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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaction des silicates tricalciques avec la pulpe dentaire : conséquences sur les étapes précoces de la régénération dentinaire

Laurent, Patrick 24 September 2012 (has links)
Le coiffage pulpaire direct, dans des situations pathologiques critiques où la vitalité de la dent est menacée, vise à stimuler le potentiel de cicatrisation de la pulpe et induire une régénération dentinaire. Afin d'optimiser cette thérapeutique, le Laboratoire IMEB-ERT 30 a développé en partenariat avec la société SEPTODONT un nouveau matériau, le Biodentine™. Ce ciment, composé essentiellement de silicate tricalcique, possède des qualités physiques permettant son utilisation comme substitut dentinaire. Le premier objectif de notre travail a été d'évaluer les propriétés biologiques du Biodentine™ et ses interactions avec les cellules cibles en culture. La bioactivité du nouveau ciment a ensuite été étudiée à l'aide du modèle de culture de dents entières humaines ex vivo. Ce modèle expérimental original a été mis au point dans notre laboratoire et permet d'étudier les phases précoces de la régénération dentinaire lors du coiffage direct. Grâce à ce modèle, nous avons démontré l'activation, la prolifération et la migration de cellules progénitrices pulpaires périvasculaires en réponse à une lésion cavitaire profonde. Le coiffage direct avec les ciments de silicates tricalciques a induit la formation de foyers minéralisés à proximité de la lésion. La caractérisation moléculaire de ces foyers a montré qu'il s'agit d'une forme de dentine réparatrice synthétisée par des cellules odontoblast-like. Le deuxième objectif de notre travail a été d'étudier l'effet du nouveau biomatériau sur la sécrétion de certains facteurs de croissances, impliqués dans les phases précoces de la cicatrisation pulpaire, et de le comparer à celui d'autres matériaux de coiffage. / The objective of direct pulp capping is to stimulate the pulp healing potential and to induce dentin regeneration. This is of prime importance in critical pathologic situations compromising the tooth vitality. To improve the outcome of this treatment, the IMEB-ERT30 Laboratory, in collaboration with the SEPTODONT Company, has developed a new restorative material called Biodentine™. This cement, essentially composed of tricalcium silicates, has the required physical properties to be used as a dentin substitute. The first aim of this work was to evaluate the biological properties of Biodentine™ and its interactions with the target cells in cell culture. Then, the bioactivity of the new cement was studied using an entire human tooth culture model ex vivo. This original experimental model, developed in our Laboratory, is suitable in studying the early steps of dentin regeneration after direct pulp capping. With this model, we demonstrated the activation, proliferation, and migration of perivascular pulpal progenitor cells in response to pulp injury. The direct pulp capping with tricalcium silicate cements induced mineral foci formation in the vicinity of the pulp lesion. Molecular characterization of these foci confirmed it was of a reparative dentin type produced by odontoblast-like cells. The second objective of our work was to study the effect of the new cement on the secretion of some growth factors involved in the early steps of pulp wound healing, and compare it to that of other pulp capping materials. The results demonstrated an up-regulation of b-FGF, VEGF and PDGF-AB secretion in response to the target cells injuries, suggesting a stimulation of angiogenesis.

R?paration alv?olaire et emphys?me pulmonaire : r?le des syst?mes d?alv?olog?n?se / Alveolar repair and pulmonary emphysema : implication of alveologenesis systems

