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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grain size analysis of a short sediment core from the Lomonosov Ridge, central Arctic Ocean

Fuentes Guerrero, César January 2015 (has links)
Trigger core 07, is a 53 cm long sediment core that was collected during the Danish-Swedish expedition “Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland 2012” on the slope of the Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic Ocean at a depth of 2522 m. This part of the world has experienced critical environmental changes during the Quaternary. Ice-sheets have advanced and retreated, and deposited sediments through all the Arctic Ocean. Glacial sediments contain coarser material and are gray, whereas interglacial sediments are brown, because of high amounts of manganese, and consist of fine-grained material.  The aim of this project is to make grain size analysis on TC 07 with the purpose to make an interpretation of the grain size data in relation to glaciation history and paleo-oceanography. For that, a correlation with piston core 07 has been made, and also a correlation between piston core 07 and the Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX. The results showed that fine-grained material is more abundant in the top brown unit down to 32 cm, suggesting an interglacial period. This is followed by a gray-beige unit that goes down to 49 cm, and consist of coarser material, indicating glacial deposits. This unit can be linked to the Marine Isotope Stage 2, MIS 2, which began approximately 29000 years ago and ended about 14000 years ago / ”Trigger core 07” är en 53 cm lång sedimentkärna som togs upp på ett djup av 2522 m från Lomonosovryggen i Arktisk under en dansk-svensk expedition kallad ”Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland 2012”. Den här delen av världen har genomgått kraftiga klimatförändringar under kvartär. Istäcken har vuxit fram och dragit sig tillbaka och avsatt sediment över hela Arktis. Sediment avsatta under istider, kännetecknas av att vara gråa med mycket grovt material, medan sediment avsatta under mellanistider är bruna, vilket är på grund av de höga halterna av mangan och består av finkornigt material. Målet med denna uppsats är att göra en kornstorleksanalys på sedimentkärnan, med syfte i åtanke på att göra en tolkning av informationen i förhållande till istidshistorik och paleo-oceanografi. För att kunna gå tillväga med det, har en korrelation gjorts mellan kärnan och ”piston core 07”, samt en korrelation mellan ”piston core 07” och ”Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX”. Resultaten visar en brun enhet rik på finkornigt material ned till 32 cm, vilket är typiskt för mellanistider. Den följs av en grå-beige enhet som sträcker sig ned till 49 cm och består av grovkornigt material vilket tyder på istid. Den här enheten kan kopplas till ”Marine Isotope Stage 2, MIS ”, som varade mellan 14000 och 29000 år sedan.

Snöinventering på gråbergsdeponier i Kiruna / Snow Survey of a Waste Rock Deposit in Kiruna

Smith, Anton January 2015 (has links)
Vid gruvdrift genereras stora mängder gråberg (sprängsten) som lagras i deponier på markytan. Dessa deponier kan innehålla kväveföreningar, härstammande från odetonerade sprängämnen. Under senvintern/våren bidrar snösmältningen till att stora mängder vatten frigörs och infiltrerar i gråbergsmassorna. Lakvattnet som bildas från dessa deponier kan innehålla förhöjda halter av kväve vilket bl.a. kan leda till övergödning av närliggande sjöar och vattendrag. I denna studie har två snöinventeringar utförts på två gråbergshögar vid LKAB:s gruvområde i Kiruna. Syftet med rapporten har varit att beräkna snötäckets vattenekvivalent samt undersöka hur mycket vatten som potentiellt kan infiltrera deponierna och bilda lakvatten. Snötaxeringarna utfördes under februari och april 2015. Vid dessa tillfällen uppmättes snö- djups variationer mellan 8-100 cm beroende på slutningsriktning, samt snömassa variationer mellan 10-430 g. Med hjälp av dessa variabler beräknades snötäckets totala vattenekvivalent för de båda högarna till 100 m3 och 90m3. Utifrån en porositetlaboration uppskattades gråbergsdeponiernas totala porvolym till 968m3 och 725m3. Då den totala porvolymen är större än den vattenmängd som potentiellt kan infiltrera deponierna, bör majoriteten av vattnet lagras i porerna istället för att bidra till lakvattenproduktionen.

