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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hurdles and potentials in value-added use of peanut and grape by-products as sources of phenolic compounds / Desafios e potencialidades na agregação de valor a subprodutos da agroindústria do amendoim e da uva como fonte de compostos fenólicos

Adriano Costa de Camargo 20 October 2016 (has links)
Recent studies have demonstrated that peanut and grape processing by-products may be richer sources of bioactive compounds as compared to their original raw material and feedstock; however, before their application as a source of nutraceuticals or in the prevention of lipid oxidation in food systems, certain technological challenges have to be addressed. This study discusses recent advances in the application of plant food processing by-products as sources of phenolic compounds with special emphasis on the profiling and screening of phenolics using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, their potential health benefits, and microbiologial safety. The major findings are summarized in chapters 2, 3, and 4. The first chapter deals with phenolics from grape by-products. In general, insoluble-bound phenolics were more effective in inhibiting copper-induced human LDL-cholesterol oxidation in vitro than free and esterified phenolics. Phenolic extracts from all fractions inhibited peroxyl radical-induced DNA strand breakage. The third chapter brings about the effects of gamma-irradiation on the microbial growth, phenolic composition, and antioxidant properties of peanut skin. Gamma-irradiation at 5.0 kGy decreased the microbiological count of the product. Total phenolic and proanthocyanidin contents, ABTS radical cation, DPPH radical, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radical scavenging capacities as well as the reducing power of the sample were increased upon gamma-irradiation in both the free and insoluble-bound phenolic fractions. The bioactivity of the free phenolics against in vitro human LDL-cholesterol oxidation and copper induced DNA strand breakage was improved upon gamma-irradiation. Phenolic compounds were positively or tentatively identified and their distribution was in the decreasing order of free > esterified > insoluble-bound forms. Procyanidin dimer A was increased in all phenolic fractions, whereas procyanidin dimer B decreased. Gamma-irradiation induced changes may be explained by molecular conversion, depolymerization, and cross-linking. In the fourth chapter, the ability of selected enzymes in improving the extraction of insoluble-bound phenolics from the starting material (experiment I) or the residues containing insoluble-bound phenolics (experiment II) were evaluated. Pronase and Viscozyme improved the extraction of insoluble-bound phenolics. Viscozyme released higher amounts of gallic acid, catechin, and prodelphinidin dimer A compared to Pronase treatment. Furthermore, p-coumaric and caffeic acids, as well as procyanidin dimer B, were extracted with Viscozyme but not with Pronase treatment. Solubility plays an important role in the bioavailability of phenolic compounds, hence this study may assist in better exploitation of phenolics from winemaking by-products as functional food ingredients or supplements. / Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que subprodutos da indústria processadora de amendoim e uva podem ser mais ricos em compostos bioativos em comparação às suas matérias-primas. No entanto, alguns desafios tecnológicos precisam ser enfrentados antes da sua aplicação como fonte de compostos nutracêuticos ou na prevenção da oxidação lipídica em sistemas alimentares. Este estudo discute os recentes avanços na aplicação de subprodutos da indústria processadora de amendoim e uva como fontes de compostos fenólicos. Especial ênfase foi dada a sua caracterização por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas, aos potenciais benefícios à saúde e à segurança microbiológica. As principais conclusões estão apresentadas nos capítulos 2, 3 e 4. O primeiro capítulo trata de compostos bioativos de subprodutos da indústria de suco de uva e da produção vinícola. A fração da qual foram extraídos os compostos fenólicos ligados à parede celular foi predominante. Em geral, esta fração também foi a mais eficaz na inibição da oxidação do LDL - colesterol in vitro quando comparada à fração que continha os fenólicos livres e os esterificados. Os compostos fenólicos de todas as frações inibiram o dano oxidativo ao DNA induzido por radicais peroxila. O terceiro capítulo fala sobre os efeitos da irradiação gama sobre a carga microbiana, a composição fenólica e as propriedades antioxidantes da película de amendoim. A irradiação gama (5,0 kGy) diminuiu a contagem microbiana do produto. Os compostos fenólicos totais, o teor de proantocianidinas e a capacidade dos extratos em neutralizar radicais como o ABTS, DPPH e espécies reativas de oxigênio como o peróxido de hidrogênio e radicais hidroxila, assim como o poder redutor da amostra, aumentaram devido à irradiação gama em ambas as frações (contendo fenólicos livres e ligados à parede celular). A bioatividade dos compostos fenólicos livres contra a oxidação do LDL-colesterol in vitro e contra os danos oxidativos ao DNA aumentou com a irradiação gama. Os compostos fenólicos foram positivamente ou tentativamente identificados, distribuindo-se entre: fenólicos livres > esterificados > ligados. Houve aumento na concentração de dímeros de procianidina A em todas as frações, enquanto a concentração de dímeros de procianidina B diminuiu. Essas alterações podem ser explicadas pela conversão molecular, despolimerização e formação de ligações cruzadas. No quarto e último capítulo, enzimas selecionadas foram aplicadas à matéria-prima inicial (experimento I) ou nos resíduos contendo apenas compostos fenólicos insolúveis (experimento II). Pronase e Viscozyme aumentaram a extração de compostos fenólicos insolúveis (ligados à parede celular). Viscozyme liberou maiores quantidades de ácido gálico, catequina e dímero de prodelfinidina A em comparação ao tratamento com Pronase. Além disso, os ácidos p-cumárico e ácido caféico, bem como o dímero de procianidina B, foram extraídos com Viscozyme, mas não com Pronase. A solubilidade desempenha um papel importante na biodisponibilidade de compostos fenólicos. Desta forma, o terceiro estudo oferece uma alternativa para a exploração de compostos fenólicos de subprodutos da indústria vinícola como ingredientes alimentares com propriedades funcionais ou suplementos alimentares.

