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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planning, Projects, Practice : A Human Geography of the Stockholm Local Investment Programme in Hammarby Sjöstad

Bylund, Jonas R January 2006 (has links)
<p>Programmes and policies to support ecological sustainable development and the practice of implementation is a question of innovation rather than known and taken for granted procedure. This thesis argues a priori models concerning stability in the social sciences, and human geography especially, are less able to help us understand this practice and planning in such unstable situations. Problematic in common understandings of planning and policy implementation concerning sustainability are the dualisms between physical-social spaces and between rationality-contingency. The first dualism makes it hard to grasp the interaction between humans and nonhumans. The second dualism concerns the problem of how to capture change without resorting to reductionism and explanaining the evolving projects as either technically, economically, or culturally rational. </p><p>The scope of the thesis is to test resources from actor-network theory as a means of resolving these dualisms. The case is the Stockholm Local Investment Programme and the new district of Hammarby Sjöstad. The programme’s objective was to support the implemention of new technologies and systems, energy efficiency and reduced resource-use as well as eco-cycling measures. The case-study follows how the work with the programme unfolded and how administrators’ efforts to reach satisfactory results was approached. In doing this, the actors had to be far more creative than models of implementation and traditional technology diffusion seem to suggest. The recommendation is to take the instrumentalisation framing the plasticity of a project in planning seriously – as innovativeness is not a special but the general case. Hence, to broaden our tools and understanding of planning a human geography of planning projects is pertinent.</p>

Offentliga rum - En fallstudie : Gestaltningsförslag för Handelshamnen i Karlskrona

Ohlsson, Victor, Petersson, Tove January 2017 (has links)
I många svenska städer sker omvandling från gamla outnyttjade hamnområden till nya stadsdelar och populära bostadsområden. Dessa nya områden och miljöer har delvis blivit kritiserade för att komma att tillhöra en ekonomiskt stark grupp i samhället som en bidragande orsak av de höga bostadspriserna. Gamla hamnområden är ofta placerade i en central del i staden med direkt närhet till vattnet vilket gör dess läge unikt. Samtidigt diskuteras att staden behöver bli tillgänglig för alla människor och ingen ska glömmas bort i planeringen. Denna diskussion belyser problematiken och principerna för utformningen av det offentliga rummet för att alla ska känna sig välkomna. Detta är ingenting som planeringen kan säkerställa, utan det kan endast försöka planeras för enligt vad forskning och värden inom fysisk planering beskriver för att tillgängliggöra det offentliga rummet. Det offentliga rummet är uppsatsens tema och dessa rum betraktas utifrån ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv – offentliga rum ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv i gamla hamnområden. Det finns mycket komplexitet kring såväl begreppet social hållbarhet som utformningen av det offentliga rummet. I detta arbete kommer begreppen social hållbarhet och offentligt rum förtydligas genom valt forskningsmaterial. Betydelsen av vad social hållbarhet faktiskt innebär är mångtydig och har därför ingen entydig definition. Detta trots att fertal försök har gjorts att skapa en entydig definition av begreppet. Begreppet kan definieras utifrån det specifika syftet som passar situationen. I en undersökande och jämförande fallstudie av hur utformningen har sett ut av det offentliga rummet beskriver denna uppsats vilka möjligheter gamla hamnområden har att bli attraktiva bostadsområden ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv. Med fallstudie som metod har tre fall i Sverige undersökts – Frihamnen i Göteborg, Västra Hamnen i Malmö och Hammarby Sjöstad i Stockholm. En platsanalys har genomförts på Handelshamnen i Karlskrona vilket tillsammans med fallstudien ligger till grund för två gestaltningsförslag som presenteras i slutet av uppsatsen. Förslagen visar möjlig utformning av bebyggelse samt offentliga rum ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv för Handelshamnen i Karlskrona. Förslagen visar hur dessa outnyttjade områden kan gestaltas för att bli en integrerad del av staden samt med offentliga platser som tillgängliggörs för alla människor i staden.

