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Hysteresis in Unemployment¡GThe Empirical Evidences of the frequent trading Countries with TaiwanChen, Bo-han 25 June 2012 (has links)
¡@¡@This paper uses the unemployment rate in quarterly data from 1987 to 2011, empirical exploration whether unemployment rate of with Taiwan¡¦s frequent trading countries has a hysteresis effect, as government policy on the basis.
¡@¡@In general circumstances, there are different results by using traditional unit root tests (ADF, PP, KPSS, the DF-of GLS and NP). And the possible reasons are getting the lower power of individual series because of the small simples and without considering about the structural break results in the series with problem of type I error. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, Kyung So, Im, Junsoo Lee, and the Margie Tieslau (2010) constructed an unit root test of panel data which needs to consider the structural break of level and trend. Moreover, the correlation between the inter-individual series by using the cross-sectionally augmented (CA) method from Pesaran (2007) also needs to be considered.
¡@¡@As the results of panel data unit root tests, series of unemployment rate do not reject the null hypothesis, that is, with hysteresis effect which breaks natural unemployment rate continuously. In this case, the government must set up policies to intervene to recover the unemployment rate.
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Genetische Charakterisierung des "Leukocyte Receptor Complex" und Entwicklung einer Methode zum Nachweis seiner Produkte im EinzelzellmaßstabWende, Hagen January 2003 (has links)
Der "Leukocyte Receptor Complex" (LRC) ist ein DNA-Sequenzabschnitt auf dem Chromosom 19 des Menschen, der eine Länge von über 900.000 Basenpaaren umfaßt. In diesem Chromosomenabschnitt ist eine Vielzahl von Genen lokalisiert, die für die Funktion verschiedener weißer Blutzellen (Leukozyten) von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Bei den aus diesen Genen synthetisierten Proteinen (Eiweißen) handelt es sich um Strukturen, die auf der Oberfläche dieser Zellen lokalisiert sind und zur Interaktion der Leukozyten mit ihrer Umgebung dienen. Diese auch als Rezeptoren bezeichneten Proteine können mit Oberflächenproteinen auf anderen Körperzellen wechselwirken und daraus resultierende Signale in das Innere der Blutzelle weiterleiten. <br />
In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wurde der LRC im Detail untersucht. Hierzu wurde zunächst der gesamte Chromosomenabschnitt aus kleineren, einander überlappenden DNA-Fragmenten rekonstruiert. Aufgrund der in diesen DNA-Fragmenten enthaltenen DNA-Sequenzen war es möglich, den gesamten Chromosomenabschnitt ähnlich einem Puzzle zusammenzusetzen. Die anschließende Analyse des LRC zeigte, daß sich dieser in drei Bereiche, sogenannte Cluster, unterteilen läßt. Diese Cluster sind dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß in ihnen jeweils nur Gene eines Rezeptortyps vorkommen. Hierbei handelt es sich um ‚immunoglobulin-like transcript′ -Gene (ILT) und ‚killer cell Ig-like receptor′-Gene (KIR). Die KIR- und ILT-Cluster werden von weiteren stammesgeschichtlich verwandten Genen unterbrochen und flankiert. Je nach Individuum können im LRC bis zu 31 solcher verwandten Rezeptorgene lokalisiert sein. Auf der Grundlage der Kartierungsdaten und von Daten des humanen Genomprojekts war es zudem möglich, evolutionäre Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung des LRC durchzuführen. Dabei wurde eine Hypothese zur Entstehung des LRC entworfen und zu anderen Spezies in Beziehung gesetzt. <br />
Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit habe ich aufbauend auf der sogenannten HRCA-Methode eine Technik entwickelt, die es erlaubt kleinste Unterschiede zwischen DNA-Sequenzen, sogenannte Einzelbasenpaaraustausche, nachzuweisen. Die entwickelte Methode kann verwendet werden, um sehr ähnliche DNA-Sequenzen, wie z.B. verschiedene KIR-Sequenzen, zu unterscheiden und ihre Menge zu bestimmen. Sie ist außerdem geeignet Mutationen, die mit bestimmten Krankheiten assoziiert sind, nachzuweisen und könnte somit in der Diagnostik Anwendung finden. / The Leukocyte Receptor Complex (LRC) is a DNA region on human chromosome 19 with a length of approximately 900.000 base pairs. A number of genes, which are located in this chromosomal region, are known to be important for the function of some types of white blood cells (leukocytes). The products of theses genes are proteins, which are located on the surface of these cells and enable them to interact with their environment. These proteins are also called receptors. They can bind to cell surface proteins on other cells and transmit resulting signals into the leukocyte. <br />
