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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entrepreneurship and the Business Plan - Kyne Solutions.

Talamantes Pavon, Jose January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Background: </strong>Starting up a business is not an easy task; it requires the translation of an idea into reality and requires discipline and a clear goal setting. Moreover with the increasing need of professionalism for outstanding web development and information technology, the plan of an enterprise with high end development and low cost is generated. <strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This thesis has a dual purpose; firstly it sets the basis of understanding the terms of entrepreneurship and the environment where a business is created; moreover it explains the acquirement of resources and the structure of the business plan. The second objective is to develop a path for creating a web related business. This document will help to establish the goals and objectives for the performance of the company.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The theory presents the relevant information that has to be considered inside the firm. After the theory a business plan was created with the objective of setting the direction of the company over the next years. It is important to mention that business plans are evolving documents that have to be updated according to changes in the environment or changes in the objectives.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Entrepreneurship and the Business Plan - Kyne Solutions.

Talamantes Pavon, Jose January 2009 (has links)
Background: Starting up a business is not an easy task; it requires the translation of an idea into reality and requires discipline and a clear goal setting. Moreover with the increasing need of professionalism for outstanding web development and information technology, the plan of an enterprise with high end development and low cost is generated. Purpose: This thesis has a dual purpose; firstly it sets the basis of understanding the terms of entrepreneurship and the environment where a business is created; moreover it explains the acquirement of resources and the structure of the business plan. The second objective is to develop a path for creating a web related business. This document will help to establish the goals and objectives for the performance of the company. Method: The theory presents the relevant information that has to be considered inside the firm. After the theory a business plan was created with the objective of setting the direction of the company over the next years. It is important to mention that business plans are evolving documents that have to be updated according to changes in the environment or changes in the objectives.

Working with Time Management in IT Consulting : Developing a Time Management Strategy by Using Performance Management

Angermund, Emma, Lindqvist, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Time is in control of our everyday life and work life. Time is a valuable resource of which everyone possesses the same amount. In work life, time is important; it rules the workday and the tasks that are being performed. Time is even more significant within the consultancy industry, where worked time and competence is what is being delivered to the customers. Since time is of great importance for consulting firms, time management systems and time reporting become a crucial part of a consultant’s day. IT consulting firms spend lots of time and money on business systems, despite this the area of how time management and performance management are connected is relatively unexplored. This report aims to contribute to an enhanced understanding regarding why consultancy firms work with time management, and how data from time management systems could be used. The study will also investigate how the employees could be motivated to use the time management system in the extent that the managers wish, as well as important requirements on data from the time management system. These questions can together give answer to how time management can be aligned with performance management within an IT consultancy firm. The report is based on 14 interviews performed at five different IT consulting firms in the Stockholm area, a participant observation conducted at one of the participating companies, as well as a literature review. The study was performed during the spring of 2013. The study found that the main reason for IT consultant firms to report time is to gain decision support for invoices and salary payments. Being able to see overtime and flextime is something that is appreciated by the employees. Other identified areas of usage are forecasts and estimates, evaluations and follow-ups, utilization rate calculations, and employee care. Regular follow-ups, preferable weekly, are necessary for motivating the employees to work with time management. It is also important that the time management system is easy to use in order for it to generate relevant decision support. The study shows that to implement a successful time management strategy, the following aspects should be considered: (i) to not measure too much, (ii) to have clear communication and weekly deadlines, (iii) to make it simple, (iv) to create awareness among the employees, and (v) to have a time management system that mutually benefits the managers and the employees.

Individual activities within IT consultancy firms : How the individual efficiency within IT consultancy firms could be increased by improving individual  activities / Individuella  aktiviteter inomIT-konsultbolag : Hur den interna effektiviteten  inom IT-konsultbolag skulle kunna ökas genom att förbättra individuella  aktiviteter

