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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the use of optimized cubic spline atomic form factor potentials for band structure calculations in layered semiconductor structures

Mpshe, Kagiso 18 March 2016 (has links)
The emperical pseudopotential method in the large basis approach was used to calculate the electronic bandstructures of bulk semiconductor materials and layered semiconductor heterostructures. The crucial continuous atomic form factor potentials needed to carry out such calculations were determined by using Levenberg-Marquardt optimization in order to obtain optimal cubic spline interpolations of the potentials. The optimized potentials were not constrained by any particular functional form (such as a linear combination of Gaussians) and had better convergence properties for the optimization. It was demonstrated that the results obtained in this work could potentially lead to better agreement between calculated and empirically determined band gaps via optimization / Physics / M. Sc. (Physics)

Ultrafast dynamics in InAs quantum dot and GaInNAs quantum well semiconductor heterostructures

Malins, David B. January 2008 (has links)
The quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE) and ultrafast absorption dynamics near the bandedge have been investigated in p-i-n waveguides comprising quantum confined heterostructures grown on GaAs substrates, for emission at 1.3um. The materials are; isolated InAs/InGaAs dot-in-a-well (DWELL) quantum dots (QD), bilayer InAs quantum dots and GaInNAs multiple quantum wells (MQW). The focus was to investigate these dynamics in a planar waveguide geometry, for the purpose of large scale integration in optical systems. Initial measurements of the QCSE using photocurrent measurements showed a small shift for isolated QDs whilst a significant shift of 40nm (at 1340nm) was demonstrated for bilayer dots, comparable to that of GaInNAs MWQ (30nm at 1300nm). These are comparable to InP based quaternary multiple quantum wells used in modulator devices. With the use of a broadband continuum source the isolated quantum dots exhibit both a small QCSE (15nm at 1280nm) and minimal broadening which is desirable for saturable absorbers used in monolithic modelocked semiconductor lasers (MMSL). A robust experimental set-up was developed for characterising waveguide modulators whilst the electroabsorption and electro-refraction was calculated (dn=1.5x10⠻³) using the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation. Pump probe measurements were performed at room temperature using 250fs pulses from an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) on the three waveguide samples. For the isolated QDs ultrafast absorption recovery was recorded from 62ps (0V) to 700fs (-10V and the shortest times shown to be due to tunneling. Additionally we have shown good agreement of the temperature dependence of these dots and the pulse width durations from a modelocked semiconductor laser using the same material. Bilayer QDs are shown to exhibit ultrafast absorption recovery from 119ps (0V) to 5ps (-10V) offering potential for applications as modelocking elements. The GaInNAs multiple quantum wells show absorption recovery of 55ps (0V), however under applied reverse bias they exhibit long lived field screening transients. These results are explained qualitatively by the spatial separation of electrons and holes at heterobarrier interfaces.

Croissance épitaxiale et propriétés magnétiques d'hétérostructures de Mn5Ge3 sur Ge pour des applications en électronique de spin / Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3/Ge heterostructures for spintronic applications.

