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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As estratégias de transmissão de bens nos testamentos merovíngios (séculos VI-VII) / Strategies for transferring goods in Merovingian wills (from the sixth to the eighth centuries)

Rosa, Karen Torres da 24 May 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar em que medida os documentos com características testamentárias da Gália merovíngia refletem estratégias de transmissão de bens, ou seja, as ações planejadas pelos testadores para definir o caminho que devem tomar seus bens após sua morte, no reino merovíngio entre os séculos VI e VIII. A transmissão de bens é um ato importante da vida em sociedade. Para estudá-la, são analisados 12 testamentos do período, ou seja, todos os que sobreviveram até os dias de hoje, além da fórmula 17 do livro II do Formulário de Marculfo, que variam tanto no tempo quanto no espaço. A princípio, essa análise nos ajuda a visualizar as semelhanças entre os testamentos laicos e episcopais. Assim, podemos nos aproximar da compreensão dessas práticas legais no período, bem como da organização dos grupos sociais. A análise dessa documentação com o auxílio da historiografia é importante para que também notemos as variações dos testamentos ao longo do tempo e do espaço e como eles auxiliavam no cumprimento das últimas vontades dos aristocratas. / This dissertation aims to analyze how testamentary documents from Merovingian Gaul reflect strategies for transferring goods in the Merovingian kingdom from sixth to eighth centuries. These strategies are actions planned by testers to define what will happen to their goods after their death. The transfer of assets is an important practice of social life. To study it, 12 wills from the period are analyzed, all those which survived to the present day, plus the formula 17, book II from the Formulary of Marculf. All these testaments vary both in time and in space. At first, this analysis can help us visualize the similarities between the secular and the episcopal type of testaments. Therefore, we can understand these legal practices in the period as well as the organization of the groups. The analysis of this documentation and the aid of historiography are important to note the variations of the wills over time and space and understand how they helped the fulfillment of the aristocratic last wills.

A Basílica como elemento de urbanização na Gallia Comata no período de dominação romana / The Basilica as element of urbanization in the Gallia Comata in the Roman domination period

Santos, Irmina Doneux 09 March 2007 (has links)
A Basílica romana é, para Zanker (2000: 36-7), uma das estruturas mais caracteristicamente romanas de qualquer cidade romana. Símbolo concreto da estrutura política, jurídica e social romana, sofreu alterações morfológicas e funcionais ao longo do tempo e do espaço que ainda intrigam os pesquisadores. O presente estudo busca conhecer esta estrutura, suas origens, principais características físicas e funcionais, transformações em Roma e no Império, mas especialmente na Gallia Comata, entendendo-a como um elemento utilizado pelo Império no processo de urbanização das províncias gaulesas. Para tal, foi realizado o estudo das basílicas desde seu surgimento, em Roma, sua difusão pelo Império. Como forma de conhecer as basílicas das Três Gálias (Lugdunense, Aquitânia e Bélgica, esta se desdobrando também em Germânia Superior e Inferior), elaborou-se um catálogo buscando, apesar das diferenças tipológicas, a homogeneidade dentro da sua utilização como elemento de urbanização romana da antiga Gallia Comata. E, para melhor entender a urbanização, foram estudados os oppida gauleses, as proto-cidades celtas dos séculos II e I a.C., o período imediatamente anterior à conquista romana. / According to Zanker (2000:36-7), the Roman Basilica is one of the most characteristic Roman structures of any Roman city. A concrete symbol of the political, juridic and social Roman structure, it suffered morphologic and funcional alteractions both in time and space that still intrigate the scholars. The present work tries to reveal and understand this structure, its origins, its main physical and functional caracteristics, its transformations in Rome and the Empire, but most specially in the Gallia Comata, seeing it as an element of the process of urbanization of the Gallic privinciae. To do so, we performed a study of the basilicas since its begnning, in Rome, its difusion by the Empire and, like a means to know the basilicas of the Three Gauls (Lugdunensis, Aquitanica and Belgium, this one divided into Belgica, Germania Superior and Germania Inferior), a catalog was made, searching, besides the typological differences, the homogeneity in their utilization as elements of Roman urbanization of the former Gallia Comata. And, for better understanding the urbanization, it was studied the Gallic oppida (hillforts), the Celtic proto-cities of the II and I centuries BC, the period that immediately preceded the period of the Roman conquest.

