based on VOC composition of the chocolates. Variable selection using dedicated methods pinpointed some volatile compounds important for the chocolates sensory discrimination.Then, the aroma potential of 12 chocolate samples (chosen among the 206 ones with three samples representative of each pole) was investigated on aroma extracts obtained by distillation under vacuum. Gas chromatography coupled to olfactometry (GC-O) and to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to detect and identify the odorous compounds. GC-O data were obtained by 12 assessors using the detection frequency method. Aroma compounds allowing the discrimination of the sensory poles were determined thanks to a correspondence analysis.Finally, a nosespace analysis conducted by 12 assessors on 8 chocolates (two in each pole among the preceding 12) was realised using PTR-MS. This analysis was conducted simultaneously with a temporal sensory analysis (Temporal Dominance of Sensations, TDS), allowing temporal instrumental and sensorial data to be obtained. A principal component analysis (PCA) conducted on the TDS data revealed a good discrimination of the sensory poles, with similar dominant attributes in poles 1 and 4, on the one hand, and in poles 2 and 3, on the other hand. The nosespace data displayed real time release curves of 26 aroma compounds. The relationships between instrumental and sensory data were investigated thanks to the AWD (Abundance While Dominance) index that measures the abundance (area under the curve) of each ion during the dominance of a given sensation. Correspondence analyses of the AWD indices conducted for each chocolate sample allowed to define some relationships between dominant sensations and some released aroma compounds.

Étude de la phytochimie de 12 plantes de la région Lorraine en fonction de la granulométrie de poudres superfines / Phytochemistry study of 12 Lorraine plants depending on the granulometric classes of superfines powders

Zaiter, Ali 03 March 2017 (has links)
Ce projet porte sur l’étude de plusieurs plantes d’intérêt de la Lorraine afin d’extraire par voie sèche et d’analyser des substances bioactives pour une valorisation de la flore locale. Un procédé de broyage et de tamisage de matériel végétal en de fines particules est utilisé afin de concentrer les composés bioactifs dans les poudres résultantes. Les poudres présentent des tailles de particules allant de 20 µm à 500 µm. Les propriétés phytochimiques de chaque classe granulométrique sont comparées à celle des parties de plantes non tamisées. Ces activités sont liées aux métabolites secondaires notamment les polyphénols et les dérivés terpéniques, qui sont caractérisés et quantifiés par des analyses LC-MS et GC-MS. Au cours de ce travail ont été développés : - la validation d’une nouvelle technique de séparation différentielle en fonction de la granulométrie des poudres par comparaison avec des extraits de plantes non tamisées ; - le dosage des différents constituants chimiques par des méthodes spectrométriques (UV/Visible), la caractérisation par des techniques analytiques telles que la LC-MS et GC-MS ; - l’évaluation du potentiel antioxydant/anti-radicalaire et anti-acétylcholinestérase réalisée par voie chimique in vitro en fonction des classes granulométriques. Cette étude démontre l’intérêt que présente ce nouveau procédé d’extraction différentiel des composés bioactifs issue de matrices végétales. Un enrichissement en produits actifs est observé au niveau de certaines classes granulométriques. Au niveau des activités antioxydantes pour toutes les plantes et de l’activité anti-acétylcholinestérase dans le cas du saule blanc, on observe des variations significatives en fonction de la taille de particules des échantillons des poudres superfines. L’étude de l’activité anti-acétylcholinestérase a été complétée par une modélisation in silico afin de mettre en évidence l’interaction entre les composés et les sites actifs de l’enzyme acétylcholinestérase / This project focuses on the study of 12 plants coming from Lorraine region. The study aims to improve the exploitation of local flora using a dry extraction process. A milling and a sieving process up to fine particles of plant material is used to concentrate the bioactive compounds in the resulting powders. The powders were classified according to the particle size which were ranging from 20 µm to 500 µm. The phytochemical properties of each particle size fraction are compared to non-sieved plant parts. These activities are linked to secondary metabolites including polyphenols and terpene derivatives, which are characterized and quantified by LC-MS and GC-MS analyses. It was developed in this work a new validation technique of differential separation depending on the particle size of the powders compared with extracts of non-sieved plant parts. The quantification of chemical compound classes was done by UV-Visible methods and their identification was conducted using LC-PDA/MS and GC-MS characterization technics. The evaluations of the antioxidant activity and anti-acetylcholinesterase activity is carried out in vitro according to the particle sizes. This study demonstrates the usefulness of this new differential extraction process of bioactive compounds from vegetal matrices. The Enhancing of the concentration of the active products is observed according to the particle sizes. In silico modeling study of anti-acetylcholinesterase activity is employed to highlight the interactions between the active sites and some anticipated active compounds in the extract

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