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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Video Modeling with System of Least Prompt to Teach Telling Time

Webb, Sarah-Ann Katherine 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to teach telling time to the hour, half-hour, quarter to the hour, and to 5 min to students with austim spectrum disorder (ASD) or other developmental disabilities using video modeling (VM). Two research questions were asked: 1. Is there a functional relation between VM and increases in level and trend for telling time to the hour, half-hour, quarter hour, or 5 min for students with ASD and/or other developmental disabilities? 2. Will the use of the VM help students reach criterion on the task analytic steps for the process of telling time? A multiple probe (days) across participants design was used evaluate the effectiveness of the VM. The results showed student improvement of telling time, but no functional relation was found. The results showed improvement of telling time once System of Least Prompts was added to the VM.

Högläsningens effekter på elevers läsförmåga : En kvalitativ studie om lärares syn på högläsning och hur de använder den i undervisningen / Read-aloud effects on pupils' reading skills : A qualitative study about teachers’ view on the effects of read-alouds and how they use it in practice

Augustsson, Mikaela January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av högläsning i undervisning för att främja elevernas läsförmåga och hur detta syns i elevernas aktiviteter. Teorin som studien bygger på är det sociokulturella perspektivet med ursprung i Lev Vygotskijs teorier om lärande, utveckling och språk. I studien har fem lärare som arbetar i årskurserna F–3 blivit intervjuade med en semistrukturerad intervju. Lärarna har även blivit observerade under en av sina högläsningslektioner för att se hur de använder sig av högläsning för att utveckla elevernas läsförmåga. Resultatet visar att lärarna försöker använda sig av högläsning dagligen i sin undervisning då de anser att den ger väldigt mycket. Lärarna anser att högläsningen utvecklar elevernas ordförråd, läsförståelse, läslust och koncentrationsförmåga. Utifrån observationerna, tidigare forskning och lärarnas intervjuer visar resultatet även att lärarna använder sig av olika arbetssätt och metoder för att eleverna ska få möjlighet att utveckla sin läsförmåga. / The purpose of this study is to examine some teachers' view of the effect of read-alouds on the development of pupils' reading skills, as well as the opportunities the pupils get to develop their reading skills in teacher practices of reading aloud. The study is based on the sociocultural perspective originating in Lev Vygotsky theories on learning, development and language. In this study, five teachers working in preschool and grades 1–3 have been interviewed using qualitative interviews. Teachers have also been observed during one of their read-aloud lessons in order to see how they use reading aloud to develop pupils' reading skills. The results show that the teachers try to read aloud daily in their teaching because they find it has great advantages. The teachers believe that reading aloud develops pupils' vocabulary, reading comprehension, love of reading and concentration. Based on previous research, observation and teacher interviews, the results also show that teachers use approaches to and methods for giving their pupils opportunity to develop their reading skills.

A, B, C – U eller G? Vi får väl se! : Om bedömning och examination inom högre utbildning / A, B, C – Fail or Pass? We will see! : On assessment and examination in higher education