Degradace solárních článků na bázi GaAs / Degradation of GaAs Solar Cells

Papež, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
Solární články na bázi arsenidu gallia patří mezi nejvýkonější typ dostupných solárních článků vůbec. Jejich výhodou je výborná odolnost vůči tepelnému a ionizujícímu záření, a proto se využívají zejména v náročných podmínkách. Tato disertační práce popisuje stav GaAs fotovoltaických článku vystavených vůči tepelnému namáhání, vysokému ochlazování, gama záření a ozáření širokospektrálním laserem. Vzorky byly zkoumány před, po a i během těchto procesů pomocí několika analytických a charakterizačních metod. Měření bylo zaměřeno na charakterizaci povrchu, optických a elektrických vlastností. Byly objeveny limity a nové chování tohoto typu článků, které jsou ovlivněny i tenkými ochrannými a antireflexními vrstvami.

Approche intégrée des dommages des rayonnements ionisants chez Caenorhabditis elegans : de l'ADN aux protéines / Integrated approach of ionizing radiation damage on Caenorhabditis elegans : from DNA to proteins

Dubois, Cécile 28 November 2017 (has links)
De par l'omniprésence des rayonnements ionisants, l’évaluation de leur impact sur les écosystèmes est devenue une préoccupation environnementale majeure. Cependant, l’évaluation des risques environnementaux liés aux expositions chroniques souffre d’un manque de connaissances, d’autant que l’extrapolation des données acquises après exposition aiguë (plus nombreuses) ne semble pas adaptée pour la prédiction des effets des expositions chroniques. Pour exemple, les effets sur les paramètres individuels i.e. la reproduction, diffèrent entre ces deux modes d’expositions, suggérant que les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents diffèrent également. Il est donc nécessaire de réaliser des études au niveau individuel et subcellulaire afin de mieux comprendre les différences de radiotoxicité observées entre les deux modes d’irradiation. Les protéines sont les molécules fonctionnelles dans les organismes, elles peuvent être les cibles de dommages oxydatifs (i.e carbonylation), et sont susceptibles d’être des marqueurs pertinents et sensibles de l’exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. Ainsi, l’objectif de ce projet de thèse était d’améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de radiotoxicité (aigu vs chronique) en étudiant particulièrement la contribution du protéome chez un organisme modèle, le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. Pour ce faire, l’étude des effets d’irradiation gamma aiguë et chronique sur une large gamme de doses (0,5 - 200Gy, dont 4 doses communes aux deux modes d’exposition) a été opérée au niveau individuel, et en particulier sur la reproduction, paramètre susceptible d’influencer directement la dynamique des populations. En complément, la modulation de l'expression des protéines mais aussi leurs dommages (i.e carbonylation) et leur dégradation par le protéasome ont été évalués. Les résultats ont montré que l’irradiation aiguë induit un effet sur le succès d’éclosion et sur la ponte totale dès 30Gy alors que seule la ponte totale est impactée par l’irradiation chronique à partir de 3,3Gy. A l’échelle moléculaire, les niveaux de protéines carbonylées sont très peu modulés après exposition chronique ou aiguë aux rayonnements ionisants. Le protéasome semble être impliqué dans la dégradation des protéines carbonylées après irradiation chronique. En revanche, après irradiation aiguë, celui-ci semble dépassé, suggérant une possible implication d’autres mécanismes de défense (autophagie). Les profils d’expression des protéines, et notamment de protéines impliquées dans l’apoptose, la réparation des dommages à l’ADN, la réplication et la reproduction sont différents après irradiation aiguë et chronique. Ainsi, les protéines nécessaires au développement embryonnaire sont réprimées après irradiation aiguë dès 0,5 Gy alors que celles impliquées dans le développement de la lignée germinale sont surexprimées. Ces dernières sont réprimées après irradiation chronique dès 0,5 Gy. Ces résultats, suggèrent que les mécanismes de radiotoxicité entre les expositions aiguës et chroniques sont bien distincts, et que les effets de l’irradiation aiguë pourraient être dus à une perturbation de l’embryogénèse (via