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Miljöcertifiering av hotellverksamheter : varför miljöcertifiera?Hallin, Therése, Kjellgren, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
The awareness regarding environmental issues is increasing and as a result a large number of products are eco-labeled. This enables the consumers to make enlightened environmental decisions when purchasing products. Eco-labeling is no longer for products only, but also for services like hotels. It’s difficult to determine what it actually means to eco-label a hotel and what kind of benefits it includes. Our goal for this essay regarding eco-labeling of hotels is to consider the question –why eco-label? The essay also considers benefits or disadvantages connected to eco-labeling and also aim to collect theories and thoughts about the meaning of this in the future. In order to reach this goal the essay involves a case study with hotels who are eco-labeled and those who are not. It also contains information from interviews with representatives from four different eco-labeling organizations and one government environmental scientist. This combined with collected theories aim to give a clear picture about the main focus point –why eco-label? The results show that the hotels whom were studied consider environmental work as very important. It also shows that they notice an increasing demand among customers. The demand also seems to be higher among corporate customers. Eco-labeling can be used as a tool to show the customers that the hotel is working according to special criteria which aims to a more sustainable environment. Care about the environment and increasing customer demand are two main important reasons for the hotels to get an eco-label. It has also shown that there can be more reasons behind the decision to eco-label like; the assistance regarding environmental issues from the eco-labeling organization, competitive advantages, brand related and corporate values. There are also challenges associated with eco-labeling; the ones we have seen are that the environmental work can stop evolving after the label has been accepted. Sometimes the eco-label might not even be the most environmental friendly solution. We have also seen that the eco-labels are combined with different compromises and that they often cost money and take time to implement. We have reached the conclusion that in the future eco-labeling of hotels is likely to be significantly important and collaboration between eco-labeling organizations will probably grow and be more international. The results do not generally apply for all hotels but it gives an important insight on eco-labels for hotels, and can give arguments about the subject. / Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen bygger på frågan – varför miljöcertifiera? Uppsatsen ger således en bild av miljöcertifieringars roll och betydelse för hotellverksamheter, där för- och nackdelar ställs mot varandra. Även resonemang kring miljöcertifiering av hotellverksamheters sannolika roll och betydelse i framtiden behandlas. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en hermeneutisk tolkningsstrategi. Informationsinsamlandet består av fallstudier, intervjuer, litteraturstudier och informationsinhämtning på internet. Tio intervjuer genomfördes med fyra personer från fyra olika hotell, både miljöcertifierade och inte, fem personer som på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med de olika miljöcertifieringarna samt med en forskare i miljöpolitik. Slutsats: Studien visar att många vill engagera sig i miljöarbete, både hotellverksamheterna och deras kunder. Miljöcertifieringar kan även vara ett verktyg för att förmedla och strukturera miljöarbetet. Dessutom har det genom denna studie visat sig att miljöcertifieringen kan bidra med andra positiva aspekter som exempelvis en förbättrad image och identitet samt en tydligare struktur på miljöarbetet. Det finns dock problem och nackdelar även med miljöcertifieringar och med att miljöcertifiera sig, exempelvis att de kräver mycket resurser och att själva miljöcertifieringen inte behöver vara det miljövänligaste.
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To trender møtes – ISO og miljøstandardene : The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) og deres miljøstandarder (14000 familien) / The international Organization for standardization (ISO) and their environmental standards (the 14000-family)Bårnås, Kristin Stanwick January 2013 (has links)
ISO sine miljøstandarder ble først publisert i 1996. Arbeidet derimot hadde startet alt i 1991, på bakgrunn av at ISO hadde blitt en annerkjent organisasjon for også ikke-tekniske standarder og på bakgrunn av det økte internasjonale miljøfokuset. Hoveddeltagerne i arbeidet var ledere og viktige personer i mellomstore og store bedrifter, og dette bidro til at fokuset ble på miljøstyringsystemer istedenfor på konkrete miljøkrav. Arbeidet de første 2 årene ble gjort gjennom Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE), som var et sammarbeid mellom ISO og IEC. I 1993 ble en teknisk komitee opprettet. Denne fikk navn TC 207: miljøstyring, og har sitt hovedkontor i Canada.
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Understanding SHERQ managerial perspectives of the risks and oppotunities in ISO 14001:2015 implementation in Durban, KwaZulu-NatalHarilal, Laurika 07 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summary and keywords in English and Afrikaans / The International Organization for Standardization - ISO 14001 environmental standard addresses facets of environmental performance. The implementation of ISO 14001:2015 is aligned with various risks and opportunities, the identification and addressing of which is key in the successful implementation of the ISO 14001:2015 certification. The Durban region is a pollution ‘hotspot’ within KwaZulu-Natal. Assessment of the opportunities and risks of ISO 14001:2015 implementation within the region is key as it can potentially assist with proactive mitigation of risks and the effective utilization of opportunities.