Les sanctuaires des eaux en Gaule de l'est : origine, organisation et évolution (Ier siècle av. J.-C. - IVe siècle après J.-C.) / Water cults in eastern Gaul religious landscape : origin, organization and evolution from the Ist century BC to the IVth century

Vurpillot, Damien 16 November 2016 (has links)
Cette étude à pour objectif de mieux mesurer la place et l'importance du culte des eaux au sein du paysage religieux de l'est de la Gaule, en proposant des scenarii d'évolution du phénomène et des pratiques qui lui sont liées. Au-delà, il s'agira aussi d'aborder plus généralement la question des mutations qui touchent la géographie sacrée de la Gaule suite à son intégration dans la Romanitas. Le cule des eaux en Gaule est un concept nourri par les contradictions. Nous nous sommes donc efforcés de forger notre propre opinion sur ce concept équivoque. Tout d'abord, nous avons exploré ce tour d'horizon par une relecture des sources antiques, ce qui a achevé de nous convaincre que le culte des eaux devait être perçu comme un concept religieux flexible. En Gaule, les communautés se seraient appropriées ce concept et l'auraient adapté à leurs besoins, même si un certain nombre de conventions religieuses paraissaient transcender les époques et les cultures. Afin de vérifier le bienfondé de cette hypothèse, nous l'avons éprouvée face aux données archéologiques sur une sélection de sites centrés sur l'est de la Gaule, ce qui nous a permis d'identifier deux grandes phases chronologiques importantes rythmant l'évolution du culte des eaux en Gaule.La première phase s'étend du Ier siècle avant notre ère à la première moitié du Ier siècle, au moment où cette nouvelle facette du culte est en plein essor. Avant que le discours religieux n'atteigne une forme de maturité, lors de la seconde phase chronologique qui débute au cours du troisième quart du Ier siècle. / This study aims to evaluate the importance of sacred water and cults connected with waters as part of eastern Gaul religious landscape, through the evolution of cult places and ritual practices. By extension, our goals is toprovide a better understanding of the transformations impacting religious activities and how it connects to the promotion of Romanitas by Gallic communities.The religious history of Gaul is well-known for conveying problematic concepts such as "naturist cults" or, in our case, "water cults". Therefore, we strived to study modern literary sources in order to deconstruct historiographical myths. Then, we completed this overview through a diligent re-reading of ancient sources. At this point, we were convinced that "water cult" was a flexible religious concept. Gallic communities would seize the idea of sacred water and cults connected with waters, and adapt it to their needs, even is shared religious norms seem to transcend time and cultures. In order to put this hypothesis to test, we challenged it against archaeological data through a selection of cult places from eastern Gaul, which, in return, allowed us to identify two main chronological phases forming the pattern of the evolution of water cults in Gallo-Roman religious landscape. The first chronological phase stretch from the first century B.C. to the first half of the first century A.D., when this new facet becomes an increasingly growing trend. Afterwards, that new religious discourse reaches a form of maturity starting from the second half of the first century.

Os fana no contexto galo-romano / The fana in the roman gaul context

Bina, Tatiana 25 March 2009 (has links)
Essa pesquisa ensejou ampliar a discussão sobre os templos de tradição gaulesa em espaços urbanos na Gália romana durante o Alto Império Romano e fornecer substratos para a compreensão deste fenômeno. Alguns debates perpassaram toda a concepção, estudo e interpretação dos dados: a \"romanização\", a relação entre política e religião, a questão da antecedência e continuidade de cultos religiosos gauleses e a organização de espaços na Gália romana. O levantamento de plantas onde os fana tinham uma relação com o espaço urbano construído segundo as tradições arquitetônicas romanas permitiu o estabelecimento de dados que, quando comparados, possibilitaram apresentar um quadro mais preciso sobre o papel da religiosidade galo-romana frente à instituição simbólica e material do espaço urbano. / This research envisaged to enlarge the discussion about the temples of Gaul tradition in urban spaces at the Roman Gaul during the High Roman Empire and to give bases for understanding these phenomena. Some debates perpassed all the conception, study and interpretation of data: the \"romanization\", the relationship between politics and religion, the continuation of Gaul religious cults and the space organization in Roman Gaul. The survey of plans where the fana had a relationship with the urban space built according with Roman architectural traditions, has allowed the establishment of data which, when compared to each other, allowed for the presentation of a more precise image of the role of Roman Gaul religiosity in face of the material and symbolic institution of the urban space.