Plantier, Laurent 29 October 2008 (has links)
Les m?canismes de l?emphys?me pulmonaire, caract?ris? par la destruction des alv?oles pulmonaire, sont incompl?tement connus. L?hypoth?se d?fendue par cette th?se est qu?une alt?ration des syst?mes d?alv?olog?n?se et de r?paration alv?olaire port?s par les fibroblastes pulmonaires contribue au d?veloppement des l?sions au cours de cette maladie. Les travaux pr?sent?s ici ont permis d??tablir que les fibroblastes pulmonaires cultiv?s in vitro ? partir de poumon emphys?mateux pr?sentaient un ph?notype alt?r? dans le sens d?une perte de leur capacit? ? participer ? la r?g?n?ration et ? la r?paration des alv?oles : Ces cellules s?cr?taient ? un niveau faible ou non stimulable le Hepatocyte Growth Factor et le Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF), qui ciblent les cellules ?pith?liales et endoth?liales de l?alv?ole. De plus, l?expression par ces cellules de l??lastine, le composant majeur de la matrice extracellulaire pulmonaire, n??tait pas induite par l?acide tout-trans r?tino?que, stimulus central de l?alv?olog?n?se, du fait d?une faible expression de Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein 2 (CRABP2). Le r?le du KGF dans l?hom?ostasie de l?alv?ole a ?t? d?montr? dans le mod?le d?emphys?me induit par l??lastase in vivo : Les souris trait?es par le KGF avant l?instillation d??lastase ?taient prot?g?es de l?emphys?me. Les souris dont le g?ne de CRABP2 ?tait inactiv? de fa?on globale n??taient pas sensibilis?es vis-?-vis de l?emphys?me dans ce mod?le. Les donn?es physiopathologiques pr?sent?es dans ce m?moire pourraient contribuer ? l?identification de nouvelles cibles th?rapeutiques pour l?emphys?me. / The mechanisms of pulmonary emphysema, characterized by the destruction of alveolar walls, remain incompletely understood. Our hypothesis is that a deficiency in fibroblast-borne alveolar repair systems accounts partly for the constitution of lesions in this disease. In our experiments, we show that fibroblasts isolated in vitro from human emphysematous lung express the Hepatocyte Growth Factor and the Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF), which target alveolar epithelial and endothelial cells, at low or unstimulable levels. Additionally, emphysema fibroblasts did not increase their expression of elastin, the main component of the pulmonary extracellular matrix, in response to retinoic acid, due to a low expression of Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein 2 (CRABP2). The role of KGF In alveolar homeostasis was demonstrated in vivo in the elastase-induced emphysema model: Mice treated with KGF before elastase instillation were protected against emphysema. CRABP2- knockout mice were not protected against emphysema in this model. Our pathophysiological data may help in the identification of novel therapeutic targets for emphysema.

Contribuição da expressão do fator de crescimento insulina-símile I (IGF) e do seu receptor no parasitismo de macrófagos humanos por Leishmania (L) infatum / Contribution of the expression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its receptor in the parasitism of human macrophages by Leishmania (L.) infantum

Acuña, Orlando Raúl Sevillano 02 March 2018 (has links)
Leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma doença causada por Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum no Brasil. Na infecção ao lado da reposta imune específica, fatores inespecíficos do hospedeiro podem desempenhar um papel importante. Em trabalhos desenvolvidos pelo nosso grupo observou-se na infecção in vitro de macrófagos murinos por L. (L.). major o papel de IGF-I como efetor da resposta a IL-4, demonstrando que o IGF-I é um fator importante envolvido na interação parasito-hospedeiro no modelo de Leishmania (L.) major. Observou-se que os fatores envolvidos na interação mudam dependendo da espécie de Leishmania envolvida na infecção, desta forma, procuramos o papel do IL-4 e sua relação com o IGF-I na infecção de macrófagos humanos THP-1 por L. (L.) infantum. Macrófagos THP-1 foram infectados com L. (L.) infantum, sob o estimulo de IL-4 e IGF-I recombinante. Nossa análise do parasitismo não revelou um aumento após 24 e nem 48 horas e sim após 72 horas sob estimulo de IL-4 e o parasitismo sob estimulo de IGF-I não aumento após 24 e nem 72 horas e sim uma diminuição após 48 horas. Enquanto a produção de NO e a atividade da arginase se mantiveram constantes em todos os períodos avaliados a expressão de arginase 1 aumenta na infecção, mas os estímulos de IL-4 e IGF-I não tem efeito sobre a expressão. A expressão de IGF-I aumenta na infecção e os estímulos de IL-4 e IGF-I não tem efeito sobre a expressão. Já a expressão do receptor apresentou uma diminuição durante a infecção nos tempos avaliados. Considerando os nossos achados, onde a infecção de macrófago humano por L. (L.) infantum não estimulou a produção de NO e nem a atividade da arginase e os estímulos de IL-4 e IGF-I nas células infectadas não provocou um aumento significativo da atividade da arginase, os dados sugerem que a arginase tanto da célula quanto do parasita não sejam fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do parasita e onde a produção de NO na célula não seja danosa para o parasita. / Visceral leishmaniasis (LV) is a disease caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in Brazil. During infection the specific immune response, nonspecific host factors may play an important role. In studies developed by our group we observed the role of IGF-I as an effector of the IL-4 response in the in vitro infection of murine macrophages by L. (L.). major, demonstrating that IGF-I is an important factor involved in the parasite-host interaction in the Leishmania (L.) major model. It was observed that the factors involved in the interaction depend on the species of Leishmania involved in the infection. In this way, we look for the role of IL-4 and its relationship with IGF-I in L. (L.) infantum infected human THP-1 macrophages. THP-1 macrophages were infected with L. (L.) infantum under stimulation of recombinant IL-4 and recombinant IGF-I. Parasitism analysis did not show an increase after 24 and 48 hours, but after 72 hours under IL-4 stimulation and parasitism under IGF-I stimulation did not increase after 24 nor 72 hours but a decrease after 48 hours. While NO production and arginase activity remained constant at all evaluated periods, arginase 1 mRNA expression increased in infection, but the IL-4 and IGF-I stimuli had no effect on expression. Expression of IGF-I mRNA increases in infection and the IL-4 and IGF-I stimuli have no effect on expression. Already the expression of the receptor presented a decrease of mRNA during the infection in the evaluated times. The expression of the receptor showed a decrease in expression during infection at the times evaluated. Considering our findings, where human macrophage infection by L. (L.) infantum did not stimulate NO production and neither arginase activity nor the IL-4 and IGF-I stimuli in infected cells did not induce a significant increase of the arginase activity, the data suggest that neither cell nor parasite arginase are critical to parasite development and where NO production in the cell is not harmful to the parasite.

