Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heroes"" "subject:"zeroes""
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Os libertinos de Juliette e a libertina de Sade / The libertines of Juliette and the libertine of SadeClara Carnicero de Castro 06 July 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo dos protagonistas do romance Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) do Marquês de Sade. O objetivo do trabalho é evidenciar a progressão dos enunciados filosóficos dos personagens, dentro das cenas libidinosas nas quais são proferidos, relacionando as teorias e as práticas particulares de cada herói com os traços de seu caráter. Tal abordagem supõe a tese de que há uma interdependência entre os argumentos do libertino e sua construção dentro da narrativa ficcional. Cada devasso expõe um conjunto singular de ideias, determinado por suas características morais, físicas e por outros aspectos que constituem o gênero do romance filosófico. Logo, este estudo não propõe uma interpretação específica para o pensamento de Sade, mas salienta a oposição e a convergência de ideias em sua obra, acentua o debate entre os personagens, expõe, portanto, a diversidade dos discursos libertinos. / This research intends to analyze the protagonists from the novel Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) by the Marquis de Sade. Our goal is to evidence the development of the philosophical statements of the characters, within the libidinous scenes where they take place, relating the theory and practice of each hero with his/her personality. This approach assumes an interplay between the libertine\'s arguments and their construction in the fictional narrative. Each person presents a unique set of ideas, determined by his/her moral and physical traits, in addition to all the other aspects found in the philosophical novel gender. We, therefore, do not present a specific interpretation for the thinking of Sade, rather, we stress the opposition and convergence of ideas in his work, underlining the debate among the characters to point out the diversity of discourse amidst the libertines.
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O "Sitio do Picapau Amarelo da Antiguidade" : singularidades das Grecias lobatianas / The "Yellow Woodpecker Ranch from ancient times: the singularity of Lobato's GrreecesTopan, Juliana de Souza 26 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador : Joaquim Brasil Fortes Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T14:15:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: As primeiras adaptações de mitos gregos em obras destinadas a crianças e jovens, escritas e publicadas no Brasil, datam do início do século XX, em que Monteiro Lobato, autor considerado como um dos fundadores de nossa literatura infanto-juvenil, teve uma importante contribuição. Com a publicação de "O Minoutauro" (1939) e "Os doze trabalhos de Hércules" (1944), Lobato apresenta uma imagem da Grécia Antiga (em especial, do século V a. C., conhecido como "século de Péricles") e da Grécia Arcaica (que ele chama de "Heróica", por ser onde localiza os grandes feitos de heróis guerreiros, como Hércules). Nessas obras, chamanos a atenção a maneira como o autor se apropria da chamada "mitologia grega" - subvertendo, muitas vezes, a versão canônica, re-inventando narrativas, adaptando-as ao público mirim e apresentando uma imagem idealizada da cultura grega antiga e arcaica. Nesse sentido, Lobato revela suas influências de autores franceses, como Ernest Renan e Anatole France, e do filósofo e historiador Will Durant, ao reforçar, em suas obras, a idéia do "milagre grego". Além disso, constrói singularmente a figura do herói Hércules, como um homem bruto em modos e inteligência, mas dotado de grande sentimentalidade. Isso nos faz refletir sobre os diversos modelos de narrativa heróica, em especial, dos heróis grego arcaico (típico da narrativa épica) e europeu moderno (típico da narrativa romanesca) / Abstract: The first adaptations of Greek myths in books for children and young readers, written and published in Brazil, are dated back to the beginning of 20th century. Monteiro Lobato, writer known as one of the founders of our literature for young people, had an important contribution to these first adaptations. By publishing O Minotauro (The Minotaur), in 1939, and Os doze trabalhos de Hércules (The twelve trials of Hercules) in 1944, Lobato portraits na image of Ancient Greece (especially of the 5th century B. C., called â?¿Age of Periclesâ??) as well as Archaic Greece (which was called "Heroic" by Lobato, for being the period in which the great acts of heroes, like Hercules, took place). In these books, the way in which the writer makes use of the so-called Greek mythology attracts our attention â?¿ sometimes subverting the canonical version, reinventing narratives, adapting them to the young public and presenting na idealized image of the ancient and archaic Greek culture. In this way, Lobato reveals his influences of French writers, like Ernest Renan and Anatole France, and the philosopher and historian Will Durant, by reinforcing in his books, the idea of the "Greek miracle". Moreover, he singularly constructs the image of the hero Hercules, as a rude man, not only in his manners, but also in his intelligence, but endowed with great sentimentality. This causes us to reflect upon the various models of heroic narratives, especially of the archaic Greek heroes (typical in epic narratives) and modern European (typical in roman narratives) ones / Mestrado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Mestre em Educação
