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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crimes of Honour – Females' Right for Support in the Multicultural Society

Edvardsson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
This research demonstrate how crimes of honour functions and consequently could lay the path in which females do need help and support in order to escape from (or manage) their environment of oppression. Thus, females all over the world are violated in the name of honour and every year around 5,000 women and girls are murdered in the name of honour by her relatives. The exact number how many that is affected by crimes of honour could only be guessed, due to, we only see the registered crimes. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is still evident within multicultural societies as in Sweden. Hence, those females that do not want to live in oppression or expose themselves to violence and crimes such as murder, instead escape and as a result necessitate protection and societal aid. The legal and practical support targeting these victims must therefore be known. The aim with this research is to highlight this support in an empirical research. In addition, various theoretical and legal perspectives explain a broader understanding of the phenomenon of crimes of honour; in which relevant regulations of the Swedish jurisdiction and the Human Rights are dispositional. The empirical research takes departure from semi-structured interviews with eight local agents in the city of Malmö (Sweden), and also, an interview with a woman affected by crimes of honour was conducted in order to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the local support. The result demonstrates that both the legal and practical support has its affirmative elements; however this support is also limited. For instance, victims of honour crimes lack information how to access this support. Moreover, the Swedish Penal Code do not have any uttered criminal classification about this sorts of violence, leading to the lack of registration unless not considered being a crime according to the Swedish Penal Code. Since crimes of honour affects many people’s lives and exists in many different shapes, conducts and societies it is required that the right kind of support is carried out; whereas the importance of local agents taking responsibility must be acknowledged.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En kvalitativ studie om skolsköterskors och barnmorskor upplevelser

Melin, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Socialstyrelsen (2011) har skrivit i en rapport att brist på kunskap vid bemötandet av patienter som har blivit utsatta eller riskerar att bli utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld eller förtryck riskerar att leda till att personal antingen ingriper för lite eller ingriper för kraftfullt, utan att se personen och den specifika situationen. Våldet och förtrycket har ett kollektivt uttryck som kan komma från den egna familjen eller ett större socialt sammanhang. Det är främst kvinnor, i olika åldrar, som utsätts på grund av att de bryter mot normer kring kön, genus och sexualitet. Peplaus omvårdnadsteori har använts som teoretisk referensram. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur skolsköterskor och barnmorskor i Uppsala och Stockholm upplever mötet med unga kvinnor som utsätts eller riskerar att utsättas för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Metod: En deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats har använts och 5 informanter valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Intervjubilagan innehöll 6 frågor som bad informanten berätta om ett möte med en ung tjej som blivit utsatt för eller riskerat att bli utsatt för hedersrelaterat våld och/eller förtryck, den egna upplevelsen, eventuella svårigheter, om ungdomen upplevde mötet som positivt samt om eventuell samverkan med Socialtjänsten. Datainsamlingen analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: För unga kvinnor som lever med hedersrelaterade begränsningar, hedersrelaterat förtryck och/eller våld kan stöd, information och tillgänglighet hos hälso- och sjukvården vara en viktig tillgång. I mötet med ungdomar som blev utsatta för hedersrelaterat förtryck och våld kunde informaterna uppleva etiska dilemman och osäkra handlingsplaner. Samverkan med andra instanser som socialtjänsten samt andra vårdinrättningar var viktigt i informanternas arbete. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att hälso- och sjukvården är en viktig tillgång för unga tjejer som lever med antingen hedersrelaterade begränsningar, hedersrelaterat förtryck och/eller våld. Det kräver att sjuksköterskan har kunskap om hedersnormer och hur kultur kan påverka vår syn på dessa ämnen. Mer forskning om utsatta ungdomars situation samt vårdpersonalens upplevelser kan tyckas behövas för att vara säker på att denna grupp i vårt samhälle får det stöd de behöver. / Background: The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden (2011) report that a lack of knowledge in the treatment of patients who have been victims of or are in danger of becoming victims of honour based crimes may lead to that health care staff are unable to see individual patients and their unique situation, leading to their interventions becoming either too severe or not severe enough. The violence and oppression of honour based crimes expresses itself collectively, coming from the own family or a larger social network. It is primarily women, of different ages, who become victims because of violatin norms of sex, gender and sexuality. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate school nurses' and midwives' experiences of meeting young female patients who have been subjected to or are in danger of being subjected to honour based violence and oppression. Method: A descriptive design with a qualitative approach has been used and 5 respondents were chosen through a convenience sample. Semistructured interviews were conducted. The 6 pre-determined questions asked the respondent to talk about a meeting of a young girl who had been subjected to or was in the danger of being subjected to honour based violence and/or opression, their own experience of the meeting, if there were any difficulties, if the youth experienced the meeting as positive and if any co-operation with the social services took place. The data collection was analysed by content analysis. Results: Support, information and availability from the health care system can be an important asset for young women living with honour based limitations, honour based oppression and honour based violence. The respondents in this study could experience ethical dilemmas and unsure action plans in the treatment of these youths. Co-operation with other instances and health care settings was important in the respondetns' work. Conclusion: This study shows that health care staff is an important asset for young girls living with either honour based limitations, hnour based oppression and/or violence. It requires the nurse to posess knowledge of honour based norms and how culture can affect our view on these subjects. More research on the youth's sitation in Sweden and health care staff's experiences can be considered as needed to make sure that this group in Swedish society gets the support it needs.