“Histórias fingidas” : admiração e maravilhamento no Amadís de Gaula

Alberto, Rodrigo Moraes January 2015 (has links)
Reflexo de um processo histórico anterior, os romances de cavalaria fazem surgir no final do medievo ibérico uma nova moda literária, que mescla a tradição míticocavaleiresca com as mudanças sociais que caracterizam o movimentado período histórico. Estes libros se configuram durante quase um século como um sucesso de mercado, modelo de experiência máxima da nobreza cavalheiresca em um mundo cujos baluartes mostram-se movediços e sensíveis. Para além de conter uma coleção de mirabilia como objeto, estes romances são dispositivos maravilhantes que têm função e criam significações em um momento de experiência deslocada, num jogo de perspectiva. Sob a história das emoções, este trabalho se propõe a analisar a admiração no mundo ibérico quinhentista a partir da construção do dispositivo de maravilhamento. / Reflection from a previous historical process, the chivalric romances do arise at the end of the Iberian medieval a new literary fashion, blending the mythic-chivalric tradition with social changes that characterize the bustling historical period. These libros are configured for nearly a century as a market success is a model and height of a focused literature to chivalrous nobility, in a world where their moral and aesthetic strongholds show is unstable and sensitive. These novels are wrapped device boggling's appearances. Stemmed from the need to rethink the wonderful study. This study analyzes the admiration and the Iberian world from the sixteenth century construction of the wonder device.

Communal responses to socio-economic problems in Italy and Gaul, 31 BC - AD 284

Spiegl, Steven January 2013 (has links)
This thesis looks at the nature and evolution of communal responses to socio-economic problems in imperial Italy and Gaul. Ancient analysis of this topic tended to view any popular expression of discontent as the result of the moral failings of the plebs, or, somewhat more generously, as being due to poverty. These two lines of thought have had an effect on modern scholarship, shaping opinion not only on how the Roman elite viewed the general population, but also influencing and distorting our view of the actual situation. In some cases, poverty certainly was the underlying cause of unrest, as it has so often been throughout human history; to see it as the sole cause (and to imagine that the Romans perceived it to be the sole cause) is, however, an oversimplification. This thesis aims to show that a complex array of factors was responsible for those popular actions (e.g. grain riots) traditionally seen as reactions to deprivation. It will be seen that not only the socio-economic problems that caused these actions, but also the underlying customs and social mores that dictated how people reacted to these problems were manifold. In addition to showing the socio-economic complexities that dictated popular response, this thesis will show that said response could take a variety of forms, and that just as we must steer ourselves away from simplistic adages like panem et circenses when searching for a cause, we must move beyond the more sensational instances of violence, crime and unrest when looking for a response. A number of reactions, from beggary to banditry, are therefore considered, in order to show the various communal responses available to those at the lower end of the socio-economic scale. Given the vast amount of time and space covered, this thesis will explore diachronic and geographical developments in the nature of communal response. By considering the wider socio-economic developments that precipitated the various responses considered, it will be shown that there was indeed a distinct evolution in the way in which the people reacted to specific stimuli, governed by factors such as the amount of imperial contact, adherence to pre-existing social structures, and, interestingly, a growing sense of popular political involvement.

