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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Números de Lê e classes de Milnor de hipersuperfícies analíticas complexas / Lê numbers and Milor classes of complex analytic hypersurfaces

Zanchetta, Michelle Ferreira 19 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho está dividido em duas partes distintas. Na primeira parte caracterizamos os números de Lê de polinômios que são rodutos de polinômios de Pham-Brieskorn de mesmo tipo, que denominamos de arranjos de Pham-Brieskorn, obtendo fórmulas para estes números somente utilizando o número de variáveis, os pesos e o grau de homogeneidade destes polinômios. Na segunda parte nos dedicamos a estabelecer relações entre os números de Lê, que é um conceito local, e as classes de Milnor, que são objetos globais que fornecem informações quanto a geometria e topologia de hipersuperfícies analíticas complexas. No contexto geral, usando a hipótese de especialização, relacionamos a classe de Milnor de dimensão máxima de uma hipersuperfície Z numa variedade compacta M com uma soma, sobre os estratos de uma estratificação de Whitney de Z (com estratos conexos) que estão contidos no conjunto singular, em termos do último número de Lê associado a cada estrato. Além disso, obtivemos uma caracterização da classe de Milnor de dimensão mínima via os números de Lê sem usar a hipótese de especialização. Esta classe coincide com o chamado número de Milnor de Parusinski que, assim como os números de Lê, também é uma generalização do número de Milnor / This work is divided into two distinct parts. In the first part we characterize the Lê numbers of polynomials that are products of Pham- Brieskorn polynomials of the same type that we call Pham-Brieskorn arrangements, obtaining formulas to these numbers only using the number of variables, weights and degree of homogeneity of these polynomials. In the second part we are dedicated to establishing relationships between Lê numbers, which is a local concept, and the Milnor classes, which are global objects that provide information about the geometry and topology of complex analytic hypersurfaces. In a general context, using the hypothesis of specialization we relate the top dimensional Milnor class of a hypersurface Z in a compact manifold M with a sum given in terms of the last Lê number associated to each stratum of a Whitney estratification of Z (with connected strata) that are contained in singular set. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of the Milnor class of minimum dimension via the Lê numbers without using the hypothesis of specialization. This class coincides with the Milnor number of Parusinski that, as the Lê numbers, it is also a generalization of the Milnor number

The Cauchy-Riemann equation with support conditions on domains with Levi-degenerate boundaries

Brinkschulte, Judith 19 April 2002 (has links)
In einem ersten Teil betrachten wir ein relativ kompaktes Gebiet Omega einer n-dimensionalen Kähler-Mannigfaltigkeit, mit Lipschitz-Rand, welches eine gewisse "log delta"-Pseudokonvexität besitzt. Wir zeigen, dass die Cauchy-Riemann Gleichung mit exaktem Träger in Omega für alle Bigrade (p,q) mit 0< q< n-1 eine Lösung besitzt. Ausserdem ist das Bild des Cauchy-Riemann Operators auf glatten (p,n-1)-Formen mit exaktem Träger in Omega abgeschlossen. Wir geben Anwendungen für die Lösbarkeit der tangentialen Cauchy-Riemann Gleichungen für glatte Formen und Ströme auf Rändern von schwach pseudokonvexen Gebieten Steinscher Mannigfaltigkeiten und für die Lösbarkeit der tangentialen Cauchy-Riemann Gleichungen für Ströme auf Levi-flachen CR Mannigfaltigkeiten beliebiger Kodimension. In einem zweiten Teil untersuchen wir die Cauchy-Riemann Gleichung mit Randbedingung Null entlang einer Hyperfläche mit konstanter Signatur. Wir geben Anwendungen für die Lösbarkeit der tangentialen Cauchy-Riemann Gleichung für glatte Formen mit kompaktem Träger und für Ströme auf der Hyperfläche. Wir zeigen auch, dass das Hartogs-Phänomen in schwach 2-konvex-konkaven Hyperflächen mit konstanter Signatur Steinscher Mannigfaltigkeiten gilt. / In a first part, we consider a domain Omega with Lipschitz boundary, which is relatively compact in an n-dimensional Kaehler manifold and satisfies some "log delta-pseudoconvexity" condition. We show that the Cauchy-Riemann equation with exact support in Omega admits a solution in bidegrees (p,q), 1 < q < n. Moreover, the range of the Cauchy-Riemann operator acting on smooth (p,n-1)-forms with exact support in Omega is closed. Applications are given to the solvability of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations for smooth forms and currents for all intermediate bidegrees on boundaries of weakly pseudoconvex domains in Stein manifolds and to the solvability of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations for currents on Levi-flat CR manifolds of arbitrary codimension. In a second part, we study the Cauchy-Riemann equation with zero Cauchy data along a hypersurface with constant signature. Applications to the solvability of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations for smooth forms with compact support and currents on the hypersurface are given. We also prove that the Hartogs phenomenon holds in weakly 2-convex-concave hypersurfaces with constant signature of Stein manifolds.