The aim of the study is to understand SHERQ (Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality) managerial perspectives of opportunities and risks of ISO 14001:2015 implementation in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. The following objectives were outlined: To identify ISO 14001 implementation opportunities and risks internationally and nationally by means of an extensive review of international as well as national literature sources, to generate an evaluation framework to assess SHERQ managerial perspectives of risks and opportunities of ISO 14001:2015 implementation within Durban and to analyse SHERQ managerial responses to the ISO 14001:2015 implementation risks and opportunities within the Durban region.
The methods included identifying primary opportunities and risks in ISO 14001:2015 from the literature review through an evaluation framework, thereafter, presenting these in questionnaires distributed among SHERQ managers in Durban via email and LinkedIn. Of 62 questionnaires distributed, 42 participants responded. The respondent’s perspectives were assessed through SPSS identifying key risks and opportunities.
Objective 1 was achieved through the literature review in which ISO 14001 implementation risks and opportunities were identified. Objective 2 was achieved by generating the evaluation framework which assimilated implementation risks and opportunities. Objective 3 was achieved through the analysis of the responses of respondents to ISO 14001:2015 implementation risks and opportunities.
Study results showed that, in line with international reports, 57.2% of all respondents agreed that the maintenance costs of compliance to the standard are high and 76.2% of respondents shared the perspective that company resources are better managed. Respondents were more agreeable to positive statements, indicating opportunities outweighing the risks. Furthermore, despite the risks, there are opportunities from an industry perspective such as increased investor inputs and increased top management involvement.
A follow up study is recommended in the Durban region addressing ISO 14001 implementation risks, opportunities, and their investment impacts in order to further hone in on the organizational implications of certification. From an academic standpoint, multiple studies have posited that ISO 14001:2015 implementation resulted in improved financial outcomes but are associated with high implementation costs and it is recommended that a critical cost versus profits analysis into ISO 14001:2015 implementation be undertaken in the Durban region. / Die Internasionale Organisasie vir Standaardisering se ISO 14001-omgewingstandaard spreek fasette van omgewingsprestasie aan. Die implementering van ISO 14001:2015 is gerig op verskeie risiko’s en geleenthede, en die identifisering en aanspreek hiervan staan sentraal tot die suksesvolle implementering van die ISO 14001:2015 - sertifisering. Die Durban-streek is ʼn besoedlingsbrandpunt in KwaZulu-Natal. Evaluering van die geleenthede en risiko’s van die implementering van ISO 14001:2015 binne die streek is van kardinale belang, aangesien dit moontlik kan help met die proaktiewe vermindering van risiko’s en die effektiewe benutting van geleenthede.
Die doel van die studie is om SHERQ-bestuursperspektiewe van geleenthede en risiko’s van ISO 14001:2015-implementering in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, te begryp. Die volgende doelwitte is uiteengesit: Om ISO 14001-implementeringsgeleenthede en risiko’s internasionaal en nasionaal te identifiseer deur middel van ʼn uitgebreide oorsig van internasionale sowel as identifiseer deur middel van ʼn uitgebreide oorsig van internasionale sowel as nasionale literatuurbronne; om ʼn evalueringsraamwerk te genereer om SHERQ-bestuursperspektiewe van geleenthede en risiko’s van die implementering van ISO 14001:2015 te evalueer, en om SHERQ-bestuursreaksies op die ISO 14001:2015-implementeringsrisiko’s en -geleenthede te ontleed.
Die metodes het ingesluit die identifisering van primêre geleenthede en risiko’s in ISO 14001:2015 vanuit die literatuurbeoordeling deur middel van ʼn evalueringsraamwerk, waarna dit in vraelyste wat via e-pos en LinkedIn onder SHERQ-bestuurders in Durban versprei is, uiteengesit is. Van die 62 vraelyste wat versprei is, het 42 deelnemers geantwoord. Die perspektiewe van die respondente is beoordeel deur middel van SPSS se identifisering van die belangrikste risiko’s en geleenthede.
Doelwit 1 is bereik deur middel van die literatuuroorsig waarin ISO 14001-implementeringsrisiko’s en -geleenthede geïdentifiseer is. Doelwit 2 is bereik deur die evalueringsraamwerk te genereer wat implementeringsrisiko’s en -geleenthede geassimileer het. Doelwit 3 is bereik deur die antwoorde van respondente op ISO 14001:2015 implementeringsrisiko’s en -geleenthede te ontleed.
