Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geovetenskap ocho miljövetenskap"" "subject:"geovetenskap och3 miljövetenskap""
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Topografins inverkan på fastighetsskador orsakade av skyfall : En fallstudie av ett event med kraftig nederbörd i Jönköping 2013 / The impact of topography on property damages caused by cloudbursts : A case study of a cloudburst event in Jönköping, Sweden 2013Böhm, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Skyfall har blivit mer och mer frekventa i Sverige till följd av den globala uppvärmningen och de klimatförändringar som sker, och kraftiga skyfall kan leda till omfattande skador som ibland är svåra att förutse. Studien undersöker potentiella samband mellan skador på byggnader som uppstod vid ett skyfallsevent i Jönköping 2013 och byggnadernas omgivande topografi, hydrologi samt hårdgjorda ytor. Tidigare studier inom området har undersökt samband mellan flera variabler och skadade områden, men genom att studera topografi/hydrologi samt hårdgjorda ytor tillsammans med försäkringsdata, undersöks dessa förutsättningars påverkan mer specifikt i detta arbete. Olika stora buffertzoner runt byggnader användes för att extrahera flödesackumulering baserade på höjddata för analys av hydrologin samt klassificerad data för analys av andel hårdgjord yta. Data från hela studieområdet samt ett mindre område koncentrerat till två villakvarter studerades och på extraherad data utfördes visualiseringar, statistiska beräkningar och T-tester för att undersöka potentiella samband. Resultaten visade att den större buffertzonen på 50 m med metoden identifierar ett större antal skadade byggnader än de mindre buffertzonerna. En klassificerad hårdgjord yta kan vara användbar för att identifiera mer sårbara områden i ett större perspektiv medan flödesackumulerad data på grund av sin stora variation verkar lämpa sig bättre för analyser av mindre områden. / Due to global warming and climate change, heavy rainfalls have become more frequent in Sweden and can lead to extensive damage that is sometimes difficult to predict. This study examines potential correlations between damage to buildings that occurred during a cloudburst event in Jönköping in 2013 and the surrounding hydrology, topography and degree of surface sealing. Previous studies in the field have examined correlations between several variables and damaged areas, but by studying hydrology and impervious surfaces individually and their correlation with insurance data, their impact is examined more specifically in this study. Different sized buffer zones around buildings were used to extract flow-accumulation data and percentage of impervious surfaces. Data from the entire study area and a smaller area concentrated on two residential blocks were studied and visualizations, statistical calculations and T-tests were performed on extracted data to investigate potential correlations. The results showed that the larger 50 m buffer zone with the method identifies a larger number of damaged buildings than the smaller buffer zones. Classified impervious surface can be useful for identifying more vulnerable areas in a larger perspective while flow-accumulation data due to its large variation seems better suited for analysis of smaller areas.