l’accumulation de dommages génotoxiques). A l’inverse, l’irradiation chronique induirait un effet sur la gamétogénèse se traduisant par une baisse de la ponte totale sans affecter l’embryogénèse. Ce projet de recherche nous a permis d’apporter des connaissances sur les cascades d’évènements moléculaires suite à différentes conditions d'irradiation gamma et illustre l’intérêt d’utiliser une approche intégrée pour mieux prédire et comprendre les effets observés sur les grandes fonctions biologiques. De plus ces travaux ont permis de caractériser des marqueurs protéiques d’exposition plus sensibles que les marqueurs individuels puisque l’activité du protéasome et l’expression des protéines est modulée dès 0,5Gy. In fine cet ensemble de données contribuera à améliorer l’évaluation des risques pour l’environnement. / Because of the ubiquitous nature of ionizing radiation, the risk assessment on ecosystems has become a major environmental concern. However, the environmental risk assessment of chronic exposures suffers from a lack of knowledge, especially because the extrapolation of data acquired after acute exposure in order to predict the effects of chronic exposures is not always relevant. Indeed, the effects on the individual parameters, i.e reproduction, differ between these two irradiation modes, suggesting that underlying mechanisms are also different. It is therefore necessary to carry out studies at the individual and at the subcellular level in order to better understand molecular mechanisms governing these differences in the observed effects. Proteins are the functional molecules in organisms, they can be the targets of oxidative damage (i.e carbonylation), and are likely to be relevant and sensitive markers of exposure to ionizing radiation. Thus, the objective of this research project was to improve the understanding of molecular mechanisms of radiotoxicity (acute vs chronic), particularly by studying the proteome contribution, on the biological model Caenorhabditis elegans. The study of the acute and chronic gamma irradiation effects, on a large dose range (between 0.5 and 200Gy, including 4 common doses to both irradiation modes), was performed at the individual level with the reproduction as endpoint, a parameter likely to directly influence the dynamic of populations. In addition, the modulation of protein expression but also their damage (i.e. carbonylation) and their degradation by the proteasome were evaluated. The results showed that acute irradiation induced an effect on hatching success and on total spawning from 30 Gy whereas only total spawning was impacted after chronic irradiation from 3.3 Gy. At the molecular level, the global level of carbonylated proteins was not so modified after chronic or acute exposure to ionizing radiation. The proteasome appears to be involved in the degradation of carbonylated proteins after chronic irradiation whereas after acute irradiation, it seems overtaken, suggesting a possible involvement of other defense mechanisms (autophagy). The protein expression, and particularly proteins involved in apoptosis, DNA repair, replication and reproduction, is differentially modulated after acute and chronic exposure. Thus, the proteins involved in embryonic development are repressed after acute irradiation as soon as 0.5 Gy whereas those involved in the germline development are overexpressed. These results suggest that the radiotoxicity mechanisms between acute and chronic exposures are quite different and that the effects of acute irradiation may be due to an embryogenesis disturbance (via the accumulation of genotoxic damage). Conversely to acute, chronic irradiation induces an effect on gametogenesis, resulting in a decrease of the total spawning without impacting embryogenesis. This research project allowed us to provide knowledge on the molecular cascade events following different gamma irradiation conditions and highlights the need of using an integrated approach to better predict and understand the observed effects on major biological functions. Moreover, this work allowed characterizing more sensitive markers of exposure than the individual ones as the proteasome activity and the protein expression is modulated from 0.5Gy. Ultimately this dataset would help to improve the environmental risk assessment.

