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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbättrad vård efter bristning vid förlossning : En fallstudie om patientdelaktighet / Improved care after perineal tear : A case study about patient involvement

Gertsson, Sara-Marie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund. Att få en allvarlig bristning i samband med förlossning kan ge kvinnor smärta, lidande, och låg livskvalitet under lång tid. Syfte. Syftet med förbättringsarbetet har varit att förbättra eftervården genom att införa strukturerad uppföljning, öka kvalitén i bedömning och diagnostik, förbättra informationen till patienten och utveckla former för patientdelaktighet i förbättringsarbetet. Syftet med studien har varit att ur ett verksamhetsperspektiv beskriva erfarenheterna av patientdelaktigheten i förbättringsarbetet. Metod. Förbättringsarbetet har designats med hjälp av Förbättringstrappan och utgått från ett patientprocessorienterat perspektiv. Metod för studien var kvalitativ i form av en fallstudie. Resultat. Genom förbättringsarbetet följs kvinnorna upp via bristningsregistret, uppföljningsbesök med 3D- ultraljud görs på en specialinrättad mottagning. Vidare får kvinnorna individuell fysioterapeutinformation innan hemgång, en vårdkedja har införts och former för patientdelaktighet har utformats och använts. Dessa är frågeformulär, intervjuer, workshops och patientföreträdare i förbättringsnätverket. Resultatet från studien visar att formerna för patientdelaktighet ger skilda förutsättningar för delaktigheten. Resultatet visar på betydelsen av organisatoriska förutsättningar, värdet av patientdelaktighet, utmaningar vid införande och vilket reellt inflytande som patientdelaktigheten haft under processen och för resultaten av förbättringsarbetet. Slutsatser. Patientdelaktighet skapar värde i flera dimensioner. Patientdelaktighet behöver designas, anpassas till kontexten och förbättringsarbetets mål och dess syfte behöver vara tydligt uttryckt. / Background. Perineal tears during childbirth can lead to after-delivery complications that leads to great suffering and low quality of life for a long time. Purpose. The purpose has been to improve after-delivery care by systematic follow-up, increasing the quality of diagnostics and management of these women, improving the information for the patient and developing new ways of improving including patients in the improvement work. The purpose of the study has been to study the effect of patient participation in the improvement work. Method. "The improvement ramp" and patient process-oriented perspective has been used to design the improvement work. The method of the study was qualitative in the form of a case study. Results. Follow-up using 3D-ultrasound is introduced. A care chain has been introduced and ways of patient participation have been designed and used. These are questionnaires, interviews, workshops and patient representatives in the improvement network. The results of the study show that the ways of patient participation provide different conditions for participation. The result shows the importance of organizational conditions, the value of patient participation, challenges in the introduction and the real influence that patient participation has had during the process and on the results of the improvement work. Conclusions. Patient-participation in QI creates values in several dimensions. Patient-participation needs to be carefully designed in compliance with context, goals and purpose.

Organizing Language Interpreting Services in Elderly and Emergency Healthcare

Lundin, Christina January 2018 (has links)
With an increasing migrant population there is a growing need to organize interpreting practices in healthcare in order to deliver equitable high-quality care. This thesis focuses on healthcare institutions’ organization of interpreting services. The aim of the study was to explore interpreting practices in a healthcare context by comparing two different healthcare areas – elderly and emergency healthcare. The study aimed to highlight the impact of the organizational and institutional context. This study was designed as an explorative and descriptive qualitative study including 79 healthcare professionals with experience of interpreting practices recruited via purposeful sampling in elderly and emergency healthcare. Data were collected through individual and focus-group interviews and analysed with inductive qualitative content analysis. The main findings show that the processes and structures around interpreting practices were complex and mainly linked to individual and interpersonal levels and, to a limited extent, to the institutional level. On the institutional level the Public Procurement Act was the only formal policy to follow. On individual and interpersonal level interpreting practices were structured by self-established informal workplace routines developed by the professional groups. The norms and routines used was determined by access to interpreters, time aspects, characteristics of the care given, health conditions and the person’s problem, expectations and requests from the person and also from healthcare professionals. There were wishes for improvement, with better flexibility in access to professional interpreters, training for users and interpreters, and also better technical solutions and equipment. In conclusion, the use of interpreters was rooted in the organizational environment of interpreting practice, including the availability of laws, policy and guidelines, and closely related to individuals’ language skills, cultural values and social factors. The use of professional interpreters was based on the nature of care in context and access to interpreters and determined by health professionals’ estimation of the person’s current health status in order to deliver fast and individualized care based on humanistic values. Thus, it is important to consider organizational framework and cultural awareness when formulating interpreting practices adapted to the context, and formal guidelines in order to achieve the aim of personcentered and equal health care.

