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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leitfaden für die barrierefreie Gestaltung von Web-Angeboten in Bibliotheken

Schwartz, Eva-Maria, Rößner, Susanne 18 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das vorliegende Handbuch gibt Bibliotheksangestellten, die sich mit der Aufbereitung und Einstellung von Webinhalten befassen, einen Einblick in die Problematik „Barrierefreiheit“. Dabei wird im Speziellen auf die Belange von Bibliotheken eingegangen und in diesem Zuge Richtlinien und Gesetze vorgestellt, die eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Anschließend wird auf die Barrieren eingegangen, die im Internet entstehen können. Zudem wird gezeigt, wie man diese Barrieren verhindert oder beseitigt. Das Handbuch gibt praktische Tipps, in dem es Hilfsmittel und Quellcode-Beispiel vorstellt, die zur barrierefreien Gestaltung eingesetzt werden können.

Desenvolvimento de Caderno Sobre Avaliação do Eletrocardiograma: Contribuição para a Prática de Enfermeiros da Atenção Primária de Saúde / Development of a Notebook on the Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram: Contribution to the Nursing Practice of Primary Health Care

Selma Rossi Gentil 27 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A realização do eletrocardiograma (ECG), através do Sistema de Tele- ECG, é ferramenta fundamental para aprimorar a assistência às Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) na Atenção Primária de Saúde (APS). Aprimorar o conhecimento dos enfermeiros que atuam nesse âmbito da assistência na realização e avaliação do ECG adequadamente deve contribuir diretamente na prevenção das Doenças Cardíacas. Objetivo: Desenvolver um Caderno Didático para apoio do Enfermeiro na Realização e Avaliação do Eletrocardiograma na APS. Método: Tratase de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes fontes, tais como o banco de dados do Sistema Tele-ECG do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia relativos à população atendida no Ambulatório da Várzea do Carmo de São Paulo, prontuários disponíveis nesse ambulatório e revisão de literatura. Resultados: Os dados apontaram que no período de 2010 a 2015, o perfil dos pacientes atendidos no Ambulatório Várzea do Carmo era 58% feminina e 42% masculina; a maior faixa etária era de 51 a 60 anos em ambos os sexos; uso de medicamentos ocorre em 41% dessa população. O diagnóstico de ECG normal foi em média 44% para ambos os sexos. Na faixa etária de 51 a 60 anos foi de 41%, e foram decrescentes em todas as faixas etárias acima desta e na faixa etária de 0 a 11 meses. A alteração eletrocardiográfica ocorreu em 30% dos diagnósticos totais e as principais arritmias foram: bradicardia sinusal, extrassístole, fibrilação atrial, ritmo ectópico, flutter atrial, bloqueios de ramo, sobrecarga e infartos cicatrizados. O defeito técnico na execução da técnica foi de 7,29% dos exames realizados no total de 62.850. A revisão de literatura sistematizada realizada nas bases de dados SibiUSP, IEEEXplore, Proquest, Pubmed, BVS, Cinahal, não localizou evidências de manuais de educação permanente para enfermeiros da APS sobre a temática, além de referências em plataformas correlacionadas ao Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, Diretrizes e Normas Técnicas sobre ECG e Arritmias. Face ao perfil da população usuária e as evidências encontrada na literatura construiu-se um caderno de recomendações práticas para os enfermeiros que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Esse caderno foi elaborado com os seguintes itens: conceito de ECG, técnicas para realização e avaliação do traçado eletrocardiográfico, avaliação de risco das arritmias e outros achados do ECG, breve apresentação das urgências cardiológicas. Conclusão: Pretende-se que o Caderno Didático produzido possa apoiar a educação permanente sobre o ECG, a assistência, controle e prevenção das DCNT no âmbito da APS e colaborar na expansão com qualidade do acesso a este procedimento nas unidades especializadas. / Introduction: Electrocardiogram (ECG), through the Tele-ECG System, is a fundamental tool to improve the assistance to Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD) in Primary Health Care (PHC). Improving the knowledge of nurses working in this area of care in the performance and evaluation of ECG should contribute directly to the prevention of heart disease. Objective: Develop a Didactic Booklet for Nurse Support in the Performance and Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram in APS. Method: This is a qualitative case-study research. The data were collected in different sources, such as the database of the Tele-ECG System of the Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology related to the population attended in the Várzea do Carmo Outpatient Clinic of São Paulo, charts available in this outpatient clinic and literature review. Results: The data showed that in the period from 2010 to 2015, the profile of the patients attended at the Várzea do Carmo Outpatient Clinic was 58% female and 42% male; the largest age group was 51 to 60 years old in both genders; drug use occurs in 41% of this population. The diagnosis of normal ECG was on average 44% for both genders. In the age group of 51 to 60 years was 41%, and were decreasing in all age groups above this and in the age group of 0 to 11 months. The electrocardiographic alteration occurred in 30% of the total diagnoses and the main arrhythmias were: sinus bradycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, ectopic rhythm, atrial flutter, branch block, overload and healed infarction. The technical defect in the execution of the technique was 7.29% of the examinations carried out in the total of 62,850. The systematized literature review carried out in the databases SibiUSP, IEEEXplore, Proquest, Pubmed, BVS, Cinahal, found no evidence of permanent education manuals for APS nurses on the subject, in addition to references on platforms correlated to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Guidelines and Technical Norms on ECG and Arrhythmias. Considering the profile of the user population and the evidence found in the literature, a book of practical recommendations was developed for nurses working at the Family Health Strategy (FHS). This book was elaborated with the following items: ECG concept, techniques for conducting and evaluating the electrocardiographic tracing, risk assessment of arrhythmias and other ECG findings, brief presentation of cardiac urgencies. Conclusion: It is intended that the Didactic Book produced can support the permanent education on the ECG, the assistance, control and prevention of NCDs within the framework of the PHC and collaborate in the expansion with quality of access to this procedure in the specialized units.