Chemische und physikalische Verfahren zur Inaktivierung von pathogenen Mikroorganismen in allogenen Knochentransplantaten

Pruß, Axel 12 November 2004 (has links)
In allogeneic bone transplantation, the transmission of viral and non-viral infectious pathogens is the most severe undesirable concomitant phenomenon. The investigations published were examined regarding the inactivating capacity of inactivation procedures that are presently performed in bone banks (peracetic acid/ethanol, gamma irradiation, moist heat) against clinically relevant pathogens (aiming at a virus titer reduction of at least 4 log10 TCID50/ml or titer reduction of non-viral micro-organisms of at least 5 log10 cfu/ml). In the suspension experiments, treatment with peracetic acid/ethanol (peracetic acid 2%, ethanol 96%, aqua ad iniectabilia 2:1:1, 4 hours, 200 mbar, agitation) achieved a titer reduction of > 4 log10 already after 5 minutes for a number of viruses (PSR, PV, BVDV). HIV-2 was also inactivated within 5 minutes below the level of detection ( 4 log10 TCID50/ml was only reached after 4 hours. The results mentioned could be confirmed in the carrier test (contaminated spongiosa cuboids used as ‘worst case’ scenario). In the suspension experiment as well as in the carrier test, the HAV titer was reduced after 4 hours by only 3.7 log10 and 2.87 log10, respectively. The preceding step of defatting the spongiosa tissue by chloroform/ethanol was validated using cell-associated HAV and showed an HAV titer reduction of 7 log10. In the investigations regarding non-viral pathogens, all test organisms were completely inactivated by more than 5 log 10 steps (cfu/ml). Gamma irradiation was the second procedure examined. D10 values (irradiation dose required to reduce 90% of the pathogen titers by one log10 step) that were determined in inactivation kinetics experiments (irradiation conditions: –30°C, 60Co source) corresponded to data published so far. In order to provide for maximal safety, an irradiation dose of 34 kGy was recommended for allogeneic bone transplants using BPV and a diaphysis model from human femurs. The ‘Marburg bone bank system’ was the third procedure examined (thermal disinfection, guaranteed temperature of at least 82.5°C for a minimum of 15 min) using centrally contaminated human femoral heads. All viruses were completely inactivated and their titer reduced by more than 4 log10 steps. Vegetative bacteria and fungi were also completely inactivated (>= 6 log10 in the supernatant). As expected, spores and spore-forming pathogens were not sufficiently inactivated and not inactivated, respectively (titer reduction of less than 2 log10 cfu/ml). However, the latter group can be disregarded, since femoral heads are procured in the operation room under sterile conditions and the following production process rules out a secondary contamination with spores. It could be shown in the investigations presented that all three procedures examined guarantee an inactivation of the viruses investigated according to the recommendations by the senior federal authorities. The three treatment procedures offer additional biosafety by a comprehensive inactivation of non-viral pathogens.

