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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett perspektiv på skolvalsreformen : En studie om hur fyra skolledare ser på reformen det fria skolvalet och dess påverkan på den svenska skolan gällande skolsegregation och kunskapsresultat utifrån målet en likvärdig skola

Rashkaj, Rijad, Rakovic, Dino January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ge läsaren en djupare inblick i reformen det fria skolvalet som trädde i kraft i början av 1990-talet i Sverige. Med uppsatsen skapas en kännedom för läsaren i hur reformen gick i kraft samt hur den i efterhand kan problematiseras utifrån forskning samt intervjuer med viktiga personer inom skolväsendet. Metoden som har använts i uppsatsen är en kvalitativ metod där individer subjektivt valts ut för semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och ställts i förhållande till Max Webers teori om värderationella handlande, status och klass samt Pierre Bourdieus teori om habitus, klassreproduktion och kapital. Studien visar på marginella konsekvenser av det fria skolvalet i den kommun där den är gjord, dock finns möjliga tendenser till att ett fritt skolval kommer att påverka mer i framtiden.

High Power Analysis of Filters and Diplexers

Shojaei-Asanjan, Desireh 12 December 2012 (has links)
The ever-increasing popularity and usage of communication devices has resulted in power density becoming more demanding due to crowding of frequency spectrums and narrowing of bandwidths. Consequently, the power-handling capability of filters has emerged as an important research area. With the size and mass of filters shrinking to accommodate the needs of the latest technology, designing narrowband filters necessitates the operation of filters close to their maximum power capacities. Hence, there is an urgent need to properly measure and estimate power-handling capability in filter-based products such as satellite multiplexers and wireless diplexers. In this research, the design of filters and diplexers capable of handling higher power was investigated using modifications of available methods to predict the maximum input power that a filter can handle before breakdown. This method was utilized to improve the power-handling capability and quality factor of the conventional coaxial resonator while avoiding time-consuming EM simulations. A novel coaxial resonator configuration was proposed using this method and the performance of suggested configuration was validated by designing 2-pole filters using both conventional and novel configurations. A 4-pole chebyshev filter was also designed and realized using the proposed configuration, and a power-handling analysis utilizing HFSS was compared with that of the estimated value. A novel approach in the design procedure of coaxial diplexers was proposed that provided a faster design method using step-by-step group delay matching of EM simulation results with a diplexer equivalent circuit. A method for predicting air breakdown was also applied to the diplexers to determine maximum power-handling capability.

Analysis Tool for Warehouse Material Handling Data

Sun, Jiake, Jiang, Wenjie January 2011 (has links)
Effective material handling plays a key role in cutting costs. Well-organized material handling can cut production cost by optimizing product transfer paths, decreasing the damage rate and by increasing the utilization of storage space. This report presents the development of an analysis system for StoraEnso Hylte’s paper reel database. The system extracts and classifies key points from the database which are related to material handling; like attributes related to the product (paper reel), forklift truck information and storage cell utilization. The analysis based on paper reels includes the damage rate and transfer paths of paper reels. A mathematical model is also presented, which tells us that the probability of damage per transport is more important than the number of transports for paper reels handling. The effect of decreasing non-optimal transportation (optimize the path) is very small.

Rakrörshantering / Tube Handling

Heinemo, Marcus, Bäckström, Carl January 2011 (has links)
In the current situation is the straight tube cutter, that provides Luvata’s line of large recoolers with copper tubes, manually operated. To prevent damages and facilitate mounting the tubes must be properly arranged when they leave the machine. This report aims to investigate and present an automated solution where the operator does not need to participate in the process. A number of theories have been drawn up and tests have been done. The results show that the in principle best solution is to have a leaning carrier that’s automatically height-adjusted by two lift tables underneath. The height adjustment keeps a constant distance between the top tube layer and rollover protection bars on the machine. That is done to allow the carrier to have a high enough angle to ensure that the tubes roll down even if they aren’t completely straight, but without rolling over the previous tubes. To evaluate the solutions Ulrich and Eppingers method for Concept scoring was used. This method means that the various solutions are scored and weighted based on a number of criteria’s, and the output is measurable results.

