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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Svensson, Emma, Nora, Thörner January 2019 (has links)
Socialt arbete tar sig många gånger uttryck genom mellanmänskliga möten och relationer. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva socialsekreterares syn på relationens betydelse mellan socialsekreterare och klienter med beroendeproblematik. Sex socialsekreterare från olika stadsområdesförvaltningar i Malmö stad som arbetar med klienter med beroendeproblematik intervjuades för att få en bild av deras syn på bemötandets och alliansens betydelse i mötet med klienten samt hur de ser på maktobalansen i mötet med klienter. Studien konstaterar att det råder en maktobalans i mötet mellan socialsekreterare och klient.För att få klienten att känna sig trygg i mötet med socialsekreteraren kan relationen användas som ett verktyg. Informanterna menar att relationen i de flesta fall har en stor betydelse för att få tillträde till klientens berättelse och vad hen vill med sin förändringsprocess. Faktorer som klientens tidigare erfarenheter av myndigheter, tidspress och maktobalansen mellan dem kan försvåra för socialsekreteraren att skapa en god relation med sin klient och således tillsammans bygga en allians. Det finns en motstridighet i att samtliga informanter upplever att många av deras klienter har blivit dåligt bemötta av andra myndighetspersoner, medan de själva uttrycker att de alltid försöker bemöta sina klienter väl. / Social work, generally consists interpersonal treatment and relations. The aim of this study was to describe the point of view among social welfare secretaries concerning the significance of the relation between social welfare secretaries and clients with drug abuse. Six social welfare secretaries from different social services in Malmö, working with clients with abuse participated in interviews. Data was gathered by means of interviews, focusing the relative importance of alliance and power in their daily work with clients. The study states that there is imbalance of power when social welfare secretaries and clients meet. The social welfare secretary can use the relation as a tool to make the client feel comfortable and secure in the encounter with the social welfare secretary. The informants implies that the relation is significant in most cases to get access to the client's story and also to investigate the clients understanding and desires. Elements such as the clients earlier experiences of authorities, time pressure, and the imbalance of power between the social welfare secretary and the client can aggravate for the social welfare secretary to build a good relation with the client and eventually a strong alliance. There is a contradiction in the way our informants describes how they treat their clients well and states that they are trying to build a good relationship with them, when on the other hand, all of our informants claims that most of their clients have bad experiences when it comes to meeting authorities.


Brännström, Lovisa, Säll Andersson, Frida January 2018 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines how “begging” is represented in Swedish newspaper during the period between October 2017 until the end of January 2018. The selection of time was made in connection to a bill suggesting a national begging prohibition. The thesis problematizes how the image of begging is constructed and represented in the press. The empirical material consists of publications from the three biggest newspapers in Sweden. The material is analysed in relation to the (re)production of normality and deviance, with special attention to the concepts of ethnicity and class. The thesis adopts a theoretical framework informed by an intersectional analysis, and the empirical study was approached through critical discourse analysis. Concepts such as social constructionism, discourse analysis and intersectionality are central to the study. The thesis includes discussions on ethnicity, class, representation and power as well as highlighting the hegemonic Swedish perspective in connection to research of established conceptions of beggars in Europe. The result indicates that begging is understood as a social problem that implicit threatens the Swedish welfare. Begging is mainly described as a problem derived from other countries. However, there are also arguments that claim begging to be a symptom of poverty. These arguments support an international cooperation, but this application is often underrepresented. Due to the description of begging, it is positioned as a problem that Sweden can not be held accountable for. Furthermore, begging in terms of a discourse, is positioned as an instrument to attract both readers but also voters for the election that is to be held the fall of 2018. These positions are maintained by systematical constructions of beggars as deviant from the hegemonic Swedish perspective, mainly based upon conceptions of ethnicity and class.

