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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití metody stanovování krátkodobých cílů u sportovců vzhledem k jejich osobnostním rysům / Use of the short-term goal-setting method for athetes with regard to their personality traits

Nezdoba, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of predicting success in athletes in the short- term, process-oriented goal-setting method using the NEO-FFI inventory. The first part of the thesis describes the five-factor model of personality and the possibilities of its psychodiagnostics' measurement. The second part of the thesis describes the mechanisms of the goal-setting method with rules and procedures for its effective application. The method of goal-setting is then connected in theory as well as research with a five-factor personality model using a correlation study in real conditions. The research sample consisted of 316 performance ice-hockey players aged 15 to 19 years. These players underwent the goal- setting method and the personality traits measurement using NEO-FFI. The strongest predictor of success found using the goal-setting method was the size of the selected goal. Of the personality traits, it was merely a trait extraversion, which, however, provided a relatively weak prediction option.

Kan företag påvisa en positiv effekt av sin sponsring? : En explorativ studie om hur företag mäter effekten av sin sponsring samt hur sponsring påverkar deras varumärkesimage

Ahlin, Jenny, Hällerfors, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Att sponsra idrottsorganisationer är ett väletablerat och vanligt förekommande fenomen bland företag. Miljontals kronor pumpas in i olika idrottsorganisationer med syfte att förbättra företags anseende om deras verksamhet samt varumärke. Trots krav på att kunna påvisa hur dessa investeringar påverkar företags verksamhet tyder många studier på en avsaknad av samt okunskap kring effektmätning. Avsikten med denna studie är att söka djupare förståelse kring om och i så fall hur företag mäter effekten av sin sponsring. För att kunna undersöka detta krävs att djupare förståelse skapas kring vilka mål företag, utan idrottskoppling, har till att investera i sponsorsamarbeten med idrottsorganisationer. Slutligen är även avsikten med studien att söka svar på vilket faktiskt utfall företags sponsring får, både gällande varumärkesimage ur konsumentens perspektiv samt om företag kan se en eventuell ekonomisk vinst genom deras sponsorsamarbeten. För att möjliggöra undersökandet av detta baseras studien i huvudsak på en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra passande företag, BAUHAUS och Folksam som idag, 2020, är aktiva sponsorer till idrottsorganisationer samt Epson och Ericsson som tidigare sponsrat idrottsorganisationer eller idrottsrelaterade event. Detta kompletteras med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med de aktiva sponsorföretagens konsumenter för att analysera sponsorsamarbetenas påverkan på varumärket. Enkäten besvarades av 369 respondenter. Fenomenet undersöks med hjälp av följande teorier: Brand Equity, Brand Image Transfer, Return on Investment, Return och Objectives samt SMART-modellen. Resultatet från studien visar att företag har otydligt formulerade mål med sin idrottssponsring vilket medför att en eventuell effektmätning försvåras. Dock kan studiens resultat påvisa att idrottssponsring leder till ett något förbättrat varumärkesanseende. Däremot genererar idrottssponsring inte de positiva utfall som företag tycks förutsätta när sponsorsamarbeten inleds. / To sponsor a sports organization is a well-established and recurring phenomenon amongst corporations. Millions of Swedish kronor are invested in different sport organizations with the purpose to improve corporations business and trademarks. Despite requirements regarding proving an investments impact on corporation’s business operations many studies suggest there is a lack of, and ignorance surrounding effect measurements. The purpose with this study is to seek deeper understanding surrounding how corporations measure the effect of their sponsoring To enable this it is necessary to understand what goals corporations, without a clear connection to sport, have with their investments in sports organizations. The purpose with this study is also to seek answers surrounding which outcome the corporations sponsoring actual has, both regarding their brand image from a consumers perspective as well as weather they can identify an economic benefit with their sponsorship.  The study is mainly based on a qualitative interview study with four appropriate corporations, BAUHAUS and Folksam that today, 2020, are active sponsors to sports organizations and Epson and Ericsson that earlier have sponsored sports organizations or sport-related events. This is then supplemented with a quantitative survey with the consumers of the corporations that actively sponsor sports organizations to enable an analysis of the sponsorships impact on their trademark. The survey was completed by a total of 369 respondents. The phenomenon is studied with the help of the following theories: Brand Equity, Brand Image Transfer, Return on Investment, Return on Objectives and the SMART-model.  The results of this study show that corporations have vaguely formulated goals regarding their sport sponsorships which entails that potential effect measurements are hampered. However, the result of the study can prove that sport sponsorships do lead to a somewhat improved trademark reputation. On the contrary sport sponsorships do not seem to entail the positive effect corporations seem to presume when initiating a sport sponsorship.

