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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professores de matemática em atividade de ensino. Uma perspectiva histórico-cultural para a formação docente. / Teaching activity of mathematics teachers. A cultural-historical perspective for the formation of teachers.

Vanessa Dias Moretti 27 August 2007 (has links)
A partir dos referencias teóricos da perspectiva histórico-cultural, em particular, da Teoria da Atividade proposta por Leontiev, esta pesquisa investigou o processo de formação de professores em atividade de ensino, ao elaborarem coletivamente situações desencadeadoras de aprendizagem. Ao focar a formação contínua de professores de Matemática que atuam no Ensino Médio parte-se de uma revisão do conceito de competência, referência do discurso oficial para a prática docente, e propõe-se sua superação por meio dos conceitos de trabalho e atividade. Ao se entender o conceito de atividade, com um caráter específico que não se identifica apenas com a idéia de ação, esta pesquisa apoiou-se particularmente no conceito de atividade orientadora de ensino ao trabalhar com professores de escolas públicas. A esses foram propostas situações desencadeadoras por meio das quais se propiciaram condições para que, movidos pela necessidade de organização do ensino, agissem coletivamente de modo a objetivar essa necessidade em propostas de ensino que foram trabalhadas com seus alunos e, posteriormente, reelaboradas pelo grupo de professores. Na análise dos dados provenientes de elaborações coletivas e de socializações das propostas de ensino, assim como de materiais de alunos, buscou-se evidências que revelassem mudanças no movimento de organização das ações dos professores e como as mediações feitas em situação coletiva foram apropriadas por eles em seus discursos e planos de ação. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que, na (re)organização coletiva de suas ações, os professores atribuíram novos sentidos às próprias ações, à mediação e à escolha de instrumentos, apropriando-se das formas de realização colaborativa da atividade de ensino. Dessa forma, o novo fazer dos professores constitui-se, de forma mediada, na práxis pedagógica ao apropriarem-se de conhecimentos sobre a realidade que lhes permitam compreendê-la e superá-la, o que corrobora o coletivo como espaço de produção de conhecimento e, portanto, contribui para a superação da primazia da competência individual dos sujeitos como referência para a aprendizagem e, conseqüentemente, para a formação docente. / Based on theoretical references to cultural-historical perspective, in particular the Theory of Activity proposed by Leontiev, this research investigates the process followed for the formation of teachers within a teaching activity, while collectively elaborating on triggerlearning situations. In focusing the continuous formation of mathematics teachers working in High School, the starting point was a review of the concept of competence, a reference for official discourse in the practice of a teacher, and the proposal to go beyond this based on the concepts of work and activity. In understanding the concept of activity, and its specific character that goes beyond the mere identification with the idea of action, this research was specially based on the concept of teaching guiding activity working with public school teachers. Trigger-situations were proposed to these teachers which propitiated conditions so that, moved by the need to organize the teachings, they acted collectively in a way to make this need objective in the teaching proposals to be work on with their students and, later, to be re-elaborated by the group of teachers. In the analysis of the data that resulted from the collective elaboration of the teaching proposals, of the socialization of these proposals, and the materials of the students, an attempt was made to look for the evidences that would reveal the changes in the movement of the organization of the actions taken by the teachers and how the mediations in a collective situation were appropriated by them in their discourses and plans of action. The results of the research indicate that, in a collective (re)organization of their actions, the teachers attributed new meanings to their own actions, to the mediation and to the choice of tools, appropriating themselves of the forms of collaborative realization of the teaching activity. In this way, the teachers\' new [way of] doing constituted, in a mediated form, in the pedagogical praxis when they appropriated themselves of the knowledge on the reality that enabled them to understand it and overcome it, what corroborates the collective as a knowledge production space and, therefore, it contributes to overcome the supremacy of individual competence of subjects as a reference to learning and, consequently, to the formation of the teacher.

“Man kan ju inte vara kunnig innan man fått en chans att lära sig” : En studie om byggbranschens upplevelser av yrkeselevers yrkeskunnande