"Papel de dissialogangliosídios na proliferação e morte celular induzida de melanócitos e melanomas in vitro" / Role of disialogangliosides in proliferation and induced cell death of melanocytes and melanomas in vitro

Otake, Andreia Hanada 09 March 2006 (has links)
Dissialogangliosídios, como GD3 e derivados são marcadores da progressão de melanomas. Para avaliar as possíveis funções desta molécula, transfectamos células de melanócitos com o gene da enzima ST8Sia I, que converte GM3 em GD3. Mostramos que GD3 não interfere na capacidade proliferativa dessas células, porém a expressão de GD3 mostrou-se associada à sobrevivência celular. Melanomas adquirem autonomia quanto às vias dependentes do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos (FGF-1 e -2). A expressão de GD3 não interfere na resposta proliferativa a estes fatores, porém GD3 e outros glicoesfingolipídios de membrana modulam a resposta migratória induzida por FGF-2. A expressão de GD3 sensibiliza as células à morte celular induzida por diferentes quimioterápicos, como cisplatina e vimblastina; porém, torna as células resistentes ao tratamento com temozolamida. A sensibilização ao tratamento com vimblastina, mas não às outras drogas, depende da presença de GD3, como observado por ensaios de depleção metabólica / Disialoganglioside GD3 and its derivatives are melanoma progression markers. To evaluate the possible roles of these molecules along melanoma progression, we have transfected the GD3 synthase gene (ST8Sia I) in a melanocyte cell line. Accumulation of GD3 did not confer any proliferative advantage to melanocytes. However, GD3 expression was associated with cell survival. The autonomic growth of melanomas is in part related to a constitutive activation of fibroblast growth factor dependent pathways. GD3 expression did not alter the proliferative response to either FGF-1 or FGF-2. However, GD3 and other membrane glycospingolipids modulate the motogenic activity of FGF-2. GD3 expression sensitizes melanocytes to chemotherapeutic agent-induced cell death, as cisplatin and vimblastin. On the other hand, GD3 turned melanocytes more resistant to temozolomide. Chemosensitization to vimblastin, but not to the other drugs, was dependent on the presence of GD3 within the cells, as shown by metabolic depletion of glycosphingolipids

Imunolocalização do fator de crescimento BMP-2 em enxerto ósseo autógeno em bloco recoberto ou não por membrana de PTFE-e / Immunolocalization of BMP-2 growth factor in autogenous block graft covered or not with an e-PTFE membrane