Studieresultate het getoon dat, in ooreenstemming met internasionale verslae, 57,2% van alle respondente dit eens was dat die onderhoudskoste van die nakoming van die standaard hoog is en dat 76,2% van die respondente die perspektief gedeel het dat bronne van die maatskappy beter bestuur word. Respondente het meer met positiewe stellings saamgestem, wat daarop dui dat geleenthede swaarder weeg as die risiko’s. Ten spyte van die risiko’s, is daar ook vanuit ʼn bedryfsperspektief geleenthede, soos verhoogde beleggersinsette en verbeterde hulpbronbestuur.
ʼn Opvolgstudie word aanbeveel om ISO 14001-implementeringsrisiko’s en geleenthede en die beleggingsimpak daarvan aan te spreek. Vanuit ʼn akademiese oogpunt het veelvuldige studies aangevoer dat die implementering van ISO 14001:2015 verbeterde finansiële uitkomste tot gevolg het, maar dat dit met hoë implementeringskoste gepaard gaan, en dit word aanbeveel dat ʼn kritieke koste-versus-wins-analise in die implementering van ISO 14001:2015 in die Durban-streek onderneem word. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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O gerenciamento ambiental como instrumento preventivo de defesa do meio ambienteLopes, Márcio Mauro Dias 06 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-06 / Objective: To analyze the different elements related to environmental
management in company as instrument for environmental defense.
Justification: The presented defense sense is based on the presupposition
that the environment needs actions of preventive nature and not reactive
any more. Hypothesis: to analyze the different tools for environmental
management that propitiate the development of companies within a
criterium of environmental preservation in all working phases of an
enterprise. Methods: Thus, the present work corresponds to a
bibliographical review of different subjects that provide basis to the
Brazilian environmental management, still including survey of articles and
reports produced in symposia, associated to the practical experience of
activities linked to the area. Results: Therefore, a comprehensive work was
obtained as result, which shows that it is possible to make compatible
development and environmental preservation / Objetivo: analisar os diferentes elementos relacionados ao gerenciamento
ambiental na empresa como instrumento preventivo de defesa do meio
ambiente. Justificativa: O sentido de defesa apresentado baseia-se no
pressuposto de que o ambiente necessita de ações de caráter preventivo e
não mais reativo. Hipótese: analisar algumas das ferramentas de gestão
ambiental que propiciem o desenvolvimento das empresas dentro de um
critério de preservação do meio ambiente em todas as fases de
funcionamento. Aspectos Teórico-metodológicos: o presente trabalho
constitui-se pela revisão bibliográfica de diferentes assuntos que embasam
a gestão ambiental brasileira, incluindo-se ainda a pesquisa em artigos e
relatórios produzidos em simpósios, associados à vivência prática do autor
nas atividades ligadas à área. Resultados: obteve-se como resultado um
trabalho abrangente, porém não esgotado, que demonstra ser possível
compatibilizar o desenvolvimento com a preservação do meio ambiente
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Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Development Process and Ship Design : a LEAP towards environmental awareness at Kockums ABKarlsson Sundqvist, Therese, Källmar, Karin January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish company Kockums AB, at the forefront within maritime and naval technology, is in need of a tool, document, and/or method to include environmental aspects in their product development process. This is mainly because of additional requirements put on Kockums AB from their main customer. Ship recycling is the major issue that has to be addressed and included in Kockums AB’sworking procedures. Moreover, ship recycling is a pressing issue to handle due to horrible conditions in South Asian countries, where most ship dismantling is taking place. For these reasons, the objective of this M.Sc. thesis was to integrate environmental aspects in the product development process at Kockums AB by designing and proposing a way of implementing a tool, document, and/or method. Environmental product requirements that Kockums AB is demanded to fulfill mainly derives from customers, classification societies, laws and legislations, and themselves. The Hong Kong Convention has been adapted, in 2009, but is yet to enter into force. Ship recycling is covered by the convention,and an ‘Inventory of Hazardous Materials’ has to be provided from the ship builder, and hence this is the main aspect for Kockums AB to consider. Naval ships are, however, excluded from the Hong Kong Convention. Kockums AB does not have a routine on how to handle environmental requirements nor are environmental aspects included in their product development process. Consequently, Kockums AB’senvironmental ambition should not be put too high and rather aim at follow laws. In an empiricalstudy, regarding environmental aspects at Kockums AB, difficulties were identified. Lack of environmental knowledge, communication problems, and misunderstandings regarding the ambiguous term environment showed to be most notable. The three most prominent success factors for asuccessful integration of ecodesign, from the conducted literature review and empirical findings, are education for employees, existence of an environmental champion, and top management support. A Long-term Environmental Action Plan (LEAP), which took the success factors into account and contains 18 Actions, was developed for Kockums AB, and is the ultimate result of this research. The LEAP was developed in accordance with ISO 14006, a new standard for incorporation of ecodesign in Environmental Management Systems, with the aim of reducing adverse environmental impactsthroughout a product’s lifecycle. Moreover, the proposed way of implementing the LEAP was based on a ”Plan, Do, Check, Act” methodology from Product-Oriented Environmental Management Systems (POEMS). POEMS focus on a product’s environmental efficiency throughout its lifecycle, by a systematic integration of ecodesign in the company’s strategies and practices, and hence continual improvements. This way of implementation should be familiar to Kockums AB because the company is certified according to ISO 14001, where continual improvement of environmental performance is a key factor. The proposed LEAP includes tools, documents, and methods that are to be used in daily work and product development at Kockums AB. It is a step towards environmentally conscious design and enhanced environmental knowledge at Kockums AB. Additionally, as a result of the LEAP, the expectation is that environmental conscious mindsets of employees arise.