Vätskeslag i rörsystem : Experimentell utvärdering av rörstödens samt rörets utformning och dess inverkan på vätskeslag i rörsystem

Rhedin, Kristoffer, Mattsson Sjödin, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att identifiera en robust ingenjörsmetodik för approximation av sannolikhet och konsekvens (risken) vid vätskeslag i ett specifikt rörsystem. Arbetet har utförts i form av kvalitativa studier med verifierande experiment av analytiska beräkningsresultat.  Studiens resultat, vilka presenteras och diskuteras i slutsatskapitlet, visar på att vätskeslag kan predikteras och därigenom förebyggas med Joukowskys ekvation, vilken formulerades av Johannes von Kries 1883.  I de flesta fall kan ett rörsystems konstruktion optimeras mot oönskade tryckslags-konsekvenser genom omsorgsfullt val av lämpliga rörsystemskomponenter, såsom rördimensioner, ventiler, rörkrökningsradier och rörstödskonstruktioner. / This study’s objective has been to identify and evaluate a robust engineering method for the purpose of approximation and evaluation of a water hammer event in a specific pipe system design.  The study has been conducted in the form of qualitative studies with verifying experiments of the results from various analytical calculations.  The results presented and discussed in the last chapter of the essay, indicates that water hammer can be predicted and prevented by using Joukowsky's equation, formulated Johannes von Kries 1883.  In the most circumstances, pipe systems can be optimized to prevent water hammer consequences by selection of suitable components. Such as tube dimensions, valves, tube bending radius and the tube support design.