(In)visible displacement

Claesson, Malin, Gadeikyté, Rolanda January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att beskriva de displacerade barnens situation ochde utmaningar de står inför på grund av displacement i Cali, Colombia. Detkommer att göras genom att studera de icke-statliga organisationernas arbete dåstaten på många delar i Colombia och Cali har låg närvaro. Många av dessa barntillhör afro-colombianska och inhemska folkgrupper och därför kommer dennastudie att göras utifrån ett intersektionellt perspektiv inom kategorierna etnicitetoch klass. Colombia har under de senaste åren varit det land med flestinternflyktingar i världen, och trots ett fredsavtal med de största rebellgruppernaär Colombia fortfarande ett land i toppen av den globala statistiken. Landetshistoria präglas av interna konflikter, olaglig arbetskraft och narkotikahandel. Deproblem Colombia står inför under denna pågående fredsprocess är komplexa ochpåverkar främst displacerade barn och deras familjer. Resultatet av denna studievisar att många displacerade barn har lägre levnadsstandard än andra barn.Majoriteten bor i ekonomiskt utsatta områden och tillhör minoritetsbefolkningen,de får sämre utbildning och blir ofta diskriminerade på grund av att de ärcolombianer men med en annan kultur och annat ursprung änmajoritetsbefolkningen i staden. Det finns olika typer av socialt arbete i Cali somarbetar med empowerment för att förhindra detta och för att stärka barnen; delsgenom utbildning och dels genom upprätthållande av kultur i form av musik ochdans. Socialarbetare i Cali arbetar oftast utan stöd av staten och är själva eller harvarit displacerade. Många upplever att displacerade barn ofta ses som en homogengrupp trots dennes heterogenitet. / This bachelor thesis seeks to describe the displaced children’s situation and thechallenges they face due to displacement in Cali, Colombia. Many of thesechildren belong to Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities and thereforethis study will be made through an intersectional perspective based on ethnicityand class. Colombia was during recent years the country with the most internallydisplaced people in the world, and today, despite a peace agreement with thebiggest guerrilla groups, it is still a country in the top of the global statistics. Thecountry’s history is characterized by internal conflicts, illegal labor and drugtrafficking and the problems they are facing during this peace progress arecomplex. This is affecting displaced children and their families. The humanitariancrisis in Colombia is unique in many ways and have been creating manychallenges for the government. Therefore, one of the main reasons to study non-governmental, social work is because these organizations fill an important gap inresponse to help, support and empower displaced children in areas around Caliwith little governmental presence. The result of this study shows that manydisplaced children in Cali have a lower standard of living than other children. Themajority live in low-income areas and belong to the minority population, theyreceive lower quality education and are often discriminated for being Colombiansbut with a different culture and other origin than the majority population in thecity. There are various types of social work in Cali that work with empowermentto prevent this and to strengthen the children; through education or by maintainingculture in the form of music and dance. Social workers in Cali usually workwithout the support of the state and are run by people who themselves have beendisplaced. Many of the social workers feel that displaced children often are seenas a homogeneous group despite its heterogeneity.

The systematic use of sexual violence in genocide : Understanding why women are being targeted using the cases of Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia

Nicolaisen, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
When describing sexual violence as a ’weapon of war’ or as systematic in the setting of a conflict, many times there is no distinction between how it is used during different types of conflicts. Moreover, they are often discussed as either a crime against the ”enemy” or a crime against women. This research seeks to describe sexual violence during the genocides of Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia and to find whether there is an underlying genocidal intent. It also aims to emphasize the intersectional nature of such crimes — the targeting of a woman on the basis of both gender and group belonging. With the use of books, journal and research articles, reports and interview transcripts — this paper is based on a qualitative research method aiming to describe the underlying intent of the strategic use of sexual violence targeting women in genocide. It is the interpretation of the gathered material and theories which enables the discussion to take form. The genocidal intent behind rapes and sexual violence is not only to use women as reproductive vessels, prevent births within a group and inflict such injuries that would make a woman suffer and become less worthy in her community — but also to humiliate a group through sexual violence in a way that fragments it into elimination. By acknowledging the heightened effect sexual violence and its genocidal intent has on the intersection of group belonging and gender, women’s suffering is not overshadowed by the atrocity of genocide. Women are often discriminated against on either the basis of ethnicity or gender; however, when one emphasizes both elements as reasons for women being targets of genocidal sexual violence, perhaps the crimes could be properly dealt with and responded to by the international community. The research concludes that the systematic use of forced impregnation, mutilation, sexual humiliation and targeting of female identity carries a genocidal intent — resulting in the fragmentation of cultures and communities and furthers female subordination. The crime of genocidal sexual violence is a crime against the individual woman and the group of which she belongs.