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Multikriterieanalys av kyrkbyggnader som trygghetspunkter : En undersökning utförd på Säffle, Åmåls och Melleruds pastorat / Using multi criteria evaluation to find suitable church buildings as points of safety : A study conducted on Säffle, Åmål and Melleruds parishesKarlström, Lina January 2023 (has links)
Förekomsten av extremväder på grund av klimatförändringar har med åren ökat vilket gjort att förekomsten av naturhändelser bedöms öka i framtiden. Vid krissituationer i samhället är det bra om det är planerat för trygghetspunkter som är platser dit människor kan ta sig vid kris. Kommuner har det yttersta ansvaret för krisberedskap i kommunen men kan även samarbeta med andra aktörer som till exempel trossamfund. Svenska kyrkan är ett sådant trossamfund som har vana av att hjälpa till vid kriser och som innehar ett fastighetsbestånd med byggnader över hela Sverige. Syftet med den här studien är att i Säffle, Åmåls och Melleruds pastorat utvärdera kyrkbyggnader inom Svenska kyrkans fastighetsbestånd som potentiella trygghetspunkter. Detta utifrån underkriterierna naturolyckor, energi och tillgänglighet samt huvudkriteriet trygghetspunkt. I Sverige är vegetationsbrand och översvämningar samt ras och skred bland de vanligast förekommande orsakerna till naturolyckor. Vid kriser som dessa kan orsaka kan trygghetspunkter som uppfyller vissa kriterier behöva finnas tillgängliga. Ett sätt att hitta optimala lösningar med hjälp av olika kriterier är att använda sig av en multikriterieanalys (MKA). Det finns flera olika metoder inom MKA och en av dessa är Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) som är en viktningsmetod. En annan MKA-metod är Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) och den implementerar MKA i geografiskt informationssystem (GIS). Totalt utvärderades 50 kyrkbyggnader som lämpliga trygghetspunkter. Analyser för att ta fram viktningsattribut utfördes i ArcGIS Pro eller kontrollerades manuellt i kartor. MKA-metoderna AHP och WLC användes och resultatet visar att Säffle kyrka är den byggnad som är mest lämplig som trygghetspunkt under samtliga kriteriekategorier med undantag för energi där Åmåls församlingshem är lämpligast. Byggnader i examensarbetet har viktats mot varandra utifrån olika attribut och inte mot yttre variabler. Flera byggnader fick högt lämplighetsvärde i flera kriteriekategorier och många av dessa byggnader låg i närheten av orterna Säffle, Åmål och Mellerud. Möjligheten för fortsatta studier inom området trygghetspunkter är stor. / The occurrence of extreme weather events due to climate change has increased over the years, which has made the occurrence of natural disasters to be expected to increase in the future. When crisis occurs in society it is good if there are planned points of safety to where people can go. Municipalities have the ultimate responsibility for crisis management in the municipality, but they can also work together with other parts of society to achieve this, such as religious communities. The Church of Sweden is one such faith community that are used to helping in crises and that have buildings throughout Sweden. The purpose of this study is to evaluate church buildings within the Church of Sweden's property holdings in the parishes of Säffle, Åmål and Mellerud as potential points of safety. The evaluation is based on the sub-criteria natural disasters, energy and accessibility, as well as the main criterion point of safety. In Sweden, vegetation fires, floods and landslides are among the most common causes of natural disasters. When crises caused by these occurs, points of safety that meet certain criteria need to be available. One way to find optimal solutions using different criteria is to use Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE). There are several different methods within MCE and one of them are AHP, which is a weighting method. Another MCE method is called Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) which is a method that implements MCE in Geographic Information System (GIS). A total of 50 church buildings were evaluated as potential points of safety in this study. Analyzes to obtain weighting attributes were performed in ArcGIS Pro or checked manually in maps. MCE methods AHP and WLC were used to bring out a result. The result shows that the Säffle kyrka was the most suitable building to become a point of safety in all criteria except for energy where Åmåls församlingshem received the highest value. Buildings in this study were weighted against each other based on their different attributes and not against outer variables. Several buildings received a high value within several criteria and many of these buildings were located near the towns of Säffle, Åmål and Mellerud. The opportunities for further studies regarding point of safety are great.