Lindström, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats besvarar forskningsfrågan; hur ser universitetslärare på bedömning och examination inom högre utbildning. Syftet är att identifiera lärarattityder till bedömning och examination. Resultaten syftar till att skapa förutsätt­ningar för pedagogisk utveckling av lärare på Linnéuniversitetet samt inspirera nya sätt att betrakta bedömning och examination. Forskningsöversikten behandlar övergripande perspektiv på bedömning och dess inverkan inom högre utbildning. Vidare redogörs för bedömningens funk­tioner, bedömnings­kultur samt bedömning för lärande. Universitetslärares uppfatt­ning om bedömning och undervisning i allmän­het behandlas också. Metoden är en kombination av enkäter och intervjuer där således både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod användes för att insamla data av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär, vilken analyse­rades med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa analys­metoder. Resultat och analys visar relationen mellan förutsättningar, kriterier för vad som betraktas som bedömning och examination av god kvalitet, samt utveckling av densamma. Det empiriska resultatet identifierar också diversifierade attityder till en mängd aspekter relaterade till bedömning och examination, men även pedagogisk utveckling generellt sett. Betydelsen av kunskapsöverföring är återkommande där diskussioner och förklaringar kollegor emellan och med studenter, i syfte att skapa mening och utveckling krävs. Studentengagemang på olika nivåer; från strategisk utveckling till konkret implementering, är också betydelsefullt. / This essay answers the research question; how do university teachers view assessment and examination in higher education. The aim is to identify teachers' attitudes to assessment and examination. The results aim to create conditions for the educational development of teachers at Linnaeus University and inspire new ways of looking at assessment and examination. The research review deals with overall perspectives on assessment and examina­tion and its impact on higher education. Furthermore, the functions and culture of assessment and assessment of learning are outlined. University teachers’ attitudes on assessment and teaching in general are also considered. The method is a combination of questionnaires and interviews, thus both qualitative and quantitative method was used to collect data of both qualitative and quantitative in nature, which was analyzed with both qualitative and quantitative methods. Results and analysis show the relationship between the conditions, criteria for what is regarded as assessment and examination of good quality, and the development of the same. The empirical results also identify diverse attitudes to a variety of aspects related to assessment and examination, but also educational development in general. The importance of knowledge transfer is repeated where discussions and explanations between colleagues and students, in order to create meaning and development is required. Student involvement at various levels; from strategic development to practical implementation, is also significant.

Gå i skolan eller i mål? : Hur väl når våra elever målen i naturorienterande ämnen, egentligen? / To study or to reach the criterions? : To what extent does our students reach the criterions in scientific studies?

Erngren, Boo January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Jag valde att göra den här undersökningen då jag ofta undrar över varför det verkar så svårt för eleverna att nå målen i naturorienterande ämnen och varför de kan tycka att något som är så intressant för mig kan vara så tråkigt och svårt för dem.</p><p>Metoden jag använt mig av är att jag utformat ett test utifrån uppnåendemålen år 9. Detta har jag sedan genomfört med alla elever i årskullen i Karlskoga. Resultaten har jag sedan sammanställt och jämfört mot mål och betyg.</p><p>Resultatet visar för mig att det finns ganska stora brister och ganska stor avvikelse från givna betyg. Det är betydligt större andel elever som inte når målen enligt min undersökning än vad betygen visar.</p><p>Slutsatsen jag drar av detta är att det utifrån uppställda mål och med stöd av den forskning som finns måste satsas hårdare på naturorienterande ämnen i skolan om vi i Sverige ska kunna fortsätta att hålla en hög internationell nivå inom naturvetenskapen.</p> / <p>Abstract</p><p>I chose to do this survey because I’ve often found myself wondering why it seems so difficult for the students to reach the criterions in scientific studies and howcome they find the subject so difficult and boring.</p><p>The method I’ve chosen is that I’ve created a test based on the criterions for the ninth grade. This test has been given to answered by all the students in the ninth grade in Karlskoga and the results have been put together and compared with criterions and grades.</p><p>The results shows considerable lack of knowledge and a pretty big divergence from what the grades state.</p><p>The conclusion I make from this is that in reference to the criterions and the research available we have to put even more resources into the schools scientific studies if Sweden wants to keep our high international level of knowledge in science.</p>

Gymnasieelevers syn på betyg : En kvalitativ studie / Opinions about grades among Upper-secondary school pupils : A qualitative study

