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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Schenker, Dylan, 0009-0005-9499-760X January 2023 (has links)
he specter of deepfakes and artificial intelligence enabled media productioncontinues to exacerbate the fear brought on by a degraded ability to discern the real from the fake, syn- thetic, or fabricated in a networked society. While these fears are well-founded especially as they pertain to issues of involuntary pornography their introduction into an already oversaturated media landscape, if anything, extended trends in mediated indeterminacy already being fostered by the universalization of social media platforms. Sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, made more explicit the contingency and per- formative nature of identity. As younger generations came of age through social media they learned how to navigate and present themselves through it in novel ways unique to each platform. Oftentimes, these strategies were harmful to people’s perception of themselves and their mental health. Other times, however, it gave them the ability to experiment with new forms of identity more in line with how they actually felt. Further, more experimentation through ubiquitous mediation extended what kinds of identities are possible in general as well. In turn, the discovery and extension of identity has led to the evolution of desire. Identities and desires hitherto not possible in a physical space precipitated the creation of new objects of desire that can be pursued and materially experienced regardless of their virtual nature. Deepfakes, and now generative AI, anticipate a further, exponentially more complicated relationship with identity and desire formation through the adoption of increasingly unreal presentations of each. / Media Studies & Production

L'éthique dans la philosophie politique de Georges Sorel

Blouin, Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
La philosophie politique contemporaine est chargée d’une histoire qu’il reste encore à déblayer, tant la « guerre civile européenne » du siècle dernier a forcé son autodafé. Dans ce mémoire, nous prenons Georges Sorel, figure de proue du syndicalisme révolutionnaire des années 1900, comme figure archétypique de ce qui demeure en reste de cette histoire. Archétype non seulement de la manière dont des théoriciens de premier plan peuvent tomber, par la force de l’histoire, dans l’oubli le plus absolu, mais aussi archétype de ces forces mêmes, alors que Sorel est considéré par l’histoire intellectuelle comme le penseur ayant dressé le pont entre l’extrême-gauche et l’extrême-droite. Ce mémoire ne s’affaire pas directement à lui attribuer la « paternité du fascisme » ni à l’en disculper. Il s’agit bien plutôt de procéder à une déconstruction de ses principales idées à partir d’un angle essentiellement philosophique, procédé connaissant peu d’antécédents. Plus précisément, notre travail consiste à en dégager une définition de l’éthique, alors que le geste théorique principal de Sorel apparaît bien être une réduction du politique à l’éthique. Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons la philosophie contemporaine, notamment Gilles Deleuze et Giorgio Agamben, en raison de la forte affinité théorique qu’ils ont avec Sorel, particulièrement dans la définition de l’éthique. / Contemporary political philosophy is fraught with a history still to be discharged, as much as last century’s “European civil war” forced its concealing. In this masters thesis, we seize Georges Sorel, figurehead of the 1900s revolutionary syndicalism, as an archetypical figure of what is “in remaining” of this history. Archetype not only of the way in which popular theorists can be easily forgotten by the force of history, but also archetype of these forces themselves, as Sorel is considered by intellectual history as the thinker having set up the bridge between extreme left and extreme right. This master does not directly intend to attribute to Sorel the “paternity of fascism”, or to exonerate him. It rather develops a deconstruction of its principal ideas from an essentially philosophical standpoint, method virtually unprecedented. More precisely, our work consists to extricate Sorel’s definition of ethics, whereas his major theoretical gesture appears like a reduction of politics to ethics. To do so, we mobilize contemporary philosophy, especially Gilles Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben, because of their strong theoretical affinities with Sorel, particularly in their definition of ethics.

