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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Résilience familiale en tant que processus au sein de couples dont la femme est atteinte d'insuffisance cardiaque

Campagna, Lyne 08 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de proposer une conceptualisation de la résilience familiale en tant que processus au sein de couples dont la femme est atteinte d’insuffisance cardiaque (IC). D’année en année, cette maladie cardiaque chronique afflige non seulement un nombre croissant de femmes mais tout autant leur partenaire de vie. On reconnaît de plus en plus que l’expérience de ces femmes diffère de celle de leur homologue masculin. Quant à l’expérience de leur conjoint et celle en tant que couple, ces dernières demeurent toujours peu abordées dans les écrits. Les couples constitués d’une femme atteinte d’IC doivent affronter de nombreuses difficultés inhérentes à l’IC qui peuvent les amener à faire preuve de résilience familiale. Pour atteindre notre but, une approche par théorisation ancrée a été utilisée. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues semi-structurées conjointes auprès de 12 couples, d’un questionnaire sociodémographique et de notes de terrain. L’analyse de ces données a permis de proposer cette conceptualisation de la résilience familiale en tant que processus au sein de ces couples. L’IC au féminin est une expérience empreinte de difficultés pour les couples. Ils font face au choc encouru par le lot de bouleversements liés à l’IC qui perturbent à jamais tous les plans de leur vie conjugale. Devant une telle situation de vie aussi déplorable, ils sont appelés à s’engager dans un processus de résilience familiale. Cet engagement s’actualise par la mise en place de maintes stratégies en majorité conjugales, sauf quelques-unes qui relèvent de chaque membre des couples, et ce, selon deux perspectives de la résilience familiale. En effet, les couples rebondissent, selon la première perspective, en faisant face au choc de façons individuelle et conjugale. Sur le plan individuel, les membres tendent à se prendre en main tout en conservant leur propre autonomie. Pour ce faire, les femmes atteintes d’IC prennent, d’une part, le contrôle de l’IC et de ses manifestations et, d’autre part, soin de leur personne sur les plans physique et psychologique. Prendre ce contrôle devient possible en gérant leur énergie, en découvrant des astuces et en se responsabilisant face à l’IC. Parallèlement, les conjoints privilégient une seule et unique stratégie individuelle, soit de s’ouvrir à d’autres façons de faire. Quant au plan conjugal, les couples tendent à préserver à la fois leur autonomie et leur complicité à travers l’expérience liée à l’IC. A cette fin, ils font place à la réciprocité du prendre soin et s’activent à solidifier et réitérer leur autonomie conjugale en s’ouvrant aux ressources familiales et communautaires et en dosant la place laissée à l’IC au sein de leur couple. Selon la seconde perspective, les couples rebondissent, cette fois, en ressortant grandis, et ce, en découvrant de nouvelles façons de faire et en donnant un sens à leur expérience liée à l’IC. Pour découvrir de nouvelles façons, ils s’adonnent ensemble à des activités revisitées. Pour donner un sens, ils relativisent les bouleversements liés à l’IC qui s’actualisent par ces stratégies : dresser un bilan de la vie conjugale/familiale, adopter des leitmotive propices, et finalement, découvrir et se laisser porter par la magie des petits-enfants. À notre avis, les connaissances qui découlent de cette conceptualisation de la résilience familiale en tant que processus contribuent à l’avancement de connaissances dans le domaine des sciences infirmières. Cet apport de connaissances devrait aider les infirmières à mieux comprendre ce processus et contribuer au renouvellement des pratiques infirmières auprès des couples aux prises avec l’IC au féminin. / The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptualization of family resilience as a process undertaken by couples where the woman is suffering from chronic heart failure (CHF). Year after year, this chronic disease afflicts not only a growing number of women, but also, and just as much, their life partner. There is increasing recognition that the experience of these women differs from that of their male counterparts. The experience of the male partner as well as the experience of the couple are not often discussed in the literature. The couple consisting of a woman with CHF faces many difficulties inherent in the CHF, difficulties that may require the couple to show family resilience. To achieve our goal, a grounded theory approach was chosen. Data collection used joint semi-structured interviews with 12 couples. As well, a sociodemographic questionnaire and field notes were used. Rigorous analysis of the data permits the proposal of a conceptualization of family resilience as a process undertaken by these couples. In fact, the CHF of the woman is a difficult experience for the couple. Each one faces a shock incurred by the many upheavals associated with CHF that disrupt forever all the plans of their life together. In such an unfavorable life situation, they are called to engage in a process of family resilience. According to two perspectives of family resilience, their commitment to such a process is actualized by the implementation of many strategies, most of which are marital, though a few of them are carried out separately by each member of the couple. Indeed, according to the first perspective, couples bounce back in facing the shock of the diagnosis both individually and as a couple. Individually, each member of the couple tends to take charge while retaining his or her autonomy. To do this, women with CHF take control of the illness and its symptoms, and take care of themselves both physically and psychologically. To do so requires managing their energy, discovering inventiveness and taking responsibility for the CHF. Meanwhile, their male partner prefer the single individual strategy of becoming open to other ways of doing things. As for couple strategies, couples tend to maintain both their independence and their complicity in the experience related to the CHF. To this end, they use their reciprocity of care and work to strengthen and reaffirm their conjugal autonomy by being more open to extended family and community and by carefully measuring how much place the CHF will have in their relationship. According to the second perspective, couples bounce back, this time in growing as a couple by discovering new ways of behaving and finding meaning in their experience of living with CHF. To discover new ways, they revisit together all previous activities. To find meaning, they relativize the upheavals of the CHF by such strategies as a life review of their experience as couple and family, the adoption of suitable leitmotifs and, finally, the discovery and appreciation of grandchildren. In our opinion, the findings of this study make an important contribution to nursing knowledge. This should help nurses to better understand the process of family resilience as a process and contribute to the improvement of nursing practice with couples struggling with CHF in women.

