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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaction of glycosaminoglycans with growth factors and their receptors – implications for biological activity

Köhler, Linda 15 December 2018 (has links)
Die aufgrund des demografischen Wandels steigende Zahl an Patienten mit Knochendefekten, chronischen Wunden und einhergehender Multimorbidität stellt ein großes klinisches und sozioökonomisches Problem dar. Derzeitige etablierte Verfahren zur Behandlung von Knochen- und Hautdefekten weisen zahlreiche Nachteile auf, weshalb die Erforschung innovativer Methoden notwendig ist. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Wundheilungskapazität ist die Funktionalisierung von Biomaterialien mit Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix (ECM), die eine Rolle bei der Geweberegeneration spielen. Glykosaminoglykane (GAGs) sind wichtige ECM-Komponenten, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie mit Mediatorproteinen interagieren, wodurch sie deren biologische Aktivität und damit zelluläre Prozesse beeinflussen. Native GAGs, wie Heparansulfat, sind jedoch aufgrund ihrer eingeschränkten Verfügbarkeit, Charge-zu-Charge-Variabilität und ihrer quellenabhängigen biologischen Aktivität nur begrenzt für biomedizinische Anwendungen geeignet. Daher sind chemisch modifizierte Hyaluronsäure (HA)- und Chondroitinsulfat (CS)-Derivate mit definierten Eigenschaften bezüglich des Kohlenhydratrückgrats, sowie des Sulfatierungsgrades und -musters besonders geeignet, um ihre Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehung in der Interaktion mit heilungsrelevanten Mediatorproteinen und Zellen zu untersuchen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung der zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen, mit denen GAGs zelluläre Prozesse direkt oder indirekt durch Bindung von Wachstumsfaktoren beeinflussen. Hierbei sollte vor allem gezeigt werden, wie Kohlenhydratrückgrat, Sulfatierungsgrad und -muster der GAG-Derivate die Interaktion und damit die biologische Aktivität des transformierenden Wachstumsfaktors (TGF)-β1, sowie der angiogenen Mediatoren vaskulärer endothelialer Wachstumsfaktor (VEGF)165 und basischer Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor (bFGF) beeinflussen. In vorangegangen Studien wurde gezeigt, dass sulfatierte HA- (sHA) und CS-Derivate stark mit Wachstumsfaktoren, wie den knochenmorphogenetischen Proteinen (BMP)-2/-4 und TGF-β1 wechselwirken. Letzterer wies eine beeinträchtigte Bioaktivität in Gegenwart von hochsulfatierter HA (sHA3) auf. Der zugrundeliegende Mechanismus wurde bisher nicht vollständig aufgeklärt und daher in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Oberflächenplasmonresonanz (SPR)-Untersuchungen mit allen Komponenten des TGF-β1:Rezeptor-Komplexes in Anwesenheit von GAGs zeigten, dass die Vorinkubation von TGF-β1 mit sHA-Derivaten die Bindung von TGF-β1, insbesondere an TGF-β Rezeptor (TβR)-I, aber auch an TβR-II, blockierte. In sequentiellen SPR-Experimenten, welche die in vivo-TGF-β1:Rezeptor-Komplexbildung genauer nachahmen, war jedoch die Rekrutierung von TβR-I zum TβR-II/TGF-β1-Komplex signifikant stärker, wenn der Komplex sHA3 enthielt. GAGs üben somit einen dualen Blockierungsmechanismus auf die TGF-β1:Rezeptor-Komplexbildung aus, wobei die Effekte stark von der Reihenfolge der Bindungsereignisse abhängen. Die hier erstmals untersuchte Bioaktivität von TGF-β1 in Verbindung mit sHA auf Rezeptorebene zeigte eine Abnahme der Phosphorylierung für TβR-I und das TβR-I-regulierte Effektorprotein Smad2 in Gegenwart von sHA3, was auf die Bildung eines inaktiven Signalkomplexes hindeutet. Ebenfalls analysiert wurde die Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehung von HA- und CS-Derivaten in ihrer Wechselwirkung mit den wichtigsten angiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren: VEGF165 und bFGF. Ziel war es strukturelle Eigenschaften zu identifizieren, die zu einer Interaktion beitragen und die biologischen Konsequenzen von Wachstumsfaktor/GAG-Interaktion zu ermitteln. Beide Wachstumsfaktoren zeigten eine sulfatierungsabhängige Wechselwirkung mit GAG-Derivaten in der SPR-Bindungsanalyse. Anders als bFGF zeigte VEGF165 außerdem eine klare Präferenz für sHA im Vergleich zu CS-Derivaten, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Wechselwirkung mit diesem Wachstumsfaktor nicht nur vom Sulfatierungsgrad, sondern auch vom Kohlenhydrat-Rückgrat des GAGs beeinflusst wird. sHA-Tetramere waren ausreichend, um mit VEGF165 und bFGF in SPR-Messungen zu interagieren und zeigten, dass die Position der Sulfatierung eine wichtige Rolle bei der Interaktion mit beiden angiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren zu spielen scheint, da die Bindungsstärke des sHA-Tetrasaccharids ohne C6-Sulfatierung des N-Acetylglucosamins (GlcNAc) im Vergleich zu einem ausschließlich an der C6-Position sulfatiertem Derivat geringer war. Interessanterweise war die Bindung von tetramerer persulfatierter HA (psHA) im Vergleich zu einem psHA-Hexamer stärker, was darauf hinweist, dass das Tetrasaccharid in der Lage ist, mit zusätzlichen GAG-Bindungsstellen von VEGF165 und bFGF zu interagieren. Die Bindung von VEGF165 und bFGF an ihre jeweiligen Rezeptoren VEGF Rezeptor (VEGFR)-2 und FGF Rezeptor (FGFR) 1 war vermindert, wenn die Wachstumsfaktoren in SPR-Studien mit sulfatierten GAGs vorinkubiert wurden. Auch hier wurde für VEGF165 ein Einfluss des Kohlenhydratrückgrats nachgewiesen, da die Bindung des Wachstumsfaktors an VEGFR-2 durch sHA-Derivate stärker gehemmt wurde als durch CS-Derivate mit vergleichbarem Sulfatierungsgrad. Auch auf die bFGF/FGFR1IIIc-Interaktion hatte die Sulfatierung der C6-Position des GlcNAc von sHA1 einen stärkeren Einfluss als die C4-Sulfatierung des GlcNAc von CS. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Blockierungskapazität von sCS3 und sHA3 jedoch ähnlich. Dies deutet auf einen geringen Einfluss des Kohlenhydratrückgrats, jedoch auf einen großen Einfluss des gesamten Sulfatierungsgrades der GAG-Derivate auf die bFGF-Wechselwirkung mit FGFR1IIIc hin. Tetramere GAGs waren ebenfalls ausreichend, um die VEGF165- und bFGF-Rezeptorbindung zu stören. Mit zunehmendem Sulfatierungsgrad und Länge des Derivats wurde der Blockierungseffekt verstärkt. Die Interaktion von VEGF165 mit sHA3 und die anschließende Blockierung der VEGFR-2-Bindung führte zu einer verminderten Phosphorylierung von VEGFR-2. In einem 3D in vitro-Angiogenese-Assay zeigte sich darüber hinaus eine verminderte VEGF165- bzw. bFGF-vermittelte Sprossung von Endothelzell-Sphäroiden durch hochsulfatierte GAGs. Die Angiogenese wurde jedoch nicht vollständig inhibiert. Interessanterweise induzierten GAG-Derivate unabhängig von den untersuchten angiogenen Wachstumsfaktoren die Sprossung von Endothelzell-Sphäroiden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass VEGFR-2 nicht an der proangiogenen Wirkung von sulfatierten GAGs beteiligt ist, während die Blockierung von FGFR1 die proangiogene Wirkung von sCS3 und sHA3 hemmt. GAG-Derivate könnten FGFR1 direkt aktivieren, da in SPR-Experimenten gezeigt wurde, dass sie an den Rezeptor binden. Andererseits könnte der beobachtete Effekt auch auf eine erleichterte Rezeptordimerisierung mit einer anschließenden verstärkten Ligandenbindung oder die Wechselwirkung mit intrazellulären Targets nach GAG-Internalisierung zurückzuführen sein. Dies muss in weiteren Experimenten geklärt werden. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf die Wichtigkeit der Reihenfolge der Bindungsereignisse hin, da die Bindung von GAG-Derivaten an Wachstumsfaktoren, Rezeptoren oder beide Komponenten zu unterschiedlichen zellulären Konsequenzen hinsichtlich der Signalgebung führt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass GAG-Derivate unterschiedliche molekulare Mechanismen nutzen, um zelluläre Prozesse direkt oder indirekt über die Bindung von Wachstumsfaktoren zu modulieren und tragen zu einem tieferen Verständnis ihrer Wirkungsweise bei. Dies könnte wiederum eine Abstimmung der Biomaterial-zusammensetzung auf patientenspezifische Bedürfnisse ermöglichen. GAG-haltige Bio-materialien sind vielversprechend für eine Verminderung TGF-β1-gesteuerter lokaler Hautfibrose, da sie die Bioaktivität von TGF-β1 reduzieren. In Bezug auf die inhibitorischen Effekte auf die VEGF165- und bFGF-Signaltransduktion könnten GAGs mit übermäßiger Angiogenese, die bei rheumatoider Arthritis und diabetischer Retinopathie auftritt, interferieren. Ob diese in vitro-Ergebnisse zur Steuerung der biologischen Aktivität von TGF-β1, VEGF165 und bFGF oder zur direkten Stimulation der Angiogenese unabhängig von Wachstumsfaktoren genutzt werden können, muss in vivo validiert werden. / Age-related pathologies, like chronic wounds and impaired fracture healing are a consequence of a longer life expectancy in our aging population and are associated with considerable clinical and socioeconomic burdens. To improve the wound healing capacity of patients, the development of new adaptive biomaterials to selectively control and promote bone and skin regeneration is essential. A promising approach for the design of such biomaterials incorporates elements of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that play a role in tissue regeneration. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are major ECM components known to interact with important mediator proteins, thereby influencing their biological activity and subsequently cellular processes. However, native GAGs like heparan sulfate have a limited utility for biomedical applications due to their restricted availability, batch-to-batch variability and source-dependent biological activity. For this reason, chemically modified hyaluronan (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) derivatives with defined properties regarding the carbohydrate backbone, the degree of sulfation and the sulfation pattern are preferable for studying their structure-function relationship in the interaction with mediator proteins and cells relevant to healing processes. The aim of the present study was to investigate how GAGs influence cellular processes - directly or indirectly by binding growth factors – and particularly how the sugar backbone as well as the sulfation degree and pattern of GAG derivatives influence the interaction and thus the biological activity of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, and the angiogenic mediators vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)165 and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Sulfated HA (sHA) and CS derivatives were reported to strongly interact with growth factors like bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP)-2/-4 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1. The bioactivity of the latter was impaired in the presence of highly sulfated HA (sHA3), the underlying mechanism of which is so far not fully elucidated. In the present thesis the interaction of all components of the TGF-β1:receptor complex with sHA was examined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR), showing that pre-incubation of TGF-β1 with sHA derivatives blocked the binding of TGF-β1 in particular to TGF-β receptor (TβR)-I, but also to TβR-II. In sequential SPR experiments that mimicked the in vivo TGF-β1:receptor complex formation more closely, however, recruitment of TβR-I to the TβR-II/TGF-β1 complex was significantly stronger if the complex contained sHA3. GAGs thus exert a dual blocking effect on TGF-β1:receptor complex formation, with the effects strongly depending on the order of binding events. The bioactivity of TGF-β1 in conjunction with sHA at the receptor level, which was investigated here for the first time, showed a decrease of phosphorylation for TβR-I and the TβR-I-regulated effector protein Smad2 in the presence of sHA3, indicating of the formation of an inactive signaling complex. Also analyzed was the structure-function relationship of HA and CS derivatives in their interaction with the most important angiogenic growth factors, namely vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)165 and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). The aim was both to identify structural properties that contribute to an interaction and to determine the biological consequences of growth factor/GAG interaction. Both growth factors showed a sulfation-dependent interaction with GAG derivatives in SPR binding analysis. Unlike bFGF, VEGF165 also showed a clear preference for sHA compared to CS derivatives, indicating that the interaction with this growth factor is not only impacted by the degree of sulfation but also by the carbohydrate backbone of the GAG. sHA tetramers were sufficient to interact with VEGF165 and bFGF in SPR measurements. The position of sulfation appears to play an important role in the interaction with both angiogenic growth factors, as the binding strength of the sHA tetrasaccharide with no C6-sulfation of the N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) was lower compared to a derivative exclusively sulfated at the C6 position. Interestingly, binding of tetrameric persulfated HA (psHA) was stronger compared to hexameric psHA, indicating that the tetrasaccharide is able to bind to additional regions of VEGF165 and bFGF. Binding of VEGF165 and bFGF to their respective receptors VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-2 and FGF receptor (FGFR) 1 decreased if the growth factors were pre-incubated with sulfated GAGs in SPR studies. For VEGF165, an influence of the carbohydrate backbone was visible again, since the inhibition of growth factor binding to VEGFR-2 by sHA derivatives was stronger than for CS derivatives with comparable degree of sulfation. For bFGF/FGFR1IIIc interaction, sulfation of the C6 position in GlcNAc of low-sulfated sHA had a stronger impact compared to the C4 sulfation in GlcNAc of CS, while blocking capacity of sCS3 and sHA3 was similar. This suggests a minor influence of the carbohydrate backbone on bFGF interaction with FGFR1IIIc in the presence of GAG derivatives, but a major influence of the overall degree of sulfation. Tetrameric GAGs were already sufficient to interfere with VEGF165 and bFGF receptor binding, but the blocking effect was enhanced with increasing sulfation and chain length of the derivative. The interaction of VEGF165 with sHA3 and the subsequent blocking of VEGFR-2 binding led to an impaired phosphorylation of VEGFR-2. Furthermore, the induction of endothelial cell spheroid sprouting mediated via VEGF165 or bFGF was diminished by high sulfated GAGs as displayed in a 3D in vitro angiogenesis assay. However, angiogenesis was not completely abolished. Interestingly, GAG derivatives induced the sprouting of endothelial cell spheroids independent of the studied angiogenic growth factors. It could be shown that VEGFR-2 is not involved in the pro-angiogenic action of sulfated GAGs, while FGFR1 appears to play a role as blocking it inhibited the pro-angiogenic effect of sCS3 and sHA3. GAG derivatives might directly activate FGFR1 as they bound to the receptor in SPR experiments, but the observed effect might also be due to facilitated receptor dimerization with a subsequent enhanced ligand binding, or to an interaction with intracellular targets after GAG internalization; this needs to be clarified in further experiments. Findings point to the importance of the order of binding events, as binding of GAG derivatives to growth factors, receptors or both leads to different cellular outcomes regarding signaling. Results of the present thesis show that GAG derivatives employ different molecular mechanisms to modulate cellular processes – both directly or indirectly via growth factor binding - and contribute to a deeper understanding of their mode of action, which might allow to tune the biomaterial composition to patient-specific needs. GAG-containing biomaterials are promising candidates to interfere with TGF-β1-driven local skin fibrosis, as they reduce the bioactivity of TGF-β1. Concerning the inhibitory effects on VEGF165 and bFGF signaling, an application of GAGs to interfere with the excessive angiogenesis, occurring in rheumatoid arthritis and diabetic retinopathy could be of interest. Whether these in vitro findings can be used to control the biological activity of TGF-β1, VEGF165 and bFGF or to directly stimulate angiogenesis independent of growth factors needs to be validated in vivo.

