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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Chetouani, Yassine January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish Wind Energy Association (SWEA, 2019) reported the wind power project's total investment cost between 2017 and 2021 was over SEK 72 billion. They predicted that at project completion, the total production will be approximately 22.4 TWh per year. Due to project size, complexity, and long-term contracts commitments, almost all wind power project developers outsource some or most of their project activities to different subcontractors, after which they perform monitoring activities of the project process. Therefore, the pre-qualification stage and subcontractors’ evaluation become essential parts of every project. Most corporates and authorities are usually awarding projects to subcontractors with offers based on the most competitive price advantage. This approach results in high risks that can affect the delivery time, the overall cost, and the quality of wind power projects.This research paper aims to use a multi-criteria analysis to identify and select the most adequate subcontractor. To achieve the research purpose, a sample of five subcontractors nominated by a windpower developer were evaluated in a selection phase under nine criteria: (1) management capability, (2) product or service quality, (3) planning and capabilities, (4) quality assessment,(5) environmental management, (6) health and safety measures, (7) financial strength, (8) contract insurances and guaranties, and (9) cost. After the evaluation and the ranking of companies, a result of the most adequate subcontractor for the project offer was presented. At the end of this study, a comparison analysis was followed at the final stage which compared the method with a similar procurement approach used by one corporate where it showed that this paper’s method can uncover critical aspects with subcontracts which can alter the selection process.

Fastläggning av arsenik med nollvärt järn i mikrostorlek : Uppföljning av ett pilotskaleförsök / Remediation of arsenic using zero valent iron microparticles : Follow-up of a pilot study

Aronsson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Land contaminated with arsenic is a major problem as arsenic is toxic and poses a major health risk to both humans and animals. There are several remediation methods, both in-situ and ex-situ, to prevent and deal with pollution problems in different ways. In Hjältevad, Eksjö municipality, a leak occurred in an impregnation tank in 1968, in a facility belonging to atelephone company. As a result, the groundwater was contaminated with chromium, copper andarsenic and despite several major remediation measures, arsenic concentrations are still highand new measures are required, of which this study is a part.Previous laboratory tests with soil samples from Hjätevad, both batch and then column tests,showed that zero-valent iron particles (ZVI) in nano and micro-scale proved to be most effectiveunder given conditions to immobilize arsenic. In the present study results from a pilot scaleexperiment with micro-scale ZVI (mZVI) are presented. Before the pilot scale experiment,dynamic groundwater sampling was carried out in Hjältevad, to characterize the aquifer. Also,initial distribution tests with mZVI were conducted. Trial injections were carried out with a slurryof water, mZVI and guar. The latter was added to increased viscosity. The distribution of mZVIwas followed up with measurements of e.g., conductivity and imaging with OPI-VIS. The spreadof mZVI ranged between 0.5–1.5 meters.In the pilot scale experiment, five injection points were used 2 meters apart from each other andsix new groundwater wells were installed after the injection to monitor the effect of mZVI ongroundwater chemistry. Injections were made at 11 different depths in 0.5-meter intervals. Forfour months, measurements of different groundwater parameters were conducted. Smallreductions in arsenic levels were found in two groundwater wells downstream from the injectionpoints, but no reduction in the remaining wells.One reason for the small effect on arsenic concentration could be slow kinetics of the reactionbetween mZVI and water, due to low groundwater temperatures (7–8 °C). Another reason couldbe that the mZVI was not dispersed well enough in the soil due to either the aggregation ofmZVI particles or the heterogeneity of the soil. / Arsenikförorenad mark är ett stort problem då arsenik är toxisk och utgör en stor hälsorisk förbåde människor och djur och bör därför saneras. Det finns flertalet saneringsmetoder både in-situoch ex-situ för att på olika sätt både förebygga och ta itu med en föroreningsproblematik. IHjältevad, Eksjö kommun, skedde ett läckage i en impregneringstank år 1968, i dåvarandeTeleverkets anläggning. Detta förorenade grundvattnet med krom, koppar och arsenik och trotsflera stora saneringsåtgärder var arsenikkoncentrationerna höga och nya åtgärder undersöktes,vilket denna studie är en del av.I ett tidigare arbete genomfördes laborationsförsök med jordprover från Hjätevad, först skak- ochsedan kolonnförsök med lovande resultat där ickesulfiderat mikrojärn visade sig mest verksamtunder givna förutsättningar. I detta examensarbete undersöktes möjligheten att fastlägga arsenik igrundvattenzonen genom att injektera nollvärt järn i mikroskala (mZVI) i ett pilotskaleförsök.Innan pilotskaleförsöket genomfördes även på plats i Hjältevad både dynamiskgrundvattenprovtagning för att få en djupprofil på grundvattenkemin. I ett inledandedistrubitionstest genomfördes provinjektioner av en slurry med mZVI blandad med guar för attge ökad viskositet, vars spridning följdes upp med mätningar av bl.a. konduktivitet och bildermed OPI-VIS. Spridnigen blev mellan 0,5-1,5 meter.I pilotskaleförsöket användes fem injekeringspunkter och sex nya grundvattenrör installeradesefter injekteringen för att följa upp effekten i grundvattnet. Injekteringarna gjordes på 11 olikadjup med ett intervall på 0,5 meter. Effekterna i grundvattnet följdes upp under fyra månadergenom mätningar av pH, EH, As(III), total As och Fe. Små minskningar av arsenikhalterna kundekonstateras i de två provbrunnarna på störst avstånd nedströms från injekteringarna, men ingenminskning i övriga provbrunnar. En orskak att minskningen av arsenikkoncentrationen inte blevstörre kan vara långsam kinetik i reaktionen mellan vatten och mZVI, vilken potentiellt ärtemperaturberoende. När mZVI reagerar med vatten bildas olika järn(hydr)oxider, vilka kanbinda löst arsenik. En annan är orsak kan vara att mZVI inte har spridits tillräckligt bra i markenpå grund av antingen att mZVI-partiklarna klumpat ihop sig eller heterogeniteten i marken.