Entre les connaissances et la pratique de santé publique : un monde de collaborations

Lamy, Geneviève 03 1900 (has links)
La santé publique n’échappe pas au courant actuel qui valorise le développement d’une culture de décision et d’action axée sur l’utilisation des données probantes. Des études qui portent sur les services de santé et les politiques publiques en lien avec les services de santé proposent diverses stratégies interactives entre les producteurs et les utilisateurs de connaissances pour favoriser le passage de la théorie vers la pratique. Dans ce contexte, une place importante est accordée aux activités de partage et d’utilisation des connaissances (PUC) au sein des organisations de santé. Or, la mise en œuvre de ces stratégies est peu documentée dans le cadre particulier de la pratique de la santé publique. Pour dégager les processus qui œuvrent au cœur du phénomène dans la pratique de la santé publique sur le territoire montréalais, des cadres au niveau de la direction régionale ont été interrogés sur leurs expériences et leurs perceptions relatives aux activités de PUC. L’analyse du corpus par théorisation ancrée a permis l’émergence de certains concepts clés qui ont été intégrés de manière à formuler une théorie substantive du partage et de l’utilisation des connaissances. La synergie entre le savoir, le savoir-faire et le savoir être se traduit par un savoir agir complexe des acteurs et des organisations qui implique avant tout un climat propice à la collaboration. L’importance accordée à la dimension relationnelle au cœur des activités de PUC témoigne de la volonté de mettre en place des structures collaboratives et de s’éloigner graduellement d’une gestion hiérarchique des savoirs dans la pratique de la santé publique à Montréal. Cette analyse démontre que les défis relatifs à la mise en œuvre d’activités de PUC dépassent les préoccupations reliées aux étapes du processus de transfert des connaissances tel que présenté par la plupart des modèles conceptuels traditionnels. / In recent decades, the gap between research and practice has been underscored in the public health literature. Although there has been increased emphasis on evidence-based interventions and decision-making, little is known about the successful translation of knowledge into action. Currently, health services and public policy researchers rely on strategies that involve two-way exchange between research users and knowledge producers, but their effectiveness is rarely measured. Accordingly, health organisations hold a variety of knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) activities to better bridge the gap between evidence and practice. The primary aim of the present study was to describe the KTE processes used within public health practices on the Island of Montreal. Managers at the regional level were interviewed on their experience and perceptions of KTE activities. A grounded theory analysis was performed on the transcribed semi-structured interviews. The formulation of a substantive theory of KTE was produced through the integration of emerging concepts. Results show that there can exist a synergy between “knowledge”, “knowing how to do” and “knowing how to be” which can be defined as a “complex knowing how to act” within the practice of public health. A prerequisite to linking these skills and initiating KTE activities is a collaborative climate involving a strong relational component. Within this framework, challenges must be conceptualised differently than they usually are in traditional conceptual models. Beyond the strategies chosen, a better understanding of human relations is definitely a key to making effective translation from research to practice.