ROMAN, JOHANNA, WIDMARK, OLIVIA January 2016 (has links)
Idag förväntas IT-konsulter kunna utföra en större variation av arbetsuppgifter och besitta kunskap inom fler tekniska områden än någonsin tidigare. Då komplexiteten inom IT industrin tydligt trappats upp, en komplexitet som konsulterna förväntas kunna hantera bra, har det blivit allt viktigare för varje konsult att arbeta effektivt och därmed bidra till IT-konsultföretagens totala effektivitet. Denna studie undersöker därför hur den interna effektiviteten inom IT-konsultföretag skulle kunna ökas och hur företagens ledare bör agera för att öka effektiviteten kortsiktigt som långsiktigt. Vår studie bygger på en fallstudie baserad på 17 intervjuer och två workshops genomförda på ett svenskt IT-konsultföretag lokaliserat i Stockholm, samt på tre externa intervjuer och en kontinuerlig och iterativ litteraturstudie. Den interna effektiviteten inom IT-konsultföretag skulle kunna ökas genom förbättring av de individuella aktiviteterna anslutna till deras organisationsrutiner. De individuella aktiviteterna som indikerar störst potential för ökad intern effektivitet är de lågt prioriterade aktiviteterna; individuella aktiviteter som konsulterna tenderar att prioritera lägre, vilket ofta resulterar i att aktiviteterna förskjuts. Dessa aktiviteter är genomförda mer ineffektivt än andra individuella aktiviteter är på grund av fyra gemensamma rotorsaker: (1) bristande strukturkapital, (2) bristfälligt stöd av organisationskulturen, (3) otillräckliga kommunikationspolicys, and (4) brist på incitament. Denna studie tillhandhåller därtill konkreta åtgärder för hur detta kan hanteras kortsiktigt som långsiktigt av gruppledarna respektive ledningsgruppen i IT-konsultföretag. / Today’s IT consultants are expected to carry out an increasing variety of tasks and possess knowledge within more technology areas than previously. As the complexity within the IT industry evidently is stepping up and the consultants are expected to manage this complexity well, it becomes more crucial than ever for each consultant to work efficiently and contribute to the IT consultancy firms’ overall efficiency. This research therefore investigates how the internal efficiency within IT consultancy firms could be increased as how the firms’ leaders should act in order to enhance the efficiency in the short and long run. Our research is based on a case study of 17 interviews and two workshops performed at a Swedish IT consultancy firm located in Stockholm, as well as three external interviews and a coherent and iterative literature review. The internal efficiency within IT consultancy firms could be increased by improving their individual activities attached to their organisational routines. The individual activities indicating the greatest potential to increase the internal efficiency are the low-prioritised activities - individual activities that consultants tend to prioritise lower, which often results in postponement of the activities. Why these activities are performed more inefficiently than other individual activities are due to four common root causes: (1) insufficient structural capital, (2) insufficient cultural support, (3) poor communication policies, and (4) lack of incentives. Concrete actions for how this could be operated in the short as well as the long run, are provided by this research. Its managerial implications are therefore directed towards the team managers as well as top management within IT consultancy firms.

Impact on Strategy For Small IT Consultancy Companies: A Study of  Low Unemployment Rate

Fazlagic, Ismir, Swarnkar, Hemant January 2019 (has links)
Unemployment rate is all time low in Europe and this results in shortage of skilled workers. At same time technology changes are on their boom which puts new requirements of skills including diversifying competencies. The companies like consultancy faces issues to find right people with right skills and at right time. This unavailability of resources impacts the strategic goal of company. Smaller companies need to compete with mid-size and large companies over the same skilled workforce. Due to the lack of branding and company recognition, this can cripple the companies to grow and gather a completive advantage. Previous work has failed to address this issue, especially related to the smaller IT consultancies which is the fastest growing segment. The 99% of all business in Europe represents by small or medium size companies. IT consultancy companies represented the most growing and major contributor in value creation in information and communication sector in Europe. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to answer in what way the low unemployment rate affects the strategical process and execution for small IT consultancy companies. Furthermore, this study looked into the role of recruitment process to attract and retain skilled employees. A qualitative approach combined with semi-structured interviews was used as the main methodology to gather empirical data and answer the key problems of this study. The semi-structured interviews were chosen due to the possibility to give the interviewers a freedom to speak and explain moderately, especially strategy processes, which are different from one company to other ones. This study found that small IT consultancy companies had little or no formal structure in the strategical processes in relation to the literature available in the topic, but still highlighted and expressed that strategy is important for the companies. Although if small IT companies want to grow, they must rethink the organizational structure. All studied companies are providing high salaries, freedom of work, technology learning, and job satisfaction as a key tool to attract talent. All companies in general asked the most critical questions on how to grow their business with the basis of their own limitations. Unfortunately, none of the companies reviewed and monitored their objectives on frequent and regular basis.  This study found that the low unemployment rate plays a critical role which can increase the profit margin, but cannot increase the number of employees and potentially minimize the importance of the strategical process. The study also found that low unemployment rate creates a healthy competitive environment where all large and small consultancy companies enables each other to grow instead of competing.

A Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for IT Consultancies

Västfält, Anders, Erll, Matthias January 2011 (has links)
This Master thesis provides a framework for analysis of the resource planning and allocation processes within an IT consultant firm. The aim is, to identify information, which can be reflected in an information system. The framework has been developed using multi-grounded theory method, considering theories from the areas of information systems design, project business performance, enterprise planning, and project planning. Based on a main process view and hypothesized information requirements, the dynamic processes of sales, project resource planning, miscellaneous activity planning, project portfolio planning, resource allocation and general management are discussed, along with their underlying concepts. A case study has been conducted, to test the validity of the framework and to evaluate its applicability. The findings are compared and contrasted to our frame of reference during analysis. From a reflection on the analysis, changes are proposed to the firm under study, as well as our framework.

Decision traceability in agile software projects : Enabling alignment between changing requirements and product goals / Beslutsspårbarhet i agila projekt : att möjliggöra samverkan mellan förändrande krav och produktmål

Walden, Alice January 2019 (has links)
Agile project management emphasizes flexibility and adapting to change. Embracing change often means that specified requirements get changed, removed or replaced under the course of a software project. Another consequence of the nature of agile projects is that everything that does not directly contribute to the working software gets dropped from the product lifecycle. Traceability – the ability to trace requirements back to their origins and forward to design artifacts, code, and testcases – is one such thing that may be overlooked. At the same time, traceability may be crucial to making sure that the delivered product meets the product goals. This thesis investigates the concept of decision traceability – the ability to trace decisions that relate to the evolution of a software product, as well as the fulfillment of product goals. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the importance of decision traceability in relation to product goals and changing requirements in agile software projects. For this purpose, two research questions were developed. (1) What are the challenges of achieving decision traceability in agile projects? And (2) What are important aspects of achieving decision traceability in agile projects? An interpretive qualitative case study was conducted at an IT-consultancy firm. In the case study, two of the organization’s in-house projects were observed, and six informants were interviewed. In answer to the research questions, seven challenges and six important aspects of achieving decision traceability were identified. A conclusion that can be made from the findings is that other aspects than just well-defined processes– such as team engagement, value perception, and communication – may be essential to achieving decision traceability in agile software projects.

Är du beredd när det smäller? : Utmaningar inom incidenthantering med fokus på IT-konsultbolag

Nyman, Maja January 2018 (has links)
Information security incident management is important for organizations and its importance is increasing. Information security incidents are increasing both in number and in scope and in 2018 GDPR and the NIS-directive require organizations to report incidents to a supervision authority. This study highlights IT-consulting companies and their vulnerable position as subcontractors. The study aims to address the lack of empirical research in incident management and to inform future theory development. The goal of the study is to answer the research questions (1) what challenges do IT-consultancy companies experience with their incident management? (2) What challenges are specifically related to the GDPR and the NIS-directive? And (3) what challenges are specific for consulting companies? Challenges with the incident management are identified and clarified by qualitative interviews with experts and a survey. The analysis of the results shows that some of the challenges are consistent with previous studies, while some are new and that the survey partly support the experts' opinions. The conclusion of the study is that the majority of the companies’ improvement opportunities are linked to internal and external communication, cost focus, absence of a major incident, awareness, GDPR, the role of consulting company and internationally recognized difficult activities. The research contribution of the study consists of identified challenges in the field of incident management derived from IT-consultancy companies. The result of the study are recommended to IT-consultancy companies that would like to improve their incident management process by gaining an understanding of incident management issues. / En väl fungerande process för incidenthantering är och blir allt viktigare för organisationer. Informationssäkerhetsincidenter ökar både i antal och i omfattning och 2018 träder GDPR och NIS-direktivet i kraft med krav på rapportering av utpekade incidenter till en tillsynsmyndighet. Denna studie belyser IT-konsultbolag och deras utsatta position som underleverantör och syftar till att adressera bristen av empirisk forskning inom incidenthantering och att bidra till en framtida teoriutveckling. Målet med studien är att besvara forskningsfrågorna (1) vilka utmaningar upplever IT-konsultbolag med deras incidenthantering? (2) vilka utmaningar är specifikt relaterade till GDPR och NIS-direktivet? och (3) vilka utmaningar och är specifika för just konsultbolag? Resultatet bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med experter och en enkätundersökning och resultatet identifierar och tydliggör upplevda utmaningar med bolagens incidenthantering. Analysen av resultatet visar att vissa av bolagens utmaningar överensstämmer med tidigare studier medan vissa är nya och att enkätundersökningen till viss del stödjer experternas utlåtanden. Slutsatsen av studien är att bolagen har flertalet utvecklings- och förbättringsmöjligheter som är kopplade till intern och extern kommunikation, kostnadsfokus, avsaknad av en större incident, medvetenhet, GDPR, rollen som konsultbolag och internationellt erkända svåra aktiviteter. Studiens forskningsbidrag består av identifierade utmaningar inom området incidenthantering hos IT-konsultbolag och resultatet av studien rekommenderas till IT-konsultbolag som, genom att få en förståelse av incidenthanteringens problematik, vill förbättra och utveckla sin process för hantering av incidenter.