De l'espace narratif au dehors : deux histoires théoriques du hors-champ

Lessard, Jean-Philippe January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal. / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


[pt] Esta dissertação pretende lançar luz sobre a escrita poética de Charles Bukowski pela relação por ela estabelecida com a filosofia trágica de Nietzsche lida, a sua vez, com o auxílio da obra Nietzsche e a filosofia de Deleuze. Tal aproximação entre a atividade do poeta e o pensamento dos filósofos sustenta-se nas referências comuns pelos conceitos de força, corpo, vontade, potência e arte. Sendo assim, a perspectiva de análise da dissertação afasta-se das noções de biográfico e auto ficcional normalmente atribuídas a Bukowski — de onde sua escrita é avaliada reativamente a partir das categorias da metáfora, da antítese e da representação — para, de um ponto de vista ativo e paradoxal, tomar sua poesia como sintoma e registro reais da vontade do artista, vontade pensada pelos desdobramentos das tensões força-corpo propostas por Nietzsche. Dos devires impostos por tal tensão de forças, a pesquisa acompanhará a metamorfose da arte de Bukowski como sintoma de um corpo ora engajado nas radicais vivências de um niilismo que afirma a negação, ora manifestando-se pela dupla afirmação de Dionísio: a arte como potência da diferença, como poder de afirmar a afirmação. / [en] This dissertation aims to shed light over the poetic writing of Charles Bukowski through its relation with Nietzsche s tragic philosophy, which, in its turn, follows the guidance of Deleuze s Nietzsche and Philosophy. This approach between the poet s activity and the philosophers thought holds up based on the common references provided by the concepts of force, body, will, power and art. Thus, this dissertation s analytical perspective differs from the biographical and self-fictional notions normally assigned to Bukowski — where his writing is reactively assessed by the categories of metaphor, antithesis and representation — to depart from a both active and paradoxical point of view that takes his poetry as a concrete symptom of the artist s will, which is conceived by the developments of the force-body tensions proposed by Nietzsche. From the becomings imposed by such tension of forces, the research will follow the metamorphosis in the art of Bukowski as a symptom of a body at times engaged in the radical experiences of a nihilism that affirms the denial, sometimes manifesting Dionysus double affirmation: art as a power of the difference, as the power that affirms the affirmation.

Gilles Deleuze et Antonin Artaud : L'impossibilité de penser / Gilles Deleuze and Antonin Artaud : Impossibility of thinking