La céramique de cuisine tournée et les pratiques culinaires à l'âge du Fer en Gaule méditerranéenne / Wheel-made cooking ware and culinary practices during the Iron Age in Mediterranean Gaul

Curé, Anne-Marie 17 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail sur la céramique de cuisine tournée et les pratiques culinaires s’articule en deux parties complémentaires, visant à aboutir à une vue globale des activités culinaires des sociétés de Gaule méditerranéenne au cours de l’âge du Fer, de la fin du VIIe à la fin du IIIe s. av. n. è. La première partie est consacrée à l’étude des céramiques de cuisson et des mortiers produits sur le littoral gaulois et importés du bassin méditerranéen. L’analyse typo-chronologique se fonde sur un vaste corpus bibliographique ainsi que sur du mobilier inédit. Elle sert de point de départ à une réflexion sur l’organisationdes productions régionales, sur les dynamiques d’importation des productions méditerranéennes et enfin sur l’utilisation des différents récipients dans le cadre des activités culinaires. La seconde partie élargit le cadre analytique à l’ensemble de la vaisselle de préparation et de consommation, aux ustensiles, aux structures et aux espaces liés aux pratiques culinaires, ainsi qu’aux aliments consommés. L’accent est mis sur les gestes liés aux activités de préparation, notamment par le recours à la documentation ethnographique. L’approche fonctionnelle et culturelle des différents objets permet d’aborder la question de l’existence de faciès de consommation, d’évaluer l’impact des contacts ethniques et culturels sur les pratiques de consommation, et enfin de mener une réflexion sur la valeur heuristique de l’étude des pratiques culinaires pour la définition des groupes ethniques et culturels, ainsi que sur la portée identitaire de ces pratiques pourles communautés concernées. / This work on wheel-made cooking ware and culinary practices is structured in two complementary parts, which aim to give an overview of the culinary activities of Mediterranean Gaul societies during the Iron Age (i. e. from the end of the 7th century to the end of the 3rd century BC). The first part is dedicated to the study of cooking ware and mortars produced on the French coastline and imported from the Mediterranean basin. The typo-chronological analysis is based on a wide bibliographical corpus and on unpublished data. It constitutes a starting point for a reflection on the organization of regionalproductions, on the import dynamics of Mediterranean productions and on the pottery use within the framework of culinary activities. The second part enlarges the analytical framework to all the kitchen and table ware, to the tools and areas related to the culinary practices, as well as to the food consumed. Stress is laid on the gestures linked to the preparation activities by offering an ethnographic reading. The functional and cultural approach of the different objects allows to work on the existence of consumption patterns, to estimate the impact of ethnic and cultural contacts on the consumption practices,as well as to investigate the heuristic value of the culinary practices for the definition of ethnic and cultural groups and the analysis of their significance in terms of identity.

As estratégias de transmissão de bens nos testamentos merovíngios (séculos VI-VII) / Strategies for transferring goods in Merovingian wills (from the sixth to the eighth centuries)

Karen Torres da Rosa 24 May 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar em que medida os documentos com características testamentárias da Gália merovíngia refletem estratégias de transmissão de bens, ou seja, as ações planejadas pelos testadores para definir o caminho que devem tomar seus bens após sua morte, no reino merovíngio entre os séculos VI e VIII. A transmissão de bens é um ato importante da vida em sociedade. Para estudá-la, são analisados 12 testamentos do período, ou seja, todos os que sobreviveram até os dias de hoje, além da fórmula 17 do livro II do Formulário de Marculfo, que variam tanto no tempo quanto no espaço. A princípio, essa análise nos ajuda a visualizar as semelhanças entre os testamentos laicos e episcopais. Assim, podemos nos aproximar da compreensão dessas práticas legais no período, bem como da organização dos grupos sociais. A análise dessa documentação com o auxílio da historiografia é importante para que também notemos as variações dos testamentos ao longo do tempo e do espaço e como eles auxiliavam no cumprimento das últimas vontades dos aristocratas. / This dissertation aims to analyze how testamentary documents from Merovingian Gaul reflect strategies for transferring goods in the Merovingian kingdom from sixth to eighth centuries. These strategies are actions planned by testers to define what will happen to their goods after their death. The transfer of assets is an important practice of social life. To study it, 12 wills from the period are analyzed, all those which survived to the present day, plus the formula 17, book II from the Formulary of Marculf. All these testaments vary both in time and in space. At first, this analysis can help us visualize the similarities between the secular and the episcopal type of testaments. Therefore, we can understand these legal practices in the period as well as the organization of the groups. The analysis of this documentation and the aid of historiography are important to note the variations of the wills over time and space and understand how they helped the fulfillment of the aristocratic last wills.