Genus och intersektionalitet i landsbygdskommuners översiktsplanering : En studie av fyra svenska landsbygdskommuner

Möller, Alice, Pyhäsalmi, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Alla kommuner i Sverige måste ha en gällande översiktsplan, men hur den utformas är till stor del upp till kommunerna själva. Uppsatsen syftar att studera hur genus, jämställdhetsintegrering och intersektionalitet tar sig uttryck i landsbygdskommunerna Flens, Lessebos, Valdemarsviks och Östra Göinges översiktsplaner. Samt att undersöka hur verksamma planerare förhåller sig till begreppen. Genom innehållsanalys och diskursanalys analyseras plandokumenten och redovisas tillsammans med intervjuer som genomförts med tjänstepersoner som varit delaktiga i arbetet med samma översiktsplan. Av resultatet framgick det att social hållbarhet är en viktig del för att nå en hållbar utveckling i kommunen. Resultatet visar att det utrymme som genus och jämställdhetsintegrering ges i planen har att göra med intresse och kunskap hos planeraren att lyfta dessa frågor. Intersektionalitet är ett perspektiv som inte får något utrymme i planerna, men i framtiden kommer att behöva beaktas. / Municipalities in Sweden must have a comprehensive plan, but how these are constructed are up to themselves. The aim of this paper is to study how gender, gender mainstreaming and intersectionality is expressed in the rural municipalities comprehensive plans of Flen, Lessebo, Valdemarsvik and Östra Göinge. The aim is also to understand how professional planners relate to the concepts. The comprehensive plans were analysed with content- and discourse analysis and presented together with interviews with professional planners working in the rural municipalities.  It became clear that social sustainability is an important part of achieving sustainable development in the municipalities. The results show that the space given to gender and gender mainstreaming in the comprehensive plans has to do with the interest and knowledge of the planner to integrate these. Intersectionality is a perspective that is not given space in the plans, but will need to be considered in the future.

On Longing and Belonging: the promise of queer community in Berlin. : A qualitative study of queer loneliness and community building in Berlin

Grimmer, Carolin January 2020 (has links)
Many queers are drawn to ‘the city’, as an (imagined) more progressive, and queered space. Its urbanity may offer anonymity as well as community. A major city means both the presence of diversity, of other queers, as well as possibly a queered understanding of ‘the city’ itself, with rich queer histories and cultures ingrained into the public and private realm. But then again, the realities within the city of Berlin is often a different one. Finding community that works, a multitude of exclusions plus the need for safer spaces make it harder to connect and are part of the experience of queer community. I try to understand the queerness within the feeling of yearning, of trying to find a place where one belongs and connect it with the feelings of disappointment and loneliness. I conducted interviews following a semi-guided structure. In their analysis, I hope to understand how urban queer loneliness is experienced and understood.

Feminist Commons. : Decoloniality, Intersectionality and the Commons

BAMPATZIMOPOULOU, PANAGIOTA January 2020 (has links)
My thesis is a call for the need of an intersectional awareness in the field of the commons, or the common or commoning. For that reason, I focus on a rather undertheorized subfield, the feminist commons because I deem that it promotes a more intersectional perspective than the male-dominated commons. My main effort concentrates to argue for the potentialities of an intersection between the commons and (feminist) decolonial project. Notions such as coloniality of power, the principle of intersectionality and the ethos of decoloniality help me to build my argument step by step. The thesis does not provide answers rather it poses questions and tries to open space for a fruitful experimentation.

Nyanlända kvinnors upplevelse av att söka hälso- och sjukvård : En allmän litteraturstudie utifrån ett intersektionellt perspektiv / Newly arrived women's experiences of healthcare seeking : A literature review from an intersectional perspective