Legumes as protein-based alternatives to meat: A case study of Färsodlarna and Stacky’s

Nilsson, Hilda January 2023 (has links)
The urgent action needed to achieve the goals within the Paris Agreement and restrict the increase of global warming to 1,5 degrees calls for adaptation across the whole of society. One way to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is to enable a transition towards a sustainable food system, from meat products to more plant-based products including the consumption of more legumes. Legumes have many positive effects, both for arable land in terms of nitrogen fixation, as well as for people’s health in terms of high bioavailability. However, many plant-based alternatives currently on the market are multi-processed, resulting in low bioavailability and a high use of non-natural additives. The aim of this study is to shed light on what enables and hinders the transition towards a sustainable food system based on a more plant-based diet of Swedish-grown crops, including legumes. Furthermore, the purpose is to explore opportunities and challenges within strategy documents that affect the transition toward more sustainable food production. Two Swedish companies, both selling products labeled From Sweden, were interviewed to increase the understanding of opportunities and challenges for them to thrive in the existing meat-dominated market. The Swedish Board of Agriculture was interviewed to increase the understanding of the policy environment. This was complemented by a content analysis of two policy documents, the Swedish Food Strategy and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. The analysis of collected data showed that the development of legume-based, From Sweden products depends on both collaboration between actors in the value chain, and educating Swedish consumers. The findings also reveal that retailers play an important role when it comes to affecting the opportunities and challenges for a transition towards more plant-based diets. In light of this, the study concludes that education, retailers and collaboration are the most important factors at play when it comes to opportunities and challenges that enable or hinder the transition towards a more sustainable food system including more high-legume plant-based diets. Often, these factors can be seen as both opportunities and challenges. However, further research is needed to better understand how these factors fit into the wider policy environment, where more key authorities beyond the scope of this study are included.

Relationship between waste management in student accommodation and students' knowledge of waste management in relation to energy transition

