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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regra e criatividade no comportamentalismo radical de B.F. Skinner

Ferreira, Paulo Roberto dos Santos 08 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:12:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2974.pdf: 1170859 bytes, checksum: 9277e347f6b6da604f23c3cbae14d73f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-08 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Through a critical reading of Skinner s works it was intended to clarify ambiguitiesconcerning scientific and philosophical communities regarding the concepts of rule and verbalstimulus. It was also sought an appropriate statement of creative behavior and thoughtconcepts according to Skinner s Radical Behaviorism. This research had, therefore, a twofoldobjective which was to identify: (1) Skinnerian interpretation of creative behavior and thoughtand (2) Skinner s conception of rule and rule-governed behavior. The steady relation pointedout by B. F. Skinner among the concepts of verbal stimulus, rule and creative behavior and, atthe same time, the controversy spread out by Skinner s commentators and scientists, seeking asufficient and non-ambiguous definition of rule, mainly justifies this study enterprise. Usually, these commentators treat verbal stimulus and rule concepts as identical, being thisidentity a satisfying condition for a definition of the latter as a corollary of the statementsrelating to the Verbal Behavior matter. Moreover, commonly Skinner s work reviewersdefine creative behavior as a variation or unit recombination, which implies supposing thatcreative behavior does not differ from other emissions of operant behavior, since the variationis a ubiquitous characteristic on behavior emissions according to Skinnerian model ofselection by consequences. Part of this study consisted in demonstrating how an explanationof the distinctions existing between verbal stimulus and rule can collaborate with a preciseand productive definition of complex and creative human behavior without losing sight of thebehavioral interpretation object s inherent characteristics. Aiming these goals, the course ofresearch went the following route: (1) identification, in texts by the author, of the conceptsunderlying behavioral interpretation; (2) a systematic analysis of the verbal stimulus concepton its possible behavioral functions and, thus, also its relation to the rule concept; (3) theformulation of an alternate interpretation of creative behavior and rule-governed behaviorbased on Skinnerian explanatory system. Finally, there was a brief foray into formulations ofDewey and Wertheimer on creative behavior and thinking in order to, thereby, outlinepossible convergence on interpretative perspectives brought by the three authors. Among themost important results, it was demonstrated that: (1) simply presume variability does notexplain creative behavior, not only from B. F. Skinner perspective, but neither from JohnDewey s and Max Wertheimer s; (2) four Skinner notions are fundamental in a conceptualrelation between behavioral analysis and interpretation: strength, property, continuum andcomplexity; (3) rule is not defined as verbal stimulus and neither it is a conceptual subcategoryof this kind of stimulation; (4) creative behavior is necessarily complex andorganized, and its structure is functionally defined; (5) rule is one of the creative complexbehavior elements; and (6) rule is a new complex discriminative stimulus with a functionalcomplication typical of a creative emission, although it is not restricted to this behavioralcontext. / Por meio de uma leitura crítica da obra skinneriana, pretendeu-se esclarecer as ambiguidades presentes na comunidade científica e filosófica no que diz respeito aos conceitos de regra e estímulo verbal. Também buscou-se uma formulação satisfatória das concepções de comportamento criativo e pensamento, conforme o comportamentalismo radical de B. F. Skinner. A presente investigação teve, portanto, um duplo objetivo, que consistiu em identificar: (1) a interpretação skinneriana de comportamento criativo e pensamento e (2) a concepção skinneriana de regra e comportamento controlado por regra. A principal justificativa para tal empreendimento está na constante relação que B. F. Skinner apresenta entre os conceitos de estímulo verbal, regra e comportamento criativo e, ao mesmo tempo, na controvérsia, disseminada pelos comentadores e cientistas da área, que caracteriza a busca de uma definição suficiente e sem ambiguidades de "regra". Geralmente, os comentadores apresentam uma identificação entre estímulo verbal e regra que parece satisfazer a definição desse como um corolário dos argumentos envolvidos no tópico "Comportamento Verbal." Por outro lado, é comum que comentadores da obra de B. F. Skinner definam o comportamento criativo como variação ou recombinação de unidades, o que implica em supor que o comportamento criativo não se diferenciaria de outras emissões do comportamento operante,uma vez que a variação é, segundo o modelo skinneriano de seleção pelas consequências,aspecto onipresente das emissões comportamentais. Parte do trabalho consistiu em demonstrar como uma explicitação das distinções que existem entre estímulo verbal e regra podem colaborar com uma definição precisa e produtiva do comportamento humano complexo e criativo, sem perder de vista as características inerentes ao objeto da interpretação comportamental. Visando tais objetivos, o curso da investigação seguiu o seguinte itinerário:(1) identificação, em textos do autor, das noções que fundamentam a interpretação comportamental; (2) análise sistemática do conceito de estímulo verbal em suas possíveis funções comportamentais e, desse modo, também sua relação com o conceito de regra; (3)formulação de uma interpretação alternativa do comportamento criativo e controle por regra baseada no sistema explicativo skinneriano. Por fim, realizou-se uma breve incursão nas formulações de Dewey e Wertheimer sobre o comportamento criativo e o pensamento visando, desse modo, delinear possíveis convergências na perspectiva interpretativa apresentada pelos três autores. Dentre os resultados mais importantes, demonstrou-se que: (1)a simples suposição de variabilidade não explica o comportamento criativo, segundo a perspectiva não somente de B. F. Skinner, mas também de John Dewey e Max Wertheimer;(2) quatro noções skinnerianas são fundamentais na relação conceitual entre análise e interpretação comportamentais: força, propriedade, contínuo e complexidade; (3) regra não se define como estímulo verbal, e nem é uma subcategoria conceitual desse tipo de estímulo; (4) o comportamento criativo é necessariamente complexo e organizado, apresentando uma estrutura funcionalmente definida; (5) regra é um dos elementos do comportamento complexo criativo; e (6) regra é estímulo discriminativo complexo novo com uma complicação funcional característica da emissão criativa, embora não se restrinja a esse contexto comportamental.