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Entre a história e o mito : Oliveira Lima e a construção de heróis nacionais monarquistas pela historiografia / Between history and myth: Oliveira Lima and construction of monarchist national heroes by the historiographyCosta, Roger Renilto Diniz 08 March 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to lecture about the historiography of Manuel de Oliveira Lima in view of the representation of the emperors of Brazil as national heroes during the First Republic. To this end, our emphasis is to analyze some books of the historian Oliveira Lima in which his historiographical discourse turns to the Brazilian imperial past highlighting the role of governments as heroic and praising them in epic way in his narrative. Methodologically we conceive the historiography as a discourse for the purpose of analyzing it in its historicity, that is, addressing context of production and its discursive articulation. The reflection by us developed is back to the question of the constitution of Brazilian nationality, recurrent literate in production of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the analysis, we established a dialogue with other historians who have dedicated themselves to researching the life path of Oliveira Lima, and on other aspects, their historiography. We analyzed five works of Oliveira Lima, specifically: Dom João VI no Brasil; Formação Histórica da Nacionalidade Brasileira; O Império Brasileiro (1821-1889); O Movimento da Independência (1821-1822) e Historia Diplomatica do Brazil: O Reconhecimento do Imperio / Este trabalho tem por objetivo dissertar sobre a historiografia de Manuel de Oliveira Lima tendo em vista a representação dos imperadores do Brasil como heróis nacionais durante a Primeira República. Para tanto, nossa ênfase é analisar algumas obras do historiador Oliveira Lima nas quais seu discurso historiográfico se volta ao passado imperial brasileiro destacando a atuação dos governantes como heroica e enaltecendo-os de forma épica em sua narrativa. Metodologicamente, concebemos a historiografia como um discurso, para fins de analisá-lo em sua historicidade, isto é, abordar seu contexto de produção e sua articulação interna. A reflexão por nós realizada se volta, portanto, à questão da constituição da nacionalidade brasileira, recorrente na produção letrada dos fins do século XIX e no início do século XX. Na análise, estabelecemos um diálogo com outros historiadores que se dedicaram à pesquisar a trajetória de vida de Oliveira Lima e, sobre outros aspectos, sua historiografia. Analisamos cinco obras de Oliveira Lima, especificamente: Dom João VI no Brasil; Formação Histórica da Nacionalidade Brasileira; O Império Brasileiro (1821-1889); O Movimento da Independência (1821-1822) e Historia Diplomatica do Brazil: O Reconhecimento do Imperio
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O sorriso e as lágrimas de Dioniso : ensaio sobre a figura de Dioniso a partir da leitura de As bacantes de Eurípides / The smile and the tears of DionysusMacedo, Isabela Carvalho, 1985- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jeanne Marie Gagnebin de Bons / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T15:24:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A principal questão deste estudo é pensar Dioniso como o sucessor de Zeus. A reflexão proposta sugere que no século V a.C. é Dioniso o soberano que irá ditar os nomoi, leis, que irão reger a vidas dos imortais e dos mortais. Para tal empreitada é proposta uma leitura sobre o dionisismo desde o século VII a.C., que é quando Dioniso retorna das suas viagens exterior para a Grécia trazendo o vinho, até V a.C. quando o deus se torna a divindade mais cultuada da pólis. A principal fonte para tal leitura é a tragédia As bacantes de Eurípides, pois ela narra o retorno de Dioniso e a sua afirmação como uma divindade poderosa e foi escrita no século V a.C. Os principais interlocutores teóricos para o estudo de As bacantes são René Girard e Friedrich Nietzsche ¿ em específico os livros A violência e o sagrado e O nascimento da tragédia. A metodologia apresentada é a seguinte: primeiro serão discutidas as particularidades divinas que convém a Dioniso. O deus foi gestado por uma mortal, devido a isso ele tem mais afinidade com os mortais que as demais potestades. Além disso, é um deus que passa por vários sacrifícios. A partir de tais argumentos é desenvolvida a relação entre o deus e os mortais tendo como ponto de partida os heróis da epopeia. Será defendida a hipótese de que Dioniso apropria-se do logos, um discurso que mede o tempo a partir dos homens e não dos deuses, para fortalecer-se como divindade. Uma vez esclarecido o vínculo de Dioniso com os mortais, será proposta uma interpretação de As bacantes tendo tal obra como o marco da soberania de Dioniso ¿ é ele quem sucederá Zeus. A elaboração de tal leitura levou à contestação da perspectiva teórica de Nietzsche sobre o confronto e a conciliação entre apolíneo e o dionisíaco, impulsos artísticos que Nietzsche usa para definir a religião grega, e também sobre a figura de Sócrates. Desse modo, na última parte será feito um debate teórico sobre a leitura de Nietzsche, será relativizada a perspectiva do filósofo de que entre o apolíneo e o dionisíaco houve uma conciliação. Além disso, será proposta uma imagem de Sócrates não como o principal inimigo de Dioniso, mas como uma das máscara do deus / Abstract: The main question our study poses is whether one can interpret Dionysus as being the successor to Zeus. Our project proposes that in the fifth century BC, Dionysus determined nomoi, the