Marco, Andrea Carvalho de 18 February 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a imunolocalização do fator de crescimento BMP- 2 em enxerto ósseo autógeno em bloco recoberto ou não por membrana de PTFE-e na fase inicial da reparação óssea. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Quarenta e oito ratos \"wistar\" foram divididos em dois grupos de estudo, um que recebeu somente o enxerto ósseo autógeno (E) e o outro que recebeu o enxerto ósseo autógeno recoberto por membrana (ME). Os períodos de avaliação foram: 0 hora, 3, 7, 14, 21 e 45 dias. Os cortes foram submetidos à reação imunoistoquímica. Foram realizadas as análises, qualitativa e quantitativa: contagem de células com marcação intracitoplasmática nas estruturas bordo, enxerto, tecido conjuntivo superior ao enxerto, interface e leito. RESULTADOS: No leito o maior número de células marcadas foi observado em 3 dias nos grupos (E) e (ME). A região de bordo apresentou maior número de células marcadas em 7 dias no grupo (E) e em 14 dias no grupo (ME), onde a marcação foi predominante em osteoblastos e células osteoprogenitoras em áreas de remodelação óssea. No tecido conjuntivo superior ao enxerto a maior proporção de marcação no grupo (E) ocorreu em 7 dias e no grupo (ME) em 21 dias, no entanto, neste último, ainda havia marcação em células osteoprogenitoras ao final dos 45 dias. Na interface, o maior número de células marcadas ocorreu entre 7 e 21 dias, considerando os grupos (E) e (ME), quando células osteoprogenitoras apresentaram-se positivas nas áreas de pontes de osso imaturo entre o leito e o enxerto. A maior proporção de marcação no enxerto foi variável entre os períodos de 3 dias no grupo (E) e 21 dias no grupo (ME), mas esta foi considerada de menor proporção quando comparada às marcações observadas nas outras estruturas. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados observados mostram que as estruturas de maiores proporções de marcação são aquelas relacionadas à intensa revascularização e osteogênese. Células osteoprogenitoras, osteoblastos e osteócitos apresentaram marcação intracitoplasmática, independentemente do período ou da estrutura analisada. À exceção da interface, o grupo (ME) apresentou marcação mais tardia quando comparado ao grupo (E) para as estruturas bordo e tecido conjuntivo superior ao enxerto. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunolocalization of the BMP-2 growth factor in an autogenous block graft covered or not with an e-PTFE membrane on the early phases of bone repair. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-eigth wistar male rats had their mandibles augmented by either an autogenous bone block graft (B) or an autogenous bone block graft covered with an e-PTFE membrane (MB). The specimens were evaluated at baseline, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 45 days after surgery by immunohistochemistry. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were performed. RESULTS: On the receptor bed the greatest number of staining cells was observed within three days on groups (B) and (MB). The border region has shown a largest number of staining cells in seven days on (B) group and in fourteen days on (MB) group, where the staining was prominent in osteoblasts and osteoprogenitor cells in bone remodeling areas. On the connective tissue above the graft, the greatest staining proportion occurred on (B) group within seven days and on (MB) group in twenty one days. However, there was still staining in osteoprogenitor cells in the end of the experiment, (at fourty-five day period). On the interface, the greatest number of staining cells occurred between seven and twenty one days for groups (B) and (MB) respectively, when osteoprogenitor cells were positive in woven bone edges between the receptor bed and the graft. The greatest proportion of staining on the graft was variable among tree days on group (B) and twenty one days on group (MB), but this was considered a smaller proportion when compared to other structures staining. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that the greatest staining proportions structures are related to intense revascularization and osteogenesis. Osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts and osteocytes showed intracitoplasmatic staining, independently of the period or structure analyzed. Except for the interface, the (MB) group has shown later staining compared to group (MB) for border and connective tissue above the graft.

