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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FÁBIO ALVES FERREIRA 10 December 2015 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa investiga a contemporaneidade da obra do escritor irlandês Samuel Beckett. A investigação privilegia três eixos, em três ensaios que articulam aspectos historiográficos, filosóficos e cênicos. O primeiro ensaio pensa de que forma a poética do tempo em Beckett participa do debate atual sobre o contemporâneo. O segundo ensaio, voltado para a produção televisiva de Beckett e atentando em especial às leituras que dela fez Gilles Deleuze, reflete sobre a produção de um pensamento entre, sobre ecos e ressonâncias geradas por este encontro. Por fim, o terceiro ensaio explora a recepção norteamericana da obra de Beckett, a partir da criação cênica e performática desenvolvida em parcerias com o diretor Alan Schneider, nas montagens de Not I e Rockaby, e com grupo Mabou Mines/NY, nas adaptações dos textos não teatrais The lost ones, Company, e Worstward Ho. / [en] This research investigates the contemporary vigor of Samuel Beckett s work. It moves along three main paths, in three essays where historiographical, philosophical and scenic aspects are articulated. The first essay reflects on how Beckett s poetics of time participates in the current debate on the contemporary. The second, focusing on Beckett s plays for television and paying special attention to Gilles Deleuze s readings of it, reflects on the concept of thinking in between, on echoes and resonances generated by this powerful encounter. Finally, the third essay explores the North American reception of Beckett s work, attending to the scenic and performative creations developed in partnership with director Alan Schneider, in the productions of Not I and Rockaby, and with the Mabou Mines Group/NY, in their adaptions of The lost ones, Company, and Worstward Ho.

Překročit okrsek světa: k poetice bytí na cestě v románu střední Evropy druhé poloviny 20. století. / Across the Line of the World: On Poetics of Being on the Road in the Central European Novel of the second half of the Twentieth Century.

Knotová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Thesis Across the Line of the World: On Poetics of Being on the Road in the Central and East European Novel of the second half of the Twentieth Century dissert on the phenomen of vagabondism in a given space and time. Analysis of eight texts (Albahari, Bachmannová, Bernhard, Bondy, Chwin, Miłosz, Müllerová, Sebald, Velikić) through the concept of smooth and striated space (Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari), and Milan Balaban's exegesis on the Biblical Exodus shows four basic principals of this rather intensive than extensive vagabondism: nothingness, sense for smoothness, melancholy and fragmentarization. Central and East European Novel Vagabondism Smooth and striated space (Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari) Exodus (Milan Balabán) Melancholy Nothingness Sense for smoothness Fragmentarization

Re-Construction for the New : Gilles Deleuze’s Text-Critical Method in Différence et répétition

Brulin, Emet January 2020 (has links)
This thesis argues, contrary to Gilles Deleuze’s critique of method and disavowal of textuality, that there is a re-constructive textual method at work in Deleuze’s 1968 treatise Différence et répétition. It is a method not for interpretation, representation, or deconstruction but for prolonging and reactivating historical and contemporary texts into the present and for the future. It is demonstrated how Deleuze’s method synthesises temporally and thematically heterogeneous texts and make them resonate with each other. The analysis is conducted, first, through a notion of telling stories as a complementary device to Deleuze’s definition of philosophy as the creation of concepts. Second, by showing how Deleuze – instead of offering solutions – connects, develops, and repeats problems from which the new is drawn. Third, by discussing his positive and re-constructive concept of critique and by arguing that his use of free indirect discourse should be understood as a metaphysical and political tool. Finally, by claiming that Deleuze’s concept of multiplicity can be viewed as a synthetic and methodological device that brings a heterogeneous given together. In concluding, it is proposed that Deleuze draws on tools and technics developed in literature and mathematics, specifically differential calculus and geometry, to develop methods for philosophy. Studying Deleuze’s method in Différence et répétition not only offers a prism for throwing new light on Deleuze’s philosophy through his understudied methodology, but also contributes to the development of innovative philosophically inspired methods for re-constructing the present. In addition, this study shows that while Deleuze pushed continental philosophy beyond its hermeneutic, structuralist, and existentialist heritage, he also contributed to the development of novel methodologies. (For a copy of the full text, do not hesitate to contact me: emet.brulin[at]gmail.com)

Det är en spricka i allt, det är så ljuset kommer in… : Matematik och förskolebarns experimenterande och potentialitet

