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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mammor med Adhd : Upplevelser av föräldragrupp på barnhälsovårdscentral samt av en anpassad självhjälpsgrupp / Mothers with Adhd : Experiences of a parent group at the swedish child healthcare center and of a tailored self-help group

Högberg, Malin, Silvo, Theodora January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka upplevelser av gruppbaserat föräldrastöd hos mammor med Adhd som deltagit i en universell föräldragrupp på barnhälsovårdscentral (BVC) samt i en anpassad självhjälpsgrupp (Mammagruppen). Mammagruppen bestod av fem mammor med diagnosen Adhd, en hade även Asperger syndrom. Med ett bortfall deltog fyra av dem i studien. Tre av informanterna deltog även i föräldragrupp på BVC. Deras barn var 0-2 år gamla utan uttalade problem. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och en induktiv tematisk analys resulterade i två huvudteman; Samhörighet och Stöd. Resultatet visar att informanternas upplevelser av Mammagruppen blev övervägande positiva och upplevelser av föräldragruppen på BVC blev övervägande negativa. Några grundläggande faktorer som bidrog till detta var huruvida de har upplevt samhörighet i grupperna samt om de har fått utrymme till att samtala om sina egna behov och känslor. Detta bidrar med unik kunskap och belyser det upplevda behovet av ett anpassat stöd. Det behövs vidare forskning innan vi kan säga att det finns skillnader. / The aim of this qualitative study was to examine experiences of group based parental support among mothers with Adhd - who had participated in an universal parent group at the swedish child healthcare centre (CHC), and in a tailored selfhelpgroup (the Momgroup). The participants in the Momgroup was five mothers with Adhd, one also had Asperger syndrome. With a loss of one, four of them participated in this study. Three of the informants had also participated, in a parent group at CHC. Their children were 0-2 years old, without any explicit problems. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and an inductive thematic analysis resulted in two main themes: Togetherness and Support. The result shows that the informants’ experiences of the Momgroup were mainly positive and the experiences of the parent goup at CHC were mainly negative. A few basic factors that contributed to this, were whether they have experienced togetherness in the groups, and if they were given the opportunity to talk about their own needs and feelings. This contributes with unique knowledge and illustrates the perceived need for tailored support. Further research is needed before we can say that there are any differences.

Upplevelser av att leva med ADHD : Att vara cirkeln i en fyrkantig värld / Experiences of living with an ADHD diagnosis

König, Kristina, Jönsson, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) är den mest förekommande beteendestörningen hos barn. Forskning visar att minst 5% av barn och ungdomar är drabbade världen över, men det finns troligtvis ett stort mörkertal hos såväl vuxna som barn. ADHD har blivit ifrågasatt för sin autenticitet och har varit föremål för diskussion de senaste årtiondena. De drabbade möts ofta av förutfattade meningar vilket skapar stigmatisering. Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att belysa individers egna upplevelser av att leva med ADHD. Resultatet visade att individer upplevde ett utanförskap i samhället oavsett ålder, genus och ursprung. Upplevelserna behandlade känslor av att vara i otakt med sin omgivning, att inte passa in i samhällets normer samt att bli stämplad som stökig och lat. Även upplevelser av att vara speciell med unika gåvor framkom i resultatet. Slutsatsen är att individer med ADHD lever i en verklighet med en alldeles särskild livsvärld. Att vilja förstå och kunna sätta sig in i denna livsvärld är av betydelse för alla i den drabbades närhet. Då vården i framtiden kommer att möta fler patienter med ADHD behövs mer kunskap inom området för att kunna främja hälsa hos dessa individer. / Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder among children. Research has proved that at least 5% of children and adolescents are affected in a worldwide perspective. A large number of people are probably unrecorded with the diagnosis. The authenticity of ADHD as a real diagnosis has been questioned during the last decades, and ADHD and its symptoms is still a matter for discussions. People living with ADHD are facing preconceptions which can cause stigmatization. The purpose of this literature study was to illustrate lived experiences of ADHD. The result of the study showed feelings of alienation in the community regardless of age, gender and origin. Their experiences were about feelings of being out of time with their surroundings, to not fit in the norms of society as well as being labelled as disorderly and lazy. Despite this, feelings of being special and gifted were also reported. The conclusion is that people living with ADHD holds a unique lifeworld, which is important to understand. The future holds a surge in demand for caring of patients with ADHD. To support health and wellbeing this require more knowledge within the area of behavioral impairments.

Kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med ADHD : En litteraturstudie / Women´s experiences of living with ADHD : a literature review

Nordström, Kristin, Hassel, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: ADHD har tidigare varit sedd som en barndomsdiagnos som avtar med stigande ålder. Forskning visar dock att symtomen kvarstår för många även som vuxna men att symtombilden kan förändras. Flickor och kvinnor är idag underrepresenterade avseende diagnostisering av ADHD vilket kan innebära ett stort lidande och en oförståelse för sig själv och omgivningen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med ADHD. Metod: En litteraturstudie användes som metod. Systematiska sökningar gjordes i databaserna CINAHL, PsycInfo och Academic Search Premier där 9 artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats valdes ut. Ytterliga 2 artiklar valdes ut utifrån en osystematisk sökning. Dessa analyserades utifrån en trestegsmodell. Resultat: Under analysen framkom två huvudsakliga teman, ”bilden av mig själv” och ”påverkan på det dagliga livet”. De underteman som kopplades till dessa var ”Att känna sig annorlunda”, ”Förståelse och självacceptans”, ”Utmaningar i att hantera omgivningens krav” samt ”Påverkan på relationer”. Konklusion: Denna studie visar att det finns könsskillnader i hur ADHD kan ta sig uttryck. Många kvinnor med ADHD har känt sig annorlunda och upplevt ett stort utanförskap genom livet. Resultaten i denna studie kan vara användbara för de verksamheter som möter flickor och kvinnor i behov av stöd. Att medvetandegöra hur symtomen kan skilja sig åt gör att fler flickor kan få rätt stödinsatser tidigare i livet. / Background: ADHD has previously been seen as a childhood diagnosis that decreases with increasing age. However, research shows that for many the symptoms remain even as adults, but that the symptom features can change. Girls and women today are underrepresented in the diagnosis of ADHD, which can mean great suffering and a misunderstanding of themselves and the environment. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe women's experiences of living with ADHD. Method: A literature study was used as a method. Systematic searches were performed in the databases CINAHL, PsycInfo and Academic Search Premier, where 9 articles with both quantitative and qualitative approach were selected. Another 2 articles were selected based on an unsystematic search. These were analyzed based on a three-step model. Results: During the analysis, two main themes emerged, "the image of myself" and "impact on daily life". The sub-themes linked to these were "Feeling different", "Understanding and self-acceptance", "Challenges in dealing with the demands of the environment" and "Impact on relationships". Conclusion: This study shows that there are gender differences in how ADHD can manifest itself. These results can be useful for those functions that meet girls and women in need of support. Raising awareness of how the symptoms can differ means that more girls can receive the right support measures earlier in life.

Upplevelser från vuxna personer med ADHD inom aktiviteterna arbete och utbildning. : -En scoping review. / Experiences from adults with ADHD in the activities work and education. : - A scoping review.