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Identifiering och validering av potentiella översvämningsriskområden med hjälp av GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys / Identification and validation of potential flood risk areas using GIS-based multi-criteria analysisThabet, Bahaa January 2023 (has links)
Floods are natural disasters that often have significant socio-economic consequences. Urban areas with uncontrolled urban development, rapid population growth, an unregulated municipal system and an unplanned change in land use belong to the very sensitive areas where floods cause devastating economic and social losses. This study aims to present a reliable GIS multi-criteria methodology for risk zone mapping of flood-prone areas in urban areas. This study also intends to study and investigate the relationship between criteria and field of study. This was carried out with a literature study to investigate and determine the criteria to be used. In this study, the focus is on fluvial flooding. The study area is the centre of Karlstad (17.5 km²) in Värmland County. The study area is interesting because the municipality of Karlstad is trying to increase the number of inhabitants in the city and invest manyresources to build attractive areas close to water, even though those areas were affected by flooding from 2000 to 2001. All data processing was performed in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.0 and FME 2022.2.2 software. All hydrological analyses such as flow direction, accumulation and DEM sinks were performed in System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) 8.0.1 software. The criteria used in this study are land use, DEM, slope, curvature, flow accumulation and distance from water. The result was then validated with MSB's flood model, previous studies and reports, on the Vänern flood 2000/2001 and insurance claims, because there are no previous flood risk maps in the study area to directly validate the maps generated in this study. In addition, 3D models were generated to facilitate visualization and simulation of the event. The proposed method is based on a combined application of geographic information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria analysis (MKA). AHP was used as a weighting method with the help of five experts from Karlstad University. Flood risk maps were constructed and classified into five classes with flood potential from very low to very high. Respectively 0.5 % (very low), 10 % (low), 28.9 % (moderate), 43 % (high), and 17.6 % (very high). The result of this study shows that 60.6 % of the area is associated with areas of high to very high flood risk. This study is a valuable practical tool for flood risk analysis. / Översvämningar är naturkatastrofer som ofta har betydande socioekonomiska konsekvenser. Stadsområden med okontrollerad stadsutveckling, snabb befolkningstillväxt, ett oreglerat kommunsystem och en oplanerad förändring av markanvändningen tillhör de mycket känsliga områden där översvämningar orsakar förödande ekonomiska och sociala förluster. Denna studie syftar till att presentera en tillförlitlig GIS-multikriteriemetodik för kartläggning av riskzoner av översvämningsbenägna områden i stadsområden.Denna studie ämnar också studera och undersöka sambandet mellan kriterier och studieområde. Detta genomfördes med en litteraturstudie för att undersöka och bestämma de kriterier som ska användas. I denna studie ligger fokus på fluviala översvämningar. Studieområdet är Karlstads centrum (17,5 km²) i Värmlands län. Studieområdet är intressant eftersom Karlstads kommun försöker öka invånarantalet i staden och satsar mycket resurser för att bebygga attraktiva vattennära områden, även om området drabbades av översvämning år 2000 till 2001. All databearbetning utfördes i programvara ArcGIS Pro 3.1.0 och FME 2022.2.2. Alla hydrologiska rasteranalyser såsom flödesriktning, -ackumulering och DEM-gropar utfördes i programvaran System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) 8.0.1. Kriterierna som används i denna studie är: markanvändning, DEM, lutning, krökning, flödesackumulering och avstånd från vatten. Resultatet validerades sedan med MSB:s översvämningsmodell, tidigare studier och rapporter, om Vänern översvämningen 2000/2001 och försäkringsskador därför att det inte finns några tidigare översvämningsriskkartor i studieområdet för att direkt validera de i denna studie genererade kartorna. Därutöver genererades 3D-modeller för att underlätta visualisering och simulering av händelsen. Den föreslagna metoden är baserad på en kombinerad tillämpning av geografiska informationssystem (GIS) och multikriterieanalys (MKA). AHP användes som viktningsmetod med hjälp av fem experter från Karlstads universitet. Översvämningsriskkartor konstruerades och klassificerades i fem klasser med översvämningspotential från mycket låg till mycket hög. Respektive 0,5 % (väldigt låg), 10 % (låg), 28,9 % (måttlig), 43 % (hög), och 17,6 % (väldigt hög). Resultatet av denna studie visar att 60,6 % av området är förknippade med områden med hög till väldigt hög översvämningsrisk. Denna studie är ett värdefullt praktiskt verktyg för analys av översvämningsrisker.