Análise do perfil de expressão de fatores de crescimento e sua relação com marcadores de inflamação e angiogênese na etiopatogenia da hiperplasia prostática benigna / Analysis of the expression profile of growth factors and their relationship with markers of inflammation and angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Biolo, Karlo Dornelles 01 April 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A HPB é a neoplasia benigna mais comum no homem. Embora amplamente estudada, a patogênese da HPB não foi totalmente elucidada. Fatores de crescimento são proteínas que regulam o crescimento, a diferenciação e morte celular programada. Estudos têm demonstrado que eles interagem com marcadores de inflamação e angiogênese na próstata e simulam a resposta que ocorre no processo de cicatrização de tecidos. Avaliamos o perfil de expressão de FC e marcadores de inflamação e angiogênese no tecido prostático de pacientes com próstata aumentada em relação ao grupo controle com próstata de tamanho normal. MÉTODO: Foram analisados tecidos prostáticos congelados de 62 pacientes submetidos à ressecção transuretral da próstata ou cirurgia aberta para tratamento da HPB. O grupo controle foi composto por amostras de tecido de 8 pacientes com próstata de pequeno volume (menor do que 40 gramas) obtidas por ressecção transuretral. Os níveis de expressão dos FC (EGF, FGF2, PDF, TGFbeta1, IGF1), de angiogênese (VEGF, CD105) e de inflamação (IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 e IL-17) foram avaliados por reação de cadeia da polimerase em tempo real quantitativo (qRT-PCR). A análise de subgrupo de pacientes com e sem uso de sonda vesical de demora antes da cirurgia bem como a correlação da expressão com variáveis clínico-demográficas (volume prostático, PSA, presença de prostatite, idade e tempo de sintoma) foram realizadas. RESULTADOS: Encontramos superexpressão de todos os fatores de crescimento, marcadores de inflamação e angiogênese nos 62 pacientes com HPB em relação ao grupo controle. Verificamos na análise de subgrupo que a presença da sonda vesical parece induzir o aumento da expressão de FGF2, IGF1, TGFbeta1, IL-8 e VEGF. Estes dois últimos apresentaram-se ainda mais superexpressos em pacientes com prostatite associada a HPB. Pacientes com expressão de IGF1 acima da média também apresentaram expressão aumentada de outros fatores de crescimento (FGF2, TGFbeta1, CD105 e IL-2). E, também, o nível de expressão de IGF1 foi maior em pacientes com idade superior a 65 anos em relação aos mais jovens. VEGF apresentou maior superexpressão em pacientes com menos de 1 ano de sintomas do trato inferior e a IL-6 mostrou maiores níveis de expressão em pacientes com tempo de sintoma acima de 1 ano. A IL-2 mostrou-se ainda mais superexpressa no subgrupo de pacientes com sonda vesical e próstata maior do que 60g. CONCLUSÃO: Encontramos uma superexpressão geral de todos os FC, marcadores de angiogênese e inflamação nos pacientes com HPB e próstatas maiores do que 40g comparado ao grupo controle. Além disso demonstramos pioneiramente que o uso da sonda vesical pode aumentar a expressão dos FC (FGF2, IGF1 e TGFbeta1) de VEGF e também da IL-8 / INTRODUCTION: BPH is the most common benign tumor in men. Although widely studied, the pathogenesis of BPH has not been fully elucidated. Growth factors (GF) are proteins that regulate growth, differentiation, and programmed cell death. Studies have shown that they interact with markers of inflammation and angiogenesis in prostate and simulate the response that occurs in the tissue healing process. We evaluate the FC expression profile and inflammation and angiogenesis markers in prostate tissue from patients with enlarged prostate compared to the control group with normal sized prostate. METHOD: Frozen prostate tissues were analyzed from 62 patients who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate or open surgery for treating BPH. The control group was composed of tissue samples from 8 patients with small prostate volume (less than 40 grams) obtained by transurethral resection. The expression levels of GF (EGF, FGF2, PDF, TGFbeta1, IGF1), angiogenesis (VEGF, CD105) and inflammatory (IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-17) were evaluated by reaction Polymerase chain quantitative real-time (qRT-PCR). The subgroup analysis of patients with and without use of indwelling urinary catheter before surgery as well as the correlation of expression with clinical and demographic variables (prostate volume, PSA, presence of prostatitis, age and symptom of time) were performed. RESULTSs: We found overexpression of all growth factors, inflammation and angiogenesis markers in the 62 patients with BPH compared to the control group. We found in subgroup analysis that the presence of urinary catheter seems to induce increased FGF2, IGF1, TGF?1, IL-8 and VEGF expression. These latter had become even more overexpressed in patients with BPH associated with prostatitis. Patients with IGF1 expression above the average also showed increased expression of other GF (FGF2, TGFbeta1, IL-2 and CD105). And also, the level of IGF1 expression was higher in patients older than 65 years compared to younger patients. VEGF overexpression was higher in patients with less than 1 year of lower tract symptoms and IL-6 showed higher expression levels in patients with symptoms over 1 year of length. IL-2 was shown to be overexpressed in further subgroup of patients with bladder catheter and prostate greater than 60g size. CONCLUSION: We found a general overexpression of all GF, markers of angiogenesis and inflammation in patients with BPH and prostates larger than 40g compared to the control group. Also demonstrated pioneered that the use of indwelling catheter can increase the expression of GF (FGF2, IGF1 and TGFbeta1), VEGF and IL-8 as well