Lin, Yong January 2023 (has links)
In the context of the current energy transition and sustainable development, the promotion of waste separation and waste management is a good means of promoting the energy transition. Waste, when recycled, can contribute to the energy transition in many ways, for example by generating electricity, heating, recycling into raw materials for reuse and producing biofuels. In the process, fossil fuels and overall energy use can be reduced. Sweden is a country with excellent waste management. However, with the current increasing number of university students, many student residences with characteristics that make them isolated from the local community and difficult to manage are emerging. This study was carried out in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. It explored the waste sorting behaviour of students in student accommodation and the extent to which students have knowledge about waste sorting in relation to the energy transition. At the same time, the study attempts to dataset student waste sorting behaviour and knowledge of waste sorting and energy transition, and to find whether there is a relationship between these two variables. The study uses a survey method, and the results are analysed using both qualitative and Pearson’s Correlation test. It was found that the current waste sorting behaviour of students in student accommodation is not very good. This is related to a number of factors, such as whether the students have completed their pre-university studies in Sweden and the students' academic qualifications. According to the survey, the three factors that students think affect their waste sorting behaviour are the benefits of sorting waste, food waste needs to be sorted in special bags and it is difficult to get used to the complex waste sorting system in Sweden. The largest number of respondents felt that it would help them to be more diligent in sorting their waste if waste sorting initiatives could be set up in student residences. The research found a moderate correlation between the waste sorting behaviour of students at Visby and knowledge related to waste sorting and energy transition.

Beyond the Surface: A Comprehensive Look into Swedish Companies' Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emission Assessments

Magnusson Rauf, Livia January 2023 (has links)
As the world grapples with the increasingly dire effects of climate change, companies are under more pressure than ever before to not just report on their environmental impact, but to actively work towards sustainability. Carbon accounting has emerged as a crucial aspect of this reporting, and the concept of Scope 3 emissions, introduced by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol a decade ago, is now a vital tool for assessing a company's environmental footprint. Focusing on 124 large Swedish companies that are aligned with the Science-based target initiative, this research aims to investigate the methods and data used to assess their Scope 3 emissions. Through a qualitative approach that includes content analysis of published sustainability reports and a comprehensive literature review. The findings of this study are illuminating, revealing a troubling lack of consistency and comparability in the data, methods, and numbers disclosed by the companies. This highlights the need for transparency, comparability, and sector-specific guidelines in sustainability reporting standards. Furthermore, the study calls for further research to evaluate the effectiveness of current Scope 3 data collection tools and explore the potential impact of emerging technologies on reducing emissions across a company's value chain. By shedding light on these crucial issues, this study offers valuable insights for policymakers, academics, and corporate actors alike.

Life Cycle Assessment as a decision-making tool within vaccine manufacturing – Potential and Limitations

Deklerck, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a widely used method for evaluating the environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire life cycle. As a decision-making tool, LCA allows decision-makers to identify the environmental hotspots in a product or process, and to explore opportunities for improvement. However, while LCA has many potentials, it also has several limitations that need to be considered. One of the main limitations of LCA is the difficulty in obtaining accurate data, particularly for the upstream and downstream stages of a product's life cycle. Another limitation is the challenge of interpreting the results, as LCA involves complex calculations and assumptions that can be difficult for non-experts to understand. Despite these limitations, LCA remains a valuable tool for informing decision-making, and efforts are being made to address these limitations through the development of standardized methods and improved data collection and interpretation techniques. This paper provides an overview of LCA as a decision-making tool in the context of vaccine manufacturing, its potential and limitations, and the current state of research in this field.

Littering behaviors and communication: The case of Strängnäs municipality, Sweden

Halvarsson Amberg, Desirée January 2023 (has links)
Consumption of everyday products is an unintentional behavior most individuals act out without thinking of it. These products can end up as litter discarded in nature. Littering is an important field to study in order to achieve a sustainable future. Littering has large consequences on the environment, animals, and humans as it contributes to pollution, biodiversity loss and unsafe environments. Municipalities in Sweden have large expenses from cleaning up wrongfully placed litter. It is illegal to litter in Sweden and despite this, many municipalities struggle with high amounts of litter. Strängnäs municipality, Sweden, have acknowledged this problem and are looking for new strategies to change the current behaviors of their residents. Residents in Strängnäs answered a questionnaire regarding their current littering behaviors, their attitudes towards the field and how communication can influence their behaviors to understand which influences are important regarding littering. The aim of this study was to understand what behaviors individuals currently have, what influences these behaviors and how Strängnäs municipality can work more with communication towards the residents. The background and theoretical approach provided and understanding of previous studies on littering, but also the importance of social norms and social environment. The theories used in this study was Social Practice Theory and Cognitive Dissonance Theory. The results from this study were that social norms influence the respondents’ behaviors; however, their current social environment did not tend to have the same influence as their upbringing. Younger residents also tended to litter more than older. The key results were that the individuals who participated in the study were very unhappy with the current situation and the work that Strängnäs municipality currently are doing regarding littering. The respondents thought the city center to be very littered and unsafe, and there was a norm not to tell others not to litter if seen. However, many of the participants did not know what strategies the municipality already used which implies that the communication from the municipality could be improved. This study highlights the importance of communication and information and how these affect individuals littering behaviors through social norms.