Wafer Bonding for Spaceflight Applications : Processing and Characterisation

Jonsson, Kerstin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Bonding techniques intended for assembling space microsystems are studied in this work. One of the largest problems in bonding pre-processed semiconductor wafers are the severe process restrictions imposed by material compatibility issues. Plasma processes have shown to be good for sensitive materials integration why the influence of different plasma parameters on the bondability of wafers is particularly studied. Conventional wet chemical and field-assisted methods are also examined. The resulting bond quality is assessed in terms of mechanical strength, homogeneity, and yield.</p><p>The effect of spaceflight environment on the reliability of wafer bonds is also investigated. Both high and low temperature annealed bonds are found to be very robust. Effects observed are that low temperature bonds are reinforced by thermal cycling in vacuum and that high temperature bonds degrade slightly by low dose γ irradiation.</p><p>Adhesion quantification is important for all bonding. Development of accurate quantification methods is considered necessary since most methods at hand are limited. This work includes the development of the blister test method. Former test structures are improved to be more practical to work with and to yield low experimental scatter. A physical stress model for the improved structure is suggested with which successful predictions of fracture for different test specimen configurations are made. The blister test method is used throughout this work to assess the strength of wafer bonds. The physics background and modelling of other common test methods are also thoroughly analysed. The methods’ practical capabilities and limitations are commented; origin and mitigation of measurement errors are discussed. It is shown that all methods can be significantly improved by small means.</p><p>Weibull statistics is introduced as a tool to characterise wafer bonds. This method is suitable to use in brittle materials design as the inherent variability in strength can be properly accounted for.</p>

Wafer Bonding for Spaceflight Applications : Processing and Characterisation

Jonsson, Kerstin January 2005 (has links)
Bonding techniques intended for assembling space microsystems are studied in this work. One of the largest problems in bonding pre-processed semiconductor wafers are the severe process restrictions imposed by material compatibility issues. Plasma processes have shown to be good for sensitive materials integration why the influence of different plasma parameters on the bondability of wafers is particularly studied. Conventional wet chemical and field-assisted methods are also examined. The resulting bond quality is assessed in terms of mechanical strength, homogeneity, and yield. The effect of spaceflight environment on the reliability of wafer bonds is also investigated. Both high and low temperature annealed bonds are found to be very robust. Effects observed are that low temperature bonds are reinforced by thermal cycling in vacuum and that high temperature bonds degrade slightly by low dose γ irradiation. Adhesion quantification is important for all bonding. Development of accurate quantification methods is considered necessary since most methods at hand are limited. This work includes the development of the blister test method. Former test structures are improved to be more practical to work with and to yield low experimental scatter. A physical stress model for the improved structure is suggested with which successful predictions of fracture for different test specimen configurations are made. The blister test method is used throughout this work to assess the strength of wafer bonds. The physics background and modelling of other common test methods are also thoroughly analysed. The methods’ practical capabilities and limitations are commented; origin and mitigation of measurement errors are discussed. It is shown that all methods can be significantly improved by small means. Weibull statistics is introduced as a tool to characterise wafer bonds. This method is suitable to use in brittle materials design as the inherent variability in strength can be properly accounted for.

