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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Allvarligt talat : Professionellas syn på betydelsen av humor i behandling av ungdomar på HVB-boenden / Seriously speaking : The way professionals speak about their use of humour in treatment of adolescents in residential care

Lundahl, Markus, Thellman, Richard January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie har varit att undersöka vilken betydelse humor tillskrivs av professionella i behandlingsarbete med ungdomar, vilken betydelse humor beskrivs ha i att skapa meningsfulla relationer med ungdomarna samt vilken betydelse humor upplevs ha för de professionellas egna samarbete. Studiens empiri är baserad på två fokusgruppsintervjuer om fyra deltagare vardera samt två enskilda semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Sammantaget har 10 informanter från fyra verksamheter deltagit i studien. Studiens vetenskapsteoretiska perspektiv är socialkonstruktivism. Studiens empiri har primärt förståtts genom Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv och begreppen “Roll” samt “Ram”, Michel Foucaults diskursperspektiv och begreppet “Biomakt”. Som komplement har även begreppet “Att göra kön” Från Candace West och Don Zimmerman använts. Det empiriska materialet har bearbetats med en tematisk analys där fyra huvudsakliga teman identifierats: “Professionalitet och humor”, “Kommunikation och humor”, “Relation och humor” samt “Kultur, klimat och humor”. Dessa teman utgör grunden för studiens analys- och resultatdel, och blir på så vis också det som tolkas för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Den tolkning vi gjort av studiens material visar att humor beskrivs som en ständigt närvarande faktor i arbetet med ungdomarna, samt även inom personalgruppen där den uppges fungera som en coping-strategi. Humor återges av de professionella som en funktion som kan fungera avväpnande i spända situationer, exempelvis kan den ge en mänsklig aspekt i det första mötet med institutionen. Det som främst belystes i materialet var att humorns främsta egenskap var att verka relationsskapande. Vidare redogjordes för att humor var något som främst “bara finns” i sammanhanget, men att ett korrekt användande av humor är en stor del av den professionella rollen. Återkommande i studien betonades att ett korrekt användande var svårt att formulera, då användandet i sig är väldigt kontextbundet och att en stor del “fingertoppskänsla” är av yttersta vikt. / The purpose of this qualitative study has been to investigate the how the importance of humour is described by professional social workers in residential care. Additionally, the significance humour is given in creating meaningful relationships with adolescents as well as its importance for the professionals own cooperation has been investigated. The empirical material from this study is based on two focus group-interviews consisting of four participants each and two semi-structured interviews with one professional each. A total of ten informants from four different institutions were interviewed for this study. The theoretical perspective of the study is social constructivism.The studies empirical material have foremost been understood through Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective including his theoretical concepts of “Role” and “Frame”, and Michel Foucault’s discourse perspective and the concept “Biopower”. The concept “Doing gender” from Candace West and Don Zimmerman was also used as a complementary perspective in the analysis. The empirical material of the study has been processed with a thematic analysis in which four main themes were developed. “Professionalism and humour”, “Communication”, “Relation and humour” and “Culture, climate and humour”. These themes made the foundation of the analysis- and results chapter of the study, and was therefore also what was interpreted to answer the question formulation of the study. The interpretation made out of the empirical material of the study show that humour is a constantly present factor in the work with the adolescents as well as with the professionals themselves where humour worked as a coping-strategy. Humour has a disarming feature in tense situations, and can for example give a human touch in the first meeting with the institution. What was mostly highlighted in the material was that the primary characteristic of humour was its function to aid people in forming relationships. Furthermore humour was described merely as something that’s “just there” in the context, but that a proper usage of humour played a major role in what it meant to be a professional. Recurrent in the study was how the professionals emphasized that a proper usage of humour was difficult to formulate since the usage in itself was described as very contextual and that a great deal of sensitivity is of utmost importance.