Klimatförändringars påverkan på kulturmiljöer i Uppsala stad ur ett geovetenskapligt perspektiv / Impacts of Climate Change on Cultural Heritages in Uppsala Town from an Earth Scientific Perspective

Wikmark, Erika, Svensson, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Cultural heritages are environments created by humans that are considered to have a conservation value for the posterity. They can be seen as one of society's non renewable resources. It is important to have knowledge of how cultural heritages are affected by future climate changes. The water flow in Uppsala is estimated to increase during winter and decrease during spring and summer. Precipitation will gradually increase as well as the intense short period precipitation. The average temperature is estimated to increase as well. Despite the increased precipitation the soil moisture is predicted to decrease, as a result of the rising temperatures with an increased evaporation rate as a consequence. This study is carried out for the county administrative board in Uppsala county, in the field of climate change adaptation on the unit for emergency preparedness and civil contingency.The study focuses on three areas in Uppsala, city centre, Hågadalen and Vallsgärde. Focus in the study is on the earth scientific consequences related to flooding as well as changes in precipitation. Maps has been produced in ArcGIS where floodings, soil types and cultural heritages are presented (appendix 1-3). 17 cultural heritages within the three areas has been established to be affected from floodings from Fyrisån where most of them are situated in the city centre of Uppsala. The changes in precipitation are the same throughout all studied areas, to what degree it will impact the cultural heritages depends on the characteristics of them. The ground is estimated not to be strongly affected by the increased amounts of water. But smaller settlings and land slides in clay rich soils can occur. The conservation of cultural heritages in the studied areas will not be widely negatively affected, except for some single objects, by the studied parameters. / Kulturmiljöer är miljöer skapade av människan som anses ha ett bevarandevärde för eftervärlden. De kan ses som en av samhällets icke-förnyelsebara resurser. I och med de framtida klimatförändringarna är det viktigt att ha kunskap om hur bevarandet av kulturmiljöerna påverkas av dessa. I Uppsala kommer vattenflödena öka under vinterhalvåret men minska under våren och sommaren. Nederbörden kommer öka successivt och även perioder med intensiv korttidsnederbörd kommer öka. Även medeltemperaturen kommer öka. Trots den ökande nederbörden antas markfuktigheten minska, som resultat av den ökade medeltemperaturen med en ökad avdunstning som följd. Det här arbetet är utfört för Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län, inom klimatanpassning på enheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap. Arbetet är inriktat på tre områden i Uppsala, stadskärnan, Hågadalen och Vallsgärde. Fokus i arbetet ligger på de geovetenskapliga konsekvenserna kopplade till översvämningar samt nederbördsförändringar. Kartor har producerats i ArcGIS där översvämningar, jordarter och kulturmiljöer redovisas (bilaga 1-3). 17 kulturmiljöer inom de tre områdena har konstaterats påverkas av översvämningar från Fyrisån varav merparten finns i Uppsala stadskärna. Förändringen av nederbörd är densamma över alla områden, till vilken grad det kommer att påverka kulturmiljöerna beror på kulturmiljöns karaktär. Marken bedöms inte påverkas nämnvärt av de ökade vattenmängderna. Mindre sättningar och skred i lerjordar kan dock uppkomma. Bevarandet av kulturmiljöer i de undersökta områdena kommer inte försvåras nämnvärt av undersökta parametrar, dock kan enskilda objekt påverkas mer.

Palaeoenvironmental changes in the northern boreal zone of Finland: local versus regional drivers

Shala, Shyhrete January 2014 (has links)
Multiple proxies derived from the Lake Loitsana sediment sequence (NE Finland) are employed to determine the timing of deglaciation, characterise an early Holocene proglacial lake stage and reconstruct Holocene lake development. Local-scale processes causing shifts in biological assemblages are identified and the most likely Holocene mean July air temperature (Tjul) development is assessed. The study area was deglaciated shortly prior to 10 700 cal. a BP. The sediment record reflects four local events; the presence of a glacial lake, glacial lake drainage and formation of Lake Loitsana, changes in fluvial input due to progressive wetland expansion, and gradual lake infilling. The results suggest that local events have driven changes in biological assemblages through various processes, and that biotic proxies reflect changes in environmental parameters in a highly individual manner. Furthermore, biological assemblages can themselves act as important drivers, influencing the composition of other assemblages. It is suggested that future studies should consider macrophyte abundance and food-web interactions as equally important factors when assessing changes in biological assemblages. Quantitative Tjul reconstructions based on biotic proxies display contrasting trends. While Tjul reconstructions based on pollen found in the Loitsana sequence display relatively low early Holocene values, plant macrofossil and chironomid data reflect warm summer conditions also during the early Holocene, i.e. at the peak of summer insolation. The early Holocene Tjul recorded by terrestrial pollen are affected by local factors possibly combined with a delayed response of the terrestrial ecosystem compared to the aquatic one. This study emphasises the importance of using multiple proxies in palaeoenvironmental studies and shows that local factors have a potential to drive changes in biological assemblages that can affect transfer-function based temperature reconstructions. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Epub ahead of print. Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>