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Sistemas de gestão ambiental: um estudo dos terminais do Porto de SantosAlmeida, Nádia Conceição Vernes 15 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-15T00:00:00Z / Frente à complexidade da problemática ambiental nos dias atuais, a gestão ambiental empresarial se coloca como um processo de fundamental importância, tanto para as empresas como para a sociedade. É por meio do desenvolvimento e da implantação de modelos específicos, e de sistemas de gestão ambiental, que as empresas conseguem orientar suas atividades administrativas e operacionais para alcançar objetivos definidos. Iniciativas ambientais públicas globais, regionais, nacionais e locais, barreiras técnicas ao comércio internacional, a atuação de ONGs na sociedade, exigências do mercado configuram-se como fontes principais de pressão para as empresas. Os portos constituem, no mundo todo, importantes polos econômicos em franco crescimento, com características ambientais e operacionais específicas e que, como toda organização industrial, provocam impactos no meio ambiente. Implementar sistemas de gestão ambiental nos terminais portuários, tanto no Brasil quanto nos portos internacionais, representa um grande desafio. A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo os Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental presentes em quatro terminais arrendados pela iniciativa privada no porto de Santos: Cia Auxiliar de Armazéns Gerais – Grupo Copersucar, Libra Terminais – Grupo Libra, Stolthaven Santos, Grupo Stolt Tankers and Terminals e Citrosuco – Grupo Fischer. Trata-se de um estudo de múltiplos casos para identificar e analisar as diferentes atividades administrativas e operacionais realizadas pelas empresas para a abordagem de problemas ambientais e para a caracterização de sistemas de gestão ambiental. O estudo comparado, a partir dos modelos de sistemas de gestão ambiental implantados pelas empresas estudadas, possibilitou constatar que, devido a exigências contratuais com a operadora portuária, CODESP, todas estão obrigadas a implantar o modelo determinado pela norma ABNT NBR ISO 14001. Foi identificado que todos os terminais aderiram às normas ABNT NBR ISO 9001 e 14001, com os certificados válidos e auditorias em dia, e têm rígido controle sobre as leis a que estão sujeitos. Com referência ao objetivo específico de investigar o tratamento dado ao quesito “competência, treinamento e conscientização”, verificou-se que as empresas não utilizam o trabalho de educadores ambientais para a capacitação de seu pessoal.