Toward a Grounded Theory of Community Networking

Masten-Cain, Kathryn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents a preliminary grounded theory of community networking based on 63 evaluations of community networking projects funded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) between 1994 and 2007. The substantive grounded theory developed is that TOP projects differed in their contribution to positive outcomes for intended disadvantaged community beneficiaries based on the extent and manner in which they involved the disadvantaged community during four grant process phases: partnership building, project execution, evaluation, and close-out. Positive outcomes for the community were facilitated by using existing communication channels, such as schools, to connect with intended beneficiaries; local financial institutions to provide infrastructure to support local trade; and training to connect community members to jobs. Theoretical contributions include situating outcomes for disadvantaged communities within the context of the grant process; introducing the “vulnerable community” concept; and identifying other concepts and properties that may be useful in further theoretical explorations. Methodological contributions include demonstrating grounded theory as a viable method for exploring large text-based datasets; paving the way for machine learning approaches to analyzing qualitative data; and illustrating how project evaluations can be used in a similar fashion as interview data. Practical contributions include providing information to guide community networking-related policies and initiatives from the perspectives of stakeholders at all levels, including establishing funded projects as local employment opportunities and re-conceptualizing sustainability in terms of human networks rather than technological networks.

La fluidité des espaces communicationnels : partager des vidéos en ligne dans la vie quotidienne

