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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behandling och bemötande av barn och ungdomar diagnostiserade med ADHD : Med placering på HVB-hem / Behaviour towards and treatment of children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD : In residential care

Sandqvist, Sandra, Bengtsson, Emmelie January 2021 (has links)
Title: Behaviour towards and treatment of children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD: In residential care. This bachelor thesis studies the tension between an institution focused on a form of residential care of children and adolescents, which is called HVB- home and the opportunity to individualize the treatment and behaviour towards the child or adolescent. The study has especially targeted children and adolescents with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) living in HVB- homes in Sweden. The thesis has a qualitative study design and uses semi structured interviews. Six employees from HVB- homes working directly with the children answered questions and spoke freely to the authors of the study. Five themes were used to analyse the results. The authors explain the results with Michel Foucault power theories and Erving Goffman's "On the Characteristics of Total Institutions". It was found that the education level of the employees affected the care, treatment and behaviour towards children with ADHD. A majority of the interviewees lack a college degree. Employees with lower formal education expressed those colleagues with informal competence were prone to easier fit in the HVB- home environment. Most of the interviewees expressed frustration over Swedish laws, guidelines and rules which only allow treatment of socially unacceptable behaviour and prohibit care and treatment of diagnoses like ADHD. The majority of the interviewees favoured what's best for the group instead of adapting treatment and behaviour towards the individual.

Professionella gränser och relationer på HVB : Mellan privat, personligt och professionellt / Professional  boundaries and relations at residential care homes for children and young persons : Between private, personal and professional

Håkansson, Josefin, Toresson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie är ett examensarbete utfört som en del av socionomutbildningen på Malmö universitet. Syftet är att undersöka vad personal på HVB har för perspektiv på var gränsen går mellan att vara privat och personlig i relationen till ungdomarna. Till detta hör också vad för professionella gränser som är nödvändiga att upprätthålla gentemot de barn som placerats på hemmet samt vad för närhet och distans som förväntas, är förhandlingsbara eller helt förbjudna. Sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med personal på HVB för att undersöka deras perspektiv och resultaten sammanfattades i teman. Dessa teman var “Relationen mellan personal och ungdom”, “Gränsen mellan privat och personligt”, “Konflikter mellan personlig och professionell”, “Gränssättningar och maktrelationer” samt “Hantering av olika förhållningssätt på arbetsplatsen”.Huvuddragen av vad som framkom var att det är viktigt att vara personlig med ungdomarna på HVB, men det får inte vara på bekostnad av professionalitet. Att vara privat med ungdomarna kan innebära att interaktionen är för personalens skull istället för ungdomarna, därför är det viktigt att göra gränssättningar mellan det privata och det professionella. Exakt vart denna gräns går är dock inte tydlig och är dessutom mycket individuell både i form av var personalen är bekväm med att sätta sina gränser och vad ungdomen har för behov. Genom att kartlägga och konstruktivt samtala om gränserna mellan personal och ungdom skapas tydlighet / This study is a thesis carried out as part of the social work education at Malmö University. The aim is to investigate what the resident staff's perspective at Residential care homes for children and young persons is on where the line is drawn between being private and personal in the relationship with the residents.This also includes what kind of professional boundaries are necessary to maintain towards the children who are placed in the home and what kind of proximity and distance is expected, negotiable or completely prohibited. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff at residential homes to examine their perspectives and results summarized in themes. These themes were "The relationship between staff and youth", "The border between private and personal","Conflict between personal and professional", "Boundaries and power relations" and "Managing different attitudes in the workplace". The main feature of what emerged was that it is important to be personal with the residents, but this must not be at the expense of professionalism. Being private with the residents can mean that the interaction is for the benefit of the staff instead of the resident,therefore it is important to draw boundaries between the private and the professional. However, exactly where these boundaries are placed is not clear and is also very individual, both in terms of where the staff are comfortable setting their boundaries and what the residents' needs are. Clarity is created by charting out and having constructive conversations about the boundaries between staff andresidents.