Pouvoir de décision unilatérale de l'administration et democratie administrative / Unilateral decision-making power of the administration and administrative democracy

Testard, Christophe 29 November 2016 (has links)
Le pouvoir de décision unilatérale de l’administration entretient avec la démocratie administrative des rapports ambivalents. Appréhendée comme l’ensemble des règles qui tendent à la participation des administrés à l’élaboration des décisions administratives, la démocratie administrative est de prime abord contradictoire avec la dimension de contrainte et de commandement que l’unilatéralité manifeste. Faisant figure d’oxymore, elle s’est pourtant imposée à un pouvoir dont la légitimité semblait remise en cause. Le principe d’une participation des administrés irrigue désormais, à travers des procédés multiples et utilisant les nouvelles technologies, la relation entre le « public » et l’administration : la démocratie administrative a saisi le pouvoir de décision unilatérale.Pourtant, loin de remettre en cause ce pouvoir, la démocratie administrative vient en réalité le conforter. En se limitant à une ouverture du processus d’élaboration de certaines décisions administratives, le droit actuel de la participation des administrés n’atteint pas les caractères mêmes de l’unilatéralité. Les participants n’accèdent que très exceptionnellement au rang de coauteurs et leur influence sur le contenu de la décision est limitée. La sollicitation du public s’avère être un instrument de légitimation du volontarisme de la puissance publique. Avec le renfort du juge administratif, la participation des administrés demeure un simple moment procédural. La démocratie administrative se révèle être en définitive une notion malléable, dont l’administration tire profit dans l’exercice de son pouvoir de décision unilatérale. / The unilateral decision-making power of the administration maintains an ambivalent relationship with the administrative democracy. Understood as the set of rules which tend to the governed participation in the development of administrative decisions, administrative democracy is prima facie contradictory to the dimensions of constraint and command that are part of unilaterality. Standing as an oxymoron, it has yet imposed on a power which legitimacy seemed compromised. The principle of participation of the governed irrigates now, across multiple processes and through the use of new technologies, the relationship between the "public" and the administration: the administrative democracy has seized the power of unilateral decision.Yet far from questioning this power, the administrative democracy has actually strengthened it. Limiting itself to opening up the process of drafting of certain administrative decisions, the current right of participation of the governed does not reach the characters of unilateralism. Participants only access exceptionally to the rank of co-authors and their influence on the content of the decision remains limited. Public solicitation proves to be a legitimizing instrument of the voluntarism of the public authority. With the reinforcement of the administrative judge, citizen’s participation remains a simple procedural time. The administrative democracy ultimately proves to be a malleable concept, of which the administration benefits in exercising its power of unilateral decision.