Planning, Projects, Practice : A Human Geography of the Stockholm Local Investment Programme in Hammarby Sjöstad

Bylund, Jonas R January 2006 (has links)
Programmes and policies to support ecological sustainable development and the practice of implementation is a question of innovation rather than known and taken for granted procedure. This thesis argues a priori models concerning stability in the social sciences, and human geography especially, are less able to help us understand this practice and planning in such unstable situations. Problematic in common understandings of planning and policy implementation concerning sustainability are the dualisms between physical-social spaces and between rationality-contingency. The first dualism makes it hard to grasp the interaction between humans and nonhumans. The second dualism concerns the problem of how to capture change without resorting to reductionism and explanaining the evolving projects as either technically, economically, or culturally rational. The scope of the thesis is to test resources from actor-network theory as a means of resolving these dualisms. The case is the Stockholm Local Investment Programme and the new district of Hammarby Sjöstad. The programme’s objective was to support the implemention of new technologies and systems, energy efficiency and reduced resource-use as well as eco-cycling measures. The case-study follows how the work with the programme unfolded and how administrators’ efforts to reach satisfactory results was approached. In doing this, the actors had to be far more creative than models of implementation and traditional technology diffusion seem to suggest. The recommendation is to take the instrumentalisation framing the plasticity of a project in planning seriously – as innovativeness is not a special but the general case. Hence, to broaden our tools and understanding of planning a human geography of planning projects is pertinent.

Hållbar energianvändning i svensk stadsplanering : Från visioner till uppföljning av Hammarby Sjöstad och Västra Hamnen / Sustainable Energy-Use in Swedish Planning : From visions to evaluation of Hammarby Sjöstad and Västra Hamnen

Green, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Planeringsprocessen av två svenska stadsbyggnadsprojekt, Hammarby Sjöstad i Stockholm och Västra Hamnen i Malmö, med mål att nå hållbar energianvändning (förnybar energi och energisnåla hus), analyseras från vision till uppföljning. En ambition i bägge stadsdelarna var att bli internationella exempel på miljöanpassat byggande och boende, med ny teknik och förändring av de boendes beteende som strategier för att nå målen. Besluten om miljösatsningar togs av kommunpolitikerna. I Stockholm skedde styrningen genom att den kommunala förvaltningen tog fram mål och planer och i Malmö skulle en utomstående organisation styra planeringsprocessen i samverkan med kommunen. Såväl elmarknaden som bostadsmarknaden avreglerades under 1990-talet och merparten av de byggföretag och energibolag som engagerades i genomförandefasen var privata, eller privatiserades. Dessa hade delvis andra intressen än politikerna och ville främst använda beprövad teknik och ny teknik främst för ”showcase”. Styrningen från de formella styrorganisationerna hanterades olika. Projektet i Stockholm präglades av målstyrning och projektet i Malmö av samråd med målet att nå konsensus i frågor om mål och detaljutformning av områdets energilösning. Detta ledde exempelvis till att i Hammarby Sjöstad fick byggherrar och energibolag själva hitta partners för att testa nya energilösningar för exempelvis energiförsörjning. I Västra Hamnen bildade staden, energibolag och den utomstående styrorganisationen en koalition för val av lösning för energiförsörjning. I båda projekten bygger energiförsörjningen på storskaliga lösningar. Avhandlingen visar att planerings- och byggprocessens organisering, liksom byggherrarnas agerande, hade betydelse för resultatet. En slutsats är att när byggherrarna inte inbjudits att delta i framtagande av mål och planer och var missnöjda, exempelvis med förslagna mål för energiförbrukningen i Hammarby Sjöstad, bildade de hindrande koalitioner och tog makt i processerna. Oavsett om mål om begränsad energianvändning sätts i konsensus eller inte nedprioriterades livscykelperspektivet av byggherrarna av marknadsskäl, exempelvis valdes stora fönster medan installation av individuell elmätning i allmänhet valdes bort och lägenheterna utrustades för resursstarka kunder. Gestaltningsmässiga frågor prioriterades samt att bygga för resursstarka hushåll vilket innebar att byggherrarnas och kommunernas intressen delvis sammanföll. Resursstarka hushåll ger exempelvis ökade skatteintäkter för kommunerna. En slutsats är att kriteriedriven styrning, t ex tävlingar och ekonomiska bidrag, kan stimulera byggherrar att satsa extra, exempelvis på ny teknik, för att nå energimålen, men främst då i enstaka hus. De boende deltog inte i planeringsprocesserna och blev beroende av de lösningar som valts. I bägge stadsdelarna har en del hushåll haft problem med bristande värmekomfort vilket de kopplar ihop med slarv, korta byggtider och bristande kompetens i bygg- och bostadsbolagen. Uppföljning och utvärdering av projekten är framförallt kopplade till de bidrag som erhållits från svenska staten respektive från EU. / In this thesis I examine how issues regarding sustainable energy use are handled in the development of two city districts in two of Sweden’s largest cities: Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm and Västra Hamnen in Malmö. The political goal was to build apartments with renewable energy supply and restricted energy use. The planning processes are analyzed from plans and visions to the evaluation phase. Both areas were meant to be outstanding examples of ecological housing development. The documentation pertaining to the objectives in both projects states that, firstly, new technology will contribute to the realisation of the goals, and, secondly, that the residents’ way of living will be decisive for whether the energy objectives are reached or not. The planning of Hammarby Sjöstad village was executed by the public administration of Stockholm City, and the planning of Västra Hamnen was carried out in cooperation with the Bo01-organisation. Deregulations took place in many areas in Sweden in the 1990s, for example subsidies for housing development decreased and the market for electricity was deregulated. This led to the involvement of privately owned buildingproprietors and energy companies in the projects. These actors partly had other interests than the politicians in that the private companies wanted to use time tested technology with new technology mainly as a “showcase”. The planning in Stockholm was characterized by objective oriented steering while the project in Malmö was characterized by consultations with the goal of reaching consensus in questions concerning the goals and design of the project’s energy solutions. In both these areas the solutions for energy supply became large-scale. This thesis shows that the organization of the planning- and building processes and the extra subsidies from the government to environmentally friendly solutions affected the results. One conclusion is that when the building proprietors were not invited to partake in the planning process and was dissatisfied, for example with the goal for reduced energy use (Hammarby Sjöstad), they formed a hindering coalition and took over power in the process. Irrespective of if the energy goals were decided in consensus or not, the lifecycle perspective was not given priority from the building proprietors’ side, for example, large windows were chosen while installations for individual metering were, in general, not chosen and the apartments were well equipped with prosperous consumers in focus. Here the interests of the building proprietors and the interests of the municipalities partly coincided, as the buildings proprietors wanted to build for prosperous groups and the municipalities, in one way, saw that these households could increase the taxes for the municipality. One conclusion is that criteria-driven governing, for example trough competition, can stimulate building proprietors to contribute with an extra effort and test new technology in separate houses. No residents took part in the planning of either district. In both city districts some residents have problems with deficient warmth and comfort which they attribute to an excessively short time for construction, negligence and sometimes lack of competence. Follow-up of the projects is connected to the subsidies given to the projects from the government and the EU-level.