A Computational Model for Fracture Healing Integrated with Mechanical Stimulation and Growth Factors

Jernberg, Cassandra January 2014 (has links)
Non-union bone fractures are a standing problem for clinical treatments. It has been found that the exogenous growth factor recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) induces bone healing in potential non-union fractures. However, the currently used clinical dose of rhBMP-2 is high and causes side-effects. Mechanical loading is known to enhance the induced effects of rhBMP-2 in bone healing, which may lead to a reduced required dose. Yet, the exact underlying mechanism is unknown. To further investigate the combined role of mechanical loading and rhBMP-2 in the early phase of fracture healing a 2D computational model was developed. The model uses a lattice-based approach where biological rule-based events are combined with finite element analysis to simulate both untreated bone healing progression and when subjected to mechanical loading and rhBMP-2. Two healing cases were investigated:  normal fracture healing in a small bone defect (1 mm gap) and non-union fracture healing in a large bone defect (5 mm gap). By varying the magnitude and timing of applied load as well as the rhBMP-2 dose, a combination that would reduce the currently used rhBMP-2 dose and still enable healing in a large bone defect was searched. The model could simulate fracture healing in a large bone defect when subjected to rhBMP-2, independently of the applied load. Also the expected non-union result in a large bone defect without applied rhBMP-2 was obtained. The model could not capture normal fracture healing in a small bone defect as well as bone remodelling. It was found that a 50 % reduced rhBMP-2 dose could not induce healing in a large bone defect when applied separately but when applied together with load. Additionally, this combination of stimulation gave similar results compared to other combinations using higher rhBMP-2 doses. To conclude, even though the model was able to replicate some of the healing events seen experimentally, it is in need of modifications to correct current deficiencies. Still, after some further development and validation, the model has the potential to be used in future studies of fracture healing when influenced by mechanical loading and rhBMP-2. The found possibility for a reduced dosage of rhBMP-2 when applied together with load has to be further investigated before any conclusions can be drawn.