Honour killings: a thematic analysis within European newspapers

Coelho, Rita January 2017 (has links)
Honour killings are considered by the perpetrators the only path to maintain theirs and their family honour, preventing other's to follow behaviours that move away from traditional patriarchal values. With the aim of exploring how honour killings are characterised, a qualitative study within three European newspapers, in three different languages, was conducted. The findings showed that often the victims are characterised as young women and girls that want to live independently from their birth cultures or that acted in a way considered to be a dishonour to their family culture. Perpetrators are often described as family members, mostly males to whom honour is worth more than life. However, some of the news articles launch the debate of the thin line that divides honour crimes and domestic violence making this not a cultural problem but a widespread cross-cultural reality.

Skolkuratorers arbete med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers perspektiv på arbetet med hedersrelaterad problematik på högstadieskolor

Ljung, Sofia, Lundberg, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Hedersrelaterad problematik är ett svårdefinierat begrepp som återfinns i flera olika kontexter. Denna studie syftar till att belysa hur skolkuratorer på kommunala högstadieskolor arbetar utifrån sin profession med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio stycken skolkuratorer från sex olika kommuner i Mellansverige. I analys av resultatet har vi använt oss av professionsteori tillsammans med tidigare forskning. Studien visar att skolkuratorernas arbete skiljde sig åt utifrån bland annat arbetslivserfarenhet, samverkan med socialtjänsten och skolan samt eget personligt intresse. Det som förenade skolkuratorerna var att det saknades handlingsplaner eller andra riktlinjer för hur arbetet bör bedrivas med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik. Samtliga skolkuratorer såg ämnet hedersproblematik som svårt och utmanande utifrån dess komplexitet men det fanns ett intresse hos skolkuratorerna att utveckla arbetet med problematiken. Vidare visar studien på att det saknas kunskap, dels hur det praktiska arbetet bör bedrivas men även om hedersrelaterad problematik i stort. Avslutningsvis framkommer det att verksamhetsutveckling med tema hedersproblematik, samt framtagande av handlingsplan, ses som viktiga steg för att komma vidare i arbetet. Detta för att säkerställa att elever med hedersproblematik får det stöd, skydd och bemötande som kan vara livsavgörande för deras hälsa och utveckling. / The purpose of this study was to emphasize the methods of school counselors and how they approach secondary school students who are situated in such relations. We have conducted a qualitative study in form of semi-structured interviews with nine school counselors from six different municipalities in central Sweden. In analyzing the results, we have been using professional theory combined with previous research. The study is indicating differences in the school counselor handling in terms of work experience, collaboration with social services and the school, and also dissimilarities concerning personal interest. Though, an overall downside were the non-existing plan of action or other guidelines for how to professionally deal with students who are trapped in an environment of honor-related violence. But fortunately, there is a common interest among the school counselors in improving their work within this problematic topic. According to the school counselors, honor-related violence is considered a challenging and complex task to apprehend. Furthermore, the study clarifies an uncertainty in the subject itself but it’s also showing a lack of knowledge in how to practically manage successfully. In conclusion, it emerges that activity development concerning honor-related violence, as well as the development of an action plan, is seen as important steps in order to progress. This is to ensure that students with honor-related issues gets the support, protection and treatment needed since this could be vital to their health and personal development.