Liapodimitris, Dimitrios January 2017 (has links)
Wind power has been a leading energy source in the renewable energy sector. The offshore wind power industry is rapidly growing, having the advantages of great wind resources, with minimum impact on residential areas; however, the high O&amp;M costs add significantly to the LCOE, and present a challenge to the project developers and operators. The objective of this Thesis is to develop an optimisation method aiming to optimise the O&amp;M vessel fleet in terms of its size and mix, and implement it into a spreadsheet-based tool. At first, a review on the available literature was conducted, in order to establish the theoretical background on the topics of maintenance, optimisation and O&amp;M vessels, and identify the O&amp;M strategies used in offshore wind power. The optimisation method developed focuses on the implementation of different O&amp;M strategies,and is mainly based on the vessel contracts strategy, which aims to acquire lease contracts of various vessel types, including helicopters, available in the market to support the maintenance activities of an offshore wind farm. The model developed consists of calculation modules and introduces a 5-stage weather data filtering process for the estimation of the operational weather window, a WT components' failures forecast method, and a 2-stage optimisation process. The model was applied on a case study of a fictitious offshore wind farm, by using measured and realistic input data, in order to examine its efficacy. The model's outputs generated presented the optimal O&amp;M vessel fleet for three different scenarios (mean, best case, and worst case), together with the optimal allocation of the failure repairs to each O&amp;M vessel, and the corresponding O&amp;M costs.

Sense of place and culture in the landscape of home : Understanding social-ecological dynamics on the Wild Coast, South Africa

Masterson, Vanessa Anne January 2016 (has links)
Development for sustainable poverty alleviation requires engagement with the values and cultural frames that enable or constrain communities to steward ecosystems and maintain their capacity to support human well-being. Rooted in a social-ecological systems (SES) perspective, this thesis explores the concept of sense of place to understand how emotional and cultural connections to place mediate human responses to change and influence interventions for development. Sense of place is both the attachments to place, as well as the descriptive meanings to which one is attached. Paper I presents an approach and agenda for studying sense of place in SES that emphasizes place attachment and meaning underlying stewardship actions and responses to change. This is empirically explored through a case study on the Wild Coast, South Africa - an area with multiple contested meanings. In this former Bantustan (an area set aside for black South Africans), Apartheid created interdependence between small-holder agriculture and labour migration, where rural homesteads relied on remittances from migrant household members. Today, the contribution of agriculture to livelihoods has declined and many households rely on income from social grants. Interacting social and ecological factors in this region have resulted in social-ecological trap conditions and circular migration continues to be the pattern. Community conservation and ecotourism is one strategy for local socio-economic development. Papers II and III explore community tensions around a proposed nature reserve declaration. In Paper II, a focus on the meanings of locally-defined ecotopes (e.g. forest and abandoned fields) illuminates the interpretations of underlying social-ecological processes. Paper III examines the use of place meanings in narratives of change to show tensions in the discourse of win-win conservation. The stalling of this particular intervention indicates the importance of engaging with multiple meanings of place and the cultural importance of nature. Papers IV and V focus on declining agriculture and continued labour migration. From a theoretical model of people’s abilities, desires and opportunities, Paper IV develops a typology of responses that may contribute to maintaining or resolving social-ecological traps. For this case study, the model identifies the mismatch between i) cultural expectations that frame the desire to farm, and ii) the decline in opportunities for off-farm income to support agriculture. Paper V demonstrates that these expectations are expressed in the idea of emakhaya (the rural landscape of home) as well as reinforced through cultural rituals. The paper identifies a place-based social contract between the living and the ancestors that helps to maintain circular migration and agricultural practices. This suggests that sense of place contributes to system inertia but may also offer opportunities for stewardship. Sense of place is socially constructed as well as produced through experience in ecosystems, and thus constitutes an emergent property of SES. The thesis demonstrates the use of participatory methods to produce an inclusive understanding of place and SES dynamics. The application of place meanings through these methods facilitates critical engagement with imposed interventions. Finally, the thesis shows that sense of place and culture are key for understanding inertia in SES and the capacity for transformation towards stewardship. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