Institutionally Shaped Response to the Introduction of National Guidelines : Case Studies in the Swedish Regional Health Policy Arena

Sandberg, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the institutionally shaped response to the introduction of the national guidelines on the Swedish regional health policy arena. The thesis consists of two case studies. Adapting a qualitative approach, the data is based on individual interviews and these were analysed thematically. The first paper explores the response by four Swedish regional health authorities to the introduction of the National Guidelines for Cardiac Care, while the second paper aims to broaden the understanding of how the national guidelines are used for strategic purposes among politicians. As illustrated in this thesis, organizations will respond, adjust and react to external pressure according to conditions shaped by the institutional context. Key findings here are that the national guidelines are a complex policy instrument that, beyond being able to be used in an instrumental fashion by the medical managment, can also serve a legitimizing function for political decision-makers. The goals of the national guidelines, i.e. equal and efficient care, and the uncertainty about who, among multiple stakeholders, is responsible for the guidelines in the regional health authority, is a source of ambiguity and potential conflict. Those who are potentially responsible represent different rationales – a political rationale and a scientific rationale. The dominating scientific rationale of the national guidelines can create instability, when pushing towards the use of explicit priority-setting. Priority-setting in the institutional setting of a regional health authority has strong elements of becoming “wicked problems” since the dilemma of prioritization remains regardless of ambitions to apply a “technocratic fix”. A wicked problem is characterized by high complexity and being persistently hard to solve (Williams et al. 2012). A recurring dilemma is that priority-setting still contains many wicked problems, as social values and political considerations remain important parts of the policy process. One weakness of the national guidelines, identified in this thesis, is that the guidelines discuss each service area separately, and thereby reinforce a silo mentality in the Swedish health policy arena. To sum up, the national guidelines create a multifaceted and complex response in the Swedish health policy arena where different rationalities collide, and where conflicts appear and are dealt with within the regional health authorities.

Mot en rättssäker bedömning : Kvalitetsförbättringar av klinisk träning inom sjuksköterskeutbildningen utifrån en programteoretisk ansats med studie av samsyn mellan lärare / Towards a legally valid assessment : Quality improvements of clinical training within a nursing program based on a program theory approach with a study of teachers shared interpretation