"Nyckeln till lärande" : En brukarutvärdering av Nyckelgårdens behandlingshem / "The key to learning" - an clientoriented evaluation of Nyckelgården treatmenthome

Axelsson, Sandra, Vikström, Amelie January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Nyckelgården är ett HVB-hem med inriktning på behandling av föräldrar och barn. Den primära anledningen till att familjer placeras är omsorgsbrist hos föräldrarna. Detta innebär vanligen föräldrarnas svårigheter att kontrollera sina egna känslor och frustrationer, vilket har lett till en oförmåga att prioritera barnens känslomässiga behov. Nyckelgården erbjuder kvalificerad behandling i förälder-barnrelationen och arbetar även med svårigheter knutna till självutveckling, social kompetens och nätverk. Syftet med vår studie var att utvärdera Nyckelgården för att arbetet där ska kunna utvecklas och förbättras. Vi har genomgående utgått från ett brukarperspektiv för att förmedla tidigare klienters upplevelse av sin vistelse på behandlingshemmet. De frågeställningar som konkretiserar vårt syfte är; Hur har tidigare klienter upplevt bemötande och möjlighet till delaktighet under sin vistelse på behandlingshemmet? Har tidigare klienter upplevt någon form av förändring i sin livssituation till följd av familjebehandlingen? Vad upplevde tidigare klienter som mest givande under behandlingstiden och vad behöver förbättras? För att uppnå syftet med studien har vi genom kvalitativ metod genomfört intervjuer med fem av Nyckelgårdens tidigare klienter. Resultatet av intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån två teorier; Aaron Antonovsky’s teori om KASAM samt John Bolwby’s anknytningsteori, vilken Kari Killén utgår ifrån i sitt resonemang om professionell-klient relationen. Utvärderingen visar att respondenterna har upplevt delaktighet under sin behandling och att detta i flertalet fall har bidragit till motivation under behandlingsprocessen. Vidare visar resultatet att personalens förmåga att lyssna och visa empati upplevs som viktigt för respondenterna. Det mest givande med behandlingen upplevdes vara att de fick verktyg i form av kunskap för att bättre hantera sin föräldraroll samt hjälp till självhjälp i sin övriga livssituation. Majoriteten av respondenterna uttryckte att de upplevt positiva förändringar till följd av Nyckelgårdens behandling i form av mer fungerande relation och bättre samspel med sina barn. Vår slutsats av resultatet är att Nyckelgården är en väl fungerande verksamhet och att personalen fortsatt bör reflektera över sin förmåga att lyssna, visa empati samt bekräfta klienter i sin föräldraroll. / Abstract Nyckelgården is a treatment home that focuses on family preservation. The primary reason for placing families is care shortage from the parents. This means that parents display difficulties controlling their emotions and frustrations, which have led to an inability to prioritize the emotional needs of the children. Nyckelgården offers qualified treatment of the parent-child relationship and also work with difficulties regarding self-development, social abilities and social networks. The aim of our study was to evaluate Nyckelgården in order to develop and evaluate their work. Throughout our evaluation we originated from a client’s perspective in order to convey former clients experience of their time spent at the treatment home. The questions of issue have been; how have former clients experienced refutation and ability to participate during their stay at the treatment home? Have former clients experienced any kind of change in their life situation related to the family treatment? What did former clients experience to be most rewarding about their stay and what is in need of improvement? In order to attain the aim of the study we have trough qualitative method performed five interviews with former clients of Nyckelgården. The result of the interviews have been analyzed with the help of two theories; Aaron Antonovsky and his theory of KASAM and John Bolwby’s theory of attachment from which Kari Killén have discussed professional- client relationships. The evaluation show that the respondents have experienced participation during their treatment and that in many cases this has led to improved motivation during the treatment process. Further, the result show that professional ́s ability to listen and display empathy proved important to the respondents. Most rewarding in relation to treatment was receiving tools in terms of knowledge to better deal with the parenting role and to experience a sense of empowerment. The majority of the respondents expressed that they experienced positive changes in relation to their treatment at Nyckelgården as well as improved interaction with their children. Our conclusion is that Nyckelgården is a well-functioning organization and that the professionals continuously should reflect on their ability to listen, display empathy and acknowledge clients in regards to their parenting role.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En kvalitativ studie om tolkens betydelse vid kommunikation / Unaccompanied refugeechildren : A qualitative study about the interpreter´s significance in communication