Spiesser, Aurélie 06 January 2011 (has links)
L’intégration de matériaux ferromagnétiques dans des hétérostructures semi-conductrices offre aujourd'hui de nouvelles perspectives dans le domaine de l’électronique de spin. Dans ce manuscrit sont présentés les résultats de la croissance par épitaxie par jets moléculaires d’hétérostructures de Mn5Ge3 sur Ge(111). Le Mn5Ge3 est un composé ferromagnétique jusqu'à température ambiante qui a l’avantage de pouvoir s’intégrer directement au Ge, semiconducteur du groupe IV. S'agissant d'un matériau relativement nouveau, un des efforts majeurs a porté sur la maîtrise de la croissance des couches minces de Mn5Ge3 par la technique d'épitaxie en phase solide (SPE). Un fort accent a été mis sur les caractérisations structurales, la détermination des relations d'épitaxie avec le Ge(111), afin de les relier aux propriétés magnétiques des films. La seconde partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l'étude des processus cinétiques d'incorporation de carbone dans les couches minces de Mn5Ge3. La combinaison des différents moyens de caractérisations structurales et magnétiques a permis d'aboutir à une augmentation notable de la température de Curie tout en conservant une excellente qualité structurale de la couche et de l'interface avec le Ge et une stabilité thermique jusqu’à 850°C. Tous ces résultats indiquent que les couches minces de Mn5Ge3épitaxiées sur Ge(111) apparaissent comme des candidats à fort potentiel pour l'injection de spin dans les semi-conducteurs du groupe IV / Spin-electronics based on ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor systems offer a pathway toward integration of information storage and processing in a single material. This emerging fieldaims to create a new generation of electronic devices where two degrees of freedom will be associated: spin and charge of carriers. In this context, the outcome of this thesis is toelaborate a novel ferromagnetic compound, namely Mn5Ge3, on Ge using molecular beamepitaxy method. The interests in this compound are manyfold: it can be stabilized as a uniquephase on Ge(111) in the form of epitaxial thin films, it is ferromagnetic until room temperature and it is compatible with Si-based conventional microelectronics. In this work,one major effort was devoted to the epitaxial growth of Mn5Ge3 on Ge using Solid PhaseEpitaxy method. By combining structural and magnetic characterizations, we demonstrated high quality epitaxial thin Mn5Ge3 films with good magnetic properties. We also studied theeffect carbon incorporation on the structural and magnetic properties of epitaxial Mn5Ge3films. The carbon-doped films exhibit a high Curie temperature with an atomically smoothinterface and a high thermal stability. All these results show that Mn5Ge3 is a promisingcandidate opening up the ways for spin injection via tunnel effect through the Schottky barrierinto Ge

Polarization Rotation Study of Microwave Induced Magnetoresistance Oscillations in the GaAs/AlGaAs 2D System

Liu, Han-Chun 15 December 2016 (has links)
Previous studies have demonstrated the sensitivity of the amplitude of the microwave radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations to the microwave polarization. These studies have also shown that there exists a phase shift in the linear polarization angle dependence. But the physical origin of this phase shift is still unclear. Therefore, the first part of this dissertation analyzes the phase shift by averaging over other small contributions, when those contributions are smaller than experimental uncertainties. The analysis indicates nontrivial frequency dependence of the phase shift. The second part of the dissertation continues the study of the phase shift and the results suggest that the specimen exhibits only one preferred radiation orientation for different Hall-bar sections. The third part of the dissertation summarizes our study of the Hall and longitudinal resistance oscillations induced by microwave frequency and dc bias at low filling factors. Here, the phase of these resistance oscillations depends on the contact pair on the device, and the period of oscillations appears to be inversely proportional to radiation frequency.

Field Dependence of Optical Properties in Quantum Well Heterostructures Within the Wentzel, Kramers, and Brillouin Approximation

Wallace, Andrew B. 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a theoretical treatment of the electric field dependence of optical properties such as Quantum Confined Stark (QCS) shifts, Photoluminescence Quenching (PLQ), and Excitonic Mixing in quantum well heterostructures. The reduced spatial dimensionality in heterostructures greatly enhances these optical properties, more than in three dimensional semiconductors. Charge presence in the quantum well from doping causes the potential to bend and deviate from the ideal square well potential. A potential bending that varies as the square of distance measured from the heterostructure interfaces is derived self-consistently. This potential is used to solve the time-independent Schrodinger equation for bound state energies and wave functions within the framework of the Wentzel, Kramers, and Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The theoretical results obtained from the WKB approximation are limited to wide gap semiconductors with large split off bands such as gallium arsenide-gallium aluminum arsenide and indium gallium arsenide—indium phosphide. Quantum wells with finite confinement heights give rise to an energy dependent WKB phase. External electric and magnetic fields are incorporated into the theory for two different geometries. For electric fields applied perpendicular to the heterostructure multilayers, QCS shifts and PLQ are found to be in excellent agreement with the WKB calculations. Orthogonality between electrons and holes gives rise to interband mixing in the presence of an external electric field. On the contrary, intraband mixing between light and heavy holes is not sufficiently accounted for in the WKB approximation.