Crespel, Elodie 01 1900 (has links)
Internet évolue avec la société et les nouvelles technologies, mais ses usages restent centrés sur le principe communicationnel de partager ses idées, ses histoires avec d’autres personnes. Comprendre les modes de communication des internautes offre des défis de taille aux chercheurs. Malgré une riche littérature sur les usages d’Internet, peu d’études se sont penchées sur l’analyse en profondeur des habitudes des internautes ordinaires. Cette thèse a pour objet d’étude le partage de contenus en ligne, car il s’agit d’une pratique permettant de réfléchir sur le rapport des usagers à la technologie. En m’inspirant des travaux d’Henri Lefebvre et de Michel de Certeau, je mobilise le concept de la vie quotidienne, concept qui met en lumière les processus à travers laquelle les gens font sens de leur vie. Afin de mieux saisir le quotidien, lequel est mobile, fluide et multiple, des métaphores spatiales tirées d’études des sciences, technologies et société (STS) seront mobilisées. Les concepts d’espace fluide et de feu sont idéaux pour étudier les pratiques de partage de vidéo que l’on peut qualifier de mutables et adaptables. Dans cette thèse, l’accent est mis sur les expériences subjectives des internautes ; ainsi, j’ai adopté une méthodologie qualitative pour recueillir les témoignages d’une dizaine de participants décrivant longuement leurs pratiques. En effet, j’ai rencontré chaque personne à plusieurs reprises et nous avons discuté d’exemples spécifiques. À travers les thèmes récurrents qui ont émergé des verbatims, et dans la tradition de la théorisation ancrée, la première partie de l’analyse fournit une riche description du quotidien des participants. J’explore en particulier la façon dont les internautes adaptent leur partage sur leurs expériences des sites de réseaux sociaux, comment la vidéo est utilisée dans le maintien de leurs relations sociales, et comment le partage des vidéos complémente leurs conversations. Sachant que les pratiques en ligne et hors ligne se fondent l’une dans l’autre, la deuxième partie de l’analyse articule la complexité de la vie quotidienne et la fluidité des pratiques de partage à l’aide du concept de l’objet fluide pour traiter des aspects complexes, dynamiques et souples des pratiques des internautes ordinaires. Cette recherche qualitative fournit un portrait de l’expérience humaine qui est autant détaillé que possible. Elle permet de souligner que c’est dans une variété contextes non remarquables – car faisant partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne – que les Internautes naviguent et que les activités humaines sont sans cesse construites et transformées, ouvrant des possibilités vers de nouvelles façons de faire et de penser. La thèse poursuit un dialogue interdisciplinaire entre la communication (les Internet Studies notamment) et les études des sciences, technologies et société (STS), tout en apportant de nombreuses données empiriques sur les pratiques des internautes « ordinaires ». De plus, la thèse offre des métaphores capables d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour l’analyse des usages du Web social. Elle apporte également une contribution originale en intégrant des approches théoriques des pratiques quotidiennes avec la théorisation ancrée. Tant les fondements conceptuels et des approches méthodologiques développées ici seront des exemples très utiles pour d’autres chercheurs intéressés à poursuivre la compréhension des pratiques quotidiennes impliquant l’Internet, surtout quand ces derniers impliquent le visuel, l’émotif et le relationnel. / The Internet evolves continually with society and the development of new technologies, but its uses remain centered on the communicative principle of connecting with others and sharing ideas, stories and information. Understanding the communication modes of the Internet offers a sizable challenge to researchers. Despite a rich literature on Internet usages, few studies offer in-depth analysis of the habits of ordinary users. This study specifically addresses the question of online content sharing, as a practice that enables reflection on users' relationships with technologies. Drawing inspiration from the work of Henri Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau, this dissertation mobilizes the notion of daily life (the quotidien), a concept that highlights the processes through which people make sense of their lives. In order to best apprehend daily experience that is mobile, fluid and multiple, I draw on spatial metaphors from science and technology studies. With their sensitivity to both social and material characteristics, fluid object and fire space concepts are well-suited for studying video-sharing practices that are highly mutable and adaptable. Since I emphasize subjective experiences, the research design involved a qualitative methodology. I met with ten participants three times each. During these meetings, they described their video sharing practices and told stories around using and sharing videos. Building on recurrent themes that emerge from transcriptions of various conversations, in the tradition of grounded theory, the first part of the analysis provides a rich description of everyday life and video sharing. In particular, I discuss how people regulate their sharing behavior on social networking sites, how they use video to maintaining their social relationships and how sharing videos complements their conversations. The second part of the analysis focuses on the complexity of everyday life, and draws attention to how one context flows almost imperceptibly into another, and how online and offline worlds intersect. Fluidity offers a metaphor to support the complex, dynamic and flexible aspects of ordinary users’ video sharing practices in a continually changing space. This qualitative approach produces a picture of the human experience that is rich and detailed, and allows us to highlight the different contexts in which the participants navigate their daily lives. It is in these often unremarkable contexts that human activities are constantly constructed and transformed, creating opportunities for new ways of doing and thinking. The dissertation engages in an interdisciplinary dialogue between communication (particularly Internet Studies) and science and technology studies (STS) in order to offer new perspectives for the analysis of uses of the social Web. It also makes an original contribution by integrating theoretical approaches to daily practices with grounded theory. The conceptual foundations and methodological approach developed here provide a useful guide for other researchers interested in pursuing the understanding of everyday practices involving the Internet, especially when these involve visual, emotional and relational elements.

