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Podoby eklesiologie v české reformaci / Forms of ecclesiology in the Czech ReformationRokyta, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Dissertation thesis is devoted to the concepts of ecclesiology in Hussite movement. Particularly the perception of early church in individual Hussite movements and in significant Hussite thinkers is taken into account. An original standpoint is that Hussite revolution existed as a product of thinking of theological origin. It is necessary to deal also with the perception of man, power and its legitimacy, history and in Christian thinking also the approaches to the interpretation of the Scripture. Main and inspirational personages of Czech history of 14th and 15th century occur in the text: Matthew of Janow, John Hus, Jakoubek of Mies, Nicolaus Pilgramensis. Furthermore also ideas of radical Taborites are analyzed. One of the decisive viewpoints is the relationship to the Scripture and the way of its interpretation. It makes an important criterion for understanding church, world, social relations and the soul of man as Czech reformation emphasized them. Next is then the notion of early church as individual schools or Hussite personages perceived it. I have attempted to approach Czech reformation thinking about church with its individual specifics but also in their common features. Key words Ecclesiology, early church, Matthew of Janow, John Hus, Jakoubek of Mies, Nicolaus Pilgramensis
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Arbetarrörelsen, Folkets Hus och offentligheten i Bromölla 1905-1960Karlsson, Lennart January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the People’s House in Bromölla as an arena for a plebeian public sphere. More specific, the analysis revolves around how the labour movement created a plebeian public sphere, the construction of the very arena and the activities there, including study circles, labour library, theatre plays, film showings, dance evenings and other amusements as parts of adult education among the working class people. It also comprises examinations of the labour movement’s acting in the local political arena, the labour movement’s connections with the local bourgeoisie on matters concerning politics and the People’s House. The main theoretical perspective is based on Jürgen Habermas’ theory of bourgeois public sphere, reformulated to a plebeian public sphere. The adult education in study circles mainly focused on subjects related to the work in the local politics and in the trade union, i.e. for the activities in the public sphere. These parts of the adult education were primarily a matter for the male part of the labour movement. This mirrors the situation in politics and in the trade union, where foremost men were engaged. Beside the trade union and political studies, subjects like Swedish, English, Esperanto, mathematics and literature were common. From time to time socialism and Marxism were studied. The women mainly studied humanistic subjects with individual development and hold thus the vision of the education ideologists within the labour movement. In the 1940’s the study circles decreased, and finally, in the end of the 1950’s almost ceased. Despite this the education did not cease, but were replaced by music, singing, dancing and machine sewing courses arranged by commercial companies and aesthetic associations. The People’s House was from the beginning open even for associations outside the labour movement. In the 1940’s and, in particularly, the 1950’s the People’s House became an assembly hall for a huge range of associations. Among the tenants were Free Church parishes, athletic associations, hobby associations, temperance societies, political parties from left to right, trade unions, authorities, companies, and the municipal of Bromölla. People’s house was also a place for wedding and birthday celebrations and other private parties. Among the more frequent tenants were Free Churches and music, singing and athletic associations, beside Bromölla municipal, which were a permanent tenant, for instance for the municipal library. The amount of associations from outside the labour movement among the tenants exceeded for some years in the end of 1950’s the labour movement’s meetings. This cross class policy was a conscious strategy by the People’s House association, in order to be a cultural institution for all inhabitants in Bromölla. The municipal council of Bromölla was even a part of this policy when subsidizing the People’s House association. It was in accordance with the cross class and consensus policy which the social democratic movement by this time was an exponent of. The People’s House in Bromölla was thus an arena not only for the labour movement, but also for the entire society.
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Uttorkning av lera : Orsaker och följderBjureland, William January 2010 (has links)
When building a house or similar the stress on the ground increases and deformations can arise. The deformations create a foundation that the building is not constructed for and damages on the building arise. The increased stress on the ground can be derived back to the building, but it is possible that the increased stress may well derive from different sources such as other buildings or trees. The building is an older property, built in the late 19th century alternatively early 20th century, and is today used for rental housing and has suffered severe damages due to subsidence. The goal of the thesis is to find possible causes for these subsidences. The thesis was executed as a combination between literature- and casestudie. After careful studies it has been found that a probable cause for these subsidences is trees. Through field- and lab studies it has been found that the trees has effected the ground through there accumulation of water. This has caused the soil to dry up and subsidence’s has probably arisen through the decrease in pore pressure due to the disappearing of water. This, however, needs to be proven by further studies of pore pressures in the area.