Kilström, David January 2019 (has links)
Sjuksköterskors praktiska kunskaper är avgörande för säker vård. Inom sjuksköterskeutbildningen kontrolleras färdigheter genom färdighetsexaminationer. Utifrån kartlagda brister i rättssäkerhet och arbetsmiljö vid färdighetsexaminationer initierades ett förbättringsarbete. Syftet med förbättringsarbetet var att förbättra processen för klinisk träning inom sjuksköterskeprogrammet genom att utveckla färdighetsexaminationer. En studie av förbättringsarbetet genomfördes i syfte att: Undersöka samsyn mellan lärare kring färdighetsexamination som pedagogisk aktivitet. Analysera och utveckla initial programteori utifrån intervjudata. Förbättringsarbete har utformats efter förbättringsmodellen, förbättringsrampen och programteoretisk ansats. Studie genomfördes med kvalitativa intervjuer och innehållsanalys utifrån en interaktiv och abduktiv ansats. Förbättringsarbetet resulterade i minskad variation mellan lärare i bedömningen av färdighetsexaminationer. Nya arbetssätt har lett till ökad samsyn mellan lärare och bättre arbetsmiljö. Programteorin reviderades utifrån intervjudata. Minskad variation visar på en ökad rättssäkerhet. Reviderad programteori har ökat möjligheten att dra lärdom av förbättringsarbetet såväl lokalt som generellt. Arbetet har bidragit till en utveckling av sjuksköterskeutbildningen och dess bidrag till en god och säker hälso- och sjukvård. / Nurses' practical knowledge is crucial for safe care. Within the nursing program skills are checked through clinical examinations. Based on identified deficiencies in terms of legal validity and working environment related to clinical examinations improvement work was initiated. The purpose of the improvement work was to improve the process of clinical training within the nursing program by developing the clinical examination. A study of the improvement work was conducted with the purpose of: Exploring teachers shared interpretations with clinical examinations as an educational activity. Analysing and developing initial program theory based on interview data. Improvement work was designed according to the model for improvement, improvement ramp, and a program theory approach. The study includes qualitative interviews with content analysis based on an interactive and abductive approach. The improvement work led to improved consensus between teachers and a better work environment. A reduction in variation between teachers’ assessments of clinical examinations was reached. The program theory was revised based on interview data. Reduced variation shows increased legal validity. Revised program theory has increased the possibility of learning from the improvement work both locally and in general. The work has developed the nursing education and its contribution to good and safe healthcare.

The impact of privatization of primary care programs in large county health department in florida

Brock, Arlesia Lynn 01 June 2005 (has links)
Since the mid-1970s, top managers, politicians, and officials in both public and private institutions have promoted contracting-out services (privatization) as a means of increasing efficiency, flexibility, and quality. The privatization trend has occurred in many public sector organizations particularly in city services and prisons. Public health services are not immune to this trend. Today many county health departments have contracted the provision of public health services like womens health, primary care, and laboratory services. However, very few studies have analyzed the impact of these privatizations on cost, access, and health outcomes. Proponents favoring the private provision of these services argue that private providers are more efficient and can deliver these services at a lower cost. Also, because of better innovation, private providers can even improve quality. However, among opponents there is concern that a for-profit private provider might cut costs that adversely affects the quality of these services. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the effects of the privatization of primary care services on cost, access, and health outcomes in nine large counties in the state of Florida. In a survey of county health departments conducted in 1999, 61 out of 67 counties had outsourced at least one service. Primary care was the second most frequently privatized program. Womens health was the program most often privatized by counties. Using mixed models and logistic regression, a comparison was made between large counties that outsourced primary care services and counties that did not. Multiple years of data were obtained from federal and state sources for analysis.

Priklausomybės ligų ir su jomis susijusių procesų valstybinis reguliavimas Lietuvos Respublikoje / State regulation of addictive disordes and processes related with them in the Republic of Lithuania / Staatliche Regulierung der Abhaengigkeitskrankheiten und damit verbundener prozesse in der Republik Litauen