Landscape hydrogeochemistry of Fe, Mn, S and trace elements (As, Co, Pb) in a boreal stream network

Björkvald, Louise January 2008 (has links)
The transport of elements by streams from headwater regions to the sea is influenced by landscape characteristics. This thesis focuses on the influence of landscape characteristics (e.g. proportion of wetland/forest coverage) on temporal and spatial variations of Fe, Mn, S and trace elements (As, Co, Pb) in streams located in northern Sweden, a boreal region characterized by coniferous forests and peat wetlands. Water samples from a network of 15 streams revealed a different hydrogeochemistry in forested catchments compared to wetland catchments. The temporal variation was dominated by spring flood, when concentrations of Fe, Mn and trace elements increased in forested headwaters. However, in streams of wetland catchments concentrations decreased, but Pb concentrations were higher in comparison to other streams. Both Fe and Pb showed positive correlations with wetland area, while Co correlated with forest coverage. The anthropogenic contribution of As and Pb appear to be larger than the supply from natural sources. During spring flood SO42- decreased in most streams, although concentrations increased in streams of wetland catchments. Concentrations of SO42- were higher in streams of forested catchments than in wetland dominated streams, the former being net exporters of S and the latter net accumulators. Isotope values of stream water SO42- (δ34SSO4) were close to that of precipitation during spring flood, indicating that the major source of S is from deposition. The results show that, although emissions of anthropogenic S have been reduced, there is still a strong influence of past and current S deposition on runoff in this region. In conclusion, wetlands are key areas for the hydrogeochemistry in this boreal landscape. The findings emphasize the importance of understanding stream water chemistry and element cycling from a landscape perspective. This may be important for predicting how boreal regions respond to environmental disturbances such as climate change.

Modellering av volym samt max- och medeldjup i svenska sjöar : en statistisk analys med hjälp av geografiska informationssystem / Modeling volume, max- and mean-depth in Swedish lakes : a statistical analysis with geographical information systems

Sandström, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Lake volume and lake depth are important variables that defines a lake and its ecosystem. Sweden has around 100 000 lakes, but only around 8000 lakes has measured data for volume, max- and mean-depth. To collect data for the rest of the lakes is presently too time consuming and expensive, therefore a predictive method is needed. Previous studies by Sobek et al. (2011) have found a model predicting lake volume from map-derived parameters with high degrees of explanation for mean volume of 15 lakes or more. However, the predictions for one individual lake, as well as max- and mean-depth, were not accurate enough. The purpose with this study was to derive better models based on new map material with higher resolution. Variables used was derived using GIS-based calculations and then analyzed with multivariate statistical analysis with PCA, PLS-regression and multiple linear regression. A model predicting lake volume for one individual lake with better accuracy than previous studies was found. The variables best explaining the variations in lake volume was lake area and the median slope of an individual zone around each lake (R2=0.87, p&lt;0.00001). Also, the model predicting max-depth from lake area, median slope of an individual zone around each lake and height differences in the closest area surrounding each lake, had higher degrees of explanation than in previous studies (R2=0.42). The mean-depth had no significant correlation with map-derived parameters, but showed strong correlation with max-depth. Reference Sobek, S., Nisell, J. &amp; Fölster J. (2011). Predicting the volume and depths of lakes from map-derived parameters. Inland Waters, vol. 1, ss. 177-184.

