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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Éthéréalisation : amorces d'une contre-histoire

Thibault, Ghislain 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est une enquête épistémologique qui s’interroge sur la persistance de « l’éther » dans le champ de la technologie. De façon générale, le mot « éther » évoque un modèle conceptuel de la physique pré-einsteinienne, celui d’un milieu invisible permettant la propagation de la lumière et des ondes électromagnétiques. Or, ce n’est là qu’une des figures de l’éther. Dans plusieurs mythologies et cosmogonies anciennes, le nom « éther » désignait le feu originel contenu dans les plus hautes régions célestes. Aristote nommait « éther », par exemple, le « cinquième être », ou « cinquième élément ». La chimie a aussi sa propre figure de l’éther où il donne son nom à un composé chimique, le C4H10O, qui a été utilisé comme premier anesthésiant général à la fin du XIXe siècle. L’apparition soutenue dans l’histoire de ces figures disparates de l’éther, qui a priori ne semblent pas entretenir de relation entre elles, est pour nous la marque de la persistance de l’éther. Nous défendons ici l’argument selon lequel cette persistance ne se résume pas à la constance de l’attribution d’un mot ou d’un nom à différents phénomènes dans l’histoire, mais à l’actualisation d’une même signature, éthérogène. À l’invitation d’Agamben et en nous inspirant des travaux de Nietzsche et Foucault sur l’histoire-généalogie et ceux de Derrida sur la déconstruction, notre thèse amorce une enquête historique motivée par un approfondissement d’une telle théorisation de la signature. Pour y parvenir, nous proposons de placer l’éther, ou plutôt la signature-éther, au cœur de différentes enquêtes historiques préoccupées par le problème de la technologie. En abordant sous cet angle des enjeux disparates – la légitimation des savoirs narratifs, la suspension des sens, la pseudoscience et la magie, les révolutions de l’information, l’obsession pour le sans-fil, l’économie du corps, la virtualisation de la communication, etc. –, nous proposons dans cette thèse autant d’amorces pour une histoire autre, une contre-histoire. / This dissertation stands as an epistemological inquiry into the persistence of the notion of ether within technology’s discursive field. Most often, the word “ether” is understood as a conceptual model in pre-einsteinian physics which designates the medium responsible for the propagation of electromagnetic waves and light. However, this proves to be only one of the many figures of ether. In multiple mythologies and cosmogonies, ether was also the name employed to refer to a sublime and pure fire filling the highest spaces of the universe. Aristotle, for example, named “ether” what he considered to be the “fifth being,” or the “fifth element.” Chemistry also makes use of ether, where the name denominates the compound C4H10O, used as the first general anaesthetic agent at the end of the nineteenth century. From our point of view, the sustained occurrences of ether in these different figures, so disparate indeed that they appear unrelated, marks the manifestation of its persistence. We argue that this persistence should not be narrowed down to a constant attribution of a “word” or a “name” to several historical phenomenons, but rather should be viewed as the actualization of a same etherogeneous “signature.” Responding to an invitation by Italian philosopher Agamben, and building on Nietzsche’s and Foucault’s history-genealogy as well as on Derrida’s deconstruction, our dissertation proposes an historical program oriented towards a theorization of the signature. To do so, we suggest locating the ether, or rather the ether-signature, at the heart of several historical inquiries concerned with the contemporary problem with technology. Approaching some of theses issues –the legitimating of narrative knowledge, the suspension of the senses, pseudoscience and mysticism, information and industrial revolutions, wireless obsessions, body and corporeality, virtualization of communication, etc. –, our dissertation aims at locating and articulating as many baits towards an-other history, a counter-history.

Balises pour l’intervention avec les technologies auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles

Chalghoumi, Hajer 07 1900 (has links)
Considérées comme des moyens incontournables de participation à la société, les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent une piste de solution prometteuse pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Toutefois, plusieurs auteurs dénoncent la faible utilisation des TIC en éducation de ces élèves. Pire encore, les recherches sur le sujet génèrent des résultats intéressants, mais d’une contribution limitée pour l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine. Guidées par l’intuition et par un enthousiasme empirique évident, ces recherches s’appuient rarement sur des cadres de référence. Certes la documentation scientifique foisonne de champs de savoirs qui peuvent contribuer à ce domaine, mais ces contributions sont parcellaires et peu adaptées aux spécificités de ce dernier. L’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles demeure donc un champ conceptuel mal défini qui n'est légitimé par aucun cadre de référence en particulier. Cette recherche doctorale se situe en phase de préconception d’un modèle de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Elle vise à mettre en place des balises solides pouvant servir de cadre à l’élaboration d’un modèle de cette intervention. Dans cette phase de préconception, nous poursuivons deux objectifs, à savoir : 1) la mise au point d’un référentiel qui constitue un cadre intégrateur des connaissances existantes en la matière, qui servira avant tout à structurer et à organiser les informations disponibles à l’intérieur d’une synthèse validée par des experts et des intervenants oeuvrant auprès de ce type d’élèves et 2) l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges fonctionnel qui s’appuie sur le référentiel développé et qui précise les fonctions qu’un modèle idéal de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles devrait remplir pour répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses différents utilisateurs. Ces balises (le référentiel et le cahier des charges fonctionnel) sont destinées, principalement, à des chercheurs, des concepteurs de technologies, des formateurs d’enseignants, etc. Les élèves, les enseignants et autres agents de l'éducation pourront en bénéficier indirectement à travers les applications dérivées de ces balises (programmes de formation, technologies, recherches, scénarios pédagogiques, etc.). / Regarded as essential means of participation in society, information and communication technologies (ICT) are a promising track for teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities. However, several authors denounce the low use of ICT in education of these students. Worse yet, research on the subject generate interesting results, but a limited support to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Guided by intuition and empirical enthusiasm, theses researches often rely on reference frames. While the literature abounds with fields of knowledge that can contribute to this area, these proposals are fragmented and poorly adapted to the specifics of the latter. The educational intervention with ICT with students with intellectual disabilities remains an ill-defined conceptual field that is not legitimized by any particular reference frame. This doctoral research precedes the conception of an educational intervention model using ICT with students who have intellectual disabilities. It aims to establish strong tags that can serve as a framework for developing this model. In this phase of preconception, we pursue two objectives: 1) developing a repository consisting in a framework for integrating existing knowledge on the subject that will serve primarily to structure and organize the information available within the a synthesis validated by experts and practitioners; 2) developing a tender specification of the functions that a perfect model of this intervention should meet to fully satisfy the needs of different users. These tags (the repository and the tender specification) are intended, mainly, to researchers, technology developers, teacher educator, etc. Students, teachers and other educational agents will benefit indirectly from these tags through their applications by the first users of (training programs, technologies, studies, lesson plans, etc.).

Elektroninės valdžios įtaka visuomenei / Influence of E-governance upon Society

Grigaravičienė, Regina 17 March 2006 (has links)
Theses deal with opportunities of e-government, possible changes in the society after implementation of e-government projects, provision of high level electronic public services (EPS) which are recommended by the EU program documents. They also analyse supply and demand of e-government services in the society, level of society satisfaction by e-government services, influence of e-government to the sphere of rapidly developing and improving technologies. Theses present and analyse samples of e-government services of foreign countries which enable to assess shortcomings of services, future perspectives of other countries. Theses analyse e-government situation in Lithuania.

Les lois pénales à l'épreuve de la cybercriminalité en Afrique de l'Ouest / Criminal Laws to the test of cybercrime in West Africa

Diarra, Rosalie 03 October 2017 (has links)
La cybercriminalité, évolue dans un contexte ouest africain au départ, fortement marqué par une absence totale de législations capables de dissuader les cybercriminels. Sensibles aux menaces de cette criminalité pour leur image, développement et sécurité, les États de la Communauté Économique des États d'Afrique d l'Ouest (CEDEAO) ont adopté une Directive pour inciter à la mise en place de cadres nationaux de lutte contre la cybercriminalité. Malgré cette volonté communautaire, seulement, quelques États ont adopté une législation pour régir ces infractions. Des défis restent à relever au niveau de l'adoption de législations par certains États, la formation des acteurs de mise en œuvre des lois pénales, la modernisation des méthode de recherche des preuves. Les actions communes de lutte aussi bien au niveau du droit pénal de fond que de forme restent des voie privilégiées de lutte contre les cybercrimes dans la région ouest africaine. / Cybercrime evolves in a West African context, initially marked by a total absence of legislation capable of deterring cybercriminals. Faced with threats to their image, development and security, the States of the Economic Community of We African States (ECOWAS) subsequently adopted a Directive to encourage the setting up of national anti-Cybercrime legislation However, only a few states have enacted legislation to regulate cybercrimes. Therefore, there remain some Challenges wi regard to the adoption of anti-cybercrime legislations by ECOWAS member States. Other challenges are related to the training actors involved in the implementation of criminal laws and the modernization of methods in the search for evidence in cybercrime cases. Joint actions of ECOWAS member-states are preferred ways of fighting cybercrime in the West African region from the perspective of criminal Law.

