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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gillberg, Anita, Isberg, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>Forskning har visat en stegrande ökning av HIV, AIDS och cancer i Afrika, söder om Sahara. Den palliativa vården har börjat att utvecklats, men många hinder måste överbryggas innan god vård förväntas kunna ges. Syftet var att belysa den palliativa vården i Afrika söder om Sahara. Litteraturöversikten baserades på nio originalartiklar, varav fyra kvalitativa, fyra kvantitativa och en med mixad design. Dessa hittades genom sökningar i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och SAMJ. Ett strategiskt urval gjordes för att få fram artiklarna och för analysen användes en manifest innehållsanalys. Fyra huvudkategorier framkom: Organisation - ett potentiellt hinder för palliativ vård, symtomlindring vid palliativ vård i Afrika, omvårdnadshandlingar vid palliativ vård i Afrika, samt information om en livsbegränsad sjukdom. Resursbrister framkom inom vårdorganisationen i Afrika söder om Sahara, vilket innebar att många sjuka inte fått adekvat vård. Otillräckliga kunskaper bland vårdpersonalen gjorde att det brast i symtomlindring, omvårdnad och information till patienterna. Många delar av den palliativa vården i Afrika var vid en jämförelse likställt med Sverige. Dock fanns brister inom vårdorganisationen i Afrika såsom smärtlindring, ekonomiska aspekter och information som behövde förbättras. För att motverka dessa brister krävs politiska resursförändringar och utbildning av vårdpersonalen.</p>


Gillberg, Anita, Isberg, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>Forskning har visat en stegrande ökning av HIV, AIDS och cancer i Afrika, söder om Sahara. Den palliativa vården har börjat att utvecklats, men många hinder måste överbryggas innan god vård förväntas kunna ges. Syftet var att belysa den palliativa vården i Afrika söder om Sahara. Litteraturöversikten baserades på nio originalartiklar, varav fyra kvalitativa, fyra kvantitativa och en med mixad design. Dessa hittades genom sökningar i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och SAMJ. Ett strategiskt urval gjordes för att få fram artiklarna och för analysen användes en manifest innehållsanalys. Fyra huvudkategorier framkom: Organisation - ett potentiellt hinder för palliativ vård, symtomlindring vid palliativ vård i Afrika, omvårdnadshandlingar vid palliativ vård i Afrika, samt information om en livsbegränsad sjukdom. Resursbrister framkom inom vårdorganisationen i Afrika söder om Sahara, vilket innebar att många sjuka inte fått adekvat vård. Otillräckliga kunskaper bland vårdpersonalen gjorde att det brast i symtomlindring, omvårdnad och information till patienterna. Många delar av den palliativa vården i Afrika var vid en jämförelse likställt med Sverige. Dock fanns brister inom vårdorganisationen i Afrika såsom smärtlindring, ekonomiska aspekter och information som behövde förbättras. För att motverka dessa brister krävs politiska resursförändringar och utbildning av vårdpersonalen.</p>

Sjuksköterskans kunskap och attityder vid omvårdnad av HIV/AIDS patient

Hammargren, Päivi January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Bakgrund: Totalt har nästan 30 miljoner avlidit sedan första AIDS- fallet diagnostiserades år 1981. Ovissheten och hotet om sjukdom och för tidig död innebär stora psykiska påfrestningar på individen. Sjuksköterskans attityder och sätt att vara spelar en viktig roll för etablering av en terapeutisk relation.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskans attityder till patienter med HIV- infektion.</p><p>Metod: Genom en litteraturstudie av tidigare forskning har 16 vetenskapliga artiklar granskats. Dessa fann vi på databaserna PubMed och Cinahl.</p><p>Resultat: Sjuksköterskor upplevde rädsla vid omvårdnad av patienter med HIV/AIDS på grund av dess smittrisk. De ansåg att de behövde mer utbildning och support och professionell support mellan kollegor för att orka med sitt arbete. Från forskarnas observationer sågs ett fysiskt undvikande av patienter, som att vårdpersonalen inte svarade på patientens ringningar, de undvek att gå in till patienten. Sjuksköterskestuderande som hade en rädsla för HIV/AIDS har mer homofobier, de ansåg att det var ett straff för deras oordnade sexliv och att de förtjänade sitt öde.</p><p>Slutsats: Vi anser att många av dessa attityder skulle kunna undvikas om personalen får mer kunskap om smitta, sexuallitet och droger, hur sjukdomsförloppet ser ut, och vilka funderingar en HIV/AIDS smittad kan ha. Detta skulle bidra till att sjuksköterskor/vårdpersonal vågar möta patienten och utveckla en god relation till denne.</p>