Abrahamsson, Linnéa, Adeleng, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I slutet på 2019 befann sig 79,5 miljoner människor på flykt i världen, hälften av dem är kvinnor och flickor. Nyanlända kvinnor söker vård i lägre utsträckning än män i liknande situation och även i lägre utsträckning än inrikes födda kvinnor. Det behövs mer kunskap kring nyanlända kvinnors upplevelse av att söka hälso- och sjukvård. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva nyanlända kvinnors upplevelse av att söka hälso- och sjukvård. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie med tio kvalitativa studier. Data analyserades och kategoriserades genom en innehållsanalys där meningsbärande enheter lyftes ut, kondenserades och kodades till teman och subteman i enlighet med Polit och Becks niostegsmodell. Resultat: Två huvudteman och fyra subteman identifierades. De två huvudteman var tillgänglighet och bemötande. Resultatet visar att nyanlända kvinnor upplever varierande och ibland likartade hinder för att få tillgång till adekvat vård. Slutsats: Att söka hälso- och sjukvård som nyanländ kvinna kan leda till lidande då vården inte upplevs individanpassad vilket medför en negativ upplevelse där individens behov inte tillgodoses. Genom att sjuksköterskan ger personcentrerad vård utifrån den unika individen kan dennes behov tillgodoses i högre grad. Med intersektionalitet som utgångspunkt ökar också medvetenhet och kompetens kring strukturella faktorer och maktordningars påverkan på individen. Förslag på fortsatt forskning: Resultat indicerar att kvinnliga nyanlända upplever hinder för vårdsökande vilket leder till att författarna till föreliggande studie ser att det finns behov av vidare forskning utifrån individens perspektiv med frågan om vad som skulle underlätta vårdsökande för den enskilda individen. / Background: It is estimated that by the end of 2019, 79.5 million people were forcibly displaced in the world, approximately half of them are women and girls. Newly arrived women are less likely to seek healthcare compared to men in the same situation and non- immigrant women. There’s a need for more knowledge about newly arrived women’s experiences of healthcare seeking. Aim: The aim was to describe newly arrived women's experiences of healthcare seeking. Method: A general literature review was conducted with ten scientific articles with qualitative data. Data was analyzed and categorized through a content analysis where meaningful units were highlighted, condensed and coded into themes and subthemes in accordance with Polit and Beck ́s nine-step model. Results: Two main themes and four sub themes were identified. The two main themes were accessibility andtreatment. Results show that newly arrived women experience varying and sometimes similar obstacles to accessing adequate care. Conclusion: When newly arrived women seek care and the care isn’t individualized and the needs of the individual isn’t met it can lead to a negative experience and suffering. The need of the unique individual can be met to a greater extent when nurses providing person-centered care. With intersectionality as a point of view we can increase awareness and competence about how structural factors and system of power affect the individual. Proposals for further research: Results indicate that newly arrived women experience obstacles for healthcare seeking which indicate the need for further research from the individual’s perspective with the question of what would facilitate care seeking for the individual.

”Who has the time to discuss gender equality in that chaos?” : - Mothers perspectives about gender equality when having a child with special needs

Lock, Sara-Lina January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aimed to explore mothers experiences of having a child with special needs througha gender equality perspective. Four mothers were interviewed through a semi-structured interview guide. Feminist disability studies and emotional labor with an intersectional perspective have been the guiding framework. To analyse the empirical material I have used aqualitative thematic analysis. Research has shown that heterosexual couples with children in Sweden are becoming more equal in terms of the unpaid” invisible” household chores. However, parents who has children with disabilities and in need for more extensive care tend to take on more traditional roles. The findings have shown that mothers are more often the one who takes care of the necessary chores concerning the child’s disability. At the same time, she also needs to take a step back in her career or not able to have work outside the home. For some of the families, the necessary chores have been divided into administrative or practical tasks were one parent has done more than the other. To get a deeper knowledge about why it was that certain gender division I have found that the deep emotional connection to their child had an intersectional effect in the decision to stay home for these mothers.

Exploring the Hegemonic Oppression (silencing) of people by 'Psy-Professionals' in Mental Health : A narrative analysis of a case study to examine how Intersectionality can inform change

Stangl, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the everyday oppression of people with experiences of trauma and ‘mental illness’ through hegemonic discourses by psy-professionals within mental health care. The research is built around a case study of a narrative of a professional relationship between a social worker and a person experiencing mental distress. Using intersectionality as a theoretical and methodological framework it attempts to show how Madness is constructed as well as to identify how mechanisms of discrimination and oppression are interconnected simultaneously. Madness as a stand-alone category and at the same time an influence to gender, race and class. By applying narrative analysis and intersectionality systems of inequality can be made visible which need to be understood to bring about change and include any potential of meaning making processes by those affected through trauma or mental distress.

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