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Gênero e inclusão digital: uso e apropriação das TICs pelos usuários do programa federal GESACMaciel, Ariane Durce 20 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Priscilla Araujo (priscilla@ibict.br) on 2016-09-29T15:03:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-20 / Este estudo buscou identificar as diferenças de gênero no uso e apropriação das tecnologias de
informação e comunicação (TICs) disponíveis aos usuários do programa de inclusão digital
do Governo Federal, Governo Eletrônico Serviço de Atendimento ao Cidadão – GESAC,
utilizando-se os dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Avaliação do Programa - PNAG. Os processos
cognitivos envolvidos no aprendizado e apropriação das TICs, e sua relação direta com a
inserção dos indivíduos na sociedade do conhecimento pela via da inclusão digital são
abordados no capítulo 2. Para tratar da questão de gênero, o terceiro capítulo traz um
panorama das conquistas femininas notadamente nos dias de hoje, quando a inclusão digital
mostra-se como ferramenta de aumento da cidadania das mulheres na busca da igualdade
entre os gêneros. A pesquisa analisa os dados de 8483 usuários de pontos de presença do
GESAC, coletados durante a PNAG. A abrangência nacional do programa e, portanto dos
dados utilizados, contemplou os diversos pontos de presença, que se encontram instalados em
laboratórios de informática de escolas públicas, Pontos de Cultura, unidades militares,
sindicatos, associações e organizações não-governamentais. Estes dados secundários,
disponíveis em software estatístico, permitiram a realização de análises focalizando as
relações entre as variáveis sociodemográficas – gênero e condições sociais – e as variáveis
que visaram captar as características do uso, as finalidades de uso e as opiniões dos usuários
sobre o seu próprio aprendizado. Utilizaram-se classificações de finalidades de uso da
internet: aquelas que contribuem para o capital social, para o capital cultural e aquelas que
têm finalidade utilitária. Os resultados mostraram equilíbrio entre os gêneros em diversos
aspectos do uso e apropriação das TICs. Entretanto, também foram observadas diferenças de
gênero em aspectos que podem impactar em oportunidades para as mulheres, como a
liderança masculina na busca por informações sobre trabalho e no uso do dinheiro e em
iniciativas que exigem independência e pro-atividade no uso das TICs, como fazer downloads
e criar blogs e websites, assim como manter-se informado e utilizar a internet para o lazer. As
mulheres, por sua vez se destacam no uso das TICs para tarefas que estão ligadas a papeis
tradicionalmente femininos, como o cuidado com o bem estar, além de uso para educação. As
atividades que mais se destacaram para o incremento do capital social foram uso de
mensageiros eletrônicos e sites de relacionamento. As contribuições mais expressivas na
aquisição de capital cultural foram: fazer trabalhos escolares e ler notícias, enquanto que o uso
da internet para realização de cursos online ainda apresenta valores muito aquém do
desejável. / This dissertation focuses on social and gender differences in use and appropriation of
information and communication technology (ICT) by users of a Brazilian federal government
program for digital inclusion – Governo Eletrônico Serviço de Atendimento ao Cidadão
(GESAC). The literature that considers social and cognitive problems involved in ICT
learning and appropriation and its consequences for participation in knowledge society are
discussed. Women conquests and gender problems related to ICT use are also considered.
Data analyzed here were obtained from a research project aimed at evaluating the above
mentioned government program – a Pesquisa Nacional de Avaliação do Programa – carried
out in 2009 all Brazilian states, and obtaining information about program
users of these “Pontos de Presença” (Presence Points), installed in a large range of
institutions, including public schools, non-government associations, military units, etc.
Several aspects users ICT knowledge, use and opinion about the program from 8483 program
users. These secondary data allowed one to explore relationships between social-demographic
variables that seek to detect ICT use appropriation. Based on the literature that discusses ICT
impact in society, a classification of types of ICT were utilized in the analyses which therefore
aggregates ICT uses that contribute to the “cultural capital”, “social capital” and to utilitarian
purposes. Although gender differences were not outstating, results obtained suggest that mem
use ICT and search information in the internet more independently and in a more or-active
way, as it is case of downloads and blogs and websites creation, whereas women use it more
for the fulfillment of tasks characteristics of women’s social roles, as information about
wellbeing and education.