Doprovázení handicapovaných a jejich rodin / Assistance to the handicapped people and their families

Honová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis Assistance to the handicapped people and their families deals with demanding challenges which parents with children born with handicap are faced. Concerning the exacting situations that aren't one - time but long-term, parents are grateful for each support or help. Therefore a sensitive assistance to these families is very important. To make it effective, it's necessary to understand both thinking, feelings, handicapped child's needs and members of their broad surroundings. That's why this thesis occupies with challenging life situations, stress and stress coping in general, child's handicap, accepting this child and related unexpected new situations by parents. The thesis deals with issues related to children with autism and with Down's syndrome. It presents significant role of support for children with handicap and their families provided by the self-governed associations and groups. It occupies with assistance to these families with handicapped children by means of challenge for pastoral work and evangelization. Key words: Stress, demanding situation, handicap, family, autism, Down's syndrome, pastoral work, assistance, self-governed associations, social network.

El complemento de régimen verbal : construcción y distribución en español actual

Casanova Romero, Vanessa 06 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le complément de régime (CR) des verbes espagnols, du point de vue de la variation grammaticale. Les descriptions actuelles caractérisent le CR comme une fonction syntaxique argumentative, mais aucun critère formel définitif ne permet son identification systématique. Ce complément est défini comme un groupe prépositionnel sélectionné par le prédicat. Cette définition tient compte à la fois des propriétés lexicales (la rection prépositionnelle) et syntaxiques (la forme « préposition + terme ») du CR. La similitude fonctionnelle et formelle entre le CR et d’autres fonctions syntaxiques, telles que le complément direct du verbe (CD) et le complément circonstanciel (CC), ainsi que les alternances syntaxiques et prépositionnelles impliquant le CR, reflètent la complexité de notre objet d’étude. Pour déterminer le statut grammatical et la variation (alternances prépositionnelles et de construction) du CR, nous avons conçu notre recherche à partir des données dialectales de l’espagnol contemporain. Le point de départ du projet a été la confection d’une liste de verbes prépositionnels, de laquelle nous avons tiré une sélection de huit prédicats verbaux représentatifs des différents types de verbes qui exigent un CR : confiar (‘avoir confiance en’), admirar(se) (‘admirer’), corresponder(se) (‘correspondre à’), asomar(se) (‘regarder par’), atar (‘nouer’), tachar (‘accuser de’), insistir (‘insister sur’) et consistir (‘consister à’). Avec les données obtenues nous avons aussi testé les critères syntaxiques et sémantiques d’identification du CR. Les résultats nous permettent de confirmer, d’une part, les alternances syntaxiques et prépositionnelles déjà connues, mais aussi d’autres tendances caractéristiques de l’espagnol dialectal. Nos résultats suggèrent une variation morphosyntaxique beaucoup plus complexe que celle qui avait été signalée par le passé. En général, les données montrent que le CR prend part à différents processus grammaticaux : la transitivisation (insistir en algo > insistir Ø algo ‘insister sur quelque chose > insister Ø quelque chose’), intransitivisation (admirar a alguien > admirarse de alguien ‘admirer quelqu’un > s’admirer [de] quelqu’un’) et adverbialisation (atar algo al árbol > atarlo allí ‘nouer quelque chose à l’arbre > l’y nouer’). Certains de ces processus comprennent aussi des innovations grammaticales. Bien que ces innovations semblent se limiter à certaines variétés vernaculaires (confiar en mí ~ confiar mío ‘avoir confiance en moi ~ *avoir confiance mien’, consistir {en ~ de ~ Ø} + que ‘consister {à ~ *de ~ *Ø} quelque chose’), elles reflètent quand même les possibilités du système linguistique. D’autre part, le comportement de la préposition montre des tendances liées non seulement à la variation, à la fixation ou à la désémantisation, mais aussi à la disparition en tant qu’indice fonctionnel. Immergé dans les processus de grammaticalisation susmentionnés, le CR se trouve présentement dans un statut fonctionnel « liminal », semblable non seulement à celui du CD et du CC, mais également à celui du complément indirect du verbe (confiar algo a alguien ~ confiar algo en alguien ‘confier quelque chose à quelqu’un ~ confier quelque chose en quelqu’un’) et du complément prédicatif (tacharlo de ingenuo ~ tacharlo ingenuo ‘le traiter d’idiot ~ le traiter idiot’). Nous concluons que la description actuelle du CR devrait prendre en compte les processus grammaticaux qui permettent d’expliquer la variation morphosyntaxique de cette fonction syntaxique ainsi que sa proximité fonctionnelle aux autres compléments du prédicat verbal. / This study focuses on the governed prepositional object, known in Spanish as ‘complemento de régimen verbal’ (CR), from the perspective of grammar variation. Previous descriptions have shown that, despite it being recognized as a verbal complement, no syntactic criteria have proved useful for the CR’s identification yet. When defined as a ‘prepositional phrase selected by the