Artursson, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symtom kan kvarstå genom hela livet och har en påverkan på hälsa, arbetsmöjlighet, utbildning och ekonomiska hälsa. Vuxnas upplevelser med ADHD är en kunskapslucka och studier presenteras ofta utan personens egna berättelser av sin upplevelse. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga relevant litteratur som beskriver upplevelser i produktiva aktiviteter hos vuxna personer med ADHD. Metod: En scoping review användes för att söka i databaser efter studier innehållande kvalitativa metoder. Resultaten från 10 artiklar beskrevs med riktad innehållsanalys ur arbetsterapeutiska teorin Model of Human occupations (MoHo) centrala begrepp. Resultat: MoHo var användbart till att beskriva upplevelser inom arbete och utbildning. Personerna med ADHD beskrev hur aktiviteter inom arbete och utbildning påverkades genom viljekraft ur vanor och rutiner samt hur miljön påverkades av personens viljekraft och självupplevda utförandekapacitet. Slutsats: Om intresse för en uppgift fanns eller glädje att utförandet av aktiviteten, så underlättade det möjligheten att vara produktiv. Social miljö har en stor påverkan på hur personer med ADHD uppfattar sig själva och hur uppgifter och aktiviteter blir gjorda inom arbete och utbildning. Strategier kunde förbättra utförande men även vara krävande och skapa utanförskapskänsla för personen. / Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms can persist throughout life and have an impact on health, job opportunities, education, and financial health. Adults’ experiences with ADHD are a knowledge gap and studies are often presented without a person’s story of experience. Aim: The aim was to map relevant literature that describes experiences in productive activities in adults with ADHD. Method: A scoping review was used, and search was done in four research databases. Results from ten articles were described with a directed content analysis, and Model of Human occupation (MoHo) theory. Results: The adults with ADHD described how activities in work and education were affected by volition from habits and routines, how the environment has an impact on the person’s volition and performance capacity. Conclusion: If there was interest in a task or that joy comes from performing the activity, then it facilitates the opportunity to be productive for that person. The social environment has an impact on how people with ADHD perceive themselves and how tasks and activities are done. Strategies could improve execution but also be demanding and create a sense of exclusion for the person.

Vuxenlivet med ADHD:Upplevelser och behov för stöd och förståelse : En litteraturstudie / Adulthood With ADHD: Experiences and Needs For Support and Understanding : A literature review

Andersen, Wiveka, Ingvarsson, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) tillhör gruppen neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. Kärnsymtomen hos vuxna med ADHD innebär svårigheter med uppmärksamhet med eller utan samtidig impulsivitet och överaktivitet. Uttrycken och konsekvenserna av ADHD präglas av, vilka krav och förväntningar man har på sig och hur den aktuella livssituationen ser ut. ADHD är en funktionsnedsättning som kan ge många bekymmer och utmaningar i vardagslivet på olika sätt och orsaka såväl fysiska, psykiska och sociala problem. Sjuksköterskan ska i mötet med denna patientgrupp utföra en individanpassad vård med ett holistiskt synsätt för att tillmötesgå dessa patienters behov. Syfte:Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa hur personer med ADHD upplever den neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningens inverkan i vuxen ålder. Metod: Enlitteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna är inhämtade via databaserna Cinahl och Psycinfo. Artiklarna är granskade enligt SBU:s granskningsmall förstudier med kvalitativ metodik och dataanalysen är genomförd enligt Popenoes rekommendationer. Resultat: Resultatet bygger på analys av 12 kvalitativa artiklar. Det resulterade i tre huvudkategorier Känna sig annorlunda, Stöd och support, Livskvalitet och sex underkategorier. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att leva med ADHD i vuxen ålder kan vara både positivt och negativ. Dessa personer har ofta en ökad samsjuklighet med upplevelser av utanförskap och kämpar med dålig självkänsla. Vården och allmänhetens kunskap om dessa personers upplevelser bör ökas för att kunna tillhandahålla en personcentrerad vård och därmed undvika onödigt lidande. / Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) belongs to the group of neuropsychiatric disorders. The core symptoms of adults with ADHD involve difficulties with attention with or without concomitant impulsivity and overactivity. The expressions and consequences of ADHD are characterized by what demands and expectations you have on yourself and what the current life situation looks like. ADHD can cause many worries and challenges in everyday life in different ways and cause physical, mental and social problems. In the meeting with this patient group, the nurse should perform individualized care with a holistic approach to meet the needs of these patients. Aim: The purpose of this literature study was to highlight how people with ADHD experience the impact of the neuropsychiatric impairment in adulthood. Method: A literature review with a qualitative approach. The articles are retrieved via the databases Cinahl and Psycinfo. The articles have been reviewed according to SBU: s review template for studies with qualitative methodology and the data analysis has been carried out according to Popenoe's recommendations. Result: The result is based on analysis of 12 qualitative articles. The analysis resulted in three main categories Feeling different, Comfort and support, Quality of life and six subcategories. Conclusion:The results showed that living with ADHD in adulthood can be both positive and negative. These people often have an increased comorbidity with experiences of exclusion and struggle with low self-esteem. Care and public knowledge of these people's experiences should be increased in order to provide person-centered care and thus avoid unnecessary suffering.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner i skolan för elever med diagnoserna ASD och/eller ADHD : En scoping review