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Inclusão digital de jovens e adultos: a alfabetização digital de alunos do curso de Informática do Centro Municipal de Capacitação e TreinamentoGomes, Sandra Sumara de Castro Ribeiro 12 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T21:31:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-12 / The present work analyzes which the characteristics of the pupils, young and adults, who look the course of computer science of the Municipal Capacity and Training Center (Centro Municipal de Capacitação e Treinamento CMCT), a primary professional municipal training school in São Paulo, and as they perceive the importance of the same for its professional and personal life. Based on the data collected from a questionnaire filled out by a group of 120 students of the 4th (October) and 5th (November) groups of 2005, we tried to identify the characteristics of the people attending the course: age, sex, schooling, marital status, occupation, monthly earning, reason for taking the course, whether the
course has been helping in their jobs and lives, expectations towards learning, whether they are happy with what they are learning, what they expect to learn with this new kind of learning methodology, how the course could be more helpful, if they consider important to keep studying, and their expectations towards the future, personally and professionally. As this first overview outlined a great demand for the course because of professional reason, the second instrument used to collect data was a survey that focused on how can digital literacy change personal and professional life of former students who where, during the research, working and earning a living in a professional activity. The data analysis was based in a theoretical reference that included the following themes: What is the meaning of Digital Inclusion; The access to Information Technologies in Brazil; the Digital Literacy as part of the Inclusion Process; the Production of Knowledge and Social Awareness; The New Technologies and The Working World and Public Politics of Digital Inclusion. / O presente trabalho analisa quais as características dos alunos, jovens e adultos, que procuram o curso de informática do Centro Municipal de Capacitação e Treinamento CMCT, uma escola profissionalizante básica da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, e como percebem a importância do mesmo para sua vida profissional e pessoal. Baseando-se inicialmente na
coleta de dados de um grupo de 120 alunos participantes da 4ª (outubro) e 5ª (novembro) turmas do ano de 2005 onde, através de questionário, buscou-se averiguar as características dos jovens e adultos que freqüentam o curso: idade, sexo, escolaridade, estado civil, situação de emprego, renda mensal, motivo da procura, se o curso tem auxiliado no trabalho e na vida pessoal, o que esperava aprender, se está satisfeito com o que está aprendendo, o que espera alcançar com a ajuda desse novo tipo de aprendizagem, se o curso poderia oferecer algo a mais do que já oferece, se considera importante continuar a estudar e expectativas para o futuro
pessoal e profissional. Como essa primeira coleta de dados apontou para uma grande procura pelo curso por questões profissionais, o segundo instrumento de coleta de dados uma entrevista procurou analisar o alcance da alfabetização digital na vida pessoal e profissional de ex-alunos que estivessem, na época da pesquisa, exercendo uma atividade
profissional remunerada. A análise dos dados baseou-se num referencial teórico que abordou os seguintes temas: o que significa inclusão digital; o acesso às tecnologias de informação no Brasil, a alfabetização digital como parte do processo de inclusão; a produção de conhecimento e a
conscientização social; as novas tecnologias e o mundo do trabalho e políticas públicas de inclusão digital.
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Výběr informačního systému / Information System SelectionFučíková, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The goal of submitted thesis is to select and perform an implementation of an information system. This thesis contains an assessment of current state of the company, an assessment of alternative information systems, the selection of the particular system, implementation plan and also economic evaluation of selected option.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationMikyska, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on information system assessment and proposal for its changes in real company enviroment. Theoretical part describes issue and notions from information systems, analytical instruments, processes and projects enviroment. In analytical part is situated introduction of the company and analysis of current state its information system and processes. Based on findings from analysis are made recomendations and proposals for possible changes.