Salomonsson, Rebecca, Salahiy, Nargiza January 2013 (has links)
Vår studie undersöker tolkens betydelse i kommunikationen mellan handledare på HVB och ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Vi fokuserade främst på möjligheter och brister som finns i tolkning idag, men även för att kunna förbättra handledarnas arbetssätt med barnen.  Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi har intervjuat fyra tolkar och fyra handledare på HVB. För att analysera vårt resultat har vi använt oss av tre kommunikationsmodeller och Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet. Modellerna har använts för att förklara specifika tolkningssituationer mellan barnen och handledare, och Habermas teori har vi använt för att förklara tolkningen utifrån samhället. I studien framkommer det att tolkningen ger goda möjligheter för att skapa en kommunikation mellan två individer. De största bristerna är att det saknas tolkar i vissa språk och att det blir fel i dialekter. Många av handledarna menar att tolkarnas kompetens är bristfällig och att tolkarna behöver vidareutbilda sig. Det framkommer även att många upplever att det är en fördel om tolken har kunskap om kultur och samhällen för att kunna överbrygga mellan barn och handledare. I tolkningen förekommer sällan känslomässiga samtal och att det är individuellt om barnet vill visa sina känslor vilket beror på vilket förtroende de har till tolk och handledare. Det finns mycket att förbättra inom tolkningen och det saknas riktlinjer kring hur man ska genomföra tolkning. / Our study investigates the interpreter´s significance in the communication between assistants at residential care homes and unaccompanied refugeechildren. We had our focus mainly on the possibilities and the deficiencies that are in interpreting today, but also to improve the assistants’ way of working with the children. We have implemented a qualitative study where we have interviewed four interpreters and four assistants at residential care homes. To analyze our results we have used three communication models and Habermas´ theory of communicative action. The models were used for explaining specific situations with interpreters between assistants and children, and we used Habermas´ theory to explain interpreting by society. The study reveals that interpreting gives good possibilities to create a communication between two individuals. The largest deficiencies are that there is a lack of interpreters in some languages and there occurs flaws in dialects. A lot of the assistants say that the competences of the interpreters are deficient and that the interpreters need more education. The study also reveals that many of the interviewed experiences that it is an advantage if the interpreter has knowledge about culture and communities to create a bridge between children and assistants. In interpreting, emotional conversations rarely presents and it is individual if the child wants to show its feelings and it depends on the trust they have to the interpreter and assistant. There are a lot of improvements needed and there is a lack of guidelines to how assistants should implement interpreting.

Familjer i samhällsvård : en fallstudie av ett HVB-hem

Krohn, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Socialstyrelsen gavs, tillsammans med länsstyrelserna, i uppdrag att granska vården i HVB-hemmen. Detta resulterade i två olika rapporter; den ena granskade HVB-hemsvården utifrån ensamplacerade barn och ungdomar och den andra utifrån barn som är placerade tillsammans med sina föräldrar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett av socialstyrelsen granskat HVB-hem belysa och diskutera de områden som socialstyrelsen och länsstyrelserna framställer i sina rapporter. Via kvalitativa intervjuer har följande områden framstått som viktiga i familjebehandling; delaktighet, utbildning, tyst kunskap och personlighet hos medarbetarna. Mest centralt är, enligt personalen, deras egen tysta kunskap i kombination med klienternas delaktighet.

Alla kan moppa golv : En kvalitativ studie av två HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn ur ett genusperspektiv / Everybody knows how to clean floors : A qualitative study of two institutions regarding unaccompanied children by focus of gender

Blomqvist, Adam, Johansson, Eric January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this study has been to plumb social workers experiences regarding their work methods in two institutions regarding unaccompanied children through a perspective of gender. In this study, four semi-structured qualitative interviews has been contrived in purpose to gather in material which has been presented in five themes to ease an analyse focusing of gender. In all the interviews both authors participated with one in charge and one taking notes. One of the main focuses has been the relations between both social workers and their clients and between colleges in the institutions. The other main focus has been the activities, both planed and spontaneous, which the clients been offered, for example football, bowling and boxing. The idea of analyse this main focuses is based in our knowledge through recent science studies that shows that gender is created both in relations, language and everyday actions.

Att möta ungdomars sexualitet på HVB-hem : En kvalitativ studie av hur behandlingspersonal upplever mötet med ungdomars sexualitet

Eriksson, Mia January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how staff members at residential homes experience encountering sexuality among the youths. The study was conducted by using qualitative interviews with four staff members at four different residential homes. The interviews have been analyzed by using content analysis and have been looked at through a perspective of experience, as described by Richard Stevens, and by applying developmental psychology. The results show that, although sexuality is experienced as being distinctly present and being a topic of major concern, the staff members have given sex-education as a means by which to raise their own competence little or no thought. One way to interpret this is that sexuality and sex-education haven’t been given a sufficient space in the work with the youths. Several staff members do experience the need of skills development in order to be able to function in the role as significant others when it comes to sexuality among the youths, and express that they would like to receive training in doing so. To a certain degree they experience situations in which they are not entirely certain how to act and which they are not sure how to handle. The result is somewhat in line with what previous research has pointed at, but does not include staff members having severe problems talking about sexuality with the youths. All participants express that they have minor or no problems with talking about sexuality and with encountering sexuality-related aspects in relation to the youths.