Farmers perspective’s on the frictions and tractions of regenerative agriculture in Sweden

Stockvall Carlsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The notion that the world's food system is in crisis is becoming more common. Such arguments point to a slew of problems, ranging from malnutrition, poverty, and obesity to industrial farming, overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, low food security, environmental destruction, biodiversity depletion, animal health, as well as corporate domination and a lack of resilience. The rates of soil erosion vastly transcend that of soil formation, implying that a third of the soils have a lifetime of fewer than 200 years. The current interest in Regenerative agriculture has taken root in this sense, where any part of farming, distribution, food processing, and consumption is being debated. The concept of “regenerative agriculture" has been an accepted practice for a long time, but there has been a renewed interest in it in recent years. This study thus aims to identify the frictions and tractions for regenerative agriculture in Sweden, from a producer perspective, to investigate the future of sustainable agriculture in the country. This study is based on two sources of data: the first and principal are semi-structured interviews with Swedish regenerative producers; the second is a survey conducted by Swedish regenerative producers. The results showed an evident dissatisfaction with the Swedish agricultural system regarding subsidies and regulations as well as a strong personal ideological motivation for regenerative practices amongst the participants. The results argue that a restructure of the Swedish agricultural system is crucial if innovative and sustainable alternatives, such as Regenerative agriculture, are to thrive and the national sustainability- and food security goals are to be achieved.

Hållbar besöksnäring inom geoturism : En fallstudie gällande Geopark Siljan, Dalarna

Torneport, Jessika January 2021 (has links)
Dalarnas län har berikats med Geopark Siljan som är Sveriges första internationella geopark. Med sin spännande historia väcker geoparken ett ökatintresse för naturvärde och geologi hos de som besöker geoparken. Flertalet av besöksmålen i området har en gemensam historia och ett geologiskt värde som skapats efter det meteoritnedslag som inträffade på platsen för nästan 377 miljoner år sedan. Området är ett attraktivt besöksmål som dels skapar ett intresse för geologi, dels medför en vilja till fortsatt bevarande av alla de unika miljöer som återfinns i Geopark Siljan. I området kan en fortsatt utveckling inom geoturism och en stigande besökstrend medföra förutsättningar till ökad ekonomisk vinning för det lokala näringslivet, men även för de regionalt aktiva aktörerna inom turistnäringen. En stigande besökstrend kan också främja samarbeten över landsgränser som utformar förutsättningar för vidare arbete och utveckling. En ökad besöksnäring är oftast önskvärd, men då inte på en bekostnad av naturensresurser, t.ex. i form av markslitage och erosion orsakat av besökande turister. Framtida klimatscenarion spår stigande temperaturer och ökadnederbörd, vilka ytterligare kan förändra förutsättningarna i området runt Geopark Siljan. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på om naturområden i GeoparkSiljan påverkas av ett eventuellt ökat antal turistbesök samt om det tillsammans med prognosticerad klimatförändring kan ge ökat slitage och skador på geoparkens naturområden. Målet med studien är att identifiera vilka faktorer som kan orsaka naturpåverkan vid Geopark Siljan, med fokus på klimatförändring och besöksnäring. Detta examensarbete kan därför leda till nya synsätt för läsaren och användas för framtida skyddsförebyggande arbete inom geoturism samt ge vägledning för anpassning vid ökat antal besökare vid ett flertal besöksmål samt påverkan vid klimatförändringar. / Dalarna County has been enriched with Sweden's first international geopark,which with its exciting history arouses an increased interest in natural valueand geology among those who visit places around Geopark Siljan. Most of the tourist attractions in the area have a common history and a geological value due to the meteorite impact that occurred on the site almost 377 million years ago. The area is an attractive destination that both creates further interest and a desire to continue preserving all the unique environments found in the geopark Siljan. In the area, a continued development in geotourism and a rising visitor trend can lead to conditions for increased economic results for the local business community as well as for the regionally active players in the tourism industry. The rising visitor trend can also promote cross-border collaborations that shape the conditions for further work and development. An increased hospitality industry is usually desirable,but then not at the expense of nature's resources such as the creation of soilwear and erosion created by visiting geotourists. The future rising temperature and increased precipitation may change the conditions in the area around Geopark Siljan. And the purpose of this work is to find out if nature areas as destinations around Geopark Siljan are affected by a possible increased number of tourist visits and if it together with forecasted climate change can give increased wear and damage to the geopark's natural areas. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that cause the natural impact at the Geopark Siljan, where both climate change and the hospitality industry are in focus. This degree project may therefore lead to new approaches and be applied for future protection prevention work as well as guidance for adaptation to tourist-dense visitor destinations in the event of an increased number of visitors and climate change. Changes such as climate and increased hospitality industry concern nature and social impact, which are important aspects for good community planning to work.