How to Set Rational Environmental Goals : theory and applications

Edvardsson, Karin January 2006 (has links)
Environmental goals are commonly set to guide work towards ecological sustainability. The aim of this thesis is to develop a precise terminology for the description of goals in terms of properties that are important in their practical use as decision-guides and to illustrate how it can be used in evaluations of environmental policy. Essay I (written together with Sven Ove Hansson) identifies a set of rationality criteria for individual goals and discusses them in relation to the typical function of goals. For a goal to perform its typical function, i.e., to guide and induce action, it must be precise, evaluable, approachable (attainable), and motivating. Essay II argues that for a goal system to be rational it must not only satisfy the criteria identified in Essay I but should also be coherent. The coherence of a goal system is made up of the relations that hold among the goals, most notably relations of support and conflict, but possibly also relations of operationalization. A major part of the essay consists in a conceptual analysis of the three relations. Essay III contains an investigation into the rationality of five Swedish environmental objectives through an application of the rationality criteria identified in Essays I-II. The paper draws the conclusion that the objectives are not sufficiently rational according to the suggested criteria. It also briefly points at some of the difficulties that are associated with the use of goals in environmental policy and managemen / QC 20101111

Arbeta på kontor eller distans : En kvalitativ fallstudie baserad på den inre motivationen bland medarbetare på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bank

Holm, Sofie, Engström, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Det finns tidigare forskning om distansarbete och hur det samverkar med individersmotivationsupplevelser. Distansarbete har ökat i takt med den pågående Covid-19 pandeminoch Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer. Rekommendationerna har minimerats underen period men återinfördes efter några månader igen, studien avsåg att studera första periodenmed rekommendationer. Medarbetarna på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bank fick välja omde skulle arbeta på kontoret eller på distans. Syftet med studien var att undersöka denupplevda inre motivationen bland medarbetarna på bolåneavdelningen hos Nordea Bankunder tiden med rekommendationer. Undersökningen utgår från Självbestämmandeteorinmed variablerna samhörighet, kompetens och autonomi samt Målsättningsteorin medvariablerna målsättning och feedback. En kvalitativ fallstudie har utförts med avgränsning tillbolåneavdelningen där fyra medarbetare från vardera grupp av arbetssituation har intervjuats.Resultatet visade utifrån Self-Determination Theory att samhörighet har varit viktigt och attkänsla av kompetens funnits under perioden. Autonomi visade på en delad uppfattning ochdet fanns en överensstämmande bild om låg feedback kultur. Hälften av samtligarespondenter har ansett att målsättningen varit hög, de på distans har trots det varit effektivaoch ökat prestationerna. Slutligen har de på distans och en på kontor enligt Goal-SettingTheory känt inre motivation medan de resterande har haft lägre nivå av inre motivation vilketspeglade prestationerna.

Goal-Setting to Improve Physical Activity: A Feasibility Study

Emmett, Stephanie 30 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.


Gibson, J. Logan 01 January 2022 (has links)
Health coaching is a relatively new integrated health role in which practitioners use a combination of behavioral interventions to evoke health-related behavior changes; however, there is a lack of valid evidence to support health-based claims. We investigated the effect of an approximation of a health coaching intervention on three college students' number of steps per day. We provided participants with weekly telehealth coaching sessions focused on goal-setting and feedback and used Fitbits to track the results. We used a multiple baseline across participants design to compare daily steps across four phases; self-monitoring, self-monitoring with experimenter-set goals and feedback, self-monitoring with participant-set goals and feedback, and finally, a choice phase in which participants could continue to set their own goals or have the experimenter set goals for them. All experimenter-set goals were selected using a weekly percentile schedule. In aggregate, all participants took more steps in the goal-setting phases than during the self-monitoring only phase. However, there was no notable difference between self-set goals and experimenter-set goals. When offered, all participants chose to continue the intervention for an additional one to two weeks.

Professional Learning and Instructional Leadership During COVID-19: As a Matter of Principal: How Superintendents Strive to Strengthen the Organizational Commitment of the Principals They Serve

Erickson, Meredith January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Martin Scanlan / Problem and Purpose: Without time for preparation, COVID-19 caused a wave of operational and structural changes that encumbered much of the time and energy educational leaders previously spent on moving the district forward. The ripple effect of the pandemic exposed new challenges in teaching and learning, requiring superintendents and principals to establish efficient and effective responsive systems to support the needs of students. Even so, amid crisis principals were given new managerial tasks. This led to tension as principals’ identities as instructional leaders were threatened by increased workloads and changed responsibilities. To better understand this tension, the purpose of this study is to examine how a superintendent strives to increase the organizational commitment of their principals regarding instructional leadership. Methods: This bounded single-site design examined the interactions between superintendent and principals in one urban district of medium size in Massachusetts where at least 50% of students are high needs. Learning capabilities were used as a conceptual framework to analyze how the superintendent and principals interacted within a Community of Practice. Implications: This study found that strengthening principals’ organizational commitment during this time of crisis was the result of superintendent interactions in three areas: supervisor support, perceived autonomy, and alignment of personal and district goals. Principals’ investment increased in a culture where connection, candor, and capacity-building existed. Additionally, organizational commitment increased when there was greater alignment between principals’ personal and district goals and the district allowed for more autonomy to achieve goals. Under these conditions principals felt empowered to take on complex challenges and develop innovative solutions. These findings can assist superintendents in cultivating principal investment that will be integral during post-pandemic recovery and reconstruction. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