Rank Stratification of Spaces of Quadrics and Moduli of Curves

Kadiköylü, Irfan 24 May 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Varietäten singulärer, quadratischer Hyperflächen, die eine projektive Kurve enthalten, und effektive Divisoren im Modulraum von Kurven, die mittels verschiedener Eigenschaften von quadratischen Hyperflächen definiert werden. In Kapitel 2 berechnen wir die Klasse des effektiven Divisors im Modulraum von Kurven mit Geschlecht g und n markierten Punkten, der als der Ort von solchen markierten Kurven definiert ist, dass das Projektion der kanonischen Abbildung der Kurve von den markierten Punkten auf einer quadratischen Hyperfläche liegt. Mithilfe dieser Klasse zeigen wir, dass die Modulräume mit Geschlecht 16, 17 und 8 markierten Punkten Varietäten von allgemeinem Typ sind. In Kapitel 3 stratifizieren wir den Raum von quadratischen Hyperflächen, die eine projektive Kurve enthalten, mithilfe des Rangs dieser Hyperflächen. Wir zeigen, dass jedes Stratum die erwartete Dimension hat, falls die Kurve ein allgemeines Element des Hilbertschemas ist. Mit Rücksicht auf Rang von quadratischen Hyperflächen, eine ähnliche Konstruktion wie in Kapitel 2 ergibt neue Divisoren im Modulraum von Kurven. Wir berechnen die Klasse von diesen Divisoren und zeigen, dass der Modulraum von Kurven mit Geschlecht 15 und 9 markierten Punkten eine Varietät von allgemeinem Typ ist. In Kapitel 4 präsentieren wir unterschiedliche Resultate, die mit Themen von vorigen Kapiteln im Zusammenhang stehen. Zum Ersten berechnen wir die Klasse von Divisoren im Modulraum von Kurven, die als die Orte von Kurven definiert sind, wo die maximale Rang Vermutung nicht gilt. Zweitens zeigen wir, dass jedes Geradenbündel als Tensorprodukt von zwei Geradenbündeln mit zwei Schnitten geschrieben werden kann, falls die Kurve allgemein ist und eine gewisse numerische Bedingung erfüllt ist. Zuletzt benutzen wir bekannte Divisorklassen zu zeigen, dass der Modulraum von Kurven mit Geschlecht 12 und 10 markierten Punkten eine Varietät von allgemeinem Typ ist. / In this thesis, we study varieties of singular quadrics containing a projective curve and effective divisors in the moduli space of pointed curves defined via various constructions involving quadric hypersurfaces. In Chapter 2, we compute the class of the effective divisor in the moduli space of n-pointed genus g curves, which is defined as the locus of pointed curves such that the projection of the canonical model of the curve from the marked points lies on a quadric hypersurface. Using this class, we show that the moduli spaces of 8-pointed genus 16 and 17 curves are varieties of general type. In Chapter 3, we stratify the space of quadrics that contain a given curve in the projective space, using the ranks of the quadrics. We show, in a certain numerical range, that each stratum has the expected dimension if the curve is general in its Hilbert scheme. By incorporating the datum of the rank of quadrics, a similar construction as the one in Chapter 2 yields new divisors in the moduli space of pointed curves. We compute the class of these divisors and show that the moduli space of 9-pointed genus 15 curves is a variety of general type. In Chapter 4, we present miscellaneous results, which are related with our main work in the previous chapters. Firstly, we consider divisors in the moduli space of genus g curves, which are defined as the failure locus of maximal rank conjecture for hypersurfaces of degree greater than two. We illustrate three examples of such divisors and compute their classes. Secondly, using the classical correspondence between rank 4 quadrics and pencils on curves, we show that the map that associates to a pair of pencils their tensor product in the Picard variety is surjective, when the curve is general and obvious numerical assumptions are satisfied. Finally, we use divisor classes, that are already known in the literature, to show that the moduli space of 10-pointed genus 12 curves is a variety of general type.