laws that governed the lives of both mortals and immortals. In this dissertation we explore different references to Dionysus that circulated from the seventh century BC, when Dionysus returned to Greece from his travels abroad bringing with him wine, to the fifth century BC,the point when he became the most worshiped God in polis. Our main literary source is Euripedes¿s The Bacchae, writen in the fifth century BC, this work discusses Dionysus¿s ascent to become one of the powerful gods in Greece following his return to the empire. The principal theorists we engage with in this work are René Girard and Friedrich Nietzsche ¿ specifically, Violence and the Sacred and The Birth of Tragedy.The fist part of the dissertation explores particular traits ascribed to Dionyusus as a result of having been gestated by a mortal. Due to this, Dionysus has more affinity with mortals than the other gods have. Moreover, Dionysus makes a number of sacrifices. It is from these interpretations that the relationship between God and mortals originates and it is this point that marks the creation of heroes.Our hypothesis is that Dionysus appropriates logos, which we can understand as a form of discourse that measures time from mortals, not for gods, which in turn is used by Dionysus to strengthen himself as a god. After describing the relationship between mortals and gods, we propose an interpretation of The Bacchaethat show how this text can be interpreted showing Dionysus status as a powerful god -it is he who succeeds Zeus. From here we dispute Nietzsche's interpretation on confrontation andreconciliation between Apollonian and Dionysian, artistic impulses that Nietzsche uses to define ancient Greek religion, not to mention Nietzche¿s treatment of Socrates. In the final section we engage with the theoretical debate through a close readin of Nietzsche. In it we relativize Nietzsche¿s understanding that a compromise existed between the Apollonian and Dionysian. Furthermore, we propose that Socrates was not an enemy of Dionysus, but rather he was a mask of Dionysus / Mestrado / Teoria e Critica Literaria / Mestra em Teoria e História Literária
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Furyous Female Just-Warriors of Post-Apocalypse and DystopiaLynch, Shaylynn 12 1900 (has links)
The intention of this thesis is to identify and analyze the precise shift from an exploitative archetype to an empowered representation of women warriors, to identify the arena in which male and female characters are given equal agency in the context of war, and finally explore the key characteristics that make up an empowered female hero. This thesis also addresses the sociocultural nature of the warrior woman archetype as it pertains to the current role of women in the military. The films analyzed in this thesis are all post 9/11 films; a fact that links them culturally to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In recent years, numerous milestones have been reached for women in the armed services, especially for those women in combat positions. For the first time in American history women are being recognized for their active role as soldiers in combat. Therefore, it is valid to consider the correlation between seeing women as military professionals, fighting alongside male soldiers in these films, and the cultural impact of female combat soldiers. This aspect of the thesis also imbues the female just-warrior archetype with a legitimate history, mythology, and current cultural reference; which is essential to the visibility of female combat soldiers of the 21st century.
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Visual Design of the Villainous and the Heroic : A Video Game Content Analysis / Visuell design av de skurkaktiga och de heroiska : En innehållsanalys av datorspelPettersson, Nathalie, Snitt, Vendela January 2022 (has links)
This study conducts a video game character content analysis to examine villains and heroes in video games by visual design, specifically how the visual design differs from one another between the alignments. Samples were collected by browsing a list of top rated video games, sorted by year, at least one villain and hero were chosen from a number of games until a sample of (N=100) was reached. After the samples had been examined according to a number of variables and codes, they were analysed using a chi-square analysis. The results indicate that villains’ visual design is done in a way to create a negative impression towards the villainous character, whilst the heroes’ design is intended to appeal to the player. The villains tend to be larger in size and look older than the heroes, meanwhile the heroes tend to have rounder face- and eye shapes, in contrast to the villains’ narrow eyes and faces. / Denna studie utför en innehållsanalys på spelfigurer inom datorspel för att granska skurkars och hjältars visuella design inom datorspel, specifikt hur den visuella designen skiljer sig åt mellan dem. Urvalen samlades genom att granska topplistor för videospel enligt årtal, där minst en skurk och hjälte valdes från ett antal spel tills ett urval av (N=100) nåddes. Efter att urvalen undersökts enligt en uppsättning av variabler och koder analyserades de med en chi-square analys. Resultaten indikerar att skurkars visuella design är gjord på ett sätt som skapar ett negativt intryck av den skurkaktiga spelfiguren, medan hjältarnas design är menad att tilltala spelaren. Skurkarna tenderar att vara större i storlek och ser äldre ut än hjältarna, medan hjältarna tenderar att ha rundare ansikts- och ögonformer i kontrast till skurkarnas smala ögon och ansikten.