Cirkulära affärsmodeller : En empirisk analys av tillämpat cirkulärt företagande

Nilsson, Cornelia, Matkovic, Emma January 2020 (has links)
A linear economy, which usually describes the current economic model, has not considered the ecological and social perspectives. This can be explained by increased consumption patterns, especially in the western world, led to large amounts of waste, reduced limited natural resources and increased environmental problems. Circular economy has been presented as a sustainable economic model where resources are reused as far as possible and the production of goods is to be made without toxic substances and with renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. This thesis aims to examine what defines a circular business model and how companies' business models differ within linear and circular economic models from a perspective of sustainable development. It also examines possible problems that exist in the development of circular business models. Plastic is a case in point used in this thesis, as the material is well used within the linear economy and leads to increasing environmental issues. The theoretical framework the examination was based on has its origins in the business economics literature on business models. From this literature, an ideal circular business model was designed to be able to compile the results and compare business models within the companies. This thesis indicates a lack of perspicuity in what the circular business model looks like. With the help of ten desk studies and one semi-structured interview the difference between circular and linear business models in perspective of sustainable development has proven to be rather unclear. However, it was possible to show that the majority of the studied circular companies use more environmentally friendly materials and showcase more partnerships in regards to increasing social work. The study also identifies a certain problem within the creation of a circular business model as the meaning includes a lack of definition. This can validate companies that advocate the environment and consider themselves as circular when, according to the study´s ideal business model, they do not meet all criteria. / En linjär ekonomi, som vanligtvis beskriver den nuvarande ekonomiska modellen, har inte tagit hänsyn till ekologiska och sociala perspektiv. Detta kan förklaras av ökade konsumtionsmönster, särskilt i västvärlden, som lett till stora mängder avfall, minskade ändliga naturresurser och ökade miljöproblem. Cirkulär ekonomi har presenterats som en hållbar ekonomisk modell där resurser återanvänds så långt det går och produktionen av varor ska göras utan toxiska ämnen och med förnybar energi istället för fossil. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur den cirkulära affärsmodellen ser ut och hur företags affärsmodeller skiljer sig inom de linjära och cirkulära ekonomiska modellerna utifrån perspektivet hållbar utveckling. Vidare undersöks eventuella problem i utvecklandet av cirkulära affärsmodeller. Plast är ett typexempel i uppsatsen eftersom materialet används mycket inom den linjära ekonomin och leder till ökade miljöproblem. Den teoretiska ram som undersökningen baseras på har sitt ursprung i företagsekonomisk litteratur om affärsmodeller. Ur denna litteratur har en ideal cirkulär affärsmodell konstruerats för att sammanställa resultatet och jämföra företagens affärsmodeller. Studien visar att det inte finns en tydlighet i hur den cirkulära affärsmodellen ser ut. Med hjälp av tio skrivbordsstudier och en semistrukturerad intervju har skillnaden mellan cirkulära och linjära affärsmodeller i perspektivet av hållbar utveckling visats vara relativt diffus. Dock visar uppsatsens resultat att majoriteten av de undersökta cirkulära företagen använder mer miljövänliga material och har fler partnerskap rörande ett utökat socialt arbete. Studien identifierar även att det finns en viss problematik i utformningen av cirkulära affärsmodeller då innebörden innefattar definitionsbrister. Detta kan validera företag som förespråkar miljö och anses som cirkulära när de enligt studiens ideala affärsmodell inte uppfyller alla kriterier.

Dynamics of streamflow and stream chemistry in a Swiss pre-Alpine headwater catchment : A fine scale investigation of flow occurrence and electrical conductivity in the temporary streams in the lower Studibach catchment / Dynamiken hos bäckflöden och bäckkemi i ett Schweiziskt pre-Alpint avrinningsområde av första ordningen : En finskalig undersökning av förekomsten av vattenflöde och elektrisk konduktivitet i temporära bäckar i den nedre delen av avrinningsområdet Studibach

