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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Histoire évolutive du genre Kolpochoerus (Cetartiodactyla : Suidae) au Plio-Pléistocèneen Afrique orientale / Evolutionary history of the genus Kolpochoerus (Cetartiodactyla : Suidae) during the Plio-Pleistocene in eastern Africa

Souron, Antoine 11 December 2012 (has links)
La sous-famille des Suinae est largement répandue en Afrique au Plio-Pléistocène et a été abondamment utilisée pour corréler biochronologiquement les sites à hominidés en se basant sur l'évolution morphologique rapide des troisièmes molaires dans différentes lignées. À partir d'un échantillon important de suinés africains actuels, les schémas de variation morphologique crânio-mandibulaire et dentaire sont quantifiés par morphométrie géométrique. Ce référentiel actuel sert à estimer la variabilité morphologique dans le registre fossile. La révision de la paléobiodiversité du genre Kolpochoerus (le suiné plio-pléistocène le plus abondant) dans les bassins du Turkana et de l'Awash s'appuie sur l'étude anatomique et morphométrique de matériels publié et inédit découverts dans la basse vallée de l'Omo (formation de Shungura) et dans la vallée moyenne de l'Awash en Éthiopie. Une nouvelle espèce fossile est décrite, les trajectoires évolutives au sein de chaque espèce sont quantifiées, et les interprétations biostratigraphiques sont révisées. Les liens de parenté au sein du genre Kolpochoerus sont décrits grâce à l'analyse cladistique. L'étude de la paléoécologie des suinés africains est basée sur l'anatomie comparée et la biogéochimie des isotopes stables (carbone et oxygène). Les suinés fossiles présentent une gamme de taille importante, ainsi que des régimes alimentaires et des habitats variés. Les nouvelles connaissances acquises sur leur biodiversité, leur phylogénie, et leur écologie permettent de proposer une histoire paléobiogéographique des Suinae en Afrique. / The subfamily Suinae is widespread in Plio-Pleistocene deposits in Africa, and was heavily used as a biochronological tool to correlate hominid-bearing sites based on the rapid morphological evolution of third molars in different lineages. A large sample of extant African suines enables to quantify patterns of variation in cranio-mandibular and dental morphology using geometric morphometrics. This modern referential is used to estimate the morphological variability in the fossil record. Revision of the paleobiodiversity of the genus Kolpochoerus (the most abundant Plio-Pleistocene suine) in Turkana and Awash basins is based on anatomical and morphometric studies of published and unpublished material discovered in the Lower Omo Valley (Shungura Formation) and in the Middle Awash Valley in Ethiopia. A new fossil species is described, evolutionary trajectories within each species are quantified, and biostratigraphic interpretations are revised. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Kolpochoerus are described by the cladistic analysis. Paleoecological study of African suines is based on comparative anatomy and stable isotopic biogeochemistry (carbon and oxygen). Fossil suines display a wide range of body size, as well as various diets and habitats. The new results produced regarding their biodiversity, phylogeny, and ecology, enable to reconstruct a paleobiogeographic history of Suinae in Africa.

Covariations des structures crâniofaciales chez les hominidés / Covariations of craniofacial structures in hominids

Neaux, Dimitri 26 November 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'intégration des structures craniofaciales au sein de la famille des hominidés. Au cours de l'évolution, une réduction du prognathisme et une diminution de la longueur de la face sont observées chez les taxons appartenant au rameau humaine. Cette réduction des structures faciales est associée à une base du crâne plus fléchie et à une mandibule plus gracile. L'objectif de ce travail est de définir le rôle joué par les changements basicrâniens et mandibulaires dans la mise en place de la face courte et droite des humains modernes. Dans ce contexte, les schémas d'intégration liant la face et les autres structures crâniennes (basicrâne et mandibule) ont été décrits et quantifiés dans ce mémoire. Ce travail a été effectué sur la base d'un échantillon de crânes incluant l'ensemble des genres d'hominidés actuels : les humains modernes, les chimpanzés, les gorilles et les orangs-outans. Les crânes ont été préalablement numérisés à l'aide d'un scanner médical. Les schémas d'intégration craniofaciaux ont alors été étudiés à l'aide d'outils statistiques et de méthodes d'analyses en morphométrie géométrique. Ce travail a permis de mettre en avant plusieurs mécanismes d'intégration craniofaciale, propres aux humains modernes. Ces schémas d'intégration spécifiques permettent d'expliquer en grande partie la mise en place de la face réduite des humains modernes. Ces résultats permettent donc d'éclairer les mécanismes d'évolution et de mise en place des structures faciales chez les hominidés et dans le rameau humain. / This thesis dissertation is dedicated to the study of craniofacial structures within the hominid family. Throughout evolution, a reduction of facial prognathism and a diminution of the facial length are observed in the taxa which belong to the human lineage. This reduction of facial structures is associated to a more flexed cranial base and to a shorter mandible. The aim of this work is to define the role played by the basicranial and mandibular changes in the set up of the short and straight face of modern humans. In this context, the patterns of integration linking the face and the other cranial structures (basicranium and mandible) are decrypted and quantified in this thesis dissertation. This work has been done with a sample including all the extant hominid genera: modern humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans. The skulls were first scanned using a medical scanner. Patterns of craniofacial integration were then studied using statistical tools and geometric morphometric analysis methods. This work underlined several mechanisms of craniofacial integration, unique to modern humans. These specific patterns of integration can explain an important part of the set up of modern humans reduced face. Thus, these results enlighten the evolution mechanisms and the set up of facial structures in hominids and in the human lineage.