Koncept udržitelnosti jako nová mediální poloha marketingových aktivit nadnárodních společností v České republice / Sustainability as a new way of media presentation of multinational companies in the Czech republic

Krajčík, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The thesis examines the topic of sustainable development and its media interpretation when talking about privately owned companies, especially multinationals. The theoretical part creates a framework to understand the topic of sustainability and its development related to companies and it aims to uncover the reasons why the companies incorporate sustainability into their strategies. At the same time, up to date media research in the field of sustainable development, theory of agenda setting, company marketing and a relationship of PR workers with journalists is examined. The research was conducted on the Czech newspapers MF DNES, Právo, Hospodářské noviny, Lidové noviny and E15 within one calendar year. The practical part uses quantitative analysis to describe the basic features of selected articles and answers questions of which companies use sustainability for promotion or which companies are connected to it, what the main subject of articles is or who the main actors are. Qualitative analysis using the method of grounded theory helps us to create the overall media image.

Paměťové instituce na prahu 21. století: mediální jednání Národního filmového archivu a Deutsches Filminstitut / The transformation of memory institutions in Europe and in the CR with focus on their "media acts"

Fridrich, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Memory institutions on the threshold of the 21st century: media activities of the National Film Archive and the Deutsches Filminstitut" is to explain the context in which the archives are acting, and in particular explore specific media operations of two leading European film archives. The focus of the first part of the text is to describe the changing conditions mainly related to digitalization. The traditionally rigid institutions must adapt to this new conditions if they want to onform to the standards of cultural institutions of the 21st century. The main part of the text then analyzes the media actions of the National Film Archive and reference institution Deutsches Filminstitut. The thesis analyzes the specific media actions from onlinepresentation of the institution up to the work with journalists and, if necessary, proposes the optimization of existing processes. The reason of focusing just on media activities is the increasing need to develop new audiences, recruited from persons who were up to this moment not interested in the activities of the archives, and last but not least, the fact that a good media activity can be a compelling argument when approaching sponsors from the private sector. In the perspective of continual reduction of state contributions to cultural...

Kvalitativní studie morálního rozhodování v počítačové hře Walking Dead / Qualitative research of moral decision making in computer game Walking Dead

Heller, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is research of interaction which takes place between players and computer games. Specifically on ethical and moral aspects of such interaction in which the players are required to make moral decisions that in any way affect the progression of the story, shaping of the virtual world, or have any other effect on the in-game narration. The goal of this text is to describe context in which such moral decisions are made and factors that influence them. The theoretical part of this thesis has the form of a summary of relevant game studies topics, which influence the moral decision making issue. Research was conducted on a group of ten respondents, who played The Walking Dead game and who shared their experiences by answering questions concerning moral decision making. The gathered data was thereafter analysed using a grounded theory method, which allowed me to identify and contextualize the researched phenomena. The main output of this text is the grounded theory itself and the answers provided by its application in context with research questions.

Consommation et intégration : la consommation alimentaire, un moyen de l'expression de la volonté d'intégration des femmes tunisiennes en France / Consumption and intégration : food consumption, an expression means of the desire of integration by Tunisian women immigrant in France