Victory in defeat : Joseph Conrad and the idea of honour

Brodsky, G. W. S. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Honra e Philotimía na Esparta do Século IV a.C / Honour and Philotimía in fourth century Sparta

Bernardo, Gabriel Cabral 04 June 2018 (has links)
Os estudos sobre a Esparta do Período Clássico realizaram avanços significativos nas últimas décadas, inclusive no sentido de analisar o efeito que construções historiográficas de autores contemporâneos a ela possuem no modo como a vemos hoje. Entretanto, uma caracterização recorrente dos espartanos não recebeu a devida atenção até o momento me refiro, mais especificamente, à descrição do coletivo espartano como philótimos, \"amante da honra\". O objetivo dessa dissertação é justamente questionar tal caracterização, de modo a revelar, no sistema social espartano (aquele observável por meio das fontes), um possível fundo histórico para tal ou identificar as razões pelas quais ele é assim descrito a partir do século IV a.C. Isso é aqui realizado por meio de uma análise abrangente da influência não só da honra, mas também de todos os outros elementos relacionados a ela (vergonha, reputação, desonra etc.) no sistema social da Esparta do século IV a.C., desde a concepção à morte de um espartano. Descobriu-se que, apesar de o que sabemos sobre o sistema social espartano dar indícios de que a honra e a busca ela eram usadas como ferramentas para manter um status quo nada igualitário (algo funcional apenas quando associado à uma fachada meritocrática), a descrição dos espartanos como philótimoi serve a objetivos políticos específicos do século IV a.C., mais especificamente como crítica da hegemonia espartana e como justificativa de seu desmantelamento. Tais conclusões, assim como os argumentos que as baseiam, servem não só para compreendermos uma tática discursiva específica do século IV a.C., mas também as armadilhas do sistema da honra, especificamente como sua construção meritocrática usa o valor social de um indivíduo (i.e. honra) para manter um grupo específico no monopólio de certos privilégios, isso com total aceitação dos indivíduos deles excluídos. Tal sistema existia na Esparta do Período Clássico, com o mesmo discurso frequentemente ressuscitado em diversos contextos contemporâneos. / The studies on Classical Sparta have made significant progress in recent decades, including in the sense of analyzing the effect that historiographical constructions of its contemporary authors have on the way we view it today. However, a recurring characterization of the Spartans has not received the proper attention so far I refer, more specifically, to the description of the Spartan collective as philótimos, \"lover of honor.\" The purpose of this dissertation is precisely to question this characterization, revealing, in the Spartan social system (that observable through the sources), a historical background for this or to identify the reasons why it is described likewise from the fourth century BC onwards. This is done here through a comprehensive analysis of the influence that not only honour, but also all other elements related to it (shame, reputation, dishonour, etc.) had in the social system of fourth century Sparta, from the conceiving to the death of a Spartan. It has been found that, on the one hand, what we know about the Spartan social system indicates that honor and the crave for it were tools used to maintain an unequal status quo (something functional only when associated with a meritocratic façade), but on the other hand the description of the Spartans as philótimoi served specific political goals of the fourth century BC, specifically as a criticism of Spartan hegemony and as a justification for its dismantling. These conclusions, as well as their basing arguments, serve not only to understand a specific discursive tactic of the fourth century BC, but also the pitfalls of the honor system, specially how its meritocratic form uses the individual\'s social value (i.e. honor) to maintain a specific group in the monopoly of certain privileges, this with the full acceptance of the excluded individuals. This system existed in Classical Sparta, with the same discourse often resurrected in several contemporary contexts.