Irradiação gama e armazenamento do mamão 'formosa' minimamente processado

Giannoni, Juliana Audi [UNESP] 20 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-12-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:04:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 giannoni_ja_dr_botfca.pdf: 416586 bytes, checksum: 823a84b7d402557839873c28c91f8b12 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo utilizar diferentes doses de irradiação gama sobre frutos de mamão 'Formosa' (Carica papaya L.) pré-cortados e refrigerados, visando facilitar as etapas do processamento mínimo e o consumo, além de encontrar a dose ideal de irradiação que proporcione total segurança alimentar com relação aos microrganismos, ampliando, desta forma, o período de vida útil dos frutos e mantendo as características de qualidade. Todo o processamento do mamão até a embalagem foi executado na Empresa Verde Limpo, situada em Botucatu/SP. Os frutos já embalados foram irradiados na Companhia Brasileira de Esterilização (CBE), em Jarinú/SP. As doses aplicadas foram 0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 e 1,0kGy. Após a irradiação os frutos minimamente processados foram armazenados à temperatura de 9 l 1ºC e umidade relativa de 90 l 5% durante nove dias. As avaliações foram a cada dois dias, exceto as análises microbiológicas que foram nos 1º, 5º e 9º dias de conservação. As alterações na qualidade pós-colheita foram detectadas por meio das seguintes análises: perda de massa fresca (PMF), aparência, textura, acidez titulável (AT), pH, sólidos solúveis (SS), vitamina C, açúcares totais (A.Totais) e redutores (AR), sacarose (S), pectinas total (PT) e solúvel (PS), enzimas poligalacturonase (PG) e pectina metilesterase (PME), análise sensorial (cor, aroma, textura e sabor), índice de doenças e conservação pós-colheita. Para as análises microbiológicas foram identificadas bactérias aeróbicas (mesófilas e psicrotróficas), fungos (leveduras e bolores) e coliformes (totais e fecais). O delineamento estatístico empregado foi DIC inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições por tratamento, utilizando o programa SISVAR® e teste de Scott-Knott ao nível de 5% de significância... / The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of gamma irradiation on 'Formosa' papaya fresh-cut fruits (Carica papaya L.), stored under refrigeration, in order to facilitate the minimal processing stage and human consumption, finding ideal dose of irradiation that provides total nutritional safety against microorganisms, enlarging fruit shelf life and sustaining quality characteristics. Processing till packing of papaya was executed in Verde Limpo Enterprise, situated on Botucatu/SP. Packing fruits were irradiated on Companhia Brasileira de Irradiação (CBE), placed at Jarinú/SP. Used dose were 0,0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; and 1.0kGy. After irradiation, the fruits were stored under temperatures of 48.2ºF l 33.8ºF and relative humidity of 90 l 5%, during 9 days and appraised each 2 days. Evaluations were performed each two days, except microbiological analysis, carried up on 1st, 5th and 9th days of conservation. Changes in postharvest quality were detected in the following analysis: loss of fresh weight (LFW), appearance, firmness, titratable acidity (TA), pH, total soluble solids (TSS), vitamin C, total reducer sugars (TRS), reducer sugar (RS), sucrose (S), total pectin (TP), soluble pectin (SP), activity of polygalacturonase (aPG) and pectin methyl esterase (aPME), sensorial analysis (color, aroma, firmness and flavor), disease index and postharvest conservation. Microbiological analysis was performed to identify aerobic bacteria (mesophilic and psychrotrophic), fungi (yeasts and moulds) and coliforms (total and fecal). Data were analyzed according to a completely randomized design, with 4 repetitions per treatment, using SISVAR™ program and Scott-Knottþs test at 5% level of significance. Based on results obtained, it was observed that appearance, color, TA, TP and aPME were significantly improved by gamma irradiation at 0.6kGy...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