sjuksköterskan bemötande av HIV/AIDS-patienter- ur patientens perspektiv

lindberg gustafson, susanne, hällström, emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p><strong><p>Bakgrund:</p><strong><p>Syfte:</p><strong><p>Metod:</p><strong><p>Resultat:</p>Resultatet visade att många upplevde respekt, professionalitet och sekretess från sjuksköterskan och även upplevelsen av goda relationer. Resultatet visade också brister i respekt, professionalitet och sekretess. Att det finns HIV/AIDS-relaterad stigma var också ett resultat vi såg. <strong>Slutsats: Trots all forskning och framsteg som gjorts finns det fortfarande rädslor och okunskap bland sjuksköterskor. Det krävs mer utbildning, och att sjuksköterskor blir mer professionella i sitt bemötande. En konsekvens skulle kunna vara att de undviker att söka vård på grund av rädsla för att bli kränkta. </strong></strong>Metoden var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Vi valde sökord som passade till vårt syfte, och sökte i lämpliga databaser efter artiklar. Åtta artiklar valdes ut för granskning och analys. </strong>Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur patienter med HIV/AIDS upplever bemötandet från sjuksköterskor, sett ur ett patientperspektiv. </strong>Det finns ca 4500 personer i Sverige som lever med känd HIV-infektion. HIV-relaterat stigma var ett bekymmer redan under 80-talet, idag, 25 år senare är stigmatiseringen fortfarande ett problem. </strong></p>

Gender inequality and HIV/AIDS in Zambia : A study of the links between gender inequality and women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS

Bah, Ida January 2005 (has links)
<p>Today it has been estimated that 40 million people worldwide are carrying the deadly virus known as HIV. Despite the fact that the virus can affect men and women alike, an increasing proportion of people living with HIV are women and girls, and this proportion is continuing to grow. This writing is dedicated to explore the factors that drive the epidemic.</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to explore the links between gender inequality and women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS as well as to enhance our understanding of what is it like to be a young woman in Zambia, a country where the HIV/AIDS epidemic has hit hard. The research is done through a qualitative study with secondary sources and interviews as means of collecting data. The point of departure is theories of gender inequality, where the patriarchal structures and men's domination over women are explained.</p><p>The result of this study is that gender inequality, the subordination of women and men's predatory behaviour are major contributors of the epidemic, the larger numbers of women with HIV/AIDS and the women's younger age.</p>

HIV och könsojämlikheter; en dödlig kombination? : En studie av patriarkal dominans i den internationella diskussionen om HIV/AIDS

Linde, Ellen January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Essay in political science, C-level, by Ellen Linde, spring semester 2007. Tutor: Susan Marton.</p><p>“HIV and gender inequalities; a lethal combination? A study of the patriarchal dominance in the international discussion on HIV/AIDS”</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to study to what extent a patriarchal discourse is present in the international discussion on how to best fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. To determine if a patriarchal discourse is present or not I have used a feminist theory on patriarchal dominance. I have concentrated on the United Nations resolutions about HIV/AIDS. My focus has particularly been on the meeting about the shaping of the last resolution in 2006 where the members states made statements about their opinions on the matter. I’m asking the question; Is there a patriarchal dominans in the countries statements about UN:s resolution about HIV/AIDS? The question is asked to three different groups of countries, catholic counties in Africa, catholic counties in Europe and non-catholic countries.</p><p>My study shows that there is a strong tendency of patriarchal dominance in the statement from the catholic countries in Europe and an even stronger tendency in the statements from the catholic countries in Africa. That tendency could not be found in the statements from the non-catholic countries. The conclusion is that there are two discourses present in the international discussion on how to best fight the spread of HIV/AIDS, one patriarchal discourse and one non-patriarchal discourse. However, there can be no generalizations drawn from the results of this study because to few countries have been studied.</p>

Outcomes of antiretroviral therapy in northern Alberta: the impact of Aboriginal ethnicity and injection drug use