Unga, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
In preschools it is common that mathematics mainly focuses on how children learn mathematics through everyday activities, or on children´s understanding of mathematical concepts. However, views on mathematics-learning are today deepened and extended, and embrace children’s own mathematical signs, visual representations and bodily experiences. The overall aim of this thesis is to experiment with how this extended view in which children´s engagement and creativity is affirmed, simultaneously as they are developing knowledge about the world of mathematics with its procedures and rules. With inspiration from the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze´s and Félix Guattari´s immanent ontology and transcendental empiricism, and from the pedagogical philosophy of the preschools in Reggio Emilia, I have experimented both with mathematics, and with toddlers’ explorations and potentiality. The research-material primarily consists of video observations and documentations, and it is taken from a project with a mathematical topic through a cooperative work by me, preschool teachers and children aged 1–3 years. Methodologically the work is based on one example from the project where some children explores and experiment on geometric objects. In relation to the example some concepts from Reggio Emilia’s pedagogical thinking and Deleuze´s and Guattari´s immanent ontology are put to work, by focusing on the connections that emerge. The study make visible that children explore and experiment with mathematics in what in the study has called “a relational field of potentiality”. In relation to preschool didactics the study stresses the importance of teachers paying attention to and “listening” to children’s experimentations and sign-making, in order not to interrupt what is emerging/becoming. This requires an environment that embraces “the hundred languages” and enables collective experimentation for thoughts and ideas to be shared in “togetherness”. / I förskolan är det vanligt att matematiken främst handlar om det som sker i barnens vardag eller fokuserar på barnens förståelse av matematiska begrepp. Synen på matematik i förskolan håller dock på att vidgas och inbegripa barns egna teckenskapande och kroppsliga erfarenheter. Licentiatuppsatsens övergripande syfte är att experimentera och utforska hur barns engagemang och kreativitet kan tas tillvara, samtidigt med att barnen kan utveckla sina kunskaper kring matematikens värld med dess procedurer och regler. Utifrån de franska filosoferna Gilles Deleuze’s och Félix Guattaris immanenta perspektiv och transcendentala empirism och Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi, har jag experimenterat kring matematik och de yngsta förskolebarnens experimenterande och potentialitet. Forskningsmaterialet består främst av videoobservationer och pedagogisk dokumentation från ett projekt med ett matematiskt ämnesinnehåll genom ett kollektivt arbete med mig, pedagoger och barn i åldern 1–3 år. Metodologiskt utgår arbetet från ett exempel från projektarbetet där några barn utforskar och experimenterar kring geometriska objekt. I relation till exemplet sätts några begrepp från Reggio Emilias pedagogiska tänkande och Deleuze´s och Guattaris immanenta ontologi i arbete med särskilt fokus på vilka förbindelser som frambringas. Det som studien synliggör är att barn utforskar och experimenterar kring matematik i det som i studien kallats ”det relationella potentialitetsfältet”. Förskoledidaktiskt synliggör studien vikten av att pedagoger uppmärksammar och ”lyssnar” till barns experimenterande och teckenskapande, för att inte stoppa barns potentialitet och det som är i tillblivelse. Detta förutsätter en miljö som inbegriper de hundra språken och som gör ett kollektivt experimenterande möjligt där tankar och idéer kan delas i en ”tillsammansskap”.

Aesthetics of Expenditure: Art, Philosophy, and the Infinite Faculty

Turpin, Stephen 01 September 2010 (has links)
The dissertation re-examines the philosophy of Georges Bataille within the context of post-Kantian aesthetics and argues for a re-evaluation of Bataille’s notion of expenditure [depenser] within this context. The dissertation argues further that the artistic practice of Robert Smithson is an exemplary case of an ‘aesthetics of expenditure.’ It is our contention that Bataille’s cosmic-energetic philosophy finds a complementary material expression in Smithson’s abstract geology and its confrontation with post-Kantian aesthetics. We will argue that this occurs through Smithson’s varying strategies, which are grouped conceptually according to the broader logic of their expression:seriality, sedimentality, monumentality, and meandering. While Smithson’s own references to Bataille in the early 1970s are discussed in detail, it is not our position that Smithson was enacting Bataille’s philosophy ‘aesthetically’; rather, by reading Bataille’s evaluation of Kant’s aesthetics and teleology in relation to Smithson’s artistic practice, we emphasize instead that the politics of disgust shared by both figures advance a radical decentring and repositioning of the human in relation to planetary and geological forces. If, as geologists now agree, our present age is that of the Anthropocene1, our argument is that Bataille and Smithson anticipate this precarious condition analytically, and, perhaps more importantly, that their analysis suggests further important diagnostic considerations at the level of social organization and political composition that might help defer, if not entirely prevent, the catastrophic end of this all-too-human period.

Barn som framtidens planetära förvaltare? : Ett kartograferande av förskolebarns delaktighet i arbetet med hållbar utveckling.