Andréasson, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>Under min sista termin på lärarprogrammet har fokus bland annat legat på betyg. Vanligtvis är det politikers syn på betyg som framkommer i betygsdebatten. Syftet med min undersökning är att lyfta fram elevperspektivet i betygsdebatten. Detta ledde fram till min huvudfråga om vilken syn gymnasieelever har på betyg. För att få reda på detta ställde jag delfrågor om betygens rättvisa, betygens existens och upplevelsen av betyg. Metoden jag använde för att besvara frågorna var intervjuer med gymnasieelever på Karlbergsgymnasiet i Åmål. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes genom ad hoc-metoden, vilket innebar att jag försökte finna mönster i elevernas svar.</p><p>Det jag kom fram till i min undersökning är att majoriteten av gymnasieeleverna tycker att betygen inte är rättvisa. Men de anser att betyg behövs eftersom de fungerar som urvalsinstrument till högre studier och jobb och ger information om hur eleven ligger till. Flera elever vill ha fler betygssteg, för att betygen ska bli mer rättvisa. Vissa elever tycker betyg är dåligt för att de jämför sig med andra och får dåligt självförtroende av det. De negativa känslorna som ett dåligt betyg kan frambringa gör att vissa elever ger upp skolarbetet. Men andra elever motiveras av betyg och studerar mer på grund av dem. Detta visar på komplexiteten i fenomenet betyg. Gymnasieeleverna har både en positiv och negativ syn på betyg.</p> / <p>During my last term of teacher training the syllaby content, among other subjects, have been focused on school grades. Commonly the debate concerning school grades reflect the opinions of party politicians. The purpose of my research is to enhance the perspective of pupils´ opinions in this same debate. This very purpose brought on my main issue concerning the idea about grades among upper secondary school pupils. In order to investigate this issue I have formulated questions, put to upper secondary pupils, about the apprehension of fairness or justice in school grades, their opinion about the presence of school grades and their personal experience of them. The research method choosen to answer my questions was interview. Upper secondary pupils in a community of southern Sweden were interviewed.</p><p>The answers were analysed and structured according to the ad-hoc method, indicating that I tried to reveal patterns among the expressions given by the pupils.</p><p>The findings from my study imply that a majority of the students interviewed do consider grades to be unfair. They do think though that grades are needed as a means of selection for higher education as well as employment and that grades do inform about the level of achievement of the pupils. Several pupils in my study advocate an increased number of grade levels to promote more justice in the use of school grades. Some pupils think that grades are bad because they use to compare themselves to other schoolmates, a behaviour that tends to lower their ego. The negative feelings that may be accomplished by low grades tend to make some pupils give up school. Other students find grades motivating and grades make them study more earnestly. These answers do reveal the complexity in the issue of school grades. Upper secondary pupils do hold positive as well as negative attitudes towards school grades.</p>


Tadlock, Joseph 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study examined relationships between college students’ writing achievement goal orientations, writing self-regulation, and writing grades. The study was conducted in a postsecondary setting at a large public university in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Using multivariate quantitative techniques (confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling), survey and writing sample data were gathered to address the following research questions: Do college students’ writing achievement goals relate to their writing grades; do college students’ writing achievement goals relate to their writing self-regulation; and, does writing self-regulation partially mediate the relationship between writing achievement goals and writing grades in college writing classrooms? A convenience sample of 107 participants completed both the survey and writing prompt portions of the study. Findings showed that all three writing achievement goal orientations tested (mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance) were related to college students’ writing self-regulation. However, only writing performance-approach orientation was related to college students’ writing grades. Additionally, writing self-regualtion did not partially mediate the relationship between all three writing achievement goal orientations and writing grades as expected. Writing self-regulation did fully mediate the relationships between writing mastery and performance-avoidance goal orientations and writing grades, but failed to mediate the relationship between writing performance-approach goal orientation and writing grades. These findings contradict some of the prior literature on achievement goal orientations and self-regulation. However, these results help bridge a gap in the achievement goal orientation and self-regulation research, as prior studies have predominantly focused on PK-12 settings and domains other than writing (reading, mathematics, science, etc.). The findings from this study are limited by the size and nature of the sample, and the survey items used. Future studies should attempt to gather further insight into the goals college students set for their writing, how those goals impact their self-regulation behaviors, and ultimately their writing grades.

Čtenářské strategie na druhém stupni základní školy / Reading strategies in language arts lessons in grades 6-9

Petřičová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this dissertation is finding out, which reading skills should be developed by students of middle school, and by which methods, strategies, forms of class organisation, teaching aids and teaching procedures can be reading skills developed in five teaching lessons. The dissertation uses comparative method for finding skills for progress and application method in preparations, which will verify theoretical knowledge about efficiency of methods for progress of reading strategies and skills and described strategies for progress skills in practise. The research was oriented to skills from research PISA, specifically to inferying, information searching and appraisal of text. In five teaching lessons was developed inferying by strategy clarifying. Mild progress was noticed by information searching, which was developed by strategy identification of importance. By students was not developed appraisal of text by strategy of evaluation. To the main reasons of mild or any progress were also the methods. To the least efficient methods belonged I.N.S.E.R.T., which is oriented to information searching, and DRTA, which is oriented to appraisal of text. To the most efficient methods belonged Literature Circles and Modeling. For progress in reading skills were also efficient pair work, individualised...

