Spelling suggestions: "subject:"distory anda archaeology"" "subject:"distory anda archaeologyc""
801 |
Malmö på 1800-talet - från fästning till sydsvenskt ekonomiskt centrum : Betydelsen av rivandet av befästningsverken / Malmö in the 19th Century. From Fortress to South Swedish Economic Centre. : The Significance of the Demolishing of the Fortifications.Holmgren, Björn January 2020 (has links)
In the beginning of the 19th century Malmö was a sleepy, small town with less than 5 000 inhabitants. The town was surrounded by strong fortifications and a moat. In the government´s opinion there was no need for a strong fortress in the south of Sweden anymore and the cost of maintenance was too high. Malmö was allowed to demolish the fortifications at its own expense. This opened up for the expansion of the town. A new town plan was produced with two new squares, promenades and a new canal around the former Old Town. As a part of the agreement between the government and Malmö the Rörsjö-marshes were drained allowing the town to expand beyond its former limits. The population rose rapidly especially during the latter part of the century. In 1850 there were around 13 000 inhabitants in the Malmö. Thirty years later more than 38 000 and in 1900 there were 60 587 people living in Malmö. There were two more factors which contributed two this growth: the building and expansion of the harbour and the building of the railways in the 1860s. Söderport, Österport, Norra Vallgatan and Bastion Älvsborg remind us today of times gone by.The essay is based on documents and maps in archives and on presentations by scholars of the 20th century. / <p>På grund av coronapandemin hölls presentationen över nätet.</p>
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Barn födda utom äktenskapet i nordöstra Sunnerbo härad och sydöstra Västbo härad : En kvantitativ studie av åtta socknar 1860–1945 / Illegitimate births in northeast Sunnerbo district and southeast Västbo district : A quantitative study of the eight parishes 1880–1945Axelsson, Clara January 2021 (has links)
This study analyzes illegitimate children. The children’s mothers age when giving birth, their occupation, if their fathers are unknown or not are some of the study’s main questions. The study’s questions examine in eight parishes, six from Sunnerbo district and two from Västbo district. The investigations period is 1860-1945, divided into five different periods. This is a comparative study in time perspective but also in a perspective of different areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of illegitimate children in the different parishes, compare them to each other and then to the proportions in the entire country. The study shows that a smaller number of illegitimate children was born in the eight parishes then in the entire country. This study as similar others on the field proves that the majority of the illegitimate children’s fathers were unknown. The fact that a great number of fathers were unknown often put the unmarried mothers in a difficult economic and social situation. The unmarried mother’s profession was maid or in Swedish piga in most of the parishes from 1860 to 1931. The unmarried mothers age is hardly shifting between the different time periods and in the different parishes, but the average age was for example 28 between 1860-1870 and 26 in 1880 to 1890.
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Skålgroparnas placering i landskapet : Vad utgrävningar och kvantitativa analyser kan säga om skålgropar / A view at the cupmarks location in the landscape : What can excavations and quantitative analyzes tell about the cupmarksVirdarson, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
Cupmarks are the most common form of rock art in Sweden, yet it has not been studied as much as the figurative rock art. To understand all the rock art from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia, we need to understand the cupmarks. This essay discusses the differences between different cupmark sites and their number of cup marks by comparing their relation to close-by graves and agricultural fields. It also discusses if an excavation can say anything about the cupmark place and its number. The results of this essay showed that no differences could be made between cup mark sites with many cupmarks and those with few, but three different contexts could be made with the help of studying the excavation reports.