Bouillon, Anne 19 January 2013 (has links)
Au sein de la pensée de Deleuze, la poésie d'Antonin Artaud apparaît comme la ligne de fuite par excellence à partir de laquelle tout le foisonnement conceptuel deleuzien s'articule. Artaud est en effet celui qui brise l'image de la pensée – ou ce que nous voulons dire habituellement par " penser " en philosophie – en refusant son innéité et son universalité, c'est-à-dire la cogitatio natura universalis. Car pour Artaud comme pour Deleuze, le plus souvent, la pensée s'affronte à son problème véritable, qui est son impouvoir ou son impossibilité. Ainsi, la première partie de la thèse s'attaque à la compréhension de la destitution de l'image de la pensée dans Différence et répétition de Deleuze, à partir de l'idée de " génital inné " d'Artaud dans la Correspondance avec Jacques Rivière. Si l'image de la pensée ne dit rien du processus de penser, de quelle logique sommes-nous capables ? Au travers de la découverte de la logique paradoxale déployée dans les paradoxes de Logique du sens de Deleuze, il s'agira de penser le rapprochement entre Artaud et Nietzsche. L'axe principal de cette partie est la critique du jugement menée par Artaud. Enfin, jeté dans les paradoxes de la vie, la troisième partie envisage le grand impensé de la philosophie qu'est le corps : en effet, de quel corps sommes-nous capables ? L'enjeu, de l'impossibilité de penser à la question du corps - rapprochant L'Ethique de Spinoza du corps sans organes d'Artaud - est bien de renouer la pensée avec la vie, selon le projet du Gai savoir de Nietzsche et qu'Artaud ne cesse de reformuler dès ses premiers écrits. L'impossibilité de penser dit non seulement la séparation d'avec la vie, mais aussi l'impensable qu'est le corps : en effet, que dire de notre propre corps, tel que nous le vivons ? Dans quelle mesure la création de concepts en rhizome dans Mille Plateaux de Deleuze et Guattari explore-t-elle le corps sans organes d'Artaud, ce corps vécu qui reste encore mystérieux pour la pensée ? Artaud souhaitait qu'on l'aime non pas pour son œuvre mais pour sa vie, témoignant d'une grande santé contre un monde malade : l'horizon de l'impossibilité de penser est alors la pensée blessée et profonde assumant la vie elle-même dans toute son opacité. / In the thought of Deleuze, the poetry of Antonin Artaud seems like the line of convergence par excellence from which all the Deleuzian proliferation of concepts are developed. Indeed, Artaud is the person who shatters the image of thought – or what we usually mean by " thinking " in philosophy – rejecting its innateness and universality, in other words, the cogitatio natura universalis. Because, for both Artaud and Deleuze, thought is most often confronted by its real problem – its powerlessness or its impossibility. So the first part of the thesis deals with understanding the dismissal of the image of thought in Deleuze's Difference and Repetition, from Artaud's notion of " génital inné " [innate sexuality] in the Correspondence with Jacques Rivière. If the image of thought says nothing about the process of thinking, of what logic are we capable ? Through the discovery of the paradoxical logic deployed in the paradoxes in Deleuze's Logic of Sense, it is a matter of thinking about the connection between Artaud and Nietzsche. The main thrust of this section is a critique of the judgement made by Artaud. Lastly, thrown into the paradoxes of life, the third part considers the great non thought of philosophy, that is the body : indeed, of what body are we capable ? The challenge, the impossibility of thinking about the question of the body - comparing Spinoza's Ethics and Artaud's body without organs - is to reconnect thought with life, in accordance with the intention of Neitzsche's Gai saber [The Gay Science] and that Artaud did not cease to revise from his earliest writings. The impossibility of thought implies not only a separation from life, but also the unthinkable that is the body: indeed, does this mean talk of our own body as we experience it ? To what extent does the creation of a rhizome of concepts in A Thousand Plateaux by Deleuze and Guattari explore Artaud's body without organs, the body experienced that still remains mysterious for thought ? Artaud hoped that he would be loved not for his work, but for his life, testifying to a great health against a sick world: the prospect of the impossibility of thinking is then thought wounded and profound, taking on a life of its own in all its opacity.


JULIANA MARTINS RODRIGUES 02 July 2008 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação de mestrado procurou investigar a relação de Gilles Deleuze com a teoria psicanalítica mais tradicional e a conseqüente repercussão de seu pensamento sobre ela. A partir da leitura das obras de Deleuze e de S. Freud viabilizou-se uma comparação de dois pensamentos divergentes. O pensamento freudiano, fundado em grande parte numa lógica transcendente, e o pensamento deleuziano numa lógica imanente. Fez-se necessária, inicialmente, uma incursão pela obra deleuziana visando fundamentar suas críticas ao campo psicanalítico; para isso, analisou-se sua contraposição ao pensamento representacional, dual, e sua proposta de criticá-lo a partir um sistema aberto às singularidades e às multiplicidades. Procurou-se ainda analisar algumas proposições clássicas da teoria psicanalítica - como o desejo e o inconsciente - que na perspectiva deleuziana estariam presas a coordenadas universais e dadas a priori. Por fim, o trabalho debruçou-se sobre a formulação do plano de imanência para pensar a possibilidade de uma psicanálise renovada, mais viva e mais criativa. / [en] This Master`s Grade dissertation aimed at studying Gilles Deleuze`s relation to the mainstream traditional psychoanalytic theory and his thought`s repercussion on it. From the reading of Deleuze`s and Freud`s works a comparison between two divergent thinking could be made, Freudian thinking grounded for it`s most part on a transcendent logic and the Deleuzian on an immanent logic. At first, an incursion in Deleuze`s works was necessary, aiming at substantiating his critics to the psychoanalytic field; for that, we analyzed his opposition to the dual, representational, thinking and his proposal to criticize it from the standpoint of a system opened to uniqueness and the multiplicities. We still intended to analyze some classical propositions of psychoanalytic theory, as the wish and the unconscious, which, from Deleuzian perspective, would be tied to universal and a priori coordinates. Finally, the work scrutinized the formulation of an immanence plan for thinking the possibility of a renewed psychoanalysis, livelier and more creative.