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Le principe de proportionnalité à l'aune des technologies de l'information : pour une modernisation en modération de la procédure civile / The principle of procedural proportionality applied to information technologies : for a modernization in moderation of civil procedureGuilmain, Antoine 18 January 2018 (has links)
Depuis le 1er janvier 2016, un nouveau Code de procédure civile est entré en vigueur pour faire passer la justice civile québécoise au XXIe siècle. Bien plus qu’une simple réforme, c’est une « nouvelle culture judiciaire » qui est encouragée, assurant des solutions adaptées aux besoins des justiciables. Dans cette perspective, il convient désormais, selon la lettre du Code, de «privilégier l’utilisation de tout moyen technologique approprié», c’est-à-dire satisfaisant au principe de proportionnalité. Une telle proposition, anodine de prime abord, est en réalité assez inédite : un principe relativement ancien – la proportionnalité procédurale – vient réguler un objet nouveau – les technologies de l’information. La présente thèse vise en ce sens à identifier toutes les ramifications et implications d’une telle approche, et ce, en deux temps successifs. Dans un premier temps, nous délimiterons la notion juridique de proportionnalité procédurale, qui a été relativement peu étudiée jusqu’à présent. Quant à ses origines, le principe de proportionnalité remonte à des millénaires avant notre ère, et n’a cessé de gagner de l’importance dans de nombreux domaines de droit : c’est donc l’histoire d’un «succès en puissance». Néanmoins, ce n’est qu’au milieu du XXe siècle, dans un contexte de crise de la justice civile et sous l’influence des théories utilitaristes, que la proportionnalité s’est développée en procédure civile (d’abord aux États-Unis, puis en Angleterre, pour ensuite percoler dans plusieurs autres juridictions). Ainsi, au Québec, la proportionnalité est aujourd’hui érigée en principe directeur de la procédure civile, qui porterait un véritable «effet système». Cette réussite n’est toutefois pas unanime puisque d’autres pays civilistes, dont la France au premier plan, relèguent la proportionnalité à l’état de simple concept, à la croisée de nouveaux principes managériaux (qualité, efficacité, célérité, etc.). Dans un deuxième temps, nous dégagerons l’action technologique que peut jouer le principe de proportionnalité procédurale. Selon nous, la nouvelle «procédure technologique», fondée sur la transmission technologique des actes et les technologies audiovisuelles, est insuffisante à elle seule : il s’agit d’un amas de règles techniques, sans cohérence, sans cohésion, trop mécaniques. Le principe de proportionnalité, appliquée aux moyens technologiques, apparaît alors comme une piste intéressante pour unifier et humaniser cette procédure technologique. Concrètement, le tribunal devrait autoriser, refuser ou ordonner le recours aux moyens technologiques selon une appréciation in concreto et in globo des intérêts en jeu. Par exemple, dans le cas d’un litige complexe, un témoignage à distance du témoin principal par Skype qui vivrait à côté du Palais de justice, devrait être refusé, car manifestement disproportionné. On voit alors poindre un sous-principe émergent de «proportionnalité technologique» qui aurait sa propre définition, son propre test, ses propres finalités. Plus avant, le juge devrait désormais assumer un nouvel office par rapport aux technologies de l’information, notamment en faisant des choix technologiques, en assurant une forme de Technology Assessment. Au bout du compte, une telle approche, qui se développe dans le contexte québécois, offre un discours assez inédit sur la technique en procédure civile : la proportionnalité n’est ni reniée (passé, tradition, juridico), les technologies ne sont ni rejetées (avenir, innovation, technico), l’un et l’autre doivent être indissociables. C’est donc un message en trois mots que porte la présente thèse : modernisation en modération. / January 1, 2016 marked the entry into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure, leading Québec’s civil justice system into the 21st century. This new Code is much more than a simple reform; rather, it encourages a wholly “new legal culture” by providing solutions adapted to the needs of its citizens. As such, to quote the Code itself, “appropriate technological means should be used whenever possible”, i.e. conforming to the principle of proportionality. This proposition may appear trivial upon first glance, but actually contains a fairly innovative reality: a well-established principle – that of procedural proportionality – now regulates a new area of activities – being information technologies. This thesis aims to identify all of the ramifications and implications of this application and will do so in two steps. First, we will begin by defining the legal concept of procedural proportionality, which has been relatively little studied until now. As to its origins, the concept of proportionality itself goes back millennia and, throughout time, has gained prominence in several fields of law: it is therefore the story of an ever-growing trend. That being said, it was only in the middle of the 20th century, against a backdrop of civil justice crises and under the influence of utilitarian theory, that proportionality was introduced as a matter of civil procedure (first in the United States, then in England, to finally percolate into other jurisdictions). In Québec, proportionality is today a guiding principle of procedure, which qualification has had a genuinely systemic effect. This gain is however not unanimous, as several other civil jurisdictions, France being the first, relegates proportionality to the rank of mere concept, theoretically located at the intersection of new managerial principles of civil procedure (such as quality, efficiency, celerity, etc.) In a second step, we will examine the practical technological effects of the principle of procedural proportionality. In our opinion, what we call “technological procedure” based on electronic transmission of documents and audiovisual technologies is insufficient in and by itself: it is only a mass of technical rules, without coherence or cohesion, much too mechanical. The principle of proportionality, applied to technologies, is therefore an interesting way to unify and humanise technological procedure. Concretely speaking, this means that a court should authorize, refuse or order the use of technologies according to an in concreto and in globo analysis of the interests at stake. For instance, in the case of a complex litigation, the use of Skype for the remote testimony of a main witness who lives next to the courthouse should be refused, since it is manifestly disproportional. In this manner, we are witnessing the emergence of a new sub-principle, what we call “technological proportionality” herein, which has its own definition, test and finalities. Furthermore, judges will henceforth have to assume a new role with respect to information technologies, notably by making technological choices and performing a form of “technology assessment”. In the end, such an approach, as it develops in Québec, offers a novel discussion on technology in civil procedure: neither proportionality (ancient, traditional, legal) nor technologies (futuristic, innovative, high-tech) are rejected; in fact, one cannot be dissociated from the other. The message of this thesis can therefore be summarised by three simple words: modernization in moderation.