Designing New Approaches for the Study of Early Murine Endodermal Organogenesis using Whole Embryo Culture

Guerrero Zayas, Mara Isel 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the applicability of novel approaches designed to study the molecular mechanisms required for the initiation of organogenesis within the early endoderm. The endoderm is the germ layer that gives rise to the gut-tube and associated organs including the thyroid, lung, liver and pancreas. Our laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms governing the developmental transition from endoderm to liver and pancreas. Several signaling pathways including Wnt, Retinoic Acid (RA), Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) and Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGFβ) have been implicated in the emergence of the liver bud from the endoderm in the mouse or other vertebrate species. However, neither the exact signals nor the precise roles during budding process have been identified, due to the complexity of specifically altering these essential pathways using traditional genetic approaches during the earliest stages of endoderm organogenesis. These traditional techniques include transgenic, knockout or conditional knockouts strategies. To overcome the difficulties of genetic accessibility, our laboratory has optimized two complementary approaches, electroporation and addition of activators or inhibitors directly to the culture media, to study the earliest stages of organ formation using an ex vivo culture system (whole embryo culture), that allow us for normal embryonic development for up to two days. This ex-vivo technique also provides the opportunity to access and manipulate the endoderm, specifically the liver and pancreas precursor cells, prior to organ specification. Because the endoderm undergoes normal liver and pancreas specification in our ex vivo system by 24 hours after culture begin, we reason that it is possible to manipulate gene expression at the onset of culture. We then determine the effects of this manipulation on liver or pancreas development by molecular and morphological analysis after culture. The first approach we developed is the use of directional electroporation of nucleic acids to manipulate a specific region of the endoderm, particularly on liver and pancreas developmental processes. The second method is global inhibition or activation using inhibitors or growth factors activators, focusing on the TGFβ signaling pathway. These techniques will be performed prior to, or concurrent with, liver and pancreas specification, followed by embryo culture until after the onset of organogenesis. The combination of these techniques constitutes a practical approach to stage-manage the endoderm in a temporally and spatially distinct manner. In addition, it will allow us to alter specific signaling pathways without the labor-intensive generation of genetically modified animals. Indeed, establishment of these methodologies may provide a robust tool for rapid screening of candidate genes and signaling molecules underlying organogenesis in any endodermally derived organ in mouse embryos.

Gene-augmented mesenchymal stem cells in bone repair

Zachos, Terri A. 14 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Factors affecting the growth of Nostocoida limicola II and other filamentous microorganisms in activated sludge systems

Scruggs, Caroline E. 29 August 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to uncover factors responsible for the prolific growth of various filamentous microorganisms in the bulking activated sludge at the Hoechst Celanese wastewater treatment plant. First, futile attempts were made to isolate the filamentous bacterium, <i>Nostocoida limicola II</i>, from activated sludge for purposes of its characterization. Chemostat and batch experiments were also performed in an effort to determine conditions favoring its growth, but the filament’s growth could not be sustained in any of the conditions provided. Second, several CSTRs were operated in which single cationic concentrations were varied to try to isolate the actual effects of the different cations on activated sludge microorganisms. Though the objectives of these CSTR experiments were not accomplished because bulking conditions could not be maintained in the reactors, insight was gained as to possible factors significantly impacting filamentous growth. A full-scale study followed, in which microbial population shifts in the activated sludge at the Hoechst Celanese wastewater treatment plant were tracked with changes in the operating conditions at the plant. The results of this study suggested the existence of relationships between the abundances of certain filaments and DO concentration and/or F/M ratio in the activated sludge environment. To isolate the individual effects of these two factors on activated sludge microorganisms, two modified batch studies were performed. The results of these studies indicated that the growth of most of the filaments present in the Hoechst Celanese activated sludge is primarily affected by F/M ratio, though DO concentration strongly impacts the growth of some. The findings in the DO and F/M experiments were combined with the findings in the full-scale study to estimate DO concentration and/or F/M ratio ranges in which growth of the following activated sludge filamentous organisms may be favored: <i>Haliscomenobacter hydrossis</i>, <i>Microthrix parvicella</i>, <i>Nocardia species</i>, <i>Nostocoida limicola II</i>, and Types 0041, 0581, 1851, and 1863. / Master of Science

Exposure of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells to harmful stimuli : a study of the cellular responses and mechanisms