predicate’, the CR implies both lexical (government) and syntactic (the schema ‘preposition + phrase’) properties. Its functional and formal similarities with other complements, such as the direct object (CD) and circumstantial object (CC), as well as the syntactic alternations in which it is involved, reflect the complexity behind this phenomenon. To determine the grammatical status of this complement, as well as its variation (syntactic and prepositional alternations), I designed a corpora-based study with contemporary Spanish examples. The first step was to build a list of prepositional verbs, from which I obtained a selection of eight verbal predicates representing various types of verbs that require a CR: confiar (‘to trust’), admirar(se) (‘to admire’), corresponder(se) (‘to correspond with’), asomar(se) (‘to peek in’), atar (‘to tie’), tachar (‘to label’), insistir (‘to insist’) y consistir (‘to consist of’). The sample retrieved from the databases allowed to test the syntactic and semantic criteria used for identifying the CR. Not only do the results confirm the syntactic and prepositional alternations that were already well-known, but they also reveal some uses, in dialectal Spanish, that point to a more complex variation. In general, the data shows that the CR takes part in various grammatical processes: transitivization (insistir en algo > insistir Ø algo ‘to insist on something > to insist Ø something’), intransitivization (admirar a alguien > admirarse de alguien ‘to admire someone > to admire [oneself] of someone’), and adverbialization (atar algo al árbol > atarlo allí ‘to tie something to the tree > to tie it there’). Some of these processes are linked to grammatical innovations that, in spite of being restricted to some vernacular varieties (confiar en mí ~ confiar mío ‘to trust me ~ to trust mine’; consistir {en ~ de ~ Ø} + que ‘consist {of ~ on ~ Ø} + that’), also reflect the possibilities of the language system. Moreover, the preposition that introduces the CR is prone not only to variation, fixation, and (semantical) bleaching, but even to erasing. In these processes, the CR exhibits a ‘liminal’ functional status, similar to the CD and the CC, and sometimes even closer to the indirect object (confiar algo a alguien ~ confiar algo en alguien ‘to trust something to somebody ~ to trust something on somebody’) and the predicative complement (tacharlo de tonto ~ tacharlo tonto ‘label him as silly ~ label him silly’). In conclusion, the current grammatical accounts should consider the grammaticalization processes involving the CR that allow for an explanation of its morphosyntactic variation and functional closeness to other verbal complements. / En este trabajo se estudia el complemento de régimen verbal (CR) desde la perspectiva de la variación gramatical. Las descripciones previas han mostrado cómo, a pesar de que el CR es reconocido como una función sintáctica de naturaleza argumental, no existen criterios formales definitivos para su identificación. Su definición gramatical como grupo preposicional seleccionado por el predicado presupone la consideración de sus propiedades léxicas (la rección preposicional) a la par de sus propiedades sintácticas (la forma ‘preposición + término’). Su similitud funcional y formal con otras funciones sintácticas, como el complemento directo (CD) o el circunstancial (CC), así como las distintas alternancias en las que participa, reflejan la complejidad que hay detrás de este fenómeno. Para determinar el estatuto gramatical de este complemento y la variación que presenta (alternancias de construcción y alternancias preposicionales), se diseñó un estudio basado en datos del español actual. Se parte, para ello, de la confección de una lista de verbos preposicionales, de la cual se obtiene una selección de ocho predicados verbales representativos de los distintos tipos de verbos que requieren semánticamente un CR: confiar, admirar(se), corresponder(se), asomar(se), atar, tachar, insistir y consistir. Con la muestra obtenida, se someten a prueba, asimismo, los criterios sintáctico-semánticos de reconocimiento del CR. Los resultados del estudio permiten confirmar, por un lado, las alternancias construccionales y preposicionales ya conocidas, pero también otras tendencias propias del español dialectal que apuntan a una variación mucho más compleja. En general, los datos demuestran que el CR participa en distintos procesos gramaticales: transitivización (insistir en algo > insistir Ø algo), intransitivización (admirar a alguien > admirarse de alguien) y adverbialización (atar algo al árbol > atarlo allí). Algunos de estos procesos incluyen innovaciones gramaticales que, si bien parecen restringidas a algunas variedades vernáculas (confiar en mí ~ confiar mío; consistir {en ~ de ~ Ø} + que), reflejan las posibilidades del sistema de la lengua. Por otro lado, la preposición introductora muestra tendencias no solo a la variación, fijación y desemantización, sino incluso a la desaparición. En estos procesos de gramaticalización, el CR muestra un estatuto funcional ‘liminal’, cercano al CD y al CC, pasando por el complemento indirecto (confiar algo a alguien ~ confiar algo en alguien) y el complemento predicativo (tacharlo de ingenuo ~ tacharlo ingenuo). En síntesis, la descripción actual del CR debe tomar en cuenta los procesos gramaticales que permiten explicar su variación morfosintáctica y su cercanía funcional con otros complementos del predicado verbal.