Skolan - himmel eller helvete : en studie om elevers upplevelser av mobbning

Andersson, Stefan, Kuqi, Nepe January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers upplevelser av förekomsten avmobbning i skolan. Eftersom vi studerar till idrottslärare är därför ett delsyfte attundersöka elevers upplevelser av förekomsten av mobbning i omklädningsrumföre och efter en idrottslektion. Utöver detta undersöktes även skillnader mellanpojkar och flickors upplevelser av förekomsten av mobbning och kränkningarsamt elevers upplevelser om lärare agerade för att förebygga, åtgärda ochmotverka mobbning. Studien grundade sig på en enkätundersökning somgenomfördes på tre högstadieskolor där 221 elever i årskurs nio deltog varav 124var pojkar och 97 var flickor. Resultatet av studien visade att 7 % av elevernaupplevde sig vara utsatta för mobbning i omklädningsrummet och 7 % aveleverna upplevde sig vara utsatta för mobbning i andra situationer i skolan.Pojkar upplevde sig oftare vara utsatta och utsätta andra elever för fysiskakränkningar och mobbning än flickor, medan flickor upplevde sig oftare varautsatta för social mobbning än pojkar. Hälften av respondenterna i studien ansågatt det förekom mobbning i stort sett alltid eller ibland på deras skola medanhälften menade att mobbning förekom sällan eller aldrig på deras skola.Resultatet visade även att ungefär hälften av respondenterna ansåg att lärarna påskolorna i stort sett alltid eller ibland agerade mot mobbning och ungefär likamånga ansåg att lärarna aldrig eller sällan agerade mot mobbning.

- De e bara å köra : Lärande i fysisk miljö och simulator / - It is just to drive : Learning in physical enviroment and simulator

Fyhr, Jeanette January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om lärande på ett yrkesgymnasium där de utbildar sig till lastbilschaufförer och där de varierande tränar i simulator och fysisk trafik. De tränandes erfarande i de olika lärsituationerna har undersökts ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv genom kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att man kan se de olika lärmiljöerna som två olika träningssituationer där olika saker tränas. Simulatorn ger möjlighet att fördjupa sig i svårigheter där miljön hindrar från att gå in på detaljer och öva om och om igen i den fysiska trafiken. Man kan zooma in, skala av miljön eller se sina egna övningar på skärmar, som man inte kan i den fysiska träningssituationen. I simulatorn tränas främst precision, rutiner, noggrannhet, stresshantering, planering och koncentration. I simulatorn tvingas de tränande till att göra samma övning om och om igen tills det blir perfekt. När man tränar i den fysiska trafiken handlar det om helheten, uppmärksamhet, närvaro, riskbedömning och interaktion med andra trafikanter i miljön som man kör i. Det handlar också om manövrering, konsekvenser av handlande i situationer och hur man bör handla för att inte skapa risker. I körning i den fysiska miljön gäller det att snabba på och det finns ingen tid för detaljer. Många på skolan kommer från generationers åkare. De är på ett sätt födda in i rollen som lastbilschaufförer, kan språket, känner till miljön, har en självsäkerhet, hemtamhet och redan funnen identitet i sammanhanget. Detta påverkar deras resultat, deras attityd till uppgifter och hur de tar sig an det som ska göras. Även datorspelserfarenhet har betydelse för deltagarnas attityd till simulatorn. De som är vana att spela datorspel har lättare att förstå bilden i simulatorn, men uttrycker också att det tar tid att lära sig att förstå den. Speciellt avstånd och hastighet verkar vara extra problematiskt.

Handling Ambivalence : A Grounded Theory of Bilingualism in the everyday life

Lindgren, Josefin January 2011 (has links)
During the last decades, immigration to Sweden has increased. As a result of this, a larger number of individuals are growing up with two languages. This means that the field of bilingualism has emerged as topic of relevance in Sociology, as well as other disciplines of Social Sciences. Bilingualism has been studied from different perspectives in Linguistics. However, in Sociology, focus has been mostly on the questions of integration, culture and ethnicity, where language has been seen as one of many aspects. I argue that bilingualism is an important social phenomenon in its own right, since it shapes the everyday lives of bilingual individuals and changes the landscape of our society. Using Grounded Theory, bilingualism in the everyday life is analyzed and explored, using material from qualitative interviews with ten individuals who have grown up with Swedish and one other language. It is here suggested that bilingualism in the everyday life can be understood as a process of handling ambivalence. This process takes place between the social context and the self and is influenced by and influences them both. A central part of this process is bilingualism seen simultaneously as tension and as resource.