Mitochondria and Human Evolution

Ingman, Max January 2003 (has links)
<p>Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been a potent tool in studies of the evolution of modern humans, human migrations and the dynamics of human populations over time. The popularity of this cytoplasmic genome has largely been due to its clonal inheritance (in Man) allowing the tracing of a direct genetic line. In addition, a comparatively high rate of nucleotide substitution facilitates phylogenetic resolution among relatively closely related individuals of the same species.</p><p>In this thesis, a statistically supported phylogeny based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences is presented which, for the first time, unambiguously places the root of modern human mitochondrial lineages in Africa in the last 200 thousand years. This conclusion provides strong support for the “recent African origin” hypothesis. Also, the complete genome data underline the problematic nature of traditional approaches to analyses of mitochondrial phylogenies.</p><p>The dispersal of anatomically modern humans from the African continent is examined through single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and sequence data. These data imply an expansion from Africa about 57 thousand years ago and a subsequent population dispersal into Asia. The dispersal coincides with a major population division that may be the result of multiple migratory routes to East Asia.</p><p>Also investigated is the question of a common origin for the indigenous peoples of Australia and New Guinea. Previous studies have been equivocal on this question with some presenting evidence for a common genetic origin and other proposing separate histories. Our data reveals an ancient genetic link between Australian Aborigines and the peoples of the New Guinea highlands.</p>

Mitochondria and Human Evolution

Ingman, Max January 2003 (has links)
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been a potent tool in studies of the evolution of modern humans, human migrations and the dynamics of human populations over time. The popularity of this cytoplasmic genome has largely been due to its clonal inheritance (in Man) allowing the tracing of a direct genetic line. In addition, a comparatively high rate of nucleotide substitution facilitates phylogenetic resolution among relatively closely related individuals of the same species. In this thesis, a statistically supported phylogeny based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences is presented which, for the first time, unambiguously places the root of modern human mitochondrial lineages in Africa in the last 200 thousand years. This conclusion provides strong support for the “recent African origin” hypothesis. Also, the complete genome data underline the problematic nature of traditional approaches to analyses of mitochondrial phylogenies. The dispersal of anatomically modern humans from the African continent is examined through single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and sequence data. These data imply an expansion from Africa about 57 thousand years ago and a subsequent population dispersal into Asia. The dispersal coincides with a major population division that may be the result of multiple migratory routes to East Asia. Also investigated is the question of a common origin for the indigenous peoples of Australia and New Guinea. Previous studies have been equivocal on this question with some presenting evidence for a common genetic origin and other proposing separate histories. Our data reveals an ancient genetic link between Australian Aborigines and the peoples of the New Guinea highlands.

Locomotion et morphologie du labyrinthe osseux chez les hominoïdes actuels. Application à Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Hominidae, 7 Ma, Tchad) / Locomotion and morphology of the bony labyrinth in extant hominoids. Application to Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Hominidae, 7 Ma, Chad)