During my work I analyzed the chromosomal organization of the LRC in detail. To do so, I reconstructed the whole chromosomal region from smaller overlapping DNA fragments. Due to the DNA sequences contained within these fragments it was possible to put the whole chromosomal region together like a puzzle. The following analyses of the LRC showed that it is mainly composed of three regions, so called clusters. These clusters are characterised by the presence of only one receptor family. These are the immunoglobulin-like transcripts (ILTs) and the killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIR) respectively. In the LRC the KIR- and ILT-Clusters are flanked by additional receptor genes, which are evolutionary related to KIRs and ILTs. The number of receptor genes in the LRC varies between individuals, their can be up to 31 genes on each chromosome. <br />
On the basis of the data obtained in this work as well as data from the human genome project it was also possible to draw conclusions concerning the evolutionary development of the LRC. I developed a hypothesis of the origin of the LRC and discussed this in comparison to other species. <br />
In the second part of my thesis I developed a new technique based on the so-called ’hyper-branched rolling circle amplification′ (HRCA). This technique allows the detection of small differences between two or more DNA molecules, so called ’single nucleotide polymorphisms′ (SNPs). With this newly developed method it is possible to distinguish very similar variants of a gene, e.g. two KIR sequences, and to determine their relative concentration. The method can also be used to detect mutations, which are associated with certain diseases and could therefore be used for diagnostic purposes.
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Isolamento em ovos embrionados e cultura celular do vírus da Laringotraqueíte Infecciosa e a padronização de um PCR em Tempo Real para a detecção do gene ICP4 deste vírus / Isolation in embryonated eggs and cell culture of infectious laryngotracheitis virus and standardization of Real Time PCR to detect ICP4 gene of this virusParra, Silvana Hipatia Santander 09 December 2016 (has links)
A Laringotraqueíte Infecciosa (LTI) é uma doença respiratória altamente contagiosa, que acomete principalmente galinhas, é causada por um Gallid herpesvirus tipo 1. As aves infectam-se através do trato respiratório e por via ocular, sendo as aves com infecção clínica as principais transmissoras do vírus. Outras fontes de transmissão são as aves com infecções latentes, materiais de cama e fômites contaminados. Os sinais clínicos geralmente aparecem entre 6 a 12 dias da exposição natural e em infecções experimentais entre 4 a 7 dias pós infecção (p.i). Na forma subclínica pode-se observar uma leve traqueíte mucoide, sinusite, conjuntivite, com morbidade variável e baixa mortalidade. Na forma severa, as aves apresentam depressão, dispneia, espirros, corrimento nasal, conjuntivite, expectoração de secreção sanguinolenta. A taxa de morbidade é alta, comprometendo 100% do lote e a mortalidade pode ocorrer em até 70% do plantel, embora taxas de 10 a 20% sejam as mais frequentes. O agente causador desta doença pode ser propagado na membrana corio-alantóide (MCA) de embriões de frango em desenvolvimento e replicado em células de rim de frangos adultos, como também, em uma variedade de células epiteliais de embrião como do rim, do fígado e do pulmão. Existem vários procedimentos para o diagnóstico da LTI como: a observação de sinais clínicos, a observação de lesões macroscópicas e lesões histopatológicas e o uso de técnicas moleculares como: RFLP, PCR e PCR em tempo real. Como a PCR em tempo real apresenta uma maior sensibilidade quando comparada com outros métodos de diagnóstico, permite quantificar o número de cópias amplificadas do genoma viral, assim como, a diferenciação da doença na fase aguda ou crônica, reduzindo o número de possíveis falsos positivos, esta foi usada para a detecção deste vírus. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar o VLTI em ovos embrionados, descrever as lesões macroscópicas causadas pelo vírus, detectar o vírus pela reação de PCR em tempo real, usando como alvo da reação o gene ICP4, padronizar uma reação de PCR em Tempo Real usando a glicoproteína E como alvo da reação e propor o seu uso no diagnóstico de rotina. / The Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious respiratory disease that affects mainly chickens; caused by a Gallid herpesvirus type 1. Infect birds, by the respiratory tract and by the ocular route, the birds with clinical infection the main transmission of the virus. Other transmission sources are birds with latent infections, bedding materials and contaminated fomites. Clinical