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Diretrizes para planejamento e implementação de sistema de gestão integrada em empresas da construção civilRanzani, Cláudio [UNESP] 12 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-04-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:29:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
ranzani_c_me_bauru.pdf: 2094729 bytes, checksum: c210f6a979b7defe9f252348fef04a1c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Para que as organizações sejam competitivas e aumentem as chances de sobrevivência no mercado competitivo, é necessária a gestão do processo produtivo cada vez mais eficiente. Nesta gestão são utilizados sistemas focados em qualidade, meio ambiente, segurança e saúde no trabalho, entre outros. A integração desses sistemas otimizam recursos, processos e melhoram a imagem da organização, influenciando, assim, a lucratividade. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo formular diretrizes para o planejamento e implementação de sistema de gestão integrada em empresas da construção civil. Para a elaboração deste trabalho, foi adotada a pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, bibliográfica com a realização de dois estudos de caso sobre os elementos do sistema de gestão integrada de duas construtoras certificadas em ISO 9001, ISO 4001 e OHSAS 18001 fazendo com que o pesquisador, se ambiente ao universo de estudo. Um referencial teórico foi apresentado sobre as características do processo produtivo, sistema de gestão da qualidade, meio ambiente, saúde e segurança no trabalho e integração desses. Conclui-se que, o objetivo traçado, foi devidamente alcançado, pois foram apresentados os elementos do sistema de gestão integrada nas duas construtoras, sendo identificadas as boas práticas e pode-se propor, diretrizes para o planejamento e implamentação do sistema de gestão integrada em empresas da construção civil / To ensure that organizations are competitive and increase the changes of survival in competitive market, it is necessary to management of the productive process ever more efficiently. This management systems are used raised in quality, environment, health and safety at work, among others. The integration of these systems optimize resources, process, and improve the image of the organization, influencing, thus, the profitability. This dissertation has like objetctive, formulate guidelines for the planning and implementation of integrated management system in civil construction companies. For this work was adopted the qualitative research, exploratory, bibliographic with the achievement of two case studies about the elements of the integrated management system of two construction companies certifieds in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 making the researcher, environment the universe of study. A theoretical reference was presented about the characteristics of the production process, a system of quality management, environment, health and safety at work and integration of these. It concludes that, the outlined objective was duly achieved, because the elements of integrated management system were submitted in the two construction companies, being identified the good practices and could propose, guidelines for the planning and implementation of integrated management system in civil construction companies
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A Framework for Designing a Lean Production System for SMEs, which eases the certification of ISO 9001 & 14001 : A Case Study: CombiQ AB /Padilla, Raul, Pekmezci, Talat January 2011 (has links)
In order to survive in highly competitive local and global markets, it is vital to satisfy the changing demand of the customers. Thus, the importance of competitive factors arises. The companies should provide sufficient amount of products or services on time with the most advantageous prices and best possible quality. Additionally, flexibility is crucial to deal with the change in demand. Therefore, a flexible production system for manufacturers is vastly required. The aim of this Master Thesis is to provide a framework for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that seek ISO 9001 and 14001 Certifications by proposing a Lean Production System. As a case study, the Swedish company CombiQ AB is investigated regarding its current situation with short and long term goals. Thereby, this framework includes the design of a suitable production system that meets CombiQ’s needs and additionally to that, instructs the company how to build up a Lean Production System. In parallel with ISO Certification requirements, two main Lean Techniques (5S and Kaizen) are explained and exemplified throughout the project. These techniques are straightly linked with the requirements of Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) and Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001). As for empirical data, this project is constructed by six interviews within the company and one additional interview with an ISO auditor. As a complement, operational and managerial processes are observed. Additionally, relevant literature is examined, presented and aligned with empirical findings in order to cover the essential concepts of this thesis. The final proposal is the usage of lean thinking as a core philosophy guided by the lean principles and techniques with the ISO requirements in parallel, which are the selected concepts to design a desired production system. Once the design is proposed; as further steps, the company would be able to continue the development process by implementing and starting-up the production. Last but not least; as the major outcome of this Lean Production System framework, the ISO certifications would be accomplished with a higher customer satisfaction and competitiveness.
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Využití norem ISO v konkrétním podniku / The Usage of the Norms ISO for the FirmStraková, Edita January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals about usage standard of CSN EN ISO 14001:2005 and it implementation to the company. In the theoretical part is analyzed process of the implementation and behaviour standard CSN EN ISO 14001:2005 in the building company XYZ. The attention is mainly drawn to benefits and costs connected with the implementation. Reccomendations for system functioning EMS are presented as a conclusion.
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An exploratory study of the prospects and application of life cycle perspective and ISO 14001 in product design and development as a means of sustainability excellenceWorgu, Stanley, Soroush, Adibi January 2020 (has links)
Product life cycle perspective, a concept emanating from sustainable product development has gradually emerged as one of the key areas in product design and development. Several studies and research have shown the direct co-relationship between product design, development and manufacturing and its impact on our environment and ecosystem. The need to take these environmental factors into consideration is fundamental and highly prioritized in organizations that seeks to minimize the environmental impact of their operations in our ecosystem and if possible redirect these operations to contribute positively to saving the natural ecosystem. In the latest revision of ISO 14001:2015 standard, the term product life cycle perspective (LCP) has now become a fundamental requirement for organizations to fulfill. The requirement specifies the need for life cycle perspectives to be a significant factor during product design and development. However, the practical challenges of continuously integrating life circle analysis in product design is enormous for companies and organizations. This thesis will look at the challenges confronting ISO 14001 certified product manufacturing companies and allied services in implementing product LCP during product development and design and also the interpretations given by auditors from certification companies concerning how companies implement product LCP in relation to the requirements in ISO 14001:2015 at the product design and development stages.
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