Les transformations du métier de conseiller de mission locale liées à l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication : l’impact sur les identités et les représentations sociales / The transformations of counselors's job related to the use of information and communication technologies : the impact on identities and social representations

Missaoui, Radhouane 21 June 2017 (has links)
La recherche vise à recueillir les représentations que les conseillers en missions locales ont de leurs métiers, des jeunes, de leurs pratiques professionnelles, de l’utilisation de l’Internet et des outils numériques de gestion au quotidien. Il s’agit d’identifier les relations entre l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et le stress perçu au travail. A partir des modèles et des travaux sur le stress professionnel (le stress perçu, les sources de stress au travail), 46 conseillers ont été rencontrés dont 35 ont été interrogés par entretiens semi-directifs. La recherche est complétée par une approche quantitative qui a permis de dresser une typologie des conseillers selon leur niveau de stress perçu, les éventuelles sources de leur stress au travail, leurs attentes pour le futur, leurs pratiques professionnelles et leur utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication au quotidien. Les résultats mettent en évidence que l’utilisation des technologies de l’information au travail contribue à l’évolution des pratiques professionnelles, à la transformation des représentations que les conseillers ont de leur métier, à une reconstruction de leurs identités professionnelles, à l’augmentation du niveau de stress perçu chez les conseillers les plus conservateurs et à l’épanouissement au travail des conseillers les plus innovateurs. / The study aims to collect the perceptions that the counselors working at career counseling have of their job, of the young people, of their professional practices and of their use of the Internet and the digital tools of management on a daily basis. The aim is to identify the relationship between the use of information technologies and perceived stress at work. Based on models and studies on work stress (perceived stress, sources of stress at work), 46 counselors were met, 35 of whom were interviewed through semi-directive interviews. The research is complemented by a quantitative approach that has helped us to develop a typology of counselors according to their level of perceived stress, to their perceived sources of stress at work, to their expectations for the future, to their professional practices and to their use of the information technologies at work. The results of our research show that the use of the information technologies at the workplace contributes to the evolution of professional practices, to the transformation of the perceptions that counselors have of their job and to a reconstruction of their professional identities. It seems that the use of information technologies at work increases the level of perceived stress of the most conservative counselors and it increases the feel of well-being at work of the most innovative counselors.

Um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem para o ensino médio sobre tópicos de geometria analítica plana