Exploring the possibilities for implementing Collaborative Consumption within Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm : Going beyond the visions of the citizen initiative HS2020

Jöhnemark, Anna-Maja January 2015 (has links)
This is a futures study based on the citizen initiative HS2020 in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm. The initiative has the vision to “Renew a new city”, and further develop Hammarby Sjöstad’s environmental profile towards a sustainable development until 2020. The aim of this study is to explore the possibilities for HS2020 to also work with Collaborative Consumption, which involves the sharing of goods, services, and space, as a contributing factor to the sustainable development of Hammarby Sjöstad. This study uses an explorative scenario approach together with backcasting, a normative scenario approach to create future images of Hammarby Sjöstad in 2020. These images explore the possibilities for HS2020 to also work with Collaborative Consumption in six of their sub-projects. The futures images were generated based on three workshops with participants connected to HS2020’s work, and also on the literature study and the collected background information. The future images of Hammarby Sjöstad mediate how HS2020 could further develop the existing sub-projects, by focusing more on Collaborative Consumption. The solutions presented in the theory could be implemented in Hammarby Sjöstad. They could be for anyone, restricted to members, within an apartment building or a small group of people that could also own and maintain the sharing solution. Other important actors are private companies, the municipality and non-profit organization that could initiate, own and maintain these sharing solutions. The future images show that they could contribute to increased sustainability in different ways.