Blank, Iréne, Fridén, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur praktikhandledare inom bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet uppfattar byggelevers yrkeskunnande och om de upplever någon skillnad i yrkeskunnandet mot före gymnasiereformen 2011. Studie- och yrkesvägledare fungerar som en länk mellan eleverna och branscherna där det är viktigt för vägledaren att ha kännedom om branschernas synsätt. Studien är genomförd med kvalitativ metod där tio APL-handledare på byggarbetsplatser i Värmlands län intervjuats. Intervjuerna är analyserade enligt innehållsanalys och ställs mot Illeris teorier om lärande och kompetens. Analyserna är inramade av Bourdieus habitusteori. Resultaten visar att APL-handledare har svårt att definiera vad yrkeskunnande är och därmed har uppfattningarna skiljts åt gällande vad som förväntas av APL-elever. Det framkommer även att egenskaper som förväntas av APL-eleverna närmast kan definieras som Bourdieus kapital än konkreta yrkesfärdigheter. Våra resultat visar dessutom att APL-handledarna inte har någon uppfattning om vad som står i examensmålen för bygg- och anläggningsprogrammet. Vi hoppas att denna studie ska bidra till en ökad förståelse för studie- och yrkesvägledarens uppdrag som ibland blir en medlande länk mellan de olika aktörerna; skolan, arbetslivet och eleven. / The purpose of this study is to investigate what building and construction workers who mentor students from the vocational-education program of building and construction think about the students’ vocational skills. The study also hope to ascertain whether the construction workers have noticed any difference in the students’ vocational skills after the school reform of 2011. As aspiring guidance counsellors we aim to play the role of a bridge between the students and their chosen field of employment. For guidance counsellors it is important to have a solid grasp of the values and views found in different fields of employment and to manage the expectations of the students. For this study, we used a qualitative method in which we interviewed ten mentors on construction sites across the county of Wermland. The content of the interviews was later analysed and compared to Illeris’ theory of knowledge and competence. As a theoretical framework, we also used Bourdieu’s theory of Habitus. The results show that the mentors had difficulty defining vocational skills in a meaningful and concise manner, which leads to students finding it difficult to know what is expected of them. The characteristics of the students are better defined in Bourdieu’s theory of habitus. The results also revealed that the mentors did not have a clear picture of what was expected of a student and did not understand fully what the student would need to learn in order to pass the relevant examinations at the end of the course. We hope that this study will contribute to a clearer understanding of the role of the guidance counsellor, which in this case is to act as a bridge between those already working in the construction industry and the students hoping to work within the construction industry after they have graduated.

Contribution à la caractérisation de l’anglais de l’alpinisme, par l’étude du domaine spécialisé des guides de haute montagne états-uniens / Contribution to the Characterization of Mountaineering English as Specialized Discourse. The Case of American Mountain Guides

Wozniak, Séverine 25 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse en anglais de spécialité s’inscrit dans le champ de l’étude des domaines spécialisés et de leurs discours en contexte anglophone. La recherche entreprise contribue à la caractérisation de l’anglais de l’alpinisme par l’étude du domaine spécialisé des guides de haute montagne états-uniens. Dans cet objectif, nous élaborons un modèle de caractérisation des domaines spécialisés et de leurs discours et nous le testons. La première partie présente notre cadre théorique et notre méthodologie de recherche. Elle s’ouvre par une réflexion épistémologique sur la posture du chercheur et sur son objet de recherche, avant de s’intéresser à l’approche du domaine spécialisé, puis au cadre méthodologique. La deuxième partie aborde la caractérisation du domaine spécialisé en contexte états-unien. Elle débute par une perspective historique sur l’alpinisme aux États-Unis. La communauté professionnelle des guides de haute montagne et les enjeux de leur pratique professionnelle font ensuite l’objet d’une analyse. La troisième partie propose une caractérisation des discours du domaine spécialisé de l’alpinisme. Nous identifions tout d’abord les outils mobilisables pour l’analyse des discours spécialisés, avant d’entreprendre une analyse terminologique de l’anglais de l’alpinisme et de tenter de dresser une typologie des genres du discours spécialisé écrit. / This dissertation focuses on English for Specific Purposes and, more particularly, on the study and characterization of specialized professional domains and their discourses in English-speaking countries. It is a contribution to the characterization of mountaineering English, via the study of the specialized domain of American mountain guides. To this end, a model for the characterization of specialized domains and their discourses was designed and tested. Part 1 presents the theoretical and methodological framework of this research. It begins with an epistemological reflection on the status of the researcher and his/her object, and then moves on to the description of the process by which specialized domains can be studied, based on a consideration on the methodological framework, and more particularly, on the nature and value of fieldwork. Part 2 focuses on the characterization of the specialized professional domain of mountain guiding and begins with a historical account of mountaineering in the US. It deals with the training and work of professional mountain guides and aims to identify and analyze the stakes for the profession today. Part 3 attempts to characterize the discourse of mountaineering and mountain guiding. Some features of this specialized discourse are discussed, from a terminological point of view, and finally, a typology of the different written genres of the specialized discourse is proposed.

Heritage management of archaelogical, historical and industrial resources on the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve

Rowe, Christine 10 August 2010 (has links)
The management of South Africa's heritage resources is still lacking a great deal and many resources are being destroyed by ignorance, development and plain greed. Although South African legislation is adequate in theory, commitment on the side of the government in terms of staff, skills and resources to implement it, is not forthcoming. On the global platform however, we have much to learn as heritage management is regarded as a priority in most of the first world countries. Four steps to reach this goal, is summarizing it effectively: the identification, understanding how it was created and used, selecting the appropriate conservation techniques, and stakeholder involvement. The focus of this study is on the diverse heritage resources of the Blyde Canyon Nature Reserve in Mpumalanga, the largest green canyon in the world. This area has a rich, irreplaceable and unexplored cultural heritage. The tangible and intangible values were classified in a typological framework, including archaeology (stone age and iron age), rock art, historical industrial features, sacred sites, monuments, burial sites, graves and historic tourist features. Authorities are in the process of changing the status of the Nature Reserve to that of a National Park and it is also envisioned to nominate this unique natural and cultural landscape for World Heritage status. The database and overall objectives of this study has been identified to highlight the relevance and importance of the cultural heritage resources and to ensure its future protection and management. This area is already a popular tourist destination which is currently under-utilised, and by contributing to the protection and responsible development of the heritage resources, and by having the correct management principles set in place, the visitor experience will not only be enhanced but the surrounding towns and communities will benefit extensively. Copyright / Dissertation (MHCS)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Historical and Heritage Studies / unrestricted