Larnert, Isa, Ljungström, Lisette January 2022 (has links)
Inledning och Bakgrund: Flertalet elever med Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) uppnår inte kunskapsmålen i skolan. Eleverna kan ha svårigheter att förbereda och färdigställa uppgifter. Svårigheterna för eleverna med Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) gäller vanligtvis instruktioner och förståelse för uppgifter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att identifiera vilka arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som används i skolan för elever med diagnoserna ASD och/eller ADHD. Metod: Studien genomfördes i form av en scoping review. Resultat: Totalt inkluderades 13 artiklar. Resultatet visade på fyra teman av interventioner: Aktiviteter för förbättring av kognitiva strategier, Kognitiva hjälpmedel för ökad delaktighet, Stabilitets-/terapibollar och tyngdvästar för större fokus på skoluppgifter samt Strategier för att förbättra utförande av aktiviteter i skolan. Slutsats: Det finns en variation av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner i skolan för elever med ASD och/eller ADHD. Interventionerna ledde till ökad delaktighet, förbättrade kognitiva strategier, större fokus på skoluppgifter, medvetenhet av känslor, ökad självständighet, samt förbättring av koncentrationen för eleverna i skolan. / Introduction and Background: Most students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) do not achieve the knowledge goals in school. Students might have difficulties preparing and completing assignments. The difficulties for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually relate to instructions and understanding tasks. Aim: The aim of the study was to identify which occupational therapy interventions are used in school for students aged 9–13 years with diagnoses ASD and/or ADHD. Method: The study was conducted in form of a scoping review. Results: In total, 13 articles were included. The results showed four themes of interventions: Activities for improving cognitive strategies, Cognitive aids for increased participation, Stability/therapy balls and weighted vests for greater focus on school tasks and Strategies for improving the performance of activities at school. Conclusion: There is a variety of occupational therapy interventions in school for students with ASD and/or ADHD. The interventions led to increased participation, improved cognitive strategies, greater focus on school tasks, awareness of emotions, increased independence, and improved concentration for students in school.

Strategier som vuxna med ADHD använder i vardagen : en kvalitativ studie av självbiografier / Strategies that adults with ADHD uses in their everyday life : a qualitative study of autobiographies