Electrons fortement corrélés : de deux dimensions aux hétérostructures / Strongly correlated electrons : from two dimensions to heterostructures

Euverte, Axel 11 October 2013 (has links)
Les propriétés d'électrons en deux dimensions (2D) soulèvent des questions fondamentales qui ont été largement explorées au moyen des techniques théoriques de la matière condensée. L'extension de modèles classiques tel le modèle de Hubbard en 2D, en incluant par exemple plusieurs bandes électroniques, ore la possibilité d'accéder à des phénomèmes plus complexes, comme l'interaction du transport électronique et du magnétisme observé dans les composés de fermions lourds. Ces modèles sont en lien direct avec la question de couches minces couplées, les hétérostructures, qui sont depuis peu l'objet d'intenses recherches et orent la possibilité d'intéressantes applications. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions numériquement diérents syst èmes au moyen de la méthode du Monte Carlo Quantique du Déterminant. Tout d'abord, l'eet de la corrélation électronique dans un isolant de bande est évaluée, montrant en particulier l'absence d'une phase métallique intermédiaire. Un deuxième système est composé de deux bandes électroniques couplées, dans lequel l'eet de la largeur de bande de la partie corrélée est exploré de façon systématique. Finalement, nous étudions une interface métal-isolant, qui présente une phase intermédiaire surprenante lorsque le couplage à l'interface est ajusté. / The properties of electrons in two dimensions (2D) raise fundamental questions that have been extensively explored by condensed matter theory. Extending standard frameworks such as the 2D Hubbard model by accounting for more than one electronic band oers the opportunity to access more complex phenomena, such as the interplay between transport and magnetism found in heavy-fermions materials. Such models are directly connected to the problem of coupled layers in complex materials known as heterostructures, which have been widely studied and synthesized in recent years, and are expected to lead to important applications. In that context, we study numerically several systems, by mean of the Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo Method (DQMC). We rst analyze the eect of electronic correlation in a band insulator, showing in particular the absence of an intermediate metallic phase. A second system consists of two coupled bands that modelize a heavy fermion model, in which the role of the bandwidth of the correlated band is systematically investigated. Finally, we consider the case of a metal-insulator interface, unveiling an intriguing intermediate phase as the interfacial coupling is tuned.

Problématique de la polarité dans les nanofils de ZnO localisés, et hétérostructures reliées pour l’opto-électronique / The issue of polarity in well-ordered ZnO nanowires, and their related heterostructures for optoelectronic applications