Identidades políticas e políticas identitárias na Gália Merovíngia e Hispânia Visigoda / Political identities and identities politics in Merovingian Gaul and Visigothic Hispania

Silveira, Verônica da Costa 28 May 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa se dedica ao estudo comparado das construções identitárias como estratégias políticas no cenário de polarização política da Gália Merovíngia e Hispânia Visigoda a partir da análise de diversos gêneros narrativos: Historiae, Leges, Hagiografias. O argumento defendido é que os discursos identitários, especificamente aqueles em torno da Gens Francorum e da Gens Gothorum, eram deliberadamente plurais uma vez que voltados para resolução de conflitos que se desenvolviam no plano político. / The research is a comparative study about the construction of identities as political strategies in the context of political polarization of Merovingian Gaul and Visigothic Hispania. Working with the analysis of diverse narrative genres as Historiae, Laws and Hagiographies the inquiry aims to indicate the deliberate plurality of the identity discourses in the Gens Francorum and the Gens Gothorum due to the complexity and diversity of political issues.

La delineazione dell' Europa occidentale nella "Geografia" di Strabone (Iberia, Gallia, Britannia) / La représentation de l'Europe occidentale chez Strabon (Gaule, Ibérie, Bretagne) / The delineation of western Europe in Strabo's "Geography" (Iberia, Gaul, Britain)

Sideri, Eleonora 23 May 2019 (has links)
Aucun document original de cartographie antique n’a été conservé, mais, bien avant le célèbre traité de Ptolémée, c’est la « géographie descriptive » grecque et latine qui nous permet de nous en faire une idée. Dans cette thèse, nous avons identifié les sections « cartographiques » de la Géographie de Strabon et en avons donné le texte grec, accompagné d’une traduction italienne, d’un commentaire et d’une fiche bibliographique limitée à l’essentiel. À chaque fois, nous faisons précéder cette analyse critique d’un bref aperçu historique sur la région considérée, car c’est en dernière instance l’histoire qui produit les informations sur la « position des lieux et les distances » (comme l’affirme Polybe). Dans l’ordre même de la description strabonienne, l’Ibérie, la Gaule et la Bretagne représentent les étapes des conquêtes romaines en Occident, depuis la guerre d’Hannibal jusqu’à l’âge d’Auguste ; ces conquêtes furent décisives pour la perception et la représentation des territoires internes de l’Europe occidentale. À cette tripartition régionale correspondent les trois chapitres de la thèse ; les subdivisions thématiques reflètent les particularités des territoires provinciaux telles qu’elles sont perçues et enregistrées par les sources de Strabon. La topographie de l’espace vécu et les schémas géométriques des grands espaces géographiques relèvent de deux critères de représentation différents. Le cadre général qui émerge de l’analyse est un système orthogonal ; dicté par la direction (erronée) nord-sud des Pyrénées et calqué sur le schéma des principaux éléments physiques (fleuves et montagnes), ce système s’étend jusqu’au Rhin et s’applique aussi à la côte méridionale de la Bretagne. Toutefois, le problème reste ouvert de savoir comment ce schéma peut être concilié avec le dessin du littoral atlantique des Pyrénées jusqu’à l’embouchure du Rhin. / The Dissertation analyzes the 'cartographic' sections of the books III and IV of Strabo’s Geography, which are reported in Greek and accompanied by an Italian translation, a brief comment and an essential bibliography. The basis for this critical analysis is, from time to time, a brief historical profile of the examined region because, ultimately, it is the history that reveals the information “about the position of the places and about the distances" (Polybius). In accordance with Strabo’s description, Iberia, Gaul and Britain represent the milestones of the Roman conquest, that was decisive for the perception and the representation of the most internal areas of the western Europe. This regional trisection corresponds the three chapters of the Dissertation; the sub-divisions of each chapter reflect the peculiarities of the different areas described by Strabo’s sources (Polybius, Posidonius, Artemidorus). The topography of the lived space and the geometric schemes of the bigger geographical areas belong to two different criteria of representation. The general picture establishes an orthogonal scheme. Dictated by erroneous north-south course of the Pyrenees (that derives from Polybius) and based on the delineation of the main physical elements (rivers and mountains), this orthogonal scheme stretches until the Rhine, involving also the southern coast of the Britain. A problem rests unsolved: in which way this scheme

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