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Förbättring av Egenvärmehus : En fallstudie av ett flerbostadshus, Kv. FyrtornetYamabo, Deo Gratias January 2013 (has links)
Energy efficiency has become a very topical issue that has been discussed throughout the European Union for preventing negative environmental impacts that have been associated with the consumption of energy. In the residential sector have mainly municipalities set strict requirements for the reduction of energy consumption while the renewable energy has been asked. Different concepts of low-energy buildings have been developed to reduce the cost of operation and maintenance in existing buildings such as in new ones. This thesis has aimed to minimize the energy cost of a large building which has had low energy consumption features originally. Energy reviews has been initiated in order to be able for showing how the house electricity could be carried out even more efficiently. The work was initiated through a literature study to clearly increase the reliability on the energy subject. Different concepts of low-energy buildings have been treated in connection with its specifications, afterward those have been compared with the obtained results. An analysis of the building’s energy use has been carried out as well as economic evaluation has been considered in order to the viability of the energy efficiency measures that have been proposed. Energy demand for the studied building has been valued at 48, 7 kWh/m2 annually in its original form. The obtained value has been lower than the required energy which has been promoted in Building Regulations, BBR 18. After the improvement of building has been performed, by using a package of measures, the building has been upgraded to a passive house level and the energy demand has become 21, 5 kWh/m2 annually. A reasonably large amount of energy has been reduced in connection with the improvement package as well as the whole profitability has proven to be economic sustainable. By integrating solar energy systems in the building, its result has shown a biggest benefit for saving energy. / Energieffektiviseringen har blivit en mycket aktuell fråga som har diskuterats inom Europeiska Unionen för att förebygga negativa de miljöpåverkan som förknippats med energiförbrukning. Inom bostadssektorn har främst kommuner ställt strikta krav som har fått energianvändningen att reduceras samtidigt som har brukande av förnybara energin gynnats. Olika koncept av lågenergibyggnader har därför utvecklats för att begränsa kostnader för drift och underhåll. Examensarbetets syfte har varit att kostnadseffektivt minimera energibehovet i ett flerbostadshus som från början har lågenergi inslag. En energikartläggning har inletts för att sedan kunna visa hur hus el skulle kunna utföras ännu effektivare. Arbetet har inletts med en litteraturstudie för att tydligt öka kunskapen i ämnet energihushållning. Olika begrepp av lågenergibyggnader har behandlats i samband med dess kravspecifikationer som efteråt har jämförts med det erhållna resultatet. Det har också genomförts en analys över byggnadens energianvändning. Ekonomiska bedömningen har beaktats i analysen för att överväga lönsamheten av de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna som har föreslagits. Den evaluerade byggnadskroppen har inledningsvis åtgärdats individuellt för att se vilka av de förbättringsmöjligheterna som har medfört störst energibesparing. Därefter har det gjorts flera energioptimeringsåtgärder samtidigt. Dock har utredningen visat sig vara omöjlig för att spara en stor energimängd med enstaka åtgärder. Energiprestanda för den studerade byggnaden har beräknats till 48,7 kWh/m2 årligen i sitt originalutförande, vilket har varit lägre än den energigränsen som förespråkats i Boverkets byggregler 18 då huset konstruerades. Efter vidtagande av åtgärdspaketet har energibehov kommits åt passivhusnivån med en prestanda på 21,5 kWh/m2 per år. En någorlunda stor mängd av energin har reducerats i samband med åtgärdspaketet samt att den totala lönsamheten har visat sig vara ekonomisk hållbar. Solenergisystem har varit den största fördelen till att energibesparingen har kunnat säkerställas.