What happens next? : A study of the action and inaction resulting from active gender equality work in an organisation in a male dominated industry / Vad händer sedan? : En studie om handling och passivitet som resultat av aktivt jämställdhetsarbete i en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch

Boström, Beatrice, Lundberg, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
It is recognised that gender equality and diversity are essential for building successful organisations. To tackle the global challenges characterised by economies today, one must ensure equal opportunities for all, both men and women. Organisations have acknowledged the benefits of a more gender equal workforce and are starting to take action. But what are the results of such actions? We have found that a lot of research is focused on the sources of gender inequality in organisations but little on the efficacy of different actions to counter those inequalities. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how active gender equality work can impact an organisation. A case study of an organisation in the IT consultancy industry in Sweden is carried out where active gender equality work has been initiated through the internal project “the Gender Equality Project”. Empirical data gathered from interviews with employees from all levels of the organisation has been the main source of data collection and has worked as a base for the analysis and discussion. The research question that have guided our work is: How can active gender equality work impact the structure and culture within an organisation in a male-dominated industry? This thesis is based on a subjective approach, assuming that reality can be seen as a social construction and that humans create their own reality. This implies that the social world is viewed as a process which is created and recreated everyday through the usage of language, routines and actions. Further, this thesis argues that organisations should be seen as gendered and that assumptions about gender underlie the construction of organisations, resulting in a marginalisation of women which contributes to the maintenance of gender segregation in organisations. The findings show that active work with gender equality has resulted in structural and cultural impacts in several areas, such as more gender aware recruitment processes and external communication strategies as well as a culture which encourages employees to call out biases and defend gender equality initiatives. The findings also reveal an organisational structure which partly counteract the effects of gender equality work and a deficient communication of the purpose of the project which, currently, prevents it from becoming institutionalised. Much emphasis is put on the many middle managers in the organisation to bring the project forward and continue working with it, without clear expectations and guidance from the top management which has resulted in a halt and an inaction from the middle managers. / Jämställdhet och mångfald anses som essentiellt för att bygga framgångsrika organisationer. För att kunna tackla de globala utmaningarna som världen står inför, måste lika möjligheter för både kvinnor och män kunna säkerställas. Fler och fler organisationer bekräftar fördelarna med en mer jämställd arbetskraft och börjar arbeta mot förändring. Men vad är resultatet av sådant arbete? Vi har funnit att tidigare forskning tenderar att fokusera på orsakerna till ojämställdhet i organisationer, istället för den verkan olika initiativ och arbete för att främja jämställdhet har. Uppsatsens syfte är att utvärdera hur aktivt jämställdhetsarbete kan påverka en organisation. En fallstudie har genomförts på en svensk organisation verksam inom IT-konsultbranschen, där aktivt jämställdhetsarbete har initierats genom ett internt projekt kallat “Jämställdhetsprojektet”. Den främsta källan till empirisk data härrör från intervjuer med anställda på alla nivåer i organisationen och denna data har lagt grunden för analys och diskussion. Den forskningsfråga som guidat oss i vårt arbete är följande: Hur kan aktivt jämställdhetsarbete påverka strukturen och kulturen i en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch? Uppsatsen tar en subjektiv ansats, och utgår från att verkligheten ses som en social konstruktion och att människor skapar sin egen verklighet. Detta medför att den sociala världen ses som en process som skapas och återskapas varje dag genom språkbruk, rutiner och handlingar. Vidare argumenteras det för att organisationer ska ses som könade och att antaganden om kön ligger till grund för konstruktionen av organisationer. Detta medför en marginalisering av kvinnor vilket bidrar till ett upprätthållande av könssegregeringen i organisationer. Resultaten visar att aktivt jämställdhetsarbete resulterar i strukturella och kulturella effekter. Effekterna kan ses genom en mer genusmedveten rekryteringsprocess och strategier för extern kommunikation men även en kultur där anställda uppmuntras till att uppmärksamma och motarbeta fördomar och försvara initiativ för jämställdhet. Resultaten belyser även en organisationsstruktur som till viss del motverkar effekterna av aktivt jämställdhetsarbete och en bristande kommunikation av projektets syfte, vilket i dagsläget hindrar en institutionalisering. Stor vikt läggs på organisationens mellanchefer att driva projektet framåt och fortsätta dess arbete. Det saknas dock klara förväntningar och vägledning från koncernledningen, vilket har resulterat i en stagnering och passivitet från organisationens mellanchefer.