Conectividade  de  variedades  semi-algébricas / Connectivity of semialgebraic sets

Juan Carlos Nuñez Maldonado 07 April 2017 (has links)
Neste projeto apresentamos os teoremas de estrutura, decomposição celular, e o teorema da existência da triangulação para conjuntos semi-algébricos compactos. Como aplicações destes teoremas mostramos o lema de seleção da curva local e global. Além disso, apresentamos uma breve descrição da topologia da fibra de Milnor local e global, bem como alguns resultados sobre o grau de conexidade da fibra genérica global de uma função polinomial complexa, que mostram a íntima relação entre o grau de conexidade com a dimensão do conjunto singular. / In this project we present some structure theorems, cell decomposition, and the theorem on the existence of triangulation for compact semi-algebraic sets. As applications we prove the curve selection lemma in the local and global cases. Moreover, we present a brief description about the topology of local and global Milnor´s fibers, as well as, some results about the connectivity degree of the generic fibers of a complex polynomial function, that show the close relation between the connectivity degree and the dimension of the singular locus.

A partial answer to the CPE conjecture, diameter estimates and manifolds with constant energy / A partial answer to the CPE conjecture, diameter estimates and manifolds with constant energy

Francisco de Assiss Benjamim Filho 25 June 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Esta tese està dividida em quatro partes. Na primeira delas estudaremos pontos crÃticos do funcional curvatura escalar total restrito ao espaÃo das mÃtricas de curvatura escalar constante e volume unitÃrio. Provaremos que sob certas condiÃÃes integrais convenientes os pontos crÃticos de tal funcional sÃo variedades de Einstein provando assim a conjectura dos pontos crÃticos neste caso. Na segunda parte, veremos duas estimativas para o primeiro autovalor do Laplaciano de uma variedade compacta com curvatura de Ricci limitada por baixo por uma constante. As estimativas que obtemos melhoram a estimativa correspondente provada por Li e Yau (1980). Na terceira parte, estamos interessados em estimar o diÃmetro de hipersuperfÃcies mÃnimas da esfera. A estimativa que encontramos depende apenas do primeiro autovalor do Laplaciano da hipersuperfÃcie considerada. Para superfÃcies imersas na esfera de dimensÃo trÃs, obtemos uma estimativa ligeiramente melhor do que a obtida no caso de dimensÃo alta. Na Ãltima parte, introduzimos o conceito de variedade de energia constante e provamos que a esfera e o toro sÃo as Ãnicas superfÃcies que tÃm energia constante. Em dimensÃo mais alta a situaÃÃo à bem diferente uma vez que o produto de uma esfera por qualquer variedade compacta tem energia constante. Entretanto, se impusermos uma condiÃÃo sobre a curvatura de Ricci, à possÃvel caracterizar a esfera tambÃm neste caso. Em seguida, aplicamos as informa-ÃÃes obtidas ao estudo de hipersuperfÃcies da esfera provando alguns resultados de rigidez desde que a hipersuperfÃcie tenha energia constante. / This thesis is divided into four parts. In the first one we study the critical points of the total scalar curvature functional restricted to the space of metrics with constant scalar curvature and volume one. We shall prove that under certain suitable integral conditions the critical points of such functional are Einstein manifolds proving this way the critical point equation conjecture in this case. In the second part, we will provide an estimate for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a compact manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by a constant. The estimate we obtain improves the corresponding estimate proved by Li and Yau (1980). In the third part, we are interested in to estimate the diameter of minimal hypersurfaces of the sphere. The estimate we get depends only on the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian of the considered hypersurface. For immersed surfaces on the three dimensional sphere, we obtain an estimate slightly better than the one obtained in the case of higher dimension. In the last part, we introduce the concept of manifolds with constant energy and prove that the sphere and the torus are the only compact surfaces that have constant energy. For higher dimension, the situation is very different sine the product of the sphere with any compact manifold has constant energy. Nevertheless, if we impose a condition over the Ricci curvature it is possible to characterize the sphere also in this case. After that, we apply the informations obtained to the study of hypersurfaces of the sphere proving some rigidity results provided that the hypersurfaces has constant energy.