Influence des facteurs biochimiques et mécaniques in vitro sur la prolifération cellulaire et la synthèse matricielle de fibroblastes : application en Ingénierie tissulaire / In vitro influence of biochemical and mechanical factors on the cell proliferation and the matrix synthesis of fibroblasts : applications in tissue engineering

Fawzi-Grancher, Shalaw 03 October 2006 (has links)
La cicatrisation de ligaments est un processus complexe qui consiste en la prolifération et la migration cellulaire, ainsi que la synthèse de la matrice extracellulaire. Ce phénomène est influencé par des facteurs biochimiques et/ou environnementaux. Les propriétés spécifiques des cellules ligamentaires permettrent de répondre aux facteurs de croissance et aux contraintes mécaniques. Le but de nos travaux a été de définir les conditions de reconstruction in vitro d’un tissu ligamentaire. Nous avons tenu compte d’une part des paramètres biochimiques, d’autre part des paramètres mécaniques afin d’étudier l’ensemble des facteurs agissant sur la synthèse d’un nouveau tissu. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré l’influence des facteurs de croissance, tels que le PDGF-AB et le TGF-b1 sur la prolifération et sur la synthèse de composants de la matrice extracellulaire (collagènes des types I et III). Il semble que ces deux facteurs de croissance aient une action, mais il n’agissent pas sur le même mode du point de vue temporel et mécanistique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié l’effet de la contrainte mécanique spécifique du ligament, l’étirement. Nous avons montré que l’action des contraintes mécaniques est essentielle pour la différentiation des cellules cibles et leur évolution en cellules ligamentaires, en promouvant la synthèse de molécules spécifiques, telles que la ténascine, et les collagènes. Cependant, bien que ces résultats, restent insuffisants pour la reconstruction d’un bio tissu, ils nous ont néanmoins permis de définir les protocoles à suivre pour la suite de ces projets d’ingénierie tissulaire / The process of ligament healing is complex, which consists of the proliferation and the cellular migration, as well as the synthesis of the extra cellular matrix. This process is influenced by the biochemical and/or environmental factors. The specific properties of the ligament cell permit their responses to growth factors and to mechanical stress. The aim of our work was to define the conditions of in vitro reconstruction of ligament tissue. We take into account the biochemical, as well as the mechanical parameters in order to study the factors acting on the synthesis of a new tissue. Firstly, we investigated the influence of the growth factors such as PDGF-AB and TGF-b1 on the cell proliferation and the matrix synthesis (collagens types I and III) respectively. It seems that these two growth factors act on the different mode on the temporal and mechanistic aspects. Secondly, we studied the effect of the specific mechanical stress the stretching on the ligament. It was showed that the action of the mechanical stretching was essential for the differentiation of the target cells and their evolution in the ligament cell, by promoting the synthesis of the specific molecules, such as tenascin, and collagens. Although these results remain insufficient for the reconstruction of neotissue, they allowed us to define the protocols to be followed for the projects of tissue engineering

Analysis of the Role of Autophagy in Dauer Formation and Dauer Recovery Regulated by TGF-β Signaling Pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans

Unknown Date (has links)
Caenorhabditis elegans optionally enter into a dauer diapause phase that results in a prolonged life in a semi-dormant state. Entry into and recovery from dauer diapause includes many physical changes in body structure, physiology, and gene expression. Entry into dauer diapause is regulated by several signaling pathways including transforming growth factor (TGF-β). Autophagy plays an important role in dauer formation and recover. During dauer transformation autophagy is up-regulated and may play a role in remodeling the molecular structure for long term survival during dauer diapause. This research helps determine the role of autophagy in dauer development and recovery mediated through the TGF-β signaling pathway. This research also determines in which tissue autophagy is necessary for dauer formation and recovery through TGF-β signaling. This research is shedding light on the function of autophagy in the TGF-β signaling pathway, both processes of which have been linked to tumorigenesis, heart disease and cancer. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Análise do envelhecimento e degeneração de discos intervertebrais humanos cervicais e lombares / Analysis of aging and degeneration of human cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc

Baptista, Josemberg da Silva 25 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A degeneração do disco intervertebral (DIV) é um processo crônico e apontado como o maior causador de cervicalgia e lombalgia. Esse processo geralmente conta com a degradação da matriz extracelular, expressão de citocinas inflamatórias e fatores angiogênicos e axonogênicos. Entretanto, muito pouco se sabe sobre esse processo em DIVs assintomáticos durante o envelhecimento, principalmente no segmento cervical. O objetivo desse estudo foi de delinear o perfil de moléculas relacionadas à degeneração discal em DIVs cervicais e lombares. MÉTODOS: Discos intervertebrais humanos cervicais e lombares (C4-C6 e L4-S1) foram coletados em autópsia de 30 indivíduos presumivelmente assintomáticos e divididos em grupos jovem (GJ < 35 anos, n=60) e idoso (GI > 65 anos, n=60). O nível de degeneração foi constatado pela escala de Thompson, e foi correlacionado com a detecção imuno-histoquímica das moléculas de MMP-1, -2, -3, TIMP-1, IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, VEGF, NGF-beta e BDNF. RESULTADOS: Todos os DIVs mostraram algum grau de degeneração, embora mais acentuadas no GI. As moléculas empenhadas no estudo foram identificadas em ambos grupos. A detecção imuno-histoquímica foi prevalente no citoplasma das células nativas do DIV e na região de interseção entre a placa vertebral e o arranjo fibro-colágeno. O envelhecimento propiciou, no disco cervical, maior expressão de MMP-2, -3, VEGF, NGF-beta e BDNF, enquanto que no disco lombar, a maior expressão foi de MMP-1, -2 -3, TIMP-1, TNF-alfa, VEGF e NGF-beta. DISCUSSÃO: O envelhecimento de DIVs cervicais e lombares caracterizou-se por exibir um processo catabólico e extensivo remodelamento da matriz extracelular, os quais podem ser interpretados como eventos que antecipam a doença degenerativa discal. Esse processo é capaz de levar a angiogênese e axonogênese de modo a ampliar o metabolismo aeróbio do DIV e captar informação nociceptiva como forma de defesa, uma vez que até nos discos lombares de indivíduos jovens essa última característica pôde ser observada. Discos assintomáticos também exibem moléculas relacionadas à doença degenerativa discal e talvez a inibição de parte dessas possa resultar em terapia preventiva / INTRODUCTION: Degeneration of the intervertebral disc (DIV) is a chronic process that pointed as a major cause of neck and low back pain. This process generally includes an extracellular matrix degradation, expression of inflammatory cytokines, angiogenesis and axonogenesis factors. However, there is a little known about this process in asymptomatic DIVs during aging, especially in the cervical region. The aim of this study was to delineate the profile of molecules related to disc degeneration in the cervical and lumbar discs. METHODS: Human cervical and lumbar intervertebral discs (C4-C6 e L4-S1) were harvested at autopsy from 30 asymptomatic individuals, and divided according to age with young (GJ < 35 years old, n=60) and elderly (GI > 65 years old, n=60) groups. Gross degeneration was graded according to the Thompson scale and this was correlated to the immunohistochemical detection of molecules of MMP-1, -2, -3, TIMP-1, IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, VEGF, NGF-beta e BDNF. RESULTS: Discs from GJ were significantly less degenerated than those of GI. The molecules involved in the study were identified in both groups. The immunohistochemical detection was prevalent in the cytoplasm of native disc cells and the region between the vertebral plate and fibrous collagen arrangement (intersection). Aging provided in cervical disc, increased expression of MMP-2, -3, VEGF, NGF and BDNF-beta, whereas in the lumbar disc the highest expression of MMP-1, -2, -3, TIMP-1, TNF-alfa, VEGF and NGF-beta was seen. DISCUSSION: The aging of cervical and lumbar DIV was marked by catabolic process and a extensive remodeling on extracellular matrix which can be interpreted as a predict event of the degenerative disc disease. This process can lead to angiogenesis and axonogenesis in order to expand the aerobic metabolism of the DIV and get nociceptive information as a defense, since even in the lumbar discs of young individuals this last feature can be observed. Asymptomatic discs also exhibit molecules related to degenerative disc disease and perhaps the inhibition some of these can result in preventive therapy