Henriksdalsskolan / The School of Henry Valley

Waller, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Detta dokument innehåller 2018 års kandidatprojekt av Sebastian Waller. Projektets syfte var att rita en tvåparallellig F-6-skola, för uppskattningsvis 420 elever. Vi valde i projektets början mellan två tomter, en i Mälarängen och en i Henriksdal. Jag valde den sistnämnda då jag ville arbeta med en miljö som är mer urban till att börja med, samt att jag är rätt förtjust i Hammarby Sjöstad som stadsrumsmiljö, och tyckte det vore kul att få arbeta med det området. Dessutom tänkte jag att tomtens något svåra form verkade intressant att förhålla mig till. Den huvudsakliga gestaltningsprincipen jag utgått ifrån är ett stadsplaneringsperspektiv; tomten ligger belägen på ett sådant vis att skolan och dess byggnader blir avslutet på den geometri som går att utläsa ur Hammarby Sjöstads utbredning. Grundat på denna tanke har jag utformat två byggnader, en huvudbyggnad och en matsalsbyggnad, som blir avslutande partier på varsin del av områdets stadsbyggnadsmässiga plangeometri. Huvudbyggnaden blir det nordliga avslutet på volymerna i geometrin som tar sin början vid Regattakajen, och dess form har delvis tagits ur principer som kan återfinnas i dessa. Två nämnvärda sådana principer är de olika våningshöjderna mellan volymer, och hur några av områdets byggnader bryter de räta vinklarna utefter vägar m.m. Matsalen är i sin tur avslutet på geometrin som går utmed Kanalvägen, då jag bestämde att den får ett något abrupt slut om ingen byggnad placeras där, eftersom den nuvarande paviljongförskolan försvinner. Den är orienterad så att dess riktning möter “spetsen” och huvudbyggnaden. Formen är baserad på byggnaden söder om tomten, vilken skiljer sig något från områdets andra byggnader. Denna har en geometri som skapar ett öppet “torg” mot vägen, vilket för matsalen blir passande eftersom denna yta kan ackommodera lastbilsburna leveranser. / This document contains the bachelors' project of 2018 by Sebastian Waller. The purpose of the project was to produce a school for ages 6 though to 12 of two parallells per year, accommodating approximately some 420 students. At the start of the project we were given a choice between two sites, one in Mälarängen and one in Henriksdal (Henry Valley). I chose the latter since I wanted to work with an environment that's more urban to begin with, and because I'm quite fond of Hammarby Sjöstad as a cityscape, and figured working with that area would be fun. Furthermore, I thought the quite challenging shape of the site seemed like an interesting factor to relate to. The main principle of design I've used comes from a perspective of city planning; The site is situated in such a way that the school and its buildings form an end to the geometry that can be translated from the expanse of Hammarby Sjöstad. Based on this I've designed two buildings, one main building and one canteen building, that each provide ends to parts of the urban geometry in the area. The main building forms the northern end of the geometry that originates in Regattakajen, and its form has partially been generated from principles found there. Two such principles are the differing number of stories between different volumes, as well as the way in which some of the area's buildings break the otherwise straight angles to conform to roads etc. In turn, the canteen becomes the end of the geometry that follows Kanalvägen, which I thought would otherwise come to quite the abrupt cut-off when the current pavilion preschool at the site is removed. It is angled so as to point toward the main building and "meet" it at the "apex" of the resulting geometry. Its shape is based off of the building south of it, which differs slightly from the other buildings in the area. Its geometry creates a sort of open "plaza" facing the road, which when applied in the canteen building provides a suitable space for lorry-borne deliveries.

Ekologiska boendemiljöer, en norm för framtiden?

Sigemark, Elisabeth, Frennered, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är ett av de viktigaste ämnena som diskuteras idag. Även när det gäller stadsplanering har hållbarhet blivit en av de viktigaste frågorna att diskutera. I Sverige har vi under de två senaste decennierna sett flera utvecklingsprojekt som präglats av en strävan mot hållbarhet och ekologiska boendemiljöer. Vi frågar oss i denna studie om huruvida utvecklingen av hållbara och ekologiska boendemiljöer kommer att bli en norm i framtiden och hur arbetet mot denna norm bör ske. Vi jämför här två utvecklingsprojekt som har haft stort inflytande på hållbar stadsplanering, Bo01 i Malmö och Hammarby Sjöstad i Stockholm. Dessa två projekt har genererat nya innovationer för ett mer miljövänligt boende. Deras arbetsmetoder och resultat har vi jämfört med ett nytt, pågående utvecklingsprojekt i Helsingborg, H+. Vi har analyserat hur de i H+-projektet arbetar för att bli en förebild för den hållbara staden, vilket är dess mål (Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, 2008a:5). I vår studie har vi kommit fram till att vi i Sverige fortfarande har en bit kvar till att skapa en norm för ekologiska boendemiljöer och att det krävs hårdare krav från högre instanser för att nå detta mål. / Sustainable development is one of the most relevant topics to deal with today. Especially in the area of urban planning it has become one of the most important questions to discuss. In Sweden we have for the last two decades seen several development projects that have set examples for sustainable and ecological living environments. In this essay we want to clarify whether sustainable and ecological living environments are going to be a norm in the future of urban planning. We have compared two development projects which have had great impact on sustainable urban planning, Bo01 in Malmö and Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. These two projects have generated new innovations for a more environmental-friendly housing. We have compared their methods of working and results to a new, ongoing development project in the city of Helsingborg called H+. We have analyzed how they, compared to Bo01 and Hammarby Sjöstad, are working towards being a role model for sustainable urban development which is their goal (Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen, 2008a:5). In our study we have reached the conclusion that in Sweden we are far from setting a norm for ecological living environments and that we need to elaborate better tools for planning and stricter demands from higher instances to reach this norm.