Daoud, Salma 09 July 2013 (has links)
La mouvance migratoire, dynamique et complexe, a changé la face de la réalité du marché en affectant les standards du marketing et des études sur le comportement du consommateur. Des courants de recherche récents dont la « Consumer Culture Theory » ont émergé pour comprendre les nouvelles scènes sociales culturellement diverses en se focalisant sur les dimensions expérientielles et socioculturelles des phénomènes étudiés. L’objectif de notre recherche étant de contribuer, dans une perspective CCT, à une meilleure compréhension du comportement de consommation alimentaire des femmes immigrées en se référant aux théories postassimilationnistes. Pour pouvoir répondre à nos questions de recherche, nous avons opté pour une démarche méthodologique qualitative à travers l’approche de la théorisation ancrée, choisie pour son caractère à la fois créatif et scientifique.Les résultats montrent que la confrontation entre la culture d’origine et la culture d’accueil demande à l’immigré d’interagir avec les diverses dimensions de la culture hôte afin de garder un équilibre cognitif-conatif-affectif lui permettant de réussir son intégration. Il nous semble aussi porteur de déclarer que notre travail propose une vision holiste du comportement de consommation alimentaire des immigrés et que la consommation alimentaire est un phénomène à facettes multiples qui mérite d’être compris en vue d’y apporter des éclairages et de dévoiler au-delà de son aspect banal, sa complexité. Chacune des catégories décelées à travers nos analyses représente un phénomène en soi et dans chacune des activités les attitudes, les représentations, les émotions, les sens, et les comportements changent. / The dynamic and complex migratory movement has changed the face of the market reality by affecting the standards of marketing and research on consumer behavior. Of trends in research that’s "Consumer Culture Theory" has emerged to understand the new culturally diverse social scenes focusing on experiential and cultural dimensions of the phenomena studied. The goal of our research is to contribute, into a CCT perspective, to a better understanding of food consumption behavior of immigrant women by referring to postassimilationnist theories. To answer our research questions, we opted for a qualitative methodological approach through the grounded theory approach, chosen for his character both creative and scientific.The results show that the confrontation between the culture of origin and the host culture asks immigrants to interact with various aspects of the host culture to keep a cognitive-affective-conative balance allowing it to successfully integrate. It also seems interesting to declare that our work offers a holistic view of food consumption behavior of immigrants and that food consumption is a multifaceted phenomenon that deserves to be understood in order to provide insights and reveal, beyond its ordinary aspect, its complexity. Each of the categories identified through our analysis is a phenomenon in itself and in each activity, attitudes, representations, emotions, meanings, and behavior change.

Porovnání mediálního obrazu cen Český lev a Cen české filmové kritiky v letech 2011-2013 / The comparison of media image of czech filmprizes-the czecj lion and zhe czech film critics prize in years 2011-2013

Vorlová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis named The Comparison of Media Image of Czech film awards - The Czech Lion and The Czech Film Critics Award in years 2011 - 2013 analyses the media image of those film awards in printed media. As a method is used the qualitative analysis - the Grounded theory and research is made from four types of media - newspapers, weeklies, cultural magazines and tabloids. The aim of this diploma thesis is comparison of articles about those awards and evaluation of Czech cinematography's media image through czech film awards.

Community networks: identifying social capital in Emerado, North Dakota

Atkinson, Lisa January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Landscape Architecture, Regional and Community Planning / Stephanie Rolley / The City of Emerado, North Dakota, population 414, located in northeast North Dakota is the subject of a Social Network Analysis (SNA), conducted prior to it being the subject of a University of North Dakota Center for Community Engagement, Community Connect Forum. The SNA was developed based on the results of 25 interviews conducted with local residents, elected officials and business owners, using snowball sampling and following grounded theory methods. The interview results were coded and memos were written to aid in the analysis. Social Network data was entered into the Sentinel Visualizer software (FMS Advanced Systems Group) to develop a visual image of the network, including nodes (people, organizations or businesses) and links to illustrate the relationships between nodes. The SNA helps to frame the relationships in terms of bridging and bonding social capital. The SNA provides the ability to mathematically determine the most important nodes to the community social network, using calculations to determine levels of degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, Eigenvalue, and network density. After calculating these elements, categorical descriptions of the top ten individuals for each category are provided. The networks of five individuals are reviewed in depth to aid in comprehending the process of incrementally expanding networks.

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