Baumann, Elise, Berglund, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Temporary streams and their dynamics have often been largely overseen in hydrological research and there is relatively little knowledge about how the occurrence of flow in these streams varies temporally and spatially. Temporary streams are important from a hydro- logical perspective because they affect water quantity and quality in downstream peren- nial reaches, and from an ecological perspective because they provide habitat to unique species. In order to gain knowledge about these important streams, this maser thesis was conducted, within the Msc program in Water and Environmental Engineering at Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in collaboration with the Hydrology and Climate group at the University of Zurich. In this study, the temporal and spatial variation of the temporary streams in a small pre-Alpine catchment in Switzerland were investigated, both in terms of the presence of flowing water and stream chemistry. The 20 ha Studibach catchment is typical for the pre-Alpine area, with frequent precipi- tation. The streams in the lower part of the Studibach catchment were mapped in the field during September 2020. The temporal and spatial variations of the presence of flow and stream chemistry within the stream network was investigated in September and October 2020 during varying weather conditions. During ten field campaigns the flow state of the streams was classified and the Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the streams was mea- sured approximately every 20 meter. The findings from the field campaigns were related to topographic indices, in particular the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) and Upslope Accumulated Area (A), in order to see how topography influenced the presence of stream- flow and stream EC. The results show a high temporal and spatial variation in both stream chemistry and streamflow. The active network length expanded by a factor of two in re- sponse to precipitation events. The stream EC also had a large spatial variation, and the streams in the southeast part of the catchment had a higher EC than the other streams. This spatial variation is expected to reflect the large variability in groundwater EC within the catchment. The spatial variation of the streamflow demonstrated a difference between the north-middle and the south part of the catchment, where the south part responded quicker to events and drained and retracted faster after the event. The findings also indicate that topographic indices can predict the occurrence of flow in the stream network, with sites with higher topographic index values having a higher probability of flowing water in the stream. Topography also influences the stream chemistry. The variation in stream chem- istry was smaller for sites with higher values for the topographic indices, something that can be explained by the Representative Elementary Area (REA) concept, because sites with higher topographic index values are located further downstream and water at these locations is a mixture of the smaller streams that feed these streams. / Temporära bäckar och dess dynamik har länge varit förbisedda inom hydrologisk forskn- ing, och en djupgående kunskap rörande temporära och rumsliga variationer saknas. Tem- porära bäckar är viktiga utifrån ett hydrologisk perspektiv eftersom de påverkar både kvantitet och kvalitet på vattnet nedströms, och från ett ekologiskt perspektiv eftersom de bidrar med habitat till unika arter. Detta examensarbete har genomförts för att öka kunskapen kring dynamiken i dessa temporära nätverk. Examensarbetet genomfördes inom Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Miljö och Vattenteknik vid Uppsala Universitet och Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, i ett samarbete med Hydrologi- och Klimatgruppen vid University of Zurich. Studien har undersökt temporära och rumsliga variationer i ett tem- porärt bäcknätverk med avseende på flöden och kemin i vattnet, i ett mindre pre-alpint avrinningsområde i centrala Schweiz. Bäckarna i den nedre delen av avrinningsområdet Studibach karterades i fält för hand med karta och kompass under september 2020. Avrin- ningsområdet är på 20 ha och räknas som typiskt för ett pre-Alpint område, med frekvent nederbörd. Tio fältkampanjer genomfördes där temporära och rumsliga variationer un- dersöktes genom klassificering av flöden och mätningar av Elektrisk Konduktivitet (EC) i bäckarna ungefär var 20e meter, under september och oktober 2020 i varierande väder- förhållanden. Resultaten från fältkampanjerna relaterades till de topografiska indexen Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) och Upslope Accumulated Area (A) för att undersöka hur topografin påverkar flöden och bäckkemin. Studien kom fram till att bäckarna i den nedre delen av Studibach visar både en temporär och en rumslig variation för både flöde och bäckkemi. De aktiva bäckarna i nätverket visade på en expansion med en faktor två som svar på nederbörd. En rumslig variation för flödet påträffades även mellan den södra och nord-centrala delen av nätverket där den södra svarade snabbare mot event och även drogs ihop snabbare. Kemin i bäckvattnet visade på en stor rumslig variation, med högt EC i den sydöstra delen av avrinningsområdet, vilket förmodas bero på den stora rumsliga variationen av EC i grundvattnet. Resultaten visar även på att topografiska index kan till viss del förutspå flöden i bäckarna, där platser med högre topografiska index har högre sannolikhet att det flödar i bäcken. Topografin påverkar även bäckkemin. Variationen i bäckkemin var mindre för platser med högre topografiska index, vilket kan förklaras med Representative Elementary Area (REA) konceptet, eftersom platser med högre to- pogragiska index värden återfinns längre nedströms och vattnet på dessa platser är en blandning av de mindre bäckarna som tillför vattnet till de större.

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