O corpo na transversal do tempo: da sociedade disciplinar à sociedade de controle ou da analítica de "um corpo que cai

Silva, Edivaldo Vieira da 18 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edivaldo Vieira da Silva.pdf: 1691193 bytes, checksum: 1fab88e361680db71f4625b400d2c8f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-18 / In the flux of events that have revolved certainties and truth regimes in the last decades, the thesis The Body in the Transversal of Time: from disciplinary society to society of control or the analytics of a body that falls projects itself in the plane of consistency of the contemporary society to analyze the recent technological innovations, which converge to the development of a new scientific paradigm. This paradigm is based on the strategy of making a force field as Converging Technologies or synergistic convergence NBIC (Nanotechnology, Biogenetics, Information Technology and Cognitive Science) of knowledges that are unified for a common target, i.e., the elementary structures of matter (the atom, the genes, molecules and cells). Technologies are analytically conceived based on Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault s arguments that consider machinic arrangements subject to the capitalist mega-machine or technologies of power and bodies seizure or what remains from them and subjectivities. In the plane of consistency of contemporary society, which presents it self as society of control, this investigation attempts to cartograph, at the same time, places of counter-positions and resistances / No fluxo de acontecimentos que revolveram as certezas e regimes de verdade nas últimas décadas, a tese O Corpo na Transversal do Tempo: da sociedade disciplinar a sociedade de controle ou Da analítica de um corpo que cai se projeta no plano de consistência da sociedade contemporânea para analisar as recentes inovações tecnológicas, que confluem para a organização de um novo paradigma científico, baseado na estratégia de se fazer campo de força como Tecnologias Convergentes ou convergência sinergística NBIC (Nanotecnologia, Biogenética, Tecnologia da Informação e Ciência Cognitiva), dos saberes que se unificam a partir de um alvo comum, as estruturas elementares da matéria (o átomo, os genes, moléculas e células). As tecnologias são apresadas analiticamente a partir das considerações de Gilles Deleuze e Michel Foucault, que as consideram agenciamentos maquínicos sujeitados a megamáquina capitalística ou tecnologias de poder e seqüestro de corpos ou do que resta deles e subjetividades. No plano de consistência da sociedade contemporânea, que se apresenta como sociedade de controle, intenta-se cartografar, ao mesmo tempo, os lugares de contraposicionamentos e resistências

O corpo na transversal do tempo: da sociedade disciplinar à sociedade de controle ou da analítica de "um corpo que cai