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Möjligheter och utmaningar vid utformning av grönytor på skolgårdar / Opportunities and challenges in the design of green spaces in schoolyardsTilda, Wilander, Malin, Fajersson January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Soil organic carbon stocks in high mountain periglacial settings of Patagonia (SW Argentina) and Vindelfjällen (NW Sweden)Fröjd, Christina January 2023 (has links)
<p>Examinator Professor Peter Jansson, Institutionen för naturgeografi</p> / Research school for teachers on climate and environment grant 2017-06037
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Evaluation of stimulated reductivedechlorination in situ of chlorinatedsolvents at a site in Huddinge : using principal component analysis, partialleast square regression and degradation / Utvärdering av stimulerad reduktiv deklorering in situ av klorerade lösningsmedel vid en fastighet i HuddingeUtvärdering av stimulerad reduktiv deklorering in situ av klorerade lösningsmedel vid en fastighet i Huddinge : med principalkomponentsanalys, partial least square regression och nedbrytningsdynamikLjungberg, Karin January 2018 (has links)
The method of using stimulated reductive dechlorination when remediating sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents is not unusual, but not many studies have been done on the overall process outside of a controlled environment. In order to investigate the process, principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square (PLS) regression was used to identify the most important parameters for the degradation of the chlorinated solvents. The most important parameter for all chlorinated compounds turned out to be oxygen, with levels of degradation products increasing with decreasing levels of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen was deemed the most important variable to measure during a control program on the site. The degradation dynamics of the process were investigated to examine the behaviour of the chlorinated solvents and their degradation products. The degradation products of the main contaminant TCE were found in all observation points, which indicates an ongoing reductive dechlorination all over the site. A large amount of the mother product, TCE, was found in two observation points, which were believed to be situated close to the sources of the TCE contamination. Over the observation period of 2,5 years the levels of TCE in the source areas decreased significantly to below the remediation goal. However, the levels of TCE increased in another observation point further downstream, with concentrations still increasing at the end of this study. The levels in this point were lower than those measured initially in the source area, but still much higher than the accepted values. Possible reasons for this appearance of TCE could be an isolated sheet of contaminants being pushed into the observation point from a nearby location or transport of the contaminants from the source area in units of higher conductivity such as sand lenses or fractures in the clayey soil. / Att använda stimulerad reduktiv deklorering som metod för att sanera fastigheter förorenade med klorerade lösningsmedel är inte ovanligt, men få studier har undersökt det övergripande saneringsförloppet utanför de kontrollerade förhållanden i en labbmiljö. För att undersöka nedbrytningsprocessen användes principalkomponentsanalys (PCA) och partial least square (PLS) regression i syfte att identifiera de parametrar som hade störst påverkan på nedbrytningen av de klorerade föroreningarna. Den enskilt viktigaste parametern visade sig vara halten löst syre i grundvattnet, då halterna av nedbrytningsprodukter ökade med minskande syrehalt. Därför ses syre som den viktigaste parametern för att följa förloppet och är den parameter som bör mätas i kontrollprogram över nedbrytningsprocessen. Nedbrytningsdynamiken analyserades under en observationsperiod på 2,5 år för att studera hur de klorerade föroreningarna betedde sig under nedbrytningsförloppet. Nedbrytningsprodukter hittades i provtagningspunkter över hela fastigheten vilket visar på en pågående reduktiv deklorering. En stor mängd av moderprodukten TCE hittades i två punkter som bedömdes vara källor till TCE-spridningen. Under observationsperioden sjönk halterna av TCE i dessa två punkter till under gränsen för åtgärdsmålet, dock ökade koncentrationen av TCE i en annan provpunkt längre nedströms källområdet. Halterna i provpunkten var inte lika höga som de initiala halterna i källområdet, men de var långt högre än det fastställda åtgärdsmålen och ökade fortfarande när undersökningen avslutades. Möjliga förklaringar till varför halterna ökade i denna provpunkt är att ett sjok av TCE från omkringliggande sediment har transporterats till provpunkten, eller att en föroreningstransport har skett från källområdet via områden med högre konduktivitet i till exempel sandlinser eller sprickor.