Cossuet, Thomas 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le développement d’architectures nanostructurées originales composées de matériaux abondants et non-toxiques fait l’objet d’un fort intérêt de la communauté scientifique pour la fabrication de dispositifs fonctionnels efficaces et à bas coût suivant des méthodes d’élaborations faciles à mettre en œuvre. Les réseaux de nanofils de ZnO élaborés par dépôt en bain chimique sont, à ce titre, extrêmement prometteurs. L’étude des propriétés de ces réseaux de nanofils et leur intégration efficace au sein de dispositifs nécessitent toutefois un contrôle avancé de leurs propriétés structurales et physiques, notamment en terme de polarité, à l’aide de techniques de lithographies avancées.Le dépôt en bain chimique des nanofils de ZnO est d’abord effectué sur des monocristaux de ZnO de polarité O et Zn préparés par lithographie assistée par faisceau d’électrons. Par cette approche de croissance localisée, un effet significatif de la polarité des nanofils de ZnO est mis en évidence sur le mécanisme de croissance des nanofils, ainsi que sur leurs propriétés électriques et optiques. La possibilité de former des nanofils de ZnO sur des monocristaux de ZnO semipolaires nous a de plus permis d’affiner la compréhension de leurs mécanismes de croissance sur les couches d’amorces polycristallines de ZnO. Par la suite, le dépôt des nanofils de ZnO en bain chimique est développé sur des couches d’amorces polycristallines de ZnO préparés à l’aide de la lithographie assistée par nano-impression. Suivant cette approche, des réseaux de nanofils de ZnO localisés sont formées sur de grandes surfaces, ce qui permet d’envisager leur intégration future au sein de dispositifs fonctionnels.Les nanofils de ZnO sont ensuite combinés avec des coquilles semiconductrices de type p par des méthodes de dépôt chimique en phase liquide ou en phase vapeur afin de fabriquer des hétérostructures cœurs-coquilles originales. Le dépôt de couches successives par adsorption et réaction (SILAR) d’une coquille absorbante de SnS de phase cubique est optimisé sur des nanofils de ZnO recouverts d’une fine couche protectrice de TiO2, ouvrant la voie à la fabrication de cellules solaires à absorbeur extrêmement mince. Enfin, un photo-détecteur UV autoalimenté prometteur, présentant d’excellentes performances en termes de réponse spectrale et de temps de réponse, est réalisé par le dépôt chimique en phase vapeur d’une coquille de CuCrO2 sur les nanofils de ZnO. / Over the past decade, the development of novel nanostructured architectures has raised increasing interest within the scientific community in order to meet the demand for low-cost and efficient functional devices composed of abundant and non-toxic materials. A promising path is to use ZnO nanowires grown by chemical bath deposition as building blocks for these next generation functional devices. However, the precise control of the ZnO nanowires structural uniformity and the investigation of their physical properties, particularly in terms of polarity, remain key technological challenges for their efficient integration into functional devices.During this PhD, the chemical bath deposition of ZnO nanowires is combined with electron beam lithography prepared ZnO single crystal substrates of O- and Zn-polarity following the selective area growth approach. The significant effects of polarity on the growth mechanism of ZnO nanowires, as well as on their electrical and optical properties, are highlighted by precisely investigating the resulting well-ordered O- and Zn-polar ZnO nanowire arrays. An alternative nano-imprint lithography technique is subsequently used to grow well-ordered ZnO nanowire arrays over large areas on various polycrystalline ZnO seed layers, thus paving the way for their future integration into devices. We also demonstrate the possibility to form ZnO nanowires by chemical bath deposition on original semipolar ZnO single crystal substrates. These findings allowed a comprehensive understanding of the nucleation and growth mechanisms of ZnO nanowires on polycrystalline ZnO seed layers.In a device perspective, the ZnO nanowires are subsequently combined with p type semiconducting shells by liquid and vapor chemical deposition techniques to form original core-shell heterostructures. The formation of a cubic phase SnS absorbing shell is optimized by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) process on ZnO nanowire arrays coated with a thin protective TiO2 shell, which pave the way for their integration into extremely thin absorber solar cells. A self-powered UV photo-detector with fast response and state of the art performances is also achieved by the chemical vapor deposition of a CuCrO2 shell on ZnO nanowire arrays.

Propriedades eletrônicas de hetero-estruturas de semicondutores zincblende. / Electronic properties of zincbled semiconductor heterostructures.