Eriksson, Emelie, Kron, Caroline January 2024 (has links)
Syftet är att analysera självbiografier och sammanställa meningsfulla strategier som vuxna med ADHD använder för att hantera vardagen. Som metod valdes en litteraturbaserad kvalitativ metod. För att välja ut vilka självbiografier som kunde besvara studiens syftet gjordes en avancerad sökning via Libris. Fem böcker valdes ut och vid bearbetning av självbiografierna så användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar genomgående fler gemensamma nämnare av strategier än det som tydligt skiljer sig åt hos personerna i självbiografierna. Analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier med nio underkategorier. “Strategier för att organisera, strukturera och planera både digitalt och på lappar” beskrivs som en viktig strategi både i vardagen och på arbetet. “Strategier för att utveckla sig själv” beskrivs som något väldigt viktigt för dessa personer. Det innefattar både stödet från anhöriga och att ta del av andra personers erfarenhet av ADHD. “Strategier för att lindra symtom” sammanfattar personernas behov av att få utlopp för sin kreativitet och rastlöshet. Slutsatsen är att resultatet ger en samlad bild utifrån personernas upplevda erfarenheter och perspektiv. Studien ger kunskap om meningsfulla strategier som vuxna personer med ADHD använder i sin vardag. Strategierna är användbara för vuxna personer med ADHD samt för att arbetsterapeuten och annan vårdpersonal ska kunna utforma effektiva och personcentrerade interventioner. / The aim is to analyze autobiographies and compile meaningful strategies that adults with ADHD use to manage everyday life. A literature-based qualitative method was chosen as the method. In order to select which autobiographies could answer the purpose of the study, an advanced search was made via Libris. Five books were selected and when processing the autobiographies, a qualitative content analysis was used. The results consistently show more common denominators of strategies than what clearly differs in the people in the autobiographies. The analysis resulted in three main categories with nine subcategories. "Strategies for organizing, structuring and planning both digitally and on notes" is described as an important strategy both in everyday life and at work. "Strategies to develop yourself" are described as something very important for these people. It includes both support from relatives and sharing other people's experience with ADHD. "Strategies to relieve symptoms" summarizes the person's need to vent their creativity and restlessness. The conclusion is that the results provide an overall picture based on the people's perceived experiences and perspectives. The study provides knowledge about meaningful strategies that adults with ADHD use in their everyday lives. The strategies are useful for adults with ADHD and for the occupational therapist and other healthcare professionals to be able to design effective and person-centered interventions.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) within a South Indian (Keralian) mainstream school context

Jament, Johnson January 2009 (has links)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a widely discussed special educational issue in Western contexts and developed countries. By contrast, limited information is available about ADHD in Eastern contexts and developing countries. In India in particular, the only available information is about the medical perspective of ADHD; little or no attention is given to social or educational perspectives. DSM IV criteria are the most commonly used standard assessment procedures. However, limited research is reported to discuss the potential cultural influences of this North American model. The present study examines the incidence and interpretation of ADHD within the context of five mainstream schools in Trivandrum, South India. It also explored cultural influences impact upon the cultural validity and reliability of DSM IV criteria when introduced into a South Indian context. In order to identify children with ADHD characteristics, culturally valid assessment tools such as behaviour checklist and behaviour rating scales, were developed from DSM IV (TR) symptoms criteria. Qualitative data was gathered from the five sample schools during the academic year of 2006-07 using a variety of methods including in-depth interviews (with 21 teachers), classroom observations (of 26 children), rating scale and document scrutiny. The case study method was adopted to gain in-depth information about the identified children. Informal interviews with parents (24) were also utilised to triangulate the information gathered from the school contexts. Qualitative data analysis techniques such as open coding and case analysis were used to assess children's behavioural characteristics and difficulties. The findings indicate that three percent of children (21) had ADHD characteristics within the sample schools. Some of the findings are consistent with the studies reported in Western contexts. There are also some contrasting results: a) most of the identified children had inattention rather than hyperactivity characteristics, b) a higher number of children with ADHD characteristics were from lower socio-economic backgrounds, c) teachers used coercive methods of physical punishments and sanctions as they interpreted the children's ADHD characteristics as a result of their lack of interest in learning. Most importantly, though DSM IV (TR) criteria are useful in identifying ADHD, two items of the 'symptoms' criteria were not identifiable within the present context of the sample schools. The findings suggest that socio-cultural factors do influence the validity and reliability of DSM IV criteria. The study has implications not only for further research but also for planning and policy making in the field of education for all. The conclusions suggest that an educational provision should be considered with regards to the varied and complex needs of children with special educational needs such as ADHD. Teacher education programmes should be enhanced with positive intervention strategies.