Irradiação gama e armazenamento do mamão 'formosa' minimamente processado /

Giannoni, Juliana Audi, 1971- January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Rogério Lopes Vieites / Banca: Giuseppina Pace P. Lima / Banca: Maria Amalia Brunini / Banca: Moacir Pasqual / Banca: José Darlan Ramos / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo utilizar diferentes doses de irradiação gama sobre frutos de mamão 'Formosa' (Carica papaya L.) pré-cortados e refrigerados, visando facilitar as etapas do processamento mínimo e o consumo, além de encontrar a dose ideal de irradiação que proporcione total segurança alimentar com relação aos microrganismos, ampliando, desta forma, o período de vida útil dos frutos e mantendo as características de qualidade. Todo o processamento do mamão até a embalagem foi executado na Empresa Verde Limpo, situada em Botucatu/SP. Os frutos já embalados foram irradiados na Companhia Brasileira de Esterilização (CBE), em Jarinú/SP. As doses aplicadas foram 0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 e 1,0kGy. Após a irradiação os frutos minimamente processados foram armazenados à temperatura de 9 l 1ºC e umidade relativa de 90 l 5% durante nove dias. As avaliações foram a cada dois dias, exceto as análises microbiológicas que foram nos 1º, 5º e 9º dias de conservação. As alterações na qualidade pós-colheita foram detectadas por meio das seguintes análises: perda de massa fresca (PMF), aparência, textura, acidez titulável (AT), pH, sólidos solúveis (SS), vitamina C, açúcares totais (A.Totais) e redutores (AR), sacarose (S), pectinas total (PT) e solúvel (PS), enzimas poligalacturonase (PG) e pectina metilesterase (PME), análise sensorial (cor, aroma, textura e sabor), índice de doenças e conservação pós-colheita. Para as análises microbiológicas foram identificadas bactérias aeróbicas (mesófilas e psicrotróficas), fungos (leveduras e bolores) e coliformes (totais e fecais). O delineamento estatístico empregado foi DIC inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições por tratamento, utilizando o programa SISVAR® e teste de Scott-Knott ao nível de 5% de significância...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of gamma irradiation on 'Formosa' papaya fresh-cut fruits (Carica papaya L.), stored under refrigeration, in order to facilitate the minimal processing stage and human consumption, finding ideal dose of irradiation that provides total nutritional safety against microorganisms, enlarging fruit shelf life and sustaining quality characteristics. Processing till packing of papaya was executed in Verde Limpo Enterprise, situated on Botucatu/SP. Packing fruits were irradiated on Companhia Brasileira de Irradiação (CBE), placed at Jarinú/SP. Used dose were 0,0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; and 1.0kGy. After irradiation, the fruits were stored under temperatures of 48.2ºF l 33.8ºF and relative humidity of 90 l 5%, during 9 days and appraised each 2 days. Evaluations were performed each two days, except microbiological analysis, carried up on 1st, 5th and 9th days of conservation. Changes in postharvest quality were detected in the following analysis: loss of fresh weight (LFW), appearance, firmness, titratable acidity (TA), pH, total soluble solids (TSS), vitamin C, total reducer sugars (TRS), reducer sugar (RS), sucrose (S), total pectin (TP), soluble pectin (SP), activity of polygalacturonase (aPG) and pectin methyl esterase (aPME), sensorial analysis (color, aroma, firmness and flavor), disease index and postharvest conservation. Microbiological analysis was performed to identify aerobic bacteria (mesophilic and psychrotrophic), fungi (yeasts and moulds) and coliforms (total and fecal). Data were analyzed according to a completely randomized design, with 4 repetitions per treatment, using SISVAR™ program and Scott-Knottþs test at 5% level of significance. Based on results obtained, it was observed that appearance, color, TA, TP and aPME were significantly improved by gamma irradiation at 0.6kGy...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Doutor

Design and implementation of a prompt-gamma camera for real-time monitoring of ion beam therapy / Conception et mise en oeuvre d'une caméra Prompt-Gamma pour la surveillance en temps réel de thérapie par faisceau d'ions