Automatisering av markbedömning för nya kraftledningar med GIS : Metodutveckling med MKA / Automated land use suitability assessment for power lines in GIS : Method Development with MCA

Bondesson, Anton, Wessman, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish power grid is facing challenging times to cope with the transition to green renewable energy and to ensure safe and sustainable transportation through the country. The need to upkeep with maintenance and reconstruction as well as construction of new power lines requires planning and overhead power lines require extensive areas of safe zones below the power lines. In the planning stage of these streaks there are multiple areas of interest that require careful consideration and therefore evaluations of the area of interest are necessary.This bachelor thesis aims to develop a prototype for an automated tool in the initial suite selection of possible streaks for new power lines. The project is done in collaboration with NEKTAB who want to investigate the potential of developing their own tool for standardized evaluations of suite selections and to reduce workload. By utilizing multicriteria analysis (MCA) and geographical information systems (GIS), two software packages are used and compared, i.e. FME and ArcGIS Pro. Prototypes are developed from a reference project Eon is working on alongside NEKTAB. A sophisticated weighting system to evaluate areas of interest against each other is designed using the weighing method SWING and MCA-method weighted linear combination (WLC). The two prototypes from the software are compared through grid comparisons and by utilizing a predefined classification. The results show limited differences between the software though greater disparity when it comes to stability and the capability to manage larger amounts of data.The conclusions of the development and comparisons of the software and results show that both are capable in managing large amounts of data and accomplish the task, though the stability and functions are better within FME thus being more suitable for further optimization. Further development is required as the prototypes still do not manage all the requested features. Further developments are also required with the weighing system to meet expectations on a larger scale with more local and national areas of interest. / Det svenska elnätet står inför en enorm utmaning för att klara omställningen till grön energi och för att säkert transportera elen genom landet. Många kraftledningar är i behov av underhåll, ombyggnad och nybyggnation och när de gäller nybyggnation kräver luftledningar breda ledningsgator som tar stora arealer i anspråk. Det finns dock ett stort antal intressen som riskerar hamna i konflikt med etablering av kraftledningar och därför krävs en undersökning av aktuella markområden.Detta examensarbete syftar till att ta fram prototyper på automatiserade verktyg för ett första urval av möjliga etableringsområden. Arbetet utförs tillsammans med företaget NEKTAB som vill undersöka förutsättningarna för att utveckla ett eget verktyg för att standardisera urvalet och korta ned arbetstiden, detta genomförs med multikriterieanalys (MKA) och geografiska informationssystem (GIS). I arbetet med att ta fram automatiska modeller har två programvaror jämförts, ArcGIS Pro och FME, utifrån ett referensprojekt med Eon. För att uppnå detta har en viktningsmodell tagits fram som implementeras med MKA metoden weitghted linear combination (WLC). De två prototyperna jämförs genom celljämförelser utifrån en definierad klassning, framtagen utifrån referensprojektet och resultatet av jämförelsen visar på små skillnader mellan FME och ArcGIS Pro, men större skillnader i programmens stabilitet och hur de hanterar större datamängder.Slutsatser som dras är att både FME och ArcGIS Pro är användbara kandidater för ett generaliserat och utvecklat verktyg men att stabiliteten är bättre hos FME och därför mer lämplig att använda. Fortsatt arbete kommer krävas i den fortsatta utvecklingen av prototyperna tillsammans med en vidareutveckling av viktningen för att säkerställa att denna fungerar på större skala, med fler lokala och nationella intresseområden.

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