Ensamkommande barns upplevelser och erfarenheter av Sveriges psykiatri-sjukvård : En kvalitativ studie / Unaccompanied minors' experiences and Experiences of Sweden's Psychiatry Care : A Qualitative Study

Salam Mohammed, Hawraa January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the challenges that unaccompanied minors face in accessing healthcare, especially mental health services, in Sweden. It uses a qualitative approach with five partici-pants aged 18–25, who were previously unaccompanied minors. Through interviews, the study identifies themes and patterns related to the theoretical framework, incorporating the KASAM theory and transcultural psychiatry, which emphasize self-reflection and cultural factors. The results reveal difficulties such as fear of impacting the asylum process, language barriers, anda lack of knowledge within the healthcare system. The study aims to contribute to understanding and improvements within the healthcare system. Limitations include a focus on Swedish conditions and the age group of 18–25. Suggestions for future research involve exploring wait times for psychiatric care and effectively communicating knowledge about mental health to these children to identify areas for improvement in healthcare. Overall, the study underscores the need to overcome barriers, customize healthcare to individual needs, and enhance understanding of this vulnerable group.

Behandlingsarbete med ungdomar på HVB : En kvalitativ studie om personalens uppfattningar om behandlingsarbete med särskild inriktning på relationer och psykisk ohälsa

Hall, Cassandra, Kristofersson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
En del av den sociala barnavården i Sverige består av hem för vård eller boende (HVB), som är en typ av institutionsvård utanför det egna hemmet. Aktuell studie syftar till att undersöka hur personal på HVB-hem beskriver institutionens behandlingsmässiga utgångspunkter och hur de uppfattar behandlingsarbetet med ungdomarna. Denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ metod och för att besvara syfte och frågeställningar har semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. Det har genomförts fem intervjuer med personal från två HVB-hem. För att analysera studiens resultat används en tematisk analysmetod. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna omfattas av teorier om samarbete, terapeutisk allians och HVB-hemmens behandlingsmässiga utgångspunkter miljöterapi och KBT (kognitiv beteendeterapi). Det som framkommer i studien är att behandlingsarbetet med ungdomar på HVB är komplext, att det finns ett behandlingsinriktat fokus samt att relationsskapande och samarbete är viktiga aspekter i arbetet. Det beskrivs också finnas svårigheter i arbetet som relateras till relationsskapande och deltagande i behandling. Vidare presenteras det att omfattningen av den psykiska ohälsan hos ungdomarna är utbredd och att HVB-hemmen inte har något specifikt arbetssätt för att behandla ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa utan att detta främst sker hos barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP). Det framkommer kritik mot bristande resurser hos BUP vilket påverkar behandlingsarbetet negativt. Det framkommer också svårigheter att arbeta med ungdomar i kriminalitet och att sekretessbestämmelserna mellan polis och socialtjänst försvårar samarbetet / A part of the social child welfare in Sweden consists of residential care homes, which is a type of institutional care. The aim of this study is to investigate how staff at residential care homes describe the institution's treatment implementations and how they perceive the work related to treatment with adolescents. This study is based on a qualitative method and semistructured interviews. Five interviews have been conducted with staff from two different residential care homes. A thematic analysis method is used to analyze the results of the study. The theoretical frameworks include theories of collaboration, therapeutic alliance, and treatment implementations of the residential care homes, such as milieu therapy and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). The study reveals that the work with treatment of adolescents in residential care homes is complex, that the facilities have a treatment-oriented focus, and that relationships and collaboration are important aspects of the work. Difficulties related to relationships and participation in treatment are also emphasized. Furthermore, the study presents that difficulties regarding mental health among adolescents are prevalent. The residential care homes do not have a specific approach for treating adolescents with mental health issues, the treatment regarding mental health mainly takes place within the child and adolescent psychiatry which receives criticism due to insufficient resources. It also appears that there are difficulties in working with young people involved in crime and that the confidentiality regulations between the police and social services can make cooperation difficult

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