Nutautas, Andrius 12 March 2008 (has links)
Svarbią vietą psichikos sveikatos priežiūroje, keldamos rimtą grėsmę modernios valstybės vizijai ir sėkmingai ekonominei bei socialinei plėtrai, užima priklausomybės ligos. Lietuvai įsitvirtinant Vakarų erdvėje, valstybė turi nukreipti Lietuvos ekonomiką laiduoti prieinamą, laiku suteikiamą, saugią bei veiksmingą sveikatos, tame tarpe ir psichikos sveikatos, priežiūrą, nes šalies žmonių sveikata priklauso nuo socialinių ir ekonominių sąlygų, o nuo žmonių sveikatos priklauso valstybės ekonominis klestėjimas. Plečiantis teikiamų priklausomybės ligų gydymo bei prevencijos paslaugų tinklui būtina pasirūpinti valstybiniu reguliavimu, kurio paskirtis optimalus šios sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų dalies sistemos efektyvumas. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti administraciniu teisiniu požiūriu priklausomybių ligų bei su jomis susijusių procesų valstybinio reguliavimo mechanizmą ir pateikti šio mechanizmo sėkmingo veikimo reglamentavimo problemas. Nagrinėjant pasirinktą temą, buvo atlikta teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių priklausomybės ligas bei su jomis susijusius procesus, analizė; panaudojant anketinį metodą, buvo apklausti ekspertai, dirbantys priklausomybės ligų gydymo bei prevencijos paslaugų teikimo srityse, siekiant ištirti jų patirtį/požiūrį į priklausomybių ligų bei su jomis susijusių procesų valstybinį reguliavimą, funkcijų pasiskirstymą tarp šių procesų valdymo subjektų. Susisteminus gautus duomenis, juos įvertinus, suformuluotos išvados bei siūlymai. / The objective of this work is to evaluate the mechanism of state regulation of addictive disorders and processes related thereto from the administrative legal point of view and to present the problems of regulation of the successful mechanism operation. Analysing the chosen topic, the study of legal acts regulating addictive disorders and processes related thereto was made; using a questionnaire method, experts working in the field of addictive disorders treatment and the provision of prevention services were surveyed in order to find out about their experience/attitude towards the state regulation of addictive disorders and processes related thereto as well as the distribution of functions among parties managing these processes. / Abhängigkeitskrankheiten nehmen in der Pflege der psychischen Gesundheit einen wichtigen Platz ein, indem sie für die Vision eines modernen Staates und die erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche sowie soziale Entwicklung eine erhebliche Gefahr darstellen. Während sich Litauen in dem westeuropäischen Raum einbürgert, muss der Staat die Wirtschaft Litauens in die Richtung lenken, einen rechtzeitigen, sicheren und effektiven Zugang zur Gesundheitspflege, darunter auch zur Pflege der psychischen Gesundheit, zu leisten, weil die Gesundheit der Bürger direkt von den sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und das wirtschaftliche Wachstum des Staates von der Gesundheit der Menschen abhängt. Das Netz der zu erweisenden Dienstleistungen zur Vorbeugung sowie Behandlung von Abhängigkeitskrankheiten wird immer größer, deswegen muss eine staatliche Regulierung geschaffen werden, welche das Ziel verfolgen würde, eine optimale Systemeffizienz in diesem Teil der Dienstleistungen zur Gesundheitspflege zu erreichen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Mechanismus der staatlichen Regulierung von Abhängigkeitskrankheiten und damit verbundener Prozesse unter dem verwaltungsrechtlichen Standpunkt einzuschätzen und die Reglamentierungsprobleme der wirkungsvollen Anwendung von diesem Mechanismus darzustellen. Bei der Analyse des gewählten Themas wurden Rechtsakte, die die Abhängigkeitskrankheiten und damit verbundene Prozesse reglamentieren, untersucht. Durch die Anwendung der Fragebogen-Methode... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Paauglių sveikatos ir ją įtakojančių veiksnių įvertinimas Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo internatinėse mokyklose / Evaluation of adolescent health and factors influencing it in boarding schools of Vilnius city

Krupskienė, Aušra 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study to evaluate adolescent health and factors influencing it in boarding schools of Vilnius city. Objectives to evaluate adolescent health; to estimate the prevalence of behavior and psychosocial environmental factors influencing health; to identify and evaluate the peculiarities of health services provided to adolescents. Methods. An anonymous survey of 191 pupils aged 11-18 and interview method of health care specialists in two boarding schools were applied in the study. State of pupils’ health was analysing medical records. Results were compared between two boarding schools. SPSS statistics software was used for date analyze. Values were considered significant, when p<0.05. Results. Most of disorders reported were attributed to respiratory diseases. Almost half of adolescents from both institutions reported facing health problems. 36.1 % of adolescents were reported not being involved in extra curricular physical activities, 42.9 % indicated being smoking, 27.7 % frequent alcohol abuse. 42.8 % of adolescents reported that their interaction with teachers was not satisfactory. 59.7 % of adolescents experienced bullying; one in every two pupils felt not being safe. The analysis of inter-institutional comparison points to the significant differences in smoking, alcohol abuse and bullying prevalence. Adolescents lack knowledge regarding stress coping and readiness to live on their own. Data gathered from adolescents demonstrated general satisfaction with... [to full text]