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Využití IT v řízení lidských zdrojů / Use of IT in human resource managementKvasnička, David January 2013 (has links)
Information technology industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and its impact can be observed in the processes related to the human resources management as well. Humans are one of the most important parts of the organization, so it is necessary to deal with personnel activities. This dissertation focuses on selected processes at the human resources department and their possible support by using appropriate software tools. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze these processes, to present the current software support of these processes to the reader and to find methods that make the implementation of these tools into business easier and help to understand their importance when using them in organization.
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Marketingová strategie podpory prodeje zboží a služeb / Marketing Strategy for Effective Sales SupportDaniel, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The thesis processes problems of sales and services of IT (information technologies) products. It analyses current customers, services, which are provided for them, communication and sale of new products. How satisfied are current customers, where are deficiencies and those deficiencies minimize or absolutely remove. With help of structured questionnaire and other analytical methods to improve satisfaction of current and future customers with sales and services of products. The results of thesis are proposals for the improvement of global marketing policy of the firm.
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Marketingová strategie podpory prodeje zboží a služeb / Marketing Strategy for Effective Sales SupportDaniel, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The thesis processes problems of sales and services of IT (information technologies) products. It analyses current customers, services, which are provided for them, communication and sale of new products. How satisfied are current customers, where are deficiencies and those deficiencies minimize or absolutely remove. With help of structured questionnaire and other analytical methods to improve satisfaction of current and future customers with sales and services of products. The results of thesis are proposals for the improvement of global marketing policy of the firm.
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Могућности примене концепта паметног туризма за унапређење туристичке понуде Србије / Mogućnosti primene koncepta pametnog turizma za unapređenje turističke ponude Srbije / Possibilities of applying the concept of smart tourism to improve tourism offer of SerbiaCimbaljević Marija 01 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Паметни туризам је постао образац примене ИКТ у туризму. Као посебна агенда у оквиру дискурса Е-туризма, паметни туризам показује већи степен деловања, остварујући утицај у свим фазама туристичког путовања, као и на готово све чиниоце везано за хетерогену туристичку понуду и тражњу. Поједине дестинације су препознале значај паметног туризма и на принципима развоја које подржава овај концепт, унапредиле своју конкурентску позицију. Ту се подједнако мисли и на побољшање туристичког искуства, али и на добробит коју остварује сама дестинација и њени становници. У том контексту, ова докторска дисертација је испитивала могућности примене концепта паметног туризма на простору Републике Србије и начине на које он може утицати на туристичку конкурентност земље.Анализирана је конкурентност Србије као дестинације паметног туризма и то са аспекта запослених у туристичком сектору, као и са аспекта туриста у две одабране дестинације, Нови Сад и Врњачка бања.Да би Србија могла у будућности да се профилише као дестинација паметног туризма и да се развија на могућностима овог концепта, неопходно је, између осталог, анализирати ту проблематику са аспекта људских ресурса. С обзиром да се паметни туризам као најновији тренд у туризму, заснива и на информационо-комуникационим технологија, ова два аспекта су узета као кључна у анализи конкурентности. Разумевање ових фактора може бити значајно у утврђивању слабих тачки и предности, као неопходних услова за развој паметног туризма, односно утврђивање потенцијала Србије за развој паметног туризма. Добијена сазнања такође могу да покрену питање да ли су запослени у туристичком сектору спремни да развијају паметни туризам тако што ће показати спремност и прихватити имплементацију нових технологија, било да се ради о усвајању новог информационог система на радном месту, или ће се нагласак ставити на системе услуга намењене туристима.