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Current Factors and Preferences Influencing Fish and Seafood Consumers in the Baltic Sea RegionCamillo, Cameron January 2023 (has links)
Eating fish and seafood is integral to the Baltic Sea region's food culture. Overfishing, pollution, and seabed destruction have made the Baltic Sea one of the world's most overexploited and polluted seas. The governments of the nine surrounding countries are collaborating to minimize all forms of impact to ensure the equitable management of this nurturing ecosystem, now vulnerable. However, it will take more than restoration and preservation projects to ensure its health. Indeed, institutions need to understand and integrate into their action plans the factors influencing seafood consumers to steer their choices towards more sustainable, environmentally-friendly fishing and recreate a link between the consumer and his or her plate. Based on a holistic approach, the study aimed to determine preferences and factors influencing consumer behavior. The study was carried out via an online survey in the winter of 2023. The following aspects were collected: socio-demographic characteristics, frequency of consumption, species consumed, most important factors at the time of purchase, and the importance of the environment and traditions in their consumption choices. The survey was shared with universities, youth networks, associations, and personal and professional circles in all Baltic Sea countries. Descriptive statistics in tables and graphs were used to analyze the responses. Text analysis was used to summarize participants' comments. The median was calculated to establish the distribution and central value of participants' responses, who ranked 12 factors according to their degree of importance when making a purchase. Taste, product origin, and sustainable labels are the factors most participants consider when making a purchase. Tradition and local production ranked last. In conclusion, this study has covered the factors and preferences influencing consumer choice regarding fish and seafood. The patterns observed in the sample were similar to other larger-scale studies or European reports. Participants' age influenced their consumption frequency. Regarding taste, the product's origin and sustainable labels were the most often considered when purchasing. Traditions, although not considered at the time of purchase, influenced respondents’ fish and seafood consumption. Social factors often explain the sensory-affective motivational dimension or beliefs linked to consumption. A global understanding of consumers could guide institutions to strengthen their communication strategies. With more precise, practical, and consumer-targeted strategies, the Baltic Sea countries will ensure a collective sense of sustainable purchasing and eating and achieve the UN SDGs 12 and 14. / The Blue Food project
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An Analysis of Growth and Aging in a Tyrannosaurus rex through Histology and Synchrotron Micro-Tomography / En analys av tillväxt och åldrande i en Tyrannosaurus rex genom histologi och synchrotron micro-tomographyBijl, Xanthe Sifra January 2019 (has links)
Size comparisons, skeletochronological, and palaeohistological studies have been major contributors in the past decades to expand our knowledge on how dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex, lived and grew. Historically, size comparisons have been used to establish a relative order of age, and thin sections have been used to study the palaeohistology and skeletochronology, as well as establish growth curves, to construct more quantifiable age determinants. Whenever a new specimen is found or described, it should be placed in context by comparing it to the other known specimens. This study aims to do that for the Naturalis T. rex specimen, RGM 792.000. Comparing the femoral length and circumference data places RGM 792.000 3rd to 6th in size, depending on the literature cited, and so it can be concluded that this T. rex is a, younger, adult. The palaeohistological side of this study aims to reconstruct a more exact age at the time of death as well as a growth curve, using not only thin sections, but also synchrotron radiation computed microtomography. By counting the lines of arrested growth through both methods it can be established that RGM 792.000 was at least 17 years old at the time of death. Additionally, this study demonstrates that the use of synchrotron scans is beneficial to use as a complementary method when studying the skeletochronology and palaeohistology in dinosaurs. / Hur gammal kunde Tyrannosaurus rex bli? Trots sin ikoniska status finns det mycket vi fortfarande inte vet om T. rex men med varje ny upptäckt kommer en ökad förståelse och Naturalis-provet, också kallat RGM 792.000 eller Trix, är inte ett undantag. Genom att jämföra storleken på olika individer, kan vi säga något om deras relativa ålder och tack vare det vet vi att Trix var en ung vuxen. Men för att ta reda på exakt hur gammal en individ av T. rex var, har forskare hittills varit tvugna att göra tvär- och tunnsnitt i ben för att räkna de tillväxtringar som ofta bevaras trots fossilisering. Eftersom dessa metoder delvis förstör fossilen har nya skanningtekniker, såsom synkrotron-mikrotomografi, börjat tillämpats. I denna studie har både tunnsnitt samt synkrotronskanningar analyserats och tillsammans visar de på att Trix var minst 17 år gammal när den dog. De båda metoderna kompletterar varandra och kan med fördel användas tillsammans för att göra en robust åldersbestämning.