Genis, Amanda 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Exposure to harmful stimuli can render vascular endothelial cells dysfunctional, characterised by reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailibility. Endothelial dysfunction (ED) is a reversible precursor of ischaemic heart disease (IHD), and understanding the mechanisms underlying the development of ED could lead to clinical strategies in preventing/treating IHD. Very little is known about the responses of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs) to pro-ED stimuli, as most studies are conducted on macrovascular endothelial cells. The current dissertation set out to comprehensively investigate the responses of cultured primary adult rat CMECs to known harmful stimuli, viz. hypoxia and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α; proinflammatory cytokine). We were interested to investigate whether this distinct endothelial cell type would develop classical features of ED, and if so, what the underlying mechanisms were. First we aimed to establish a baseline characterization of the CMECs under control conditions. Next, we developed a model of hypoxia-induced cell injury and measured apoptosis/necrosis, intracellular NO and reactive oxygen species (ROS), expression and activation of signalling proteins involved with NObiosynthesis, hypoxia and apoptosis, and differential regulation of proteins. Finally, we characterised CMEC responses to treatment with TNF-α. We assessed apoptosis/necrosis, intracellular NO and ROS levels, NO-biosynthesis pathway proteins and large-scale differential protein regulation. The above measurements were performed by morphological assessment (light and fluorescence microscopy), FACS analysis, western blotting and large-scale proteomic analyses. Data showed that CMECs shared many baseline features with other endothelial cell types, including morphological appearance, LDL-uptake, NO-production, and expression of eNOS protein. In a novel observation, proteomic analysis revealed the expression of 1387 proteins. Another novel finding was the high abundance of structural mitochondrial proteins, suggesting that CMECs require mitochondria for non-respiration purposes as well. High expression of vesicle, glycolytic and RAS signalling proteins were other features of the baseline CMECs. CMECs exposed to hypoxia responded by increased apoptosis/necrosis and expression of the hypoxia-marker, HIF-1α. Interestingly, hypoxic CMECs showed increased eNOS-NO biosynthesis, associated with increased mitochondrial ROS and reduced anti-oxidant systems, suggestive of oxidative stress. In accordance with the literature, several glycolytic proteins were up-regulated. A novel finding was the up-regulation of proteins involved with protein synthesis, not usually described in hypoxic cell studies. The CMECs responded to TNF-α-treatment by exhibiting hallmarks of ED, namely attenuated biosynthesis of PKB/Akt-eNOSderived NO and the development of outspoken response to oxidative stress as indicated by the up-regulation of several anti-oxidant systems. The data showed that TNF-α treatment elicited classical TNF-Receptor 1-mediated signalling characterized by the dual activation of pro-apoptotic pathways (BID and caspase-3) as well as the protective, pro-inflammatory IKB-alpha–NF-KB pathway. In conclusion, this is the first study of its kind to describe a comprehensive characterisation of CMECs under baseline and injury-inducing conditions. On the whole, although it appeared as if the CMECs shared many responses and mechanisms with more frequently researched endothelial cell types, the data also supplied several novel additions to the literature, particularly with the application of proteomics. We believe that this dissertation has provided more insights into endothelial heterogeneity in the vascular system and into the mechanisms adopted by CMECs when exposed to stimuli typically associated with cardiovascular risk. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Blootstelling aan skadelike stimuli kan tot disfunksionaliteit van vaskulêre endoteelselle lei wat deur verlaagde biobeskikbaarheid van stikstofoksied (NO) gekenmerk word. Endoteeldisfunksie (ED) is ‘n omkeerbare voorganger van isgemiese hartsiekte (IHD), en ‘n beter begrip van die onderliggende meganismes van ED kan lei tot die ontwikkeling van kliniese strategieë vir die voorkoming/behandeling van IHD. Baie min is bekend oor die respons wat in kardiale mikrovaskulêre endoteelselle (CMECs) uitgelok word na blootstelling aan pro-ED stimuli, omdat meeste studies op makrovaskulêre endoteelselle uitgevoer word. Die huidige proefskrif het daarna gemik om die respons van primêre kulture van volwasse rot CMECs op bekende skadelike stimuli, nl. hipoksie en tumor nekrose faktor-alfa (TNF-α; pro-inflammatoriese sitokien) in diepte te ondersoek. Ons was veral geïnteresseerd om vas te stel of hierdie spesifieke endoteelseltipe die klassieke kenmerke van ED sou ontwikkel, en indien wel, wat die onderliggende meganismes sou wees. Eerstens het ons beoog om ‘n basislyn karaterisering van CMECs onder kontrole toestande daar te stel. Vervolgens het ons ‘n model van hipoksie-geïnduseerde selskade gevestig en apoptose/nekrose, intrasellulêre NO en reaktiewe suurstofspesies (ROS), sowel as die uitdrukking en aktivering van proteine betrokke by NO-biosintese, hipoksie en apoptose en differensiële regulering van proteine gemeet. Laastens het ons die respons van CMECs op behandeling met TNF-α gekarakteriseer. Ons het apoptose/nekrose, intrasellulêre NO en ROS vlakke, NO-biosintese-seintransduksieproteïene en grootskaalse differensiele regulering van proteïene gemeet. Bg. metings is uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van morfologiese evaluasie (lig -en fluoressensiemikroskopie), vloeisitometriese analises, western blot analises en proteomiese analises. Data het getoon dat die basislyn eienskappe van CMECs grootliks met dié van ander endoteelseltipes ooreenstem, insluitende morfologiese voorkoms, LDL-opname, NO-produksie en die uitdrukking van eNOS proteïen. In ‘n nuwe waarneming, het die proteomiese data die uitdrukking van 1387 proteïene aangetoon. ‘n Ander nuwe bevinding was die voorkoms van ‘n groot aantal strukturele mitokondriale proteïene, wat daarop dui dat die CMECs mitokondria ook vir nie-respiratoriese doeleindes gebruik. ‘n Hoë uitdrukking van vesikulêre, glikolitiese en RAS-seintransduksie proteïene was ook kenmerkend van die basislyn CMECs. CMECS wat aan hipoksie blootgestel is, het reageer met ‘n verhoging in apoptose / nekrose en verhoogde uitdrukking van die hipoksie merker, HIF-1α. ‘n Interressante bevinding was dat eNOS-NO biosintese sterk toegeneem het in die hipoksiese CMECs wat met verhoogde mitokondriale ROS en verlaagde anti-oksidant sisteme (aanduidend van oksidatiewe stres) gepaardgegaan het. In ooreenstemming met die literatuur, is verskeie glikolitiese proteïene opgereguleer. ‘n Nuwe waarneming was die opregulering van proteïene wat betrokke is by proteïensintese, iets wat nie normaalweg in hipoksie-studies beskryf word nie. Die CMECs het op TNF-α behandeling gerespondeer deur tekens van ED te toon, naamlik ‘n afname in die NO afkomstig van PKB/Akt-eNOS biosintese en die ontwikkeling van uitgesproke reaksie op oksidatiewe stres soos aangedui deur die opregulering van verskeie anti-oksidant sisteme. Die data het ook aangedui dat TNF-α behandeling tot klassieke TNF-reseptor 1 bemiddelde seintransduksie gelei het, wat gekenmerk was deur die tweeledige aktivering van pro-apoptotiese seintransduksiepaaie (BID en kaspase-3) sowel as die beskermende, pro-inflammatoriese IKB-alpha-NF-KB seintransduksiepad. Ten slotte: hierdie is die eerste studie van sy soort wat die kenmerke en response van CMECs onder basislyn en pro-besering omstandighede in diepte beskryf. Alhoewel dit oor die algemeen wil voorkom asof die CMECs baie in gemeen het met ander, beter nagevorste endoteelseltipes, het die data egter ook verskeie nuwe bevindinge tot die bestaande literatuur gevoeg, spesifiek die data afkomstig van die proteomiese analises. Ons glo dat hierdie proefskrif meer insig verleen t.o.v. die heterogeniteit van vaskulêre endoteelselle asook t.o.v. die megansimes wat deur CMECs aangewend word wanneer hulle aan skadelike stimuli (geassosieer met kardiovaskulêre risiko) blootgestel word.