Tror vi på den värld vi ser? : En undersökning om hur skolan framställs i media.

Jansson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
This essay deals with how the school is portrayed in the media. Selected articles are reviewed and divided in order to determine how the school is described in the media.Research shows that we to a large extent believe in the world we see in the media. How the articles describes the school means that it is reasonable to assume that we look at the school from this perspective. The study focuses on determining how the school is portrayed by examining different aspects.The survey shows that 49 percent of all articles have a negative angle. It also appears that the most commonly used categories are teachers and pupils. The patterns discovered were that equality was an important debate in school in 2016. It also appears that there are very few private writers but what is published is controlled by journalists.

Grading practices and mindset development: the growth of both

Thiele, Julie January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Curriculum and Instruction Programs / Sherri Martinie / This study examined the impact grading policies have on students’ mindsets in urban Midwestern middle schools. The components of this quasi-experimental, causal comparative survey research relied on the grading policies in place at the school level and the students’ reporting of their mindset. Data was collected using a questionnaire containing eight Likert-type questions from the Implicit Theories of Intelligence scale (Dweck, 2006), as well as additional questions seeking the students’ perceptions of grading practices implemented in their buildings. Descriptive statistics, frequencies, t-tests and ANOVA tests were run measuring the impact that a variety of perceived grading practices had on students’ mindset levels. The findings from the research demonstrated no statistically significant differences between the mindset levels of students from schools with different grading policies. Further analysis revealed inconsistencies between student perceptions of the grading practices and the schools’ actual stated grading policies. It appears standards based and traditional grading practices, although specifically stated at the building level, appear to have blended together in the large school district, which may have led to the inconclusive results. Of significance was the finding that students perceived to understand the meaning of their grade, even if it is misaligned with the schools’ policy, reported a growth mindset in comparison to students that reported they did not understand their grade. These findings begin to explore the impact grading practices have on students, especially during the transition from traditional to standards based grading. Further research is needed to fully examine the transition between grading practices and students’ perceptions of those policies. When students’ perceptions of the standards based grading policy do not align with the actual policy, it is assumed that it will have no impact on students’ mindset levels. Future research would seek to understand ways in which educators making a transition from traditional to standards based grading can seek clarity of policies, seek accuracy of implementation and monitor students’ perceptions in alignment with the policies and practices.

Pojkars och flickors matematiska mindset : En kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurserna 2 och 3

Anundi, Ingrid, Petersson, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att beskriva och jämföra pojkars respektive flickors matematiska mindset i årskurserna 2 och 3. Detta görs genom att beskriva vad pojkarna respektive flickorna anser utmärka personer som är matematiskt duktiga, vad gemene man behöver göra för att bli matematiskt duktig, samt deras syn på sin egen förmåga i matematikämnet. För att studera detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med tolv elever, sex pojkar och sex flickor. Resultatet visar att eleverna har en samstämmig syn på hur de matematiska kunskaperna kan förbättras och menade att det sker genom övning och träning. Flickorna ansåg att de var duktiga i matematik, men pojkarna hade inte samma tilltro till sin matematiska förmåga. Övriga slutsatser som dras är att det kvarligger stereotyp syn hos pojkarna, vilka ansåg att män är mer matematiska än kvinnor. Detta synsätt återfanns inte hos flickorna. / The aim of the study is to describe and compare the mathematical mindset of boys and girls in grades 2 and 3. This is done by describing what the boys and girls think distinguish people who are mathematically proficient, what they think one needs to do to become mathematically proficient, and their beliefs about their own mathematical ability. To receive answers on these research questions semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve students, six boys and six girls. The result indicates that the students have a consistent view of how mathematical knowledge can be improved and meant that this is done through practice. The girls thought they were good at mathematics, but the boys did not have the same confidence in their own mathematical ability. Other conclusions drawn are that the boys seem to have a more stereotypical approach than the girls as they considered that men are more mathematical than women. This view was not found for the girls.

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