"De ska känna att de är huvudpersonen i sitt eget liv". : En kvalitativ studie om hur personal inom familjebehandlande HVB-hem upplever brukarinflytande. / "They are supposed to feel like the main person in their own life". : A qualitative study about how professionals within family-treating residential care experiences user influence.

Gotvik, Jonna, Jansson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to gain knowledge about how professionals experience user influence within family-treating residential care. To collect empiricism for this study semi structed interviewes was conducted with eight employees within family-treating residential care. These interviews were later processed through a content analysis, it becomes clear that the participants acknowledged the importance of user influence within its own treatment. Further on, the result has been analysed by the theory called empowerment and previous research within the current subject, ”user influence within family-threating residential care”. However, the result of this study is that the user influence should always exist though in certain circumstances it should be limited.

Vägen till att bli en del av samhället : - en studie om integrationsarbetet på ett HVB-hem för ensamkommande unga / The path to become a part of the society : – a study about the integration work at a residental care home for unaccompanied youths

Gerbeshi, Kaltrina January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to research about how the staff at a residental care home strives to make the unaccompanied youths feel like they are a part of the society in Sweden. The purpose is also to explain how the staff at the care home legitimises their integrating actions. To accomplish the purpose, a qualitative approach was made; four staffs and three youths were interviewed at a care home in the southern part of Sweden. The theoretical approach were: social integration and social exclusion. The theoretical concepts in this study were: rules, norms, social norms and moral norms. The findings of this study was that the staff, mentors and the guardians of the youths were people that helped them understand the ”new” society by teaching them the mutual norms, values and attitudes in the society. The norms, rules and routines that were taught at the care home, were interpreted as social and moral norms that sets the framework of a ”correct behavior” in a given situation. To make the system of norms appear as legitimate to the youths, the staff explained why the norms are important to internalize as well as explaining what could happen if you would go against them. In this way, the youths corrected their behavior in relation to what the staff mediated and to what they thought was important themselves. To understand how the society works, including learning the norms, values and behaviours, were according to the staff a way for the youths to create a good start into the Swedish society.

Det komplexa samspelet mellan kunskap, lärande och sociala färdigheter- Sex berättelser om före detta elevers skolgång på ett Skolveckohem

Hansson, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
AbstraktHansson, Jenny (2016)"Det komplexa samspelet mellan kunskap, lärande och sociala färdigheter" - Sex berättelser om före detta elevers skolgång på ett SkolveckohemSyftet med denna studie är att ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv bidra med kunskap och öka förståelsen för hur före detta elever på ett Skolveckohem med integrerad skola, uppfattade sin skolgång. Syftet är vidare att få elevers egna berättelser om skolans arbetsmetoder och undervisning bidragit till deras eventuellt vidare studier.Metoden är kvalitativa intervjuer med en narrativ ansats där elevers livshistorier har varit i fokus. Sex djupintervjuer genomfördes med elever som har åtminstone tre terminers placering. Studien lutas dels på Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori där kunskap förstås i relation till sociala och kulturella verktyg. Men också på von Wright's tolkning av Mead's teori om hur "Me and I" utvecklas genom interaktion.De sex livshistorierna i studien visar att eleverna inte kunde leva upp till de förväntningar som skolan med dess lagstiftning hade på dem. Respondenternas berättelser visar en uppfattning av att uppleva sig själv som avvikande. Eleverna upplevde lärarens kroppsspråk som negativt, vilket i sin tur påverkade elevernas självkänsla och självbild negativt. Berättelserna visar också att eleverna upplevde ett motstånd mot sig själv, där de inte kunde acceptera sin diagnos. Det komplexa samspelet mellan lärande, kunskap och sociala färdigheter blev uppenbart vid Skolveckohemmet där skolan kom att vara i fokus och studenten fick växa genom kunskap och lärande, men också genom vikten av ett relationellt förhållningssätt. I analysen kan man se att begreppet tid är viktigt där tiden inte statisk och att eleverna utvecklas genom tid och där också individuella vändpunkter varit viktiga. Man kan också se problematik kring när två alltför olika världar möts.Nyckelord: HVB, livshistoria, NPF, relationellt perspektiv, skolveckohem, scaffoldning, självbild, självkänsla, specialundervisning, hemmasittare. / AbstractHansson, Jenny (2016) “The complex interaction between knowledge, learning and social skills”- The stories of six former pupils' experiences of residential care school placementsMaster degree in Special Education Faculty of Education and Society Malmo University The purpose of the study is from an educational perspective contribute with knowledge and increase peoples understanding, how six pupils´ experiences of residential care school placements perceive their schooling. Furthermore the purpose is to get the pupils´ own perception of good methods in the education (teaching situations) at the residential care school placement and see how they have been prepared for further education (studies). The method is qualitative interviews with a narrative approach where pupils´ life stories have been in focus. Six in-depth interviews were conducted with pupils who have at least three terms of placement.The study leans partly on Vygotskijs´s sociocultural theory where human knowledge and ideas are understood in relation to social and cultural tools. Also on von Wright´s interpretation of Mead´s theory on how ”I and me” evolve through interaction.The six life-stories show that the pupils´ was unable to live up to the expectations that the school and the legislation had on them. They point out social pressure as a factor, where the pupils compares themselves with their classmates and considered their self as deviant. Pupils´ experiencing teacher in the regular school body language as negative which affected the pupils´ self-esteem and self-image negatively. The student's experience was that the teacher thought he was a problem. The stories also show that students experience a resistance against theme-self, where they could not accept their diagnosis. The complex relationship between learning, knowledge and social skills became evident at the residential care school placement where the school came to be in focus and the student had to grow through knowledge and learning but also through the importance of relational approach. This led to a future and a sense of growing by successfully.The analysis from a narrative perspective can be seen that the concept of time is important when time is not static and that the students developed through time. It can also see problems around different worlds, such routines, residential or schools that meet.Keywords: HVB, life history, NPF, relational perspective, residential care school placement, scaffolding, self-image, self-esteem, special education, a stay at home pupil.