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Effekter av nära-nollenergikravet för projektering av flerbostadshus / Effects Due to the Near-Zero Energy Requirement for the Design of Multi-Family HousesLodmark, Manne January 2018 (has links)
För att driva på utvecklingen mot energieffektivare byggnader sattes målet från EU att alla byggnader som uppförs efter den 1 januari 2021 ska vara klassade som nära-nollenergi hus. Följden av denna målsättning förväntas komma som skärpta energikrav 2020 och byggföretagen som projekterar byggnaderna står nu inför en förändring. Studien görs på uppdrag av Sweco Architects AB i Umeå med syftet att ta reda på vilka effekter kommande kravändringar har på ett av deras projekterade flerbostadshus. Vidare är syftet att ge en bredare syn på vilka effekter energikraven som presenteras 2020 har för projektering av flerbostadshus i Umeå. Målet med rapporten är att ta fram ett primärenergital beräknat med hänsyn till de kommande ändringarna, samt att undersöka hur mycket ett flerbostadshus primärenergital påverkas av de kommande energikraven. Ytterligare är målet att kunna se hur primärenergitalet påverkas utifrån de kommande ändringarna angående källor för byggnadens värmeproduktion. En referensbyggnad beräknas i energiberäkningsprogrammet BV2 för att sedan kunna jämföra byggnadens energianvändning och genomsnittliga värmegenomgångskoefficient med de gällande samt kommande kraven för NNE-byggnader. Studier görs därefter för att se hur primärenergitalet påverkas av de ändringar som presenteras 2020. Efter beräkning i BV2 fastställdes flerbostadshusets primärenergital till 71,7 kWh/m2 och år samt ett medelvärde på värmegenomgångskoefficienten till 0,288 W/m2K. Dessa klarar och uppfyller de gällande såväl som de kommande kraven. Referensbyggnaden står sig således bra mot de NNE-kraven som träder i kraft 2020. Flera simuleringar på ett flerbostadshus med ett primärenergital på 85 kWh/m2 och år beräknades utifrån kommande värden på primärenergifaktor och geografisk justeringsfaktor och i samtliga fall minskade primärenergitalet med ungefär 12 %. Eftersom att det kommande kravet samtidigt skärps med ungefär 9 % kunde slutsatsen dras att om ett flerbostadshus i Umeå med fjärrvärme som primärkälla, uppfyller dagens krav kommer de även att uppfylla det kommande. Kraven kommer dock att slå hårdare mot byggnader som får sin uppvärmning från biobränslen, gas och olja, men hårdast kommer kraven bli för eluppvärmda hus. / In order to steer development towards more energy efficient buildings, the EU parliament have ruled that all buildings produced after the 1st of January 2021 should be classified as near-zero energy houses. This objective is expected to come as stricter energy performance requirements in 2020, and the companies that design the buildings are now facing a change. This study has been made on behalf of Sweco Architects AB in Umeå with the purpose to evaluate what the effects of the EU directive has on one of their designed multi-family houses. Furthermore, the purpose is to give a broader view on what effects the coming energy performance regulations have on other multi-family houses in Umeå. The aim of the report is to obtain a primary energy number, calculated with regard to the forthcoming changes, as well as to study how much a multi-family house’s primary energy number is affected by the forthcoming energy requirements. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate how the primary energy number is affected by the regulations regarding sources heat production of buildings. A reference building is calculated in the energy calculating software BV2 in order to compare energy use and average heat transfer coefficient to the current as well as the future energy performance requirements for near-zero energy houses. After that, studies are made to see how the primary energy number is affected by the changes taking effect 2020. After calculations in BV2 , a primary energy number of 71.7 kWh/m2 per year was established along with an average heat transfer coefficient of 0.288 W/m2K. These pass and fulfill the current as well as the forthcoming requirement levels, and therefore the reference building is well put-up against the regulations that take effect in 2020. Several simulations of a multi-family house with a primary energy number of 85 kWh/m2 per year were calculated on the basis of future values for primary energy factor and geographical adjustment factor. In all cases the primary energy number decreased with about 12 %. As the forthcoming requirement level reduces with about 9 %, it could be concluded that if a multi-family house in Umeå with central heating fulfills the current regulations, it will fulfill the forthcoming ones as well. However, the regulations will be tougher for electricity-heated buildings followed by buildings that obtain their heating from biofuels, gas or oil.
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PRINTMAKING IN TRANSITION : Curating relations with printmaking as a tool for actionKralli Anell, Niki January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the contemporary museum for printmaking Grafikens Hus motivates printmaking in socially engaged art projects based outside of the conventional gallery. It explores how printmaking is practiced as a tool to achieve artistic and curatorial goals, and investigates what Grafikens Hus strives to achieve by making space for meeting places. The analysis is based on in-depth readings of three case studies and two interviews with the director of Grafikens Hus Nina Beckmann and the curator Ulrika Flink. The theoretical perspective strives from concepts relating to audiences, relations and site-specificity outlined by curators engaged in socially engaged practices. The theoretical framework has also been informed by the curator José Roca’s approach to printmaking used as a device to achieve specific conceptual goals. The thesis is structured in three chapters: the first presents Grafikens Hus’s objectives and strivings, the second explores how Grafikens Hus use printmaking to stimulate confluence, the third examines Grafikens Hus’s ambition to curate meeting places. This thesis shows that printmaking is practiced as method for participation, used as tool for collaboration, seeking to create active subjects and co-producers. Furthermore, it demonstrates how Grafikens Hus use participation to form relations with places and thus generate a third room: places recharged with value by a dialogue oriented mind-set.