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Excess nitrogen (N) from terrestrial landscapes poses environmental challenges as it moves via surface runoff and groundwater flows into aquatic ecosystems. Managing and anticipating the environmental challenges associated with these altered N inputs from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems requires a deep understanding of how N is biogeochemically transformed, retained, and/or transported in streams and rivers. Here, I used long-term data on surface stream and groundwater chemistry as well as discharge to determine the main sources of N and estimate the N mass balance of a 1.4 km boreal stream reach. The goal was to evaluate daily net uptake or production rates of different N forms (ammonium - NH4-N, nitrate NO3-N and dissolved organic N - DON) throughout the seasons, and assess physical and chemical factors that may drive changes in net processing. The mass balances analysis revealed distinct patterns in net uptake among N forms. Notably, there was clear evidence of NH4-N and DON uptake (removal) in the stream, while NO3-N processing patterns showed neither clear uptake nor production. Further, variation in net uptake for NH4-N and DON was positively related to stream DOC, DOC:DIN, and C:N ratios, indicating that carbon rich conditions promoted greater N demand in this ecosystem. By comparison, variations in net NO3-N uptake or production at the reach scale were only weakly correlated with these carbon rich conditions. Finally, I assessed these patterns within the nutrient processing domains (NPDs) framework to characterize the behavior/character of the study reach. Accordingly, during the open water season, the stream reach acted mostly as a consumer for both NH4-N and DON, while on many dates it acted as a weak enhancer for NO3-N. These findings contribute to the broader understanding of N dynamics in boreal stream ecosystems and emphasize the complex interplay among organic and inorganic N forms, carbon dynamics, and nutrient processing in these environments. This knowledge is crucial for effective environmental management and conservation efforts in the region.
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Disentangling the Green vs. Green Dilemma to Inform Sustainable Destination Development : The Interplay between Onshore Wind Power Development and Biodiversity ConservationOmarov, Tural January 2023 (has links)
Sustainable Destination Development implies reaching the 17 SDGs at a destination level. Climate crisis is arguably the primary challenge faced by destinations today. It is now commonly accepted that the crisis is primarily caused due to the burning of fossil fuels while converting it into energy. Therefore, decarbonization of the energy sector appears to be a viable way to eliminate the crisis. This ensued the installation of unprecedented amounts of renewable energy facilities in the last two decades, especially in Europe. As such onshore wind power is at the forefront of this trend and is projected to be the primary renewable source of electricity in Europe in foreseeable future. However, substituting fossil fuels by the renewable energy sources such as onshore wind power requires vast land areas, and as argued by many, may undermine biodiversity conservation – an equally urgent matter to be addressed by destinations. This is because land-use change is identified as the foremost cause of the biodiversity loss globally. Thus, this study was aimed to elucidate the ‘green-green paradox’ (i.e., jeopardizing biodiversity while combating climate crisis) using a qualitative research methodology. The main research questions were intended to reveal current best practices of dealing with the challenge, identify main barriers, and suggest solutions for a better practice in the future. Data was collected through semi-structured expert interviews, and the results were reported using thematic analysis. The study found that the current best practise of addressing the biodiversity challenge is via the Mitigation Hierarchy framework – a regulatory tool intended at safeguarding biodiversity while developing infrastructure projects. Simultaneously, the weak implementation of the hierarchy in practice was identified as the primary barrier for harmonious wind power – biodiversity relationship. The huge knowledge gap in understanding the depth of impacts, lack of uniform methodologies to measure and account for them, and the lack of collaboration and communication between stakeholders were identified as the main factors that impede operationalization of the framework. A need for more stricter and better implemented regulations was an important emergent theme throughout the results that was deemed to potentially be the defining factor in addressing the mentioned impediments.
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