Arbete och emotioner - en studie av HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Najafi, Madeleine, Sonesson, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
I media skrivs det om osäkerhet, hot och våld bland både boende och personal påsvenska HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Att arbeta med personer som harerfarit traumatiska händelser har visat sig ha en stor känslomässig påverkan på enindivid. Vi upplever att detta borde ha ökat forskningsintresset för HVB-personalensmående och inte enbart de boendes. Syftet med studien är därför att analysera denemotionella utmaning som möter personal i arbetet på HVB-hem. I studien behandlar vifrågor om hur de anställda arbetar och påverkas i arbetet med ensamkommandeflyktingbarn, samt på vilket sätt de hanterar känslor som uppstår i arbetet. Studien harutgått från en kvalitativ metodansats med sex ostrukturerade intervjuer med personersom arbetar eller har arbetat på HVB-hem i Skåne. Teorin i studien är baserad påGoffmans dramaturgiska teori, Hochschilds emotionssociologi och empowermentbegreppet.Studiens resultat visar att personalen utsätts för en omfattande känslomässigpåverkan i arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Personalen på HVB-hemmenpåverkas i såväl positiv som negativ bemärkelse, till följd av ett emotionelltengagemang som uppstår i arbete med de boende. Personalen beskriver ävensvårigheterna med att lyckas släppa arbetet när de kommer hem och hur de hade önskatmer emotionellt stöd. För att kunna hantera emotionerna i och utanför arbetet ärmodifiering av känslor inte ovanligt. / The media writes about insecurity, threats and violence amongst residents andemployees within residential care homes (HVB) for unaccompanied refugee children inSweden. Working with people who have endured traumatic experiences has shown tohave a profound emotional impact on an individual. This, in our opinion, should haveraised the interest in researching the well-being of the employees. The aim of this studyis therefore to analyse the emotional challenge facing the care home employees in theirwork. We examine how care home employees work, are affected by work, and in whatway the employees manage their emotions arising from work. A qualitative method waschosen, containing six unstructured interviews with people who work or have worked atcare homes for unaccompanied refugee children in Skåne. The theoretical concepts usedin this study are based on Goffman’s dramaturgy, Hochschild’s emotion sociology andthe empowerment concept. The study shows that due to an emotional commitment, thecare home employees are highly emotionally affected by working with unaccompaniedrefugee children, in a both positive and a negative sense. The study also shows that theemployees have difficulties leaving their professional life at work, and that they wishfor more emotional support. Modification of emotions is not an unusual method inmanaging emotions inside and outside of the workplace.

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