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A Comparison of Arabic Literature Translation into English and Swedish : Inverstigating Domestication in the Translation of Arabic Cultural Words - Imarat Yaqubyan as acase in pointAl Taai, Lamia January 2011 (has links)
Imarat Yaqubyan is a contemporary Arabic novel that encompasses an intensive and variable Arabic culture; this study contains a survey in tables of cultural words, according to Newmark’s categories, “material culture”, “social culture”, “originations”, and “gestures and habits”, as well as their correspondences in the English and the Swedish translated novel versions. In this tripled language study, Arabic, English and Swedish, I undertake a qualitative comparison between the translation strategies used by each translator of the English and Swedish versions. For this purpose I apply the taxonomy of translation strategies established by Pedersen, which is divided first into SL-oriented strategies categorized into “Retention”, “Specification” and “Direct Translation”, and secondly the TL-oriented that includes “Generalization”, “Substitution” and “Omission”, as well as the “Official Equivalent”. Through my analyses process, I link Newmark’s metaphors types, terminology and the seven procedures of translating metaphors with Pedersen’s strategies. In this study, Pedersen’s SL and TL-oriented translation strategies are considered to correspond to Venuti’s terminology of domestication and foreignization. Conclusions are drawn about the use of domesticating strategies in certain cultural words categories of both English and Swedish versions. The study devises the term “False Domestication”. / Imarat Yaqubyan är en modern arabisk roman som omfattar en intensiv och dynamisk arabisk kultur. Denna studie innehåller en undersökning, enligt Newmarks kategorier “materiell kultur”, “social kultur”, “uppkomst” och “gester och vanor”, strukturerad i översiktstabeller av kulturella ord förankrade i den arabiska kulturen, samt deras motsvarigheter på engelska och svenska i de översatta romanerna. I denna trespråkiga studie – arabiska, engelska och svenska – åtar jag mig en kvalitativ jämförelse mellan översättningsstrategierna som används av respektive den svenska och engelska översättaren av romanen. För detta ändamål tillämpar jag Pedersens taxonomi, vilken har delats upp i översättningsstrategier gällande källkultur/text (SL-oriented), nämligen överföring (retention), specificering (specification) och direktöversättning (direct Translation), samt målkultur/text (TL-oriented), vilka inkluderar generalisering (generalization), ersättning (substitution) och utelämning (omission). Därutöver tillämpas strategin officiell motsvarighet (official equivalent). Genom min analys länkar jag samman Newmarks metafortyper, den gällande terminologin och de sju förfaranden Newmark nämner rörande översättningar av metaforer med Pedersens strategier. I denna studie motsvarar Pedersens SL och TL-översättningsstrategier Venutis begrepp domesticering (domestication) och exotisering (foreignization). Slutsatser dras sedermera angående de strategier som avser domesticeringen av vissa specifika kulturella ord i både den engelska och den svenska versionen. I studien lanseras även begreppet falsk domesticering “False Domestication”.
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Smarta Hus : Nya behov och lösningar med participativ designValtonen, Arto, Wessman, Björn January 2001 (has links)
In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems. Based on the needs we have found in our fieldwork, we have been looking at possibilities to make multi user solutions with the sensor. / Björn Wessman, tfn: 0457-12726
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Amfibiska hus : möjligheter och utmaningar att nyttja byggteknikenGradén Svedlund, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Climate change will increase the risk of floods from storms and rising sea levels in many countries with coasts, seas and rivers. In Sweden, climate change is going to affect the intensity and frequency of precipitation which, together with rising sea levels, will result in more floods in the future. In the last few years amphibious buildings have emerged as an alternative solution to building protective infrastructure such as walls and levees around communities. There are several different strategies for how communities can be protected against floods. Amphibious architecture is a strategy were buildings are working with nature instead of trying to force water away. Amphibious buildings have the same amenities and appearance as traditional building constructions and help residents to stop living in fear of potential flood and start living in harmony with water. The building technique is applicable globally and minimizes material damage, financial losses and mental suffering in the event of a flood. The purpose of this master thesis is to contribute to increased knowledge of amphibious buildings as a building technique by summarizing experience and knowledge from other countries and identifying opportunities and limitations for building that type of constructions in Sweden. A literature study was conducted in order to find published knowledge on the subject and to form a basis for an interview study regarding opportunities and limitations to build amphibious buildings in Sweden. Results from the literature and interview