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En kärlekens anda : Genus, ideal och politik i Grängesbergs socialdemokratiska kvinnoklubb 1901–1939 / A spirit of love : gender, ideal and policy in the Social Democratic Women’s club in Grängesberg 1901–1939Eriksson, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
The Social Democratic Women’s Club in Grängesberg, Sweden, was founded by male mine workers in January 1901. Not until 19 years later, the Social Democratic Women’s Organization was founded on a national level. The aim of this case study is to take a closer look at how this local club in Grängesberg grew and developed during the time span of 1901 and the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. This, by using sources from the club’s own archives in Falun. Historian and gender researcher Yvonne Hirdman’s theories on gender serve as guiding tools for this study. Key concepts of this study are organization, ideals, ideology, and policy. Key words: Grängesberg, S-kvinnor, gender, working class movement, women’s movement, industrial society / Grängesbergs socialdemokratiska kvinnoklubb bildades av manliga gruvarbetare i januari 1901. Först 19 år senare formades ett socialdemokratiskt kvinnoförbund på riksnivå. Syftet med den här fallstudien är att titta närmre på hur Grängesbergs kvinnoklubb växte fram och utvecklades från dess bildande fram till andra världskrigets utbrott 1939. Källmaterialet som används är klubbens egna, som finns på Dalarnas Folkrörelsearkiv i Falun. Analys genomförs med hjälp av Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori, med särskilt fokus på begreppen genuskontrakt samt utvidgning och isärhållande. Undersökningen fokuserar på frågor som rör organisation, ideal, ideologi och politik. Nyckelord: Grängesberg, S-kvinnor, genus, arbetarrörelsen, kvinnorörelse, industrisamhälle
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The fate of flesh : A study of the second and third century CE Christian perception of the body / Köttets öde : En studie av den kristna uppfattningen av kroppen under 100- och 200-talet e.v.t.Odergren, Nicoline January 2020 (has links)
This paper studies the perception of the Christian body during the second and third centuries CE. It engages with this question with the aid of early Christian literature from this time period, additionally containing a particular focus on how the Pauline theology of the body influenced later Christian bodily conceptions. By subjecting these works to a close reading and with the aid of an intertextual theory, this thesis attempts to ascertain whether this early Christian perception of the body was fractured in nature, and whether aspects of this division – if evident – can be derived from and ascribed to a Pauline influence. This thesis argues that corporeality was a particularly complex component within the early Christian faith, the fractured nature of which could be derived from the contrasting influences of prior Graeco-Roman and Jewish theologies. / Den här uppsatsen studerar den kristna uppfattningen av kroppen under 100- och 200-talet e.v.t. Den behandlar denna fråga med hjälp av tidig kristen litteratur från denna tidsperiod, och inbegriper utöver detta även ett särskilt fokus på hur den Paulinska teologin om kroppen påverkade senare kristna uppfattningar av det kroppsliga. Genom att utsätta dessa verk för en närläsning och med hjälp av en intertextuell teori så försöker den här uppsatsen därmed att avgöra om denna tidiga kristna uppfattning av kroppen var motsägelsefull i sin natur, och huruvida aspekter av denna splittring – om synlig – kan härstamma från eller tillskrivas Paulinsk influens. Den här uppsatsen argumenterar för att kroppslighet var en särskilt komplex komponent inom den tidiga kristna tron, vars splittrade natur kan härstamma från de kontrasterande influenserna av tidigare grekisk-romerska och judiska teologier.
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Heracles and the lion : Analysis of a black-figure lekythos from the Gustavianum collection / Herakles och lejonet : Analys av en svartfigurig lekyt från Gustavianums samlingarLundholm, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
This study analyzes the appearance of the myth of Heracles and the Nemean lion on a lekythos from the Uppsala University Museum Gustavianum collection in Uppsala. The lekythos is a small oil vessel generally associated with fifth century B.C. burials. Heracles and the Nemean lion’s commonly found depiction in this context is not obvious on a superficial level, requiring further analysis to answer the question how the motif can be related to the object’s specific context. To investigate the complex relationship between myth and object the study uses the theoretical approach of a myth’s depiction on object’s being highly relevant to how the myth is viewed and consumed, being determined by its context and observer. The thesis approaches the individual artifact through an iconographic analysis and analyzes additional black-figure lekythoi produced between 550–475 B.C. to establish a chronological context of progression in the motif. The study uses ancient literary sources to further establish a societal context. Through the analysis the examination can determine a probable date of the lekythos and a context surrounding its production. Furthermore, the study concludes that the relevance of Heracles is partly based on his relevance in society overall and his role as a figure representing the male ideal and immortality.