王世杰 Unknown Date (has links)
國民黨執政期間國家社會關係為上對下威權統治關係,而後威權時期台灣國家社會關係最突出的現象為社會自主性的提昇,國家社會關係轉變為平行合作伙伴關係,經濟自由化促進政治民主化,表面上「民意」成為台灣政經發展的主要推動力量,但支持台灣後威權時期民主政治發展之多元制度卻仍付之闕如,促使台灣發生類似民主民粹化現象。高漲的民意反噬民主政治賴以建立的根基—多元化民主,政治一元化論述撕裂了民主社會應有的基本共識與互信,並造成國家認同問題,筆者認為,民主民粹化現象使後威權時期台灣國家社會關係反而回到國家社會衝突對抗關係,多元與互補性認同是撫癒此種社會裂痕的主要關鍵。而缺乏制度性安排是造成此種緊張關係的主要原因,國家社會鑲嵌性不足,聯帶影響台灣整體國家能力。 後威權時期台灣所臨的困境主要在於如何以制度性安排重建國家社會鑲嵌性,社會需求、想法能循正常制度管道完全供輸至公部門,而公部門在制定重大政策時能同時整合私部門的需求與想法,但切忌以國家基礎建設能力為祭品,讓行政官僚體系無法發揮應有的效能,不僅社會鑲嵌性出現問題,也使貧富差距加大,造成社會不穩定。 台灣正處於政經轉型階段,如何以正面適切的回應解決來自全球化的挑戰,是政府和民間社會必需共同面對的問題,制度若無法成為民主政治的主要屏障,則民主化不必然保證多元社會的出現。

Imunidade de jurisdição e de execução de entes de direito público externo e sua repercussão no processo do trabalho / Immunity of jurisdiction and of enforcement of foreign entities governed by public law and its repercussion in the labor procedure

Marchetti, Mauricio 09 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauricio Marchetti.pdf: 735018 bytes, checksum: 3ae38acc6676c0d92a27e036bba4e5e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-09 / This present work has the purpose of developing a study on the immunity of jurisdiction and of enforcement of foreign public entity that hires Brazilian workers. Its analysis passes through the perception of a new international dynamic that places the state sovereignty, previously seen as unlimited, as something relative, which ends up propitiating the understanding that the immunity of jurisdiction is a value that may suffer limitations. The facts that triggered the relativization of this immunity serve to understand the gradual adaptation of its regulation to the characteristics of the international public law, upon the division of the acts practiced by the States into acts of government and acts of management. Having relativized the immunity in the procedure s instruction phase, thesis already appeased both in Brazil and in the majority of the countries of the international community, the challenge is to mitigate the immunity in the enforcement of the judgment decision phase, which continues generating polemics, maintaining almost absolute. This situation shows to be inefficient for solution of the majority of labor-related conflicts between domestic employees and foreign entities governed by public law, whether due to the difficulty in finding goods from the foreign State possible of being expatriated, whether due to the lack of execution of this procedure through the diplomatic means. We will thus seek to propose new guidelines to make effective the final verdict in labor lawsuits filed by national persons against foreign entities governed by public law, based on the fact that work is a constitutionally ensured human value in our country, to be observed inclusively by a foreign State, without this harming its sovereignty / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um estudo sobre a imunidade de jurisdição e de execução do ente público externo que contrata trabalhadores brasileiros. Sua análise passa pela percepção de uma nova dinâmica internacional que coloca a soberania estatal, antes tida como ilimitada, como algo relativo, o que acaba por propiciar o entendimento de que a imunidade de jurisdição é um valor passível de sofrer limitações. Os fatos que desencadearam a relativização dessa imunidade servem para entender a gradual adequação de sua regulação às características do direito internacional público, mediante a divisão dos atos praticados pelos Estados em atos de império e atos de gestão. Relativizada a imunidade na fase de conhecimento do processo, tese já pacificada tanto no Brasil como na maioria dos países da comunidade internacional, o desafio é abrandar a imunidade na fase de execução de sentença, que continua gerando polêmicas, mantendo-se quase absoluta. Essa situação mostrase ineficiente para a solução da maioria dos conflitos de natureza trabalhista entre empregados nacionais e entes de direito público externo, quer pela dificuldade de se encontrar bens do Estado estrangeiro passíveis de serem expropriados, quer pela falta de efetivação desse processo pela via da diplomacia. Buscaremos, dessa forma, propor novas diretrizes para tornar efetiva a sentença condenatória em ações trabalhistas movidas por nacionais contra os entes de direito público externo, com fundamento de que o trabalho é valor humano constitucionalmente assegurado no nosso país, a ser respeitado inclusive pelo Estado estrangeiro, sem que com isso seja ferida a sua soberania