Martin, Leah J. 11 1900 (has links)
Background: Aboriginals are overrepresented in Canada’s HIV epidemic and are more likely to be infected with HIV through injection drug use (IDU) than non-Aboriginals. However, little research has investigated the outcomes of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) among Aboriginal HIV-patients or compared outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal HIV-patients. Objectives: The primary objectives of this research were to 1) compare all-cause and HIV-related mortality rates between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal HIV-patients after they start cART, 2) determine if Aboriginal patients were less likely to achieve virological suppression and more likely to experience subsequent treatment failure after starting cART; 3) describe and compare the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal HIV-patients; and 4) describe the life stability of Aboriginal and IDU HIV-patients treated with cART and explore associations between life stability, clinical status, and HRQL. Methods: This research was conducted in northern Alberta, Canada using a clinical database, vital statistics data, and data collected through interview and a self-administered HRQL questionnaire. Data analyses included multivariable Cox proportional hazards models and multiple linear and logistic regression models. Results: After starting cART, Aboriginals suffer higher rates of all-cause and HIV-related mortality than non-Aboriginals. Furthermore, Aboriginals are less likely to achieve virological suppression after starting cART and, among those who achieve suppression, Aboriginals experience higher rates of virological failure ≥1 year after suppression. Aboriginal IDUs, Aboriginal non-IDUs, and non-Aboriginal IDUs reported similarly worse physical HRQL compared to non-Aboriginals non-IDUs. Among Aboriginals and IDUs, factors significantly associated with poor clinical status were unemployment, lower income, not completing high school, homelessness, and perceiving that one’s current life was not much better compared to before starting cART. Similarly, factors significantly associated with lower HRQL in this group were unemployment, perceiving that one’s current health or one’s current life was not much better compared to before starting cART, and having a current CD4 cell count ≤350 cells/μL. Conclusions: Overall, after starting cART, Aboriginal HIV-patients suffer worse outcomes than non-Aboriginal HIV-patients. Future research should investigate adherence among Aboriginals and IDUs treated with cART and explore their treatment experiences to develop interventions to improve the prognosis of these vulnerable populations.

Psychological Distress, Social Support and Substance Use in Women with HIV in Substance Use Recovery

McCabe, Brian E 23 November 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate concurrent and prospective relationships between psychological distress and social support and substance abuse in a convenience sample of predominantly minority women with HIV in substance use recovery. This study involved a secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial comparing a family therapy intervention and a group health intervention. Participants completed the Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Scales (psychological distress) and the Social Support Questionnaire (social support) at baseline and 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months post-baseline. Substance use over a 30-day period was measured by the Addiction Severity Index Lite, which was completed at baseline and at 2-month intervals post-baseline. A series of path analyses was used to test hypotheses generated from theory and empirical research. Results of the current investigation failed to reject the null hypothesis for the 6 hypotheses, and found only partial support for 2 hypotheses. Psychological distress was concurrently related to change in substance use only at 12 months (Hypotheses 1 and 2). Psychological distress was not related to social support, so there was no mediation of concurrent relationships (Hypothesis 3). Psychological distress was prospectively related to change in substance use that was measured 2 months after psychological distress was measured, but not change in substance use that was measured 4 months after psychological distress was measured (Hypothesis 4). Social support was not prospectively related to change in substance use that was measured either 2 months or 4 months after social support (Hypothesis 5). There was no evidence of mediation of prospective relationships (Hypothesis 6). These results were discussed within the context of relevant literature.

The perceptions, knowledge and experiences of breast-feeding women living with HIV/AIDS in the Oshakati district - Northern Namibia.

Kalimba, Hilma Ndesheetulua. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Women, who are HIV-positive, may transmit the virus to their babis during labour and through breast milk. HIV-positive mothers have to be counselled and encouraged to make informed decisions about the feeding of their babies to avoid this transmission. The feeding choices are exclusive breast-feeding , exclusive formula feeeding or modified feeding. this study focused on the perceptions, knowledge and experiences of breastfeeding women living with HIV/AIDS in the Oshakati district, Northern Namibia. A qualitative descriptive research design was used to conduct the study. The sresaerch was conducted at the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Clinic, in the intermediate Hospital, Oshakati. The Medical Superitendant of the Hospital gave the researcher permission to conduct the study at the PMTCT clinic. A purposive sample was used consisting of 14 breastfeeding women who are HIV-positive and aged between 15-49 years. the ages of their babies were between one day and six months. The data collected through individual face-face-interviews. The interviews were tape-recorded with the permission of the respondents. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and data were analysed by thematic content analysis. The Health Belief Model guided the description and interpretation of the data. Th study revealed that some women had inadequate knowledge about the transmission of HIV through breastfeeding. Their breastfeeding choices were influennced by their knowledge and perceptions while their experiences were shaped by their relationships with their partners and family.</p>

Barriers to voluntary counseling and testing of individuals in selected areas of the Gurage Zone, Ethiopia.

Amde , Woldekidan Kifle. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> <p align="left">Despite wide acceptance of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) as a crucial entry point for the prevention, treatment, care and support of HIV-infected persons / the prevalence of testing in Ethiopia remains very low. A review of the literature identifies the set of factors that influence HIV testing of individuals to include socio-economic and demographic factors, knowledge of HIV/AIDS, risk perception, fear of stigma, social capital and the perceived benefit of VCT. By drawing assumptions based on the known literature, this mini-thesis explores the relationship between VCT usage and the above factors in order to explain the status of HIV testing in Moher and Aklil district, Gurage Zone, Ethiopia. The study hopes to address the dearth of material on VCT and contribute to it in a non-clinical and rural context.</p> </font></font></p>

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