Bewertung von Inhalten in Virtuellen Gemeinschaften im Gesundheitswesen

Dannecker, Achim, Lechner, Ulrike, Kösling, Robert, Schießl, Florian, Schütz, Oliver, Steinfurth, Sven 15 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans upplevelse av det första året i yrket : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The newly graduated nurse's experience of the first year in the profession : A qualitative interview study

David, Marianne, Gustafsson, Evelina January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket beskrivs som komplext då sjuksköterskan måste ha kunskaper och färdigheter för att kunna ge patienten en god och säker vård. Första året i yrket beskrivs som en känslomässig och ansträngande period då sjuksköterskor upplever tung arbetsbelastning och en hög stressnivå. Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever att tillräcklig introduktion och stöd från medarbetare är viktigt för att kunna utvecklas i yrkesrollen. Syfte: Att beskriva den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans upplevelse av första året i yrket. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod och en induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen utfördes i form av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades för att analysera datamaterialet. Resultat: Vid analysen av datamaterialet framkom tolv underkategorier vilka bildar fyra kategorier; första tiden i yrket, att utöva yrket, arbetsklimatet påverkar och behov av kunskap och utveckling. Slutsats: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever ett behov av ytterligare kunskap då utbildningen inte förberett dem tillräckligt och beskriver första tiden som utmanande men också lärorik. Tillräcklig introduktion, ett trevligt bemötande och stöd från kollegor beskrivs som särskilt viktigt under första tiden. Möten med patienter och anhöriga beskrivs som givande och ger upphov till en känsla av att göra en skillnad.

Förbättrad informationsöverföring i äldreomsorg : - en fallstudie om implementering av ett modifierat SBAR-verktyg / Improved Information Transfer in Elderly Care : - a case study of implementation of a modified SBAR tool

Edberg, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Brister i kommunikation är den enskilt största orsaken till att avvikelser inträffar i hälso-och sjukvård. Genom att standardisera kommunikation och informationsöverföring minskar variationen, och logik och ömsesidig överenskommelse skapas.   Syftet med förbättringsarbetet var att öka patientsäkerheten genom att förenkla kommunikationen inom teamet på ett vård-och omsorgboende, genom att införa kommunikationsverktyget SBAR. Den efterföljande studien syftade till att undersöka hur SBAR upplevs inom äldreomsorgen, och vad som kan vara framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar vid införande.   Action research har tillämpats och en innehållsanalys har utförts efter fokusgruppsintervjuer.   Verksamheten såg en positiv utveckling av förbättrad informationsöverföring men nådde inte upp till de uppsatta målen. SBAR upplevdes användbart när de professionella hade fått praktisk träning. De professionella kände en ökad trygghet då den muntliga rapporteringen kombinerades med skriftlig rapportering. Projektet skapade gemensamt lärande genom deltagande observationer. Projektet gjorde att de omgivande strukturerna blev tydligare för personalgruppen och informationsöverföringens fokus lyftes från individnivå till systemnivå. SBAR-strukturen förenklades något för att passa bättre i den flerspråkiga kontexten. Nya områden för förbättring identifierades och en aktivitetstavla skapades. Att hålla jämn utbildningstakt och utbilda vikarier var en utmaning i projektet. / Lack of communication is the single biggest reason for errors in healthcare. By standardizing the communication, the variation is reduced and logic and mutual agreement are created. The purpose of the improvement work was to increase patient safety by simplifying communication by introducing the SBAR communication tool. The subsequent study aimed to investigate how SBAR was experienced in the elderly care team, and to describe success factors and difficulties at the time of implementation.   The author was inspired by action research. A content analysis has been applied on the data collected.   There was an improvement in the information transfer, but the unit did not reach the set targets. SBAR was found useful by the professionals after practical training. The professionals felt greater security with a combination of oral and written report. The project created common learning through participatory observations and by clarifying the surrounding structures for the professionals. The project contributed to changed focus from an individual to a system level concerning the information process. The SBAR structure was slightly simplified to fit the multilingual context. New areas for improvement were identified and an activity board for the elderly was created. Keeping consistent education and training temporary staff was a challenge.

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