De la notion d'abus de droit fiscal / The concept of abuse of tax law

Ouedraogo, Jean Kassim 25 October 2016 (has links)
La notion fiscale d’abus de droit est un sujet d’une grande actualité qui intéresse tous les acteurs de la vie des affaires. On parle de plus en plus dans nos médias, dans nos facultés, dans nos entreprises, comme dans nos foyers des termes d’optimisation fiscale, d’évasion fiscale, de fraude fiscale et d’abus de droit. De plus, l’actualité est marquée par la lutte contre les pratiques fiscales abusives des contribuables qui s’est opérée à divers échelons. Au niveau international avec l'initiative de l'OCDE et du G20 contre l'érosion de la base taxable et le transfert de bénéfices dit BEPS, au plan communautaire, avec l'action du législateur européen, de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne et de la Commission européenne, et à l’échelon interne par les travaux du parlement. En droit interne, l’article 100 du projet de loi de finances pour 2014 prévoyait que l’adverbe « exclusivement », qui représente l’un des critères caractéristiques de l’abus de droit par fraude à la loi, soit remplacé par l’adverbe « principalement » fiscal dans l’article L. 64 du Livre des procédures fiscales. Le Conseil constitutionnel a censuré cette tentative du législateur dans une décision en date du 29 décembre 2013. Cette décision de censure pourrait être interprétée comme demandant au législateur de définir avec une plus grande précision le motif « principalement » fiscal, mais de manière générale de définir la notion même d’abus de droit. Rappelons que l’article L. 64 du LPF siège de la notion française d’abus de droit, ne définit pas l’abus de droit stricto-sensu, mais plutôt la procédure d’abus de droit. Il ne nous dit pas "qu'est ce que l'abus de droit", mais plutôt "comment l'abus de droit". Si les implications constitutionnelles ont été rapidement connues, les soubassements théoriques méritent d’être approfondis, notamment dans une approche comparative, et le cas échéant européenne et internationale de la question. Il s’est donc agit de mettre en lumière la notion fiscale d’abus de droit, à savoir son caractère saisissable ou non. Cette démonstration conduit nécessairement à répondre à plusieurs interrogations. Notamment, existe-t-il une notion unique et unanimement admise d'abus de droit ? En quoi la notion d’abus de droit est-elle insaisissable? La notion d’abus de droit se doit-elle d’être insaisissable? S’obliger à trouver une notion commune d’abus de droit, n’est-ce pas remettre en cause la logique intrinsèque de l’institution et lui retirer toute efficacité ? Faut-il privilégier une approche commune aux Etats-Membres de l’UE ? Une approche internationale de la question est-elle réalisable ? Quid de l’articulation des dispositifs anti-abus entre eux. C’est entre autre ces différentes interrogations qui ont été évoquées dans les développements de la thèse. / The fiscal notion of law abuse is a high profil topic which interests all business life actors. We hear more and more in our Medias, schools, businesses, as in our homes, such terms as tax optimization, tax evasion, tax fraud and abuse of law. In addition, news is marked by the fight against abusive tax practices of taxpayers that has taken place at various levels. Internationally, with the initiative of the OECD and G20 in the BEPS project. At EU level, with the measures taken by the European Commission and, at national level, by the work of parliament.In national law, recently, the article 100 of the Finance Bill for 2014, as passed by the Parliament, provided that the word "exclusively" which represents one of the characteristic criteria of abuse of law by legal fraud, be replaced with the word "primarily" tax in the article L. 64 of Tax Procedure Handbook.The Constitutional Council censured this legislative attempt in a decision dated December 29, 2013 on two grounds: It held that that article was against the objective of a constitutional value of accessibility and intelligibility of the law, and the principle of legality of offenses and penalties.This censorship decision is a decision which could be interpreted as asking to the Legislator to define with greater precision what it meant by "primarily" fiscal motive, but also generally define the concept of abuse of law in tax matters.It should be recalled in this regard that article L. 64 of the Tax Procedure Handbook, heart of the French concept of abuse of law, does not define abuse of law in the strict sense, but rather the abuse of law procedure. If the constitutional implications were quickly known, the theoretical foundations merit further examination, including a comparative approach, and if applicable European and international questions.It is therefore to clarify the tax concept of abuse of law, defining the abuse of law, namely its comprehensible aspect or not. It is the choice of that last idea that we made, namely to demonstrate the elusiveness of a notion of abuse of law.This demonstration leads necessarily to answer several questions. In particular, does a unique unanimously accepted concept exist? To what extend the notion of abuse of law cannot be found? Should the concept of abuse of law be elusive? If forced to find a common concept of abuse of law, isn’t it a challenge the institution’s logic and a withdraw of its efficiently? Should priority be given to a common approach of abuse of law definition by the European Union Member-States? What about the articulation of anti-abuse devices between them. It is among others the questions that have been raised in the developments.