Cunha, Mário César 08 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:02:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3058.pdf: 5697362 bytes, checksum: 2088aeefa0205fb3bbcbd92c178b8cf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-08 / This study presents the construction of a virtual learning environment on topics of plane analytic geometry and its application in classrooms of public high schools in the city of Barra Bonita, São Paulo, Brazil. The environment, implemented in Moodle platform of Distance Education is supported by dynamic geometric viewers idealized by GeoGebra. It approaches points in the Cartesian plane, the distance between two points, midpoint, barycentric, angular coefficient, alignment condition of three points, equation of a line, forms of equation of straight lines, relative positions of two straight lines and perpendicular straight lines. This virtual learning environment contains activities in two units implemented using the tools of Moodle, including WEB page, Lesson, Forum and Questionnaire, always founded in the learning theories of Piaget, Vygotsky and Ausubel. All of this seeks a construction of knowledge through the interactivity with the approached topics, in an autonomous way and respecting the self-paced learner. It also aims the understanding of the concepts in a practical and dynamic way, not limited to the dissemination of the information in a pre-defined static way. In the dynamic of such application, the virtual theoretical activities are followed by practical issues incorporating the content studied, with frequent assessments in the form of discussion forums, quizzes and tests with questions randomly selected from a database of the virtual environment. Despite the difficulties, the first unit can be successfully completed verifying a significant learning of the use of dynamic geometry simulators, with the students showing greater interest and focus on the approached issues. / Este trabalho apresenta a construção de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem sobre tópicos de geometria analítica plana e sua aplicação em turmas do ensino médio público da cidade de Barra Bonita, interior de São Paulo. O ambiente, implementado na plataforma Moodle de Educação a Distância, é apoiado em visualizadores geométricos dinâmicos idealizados no GeoGebra. Aborda pontos no plano cartesiano, distância entre dois pontos, ponto médio, baricentro, coeficiente angular, condição de alinhamento de três pontos, equação de uma reta, formas de equação de retas, posições relativas de duas retas e retas perpendiculares. Contém atividades em duas unidades implementadas através das ferramentas do Moodle, entre elas Página WEB, Lição, Fórum e Questionário, sempre buscando embasamento nas teorias de aprendizagem de Piaget, Vygotsky e Ausubel. O ambiente busca a construção do conhecimento através da interatividade com os temas abordados, de forma autônoma e respeitando o ritmo do aluno aprendiz, objetivando sempre a compreensão dos conceitos de forma prática e dinâmica, sem se restringir à disseminação de informações de forma estática pré-definida. Na dinâmica de aplicação as atividades virtuais teóricas são seguidas de questões práticas envolvendo o conteúdo estudado, com avaliações constantes na forma de fóruns de discussão, simulados e provinhas com perguntas aleatoriamente escolhidas de um banco de questões auto-corrigíveis do ambiente. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas, a primeira unidade pode ser concluída com sucesso verificando uma aprendizagem significativa a partir da utilização dos simuladores de geometria dinâmica, com os alunos mostrando maior interesse e concentração nos assuntos abordados.

Le principe de proportionnalité procédurale à l’aune des technologies de l’information : pour une modernisation en modération de la procédure civile

Guilmain, Antoine 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Formação de pedagogos em serviço a distância: representações de professores/aprendentes do curso de pedagogia a distância da UFPB Virtual

Miranda, Maria da Conceição Gomes de 14 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:08:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1763252 bytes, checksum: df09fd5c9c99f88927023c9a8718c13c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis deals with in service teachers training held in distance education modality, which takes place through the partnership agreement signed between the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) and the Open University system of Brazil (UAB). This investigation aims to identify the contributions of teacher education policy expressed by UFPB in the opinion of public school teachers who were taking the degree in pedagogy, in service, at UFPB Virtual, with specialization in early childhood education. The interest in this issue became even more emphasized when it was considered the teacher training process guided by the use of information technologies and communication, in the form of semi-attending education that requires of the individuals specific skills for handling the study tools available on the e-learning platform Moodle, counting for this with internet use and interaction in virtual learning environments (VLE), thus building a profile of autonomy differentiated from that which is found in classroom education. It was about learning the challenges and solutions found by teachers/learners from the distance pedagogy course in order to check contributions of this training to improve their professional practice at school. Thus, it was selected as theoretical-methodological framework the Social Representations Theory (SRT) of Serge Moscovici and content analysis of Bardin (1977) as there was a concern to relate them with the knowledge and practice of teachers, highlighting their ways of thinking and acting front of this modality of education and ICT use on in service training. The research sample consisted of 13 teachers/learners distributed in six centres of presence support from the distance education in Paraíba, and the instruments used to capture their social representations were questionnaire and interview applied as offline activity, through e-mail (asynchronous communication and interaction). In order to organize a database on the pedagogy course at the research participant centres (Cabaceiras, Campina Grande, Coremas, João Pessoa, Mari and Pombal), it was conducted the data collection through e-mail among coordinators and presence tutors of such centres, regarding the number of vacancies, admission, enrolment and evasion among the coordinators and tutors face of such centres. Therefore, the research results validated the argument that teacher training policy expressed by UFPB has contributed to foster the education professional qualification as it has caused concerns in their academic and professional attitudes, highlighting that changing thoughts and attitudes is not easy, because it tinkers with standards previously established by institutional organizations and society. / O presente trabalho de tese trata sobre a formação de professores em serviço realizada na modalidade de educação a distância, a qual ocorre através da parceria celebrada entre a Universidade Federal da Paraíba e o sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil. Buscamos identificar as contribuições da política de formação docente expressa pela UFPB na opinião de professores da educação básica pública que se encontravam realizando sua formação em serviço no curso de licenciatura em pedagogia da UFPB Virtual, com habilitação em educação infantil. O interesse pelo tema enfatizou-se ainda mais quando pensamos o processo formativo de professores pautado pelo uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, no formato de educação semi-presencial que requer dos sujeitos habilidades específicas para o manuseio das ferramentas de estudo disponibilizadas na plataforma moodle, contando para isto com o uso da internet e interação nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA), construindo assim um perfil de autonomia diferenciado daquele que se encontra na educação presencial. Tratou-se de conhecer as dificuldades e soluções encontradas pelos professores/aprendentes do curso de pedagogia a distância para verificar as contribuições desta formação para melhoria de suas práticas profissionais na escola. Para tanto, selecionamos como aporte teórico-metodológico a Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS) de Serge Moscovici e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1977), pois, tivemos a preocupação em relacioná-las com o saber e o fazer dos professores, destacando suas formas de pensar e de agir frente a esta modalidade de educação e uso das TIC na formação em serviço. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta por 13 professores/aprendentes distribuídos em 06 polos de apoio presencial da EAD na Paraíba, e os instrumentos utilizados para captar as suas representações sociais foram o questionário e a entrevista aplicados de maneira offline, através de e-mail (comunicação e interação assíncrona). Com o intuito de organizar um banco de dados sobre o curso de pedagogia nos polos participantes da pesquisa (Cabaceiras, Campina Grande, Coremas, João Pessoa, Marí e Pombal) realizamos levantamento de dados com uso de e-mail quanto aos números de vagas, ingresso, matrículas e evasão junto aos coordenadores e tutores presenciais dos referidos polos. Os resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa validaram, portanto, a tese de que a política de formação docente, ora expressa pela UFPB contribuiu para favorecer a qualificação dos profissionais da educação, pois propôs inquietações em suas posturas acadêmica e profissional, destacando que mudar pensamentos e posturas não é algo fácil, porque mexe com padrões anteriormente estabelecidos por organizações institucionais e a própria sociedade.