Sobre hipersuperfÃcies mÃnimas, aplicaÃÃes do princÃpio do mÃximo fraco e de teoremas tipo-Liouville / On minimum hypersurfaces, application of the principle of maximum and weak theorems type-Liouville

Antonio Wilson Rodrigues da Cunha 13 March 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / In this work we approach four research lines, where we began with the study of isometrically immersed hypersurfaces in a horoball. Next we studied Liouville type theorems in a complete Riemannian manifold for general operators. After we studied hypersurfaces f-minimal closed on a manifold with density, and nally we studied properly embedded minimal hypersurfaces with free boundary in a n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold. Continuing, we obtain under a more general class operator than '-Laplacian, a Liouville type theorem for a complete Riemannian manifold, so that, prove a classication theorem for Killing graph of a foliation. Firstly, we are going to assume a weak maximum principle and that immersion is contained in a horoball, i.e., the set of bounded above Bussemann functions . We obtain an estimate for the highest quotient of r-curvatures. Moreover, under certain conditions on sectional curvature and assuming that the immersion is contained in a horoball, we forced the validity of the weak maximum principle and obtain the same estimates. Next, we establish a Choi-Wang type estimate for the rst eigenvalue of the weighter Laplacian on spaces with density in responding partially to Yau's conjecture for the rst eigenvalue weighter Laplacian for spaces with density, and moreover, we obtain an inequality Poincare type. With the estimates obtained, we establish an estimate of volume for a closed surface immersed in a space with density. Still following the study of spaces with density, we obtain a type Hientze-Karcher inequality for a compact manifold with nonempty boundary , so that, we obtain that if holds the equality than the manifold is isometric to a Euclidian ball. As consequence, we obtain under same conditions that if the f-mean curvature satisfy a bounded below than the manifold is isometric to a Euclidian ball. Finally, we obtain an estimate for the nonzero rst Steklov eigenvalue, where we are giving a answer partial to a conjecture by Fraser and Li. Moreover, as a consequence we establish an estimate for the total length of the boundary of the properly embedded minimal surfaces with free boundary in terms of its topology, thus, we proved the same when the surface is embedded in the Euclidean ball 3-dimensional. / Neste trabalho, abordamos quatro linhas de estudo, onde iniciamos com o estudo de hipersuperfcies isometricamente imersas sobre uma horobola. Em seguida estudamos Teoremas tipo Liouville para uma variedade Riemanniana completa em operadores mais gerais que o Laplaciano. Alem disso, estudamos hipersuperfcies f-mÃnimas fechadas em uma variedade com densidade e, por fim, estudamos hipersuperfÃcies mÃnimas com bordo livre, propriamente imersas em uma variedade Riemanniana compacta n-dimensional. Primeiramente, assumindo um princpio do maximo fraco e que a imersÃo està contida em uma horobola, i.e., um conjunto em que a funcÃo de Busemann à limitada superiormente, obtemos uma estimativa para o supremo do quociente das r-Ãsimas curvaturas. AlÃm disso, sob certas condiÃÃes sobre as curvaturas seccionais e assumindo que a imersÃo està contida em uma horobola, forÃamos a validade do princÃpio do mÃximo fraco e obtemos as mesmas estimativas. Prosseguindo, obtemos, para um operador mais geral que o '-Laplaciano, um teorema tipo-Liouville para uma variedade Riemanniana completa. Como aplicaÃÃo provamos um teorema de classificaÃÃo para grÃficos de Killing de uma folheaÃÃo. Em seguida, estabelecemos uma estimativa tipo Choi e Wang para o primeiro autovalor do f-Laplaciano em espaÃos com densidade, no sentido de responder parcialmente à conjectura de Yau para o primeiro autovalor do Laplaciano; alÃm disso, obtemos uma desigualdade tipo Poincarà para esse operador. Com a estimativa obtida, pudemos estabelecer uma estimativa de volume para uma superfÃcie fechada mergulhada em um espaÃo com densidade. Ainda seguindo o estudo de espaÃos com densidade, obtemos uma desigualdade tipo Heintze-Karcher para uma variedade compacta com bordo e verificamos que, se vale a igualdade, entÃo a variedade à isomÃtrica a uma bola Euclidiana. Como consequÃncia, obtemos que, nas mesmas condiÃÃes, e se a f-curvatura mÃdia satisfizer uma certa limitaÃÃo inferior, entÃo a variedade ainda à isometrica a uma bola Euclidiana. Finalmente, obtemos uma estimativa para o primeiro autovalor de Steklov, dando uma resposta parcial a uma conjectura devida a Fraser e Li. AlÃm disso, como consequÃncia, estabelecemos uma estimativa para o comprimento do bordo de uma superfÃcie mÃnima, compacta e propriamente megulhada com bordo livre em termos de sua topologia; assim, provamos o mesmo resultado quando a superfÃcie està mergulhada em uma bola Euclidiana 3-dimensional.