studies indicate that one of the main opportunities of the building technique is the possibility to use more land for buildings and that amphibious buildings are adapted for future climate changes. By using an alternative strategy against floods where buildings work with the water less impacts in nature and ecosystems occur. One of the limitations of amphibious construction is the limited research on the subject. Amphibious buildings also requires low vertical water flow rates and waves. Knowledge of amphibious buildings as a building technique is low among many professionals in the construction sector and many countries’ laws are not adapted to this type of construction which makes it more difficult to build amphibious houses. Furthermore, results indicate that amphibious buildings could be an effective solution for building in flood areas. Proposals for future studies include how amphibious buildings work in a Nordic climate. Another proposal is to investigate what is needed for amphibious buildings to become an accepted alternative solutions in Swedish flood areas. / När klimaten förändras ökar risken för översvämningar från stormar, skyfall och stigande havsnivåer i många länder. Klimatförändringar kommer påverka Sverige på flera olika sätt där en konsekvens är ökad nederbörd och stigande havsnivåer vilket kommer resultera i ökat antal översvämningar i framtiden. På senare tid har alternativa lösningar lyfts fram istället för bygga skyddande infrastruktur som exempelvis skyddsmurar runt samhällen. Det finns flera olika strategier hur samhällen kan skyddas mot översvämningar där amfibisk arkitektur är en strategi som innebär natur inte motarbetas utan byggnaden samarbetar med vattenmassorna. Byggnaderna har samma faciliteter och utseende som traditionella konstruktioner men vid en översvämning flyter huset på vattnet. Byggtekniken hjälper individer som lever inom riskzon för översvämningar att sluta leva i rädsla och börja leva i harmoni med vattnet. Byggmetoden är applicerbar globalt och har potential att minimerar materiella skador, ekonomiska förluster och psykiskt lidande för inblandade vid en eventuell översvämning. Syfte med studien är att bidra till ökad förståelse om amfibiska hus som byggnadsmetod, vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som finns för att använda sig av tekniken i Sverige, sammanställa kunskap och erfarenhet från andra länder samt vilka faktorer som påverkar utformningen. Målet är att identifiera kunskaper och erfarenheter om byggtekniken och sammanfatta dessa. En litteraturstudie genomfördes i syfte att identifiera och sammanställa redan känd kunskap inom ämnet och ta fram underlag till en intervjustudie. Intervjustudien fokuserade på möjligheter och begränsningar att bygga amfibiska hus i Sverige. Intervjustudien behandlade tre perspektiv; myndighetsperspektiv, finans- och försäkringsperspektiv samt sakfrågeperspektiv. Resultatet från litteratur- och intervjustudien indikerar att en av de främsta möjligheterna med byggtekniken är att mer markyta kan utnyttjas och att byggtekniken är anpassad för framtida klimatförändringar. Genom att använda sig av en alternativ strategi mot översvämningar som arbetar med vattenmassorna krävs mindre ingrepp i naturen och ekosystemet. Byggtekniken är applicerbar i många olika länder och kan anpassas efter individens ekonomiska förutsättningar. En begränsande faktor är bristen på dokumenterad kunskap som kan försvåra användning av byggtekniken. Byggmetoden passar inte alla lokaliseringar utan det är platsen förutsättningar som styr huruvida amfibiska hus kan användas. Kunskapen om amfibiska hus är låg hos många aktörer inom byggsektorn och många länders lagstiftningar är inte anpassad för denna typ av byggteknik vilket försvårar byggandet av sådana objekt. Förslag på framtida studier är att se över hur byggtekniken kan användas för större byggnader och hur byggtekniken påverkas av nordiskt klimatet. Ett annat förslag är vilka utredningar som krävs för att svenska myndigheter ska ta ställning till byggtekniken och godkänna anpassad bebyggelse på orter med översvämningsrisk.
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Fem projekt och deras processer / Five projects and their Development ProcessesStockman, Bo January 2013 (has links)
Fem projekt och deras processer Projekten är ett urval av vad jag ritat under 15 år som praktiserande arkitekt. Avsikten är att belysa en del frågeställningar: Vad har varit de styrande faktorerna? Vad och vilka styr? Vilka var projektens bärande idéer? Projekt: - Ungdomens hus i Rinkeby. Nybyggnad. - Södertälje tingshus. Om-och tillbyggnad. - Radhus i Kv Kippinge, Hjulsta. Nybyggnad. - Rival, Mariatorget, Stockholm. Hotell, biograf och konferens. Om-och tillbyggnad. - Fritidshus på Skäret, Höganäs. Nybyggnad. / Five projects and their development processes The projects are a sampling of what I have designed over 15 years as a practicing architect. The intention is to highlight some questions: What has been the controlling factors? What and whom control? What were the projects supporting ideas? Projects: - Youth House (Ungdomens hus) in Rinkeby. New Construction. - Sodertalje courthouse. Reconstruction and extension. - Rowhouses in Hjulsta, Kv Kippinge. New Construction. - Rival, Stockholm. Hotels, cinema and conference. Reconstruction and extension. - Summerhouse in Höganäs. New Construction.
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