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Современная волшебная сказка: герои, композиция, язык (на материале сборника «The Kingfisher Book of Magical Tales») : магистерская диссертация / Modern magical fairy tale: characters, composition, language (based on the material of the collection "The Kingfisher Book of Magical Tales")Джапакова, Н. В., Dzhapakova, N. V. January 2022 (has links)
В настоящей работе проводится структурно-языковое изучение современной литературной волшебной сказки. Дается определение сказки как фольклорного и литературного жанра, систематизируются основные жанровые особенности сказки. Обобщая методологические аспекты изучения сказки, автор дает дефиницию и типологию волшебной сказки. Проводится анализ функций персонажей и волшебных средств в сказках. Рассматриваются основные языковые особенности сказки и способы ее перевода. Материалом для исследования служат сказки из сборника современных зарубежных авторов «The Kingfisher Book of Magical Tales», переведенного с английского на русский язык автором магистерской диссертации. / In this master’s thesis, a structural and linguistic study of a modern literary fairy tale is carried out. The definition of a fairy tale as a folklore and literary genre is given, the main genre features of a fairy tale are systematized. Summarizing the methodological aspects of the study of fairy tales, the author gives the definition and typology of a fairy tale. The analysis of the functions of characters and magical means in fairy tales is carried out. The thesis also considers the main linguistic features of the fairy tale and the ways of its translation. The material for the study is fairy tales from the collection of modern foreign authors "The Kingfisher Book of Magical Tales", translated from English into Russian by the author of the master's thesis.
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Unmasking the heroes : sources of power in Afrikaner mythologisingSherman, Louisa Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Unmasking the heroes: sources of power in Afrikaner mythologising is a personal, visual and theoretical exploration of the underlying
sources of power which governed the development of Afrikaner nationalism, particularly the years spanning the late 1980s and the
early 1990s. The practical work, a series of drawings and relief cut-outs, sets out to unmask the beliefs, customs, traditions and
attitudes particular to Afrikaner culture. It does so through the processes of deconstruction and reconstruction of selected mass
mediated images whereby different symbolic paradigms are juxtaposed through the devices of collage and allegory to uncover layers
of meaning. This art-making approach was informed by theoretical and visual research into the tradition of Western mythology,
including related topics such as linguistics, psychology and sociology, Afrikaner history and historiography, and the mechanisms of
contemporary cultural reproduction, particularly the South African mass media and fine arts. / History of Art and Fine Arts / M.A. (History of Art and Fine Arts)
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Unmasking the heroes : sources of power in Afrikaner mythologisingSherman, Louisa Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Unmasking the heroes: sources of power in Afrikaner mythologising is a personal, visual and theoretical exploration of the underlying
sources of power which governed the development of Afrikaner nationalism, particularly the years spanning the late 1980s and the
early 1990s. The practical work, a series of drawings and relief cut-outs, sets out to unmask the beliefs, customs, traditions and
attitudes particular to Afrikaner culture. It does so through the processes of deconstruction and reconstruction of selected mass
mediated images whereby different symbolic paradigms are juxtaposed through the devices of collage and allegory to uncover layers
of meaning. This art-making approach was informed by theoretical and visual research into the tradition of Western mythology,
including related topics such as linguistics, psychology and sociology, Afrikaner history and historiography, and the mechanisms of
contemporary cultural reproduction, particularly the South African mass media and fine arts. / History of Art and Fine Arts / M.A. (History of Art and Fine Arts)
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Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en a Whistling Woman : Kielhaal (roman) / KielhaalKapp, T. P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In fulfilment of the degree of Magister in Creative Writing: Afrikaans, a novel titled Kielhaal (Keelhaul) is presented in which the main character figures as an abject hero. It is accompanied by a formal essay titled “Die abjekte held in Steppenwolf, Fight Club en A Whistling Woman” (“The abject hero in Steppenwolf, Fight Club and A Whistling Woman”). The essay researches the application of the abject hero in literary texts.
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