A moderna socialização escolar: um estudo sobre a construção da crença nas tecnologias digitais e seus efeitos para o campo da educação / The modern school socialization: a study on the construction of the belief in digital technologies and their effects upon the education field

Michelle Prazeres 16 September 2013 (has links)
Este estudo parte de um problema concreto: as políticas adotadas pelo Estado de São Paulo para modernizar a educação via tecnologias digitais. Seu objetivo é analisar como as tecnologias são representadas por quatro campos sociais: Poder Público, empresas, mídias e universidades. A intenção é averiguar se os valores promovidos por estes campos constituem um ambiente favorável ao processo de valorização, adoção e uso das tecnologias na educação. Tal processo recebe o nome de moderna socialização escolar, recurso retórico cuja validade é testada pelo estudo a partir de dois pressupostos centrais: (1) o de que existe uma sinergia entre estes campos na construção e na divulgação do repertório relacionado à moderna socialização escolar; (2) o de que esta zona de convergência ou ambiência comum formada pelo compartilhamento de valores incide em um campo da educação poroso, que acolheria tais contribuições, aderindo à modernização de forma incontestável ou mesmo natural. As perguntas que movem a pesquisa são: como se explicaria a valorização dos usos das tecnologias nas escolas? Seriam as empresas em busca de maior rentabilidade em seus negócios? Seriam os educadores e as escolas buscando a atualização de seus currículos? Seriam os governantes no afã de se adequarem ao estilo de um novo tempo? Quais valores e posicionamentos institucionais são veiculados sobre a moderna socialização escolar? Quem são seus porta-vozes? Quais instituições e posições na sociedade eles representam? A teoria da socialização é o alicerce fundante da pesquisa, que também tem como aportes centrais a teoria dos campos e as noções relacionadas ao conceito de cibercultura, incluindo a perspectiva de modernidade. A partir deste arcabouço teórico, mapeiam-se os elementos discursivos dos campos do Poder Público, empresarial, da mídia e da Academia a partir da análise de registros documentais publicados no site da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo; nos relatórios corporativos da empresa Microsoft; nos jornais Folha de São Paulo e O Estado de São Paulo; e em revistas acadêmicas das áreas do conhecimento Educação e Comunicação. O resultado é um olhar para as representações sobre a moderna socialização escolar, que pode desvelar a plataforma estruturante deste esquema e a partir do qual é possível visualizar: (1) os repertórios e valores de cada campo relacionados ao processo de modernização educacional; e (2) a alquimia das dinâmicas entre agentes e instituições (e campos) anunciando a lógica de construção da crença na modernização da educação via tecnologias digitais. / The starting point for this study is a concrete matter: the policies adopted by the State of São Paulo to overhaul education through technologies. Its goal is to analyze how technologies are represented by four social fields: public authorities, corporations, the media and universities. The intent is to ascertain whether values promoted by these fields provide a favorable environment to the process of valorization, adoption and employment of technologies in education. Such process is known as modern school socialization, a rhetorical resource whose validity is examined by this study with base on two core assumptions: (1) there is a synergy between these fields in the construction and spreading of the repertoire related to modern school socialization; (2) this convergence zone or common environment generated by shared values represents a pervious education field, which admits such contributions and embraces modernization in an undeniable or even natural manner. The questions that guide this research are: how to explain the valorization of the use of technologies in schools? Would it be related to the corporate quest for profitability? Would it be an effort by educators and schools to update their curriculums? Would it be an attempt by the government to catch up with the style of a new era? Which values and institutional approaches are transmitted as far as the modern school socialization is concerned? Who are their spokespeople? Which institutions and society positions do they represent? The theory of socialization is the foundation for this research, which also finds crucial support on the field theory and the ideas related to the concept of cyberculture, including the perspective of modernity. This theoretical framework is followed by the mapping of the discursive elements in the fields of public authorities, corporations, the media and the academia through the analysis of documented records published on the Education Department of the State of São Paulo website; corporate reports by the Microsoft company; newspapers Folha de São Paulo and O Estado de São Paulo; and academic publications in the areas of Education and Communication. The result is a glance at the representations regarding modern school socialization, which may unveil the structuring platform for this scheme, from which it is possible to identify (1) the repertories and values for each field related to the process of education modernization; and (2) the alchemy in the dynamics between agents and institutions (and fields), heralding the construction logic for the belief in the overhauling of education through digital technologies.