signs generally appear between 6 to 12 days exposure of the natural and in experimental infections between 4 and 7 days post infection (p.i). In subclinical form can observe a slight mucoid tracheitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, variable morbidity and low mortality. In the severe form, the birds present depression, dyspnea, sneezing, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, expectoration of bloody discharge. The morbidity rate is high, impairing the lot 100% and mortality may occur in up to 70% of the flock, although 10 to 20% rates are the most frequent. The causative agent of this disease can be propagated in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of chicken embryos develop and replicated in adult chicken kidney cells as well as in a variety of epithelial-cell embryo as kidney, liver and lung. There are several procedures for the diagnosis of LTI as observation of clinical signs, observation of gross lesions and histopathological lesions, and the use of molecular techniques as RFLP, PCR and real time PCR. As the real-time PCR has greater sensitivity compared to other diagnostic methods to quantify the number of amplified copies of the viral genome, as well as the differentiation of the disease in the acute or chronic phase, reducing the number of potential false positives, this was used for detection of virus. The objective of this study was to isolate the VLTI in embryonated eggs, describe macroscopic lesions caused by the virus, detect the virus by PCR reaction in real time, using as a target of reaction the ICP4 gene, standardize a PCR reaction in real time using the glycoprotein E as a target of reaction and propose their use in routine diagnosis.
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Isolamento em ovos embrionados e cultura celular do vírus da Laringotraqueíte Infecciosa e a padronização de um PCR em Tempo Real para a detecção do gene ICP4 deste vírus / Isolation in embryonated eggs and cell culture of infectious laryngotracheitis virus and standardization of Real Time PCR to detect ICP4 gene of this virusSilvana Hipatia Santander Parra 09 December 2016 (has links)
A Laringotraqueíte Infecciosa (LTI) é uma doença respiratória altamente contagiosa, que acomete principalmente galinhas, é causada por um Gallid herpesvirus tipo 1. As aves infectam-se através do trato respiratório e por via ocular, sendo as aves com infecção clínica as principais transmissoras do vírus. Outras fontes de transmissão são as aves com infecções latentes, materiais de cama e fômites contaminados. Os sinais clínicos geralmente aparecem entre 6 a 12 dias da exposição natural e em infecções experimentais entre 4 a 7 dias pós infecção (p.i). Na forma subclínica pode-se observar uma leve traqueíte mucoide, sinusite, conjuntivite, com morbidade variável e baixa mortalidade. Na forma severa, as aves apresentam depressão, dispneia, espirros, corrimento nasal, conjuntivite, expectoração de secreção sanguinolenta. A taxa de morbidade é alta, comprometendo 100% do lote e a mortalidade pode ocorrer em até 70% do plantel, embora taxas de 10 a 20% sejam as mais frequentes. O agente causador desta doença pode ser propagado na membrana corio-alantóide (MCA) de embriões de frango em desenvolvimento e replicado em células de rim de frangos adultos, como também, em uma variedade de células epiteliais de embrião como do rim, do fígado e do pulmão. Existem vários procedimentos para o diagnóstico da LTI como: a observação de sinais clínicos, a observação de lesões macroscópicas e lesões histopatológicas e o uso de técnicas moleculares como: RFLP, PCR e PCR em tempo real. Como a PCR em tempo real apresenta uma maior sensibilidade quando comparada com outros métodos de diagnóstico, permite quantificar o número de cópias amplificadas do genoma viral, assim como, a diferenciação da doença na fase aguda ou crônica, reduzindo o número de possíveis falsos positivos, esta foi usada para a detecção deste vírus. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar o VLTI em ovos embrionados, descrever as lesões macroscópicas causadas pelo vírus, detectar o vírus pela reação de PCR em tempo real, usando como alvo da reação o gene ICP4, padronizar uma reação de PCR em Tempo Real usando a glicoproteína E como alvo da reação e propor o seu uso no diagnóstico de rotina. / The Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious respiratory disease that affects mainly chickens; caused by a Gallid herpesvirus type 1. Infect birds, by the respiratory tract and by the ocular route, the birds with clinical infection the main transmission of the virus. Other transmission sources are birds with latent infections, bedding materials and contaminated fomites. Clinical signs generally appear between 6 to 12 