Leitfaden für die barrierefreie Gestaltung von Web-Angeboten in Bibliotheken: Leitfaden für die barrierefreie Gestaltung von Web-Angeboten in Bibliotheken

Schwartz, Eva-Maria, Rößner, Susanne 18 March 2010 (has links)
Das vorliegende Handbuch gibt Bibliotheksangestellten, die sich mit der Aufbereitung und Einstellung von Webinhalten befassen, einen Einblick in die Problematik „Barrierefreiheit“. Dabei wird im Speziellen auf die Belange von Bibliotheken eingegangen und in diesem Zuge Richtlinien und Gesetze vorgestellt, die eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Anschließend wird auf die Barrieren eingegangen, die im Internet entstehen können. Zudem wird gezeigt, wie man diese Barrieren verhindert oder beseitigt. Das Handbuch gibt praktische Tipps, in dem es Hilfsmittel und Quellcode-Beispiel vorstellt, die zur barrierefreien Gestaltung eingesetzt werden können.

How to bell the cat named Social Impact Measurements : Challenges and Limitations in setting up Social Impact Measurements

Singhal, Rajat, Berlinger, Nicolas January 2018 (has links)
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprises are an emerging trend. An increasing number of individuals are finding ways to address a social issue through their entrepreneurial skills. As well as increasing number of corporations and investing organizations are looking for ventures that address a social issue to fulfill their social responsibility. Thus, it is increasingly becoming important for the social entrepreneurs to measure and report their impacts to society in an accurate way. This research seeks to find out the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs while setting up social impact measurements in their ventures and the solutions adopted by them. Through a series of semi‐structured interviews with successful social entrepreneurs, this research collects qualitative data that increases the knowledge in this area and contributes in a better understanding of the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs. This research found that Theory Of Change is the most commonly used method and is preferred by practitioners as it is easy to implement. The research summarises the efforts it takes to implement the measurements, recommends best practices or advice to make impact measurement easier and useful. Also, a framework is developed that can be used in setting up measurements in a social venture.

Answering the Call of Duty: Composition Pedagogy Problems, Multimodal Solutions, and Gaming Literacies

Kuechenmeister, Bobby James 21 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Materialval, konstruktion och parametrar för 3D-utskrift / Material selection, design, and parameters for 3D-prints