Approximation faible et principe local-global pour certaines variétés rationnellement connexes

Hu, Yong 04 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude de quelques propriétés arithmétiques de certaines variétés algébriques qui sont ''les plus simples'' en un sens géométrique et qui sont définies sur des corps de type géométrique. Elle se compose de trois chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, indépendant des deux autres, on s'intéresse à la propriété d'approximation faible pour une variété projective lisse rationnellement connexe X définie sur le corps de fonctions K=k(C) d'une courbe algébrique C sur un corps k. Supposons que X possède un K-point rationnel. En utilisant des méthodes géométriques, on démontre que X(K) est Zariski dense dans X si k est un corps fertile, et que l'approximation faible en un certain ensemble de places de bonne réduction vaut pour X sous des hypothèses supplémentaires convenables. Lorsque k est un corps fini, on obtient l'approximation faible en une place quelconque de bonne réduction pour une surface cubique lisse sur K ainsi qu'un résultat sur l'approximation faible d'ordre zéro pour des hypersurfaces cubiques de dimension supérieure sur K.Les deux autres chapitres forment la seconde partie de la thèse, où on travaille sur le corps des fractions K d'un anneau intègre local R, hensélien, excellent de dimension 2 dont le corps résiduel k est souvent supposé fini et où on emploie des outils plus algébriques. On étudie d'abord la ramification et la cyclicité des algèbres à division sur un tel corps K. On démontre en particulier que toute classe de Brauer d'ordre n premier à la caractéristique résiduelle sur K est d'indice divisant n^2 et que la cyclicité d'une classe de Brauer d'ordre premier peut être testée localement sur les corps complétés par rapport aux valuations discrètes de K. Ces résultats sont appliqués dans le dernier chapitre pour étudier l'arithmétique des formes quadratiques sur K. On montre que toute forme quadratique de rang \ge 9 sur K possède un zéro non trivial. Si K est le corps des fractions d'un anneau de séries formelles A[[t]] sur un anneau de valuation discrète complet A, on a prouvé le principe local-global pour toute forme quadratique de rang \ge 5 sur K. Pour K général on a établi le principe local-global pour les formes de rang 5. Le cas des formes de rang 6,7 ou 8 est ouvert.