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Varför ville man bo i Lund under bronsåldern?Örum, Yngve January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of my investigation is to shed light on why people chose to settle in a specific location during the Bronze Age, in this instance Lund municipality. I have restricted my investigation to eight settlements as these are the ones that have written sources. Many Bronze Age settlements are situated by the sea, although not the 8 I have highlighted in my investigation. The settlements in Lund municipality were therefore not dependent on the sea for their livelihood or transport routes. The selected source material includes written sources in the form of archaeological reports, course books and dissertations. My investigation reveals significant similarities in the factors determining the choice of settlement. The theories to be tested were the key factors I have set out as probable reasons for settling here. The settlers came to be dependent on having access to water and fertile soil as well as shelter from the wind. Almost without exception, the settlements were close to one another, at most 1.5 kilometres from the nearest neighbour. These clusters suggest cooperation in providing daily food supplies and also indicate a peaceful coexistence. It also seems that areas for socialising have been important. Another common factor is that people chose a settlement that had been previously occupied. The reasons for this may have been twofold: the very favourable conditions and the presence of ancestral graves that people felt the need to visit.
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13 augusti 1961 EXTRA: Gränsen stängs. Berlin delas upp av en mur! : En studie av nyhetsrapporteringen då Berlinmuren byggdesPålsson, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Det är nu 55 år sedan byggnationen av Berlinmuren påbörjades. I en värld där miljoner människor är på flykt från krig, orättvisor och elände är händelserna kring då Berlin delades upp av en mur högaktuella. Den 13 juli 2015 skrev Dagens Nyheter om den rådande flyktingströmmen till Europa från Syrien och kringliggande länder. Rubriken löd då: ”Ungern har påbörjat stängsel för att hindra immigranter”. Berlinmuren byggdes för att försöka få bukt på en okontrollerad massflykt från öst till väst. En sådan massflykt upplever vi även idag. Hur beskrevs 1961 beslutet i media om att uppföra en mur som skulle hindra människor från att ta sig till friheten och vilken information fick egentligen samtidens människor när de läste dagstidningen till morgonkaffet?
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Framställningar & uppfattningar om kvinnan och åldrande I forna Egypten / Representations & perceptions about women and aging in ancient EgyptPettersson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
This essay is about women in ancient Egypt and their relation to aging and why they are rarely depicted other than beautiful and young, when it was a possibility for men to be depicted old in ancient Egypt. Looking at the examples in existence of depictions of aging in women, following questions will be discussed. How is a woman with signs of aging depicted and what does these characteristics convey to the viewer? By looking at tomb paintings and statues showing signs of age, these questions will be discussed and put in context in hope of gaining a better understanding of how female age was perceived in ancient Egypt. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that signs of aging in ancient Egypt had a pronounced symbolic value. In addition to this, there is no direct answer why the signs of aging on women were depicted as they were, but there are some speculations why a woman is portrayed older and why she is not.
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Den Andra. : En komperativ studie över vikingatida dubbelgravar. / The Other : A comparative study on Viking age double graves.Yurdagül, Sedef January 2021 (has links)
This paper analysis the Viking age double graves on Birka. It has long been known that slaves have been a part of many societies. They have existed, yet not seen. They have been forgotten and overlooked for centuries, by the people of the past but also of today. The wish for this paper is to make these people a little more visible in the thoughts of scholars and the public alike. People are remembered by the things they leave behind. What do you do if you do not own something worthy to be remembered by? What do you look for? This is a comparative study where graves that have been labelled as double graves and those that has not, but share characteristics, will be analysed. The purpose of this study is to try and show, a different perspective, a different approach to analyse double graves that has not necessarily been interpreted as such.
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