Malmgren, Elina, Olofsson, Ivar January 2024 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om framställandet av en dokumentation för konstruktörer inom området 3D-skrivning. Arbetet är ett uppdrag från elbilstillverkaren Ecoist i syftet att underlätta för företag med begränsad kunskap och erfarenhet inom 3D-utskrifter att utnyttja tillverkningsmetoden för sina produkter. Dokumentationen skall innehålla riktlinjer för materialval, konstruktionsprinciper, och inställningar för 3D-utskrifter. För att begränsa arbetet till tidsramen läggs fokus på en typ av skrivare. Den valda typen är FDM eftersom det är den bedöms vara mest tillgängliga, både i pris och utbud. De material och dess egenskaper som betonas i dokumentationen är ASA, PETG, PLA, PP och TPU. Det huvudsakliga arbetet kommer främst innefatta faktainsamling och sammanställning från befintliga information, men även laborationer med 3D-skrivare. Kapitelindelningen i dokumentationen är strukturerad för att följa konstruktörens arbetsprocess. Den inleds med materialval, fortsätter med konstruktion och avslutas med inställningar för 3D-skrivare. I materialegenskaper behandlas de grundläggande egenskaperna hos olika material som används inom 3D-utskrift, med särskilt fokus på deras hållfasthet, miljöpåverkan, användningsområde samt för- och nackdelar. Konstruktionsriktlinjer handlar om utformning av detaljer, inklusive minsta detaljtjocklek, hantering av överhäng, fasning, efterbearbetning, integrering av fästelement samt toleranser mellan närliggande delar. Fokus ligger på att säkerställa att detaljerna är konstruerade för att vara hållbara och funktionella efter tillverkning med 3D-skrivare. Inställningar för 3D-skrivare handlar om STL-filer, olika typer av ifyllnadsmönster samt vanliga defekter och åtgärder för att motverka dem. Vidare behandlas materialspecifika inställningar för optimal justering av 3D-skrivaren. Vid utformningen av dokumentet läggs mest fokus på utseende och läsbarhet, samt ordning och struktur genom färgval, text/tabellspresentation och anpassandet av dokumentet för både fysiskt och digitalt exemplar. Hela dokumentationen finns i bilaga 1. / This thesis focuses on creating documentation for designers in the field of 3D printing. The project is commissioned by the electric car manufacturer Ecoist with the aim of helping companies with limited knowledge and experience in 3D printing to utilize this manufacturing method for their products. The documentation will include guidelines for material selection, design principles, and 3D printing settings. To fit the project within the given timeframe, the focus is limited to one type of printer. The selected type is FDM, as it is considered the most accessible in terms of price and availability. The materials and their properties emphasized in the documentation are ASA, PETG, PLA, PP, and TPU. The main work will primarily involve gathering and compiling information from existing sources, but also conducting experiments with 3D printers. The chapters in the documentation are structured to follow the designer's workflow. It begins with material selection, continues with design, and concludes with 3D printer settings. In material properties, the basic characteristics of different materials used in 3D printing are covered, with a particular focus on their strength, environmental impact, areas of use, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Design guidelines involve the configuration of details, including minimum detail thickness, handling of overhangs, chamfering, post-processing, integration of fasteners, and tolerances between adjacent parts. The focus is on ensuring that the details are designed to be durable and functional after manufacturing with a 3D printer. 3D printer settings cover STL files, different types of infill patterns, and common defects along with countermeasures to avoid them. Furthermore, material-specific settings for optimal adjustment of the 3D printer are presented. In the design of the document, the emphasis is on appearance and readability, as well as order and structure through the choice of colors, text/table presentation, and adapting the document for both physical and digital copies. The entire documentation is included in Appendix 1.

Faculty Senate Minutes March 7, 2016

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 05 April 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Zaškolování zaměstnanců a zaměstnanecký manuál / Staff Induction Program and Employee Manual

Krulová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Bc. Anna Krulová Staff Induction Program & Employee Manual ABSTRACT Adaptation and orientation constitute an important component of the employee life cycle. A successful adaptation, gaining self-esteem and managing the scope of activities specified for the given work position requires an efficiently set up induction process that takes into account organizational needs, needs of employee groups and individual needs of new staff members. This process should thus be controlled and systematic. The diploma thesis covers such topics and it is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with essential terms associated with the topic of induction, it presents principles and methods to achieve an efficient employee adaptation and to set up this process so that it is beneficial to the employees as well as to the entire organization. The thesis describes important areas and components of the induction system that must be considered when it is designed. The thesis addresses the topic of employee manual which should provide new employees with answers to basic questions regarding their adaptation to the new environment and work. The theoretical part of the thesis serves as a guideline to create such program. Apart from the points mentioned above, the thesis also describes change management...

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