Ο αυξητικός παράγοντας HARP (Heparin Affin Regulatory Peptide) ενεργοποιεί έμμεσα τον υποδοχέα ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase)

Τριπολιτσιώτη, Δήμητρα 06 August 2013 (has links)
Η HARP (Heparin Affin Regulatory Peptide) είναι ένας αυξητικός παράγοντας που δεσμεύεται στην ηπαρίνη και εμπλέκεται στη ρύθμιση της κυτταρικής διαφοροποίησης, του κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού καθώς και της αγγειογένεσης. Υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις του αυξητικού παράγοντα HARP έχουν βρεθεί σε ανθρώπινους καρκινικούς όγκους, σε καρκινικές κυτταρικές σειρές, όπως επίσης και σε ορό ασθενών με διάφορους τύπους καρκίνου. Επιπλέον, είναι γνωστό ότι η HARP αποτελεί υπόστρωμα για διάφορα πρωτεολυτικά ένζυμα του κυτταρικού μικροπεριβάλλοντος, με αποτέλεσμα την παραγωγή ενεργών πεπτιδίων που μπορούν να έχουν παρόμοιες ή και αντίθετες δράσεις από το ολικό μόριο. Η HARP ασκεί τις βιολογικές τις δράσεις ύστερα από πρόσδεση στους διαμεμβρανικούς υποδοχείς SDC3, RPTPβ/ζ και ALK. Παρά την ταυτοποίηση του υποδοχέα ALK ως λειτουργικού υποδοχέα της HARP, μέχρι σήμερα υπάρχουν αντικρουόμενες απόψεις αναφορικά με την αλληλεπίδρασή του με τη HARP. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η αλληλεπίδραση του αυξητικού παράγοντα HARP και του υποδοχέα ALK σε καρκινικά κύτταρα PC3 ανθρώπινου προστάτη. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι η HARP επάγει τη φωσφορυλίωση του ALK σε κύτταρα PC3, ωστόσο δεν είχε καμία επίδραση στην ενεργοποίηση του συγκεκριμένου υποδοχέα σε κύτταρα PC3 στα οποία είχε μειωθεί η συσσώρευση του RPTPβ/ζ. Παράλληλα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ανασυνδυασμένα πεπτίδια που είχαν εκφραστεί ως πρωτεΐνες σύντηξης με τη θειοτρανσφεράση της γλουταθειόνης (GST) και αντιστοιχούσαν σε περιοχές του αυξητικού παράγοντα HARP [P(9-110), P(9-59), P(60-110)] που προκύπτουν ύστερα από πέψη με πλασμίνη. Ύστερα από πειράματα συγκατακρήμνισης βρέθηκε ότι ο ALK αλληλεπιδρά ισχυρά με το πεπτίδιο P(60-110) αποτέλεσμα το οποίο προέκυψε και ύστερα από μεωρύθμιση των επιπέδων έκφρασης του RPTPβ/ζ. Συμπερασματικά, στην παρούσα εργασία καταδεικνύεται η έμμεση αλληλεπίδραση του υποδοχέα ALK και του αυξητικού παράγοντα HARP, η οποία βρέθηκε ότι διαμεσολαβείται από τον υποδοχέα RPTPβ/ζ. Αποδεικνύεται επίσης ότι παρόλο που η αλληλεπίδραση των δύο αυτών μορίων δεν είναι ικανή να οδηγήσει στη φωσφορυλίωση του υποδοχέα ALK, τα δύο αυτά μόρια αλληλεπιδρούν βιοχημικά καθώς η αλληλουχία 60-110 των αμινοξέων της HARP αλληλεπιδρά ισχυρά και με τις δύο μορφές του υποδοχέα, με μοριακό βάρος 220 και 140 kDa αντίστοιχα. / HARP (Heparin Affin Regulatory Peptide) is a heparin-binding growth factor, involved in the regulation of cell differentiation, cell proliferation as well as in angiogenesis. Elevated concentrations of HARP have been detected in malignancies, in cancer cell lines, as well as in the plasma of patients with different types of cancer. It is also known that HARP is substrate for different proteases of the cell microenvironment, leading to the production of biological active peptides which can exert similar or even opposite biological activities to HARP. HARP exerts its biological actions after binding to the transmembrane receptors SDC3, RPTPβ/ζ and ALK. Even though ALK has been defined as a functional HARP receptor, contradictory results have been published concerning HARP-ALK interaction. In the present work, we studied the interaction of HARP growth factor with ALK transmembrane receptor using PC3 prostate cancer cells. It was shown that HARP induces the phosphorylation of ALK in PC3 cells, however no effect on ALK activation was observed in PC3 cells after RPTPβ/ζ knockdown. We also used recombinant gst-fused peptides corresponding to various fragments of HARP [P(9-110), P(9-59), P(60-110)] which result after cleavage with plasmin. After GST pull-down assays it was shown that ALK strongly binds to the P(60-110), result that was also taken after RPTPβ/ζ knockdown. Cumulatively, our results indicate that HARP-induced ALK phosphorylation is mediated by RPTPβ/ζ. It is also demonstrated that HARP interacts biochemically with ALK, since P(60-110) strongly binded both species of ALK (220 and 140 kDa).