</p> / <p>Pametni turizam je postao obrazac primene IKT u turizmu. Kao posebna agenda u okviru diskursa E-turizma, pametni turizam pokazuje veći stepen delovanja, ostvarujući uticaj u svim fazama turističkog putovanja, kao i na gotovo sve činioce vezano za heterogenu turističku ponudu i tražnju. Pojedine destinacije su prepoznale značaj pametnog turizma i na principima razvoja koje podržava ovaj koncept, unapredile svoju konkurentsku poziciju. Tu se podjednako misli i na poboljšanje turističkog iskustva, ali i na dobrobit koju ostvaruje sama destinacija i njeni stanovnici. U tom kontekstu, ova doktorska disertacija je ispitivala mogućnosti primene koncepta pametnog turizma na prostoru Republike Srbije i načine na koje on može uticati na turističku konkurentnost zemlje.Analizirana je konkurentnost Srbije kao destinacije pametnog turizma i to sa aspekta zaposlenih u turističkom sektoru, kao i sa aspekta turista u dve odabrane destinacije, Novi Sad i Vrnjačka banja.Da bi Srbija mogla u budućnosti da se profiliše kao destinacija pametnog turizma i da se razvija na mogućnostima ovog koncepta, neophodno je, između ostalog, analizirati tu problematiku sa aspekta ljudskih resursa. S obzirom da se pametni turizam kao najnoviji trend u turizmu, zasniva i na informaciono-komunikacionim tehnologija, ova dva aspekta su uzeta kao ključna u analizi konkurentnosti. Razumevanje ovih faktora može biti značajno u utvrđivanju slabih tački i prednosti, kao neophodnih uslova za razvoj pametnog turizma, odnosno utvrđivanje potencijala Srbije za razvoj pametnog turizma. Dobijena saznanja takođe mogu da pokrenu pitanje da li su zaposleni u turističkom sektoru spremni da razvijaju pametni turizam tako što će pokazati spremnost i prihvatiti implementaciju novih tehnologija, bilo da se radi o usvajanju novog informacionog sistema na radnom mestu, ili će se naglasak staviti na sisteme usluga namenjene turistima.</p> / <p>Smart tourism has become a form of ICT application in tourism. As a special agenda within the e-tourism discourse, smart tourism shows a higher degree of action, having an impact in all stages of travel, as well as on almost all factors related to the heterogeneous tourist offer and demand. Certain destinations have recognized the importance of smart tourism and on the principles of development supported by this concept, have improved their competitive position. This refers on improving the tourist experience, but also on the benefits for the destination itself and its inhabitants. In that context, this PhD theseis examined the possibilities of applying the smart tourism concept in the Republic of Serbia and the ways in which it can influence the tourism competitiveness. The competitiveness of Serbia as a destination of smart tourism was analyzed from the aspect of the employees in the tourist sector, as well as from the aspect of tourists in two selected destinations, Novi Sad and Vrnjacka banja. In order to profiled Serbia as a smart tourism destination and to develop it on the possibilities of this concept, it is necessary, among other things, to analyze this issue from the aspect of human resources. Considering that smart tourism, as the latest trend in tourism, is based on information and communication technologies, these two aspects have been taken as crucial in the analysis of tourism competitiveness. Understanding of these factors can be important in identifying weaknesses and advantages, as the necessary issue for the smart tourism development, i.e.,determining the potential of Serbia for the development of smart tourism. The gained knowledge can also raise the question of whether tourism sector employees are ready to develop smart tourism by showing willingness and accepting the implementation of new technologies, whether it is the adoption of a new information system at the workplace, or it is about service systems for tourists.</p>
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Finanční služby v prostředí nových médií / Financial services in the new media environmentDubois, Julien January 2012 (has links)
Bc. Julien Dubois Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Diplomová práce Finanční služby v prostředí nových médií Financial services in the new media environment Abstrakt v anglickém jazyku Abstract in English This final thesis deals with the transition of financial services from traditional financial industry in to the new media environment which is mainly created by Internet and its social aspect, social networks and social communities from real and virtual world. At the end of my paper I outline a possible appearance of financial services in the year 2020 with regard to the evolution of new media.
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