After Sales service : Complaint to Service Recovery Improvement

Ngae A Njama, Alain Patrick January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Author : Alain Patrick Ngae a Njama Tutor : Peter Caesar Examiner : Pejvak Oghazi Title : After sales service: Complaint to Service Recovery Improvement Keywords : Service Recovery, Complaint handling, service failure, service process, Svetruck AB Background : It is real that everyday people purchase goods for their daily needs and satisfaction, but unfortunately it happen that some of those goods do not live up to the customer expectations. The reality when a failure occurred is something else because is the second chance giving to the service provider to show concern. Many research agreed that good recovery after a service failure can create a positive response from the customer side as example making them loyal and sharing their positive experience to others. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to look into how service recovery influence customer retention. Research question: How Does Company handles customer’s complaint in order to fulfill service recovery ? Method: Three respondents were selected within a heavy industry call Svetruck AB. Due to their position and number of year they have been working for this company. Many section of interview were organized in order to have a clear understanding of the inside out of the service handling process. Conclusion: Complaint handling appears to be very essential for each company willing to stay in the competitive word. Some will differ from the way they handle or treat their customer but the final issue for all companies will be to keep satisfies their customer for long-term relationship, also by reducing the cost of hunting new customers. Suggestion for further research : After the investigation of complaint handling from the service 3 provider side, we can think of other areas to investigate related to this topic. One of it will be to make an investigation on complaint handling from the customer point of view to find out how the customer perceived satisfaction after the service provider have handled their complaint. Another point may be to compare Svetruck complaint handling with the one of one of their mean competitor to see the point that differ them from the others. Further investigations can also be made on unsatisfied customers, those who have experience bad service recovery by then had chosen to switch to competitor.

Advanced Concepts in Asynchronous Exception Handling

Krischer, Roy January 2010 (has links)
Asynchronous exception handling is a useful and sometimes necessary alternative form of communication among threads. This thesis examines and classifies general concepts related to asynchrony, asynchronous propagation control, and how asynchronous exception handling affects control flow. The work covers four advanced topics affecting asynchronous exception-handling in a multi-threaded environment. The first topic is concerned with the non-determinism that asynchronous exceptions introduce into a program's control-flow because exceptions can be propagated at virtually any point during execution. The concept of asynchronous propagation control, which restricts the set of exceptions that can be propagated, is examined in depth. Combining it with a restriction of asynchrony that permits propagation of asynchronous exceptions only at certain well-defined (poll) points can re-establish sufficient determinism to verify a program's correctness, but introduces overhead, as well as a delay between the delivery of an asynchronous exception and its propagation. It also disturbs a programmer's intuition about asynchronous propagation in the program, and requires the use of programming idioms to avoid errors. The second topic demonstrates how a combined model of full and restricted asynchrony can be safely employed, and thus, allow for a more intuitive use of asynchronous propagation control, as well as potentially improve performance. The third topic focuses on the delay of propagation that is introduced when a thread is blocked, i.e., on concurrency constructs that provide mutual exclusion or synchronization. An approach is presented to transparently unblock threads so propagation of asynchronous termination and resumption exceptions can begin immediately. The approach does not require additional syntax, simplifies certain programming situations, and can improve performance. The fourth topic explores usability issues affecting the understanding of (asynchronous) exception handling as a language feature. To overcome these issues, tools and language features are presented that help in understanding exception handling code by providing additional run-time information, as well as assist in testing. For all topics, the necessary extensions to the syntax/semantics of the language are discussed; where applicable, a prototypical implementation is presented, with examples that demonstrate the benefits of the new approaches.

Klassrumskonflikter som uppstår i mötet mellan lärare och elever i klassrummet : Tio lärares uppfattningar kring konflikter och förebyggande insatser

Hammo, Vivianne January 2010 (has links)
Conflicts are a natural part of people's daily lives and we all know that they cannot be avoided. Equally common are conflicts in school as an institution, not at least in the interaction between teachers and students. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers think and reflect on the various classroom conflicts that arise with students, and which preventive measures the teachers use. This study intends to answer the following questions; What is it that characterizes conflicts between teachers and students in middle school?     How do teachers think that these conflicts can be prevented and what solutions can be applied? I have used in this study a qualitative research method as a tool. This study examines how teachers reflect and discuss about their perceptions of classroom conflicts. My theoretical connection consists of the senior lecturer in pedagogic, Arne Maltén and his ideas of communication theories. He describes different perspectives that teachers can relate to in the prevention of conflicts that may arise.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The results of my study reveal that teachers receive a negative view of conflicts while they share different approaches of how conflicts could be prevented. The teachers are aware that conflicts at school are impossible to avoid but at the same time they decide to deal with them with their own methods. There are a number of these which can be applied in dealing with conflicts. Some teachers do not shy away from the conflicts, while others choose to avoid them. In school and in learning environment there should be a constructive approach to prevent conflicts.

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