Impact of autocrine factors on physiology and productivity in Trichoplusia ni serum-free cultures

Eriksson, Ulrika January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to increase the understanding of the mechanisms regulating cell proliferation and recombinant protein production in serum-free cultures of Trichoplusia ni (T. ni) insect cells.</p><p>Conditioned medium (CM) was shown to contain both stimulatory and inhibitory factors (CM factors) influencing cell growth. Metalloproteinase (MP) activity was the major factor responsible for the growth stimulating effect of CM as shown by using the specific MP inhibitor DL-thiorphan. MPs may exist in several different molecular mass forms due to autoproteolysis. Although the main band of the MP was determined to be around 48 kDa, precursor forms above 48 kDa as well as autocatalytic degradation products below the main band could be observed. It is not clear whether all forms of the MP or just the main band is involved in the growth regulation. Further, a proteinase inhibitor could be identified in the inhibitory fraction. Thus, we speculate that the proteinase inhibitor may be part of an autocrine system regulating cell proliferation.</p><p>Analysis of the cell cycle phase distribution revealed a high proportion of cells in the G1 (80-90 %) and a low proportion of cells in the S and G2/M phases (10-20 %) during the whole culture, indicating that S and G2/M are short relative to G1. After inoculation, a drastic decrease in the S phase population together with a simultaneous increase of cells in G1 and G2/M could be observed as a lagphase on the growth curve and this may be interpreted as a temporary replication stop. When the cells were released from the initial arrest, the S phase population gradually increased again. This was initiated earlier in CM-supplemented cultures, and agrees with the earlier increase in cell concentration. Thus, these data suggests a correlation between CM factors and the cell cycle dynamics.</p><p>In cultures supplied with CM, a clear positive effect on specific productivity was observed, with a 30 % increase in per cell productivity. The specific productivity was also maintained at a high level much longer time than in fresh-medium cultures. The positive effect observed after 20 h coincided with the time a stimulatory effect on cell growth first was seen. Thus, the productivity may be determined by the proliferation potential of the culture. A consequence of this would be that the secreted MP indirectly affects productivity.</p><p>Finally, the yeast extract from Express Five SFM contains factors up to 35 kDa which are essential for T. ni cell growth. The optimal concentration was determined to be 2.5-fold that in normal medium, while higher concentrations were inhibitory. However although vital, they were not solely responsible for the growth-enhancing effect, as some other, more general, component present in yeast extract was needed for proliferation as well.</p>

Differential regulation of early response genes by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 8 and FGF18 in bovine granulosa cells in vitro

Guerrero Netro, Hilda Morayma 11 1900 (has links)
Les « Facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes» (FGF) agissent comme des régulateurs locaux sur la qualité des follicules et sont connus pour promouvoir la prolifération des cellules de granulosa, réduire l’apoptose et la stéroïdogenèse. Parmi la sous-famille FGF8, FGF18 est une exception puisqu’il semblerait avoir une fonction pro-apoptotique alors que FGF8 n’a pas été jusqu’à présent rapporté comme altérant la viabilité des cellules de la granulosa. Ces deux ligands ont un mode d’activation similaire et il pourrait être proposé que toute la sous-famille FGF8 ait la même réponse. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si FGF8 et FGF18 activaient la même réponse précoce de gènes dans des cultures de granulosa bovine. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons cultivé des cellules de la granulosa dans du milieu de culture sans sérum pendant 5 jours. Le jour 5, les cellules ont été traitées avec FGF8 ou FGF18. Nous avons eu recours à une approche de « puce à ADN » afin d’identifier la réponse précoce de gènes induite par FGF8 et FGF18, et les données ont été confirmées par des PCRs en temps réel lors d’une expérience in vitro où les cellules de granulosa ont été traitées avec FGF8 et FGF18 pendant différents temps. L’analyse du puce à ADN a identifié 12 gènes surexprimés par FGF8, incluant SPRY2, NR4A1, XIRP1, BAMBI, EGR1, FOS et FOSL1. A l’inverse, FGF18 n’a régulé aucun gène de manière significative. Les analyses de PCR ont confirmé l’augmentation d’ARNm codant pour EGR1, EGR3, FOS, XIRP1, FOSL1, SPRY2, NR4A1 et BAMBI après 2 h de traitement. FGF18 a entrainé seulement une augmentation de l’expression de EGR1 après 2 h de traitement parmi tous les gènes testés. Ces résultats démontrent donc que FGF8 et FGF18, malgré leur similarité dans le mode d’activation de leurs récepteurs, agissent sur les cellules de la granulosa via différentes voies de signalisation. FGF8 et FGF18, sont donc tous les deux capables de stimuler l’expression de EGR1, mais les voies de signalisation induites par la suite divergent. / Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) act as local regulators of follicular health and are known to increase granulosa cell (GC) proliferation, reduce apoptosis and decrease steroidogenesis. One exception is FGF18, which appears to be a pro apoptotic member of the FGF8-subfamily while FGF8 has not been reported to alter GC health. These two ligands have similar activation patterns and it could be proposed that all FGF8-subfamilies would have the same response. The objective of this study was to determine if FGF8 and FGF18 activate the same early response genes in cultured bovine GC. To address this we cultured GC in serum free medium for five days. On day 5, cells were challenged with FGF8 or FGF18. We used a microarray approach to identify early response genes altered by FGF8 and FGF18, and data were confirmed by real-time PCR in an independent time-course experiment. Microarray identified 12 genes up-regulated by FGF8, including SPRY2, NR4A1, XIRP1, BAMBI, EGR1, FOS and FOSL1. In contrast FGF18 did not result in significant regulation of any gene. PCR analysis confirmed the stimulation of abundance of mRNA encoding EGR1, EGR3, FOS, XIRP1, FOSL1, SPRY2, NR4A1 and BAMBI after 2 hours of challenge. FGF18 resulted in an increase of EGR1 mRNA abundance at 2 h, but not of the other genes tested. These results demonstrate that FGF8 and FGF18, despite reportedly similar receptor activation patterns, act on granulosa cells through different intracellular pathways. Both FGF8 and FGF18 stimulate EGR1 expression, but thereafter their signaling pathways diverge.