Verformungsverhalten und Grenzflächen von Ultrahochleistungsbeton unter mehraxialer Beanspruchung / Deformation Behaviour and Hypersurfaces of Ultra High Performance Concrete under Multiaxial Loading

Ritter, Robert 14 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Treten im Beton mehraxiale Spannungszustände auf, führen diese gegenüber einer einaxialen Beanspruchung zu einer signifikanten Änderung des Materialverhaltens. Neben einer festigkeitssteigernden bzw. -abmindernden Wirkung ergeben sich ebenfalls große Unterschiede im Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhalten. Zur effizienten Konzipierung von Betonstrukturen unter komplexen Beanspruchungszuständen ist daher die Kenntnis des veränderten Materialverhaltens notwendig. Zur experimentellen Bestimmung des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens eines Ultrahochleistungsbetons mit einer einaxialen Druckfestigkeit von über 170 N/mm² wurden mehraxiale Belastungsversuche an würfelförmigen Probekörpern durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung umfasste insgesamt 35 zwei- und dreiaxiale Spannungsverhältnisse unter proportionaler Laststeigerung mit vorrangiger Betrachtung von Zug-Druck-Druck-Beanspruchungen. Für die Einleitung der Zugbeanspruchungen in die Prüfkörper wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, bei der mittels einbetonierter Schrauben die Belastung auf den Beton übertragen wird. Die Bestimmung des Verformungsverhaltens erfolgte im Inneren der Probekörper mit sechs tetraederförmig angeordneten Faser-Bragg-Gittern. Die somit direkt gemessenen Dehnungen ermöglichen die nachträgliche Berechnung der Komponenten des Dehnungstensors des Bezugskoordinatensystems. Für den untersuchten Ultrahochleitsungsbeton fallen die auf die einaxiale Druckfestigkeit bezogenen mehraxialen Festigkeitswerte mit zunehmendem hydrostatischen Druckspannungsanteil der Beanspruchung geringer aus als bei Normalbetonen. Weiterhin weist das Verformungsverhalten eine größere Sprödigkeit gegenüber Normalbetonen auf, so dass auch unter dreiaxialen Druckspannungszuständen die Probekörper schlagartig versagen. Aus den gemessenen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien werden neben den maximalen Festigkeiten die Festigkeitswerte an der Elastizitätsgrenze, der Affinitätsgrenze sowie beim Volumenminimum der Probekörper bestimmt. Zur Approximation dieser charakteristischen Werte wurde eine Grenzflächenbeschreibung entwickelt und an den Versuchsergebnissen kalibriert. Des Weiteren erfolgte die Zusammenstellung einer Datenbank mit in der Literatur verfügbaren mehraxialen maximalen Festigkeitswerten von Betonen mit einaxialen Druckfestigkeiten von 10 N/mm² bis 180 N/mm² und die Kalibrierung des entwickelten Modells zur Grenzflächenbeschreibung in Abhängigkeit der einaxialen Druckfestigkeit. Die bei der Kalibrierung der Grenzfläche für einzelne Betonfestigkeitsklassen bestimmten Freiwerte hängen dabei stark von den vorliegenden Versuchsdaten und speziell vom Wertebereich der hydrostatischen Spannungsanteile der maximalen Beanspruchungen ab. Die Approximation des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens der mehraxial beanspruchten Probekörper erfolgt mittels eines schädigungsbasierten Materialgesetzes. Hierbei wird für den anfänglich isotropen Beton zum einen eine lastinduzierte isotrope Schädigung und zum anderen eine lastinduzierte orthotrope Schädigung angenommen, die von den auftretenden Hauptdehnungen abhängig ist. Mit dem entwickelten Materialgesetz werden sehr gute Übereinstimmungen mit den gemessenen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien erreicht, so dass sich ebenfalls eine gute Vorhersage der maximalen Festigkeitswerte ergibt. / Concrete under multiaxial stress states shows significant changes of the material behaviour compared to uniaxial loading. Besides strength increasing and decreasing effects, also great differences in the stress-strain behaviour occur. In order to design concrete structures efficiently concerning complex stress states, the knowledge about the modified material behaviour is necessary. To determine experimentally the stress-strain behaviour of an ultra high performance concrete with a uniaxial compressive strength of about 170 N/mm², multiaxial loading tests on cubic-shaped specimens were carried out. Altogether, the investigation contained 35 biaxial and triaxial stress ratios under proportionally increasing load with primarily tension-compression-compression loadings. Applying the tensile load on the specimen, a new method was developed, which uses screws embedded in the concrete to transfer the loading. The deformations were measured by using six tetrahedron-shaped arranged Fibre Bragg Gratings inside the concrete specimen. Subsequently, with the directly measured strains the components of the strain tensor of the reference coordinate system could be determined. For the investigated ultra high performance concrete the increase of the multiaxial strength, referring to the uniaxial compressive strength, decreases compared to normal strength concrete with the increasing hydrostatic stress component of the load. Moreover, the deformation behaviour shows an increased brittleness compared to normal strength concrete, so that even under triaxial compressive stress states the specimens fail abruptly. Besides the ultimate strength, from the measured stress-strain curves the strength at the proportional limit, at the limit of affinity as well as at the minimum volume of the specimen is determined. To approximate these characteristic values, a description of a hypersurface is developed and calibrated with the test results. Furthermore, a database with multiaxial ultimate strength values of concretes with uniaxial compressive strengths between 10 N/mm² to 180 N/mm² available from literature was compiled and a calibration of the developed hypersurface model depending on the uniaxial compressive strength was carried out. Thereby, the obtained values of arbitrary parameters of individual concrete strength classes depend severely on the available test results, especially on the range of values of the hydrostatic stress component of the ultimate strength. The approximation of the stress-strain behaviour of the multiaxial loaded specimens is carried out by means of a damage-based material law. For this purpose, concerning the initially isotropic concrete, a load-induced isotropic and orthotropic damage depending on the principle strains is assumed. With the developed material law, very good accordance with the measured stress-strain curves could be achieved, so that also results in a good approximation of the ultimate concrete strength.