Sensory processing of learners in the Western Cape diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Cook, Ray Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MOccTher)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Temperament and sensory thresholds play an important part in how a person processes sensory information. Because people are differently construed, the way we perceive sensory information and act on the information will differ. Any person who suffers from an ailment or condition that interferes with this process of receiving, interpreting and acting on stimuli from our environments may find this process even harder. Behavioural observations that deviate from the "norm" are often found in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and sensory processing disorder (SPD). More recent research focused on the relationship between ADHD and SPD. Dunn developed the Sensory Profile Caregiver1 and Sensory Profile School Companion2 (SPSC) measures to identify children’s sensory processing difficulties. Although many studies have been conducted using the Sensory Profile, no studies have been conducted outside the United States of America (USA) to establish whether Dunn’s SPSC will differentiate between children who are considered to be "normal" and those diagnosed with ADHD. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate how learners with ADHD in the Western Cape would perform on Dunn’s Sensory Profile School Companion (SPSC) and the ADHD Rating Scale-IV³ in order to assess the sensory processing problems of learners with ADHD in South Africa (see note end of abstract). Methodology A descriptive study was conducted using a convenience sample (n=108) from learners in the Western Cape between the ages of five and ten years and diagnosed with ADHD. Data collection consisted of a demographical form completed by the parents/legal guardians of the learners, as well as the completion of two questionnaires by the educator of the learners. The first questionnaire, the ADHD Rating Scale-IV, was used to classify the learners into subtypes of ADHD. The second questionnaire was Dunn’s SPSC, which is a teacher-report measure of learners’ responses to sensory input in the school environment. The following statistical analyses were performed: • descriptive statistics to provide means, medians and measurements of dispersion of the learners in the Western Cape on the SPSC; • The Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA probability value to consider if significant differences existed between the medians of the 13 group scores of the SPSC; and • The Welsh T-test to compare learners with ADHD in the Western Cape with SPSC norms and Dunn’s sample of learners with ADHD. Results The results showed that there were significant differences (p=0.000) on all 13 group scores of the SPSC in learners with ADHD in the Western Cape showing significantly more behaviours characterising poorer sensory processing, when compared to Dunn’s normal sample. The comparison to Dunn’s sample of learners with ADHD did not yield significant differences in 11 of the 13 group scores, indicating that learners with ADHD in the Western Cape did not differ from Dunn’s ADHD learners. Avoiding and School Factor 4 showed significant differences, with the Western Cape group showing more extreme behaviours related to sensory input than Dunn’s group. The results using the ADHD Rating Scale-IV were less significant and it was found that the rating scale could not differentiate between the two types of ADHD, although some inferences could be made regarding the use (or not) of medication. There was a significant difference (p < 0.01) on the inattentive, hyperactive-impulsivity and total scores of the ADHD Rating Scale-IV with learners not on medication showing a higher frequency of ADHD behaviours. Conclusion Dunn’s SPSC was found to be a good measure to assess learners with ADHD’s sensory processing problems. The ADHD Rating Scale-IV, on the other hand, could not classify the learners into the subtypes and therefore cannot be used when learners are already using medication. Further investigation is recommended to try to establish a link between the different subtypes of ADHD and the placement of learners on the different quadrants of Dunn’s SPSC as well as the School Factors and Sensory Section Scores. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Temperament en sensoriese drempels speel 'n belangrike rol in die wyse waarop 'n persoon sensoriese inligting verwerk. Omdat mense verskillend is, sal die manier waarop ons sensoriese inligting waarneem en dan daarop reageer, verskil. Enige persoon wat aan 'n kwaal of toestand ly wat inmeng met hierdie proses van hoe sensoriese insette uit die omgewing opgeneem, geïnterpreteer en dan op gereageer word, sal dit moeilik vind. Gedrag wat afwyk van die "norm" word dikwels in kinders met aandagafleibaarheid/hiperaktiwiteitsteuring (AAHS) en sensoriese prosesseringsdisfunksie (SPD) waargeneem. Meer onlangse navorsing fokus op die verhouding tussen AAHS en SPD. Dunn het die Sensory Profile Caregiver4 en die Sensory Profile School Companion5 (SPSC)-skale ontwikkel om kinders se sensoriese prosesseringsprobleme te identifiseer. Alhoewel baie studies gedoen is wat die Sensory Profile gebruik het, is daar geen studies buite die VSA gedoen om te bepaal of Dunn se SPSC tussen kinders wat as normaal beskou word en dié wat met AAHS gediagnoseer is, kan differensiëer nie. Doelstelling Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na hoe leerders met AAHS in die Wes- Kaap op Dunn se Sensory Profile School Companion (SPSC) en die ADHD Rating Scale-IV6 sou presteer om die sensoriese prosesserings probleme van leerders met AAHS te assesseer. Metodiek 'n Beskrywende studie is gedoen met 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef (n=108) van leerders tussen die ouderdomme vyf en tien jaar oud in die Wes-Kaap wat met AAHS gediagnoseer is. Datainsameling het bestaan uit 'n demografiese vorm wat deur die ouers/wettige voogde van die leerders ingevul is, sowel as die voltooiing van twee vraelyste deur die opvoeder van die leerders. Die eerste vraelys, die ADHD Rating Scale-IV, is gebruik om die subtipes van AAHS te klassifiseer. Die tweede vraelys was die Sensory Profile School Companion (SPSC) wat 'n meting met behulp van die onderwyser se verslag is wat die leerders se reaksie ten opsigte van sensoriese insette in die skoolomgewing meet. Die tweede vraelys (Dunn se SPSC) is deur onderwysers ingevul ten einde leerders se response op sensoriese insette in die skoolomgewing te bepaal. Die data is aan die volgende ontledings onderwerp: beskrywende statistiek wat die gemiddelde, mediane en metings van die verspreiding van leerders in die Wes-Kaap op die SPSC verskaf; • die Kruskal-Wallis-eenrigting-ANOVA waarskynlikheidswaarde om vas te stel of daar beduidende verskille tussen die mediane van die 13 groeptellings van die SPSC is; en • die Welsh T-Toets om leerders met AAHS in die Wes-Kaap te vergelyk met die SPSCnorme en Dunn se steekproef van leerders met AAHS. Resultate Die resultate het beduidende verskille getoon (p=0.000) op al 13 groeptellings van die SPSC by leerders met AAHS in die Wes-Kaap, wat dui daarop dat hierdie groep aansienlik meer probleme kenmerkend aan sensoriese verwerking toon as wat in Dunn se normale steekproef waargeneem is. Die vergelyking met Dunn se steekproef met AAHS het in 11 van die 13 groeptellings nie beduidende verskille getoon nie wat aandui dat leerders met AAHS in die Wes-Kaap nie veel verskil het van Dunn se AAHS-leerders nie. Avoiding en School Factor 4 het beduidende verskille getoon met leerders in die Wes-Kaapse groep wat meer uiterstes in gedrag getoon het ten opsigte van sensoriese insette as dié van Dunn se groep. Die resultate waar die ADHD Rating Scale gebruik is, was minder beduidend en daar is bevind dat die skaal nie kon differensiëer tussen die twee tipes AAHS nie, alhoewel daar afleidings gemaak kon word ten opsigte van die gebruik (of nie) van medikasie. Daar was 'n beduidende verskil (p < 0.01) in die onoplettende, hiperaktief-impulsiwiteit en totale tellings van die ADHD Rating Scale-IV met leerders nie op medikasie nie, wat 'n hoër frekwensie van AAHS-gedrag getoon het. Slot Daar is bevind dat Dunn se SPSC 'n goeie maatstaf is om die sensoriese verwerkingsprobleme van leerders met AAHS te assesseer. Die ADHD Rating Scale-IV aan die ander kant kon nie die leerders in die verskillende subtipes klassifiseer nie en kan dus nie gebruik word wanneer die leerders reeds medikasie gebruik nie. Verdere ondersoek word aanbeveel in ’n poging om 'n skakel te kry tussen die verskillende subtipes AAHS en die plasing van leerders op die verskillende kwadrante van Dunn se SPSC sowel as die School Factors- en Sensory Section-tellings.