Le Maître, Anne 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’espèce humaine est caractérisée par une forme de locomotion bipède qui lui est propre. Toumaï, l’holotype de l’espèce Sahelanthropus tchadensis découverte au Tchad, est le plus ancien représentant connu du rameau humain. Daté de 7 millions d’années, il est très proche de la dichotomie entre ce rameau et celui des chimpanzés. C’est donc un témoin précieux des premières phases de l’évolution de la locomotion dans ce groupe. Le but de ce travail est de reconstituer le comportement locomoteur de Sahelanthropus tchadensis à partir de l’étude de la partie osseuse de son labyrinthe, organe de l’équilibre.Pour cela, les relations entre locomotion et morphologie du labyrinthe osseux sont recherchées chez les hominoïdes actuels. Les covariations entre le labyrinthe et le crâne sont étudiées chez Homo sapiens afin de déterminer l’influence sur la morphologie du labyrinthe de son intégration dans le crâne. Ces résultats sont enfin appliqués au labyrinthe de Toumaï, comparé à d’autres hominines fossiles.La morphométrie géométrique discrimine l’ensemble des espèces actuelles par l’orientation, la taille et la forme relatives de chacune des parties du labyrinthe. Cependant, la torsion et l’orientation relative des canaux semi-circulaires sont majoritairement liées à l’intégration du labyrinthe dans le crâne (orientation des pyramides pétreuses et de la face par rapport à la ligne médio-sagittale du basicrâne). Au contraire, l’excentricité des canaux et leur taille sont uniquement liées à la locomotion.Chez Sahelanthropus tchadensis, la taille des canaux semi-circulaires indique une espèce relativement plus agile que les grands singes. En revanche, il ne présente pas les rotations de canaux caractéristiques du genre Homo. La forme de ses canaux constitue une combinaison unique de caractères : canal postérieur rond et canal antérieur légèrement étiré, comme les humains et les australopithèques, mais canal latéral légèrement projeté postéro-latéralement, comme les gorilles et les babouins. Ceci indiquerait un comportement locomoteur associant le grimper vertical dans les arbres à des déplacements au sol bipèdes mais aussi quadrupèdes. / Humans are characterised by a specific form of bipedal locomotion. Toumaï, holotype specimen of Sahelanthropus tchadensis discovered in Chad, is the oldest known member of the human branch. Dated from 7 million years ago, it is very close to the dichotomy between this branch and the branch of chimpanzees. Therefore, it gives valuable information on the first stages of the evolution of locomotion is this group. The purpose of this work is to reconstruct the locomotor behaviour of Sahelanthropus tchadensis based on the study of the osseous part of its labyrinth, the balance organ.To this aim, the relationships between the locomotion and the bony labyrinth morphology are investigated in extent hominoids. The covariations between the labyrinth and the skull are studied in Homo sapiens in order to determine the influence of cranial integration on labyrinth morphology. Finally, these results are applied to the bony labyrinth of Toumaï, compared to other hominin fossils.Geometric morphometrics discriminates all extant species by the relative orientation, size and shape of each part of the labyrinth. However, the torsion and the relative orientation of the semicircular canals are mainly due to the integration of the labyrinth in the skull (petrous pyramids and face orientations relative to the midline of the basicranium). On the contrary, canal eccentricity and size are linked only to locomotion.In Sahelanthropus tchadensis, the canal size indicates that this species was more agile than great apes. However, it does not have the semicircular canal rotations characterising the genus Homo. The shape of its canals constitutes a unique combination of features: a round posterior canal and a slightly stretched anterior canal, as in humans and australopithecines, but a slightly posterolaterally projected lateral canal, as in gorillas and baboons. This is the sign of a locomotor behaviour associating vertical climbing in trees to both bipedalism and quadrupedalism on the ground.

Chimpanzee material culture : implications for human evolution

McGrew, William Clement January 1990 (has links)
The chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Pongidae) among all other living species, is our closest relation, with whom we last shared a common ancestor less than five million years ago. These African apes make and use a rich and varied kit of tools. Of the primates, and even of the other Great Apes, they are the only consistent and habitual tool-users. Chimpanzees meet the criteria of working definitions of culture as originally devised for human beings in socio-cultural anthropology. They show sex differences in using tools to obtain and to process a variety of plant and animal foods. The technological gap between chimpanzees and human societies living by foraging (hunter-gatherers) is surprisingly narrow, at least for food-getting. Different communities of chimpanzees have different tool-kits, and not all of this regional and local variation can be explained by the varied physical and biotic environments in which they live. Some differences are likely customs based on non-functionally derived and symbolically encoded traditions. Chimpanzees serve as heuristic, referential models for the reconstruction of cultural evolution in apes and humans from an ancestral hominoid. However, chimpanzees are not humans, and key differences exist between them, though many of these apparent contrasts remain to be explored empirically and theoretically.

Sr Isotope Evidence for Population Movement Within the Hebridean Norse Community of NW Scotland

Montgomery, Janet, Evans, J.A., Neighbour, T. 09 June 2009 (has links)
No / The excavation at Cnip, Isle of Lewis, Scotland of the largest, and only known family cemetery from the early Norse period in the Hehrides, provided a unique opportunity to use Sr isotope analysis to examine the origins of people who may have been Norwegian Vikings. Sr isotope analysis permits direct investigation of a person's place of origin rather than indirectly through acquired cultural and artefactual affiliations. Sr isotope data suggest that the Norse group at Cnip was of mixed origins. The majority were consistent with indigenous origins but two individuals, of middle-age and different sex. were immigrants. They were, however, not from Norway but were raised separately, most probably on Tertiary volcanic rocks (e.g. the Inner Hebrides or NE Ireland) or, for the female, on marine carbonate rocks.

Isotopic Evidence for Dietary Variability in the Early Hominin Paranthropus robustus

Lee-Thorp, Julia A., De Ruiter, D., Passey, B., Sponheimer, M.B. January 2006 (has links)
No / Traditional methods of dietary reconstruction do not allow the investigation of dietary variability within the lifetimes of individual hominins. However, laser ablation stable isotope analysis reveals that the ¿13C values of Paranthropus robustus individuals often changed seasonally and interannually. These data suggest that Paranthropus was not a dietary specialist and that by about 1.8 million years ago, savanna-based foods such as grasses or sedges or animals eating these foods made up an important but highly variable part of its diet.

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