Formação contínua de professores: um contexto e situações de uso de tecnologias de comunicação e informação. / Inservice teacher education\'s: one context and situations using communication and information technologies.

José Joelson Pimentel de Almeida 03 April 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação, resultado de uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada em determinada escola municipal da cidade de São Paulo, trata de contextos e situações de formação contínua de professores com o uso de tecnologias de comunicação e informação. Para o levantamento de dados, além de observações focais foram utilizados registros oficiais feitos pelos professores em horário coletivo e entrevistas a oito professoras da referida unidade escolar, a fim de orientar uma discussão para saber como ocorre (e se ocorre) a incorporação de tecnologias pelos professores e a relação disto com a sua formação contínua; analisar se esta incorporação é desencadeada por interesse próprio dos professores; e verificar quais são as possibilidades de formação mediante o uso destas tecnologias. Para orientar a análise dos dados coletados foram utilizados alguns conceitos fundamentais, quais sejam: contextos, situações e formação contínua de professores, inclusive no caso específico do uso de tecnologias de comunicação e informação. A formação contínua é entendida a partir dos conceitos de professor reflexivo e de professor pesquisador, sendo estes fundamentados em metáforas com origens no fenômeno da desregulação da Educação. Percebeu-se, neste trabalho, uma possibilidade metodológica para a proposição de situações didáticas de formação de professores em contextos semelhantes. / This research work is the result of an ethnographic study at a Municipal School in the city of São Paulo. It is about inservice teacher education\'s contexts and situations using Communication and Information Technologies. For the data analyses, added to focal observations , it was examined some official registries done by teachers during the joint hours and interviews with eight teachers from the same school. The idea was to discuss how the technology is incorporated by the teachers, how this happened (if this happened) and also how this is linked to their inservice education; to analyze if the technology integration is developed because of the teachers interest and to verify the possibilities of education by using those technologies. The data analysis was guided by some concepts such as: contexts, situations and inservice teacher education, including inservice teacher education using communication and information technologies. The inservice education is understood according to reflective teacher and research-teacher concepts. Those concepts are based on metaphors that have its origins in the deregulation of education phenomenon. In this research work, it was developed a methodological possibility to didactic situations for inservice teacher education in similar contexts.

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