Chitta, Valmir Antonio 27 October 1987 (has links)
Utilizou-se um Hamiltoniano KP (6x6) do tipo Kane para, se estudar a estrutura de bandas e níveis de Landau para heteroestruturas de semicondutores zincblende dos grupos III-V e II-VI. Os efeitos do acoplamento entre as bandas de condução e valência, da mistura dos estados da banda de valência, da não-parabolicidade dos níveis, da total degenerescência dos níveis, do warping e das descontinuidades das massas efetivas nas heterointerfaces são levados em conta. Mostrou-se que a interação entre as bandas de condução e valência não pode ser desprezada, mesmo para semicondutores de gap largo, como citado em trabalhos existentes na literatura. Para um estudo sistemático do modelo, utilizou-se um poço quântico de GaAs Ga(Al)As e então aplicou-se o modelo a um sistema de semicondutores semi-magnéticos (poço quântico de CdTe Cd(Mn)Te). / A Kane-like (6x6) KP Hamiltonian is used to study the subband structure and Landau levels for group III-V and group II-VI zincblende semiconductor heterostructures. The effects of conduction-valence band coupling, valence band states mixing, nonparabolicity of the levels, the full degeneracy of the levels, warping and effective masses discontinuities at the heterointerfaces are taken into account. It is shown that the interaction between conduction-valence bands cannot be neglected, even so the semicondutctor have wide gap, as claimed in previous work in the literature. GaAs-Ga(Al)As quantum well was used as a model for a systematic study of the effects of each effective KP parameters. Then, it was applied to the study the subband structure of semi-magnetic semiconductor system (a quantum well of CdTe-Cd(Mn)Te.

Exciton center-of-mass motion in quantum wells and quantum wires

Siarkos, Anastassios 10 November 2000 (has links)
Diese Arbeit stellt eine gründliche Analyse der Schwerpunktsbewegung von Exzitonen in Halbleiter-Quantengräben und -Quantendrähten dar. Dabei wurde die k.p-Kopplung der schweren und leichten Löcher im Valenzband sowie das Coulomb-Potential voll berücksichtigt. Die Optimierung der Schwerpunktstransformation auf der Basis eines Ansatzes für die Abhängigkeit des Grundzustands des Exzitons vom Schwerpunktsimpuls Q ermöglichte numerische Ergebnisse hoher Qualität. Es zeigt sich nämlich, daß in einer Subbandentwicklung die Enveloppe des Grundzustands des Exzitons in guter Näherung unabhängig vom Schwerpunktsimpuls ist. So konnten erstmalig Multiband-Exziton-Berechnungen in Quantendrähten mit voller Berücksichtigung der Coulomb-Wechselwirkung durchgeführt werden. Die in dieser Arbeit dargestellten Untersuchungen zeigen interessante physikalische Effekte auf, wie beispielsweise eine nichtmonotone Zunahme der Bindungsenergie des exzitonischen Grundzustands mit wachsendem Q und einen zur entsprechenden Kontinuumskante weitestgehend parallelen Verlauf der Dispersion des exzitonischen Grundzustands. Die Optimierung der Schwerpunktstransformation führt außerdem zu einem analytischen Ausdruck für eine mittlere Masse, die relevant für den exzitonischen Grundzustand ist. / This thesis presents a thorough investigation of the center-of-mass dispersion properties of excitons in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum wires. The k.p coupling of heavy and light holes as well as the Coulomb coupling are taken fully into account. High-quality numerical calculations of the exciton center-of-mass dispersion are achieved by optimizing the center-of-mass transformation, making use of an Ansatz for the dependence of the groundstate exciton upon the center-of-mass momentum Q. Indeed, the envelope in the subband expansion of the groundstate exciton is to a good approximation independent of Q. This technique made possible for the first time multiband calculations in quantum wires that take the Coulomb coupling fully into account. Various physically interesting effects are found and investigated, like, e.g., the non-monotonous increase of the exciton groundstate binding energy with Q or the fact that the exciton groundstate energy follows the exciton continuum edge rather closely. The center-of-mass optimization leads also to an analytical expression for an estimate of the exciton groundstate center-of-mass mass.