Hållbarhetsarbete i företag : En fallstudie på tolkning av hållbarhet samt vilka drivkrafter och hinder det finns med ett IT-konsultbolag hållbarhetsstrategi.

Do, Jimmy January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability has become an increasingly relevant topic today where companies face societal pressure to contribute through sustainability efforts. The IT sector is rapidly changing with technological development, making research on sustainability strategies quickly outdated. Therefore, a qualitative case study was conducted on an IT consultancy firm. The aim of the study was to provide new insight into the interpretation of sustainability for an IT consultancy firm, as well as the driving forces and challenges associated with their sustainability strategy. To achieve this goal, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants selected through snowball sampling. The interviews were then analyzed using a thematic analysis approach, where the interviews were transcribed, transformed into codes, and finally sorted into themes. The results showed that the IT consulting firm worked with the following policies for its sustainability strategy: procurement, waste sorting, carbon-free transportation, sustainable working hours, gender equality, and sustainable consultants. Employees were central to the development and implementation of these policies. Another factor in the development of these policies was external forces such as new regulations. The policies are processed through the employees or the external force and then moved on to the management group, which consists of all office managers. The driving forces identified were a moral duty, a competitive advantage for employees and customers, financial benefits, and risk management. The attractiveness for the recruitment of new employees could be considered the most important driving force as the topic is so relevant among the new generation. The challenges identified were finding the right type of policy and the difficulty of measuring sustainability work, which supports previous research even though there are protocols for measuring sustainability work. / Hållbarhet har blivit ett alltmer aktuellt ämne idag där företag har pressen från samhället att bidra genom hållbarhetsarbeten.  IT-sektorn ändras snabbt med teknikutveckling där forskning om hållbarhetsstrategier snabbt kan bli föråldrat. Därav gjordes en kvalitativ fallstudie på ett IT-konsultbolag. Målet med studien var att framföra nytt underlag på tolkningen av hållbarhet för ett IT-konsultbolag samt vilka drivkrafter och hinder det kan finnas med deras hållbarhetsstrategi. För att uppnå målet gjordes semistrukturerade intervjuer där urvalet valdes genom metoden snöbollsurval.  Efter intervjuerna gjordes en analys inspirerad av tematiskanalys. Där intervjuerna transkriberades och omvandlades sedan till koder och slutligen sorterade till teman. Resultatet visade att IT-konsultbolaget arbetade med följande policys för sin hållbarhetsstrategi: inköp, källsortering, koldioxidfria transportmedel, hållbara arbetstider, jämställdhet och hållbara konsulter. Där medarbetaren var centrala kring policys och framtagandet av policys. En annan faktor till framtagande av policys var externa krafter som ny reglering. Framtagandet av policys går igenom medarbetarna eller den externa kraften för att sedan gå vidare till ledningsgruppen som består av alla kontorschefer. De drivkrafter som hittades var moralisk plikt, konkurrensfördel för medarbetare och kunder, finansiella fördelar och riskhantering. Där attraktivitet för rekrytering av nya medarbetare kunde anses som den drivkraften som vägde mest då ämnet är så aktuellt bland den nya generationen. De hinder som hittades var hitta rätt typ av policy och svårigheten att mäta hållbarhetsarbetet. Vilket stödjer tidigare forskning trots att det existerar protokoll för att mäta hållbarhetsarbete.

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