days exposure of the natural and in experimental infections between 4 and 7 days post infection (p.i). In subclinical form can observe a slight mucoid tracheitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, variable morbidity and low mortality. In the severe form, the birds present depression, dyspnea, sneezing, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, expectoration of bloody discharge. The morbidity rate is high, impairing the lot 100% and mortality may occur in up to 70% of the flock, although 10 to 20% rates are the most frequent. The causative agent of this disease can be propagated in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of chicken embryos develop and replicated in adult chicken kidney cells as well as in a variety of epithelial-cell embryo as kidney, liver and lung. There are several procedures for the diagnosis of LTI as observation of clinical signs, observation of gross lesions and histopathological lesions, and the use of molecular techniques as RFLP, PCR and real time PCR. As the real-time PCR has greater sensitivity compared to other diagnostic methods to quantify the number of amplified copies of the viral genome, as well as the differentiation of the disease in the acute or chronic phase, reducing the number of potential false positives, this was used for detection of virus. The objective of this study was to isolate the VLTI in embryonated eggs, describe macroscopic lesions caused by the virus, detect the virus by PCR reaction in real time, using as a target of reaction the ICP4 gene, standardize a PCR reaction in real time using the glycoprotein E as a target of reaction and propose their use in routine diagnosis.
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Using Diffusion-Diffusion Exchange Spectroscopy to observe diffusion exchange in yeastBreen-Norris, James O, Siow, Bernard, Hipwell, Ben, Roberts, Thomas, Lythgoe, Mark F., Ianus, Andrada, Alexander, Daniel C., Walker-Samuel, Simon 23 January 2020 (has links)
The permeability of cell membranes varies significantly across both healthy and diseased tissue, and changes in cell membrane permeability can occur during treatment response in tumours. Measurements of cell membrane permeability could therefore be useful for tumour detection and as biomarkers of treatment response in the clinic. As the diffusion of water across the cell membrane is directly dependent on cell membrane permeability, we have investigated the ability of diffusion-diffusion exchange spectroscopy to quantify the diffusion exchange of water in a suspension of yeast, as a first step towards its application in tumours.
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Den effektiva ledarens kännetecken – är vi alla överens? : En studie om implicita bilder och preferenser för ledaregenskaper utifrån sociala skiljelinjerBennhage, Axel January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker implicita (underförstådda) bilder av ledare och syftar till att, utifrån ett svenskt följarperspektiv, ta reda på vilka egenskaper som kännetecknar ”en effektiv ledare i en tänkt arbetssituation”, samt undersöka huruvida bilden av denna varierar utifrån ett antal sociala skiljelinjer. Utgångspunkten är att de egenskaper som anses vara kännetecknande för en effektiv ledare också är egenskaper som studiedeltagarna prefererar (föredrar) och därför helst ser hos en sådan ledare. Studien omfattar 198 deltagare och använder sig av ett särskilt ILT-verktyg (implicit leadership theory) för att fånga de underförstådda bilderna. Skiljelinjerna består i kön, ålder, social bakgrund, socioekonomisk position samt ett antal attityder kopplat till bland annat arbete och ideologi. Resultaten visar att huvuddelen av skiljelinjerna kan förutsäga preferenser för vissa ledaregenskaper, men att de flesta i grund och botten är överens om vilka egenskaper som kännetecknar, respektive inte kännetecknar, en effektiv ledare. Störst enighet råder kring de egenskaper som ses som mest kännetecknande, medan uppfattningarna kring de minst kännetecknande egenskaperna skiljer sig desto mer. Män, lågutbildade och de som har arbetaryrken anser i högre utsträckning att ”negativa” egenskaper är kännetecknande för en effektiv ledare medan högutbildade och de som arbetar med professionella yrken i genomsnitt skattar flera av de ”positiva” egenskaperna högre. Ytterligare ett antal noterbara resultat framträder också. Studien bekräftar därigenom flera tidigare fynd inom ILT- och preferensforskningen, men tillför också nya tänkbara förklaringsvariabler. Inte minst bidrar studien till att ge en dagsaktuell bild av det svenska följarperspektivet och de skillnader som det rymmer. Kopplat till det läggs också stor vikt vid att diskutera det mätverktyg samt den ledardefinition som används.