Effekter av öppna och specifika mål på motivation och prestation i en promenaduppgift : En experimentell studie på individer som inte utför regelbunden fysisk träning / Effects of open and specific goals on motivation and performance in a walking task : An experimental study on individuals not engaged in regularphysical exercise

Classon, Sofia, Lindström, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka effekter av olika typer av målsättningar (öppna mål och specifika mål) på motivation (intresse/njutning, press/spänning, upplevd motivation) och prestation (distans) i en promenaduppgift hos individer som inte utför regelbunden fysisk träning. Målsättning har visats vara den mest frekvent använda strategin inom interventioner för att öka fysisk aktivitet hos friska, inaktiva vuxna. Nuvarande tillämpning baseras ofta på specifika mål men öppna mål utmanar målsättningsprincipen om att mål ska vara specifika. Det finns en avsaknad av forskning på effekter av öppna mål och därav avser denna studie att experimentellt utöka den befintliga kunskapen. Deltagarna var 14 individer som inte utförde regelbunden fysisk träning och som var mellan 20 och 32 år gamla (M=23.64, SD=3.37). Studiens design var en experimentell studie med inomgruppsdesign med tre nivåer av den oberoende variabeln målsättning (specifika mål, öppna mål och inga mål) och dess effekter på de beroende variablerna motivation och prestation. Deltagarna besökte en idrottshall vid två tillfällen där de utförde tre försök av en 6-minuters promenaduppgift och besvarade frågeformulär gällande motivation. Vid ena tillfället utförde deltagarna ett försök i kontrollförhållandet (inga mål) följt av två försök med specifik målsättning. Vid andra tillfället utförde de ett försök i kontrollförhållandet följt av två försök med öppen målsättning. Beroende t-tester visade att deltagarna visade statistiskt signifikant högre värden i intresse/njutning och upplevd motivation när de delgavs specifika mål i jämförelse med kontrollförhållandet. Specifika mål ledde även till statistiskt signifikant större ökning i upplevd motivation mellan kontrollförhållandet och specifik målsättning i jämförelse med kontrollförhållandet och öppen målsättning. Vidare presterade deltagarna statistiskt signifikant högre när de delgavs öppen och specifik målsättning i jämförelse med kontrollförhållandet. Resultatet föreslår att specifika mål och öppna mål är fördelaktiga för att öka prestation i jämförelse med inga mål och att specifika mål är fördelaktiga för att främja motivation hos individer som inte utövar regelbunden fysisk träning. Detta resultat går i linje med tidigare forskning och tillämpning som förespråkar specifika mål för att främja motivation och prestation. / The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different types of goals (open goals and specific goals) on motivation (interest/enjoyment, pressure/tension, perceived motivation) and performance (distance) in a walking task among individuals who do not engage in regular physical exercise. Goal-setting has been shown to be the most frequently used strategy in interventions to increase physical activity in healthy, inactive adults. Current practice often rely on specific goals but open goals challenge the goal-setting principle that goals should be specific. There is a lack of research on the effect of open goals and therefore this study aims to experimentally expand existing knowledge. The participants were 14 individuals who did not engage in regular physical exercise and were between 20 and 32 years old (M=23.64, SD=3.37). The study design was an experimental within-group design with three levels of the independent variable goal-setting (specific goals, open goals, and no goals) and its effects on the dependent variables of motivation and performance. Participants visited a sports hall on two occasions where they performed three trials of a 6-minute walking task and answered questionnaires regarding motivation. In one session, participants conducted a baseline trial (no goals), followed by two trials with specific goal setting. In the other session, they conducted a baseline trial followed by two trials with open goal setting. Dependent t-tests indicated that participants showed significantly higher values in interest/enjoyment and perceived motivation when assigned specific goals compared to the control condition. Specific goals also led to a significantly greater increase in perceived motivation between baseline trial and specific goal-setting compared to baseline trial and open goal-setting. Furthermore, participants performed significantly higher when assigned open and specific goal-setting compared to the control condition. The results suggest that specific and open goals are beneficial for increasing performance compared to no goals, and specific goals are beneficial for promoting motivation in individuals who do not engage in regular physical exercise. This finding aligns with previous research and practice advocating for specific goals to enhance motivation and performance.

The Effectiveness of a Goal Setting Intervention that Incorporates Performance Feedback, Self-Graphing, and Reinforcement on Improving the Writing Skills of High School Students

Lavik, Katherine Bobak 13 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of goal difficulty on self-efficacy, dietary intake and clinical outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes

Headings, Amy Driscoll January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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