Um teorema tipo Berstein em R x Hn. / A Berstein theorem in R x Hn.

VIEIRA FILHO, Luis Gonzaga. 06 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-06T14:32:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUIZ GONZAGA VIEIRA FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2012..pdf: 418239 bytes, checksum: 637639b6b00361fa99f7879c81c1a30c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T14:32:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUIZ GONZAGA VIEIRA FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2012..pdf: 418239 bytes, checksum: 637639b6b00361fa99f7879c81c1a30c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12 / Neste trabalho, usando uma adequada aplicação do chamado princípio do máximo generalizado de Omori-Yau, obtemos um teorema tipo Bernstein para hipersuperfícies completas com curvatura média constante imersas no espaço produto R × Hn. Além disso, tratamos o caso em que tais hipersuperfícies são gráficos verticais. / In this work, as suitable application of the so-called Omori-Yau generalized maximum principle, we obtain a Bernstein type theorem concerning to complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature immersed in the product space R × Hn . Furthermore, we treat the case that such hypersurfaces are vertical graphs

Sobre a Geometria de Gráficos Killing Conformes Inteiros em ambientes Riemannianos Folheados. / About the Geometry of Graphs Killing Complete Conform in Riemannian Veneered Environments.

ARAÚJO, Jogli Gidel da Silva. 09 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-09T17:08:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JOGLI GIDEL DA SILVA ARAÚJO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2014..pdf: 597763 bytes, checksum: 4efda81f9c43bb545607e3229077124a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T17:08:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOGLI GIDEL DA SILVA ARAÚJO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2014..pdf: 597763 bytes, checksum: 4efda81f9c43bb545607e3229077124a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03 / Capes / Neste trabalho, estudamos a geometria de gráficos Killing conformes inteiros, isto é, gráficos construídos a partir do fluxo gerado por um campo de vetores V Killing conforme completo, os quais estão definidos sobre uma folha integral da folheação V⊥ ortogonal a V. Além disso, estudamos a restrição da norma do gradiente da função z a qual determina tal gráficoΣ(z), nesse sentido, apresentamos condições suficientes para assegurar que Σ(z) é uma hipersuperfície totalmente umbílica e, em particular, uma folha integral de V⊥. / We study the geometry of entire conformal Killing graphs, that is, graphs constructed through the flow generated by a complete conformal Killing vector field V and which are defined over an integral leaf of the foliation V⊥ orthogonal to V. In this setting, under a suitable restriction on the norm of the gradient of the function z which determines such a graphΣ(z), we establish sufficient conditions to ensure that Σ(z) is totally umbilical and, in particular, an integral leaf of V⊥.

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