Roellinghoff, Frauke 19 March 2014 (has links)
La protonthérapie est une technique prometteuse pour le traitement du cancer, qui se répend de plus en plus. Le pic prononcé de son profil de dose ainsi que la longueur finie du parcours des particules rendent possible un traitement plus ciblé et permettent de mieux éviter d’endommager des tissus sains. Cependant, la précision de l’irradiation s’avère également être le risque principal lors de l’utilisation de cette technique. En effet, une erreur dans la profondeur de pénétration des particules pourrait engendrer des dégâts considérables. A l’heure actuelle, aucune méthode de contrôle n’est systématiquement utilisée pour s’assurer de la qualité du traitement. Dans ce manuscrit, une méthode indirecte de mesure de la distribution de dose, basé sur la détection de gammas prompts émis le long du parcours du faisceau, est étudiée. Deux concepts de caméra collimatée uni-dimensionnelle sont comparés à l’aune de leur utilisation potentielle : une caméra à fentes parallèles et une caméra “knife-edge”. Les deux systèmes sont optimisés par simulations de Monte Carlo et des mesures sont présentés pour valider ces simulations. La comparaison se base sur la précision avec laquelle un décalage dans la chute du profil prompt gamma peut être détecté, la résolution spatiale, le coût et la taille du système. Des recommandations sont émises pour le choix de la meilleure configuration, selon différentes exigeances. Des résultats similaires sont obtenus pour les deux concepts, atteignant une précision de environ 2 mm pour un seul point de “pencil beam” correspondant à 5e7 protons. L’étude se conclue par un tour d’horizon des pistes de recherche futures qui permettraient d’utiliser un système de détection de gammas prompts dans un contexte clinique futur. / Protontherapy is a promising technique for tumor treatment that is becoming more and more widespread. The sharply peaked profile of the dose and the finite particle range allow for very conformal treatment and better sparing of healthy tissue beyond the tumor, but he precise delivery also proves to be the biggest challenge of the technique. Errors in range are a considerable risk in proton therapy and no range monitoring method is currently systematically used for quality control. In this manuscript, an indirect method of measuring the dose distribution, via the detection of secondary prompt gamma radiation emitted along the beam path, is explored. Two different one-dimensional collimated camera concepts, a multi-parallel-slit camera and a knife-edge slit camera are compared with regards to their potential use. Both systems are optimized via Monte Carlo simulation and measurements are presented for validation. The comparison is made on the basis of the precision with which a shift in the prompt gamma profile falloff edge can be retrieved by comparison with a reference profile as well as the spatial resolution, the cost, weight and bulkiness of the system and guidelines are given for choosing the best configuration for different requirements. Similar values can be obtained for both concepts, reaching a precision for the retrieval of the falloff edge of around 2 mm for a single pencil beam spot of 5×107 protons. This study concludes with an outlook on future developments and areas of investigation with the goal of reaching clinical applicability of a prompt gamma detection system.

Dynamika vybraných proteinů buněčné odpovědi na poškození DNA / Dynamics of selected DNA damage response proteins

Benada, Jan January 2011 (has links)
DNA damage response (DDR) represents a vital signaling network that protects genome integrity and prevents development of cancer. Therefore the study of DDR is of a crucial clinical importance and DDR proteins are promising therapeu- tic targets. Although the great advances have been made mapping out interac- tions between individual DDR proteins, better understanding of complex behav- ior of this network is still needed. One approach, which might help us in this task, is to describe the dynamics of key proteins under different conditions. The first objective of this study was to investigate whether the temporal dynamics of selected DDR proteins differ upon different genotoxic insults, particularly upon γ- irradiation and UV-C irradiation. We showed that under certain insult some DDR proteins exhibit a monotone continuous activation pulse, while the activation of others triggers a series of pulses. We observed a previously described pulsative dynamics of p53 after γ-irradiation in MCF7 cells. Interestingly, we detected a monotone increase of p53 in U2OS after γ-irradiation and similar dynamics upon UV-C irradiation. We suggest that p53 dynamics depends on the presence or ab- sence of effective negative feedback loops between the upstream p53-activating kinases and Wip1 phosphatase. In the second...

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