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CSR rapportering av organisations skandaler. : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av företagens hållbarhetsrapportering före och efter en skandal / CSR reporting of an organization’s scandals. : A qualitative content analysis of company’s sustainability reporting before and after a scandalAbdullahi Ali, Liibaan, Shaikh, Faizan January 2020 (has links)
The main subject in this research study is to try to understand the link between legitimacy upholding and CSR reporting, which in this case is sustainability reporting. In this research study we examine how companies’ legitimacy can be damaged by a scandal. This essay takes a closer look at 8 companies that have been through a scandal and this study aims to evaluate how and why they try to re-legitimize themselves after a scandal has happened. The study uses a qualitative content analysis where we have examined companies’ sustainability reports as a basis. We codified the sustainability reports are searched for underlying themes through an abductive analysis that could be used for evaluation. Our results suggest that organizations aim move from a symbolic to a substantial management style after a scandal with a concentration being on stakeholder appeals. Responsibility for the scandal can also deviate depending how big the scandals are as per our results. Our results are however highly anecdotal yet they provide a base for further research. Our results had been analyzed with the help of legitimacy theory, CSR in theory and stakeholder theory. / Huvudämnet i den här forskningsstudien är kopplingen mellan upprätthållandet legitimering av CSR och hållbarhetsredovisningen. I den här forskning studien undersöks hur företagens legitimitet kan skadas av en skandal. Uppsatsen tar en noggrannare titt på 8 företag som har varit med om en skandal och undersöker om och hur de försöker legitimera sig själv före och efter en skandal. Studien är skriven utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där vi har undersökt och använt företagens hållbarhetsredovisning som underlag till vårt studie i de här fallet. Vi har kodifierat hållbarhetsrapporterna där vi har sökt efter underliggande teman genom en abduktiv analys. Vårt resultat tyder på att organisationer siktar för att likna efter en substantiell managementstil efter en skandal, där fokus har varit att försöka tillfredsställa intressenterna. Ansvar över skandalen avviker beroende på hur stor skandalen är i hänsyn till vårt resultat. Resultatet i vår studie är anekdotisk dock får vi tillhandahålla en bas för vidare forskning gällande det här området. Vårt resultat har vi även analyserat med hjälp av teorin som vi har tillhandahållit, legitimitets teorin, CSR i teori och intressentteori.
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En studie av SSL / A Studie Of SSLPetrusic, Dejan January 2004 (has links)
Dokumentet är ett resultat av studier gjorda under kursen Kandidatarbete I Datavetenskap. Arbetet utforskade, genom fallstudie, två egenskaper av distribuerade informationssystem och relation mellan dessa: säkerhet och prestanda. Målet med fallstudien har varit att belysa nackdelen med användning av Secure Socker Layer (SSL) dvs. dess effekt på hastigheten och fördelen med SSL, dvs. SSL:s roll i informationssäkerhetsarbetet. Arbetet visar hur prestanda i ett tillämpad distribuerat informationssystem kan påverkas av en SSL tillämpning. Systemets responstid testades för skillnader mellan en SSL säkrad uppkoppling och utan. Det testade systemet var ett bokningssystem som används för administration av resor, utvecklat i DotNet utvecklingsplattform. Arbetet har dessutom visat genom studien av informationssäkerhetsstandarden ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet (LIS) vilken plats som SSL protokollet har i informationssäkerhetsarbetet i organisationer. Metoden för jämförelse utvecklades och baserades på interaktionsmodellen. Hypotesen för arbetet var att mjukvara som tillämpar SSL gör att responstiden blir längre men gör också att informationssystemet uppfyller krav enligt standarden för ledningssystem av informationssäkerhet SS-ISO/IEC 17799 och SS 62 77 99-2. Hypotesen bekräftades då resultatet för mätningen visade en ökning på 37,5 % i medel för klienten med säkrad SSL uppkoppling och att resultatet av LIS studien visade att organisationer uppfyller viktiga krav ställda i standarden genom at ha en SSL säkrad kommunikation i sitt informationssystem. / This study shows the impact of SSL application on performance in a distributed information system. Further, the case study shows also, through studies of information security standard SS-ISO/IEC 17799, the place that SSL has in applying information security in organisations. / dejanpetrusic@hotmail.com, is00dpe@student.bth.se
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