Highly-Efficient Guiding of Motile Microtubules on Non-Topographical Motor Patterns

Reuther, Cordula, Mittasch, Matthäus, Naganathan, Sundar R., Grill, Stephan, Diez, Stefan 07 September 2018 (has links)
Molecular motors, highly-efficient biological nano-machines, hold the potential to be employed for a wide range of nanotechnological applications. Towards this end, kinesin, dynein or myosin motor proteins are commonly surface-immobilized within engineered environments in order to transport cargo attached to cytoskeletal filaments. Being able to flexibly control the direction of filament motion – in particular on planar, non-topographical surfaces – has, however, remained challenging. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of a UV-laser-based ablation technique to programmably generate highly-localized patterns of functional kinesin-1 motors with different shapes and sizes on PLL-g-PEG-coated polystyrene surfaces. Straight and curved motor tracks with widths of less than 500 nm could be generated in a highly-reproducible manner and proved to reliably guide gliding microtubules. Though dependent on track curvature, the characteristic travel lengths of the microtubules on the tracks significantly exceeded earlier predictions. Moreover, we experimentally verified the performance of complex kinesin-1 patterns, recently designed by evolutionary algorithms, for controlling the global directionality of microtubule motion on large-area substrates.

Lis LKDE 500 s přímým pohonem / Press LKDE 500 with direct drive

Vachek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is design of the mechanical two-point press with eccentric shaft and direct drive. The thesis contains design and control calculations according to given parameters and also contains drawings of main parts for the press.

Návrh nákladního výtahu / Project of service lift

Odvárka, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with project of servis lift drive by special mechanism using thrust chain. There are designed and descrobed the most importana construction unit of servis lift in the this thesis. The calculation as tha static for the main part sof the lift are included in the constructional analysis. The most attention is pay to drive, which is consist of eletric motor, clech, gearbox, break and imposition of sprocket wheel.

Výroba vodící kolejničky / Manufacturing of guiding rail

Klímová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Subject of this diploma thesis is manufacturing of the guiding rail HB 02150 made of metal sheets and used for table slide rail in drawer system. This thesis was made in cooperation with Hettich ČR Company which is producer of furniture hardware. Theses contains theoretical part which explains matters of cutting and bending technology. Marginally will be mentioned matters of spot welding. Practical part contains explanation of production of guiding rail, lay-out of bending roll and cutting tools. In this work there is also described solution of problem with wastrels caused by faulty welding of metal sheets and the draft of welding fixture which solves this problem. Economical and technical summary of this manufacturing process is the last part of this thesis.

Návrh systému horizontálního pohonu unašeče skladovacího systému LLH / System design of the horizontal drive carrier storage system LLH

Molinari, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is system design of the horizontal drive carrier storage system LLH. In the first part describes the problems of storage of bars, complemented by an overview of commercially used vertical storage systems. Next part is devoted to build computational algorithm for t he design of the carrier drive system. With this algorithm, the device is designed in the final part.

The ideal of an integrated national qualifications framework

Blom, Johanna Petronella 19 June 2007 (has links)
This study deals with the extent to which the South African education and training system reflects in principle, perception and practice, the ideal of an integrated national qualifications framework. It examines the uses and meaning of ‘integration’ through a number of lenses. These lenses include policy symbolism and a guiding philosophy for the emerging system; pragmatic and technical considerations; communities of practice; the complementarity of education and training; and curricular integration. In relation to the first two lenses, it is evident that an integrated framework is a powerful symbol of the break from a past system characterised by inequality, unfairness and deliberate mediocrity, to the extent that ‘integration’ has become the underpinning guiding philosophy for a new education and training system. However, such socio-political aspirations tend to place unreasonable demands on the system. The second set of lenses indicate that the ‘comprehensiveness’ of the system could work against the notion of integration, and in South Africa, has led to acute paralysis of the system. The strongest evidence of integration emerges from the last set of lenses namely, the grounded, meaningful practice through principled partnerships, as reflected in the development of sub-frameworks and communities of practice and the necessary collaboration needed for curricular integration and education and training delivery. Thus, it seems, to make integration meaningful, the persuasive logic of innovative, grounded practice, could be enabled and facilitated by less, not more, regulation and could be enhanced by structures that reflect the grounded practice. Copyright 2006, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Blom, JP 2006, The ideal of an integrated national qualifications framework, PhD thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-06192007-123414 / > / Thesis (PhD (Education Management and Policy Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

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