Honra e Philotimía na Esparta do Século IV a.C / Honour and Philotimía in fourth century Sparta

Gabriel Cabral Bernardo 04 June 2018 (has links)
Os estudos sobre a Esparta do Período Clássico realizaram avanços significativos nas últimas décadas, inclusive no sentido de analisar o efeito que construções historiográficas de autores contemporâneos a ela possuem no modo como a vemos hoje. Entretanto, uma caracterização recorrente dos espartanos não recebeu a devida atenção até o momento me refiro, mais especificamente, à descrição do coletivo espartano como philótimos, \"amante da honra\". O objetivo dessa dissertação é justamente questionar tal caracterização, de modo a revelar, no sistema social espartano (aquele observável por meio das fontes), um possível fundo histórico para tal ou identificar as razões pelas quais ele é assim descrito a partir do século IV a.C. Isso é aqui realizado por meio de uma análise abrangente da influência não só da honra, mas também de todos os outros elementos relacionados a ela (vergonha, reputação, desonra etc.) no sistema social da Esparta do século IV a.C., desde a concepção à morte de um espartano. Descobriu-se que, apesar de o que sabemos sobre o sistema social espartano dar indícios de que a honra e a busca ela eram usadas como ferramentas para manter um status quo nada igualitário (algo funcional apenas quando associado à uma fachada meritocrática), a descrição dos espartanos como philótimoi serve a objetivos políticos específicos do século IV a.C., mais especificamente como crítica da hegemonia espartana e como justificativa de seu desmantelamento. Tais conclusões, assim como os argumentos que as baseiam, servem não só para compreendermos uma tática discursiva específica do século IV a.C., mas também as armadilhas do sistema da honra, especificamente como sua construção meritocrática usa o valor social de um indivíduo (i.e. honra) para manter um grupo específico no monopólio de certos privilégios, isso com total aceitação dos indivíduos deles excluídos. Tal sistema existia na Esparta do Período Clássico, com o mesmo discurso frequentemente ressuscitado em diversos contextos contemporâneos. / The studies on Classical Sparta have made significant progress in recent decades, including in the sense of analyzing the effect that historiographical constructions of its contemporary authors have on the way we view it today. However, a recurring characterization of the Spartans has not received the proper attention so far I refer, more specifically, to the description of the Spartan collective as philótimos, \"lover of honor.\" The purpose of this dissertation is precisely to question this characterization, revealing, in the Spartan social system (that observable through the sources), a historical background for this or to identify the reasons why it is described likewise from the fourth century BC onwards. This is done here through a comprehensive analysis of the influence that not only honour, but also all other elements related to it (shame, reputation, dishonour, etc.) had in the social system of fourth century Sparta, from the conceiving to the death of a Spartan. It has been found that, on the one hand, what we know about the Spartan social system indicates that honor and the crave for it were tools used to maintain an unequal status quo (something functional only when associated with a meritocratic façade), but on the other hand the description of the Spartans as philótimoi served specific political goals of the fourth century BC, specifically as a criticism of Spartan hegemony and as a justification for its dismantling. These conclusions, as well as their basing arguments, serve not only to understand a specific discursive tactic of the fourth century BC, but also the pitfalls of the honor system, specially how its meritocratic form uses the individual\'s social value (i.e. honor) to maintain a specific group in the monopoly of certain privileges, this with the full acceptance of the excluded individuals. This system existed in Classical Sparta, with the same discourse often resurrected in several contemporary contexts.

Unga mäns perspektiv på heder och hedernormer  - en kvalitativ studie / Young men´s perspective concerning honour and honour-norms. A qualitative study

Andersson, Asiye, Mehvar, Mino January 2010 (has links)
The honour norm is strong within the Middle East but is scattered all over the world. As a result of immigration, the honorary context has become more established in Sweden. Violence, committed in the name of honour, is commonly executed by male family members. Thus, young men are forced, in some degree, to participate in the oppression and control of their sisters. Violence exercised in the name of honour, can be traced back to the patriarchal family system in which woman are subordinate to men. The purpose of this study is to highlight the young men's subjective perspective to honour and honour-related violence, as well as if they have managed to distance themselves from it. In the study, interviews are conducted with four young men. The results obtained show that some of the young men have an ambivalent attitude to certain matters relating to honour and what is not acceptable female behaviour. The results reveal that certain parts of the patriarchal thinking are identified in the opinions of some of the young men interviewed. Further, the results also suggest that education and community action are essential for the discussion of honour and the honour norm, in order to create change.