Etude des propriétés optiques de nanostructures quantiques semi-polaires et non-polaires à base de nitrure de gallium (GaN) / Optical properties of non-polar and semi-polar GaN nanostructures

Rosales, Daniel 10 December 2015 (has links)
Nous étudions les propriétés optiques de nanostructures (Al,Ga)N/GaN crûes selon diverses orientations cristallographiques. Les orientations concernées sont : le plan non-polaire (1-100) ou plan m ; le plan semi-polaire (1-101) ou plan s ; et le plan semi-polaire (11-22). Dans un premier temps, nous nous consacrons à l'étude de l'anisotropie de la réponse optique de puits quantiques crûs selon les plans m et s. Dans un deuxième temps, nous évaluons les effets de la température sur les propriétés optiques de ces puits quantiques en utilisant la technique de photoluminescence résolue en temps qui permet d'obtenir des informations concernant les phénomènes radiatifs et non-radiatifs. S'agissant des durées de vie radiatives, nous avons mis en évidence la contribution de deux régimes de recombinaison: celui des excitons localisés, lequel est caractérisé par une durée de vie constante; et celui des excitons libres dont la durée de vie croit linéairement avec la température. Pour tous les échantillons que nous avons étudié, le régime d'excitons localisés domine à basse température alors que le régime d'excitons libres domine à haute température. Nous avons ainsi caractérisé la qualité des interfaces des puits quantiques (Al,Ga)N/GaN à partir de la détermination d'un modèle de la densité d'états de localisation. Nous trouvons qu'elle est, dans nos échantillons, encadrée par des valeurs comprises entre 10^11 - 10^12 cm-2. Notre étude montre que les puits orientés (11 22) présente la plus faible densité, et que les puits orientés selon le plan s sont les moins affectés par les phénomènes non-radiatifs. Dans un troisième temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation de nanostructures crûes selon le plan (11-22) pour diverses conditions de croissance. En faisant varier celles-ci, il est possible d'obtenir des boites quantiques, des fils quantiques, ou des puits quantiques. L'étude de la dynamique de recombinaison des excitons dans ces nanostructures (11-22) montre une dépendance en température de la durées de vie radiative en fonction du degré de confinement : constante pour les boîtes quantiques; proportionnelle à racine de T pour les fils ; linéaire pour les puits. Cette étude démontre la richesse de possibilités de nanostructures crûes sur des orientations non-traditionnelles elle mets en perspective de nouvelles études de croissance cristalline de nano-objets pour des applications inédites en optoélectroniques. / We study the optical properties of (Al,Ga)N/GaN nanostructures grown along several crystallographic orientations. The involved orientations are: the non-polar (1-100) plane or m-plane; the semi-polar (1-101) or s-plane; and the semi-polar (11-22) plane. First, we focus on the study of the anisotropy of the optical response of quantum wells grown in m- and s-planes. Second, we evaluate the effects of the temperature on optical properties of these quantum wells by extensive utilization of the time-resolved photoluminescence technique. It allows to obtain information regarding the evolution of radiative and non-radiative phenomena with temperature. Concerning radiative decay times, we have discriminated the contributions of two recombination regimes: the recombinations of localized excitons characterized by a constant decay time; and the recombinations of free excitons whose decay time increases linearly with the temperature. For all samples studied here, the regime of recombination of localized excitons dominates at low temperature and the regime of recombination of free excitons dominates at high temperature. In addition, we characterized the quality of (Al,Ga)N/GaN interfaces by the determination of the density of localization states. The values are ranging between 10^11 cm-2 and 10^12 cm-2 in our samples. This study demonstrates that (11-22)-oriented quantum wells exhibit the lowest density, and we find that the optical properties of s-plane oriented wells are the less impacted by the non-radiative phenomena. Third, we concentrated on the characterization of nanostructures grown along (11-22) plane direction under very different growth conditions. By modifying them, it is possible to obtain either quantum dots, or quantum wires or quantum wells. The study of the exciton recombination dynamics in these (11-22)-oriented nanostructures reveals a temperature dependence of radiative decay times correlated with the dimensions of the confining potentials: it is constant for the quantum dots; proportional to square root of T for quantum wires; and linear for quantum wells. This study demonstrates the potentialities of the nanostructures grown on non-traditional orientations for optoelectronic applications.

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