« Vous avez le droit à un avocat » : enquête sur la réforme et les pratiques de la garde à vue / « You have the right into a lawyer » : study of the reform and the uses of garde à vue

Bargeau, Adélaïde 26 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à un dispositif, particulièrement critiqué à la fin des années 2000 pour son usage exponentiel et pour son indigence en matière de droits : la garde à vue. Loin de la restreindre à sa codification juridique d’acte d’enquête, la garde à vue peut alors être appréhendée comme un instrument désormais privilégié de gestion de la police et de la politique en matière de petite et moyenne délinquance. Mais sous le coup des injonctions européennes, le gouvernement français est contraint de la réformer en avril 2011. Le mis en cause a désormais le droit d’être assisté d’un avocat pendant toute la durée de l’interrogatoire. Avec cette réforme, la garde à vue incarne une tension entre, d’une part, l’intensification de la répression de certaines populations et d’autre part, la reconnaissance de droits nouveaux qui leur sont accordés. À partir d’une enquête mêlant études de débat, ethnographie et questionnaire, l’objet de cette thèse est d’interroger la mise en œuvre et les effets de cette réforme paradoxale sur l’institution policière. La réforme de la garde à vue ne peut pas être appréhendée comme une simple modalité d’action publique. Elle constitue un moment critique de transformation des modalités de relations de l’État aux administrés, complexifiées par l’introduction des avocats en interrogatoire. Les effets de la présence de l’avocat varient, selon les usages qui sont faits de la garde à vue (d’une mesure de contention à un acte d’enquête), liés à la position des agents et des services dans la hiérarchie des prestiges policiers, et selon les propriétés sociales des gardés à vue, des policiers, et des avocats. La rencontre des uns et des autres peut prendre la forme d’une configuration d’alliance, de conflit, de concurrence, selon les différentes variables étudiées. Par l’étude de ces configurations d’interrogatoires, situées et incarnées, nous montrons qu’à chaque type de population est attaché un usage spécifique de la garde à vue. Ainsi, l’entrée par la garde à vue permet plus largement de voir la justice et la gestion des illégalismes par l’État en train de se faire. / This PhD investigates an apparatus that attracted considerable criticism in the late 2000s for being overused and failing to ensure enough rights: garde à vue, which roughly translates as police custody. Far from being only an investigative act, as its legal definition goes, garde à vue increasingly operates as a key instrument for the police and political management of petty crime. To meet the EU’s demands, however, the French government was forced to reform the system in April 2011. Suspects now have the right to receive a lawyer’s assistance during their entire interrogation. The reform of garde à vue reflects a tension between the intensifying repression of specific populations and the recognition of new rights granted to them. Drawing on the study of debates, ethnographic material and a questionnaire, this research examines the implementation and the effects of this paradoxical reform on the police institution.The reform of garde à vue cannot be approached simply as a public policy shift. Beyond that, it constitutes a key juncture in the transformations of the relationships between the State and citizens resulting from the introduction of lawyers during the interrogations. Effects of the lawyer’s presence vary according to the uses of garde à vue (from a measure of restraint to an investigative act), which relate to the position of agents and departments in the hierarchy of police prestige, and the social properties of suspects, members of the police and lawyers. The interactions between these protagonists may be characterized by configurations of alliance, conflict or competition depending on the above variables. Through the situated, embodied analysis of these configurations of interrogation, I show that a distinct use of garde à vue corresponds to each type of population. The focus on police custody ultimately yields broader insights into justice and the State’s management of illegalisms in the making.

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