A study to determine the motor proficiency of children between the ages of six and ten years diagnosed with ADHD in the Cape Metropole

Statham, S. B 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have been reported to have motor proficiency problems. Few studies have established the extent of these motor problems and few studies investigate both gross and fine motor proficiency. The studies which do investigate motor proficiency, often also include other aspects, for example physical fitness, grip strength or kinaesthesia. It is important to be able to identify motor proficiency deficit in this population group early for appropriate intervention to be as effective as possible. The first step in this process is to identify the areas of motor proficiency deficits experienced by these children. Study Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study was done. Objective: The main aim of this study was to establish if children with ADHD demonstrate motor proficiency problems. A second aim was to identify in which areas of motor proficiency they have the most problems. Method: A sample of 28 boys and 9 girls (n = 37) children with ADHD, between the ages of six and ten, were identified by the medical practitioners at four school clinics in the Cape Metropole. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency was used to test the children. The demographic and other factors that could have affected the motor proficiency in these children were recorded. Results: The range, mean and standard deviation were calculated for all the subtests and the three composite scores. Eighty-one percent of children scored below the expected norm on the Battery Composite Score (20th percentile) with the difference in age equivalent scores being significantly different (p < 0.01), the Gross Motor Composite Score (20th percentile and p < 0.01) and on the Running Speed and Agility Subtest (p < 0.01), the Balance Subtest (p < 0.01), Strength Subtest (p < 0.01) and the Upper Limb Coordination Subtest (p < 0.01). No significant motor proficiency problems were identified in the Fine Motor Composite Score (35th percentile), the Bilateral Coordination Subtest, the Response Speed Subtest, the Visual motor Subtest or the Visual Motor Control Subtest. Conclusions: These results support the literature in so far as motor proficiency deficits are present in children with ADHD, which in turn supports the need for early identification of these problems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agergrond: Kinders met Aandag Afleibaarheid Hiperaktiwiteit Sindroom (ADHD) demonstreer probleme met motoriese vaardighede. 'n Paar studies is gedoen om dié bepaalde motoriese vaardighede te bepaal en sommige studies kombineer die ondersoek met ander aspekte van motoriese vaardigheid soos, fiksheid, greep sterkte of kinestesie. Dit is belangrik om die tekortkominge vroeg te identifiseer om effektiewe intervensie so vroeg moontlik te inisieer. Die eerste stap is om die spesifieke vaardighede waarmee hierdie groep kinders probleme ondervind, te identifiseer. Studie: 'n Dwarssnit beskrywende studie is uitgevoer. Doel: Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal of kinders met ADHD motoriese probleme het en of daar spesifieke aspekte van motoriese vaardigheid is waar hulle tekortkominge toon. Metodiek: 'n Steekproef van 28 seuns en 9 dogters (n = 37) tussen die ouderdomme van ses tot tien jaar, met ADHD is deur die mediese praktisyns geïdentifiseer, en getoets. Die Bruininks- Oseretsky Toets vir Motoriese Vaardigheid is gebruik. Enige faktore wat motoriese vaardigheid kon beïnvloed is gedokumenteer. Resultate: Die reikwydte, gemiddelde en standaard afwyking is bereken vir al die sub-toetse en die drie saamgestelde tellings. Een en tagtig persent van die kinders het tellings onder die verwagte norm behaal vir die Saamgestelde Telling van die Battery van toetse (20ste persentiel) met die verskil in ouderdomtelling beduidend verskillend (p<O.01).Die Growwe Motoriese Saamgesteldetelling was (20ste persentiel en p<O.01), die Hardloopspoed- en Ratsheidsubtoets (p<O.01), die Balanssubtoets (p<O.01), Kragsubtoets (p<O.01) en die Boonste Ledemaat Koordinasie-subtoets (p<O.01). Geen beduidende tekorte is deur middel van die Saamgestelde Fyn Motoriese Vaardigheidstoetse (3Sste persentiel), die Bilaterale Koordinasiesubtoets, die Reaksiespoed-subtoets, die Visuele Motoriese subtoets of die Visuele Motoriese Beheer-subtoets gevind nie. Gevolgtrekkings: Die resultate ondersteun die bevindinge uit die literatuur rakende die probleme wat kinders met ADHD met motoriese vaadigheid ervaar en ondersteun die behoefte vir vroeë identifisering om effektiewe intervensie so vroeg moontlik te begin.

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