Hylberg, Maria January 2017 (has links)
De senaste åren har intresset för hållbar utveckling ökat markant där källsortering, ekologisk mat och plastbantade förskolor kan ses som ett resultat av det omfattande samhälleliga intresset. Syftet med denna studie hämtar inspiration från dessa ingångar och då utifrån barns delaktighet i arbetet med hållbar utveckling. Metodiken och den teoretiska ansatsen som används utgår från Gilles Deleuze och Felix Guattaris rhizomatiska filosofiska prövande i ett kartografiskt arbete. Detta handlar dels om att spåra artikulationslinjer om barns delaktighet i utformandet av en hållbar framtid, dels om att genomföra ett aktivt experimenterande med dessa spårningar. Syftet är att möjliggöra fler kompositioner av barns delaktighet i utformandet av en hållbar omvärld. Resultatet i den spårande ansatsen har synliggjort att förskolan styrs av cementerade uppfattningar om hur ett hållbarhetsarbete ska implementeras. Barn målas upp som framtidens planetära förvaltare, en roll tilldelade av vuxna. Även miljön blir en sekundär och passiv aktör och finns där främst för människans operationer. Det andra steget i den kartografiska processens experimenterande har bidragit till en omkonstituering av ”lärande för hållbar utveckling” till något som tvärtom, inte är hållbart. Denna intervention belyser kraften då begreppet ”lärande för hållbar utveckling” sätts i rörelse i samproducerandet med teori och filosofi.

Transcendance et immanence chez Karl Rahner : échanges avec la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze

Richard, Luc 06 1900 (has links)
La question qui traverse toute l’œuvre de Karl Rahner continue de se poser : comment rendre crédible et croyable la révélation de Dieu en Jésus aux gens d’aujourd’hui? Cette question doit être pensée sans cesse à nouveau dans la réalité concrète de la vie humaine. Au temps de Rahner, on mettait l’accent sur la transcendance de Dieu. Depuis ce temps, la culture occidentale s’est transformée : au début du 21e siècle, elle présente de façon marquée les traits du matérialisme, du consumérisme, de l’individualisme, du relativisme et du sécularisme. Conséquemment, on a aujourd’hui tendance à évacuer la transcendance divine. Notre recherche consiste en l’effectuation d’échanges entre la théologie de Karl Rahner et la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze, dans le but d’établir des conditions de possibilités d’un croire chrétiennement aujourd’hui. La philosophie de Deleuze nous introduit dans un processus créatif avec lequel nous pouvons penser radicalement Dieu comme à la fois transcendant et immanent. Notre démarche construit huit hybrides conceptuels qui aident à penser Rahner autrement et à ouvrir la possibilité d’un croire chrétiennement aujourd’hui. Notre recherche ouvre également la perspective d’une théologie de la rencontre entre des mondes théologiques, philosophiques, artistiques et scientifiques. Enfin, elle aide à éclairer la réalité de la nouvelle évangélisation en Occident chrétien. / The question which moves throughout Karl Rahner’s work continues to lay down a principle: how can one make believable and convincing the revelation of God in Jesus to the people of today? This question must be considered again unceasingly in a practical reality of human life. In Rahner’s time, emphasis was placed into the transcendence of God. Since then, occidental culture was transformed: in the beginning of the 21st century, is showed a very obvious tendency of materialism, consumerism, individualism, relativism and secularism. Consequently, there is a tendency to evacuate the divine transcendence. Our research consists in exchanges between Karl Rahner’s theology and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy, with the purpose of establishing possible conditions of Christian belief today. Deleuze’s philosophy introduces us into a creative process through which we can think radically of God as being at the same time transcendent and immanent. Our approach is developed with eight conceptual hybrids which help understand Rahners’s theology in another perspective and leads to the possibility of a Christian belief for today. Our research opens as well onto the perspective of theology meeting between the theological, philosophical, artistic and scientific worlds. Finally, it helps to enlighten the reality of the new evangelization in Christian Occident.

Unsubstantial Territories : Nomadic Subjectivity as Criticism of Psychoanalysis in Virginia Woolf's The Waves

Belov, Andrey January 2019 (has links)
This essay looks at subjectivity in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves employing a psychoanalytic approach and using the theories of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Woolf’s relation to the theories of her contemporary Sigmund Freud was unclear. Psychoanalytic scholarship on Woolf’s writings, nevertheless, established itself in 1980’s as a dominant scholarly topic and has been growing since. However, the rigidity and medicalizing discourse of psychoanalysis make it poorly compatible with Woolf’s feminist, anti-individualist writing. This essay is a reading of The Waves, in which psychoanalytic theory is infused with a Deleuzo-Guattarian approach. The theories of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, and especially his concept of the Other, together with Rosi Braidotti’s concept of nomadic subjectivity, are used as relevant tools for thinking about subjectivity in the context of The Waves. The resultant reading is a criticism of psychoanalysis. In this reading, two characters are looked at in detail: Percival and Bernard. Percival emerges as the Lacanian Other, who, situated at the central nexus of power, symbolises the tyrannies of individuality and masculinity. Simultaneously, Percival is detached from the metaphysical world of the novel. His death marks a shift from oppressive individuality towards nomadic subjectivity. For Bernard, nomadic subjectivity is a flight from the dead and stagnating centre towards periphery, where new ethics can be negotiated. The essay concludes with the implications of such reading: the affirmation of nomadic subjectivity makes the Deleuzo-Guattarian approach more relevant in the context of Woolf, whereas psychoanalytic striving towards structure, dualism, and focus on pathology are rejected as incompatible with her texts.