Between people and things: understanding violence and theft in early New Zealand transactions

Wilkes, Annette Marie January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis some Māori-Māori and Māori-European transactions in pre-colonial New Zealand are examined in detail to establish why physical violence resulted although violence had not been the intention. A methodology adapted from those developed by Brass (1997) and Wilson (2008) for investigating violence has been used. The aim was to identify who were the social actors at key turning points in the sequences, what initiated the sequences and what eventually caused them to stop. Thus the focus of the analysis was to find which motivating factors influenced the actors’ decision making and caused the situations to evolve in the way they did. Using archival material, sailor and missionary journals, indigenous narratives, oral literature, genealogical and artifact records both Māori and European ways of ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’ the world have been compared for evidence that ontological disjunction may have been a source of poor decision making. Competing notions of what constitutes theft are explored as one aspect of such disjunctions, because in all the transactions the initiating circumstance involved an action that could have been perceived as theft. Yet in addition to being a source of misunderstanding in the local cases described, theft is also shown to interfere with the social relationships of individuals and groups, diminishing their self-esteem and affecting their mana. It is this component of decision-making that is shown to have been crucial in provoking violence in all the New Zealand cases described. In turn the relationships between mana, honour and theft have been linked to contemporary records about the character and personality characteristics of the social actors who have been implicated in the violent actions. This suggests that Anton Blok’s notion of “Honour and Violence” applies cross-culturally, and equally, to early New Zealand as it does to the Northern Hemisphere examples he has used, and that further cross-cultural investigations of this connection may “allow us to reach some measure of transcultural understanding” (2001: 11). Furthermore, the results of this study also strongly suggest that preventing physical violence, promoting and negotiating peace require that mana and honour should be acknowledged.

Vem är experten? : En kvalitativ studie i tre steg av hur två svenska tidningar använder sig av expertis och andra källor i artiklar om hedersrelaterat våld

Serander, Emy January 2018 (has links)
This Master Thesis investigates how the Swedish Newspapers Expressen and DN are using sources and expertise in their portrayal of honour related violence. Which sources are they using, and in which way are these sources being used? 40 articles written between January 1 2017 – March 31 2018 have been chosen for a qualitative analysis step one. In the second step 10 articles have been chosen for a deeper analysis. In the third step three journalists have been interviewed about the articles they have been written in the subject honour-related violence. The method frame analysis have been used. The results of the qualitative analysis shows for example that it is many of the articles that have a strong dramaturgy, and that the use of emotive words are different in various type of articles. The study also shows that the use of sources and expertise are different in DN than in Expressen, and that the use of sources and expertis are remarkable different from other kinds of articles in journalism. / I denna magisteruppsats undersöks på vilket sätt de två svenska dags- och kvällstidningarna DN ochExpressen skriver om hedersrelaterat våld, vilka källor de använder sig av och på vilket sätt dessa källor används. 40 artiklar skrivna mellan 1 januari 2017 – 31 mars 2018 har valts ut för det första steget i studien. I det andra steget görs en djupare kvalitativ analys av 10 artiklar. I det sista steget genomförs intervjuer med tre journalister på de utvalda tidningarna som skrivit flera artiklar om hedersrelaterat våld. Analyserna har genomförts med hjälp av metoden gestaltningsanalys (framing). Studien visar bland annat att användningen av källor och expertis skiljer sig åt mellan tidningarna, att många artiklar lätt kan placeras i en dramaturgisk modell, och att förekomsten av värdeladdade ord har olika betydelse beroende på vilken typ av artikel som skrivs. Studien visar även att källor och expertis i skildrandet av hedersrelaterat våld, på många sätt skiljer sig markant från andra ämnen inom journalistiken.

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