Approaches to energy efficient building development : studying under Chinese contexts

Gu, Zhenhong January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a general description of approaches to energy efficient building development under Chinese contexts. The purpose of the work is to discuss how Chinese building development can be approved from an energy saving perspective.</p><p>Building development is a complicated process that relates to many stakeholders’ interests. The developed countries have studied in this field extensively for several decades. Generally, the approaches to energy saving can be set at three levels: administration, construction industry and architectural design. More new strict codes for energy efficient buildings are being issued for enforcement. At the same time, many research institutes have developed Building Environmental Assessment (BEA) methods, where energy efficiency is an important factor in the models. Various technical solutions for energy efficiency are developed as well.</p><p>The administrative approaches are not the main objective discussed in the thesis, though the importance of them is undeniable. BEA systems are not only assessment methods, but also market-based stimulating approaches for sustainability of construction market. Technical methods have been developed for a long period. Passive House and Low Exergy (LowEx) Systems are two representative examples in European countries.</p><p>All of these approaches are relatively unfamiliar to Chinese architects and developers, let alone their effect and applicability. The thesis tries to analyse this situation and their applicability within Chinese context.</p><p>In China to a certain project, the importance of technical issues is relatively recognized. However, a few successful individual cases in technique can not change the reality that most of new building development has failed in energy efficiency in China. This is a serious situation when China is in an enormous expansion phase in building new houses. The thesis tries to discuss the reasons for this phenomenon. One reason could be that the stakeholders in the developing process are not aware of the importance of collaboration which is the only method to get “Both Win” according to Game theory. The thesis discusses a paradigm to replace two traditional linear paradigms in building developing process. Architects should act as coordinators of different stakeholders rather than technical supporters.</p><p>The thesis tries to discuss the propositional route of developing energy efficient buildings. Technical approaches are basic research, which presents the concepts that have been proved realizable; BEA encourages developers to develop more energy efficient buildings for economic benefit, which will make good demonstrations for whole market; national laws and policies are final approaches, which ensure that every project will have good performance of energy efficiency. When the old standardization and legislation are finished, a new cycle will begin with more advanced techniques.</p><p>China government has started the progress to enhance energy efficiency. However, this process will be tough and slow. The thesis discusses Chinese special conditions and the problems that cry out for solution in the future.</p>

Vad är en Sjöstadsbo? : Platsidentitetens framväxt i ett nybyggt bostadsområde / What is a Sjöstadsbo? : The evolution of place identity in a developing urban area

Ösgård, Anton January 2017 (has links)
This paper examines some processes behind the creation of place identity and place attachment using a broad theoretical framework. The framework is structured around the creation of space and place, followed by theories and models on how places are given identity and finally some possible effects of place identity. These theories are then used to examine place identity formation among residents and real estate agents in Hammarby Sjöstad, a newly developed urban residential area in Stockholm, Sweden. A total of 5 in depth interviews were carried out with local residents in different parts of the residential area, as well as 3 in depth interviews with real estate agents active in different parts of the area. The interviews were transcribed and analysed in relation to the theoretical framework as well as documents relating to the planning of the area. The study shows that there has formed a local identity in Hammarby Sjöstad, not defined by the administrative borders of the area. The perceived extent of the area most probably stem from that the lake Hammarby Sjö acts as a physical barrier between the area and the rest of the inner city. This might be the reason to the evolution of a defined perceived community there. The effects of this could be a contributing factor in the segregation that is evident in urban areas, which calls for attention to the possible effects of place identity in urban planning.

Att skapa plats för barn : ett kombinerat masterarbete om hur barns behov av fysisk aktivitet bättre kan integreras i täta stadsmiljöer

Henriksson, Linn, Ågren, Julia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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