A eloquência do mundo: a heteronímia como potência retórica impessoal / The eloquence of the world: heteronimy as a rhetorical impersonal power

Gabriel Cid de Garcia 22 March 2011 (has links)
A partir da suspeita de que o pensamento e sua expressão não se limitam a uma única forma, o presente trabalho investiga de que modo podemos pensar, a partir de Fernando Pessoa, uma relação possível entre filosofia e literatura. Quais os pressupostos que permitem considerar o fenômeno heteronímico pessoano como um expediente trágico que diz respeito ao próprio pensamento, ou ainda, como entrever, no projeto pessoano, o lugar de embate trágico, por excelência entre aquilo que somos, enquanto sujeitos, e os processos que franqueiam à escrita a constituição de uma subjetividade outra? Desdobrada em heterônimos, a obra de Pessoa comportaria em si a justaposição de formas diversas de ver e compreender o mundo, mas o processo pelo qual este desdobramento se dá poderia ser tomado como anterior às formas constituídas das personalidades particulares, apresentando-se como uma disposição anti-dialética do pensamento. Privilegiando como ponto de partida os escritos do heterônimo louco e filósofo de Fernando Pessoa, António Mora, nosso intuito é analisar de que modo sua crítica à tradição metafísica ocidental, em ressonância com a filosofia francesa contemporânea de inspiração nietzschiana, pode se constituir como um intercessor capaz de dar a ver uma potência impessoal atuando entre a filosofia e a literatura, representada pelo verso de Alberto Caeiro: a natureza é partes sem um todo" / Based on the suspicion that thought and its expression are not bound by a unique form, the present work makes use of Fernando Pessoas writings to investigate by which way we could come to terms with a possible relation between philosophy and literature. What are the presuppositions that allow us to consider the heteronymical pessoan phenomenon as a tragic procedure of thought, or yet, how to detect, in the pessoan project, the place of a tragic clash between the condition that we embody, as a subject, and the processes that unveil, through writing, the constitution of an alternative subjectivity? Spread through different heteronyms, Pessoas oeuvre could admit in itself the juxtaposition of diverse ways of seeing and comprehending the world, although the process by which this movement is activated could be taken as anterior to the finished forms of particular personalities, appearing as an anti-dialectical disposition of thought. Privileging as a starting point the writings of António Mora, the mad and philosopher heteronym of Fernando Pessoa, our aim is to analyze by which way its critique on the metaphysical Western tradition through the resonance with contemporary French philosophy inspired by Nietzsche can constitute itself as a powerful intercessor that is able to foresee an impersonal power flowing through philosophy and literature, and which can be apprehended by Alberto Caeiros verse: nature is parts without a whole"

The Uses of Literature: Gilles Deleuze's American Rhizome

Koerner, Michelle Renae January 2010 (has links)
<p>"The Uses of Literature: Gilles Deleuze's American Rhizome" puts four writers - Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, George Jackson and William S. Burroughs - in conjunction with four concepts - becoming-democratic, belief in the world, the line of flight, and finally, control societies. The aim of this study is to elaborate and expand on Gilles Deleuze's extensive use of American literature and to examine possible conjunctions of his philosophy with contemporary American literary criticism and American Studies. I argue that Deleuze's interest in American writing not only productively complicates recent historical accounts of "French Theory's" incursion into American academia, but also provides a compelling way think about the relationship between literature and history, language and experience, and the categories of minor and major that organize national literary traditions. Beginning with the concept of the "American rhizome" this dissertation approaches the question of rhizomatic thought as a constructivist methodology for engaging the relationship between literary texts and broader social movements. Following an introduction laying out the basic coordinates of such an approach, and their historical relevance with respect to the reception of "French Theory" in the United States, the subsequent chapters each take an experimental approach with respect to a single American writer invoked in Deleuze's work and a concept that resonantes with the literary text under consideration. In foregrounding the question of the use of literature this dissertation explores the ways literature has been appropriated, set to work, or dismissed in various historical and institutional arrangements, but also seeks to suggest the possibility of creating conditions in which literature can be said to take on a life of its own.</p> / Dissertation

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