Efeito da terapia com laser em baixa intensidade (LILT) na expressão de fatores de crescimento da família FGF por fibroblastos gengivais humanos / Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) effects on fibroblast growth factors expression by human gingival fibroblasts

Damante, Carla Andreotti 18 June 2007 (has links)
A terapia com laser em baixa intensidade, conhecida como Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT), tem sido alvo de pesquisas que buscam esclarecer os mecanismos pelos quais o laser age na cicatrização de feridas. Este processo é dependente da transmissão de sinais entre epitélio e conjuntivo, os quais influenciam a proliferação e a migração celular, onde participam fatores de crescimento. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar os efeitos da radiação com lasers vermelho e infravermelho em baixa intensidade na produção de fatores de crescimento por fibroblastos in vitro. Foi obtida uma cultura primária de fibroblastos gengivais humanos (linhagem FGH). As células foram cultivadas em placas de 96 poços (5 x 103 células /poço), em estado de quiescência (meio de cultura suplementado com 1% de soro fetal bovino) e irradiadas com lasers de diodo (AlGaAs - 660nm, e AlGaInP - 780nm). O laser em modo contínuo, foi aplicado em contato e na forma pontual. A potência utilizada foi de 40mW numa área de 0,042cm2 e com densidades de energia de 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6J/cm² com respectivos tempos de aplicação de 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6s. As culturas foram irradiadas duas vezes com 6h de intervalo. Os grupos controle positivo e negativo foram cultivados com 10% e 1% de soro fetal bovino, respectivamente e não receberam irradiação. A produção do fator de crescimento de queratinócitos (KGF) e do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos básico (bFGF) foi analisada e quantificada por ensaio imunoenzimático (método ELISA) no meio condicionado pelas células. Os dados foram comparados estatisticamente pela análise de variância e teste de Kruskal-Wallis complementados pelos testes de Tukey e Dunn, respectivamente (p<0,05). Culturas de todos os grupos produziram KGF e bFGF. Controles positivos produziram maior quantidade de KGF e bFGF que controles negativos. A produção de KGF foi similar em todos os grupos experimentais. A produção de bFGF foi significativamente maior nos grupos tratados com o laser infravermelho nas densidades de energia de 3J/cm2 e 5J/cm2 quando comparados com os controles. Baseados nas condições deste estudo, concluiu-se que a LILT não influencia a produção de KGF, porém, influencia positivamente a produção de bFGF de maneira dependente do comprimento de onda e da densidade de energia empregados. O infravermelho, nas densidades de energia de 3J/cm2 e 5J/cm2, é capaz de aumentar a produção deste fator de crescimento. Portanto, a utilização da LILT nestes parâmetros poderá constituir papel relevante na cicatrização de feridas. / Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) has been the subject of researches to understand the mechanisms by which the laser acts stimulating wound healing. This process is dependent of a signaling transfer between epithelium and connective tissue and it influences cellular proliferation and migration. Growth factors are directly involved in these mechanisms. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of red and infrared low-level laser on production of fibroblast growth factors by human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. The cells were obtained by primary culture (FGH cell line). They were grown in 96 wells plates (5x10³ cells / well) in a quiescence environment (1% fetal bovine serum) and then they were irradiated with a diode laser (GaAlAs - 660nm, and InGaAlP - 780nm). The continuous laser was applied in contact and in a punctual mode. The power was 40mW, the area of irradiation was 0,042cm2, the energy densities were 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6J/cm² with 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6s of time application, respectively. The cultures were irradiated twice with 6 h-interval. The positive and negative control groups were grown in 10% and 1% of bovine fetal serum, respectively and didn?t receive any irradiation. The production of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was analyzed and quantified by immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) in the conditioned medium. The data were compared statistically by analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis, complemented by Tukey?s and Dunn?s tests, respectively (p<0,05). Positive controls produced more KGF and bFGF than negative controls. The KGF production was similar in all experimental groups. The bFGF production was significantly higher in groups treated with infrared laser with energy densities of 3J/cm² and 5J/cm² when compared to controls. Based on these study conditions, authors concluded that LILT doesn?t influence KGF production although it positively influences bFGF production in a dependent manner from wavelength and energy density. Infrared laser with energy densities of 3J/cm² and 5J/cm² is capable of improving the production of this growth factor. Therefore the LILT in these parameters can constitute a relevant role on wound healing.

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