Silva, Edivaldo Vieira da 18 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edivaldo Vieira da Silva.pdf: 1691193 bytes, checksum: 1fab88e361680db71f4625b400d2c8f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-18 / In the flux of events that have revolved certainties and truth regimes in the last decades, the thesis The Body in the Transversal of Time: from disciplinary society to society of control or the analytics of a body that falls projects itself in the plane of consistency of the contemporary society to analyze the recent technological innovations, which converge to the development of a new scientific paradigm. This paradigm is based on the strategy of making a force field as Converging Technologies or synergistic convergence NBIC (Nanotechnology, Biogenetics, Information Technology and Cognitive Science) of knowledges that are unified for a common target, i.e., the elementary structures of matter (the atom, the genes, molecules and cells). Technologies are analytically conceived based on Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault s arguments that consider machinic arrangements subject to the capitalist mega-machine or technologies of power and bodies seizure or what remains from them and subjectivities. In the plane of consistency of contemporary society, which presents it self as society of control, this investigation attempts to cartograph, at the same time, places of counter-positions and resistances / No fluxo de acontecimentos que revolveram as certezas e regimes de verdade nas últimas décadas, a tese O Corpo na Transversal do Tempo: da sociedade disciplinar a sociedade de controle ou Da analítica de um corpo que cai se projeta no plano de consistência da sociedade contemporânea para analisar as recentes inovações tecnológicas, que confluem para a organização de um novo paradigma científico, baseado na estratégia de se fazer campo de força como Tecnologias Convergentes ou convergência sinergística NBIC (Nanotecnologia, Biogenética, Tecnologia da Informação e Ciência Cognitiva), dos saberes que se unificam a partir de um alvo comum, as estruturas elementares da matéria (o átomo, os genes, moléculas e células). As tecnologias são apresadas analiticamente a partir das considerações de Gilles Deleuze e Michel Foucault, que as consideram agenciamentos maquínicos sujeitados a megamáquina capitalística ou tecnologias de poder e seqüestro de corpos ou do que resta deles e subjetividades. No plano de consistência da sociedade contemporânea, que se apresenta como sociedade de controle, intenta-se cartografar, ao mesmo tempo, os lugares de contraposicionamentos e resistências

L'éthique dans la philosophie politique de Georges Sorel

Blouin, Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
La philosophie politique contemporaine est chargée d’une histoire qu’il reste encore à déblayer, tant la « guerre civile européenne » du siècle dernier a forcé son autodafé. Dans ce mémoire, nous prenons Georges Sorel, figure de proue du syndicalisme révolutionnaire des années 1900, comme figure archétypique de ce qui demeure en reste de cette histoire. Archétype non seulement de la manière dont des théoriciens de premier plan peuvent tomber, par la force de l’histoire, dans l’oubli le plus absolu, mais aussi archétype de ces forces mêmes, alors que Sorel est considéré par l’histoire intellectuelle comme le penseur ayant dressé le pont entre l’extrême-gauche et l’extrême-droite. Ce mémoire ne s’affaire pas directement à lui attribuer la « paternité du fascisme » ni à l’en disculper. Il s’agit bien plutôt de procéder à une déconstruction de ses principales idées à partir d’un angle essentiellement philosophique, procédé connaissant peu d’antécédents. Plus précisément, notre travail consiste à en dégager une définition de l’éthique, alors que le geste théorique principal de Sorel apparaît bien être une réduction du politique à l’éthique. Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons la philosophie contemporaine, notamment Gilles Deleuze et Giorgio Agamben, en raison de la forte affinité théorique qu’ils ont avec Sorel, particulièrement dans la définition de l’éthique. / Contemporary political philosophy is fraught with a history still to be discharged, as much as last century’s “European civil war” forced its concealing. In this masters thesis, we seize Georges Sorel, figurehead of the 1900s revolutionary syndicalism, as an archetypical figure of what is “in remaining” of this history. Archetype not only of the way in which popular theorists can be easily forgotten by the force of history, but also archetype of these forces themselves, as Sorel is considered by intellectual history as the thinker having set up the bridge between extreme left and extreme right. This master does not directly intend to attribute to Sorel the “paternity of fascism”, or to exonerate him. It rather develops a deconstruction of its principal ideas from an essentially philosophical standpoint, method virtually unprecedented. More precisely, our work consists to extricate Sorel’s definition of ethics, whereas his major theoretical gesture appears like a reduction of politics to ethics. To do so, we mobilize contemporary philosophy, especially Gilles Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben, because of their strong theoretical affinities with Sorel, particularly in their definition of ethics.

De l'espace narratif au dehors : deux histoires théoriques du hors-champ

Lessard, Jean-Philippe January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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