L’effet des différents facteurs de croissance sur la viabilité et la prolifération des ostéoblastes scoliotiques

Circo, Alin B. 04 1900 (has links)
Résumé: La Scoliose Idiopathique de l’Adolescent (SIA) est une condition débilitante qui peut avoir comme résultat une douleur importante, une altération du fonctionnement quotidien et une détérioration de la qualité de vie. Pour les patients qui ne répondent pas au traitement conservateur, la fusion vertébrale, en utilisant des greffes osseuses, est devenue un traitement de choix pour stabiliser la colonne. Des connaissances plus pointues à propos des facteurs impliqués dans l’ostéogénèse et la formation de l’os peuvent raccourcir le processus de guérison et permettre aux patients de réintégrer leurs activités dans un laps de temps plus court. Les plaquettes peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la première étape de la guérison des fractures car elles sont une source autologue de plusieurs facteurs de croissance qui soutiennent la prolifération et la différenciation des ostéoblastes in vivo et in vitro. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs tentatives ont été réalisées afin de trouver des traitements additionnels pour : 1) Raccourcir le temps de guérison des fractures relativement long ; 2) Obtenir une plus courte période de convalescence pour les patients qui ont besoin de prothèses ; 3) Corriger plus facilement plusieurs maladies congénitales; 4) Améliorer le processus de fusion vertébrale et 5) Développer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques, notamment au niveau des processus régularisant le remodelage osseux et la régénération des tissus osseux. Dans le cadre de la présente étude, j’ai étudié la contribution possible du facteur de croissance de l’insuline (IGF) et du facteur vasculaire endothélial de croissance (VEGF) sur la maturation de l’ostéoblaste scoliotique dans des cultures cellulaires in vitro et j’ai comparé les résultats avec celles obtenues dans les mêmes conditions mais en stimulant les ostéoblastes avec de la mélatonine. Cette étude préliminaire a été réalisée sur des échantillons d’os récoltés de quatre patients atteints par la Scoliose Idiopathique de l‘Adolescent (SIA), ainsi que sur des échantillons d’os issus de quatre sujets témoins (cas traumatiques). Les résultats montrent que l’IGFs et le VEGFs possèdent une action d’inhibition sur la prolifération d’ostéoblastes scoliotiques et non scoliotiques, et que cette action est proportionnelle à la concentration de ces facteurs. Les ostéoblastes scoliotiques tendent à avoir une prolifération cellulaire plus rapide et plus élevée que les témoins non scoliotiques. De façon générale les ostéoblastes provenant de patients scoliotiques ont une ostéogénèse in vitro plus accélérée que le sujet non scoliotique. De plus, il semble que la mélatonine joue un rôle physiologique dans la différenciation de l’ostéoblaste scoliotique et elle semble aider à avoir une différenciation plus précoce que chez les non traités. Les ostéoblastes scoliotiques expriment un défaut d’expression de l’IGF 1 et d’IGF 1R en présence de la mélatonine. En conclusion, le VEGF A et l’IGF 1 peuvent également promouvoir la différenciation et la prolifération des ostéoblastes humains scoliotiques en culture primaire. / Abstract: The Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a debilitating condition and as a result often produces significant pain, impaired daily functioning and a deterioration of the quality of life. For patients who do not respond to conservative treatment, spinal fusion using bone grafts has become a treatment of choice to stabilize the spine. The more accurate knowledge of the factors involved in osteogenesis and the bone formation can shorten the healing process and reintegrate patients into their daily activities in a shorter period of time. Platelets can play an important role in the first stage of the healing of fractures and they are a source of several autologous growth factors that support the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts in vivo and in vitro. A wide variety of techniques and approaches have been investigated for performing spinal fusion, yet surgeons continue to investigate alternative methods with the goal of improving surgical outcome and minimizing morbidity. We can use these methods to: 1.Reduce the relatively long time needed for healing fractures 2. Patients with prosthesis could benefit of a shorter convalescent time 3. Several congenital diseases could be easier to correct and 4. We could stimulate the vertebral fusion 5. Develop new therapeutic techniques, including that of the processes regulating bone remodelling and regeneration of bone tissue. In the present study, we tried to find whether the insulin growth factor (IGF) and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have an influence on the scoliotic osteoblasts in vitro cell cultures and we compared the results with those obtained in the same condition but by stimulating osteoblasts with melatonin. This preliminary study was performed on osteoblasts cultured from four patients affected by Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) and four controls. In all cases of AIS, bone specimens were obtained from the vertebral body or spinous process (in accordance with the surgical procedure performed). Our results show that IGFs as well as VEGF have an inhibitive effect on the proliferation of scoliotic and non-scoliotic cells and the effect is proportional with the growth factor concentration. In general osteoblasts cultured from scoliotic patients have an in vitro osteogenesis quicker than the subject without scoliosis. Moreover, it appears that melatonin plays a physiological role in the differentiation of scoliotic osteoblasts and it appears to help differentiate earlier than in the untreated group. We found that the expression of IGF 1 and IGF 1R in scoliotic osteoblasts was impaired in the presence of melatonin. In conclusion, VEGF A and IGF both can influence the cell differentiation and proliferation of human scoliotic osteoblasts in primary cell culture.

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